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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 07.05.2010
Написано: 124


Fashion fades, only style remains the same.
Coco Chanel

Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions.
Coco Chanel

Fashion is made to become unfashionable.
Coco Chanel

To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail.
Giorgio Armani

You put high heels on and you change.
Manolo Blahnik

Elegance does not consist in putting on a new dress.
Coco Chanel

Giant Converse Sneaker Appears in Tokyo for Earthquake Relief

Суббота, 02 Апреля 2011 г. 20:57 + в цитатник

There are many positive things happening around Tokyo to benefit the victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami. One of the more attention-getting quake-related events this week was the appearance of a giant Converse All-Star sneaker in front of the Aoyama Children’s Castle. You might wonder how a 16-foot-long (5-meter) shoe can help Japan recover from one of the worst natural disasters in recent history – as did we!

Giant Converse Sneaker in Tokyo

The giant Chuck Taylor Converse All-Star came to Aoyama as part of a fund-raising collaboration between the footwear maker and Jack Black’s movie “Gulliver’s Travels”. The 3-D movie just opened in Japan. Following the tragedy that struck the country two weeks ago, the film’s promoters launched a drive to raise money for those affected in the Tohoku area. The special event at the Aoyama Children’s Castle features Gulliver’s giant Converse sneaker outside (in the shadow of the famous Taro Okamoto “Tree of Children” sculpture), as well as a related “Adventure Tour” exhibition inside of the venue. Donations are accepted at both locations.

In addition to the fundraising drive – and because children are the movie’s main audience – kids who visit the exhibition are invited to write words of hope and encouragement for earthquake victims directly on the giant shoe. It’s touching to walk around the sneaker and see the cute messages and artwork concerned Tokyo children have left for earthquake and tsunami victims. “FIGHT!”, “Ganbatte!”, “Pray For Japan”, and smiley faces are recurring themes.

We took a few close-up photos of various parts of the giant Converse so you could actually read the messages of encouragement for yourself. You’ll probably want to click on the pictures to blow them up to full-size for best reading.


Понравилось: 29 пользователям

Без заголовка

Суббота, 12 Марта 2011 г. 09:52 + в цитатник
Для слепых котят и опытных блогеров. Полный справочник по ЛиРу

Для ведения блога. Полный справочник по ЛиРу

Если нам что-то непонятно на Лиру, то мы обращаемся к Valez или пишем в службу технической поддержки Контакты Li.ru (найдете в самом низу вашей странички). Кстати, не бойтесь обращаться к ним по сложным вопросам, хотя с ерундой беспокоить не стоит. Удивляюсь, на ЛиРу несколько миллионов пользователей, а они умудряются отвечать (на мои обращения, например, всегда отвечали).

Особенно трудно новичкам, они тыкаются во все углы, как слепые котята в поисках мамки, и не знают, что многие ответы совсем рядом.
Читать далее

 (500x333, 118Kb)
Думаю, что такой справочник полезен не только слепым котятам, но и опытным блогерам. Пусть будет под рукой.
Полный справочник по ЛиРу для слепых котят и не только  (51x116, 14Kb)

Без заголовка

Суббота, 12 Марта 2011 г. 09:51 + в цитатник
МК - бабочки- канзаши.


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Tokyo Kimono Pictures - Coming of Age Day 2011

Понедельник, 07 Февраля 2011 г. 08:24 + в цитатник

The second Monday of January each year marks the Japanese holiday Seijin no Hi, known as “Coming of Age Day” in English. On this day, Japanese people who have turned 20 years old within the last year celebrate their graduation to adulthood. Those celebrations often include a ceremony at a local ward office, a trip to a local shrine, and late night parties with friends and/or relatives.

The coolest aspect of the holiday for Japanese fashion fans is that many young Japanese girls wear brightly colored furisode kimono to the daytime ceremony and shrine visits. That means that Coming of Age Day is one of the only days of the year that you are likely to see large number of young people in Tokyo wearing traditional kimono.

Coming of Age Day

This year, Coming of Age Day fell on Monday January 10, 2011. We always enjoy this holiday, because it’s so rare to see Japanese people in traditional clothing around Harajuku and Shibuya, the youth-centered neighborhoods where we spend most of our time. Of course we see yukata around hanabi time of year, but full-on kimono are just not a normal wardrobe item for young Japanese. As usual, we were delighted to see plenty of Japanese girls in brightly colored furisode kimono walking around Takeshita Dori and other areas of Harajuku – either in groups of friends or with their families.

