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Создан: 16.07.2008
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A selection of sanskrit terms:

Среда, 13 Августа 2008 г. 09:02 + в цитатник
Настроение сейчас - решительное

         A selection of sanskrit terms:
Abhyasa - focus, to wholeheartedly apply one's efforts towards a specific aim. 
Acharya - spiritual teacher of the Vedas, yoga master
Agni - fire 
Ahamkara - ego, the doer
Ahimsa - the art of being compassionate to all living beings through the cultivation of non-violence in thought, word and deed
Amrita - that which is immortal, the nectar of immortality
Ananda - joy, pure and natural bliss, happiness
Apana - downward moving breath or vital energy
Aparigraha - non possessiveness and non grasping
Ashtanga - 8 limbs
Asteya - non stealing of others possessions; consideration for other people's time or space
Atman - self
Ashram - a quiet and suitable place for spiritual practices, self study, and meditation
Ayurveda - the 5000 old holistic medicinal system of longevity 
Bhakti - love and devotion for all creation, for the divine
Bhavana - intention, attitude
Brahmacharya - moderation in the use of vital energy that leads to an increase in shakti
Buddhi - intellect, decision making component, reason
Chandra - moon
Chikitsa - treatment, therapy
Citta - consciousness
Dharma - our true purpose; religion, virtue
Dristi - view, gaze, focus point for meditation
Dukha - suffering, pain
Ekagrata - one pointedness
Guru - teacher
Guna - attribute, quality
Hatha - force, action, joining of sun and moon
Hrdaya - heart
Ida - left nadi (feminine, moon)
Isvara - God
Jivatman - the individual self in a person
Jnana - insight, knowledge
Karma - action, law of cause and effect
Karuna - compassion
Kirtan - giving praise
Klesa - affliction
Kona - angle
Kundalini - energy that rises up through the body 
Mala - garland
Mandala - circle, symbolic art used in meditation 
Mantra - sacred sound
Moksha - liberation
Mudra - gesture, seal
Mula - root
Muni - sage
Nadis - energy pathways that run through the body
Namaskar - a greeting with respect 
Namaste - "the Divine in me salutes the Divine in you"
Natha - yogic lineage
Nidra - state of deep relaxation between waking and sleeping, dreamless sleep.
Nirodha - stilling
Nirvana - liberation
Ojas - strength of prana, immune system energy
Padma - lotus
Paramatman - higher self
Parinama - transformation, change
Paripurna - entire
Pingala - right nadi
Prakriti - manifest world, genetic constitution
Prajna - insight, wisdom
Prana - breath, vital life force, energy
Pranayama - control or extension of the breath or life energy
Puja - worship, celebration of the divine, of existence
Purusa - the seer in consciousness
Shakti - power, energy, ability
Sama - same
Samsara - cycle of life and death
Samskara - habits, subliminal impressions on the personality
Samyama - complete control of the mind
Seva - to offer work without expecting a reward in return
Shanti - peace, calmness
Santosha - contentment
Sarva - all
Sat-karma - six cleansing processes
Satya - truth, reality, that which exists and is therefore inviolable, and needs only to be correctly perceived
Satyagraha - holding onto the inviolable truth
Saucha - purity, cleanliness in mind and body
Siddha - accomplished
Siddhi - special abilities, accomplishment, power
Sita - Lord Rama's wife; the heroine of the Ramayana
Soma - nectar, moon
Sthira - firm
Sukha - comfortable, happy, at ease in one's skin
Shiva - auspicious one; Shiva is sometimes referred to as "the destroyer".  This is meant in a positive sense as he represents that which is necessary for change and renewal.  Shiva is also sometimes depicted as Nataraj, the Lord of the Dance, or shown with his son Ganesha, and wife Parvati.  Shiva is also seen as symbolizing the "yogi" that can be found meditating in the mountains.  Shiva's counterpart is Shakti, the energy of the universe.  
Shunya - void
Surya - sun
Sushumna - central energy pathway related to spinal cord
Sutra - aphorism, thread
Svadhyaya - Self study via self observation, contemplation and guidance from the scriptures 
Svarupa - an individual's true nature
Tantra - form of yoga that find the Divine in everything, often using mantra, yantra, and deities
Tapas - intense practice that creates the heat/energy for transformation
Tejas - heat, brilliance of prana, fire
Upanishad - Ancient Indian scriptures, literally "sitting at the feet of the Guru"
Vairagya - a non-attached way of being
Vajra - thunderbolt, diamond
Vastu - Ancient Indian science of harmonious design
Vayu - wind
Vedas - Ancient Indian scriptures, literally "knowledge"
Vedanta - philosophy of the Vedas
Vinyasa - flowing sequence
Virya - strength
Vritti - fluctuations
Yantra - object of meditation with geometric pattern
Yoga - union, binding


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