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: 09.06.2005
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, 27 2011 . 13:30 +
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, 31 2009 . 19:06 +
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, 13 2009 . 21:45 +

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, 12 2009 . 23:00 +
Mages_Queen [ + !]





, 31 2009 . 18:38 +
Life is tough It can be hard
But when it gets unbearable Don't let down your guard.

Although bad things Happen to us all
It's important to remember To learn from each fall.

Life is tough But you are tougher
And just remember It could be rougher.

Remember to cherish The good things in life
They help you get by In times of strife.

Don't underestimate The worth of a friend
Because without them Our hearts would not mend.

Always be true To everyone you meet
If you act fake You have suffered defeat.

Always be yourself No matter what people say
It's a lot easier To form lasting friendships this way.

It's important to say What is only sincere
Words from the heart Are the best kind to hear.

Don't worry about mistakes From way back when
And never wonder What might have been.

Never look back The past is gone
Only memories remain To look upon.

Learn to forgive But never forget
Put things behind you And never regret.

Always look forward Keep moving ahead
So you can be proud of The life you led.

But don't look too far Or move too fast
Make the most of each day It could be your last.

Don't let others Get you down
Show them a smile When they want a frown.

Give people respect No matter how mean they can be
The fact that they hurt you They may not always see.

Allow yourself to grieve It's okay to cry
Remember life goes on And the tears will dry.

Enjoy your life Have fun and go crazy
Just don't sit around And always be lazy.

Try your best In all that you do
Believe in yourself And others will too.

Believe in God He's always there
To help us learn That life's not fair.

Because life's not a game To win or lose
It is a gift To love if we choose



Love is...

, 26 2009 . 13:15 +
- be good! :)

The greatest mistake in Love is trying to possess it.
It will spill out of hand just like water.

Love will retrieve from you if you demand, if you expect.
Love is meant to be free; you cannot change its nature.

If there are people you love, allow them to be free beings.
Give, but don't expect. Advise, but don't order.
Ask, but never demand.

Have fun full day ahead

 (493x265, 64Kb)


, 24 2009 . 07:42 +
Natathe3 [ + !]


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, 2007/2008

, 02 2009 . 11:35 +



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Axel Rudi Pell "Forever angel", - :)
 (700x273, 50Kb)


. " "

, 06 2008 . 19:16 +
 (372x512, 180Kb)

...de celles
Qui gardent dans leurs douces etincelles
Qui cachent en marchant la trace de leurs pas,
Qui soupirent dans l'ombre, et que l'on n'entend pas...
Joseph Delorme1

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, 06 2008 . 19:02 +
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, 05 2008 . 10:44 +
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 (699x464, 80Kb)


Four Love Poems. Special note for my dear friend ;)

, 20 2008 . 22:26 +
 (400x300, 47Kb)
- best regards to you

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun (Sonnet 130)
by William Shakespeare

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damasked, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress when she walks treads on the ground.
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.

I wish I could remember... (from Monna Innominata)
by Christina Rossetti

I wish I could remember that first day,
First hour, first moment of your meeting me,
If bright or dim the season, it might be
Summer or Winter for aught I can say;
So unrecorded did it slip away,
So blind was I to see and to foresee,
So dull to mark the budding of my tree
That would not blossom for many a May.
If only I could recollect it, such
A day of days! I let it come and go
As traceless as a thaw of bygone snow;
It seemed to mean so little, meant so much;
If only now I could recall that touch,
First touch of hand in handDid one but know!

Declaration of Intent by Steve Turner

She said she'd
love me for eternity,
but managed to reduce
it to eight months
for good behaviour.
She said we fitted
like a hand in a glove,
but then the hot
weather came and such
accessories weren't needed.
She said the future
was ours, but the deeds
were made out in
her name.
She said I was
the only one who
understood completely,

and then she left me
and said she knew
that I'd understand completely.

Love Song For Alex,1979
By Margaret Walker
My monkey-wrench man is my sweet patootie;
the lover of my life, my youth and age.
My heart belongs to him and to him only;
the children of my flesh are his and bear his rage
Now grown to years advancing through the dozens
the honeyed kiss, the lips of wine and fire
fade blissfully into the distant years of yonder
but all my days of Happiness and wonder
are cradled in his arms and eyes entire.
They carry us under the waters of the world
out past the starposts of a distant planet
And creeping through the seaweed of the ocean
they tangle us with ropes and yarn of memories
where we have been together, you and I.


C :)

, 16 2008 . 13:48 +
" ", , - :)

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, 10 2008 . 22:04 +
- Axel Rudi Pell "Take the crown"
: - aka


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, , :)))

, 06 2008 . 10:47 +
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, 27 2008 . 20:34 +
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, 28 2007 . 21:09 +
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, 09 2007 . 22:08 +
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, 01 2007 . 23:13 +

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, 01 2007 . 22:12 +





, 01 2007 . 21:42 +


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, 01 2007 . 21:25 +
- Evanescense "My last breath"


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, 01 2007 . 21:15 +
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, 30 2007 . 09:15 +
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- A-One ;)

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, 14 2007 . 16:45 +
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, 10 2007 . 22:13 +

1. , ()Forgotten_Tear
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, 20 2007 . 20:27 +


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, 24 2006 . 18:40 +

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, 02 2006 . 22:34 +
- The 69 eyes "The chair"






, 31 2005 . 23:09 +
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, 16 2005 . 16:56 +

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mistress.jpg (300x442, 12Kb)



, 09 2005 . 13:22 +
- Nightwish "Nymphomanic fantasia"
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Mourning-Woman-Image.jpg (238x317, 9Kb)



, 07 2005 . 12:08 +
- Axel Rudi Pell "Only the strong will survive"
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HR_RainBluRose.gif (297x298, 38Kb)



, 04 2005 . 20:02 +
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palm.jpg (150x150, 33Kb)



, 18 2005 . 09:14 +
- "2001"
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dreams.jpg (300x450, 20Kb)
stupid emotions


, 17 2005 . 04:00 +



, 10 2005 . 22:25 +
- The Rasmus "Don't let go"
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inside my soul


, 04 2005 . 18:29 +
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P.S. ,
:) ))
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, 24 2005 . 07:30 +
- Unheilig "Machine"
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, 22 2005 . 18:59 +
- Gotthard "Lift U Up"
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, 21 2005 . 09:21 +
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, 20 2005 . 06:13 +
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blackbride.gif (374x522, 22Kb)



, 18 2005 . 16:46 +
- Theatres des vampires "Macabria"
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bloodrose.gif (353x120, 5Kb)



, 25 2005 . 17:00 +
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, 22 2005 . 19:16 +
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, 11 2005 . 17:01 +
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, 23 2005 . 00:13 +
- Gregorian "Join me in death"
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, 22 2005 . 21:19 +

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, 13 2005 . 10:28 +



, 11 2005 . 11:38 +
- Sonata Arctica
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