Camera in hand, we headed for Tokyo’s most famous shrine, Meiji Jingu, to see if any of the beautifully dressed girls celebrating Seijin no Hi would be willing to pose for a few photos. Luckily, we found plenty of friendly smiling 20-year-old kimono-clad volunteers. Please enjoy these pictures of Coming of Age Day 2011 in Harajuku and remember that you can click any of them to see high resolution versions!


- новая серия фотографий в фотоальбоме

Понедельник, 07 Февраля 2011 г. 08:04 + в цитатник

Бабочка МК Квиллинг.

Четверг, 03 Февраля 2011 г. 12:49 + в цитатник


Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 1

Нам потребуются: Коврик (пробковый или любой другой, главное чтобы иголки втыкались), булавки, профполоски для квиллинга или просто нарезанная бумага, клей ПВА, иеструменты для квиллинга (можно сделать самостоятельно), об этом позже

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 2

Втыкаем булавки в форме крыла, для петель

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 3

Делаем первую петлю, закрепляем клеем

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 4

Вот так

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 5

Надеваем ее на среднюю булавку сверху и общую снизу

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 6

Затем заводим полоску за булавку слева

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 7

через общуу нижнюю

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 8

к булавке справа

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 9

за булавку справ к нижней общей (здесь две булавки - дополнительная для придания петле изгиба)

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 10

через нижнюю к булавке слева

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 11

о оборачиваем полностью крыло несколько раз остатком полоски для придания формы крылу

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 12

вот так

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 13


Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 14

несколько оборотов. на сколько хватит полоски

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 15

Закрепляем хвостик клеем

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 16


Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 17

Берем инструмент для квиллинга или...

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 18

вот такой самодельный (мне он нравится тем, что у него отверстие в спирали получается тоньше)

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 19

вставляем кончик полоски в прорезь, накручиваем полоску выбранного цвета

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 20

вот так

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 21


Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 22

снимаем, приотпускаем спираль, чтобы она раскрутилась немного

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 23

вот так

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 24
Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 25

Сжимаем пальцами, чтобы получилась "капля"

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 26

Берем ее пинцетом и вкладываем в петлю

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 27

вот так

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 28


Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 29

делаем еще "каплю"

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 30

в следующую петлю

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 31

по той же схеме

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 32

но в этот раз я вкладывала две "капли" валетиком в одну петлю

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 33

Берем инструмент потоньше

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 34

Крутим тугую спираль мааленькую

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 35


Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 36

Вставляем в отверстие посередине "капли"

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 37


Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 38

Во все отверстия, кроме того, что лежит перпендикулярно, туда вложим такую же спираль, но красного цвета

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 39

Крутим маленькую спираль, делаем из нее треугольник

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 40

Вставляем в пустующие отверстия между петлями, затем, чтобы сделать прожилку складываем полоску в 5 раз и вставляем между Каплями, расположенными валетиком

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 41


Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 42

Заливаем клеем. Одно крыло готово) Осторожно! Не приклейте булавки, потом будет сложно вытащить (или вообще с куском крыла) и могут поржаветь и испортить вид. сохнет

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 43

Делаем такое же по тому же приннципу, иголки вставляем в те же дырочки, чтобы было симметрично! Это фото нижнего крыла. вновь придумываем форму крылышка, также набрасываем петли, НО...

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 44

когда придет черед оборачивания формы...

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 45

Ставим дополнительную иголку снаружи между петлями, для выемки, и каждый раз оборачивая, не забываем заводить полоску за нее. Результат на фото. Дальше по тому же принципу, что и верхние крылья

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 46

Вырезаем конус. Я резала на глаз из бумаги формата А4 по маленькой стороне. В основании сантиметра 3.5, а там как Вам понравится. Это тело!

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 47

Крутим тугую спираль

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 48

Вот такая штука получается. Закрепляем клеем хвостик. Мы в дет.саду из таких бусы маме на 8 марта делали (может пригодится кому-то))))

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 49

вырезаем из полоски тонкие усики

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 50

Приклеиваем к телу сзади

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 51

Вот вид спереди

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 52

Ура! Собираем бабочку! ГОТОВО! ФУФ! Можно вытереть пот со лба и полюбоваться!

Мастер-класс,  Квиллинг, : Бабочка МК Квиллинг. Закончен наконец-то! Полосы бумажные . Фото 53


Источник:  http://stranamasterov.ru/node/32045?tid=451%2C587


Процитировано 21 раз
Понравилось: 2 пользователям

scrapbooking: examples

Среда, 05 Января 2011 г. 22:39 + в цитатник


Понравилось: 1 пользователю

Первые кадры «Пиратов Карибского моря: На странных берегах»

Пятница, 10 Декабря 2010 г. 09:53 + в цитатник
Сегодня студия Disney опубликовала первые кадры четвертой части «Пиратов Карибского моря». В предстоящем фильме Капитан Джек Воробей отправится на поиски фонатана молодости. В этом опасном приключении к нему присоединится его бывшая возлюбленная (Пенелопа Крус), ее жестокий отец - пират Черная Борода и прелестная русалка.


Первые кадры «Пиратов Карибского моря: На странных берегах»
Несмотря на то, что актерский состав претерпел серьезные изменения (Персонажей Орландо Блума и Киры Найтли не будет в новой картине), Джек Воробей остался прежним.

«Капитан Джек полностью самодостаточный персонаж, - смеется Джонни Депп. - Он остается в франшизе. И собирается там оставаться. И это здорово».

Первый трейлер «Пиратов Карибского моря: На странных берегах» можно будет увидеть 13 декабря. Премьера фильма, который выйдет в формате 3D, состоится 20 мая 2011 года.

Источник: www.kinoafisha.info


Женщины - как яблоки.

Среда, 08 Декабря 2010 г. 20:01 + в цитатник

Женщины - как яблоки. Самые вкусные висят на самой макушке дерева.
Многие Мужчины не хотят лезть на дерево за вкусными яблоками, потому что они боятся упасть и удариться.
Вместо этого они собирают упавшие яблоки с земли, которые не так хороши, но зато доступны.
Поэтому яблоки на макушке думают, что с ними, что-то не так, хотя на самом деле - ОНИ ВЕЛИКОЛЕПНЫ!
Им просто нужно дождаться того человека, который не побоится залезть на макушку дерева.


Понравилось: 1 пользователю

Design Festa Tokyo, Japan November 28, 2010

Воскресенье, 28 Ноября 2010 г. 10:21 + в цитатник



Суббота, 02 Октября 2010 г. 11:33 + в цитатник

6%DOKIDOKI Harajuku Kawaii Experience California

Harajuku fashion brand 6%DOKIDOKI have returned to Japan after completing their “Harajuku Kawaii Experience 2010″ world tour. Earlier this month, we brought you coverage from their events in Harajuku, London, and Paris. After leaving Europe, the 6%DOKIDOKI crew made their way to the West Coast of the United States. For our final report from the tour, we’re combining the 6%DOKIDOKI Los Angeles and San Francisco stops into one massive Kawaii Anarchy in Kalifornia update!

The first stop on 6%DOKIDOKI’s US tour was the opening of the Sweet Streets Japanese street fashion-inspired art show at Gallery Nucleus in Los Angeles. TokyoFashion.com was one of the sponsors of the show, so we were really looking forward to this event. Apparently, we weren’t the only ones, because well over 500 people showed up for opening night and everyone had a great time.

Besides the fantastic art on display, Sweet Streets partygoers were treated to a performance by the 6%DOKIDOKI crew, and a talk from brand-founder Sebastian. In case you weren’t able to make it out for the talk, Kalamari Kastle interviewed him. Check out her video to hear what Sebastian had to say – with English translations.

After two days in Los Angeles, the 6%DOKIDOKI party bus (driven by Caro from Sweet Streets) headed for San Francisco. In San Francisco, 6%DOKIDOKI held three days’ worth of fashion shows, street fashion events, performances, and talks – all in cooperation with cool folks at New People. 6%DOKIDOKI also took part in New People’s J-POP Summit, where over 40,000 people attended – many of whom watched 6%DOKIDOKI’s performances.

There were five packed days of 6%DOKIDOKI events in California, so it would be impossible for us to show you everything that went on. We’ve gathered a number of photos from each event and also lots of links to more photos for each day. Besides checking out the photos below, please click the links to see bigger, better, and more photos at the linked websites. Without further ado, here is a sample of what happens when the 6%DOKIDOKI Harajuku Kawaii Experience takes over California!


6%DOKIDOKI at the Sweet Streets opening party in Los Angeles

6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets
6%DokiDoki x Sweet Streets


6%DOKIDOKI x Sweet Streets Fan Day in LA

Sweet Streets x 6%DokiDoki
Sweet Streets x 6%DokiDoki
Sweet Streets x 6%DokiDoki
Sweet Streets x 6%DokiDoki
Sweet Streets x 6%DokiDoki
Sweet Streets x 6%DokiDoki
Sweet Streets x 6%DokiDoki
Sweet Streets x 6%DokiDoki
Sweet Streets x 6%DokiDoki
Sweet Streets x 6%DokiDoki

For more pictures, videos, and reviews of the Los Angeles 6%DOKIDOKI x Sweet Streets events, please check out these links: Bubblepunch, Big White Bazooka, Chloe Doan, Daniel Lim, Daily Dujour, Hi Fructose, LA WEEKLY, Michelle Woo, Gallery Nucleus, Video by Onch, Supahcute, Tada Time, Twinkie Chan’s Video.

After all of that Los Angeles fun, the tour headed for San Francisco…

6%DOKIDOKI VIP Party at New People San Francisco

6%DokiDoki in San Francisco
6%DokiDoki in San Francisco
6%DokiDoki in San Francisco
6%DokiDoki in San Francisco
6%DokiDoki in San Francisco
6%DokiDoki in San Francisco
6%DokiDoki in San Francisco
6%DokiDoki in San Francisco
6%DokiDoki in San Francisco
6%DokiDoki in San Francisco
6%DokiDoki in San Francisco
6%DokiDoki in San Francisco


6%DOKIDOKI at the New People J-POP Summit in Japan Town SF

6%DokiDoki San Francisco
6%DokiDoki San Francisco
6%DokiDoki San Francisco
6%DokiDoki San Francisco
6%DokiDoki San Francisco
6%DokiDoki San Francisco
6%DokiDoki San Francisco
6%DokiDoki San Francisco
6%DokiDoki San Francisco
6%DokiDoki San Francisco


6%DOKIDOKI San Francisco Fashion Walk

6%DOKIDOKI SF Fashion Walk
6%DOKIDOKI SF Fashion Walk
6%DOKIDOKI SF Fashion Walk
6%DOKIDOKI SF Fashion Walk
6%DOKIDOKI SF Fashion Walk
6%DOKIDOKI SF Fashion Walk
6%DOKIDOKI SF Fashion Walk
6%DOKIDOKI SF Fashion Walk
6%DOKIDOKI SF Fashion Walk
6%DOKIDOKI SF Fashion Walk


Blythe “Manga Girls Inspiration” Tokyo Show Pictures

Понедельник, 09 Августа 2010 г. 16:35 + в цитатник

The show featured unique Blythe dolls wearing styles inspired by popular manga characters, including Lupin the 3rd, Osamu Tezuka’s Black Jack, Tokyo Alice, Akko-Chan’s Got A Secret!, Rainbow In The Sky, Love Sync Dream, Galaxy Express 999, CLAMP’s Cardcaptor Sakura, Cyborg 009, Felix the Cat, The Great Adventure Of Hutch The Honeybee, and Fairy Princess Minky Momo.

Blythe Dolls in Japan

This year’s list of participating Japanese fashion brands included Angelic Pretty, Alice and the Pirates, h.NAOTO, EmilyTemple cute, Q-pot, Kenzo, Junie Moon, Super Lovers, Sexy Dynamite London, Hysteric Glamour, tokidoki, Nanette Lepore, Hello Kitty designer Yuko Yamaguchi, Peace Now, Baby The Stars Shine Bright, Metamorphose temps de file, Laundry, Laisse Passe, and 6%DokiDoki.

In addition to the display of Blythe dolls created by fashion designers and mangaka, there was also an auction of Blythes for charity. The charity auction dolls were styled by Japanese celebrities, including Shibuya uber-gal Masuwaka Tsubasa, well-known talento Chiaki, and actress Yokoyama Megumi. The money raised from the sale of these dolls benefits Changrai Home – an organization that works to help orphans in Thailand and Cambodia.

Rather than telling more about the event, we think we’ll just let the dolls do the talking. Please check out our massive selection of pictures of these amazingly styled Blythe dolls. If you’re interested in seeing these amazing dolls for yourself, the 10th Anniversary show will be held around this time next year – so start planning now! Enjoy the pictures, and remember to click them to see the full-sized versions.

Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan
Blythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in JapanBlythe Dolls in Japan


Tokyo Chic: Foreign Models in Japan Tell (Almost) All

Воскресенье, 11 Июля 2010 г. 08:30 + в цитатник

It’s written by two non-Japanese models living and working in Tokyo. The blog gives you an insider’s view of a foreign model’s life in Tokyo. The updates alternate between being informative (wanna know where to go in Tokyo to party with models and musicians?) to hilarious (how many times have the girls been caught at high fashion events wearing Forever 21?) to pure celeb paparazzi fun (photos from a party with Marc Jacobs, video from backstage at the Prodigy show, and more).

We love their blog, so we decided to track down the authors and find out a little bit more about “HORA”. Luckily, we didn’t have to look too hard – the girls are very active on Twitter. After a few friendly exchanges, the HORA girls were kind enough to set aside some time for an interview. If you’ve ever wanted to take a look inside the long days – and longer nights – of a model’s life in Tokyo, this one’s for you!

Meet Heather and Laura

The brains and beauty behind HORA Confessions are models Heather Burton (from Los Angeles, USA) and Laura Hayden (from Barcelona, Spain). The word “HORA” is a combination of “Heather” and “Laura”. Cute, eh? The girls write, photograph, shoot & edit all of the videos for the blog themselves.

So, let’s meet the girls and find out what they have to say for themselves…

Both Heather & Laura are represented by Forza Pregio 62 modeling agency in Tokyo. Each of them is also represented by an agency in their home country. Heather has been in lots of Japanese and international fashion magazines including Leon (July), WWD (August), Mode e Mode (September), Shelter (August), and Nylon (still not out). Laura’s numerous magazine and catalog appearances include Leon (August Issue), Peach John (lingerie – winter issue), Peach John (clothing line – winter issue), Anan magazine (October), Natiful (nail magazine – winter issue).

TF. How did you get started in modeling?

Heather – Started when I was 13. I went to modeling conventions in Seattle, Washington, Miami, etc.
In the Miami convention I got scouted & signed by Click (New York) at the age of 15…the rest is history!!

Laura – I got scouted in a local restaurant back at home (Spain) while I was stuffing my face, at the age of 14. My mum was an ex model, so she was able to supervise :p

TF. What made you come to Tokyo? How many times have you been here? What’s the longest you’ve stayed in Tokyo?

Heather – This is my first time in Tokyo. My mother agency decided she wanted to send me here to make some money. Things worked out really well here, so I decided to stay longer than the established 2 months..I’ve been here for 4!!!

Laura – It is my second!! :p I was here last summer 2008. I was supposed to stay 2 months and ended up staying for 3! This year it’s been the same. I got here at the beginning of summer (2009) and decided I would stay 3 months instead of 2.

TF. You seem like best friends on your blog. Did you know each other before you came to Japan, or is this a “Lost in Translation” friendship where you met in Tokyo?

HORA – For SURE it is a Lost in Translation friendship!!!!!!

Laura – The first time I met Heather was the day I arrived. All the models were in the van, and we were all waiting for Heather – who was of course, fashionably late. She had been MIA from the agency & castings all day. They even called the police to search for her!! Suddenly, out of nowhere, the door bursts open and in comes Heather yelling, with a lollipop stick in her mouth.

Turns out she’d been out all night and couldn’t be bothered to pick up her phone. I knew then it was the start of a beautiful friendship!

Heather Burton

TF. Do either of you speak Japanese? Are you studying the language?

Heather – It’s totally hard for me because I suck at languages!!! :S Numbers are my thing…

Laura – I understand it MUCH better than I speak it :p . I do know how to say basic & important things like “Ikura des ca?” or “Toi-re doco des ca?” :D

TF. How is modeling in Tokyo different from in the West?

HORA – Tokyo fashion is different because it is a lot more commercial than Western “fashion”, it is very “Kawaii”.

Tokyo Fashion is a lot more perfectionist as well. “No wrinkles!!!” – that is the phrase we are most scared of!!!

TF. Do the local Japanese models treat you as friends or as competitors?

HORA – Local Japanese models are great!!!! They are beautiful, exotic and very friendly! They don’t treat us as competition because a client that wants western models will not chose Japanese, and vice-versa. It’s like two different categories of models in the Japanese Market.

TF. What brands/events have you worked for in Japan?

Heather – Topshop for Tokyo Girls Collection, Barak Japan, Marc Jacobs (editorial), Louis Vuitton (editorial), Le Coq Sportif (catalog), Gilfy (campaign).

Laura – Peach John (lingerie + clothing line), Amo’s Style (lingerie), Cecile (lingerie), Le Ciel Bleu (campaign + catalog), Pola, Odakyu (department store), 109 (last autumn-winter campaign)

TF. Do you wear Japanese fashion in your real life (when you aren’t modeling)? What are your favorite Japanese fashion brands?

Heather – I have my own unique style that basically consists of vintage clothes. I do love H&M & Forever21 in Tokyo, it’s so much cooler than in the US! I love WeGo, the vintage shop in Tokyo.

Laura – I love Japanese fashion! It’s so inspiring!!! Probably my favorite stores would be ANAP (I love the selected pieces they sell.. :p), Peach John (ALL my underwear is from there!), but my most favorite fashion label in Japan would be Le Ciel Bleu and Comme des Garçons – I think both of their styles are unique, classic and SUPER cool & trendy!

Laura NAME

TF. People who see Fruits Magazine probably imagine that all Japanese fashion is insane. How did the reality of the Japanese fashion scene differ from the image you had before you first actually visited Japan?

HORA – We thought that Japanese fashion would be charged with the Harajuku Girl style – the “Hello Kitty Candy Ravers” .

It’s not like that at all, though. We find that in all different areas of Tokyo, there is a style to each one of them. In Harajuku – Harajuku Girls as well as many other arty styles; in Shibuya – the girls with the super dark tans, blonde hair and HUGE platforms!; in Omote-sando – it’s super high, cool fashion…it is where it all starts!; in Ginza – the very luxurious, classical style…; etc!

The funny thing is – there are stores and magazines that cater to all of the different styles! It is amazing how you can just create an individual personality for yourself my mixing and matching all these different styles!

It’s crazy how nearly every woman in Japan wears heels ALL DAY! (how do they do it?!)

TF. Any advice for girls wanting to start modeling in Japan?

HORA – where to begin??

  • Make sure you read the contract carefully.
  • Be patient at jobs.
  • Be on time.
  • ALWAYS be friendly to everybody.
  • Make sure you don’t get a suntan.
  • Always dress up for castings (little dress and high heels is always the best way to go).
  • Don’t over do it with too much make-up! Japanese clients like their models to be natural.
  • There are a lot of girls here, so you need to have something that will differ you from the rest – something that will give you an image and personality that will help you stand out to a client.
  • Don’t go crazy! Tokyo can be just as dangerous as any other city, so you need to have a strong personality and your feet firmly on the ground!

TF. What made you decide to start your blog?

HORA – It started through Facebook! We were taking pictures every day (20-50 pictures a day) and uploading them every single day! People were liking it, as well as the funny footnotes underneath them! We started getting private messages from random people asking us to upload more!!!

Another reason is that we have both been here for a while now. When you are away from home for so long, you start thinking about all the amazing things you see and experience, and you begin to think about HOW you are going to manage to tell ALL of family & friends back at home what happened while you were away!

We are a bit lazy, so we decided – why not let them know already and save some VERY long stories for when we get back?!

And this is how HORA was born!!!

TF. Readers of your blog might think you guys are living a crazy party all day and night. True or false?

HORA – (LOOOOOOL) ummm… (blush)… It’s not ALLL party!!! (Lol)

Oh god…it’s REALLY hard work to be here, actually! The thing is, you always hear models talk about their jobs, castings…and that is about it!

Why do you never see them eating McDonald’s??? Or having a crazy party with friends??

The difference between our blog and any other model’s is that we combine TRUE LIFE with MODELING LIFE. We don’t want to be seen as JUST models. We are REAL people with friends and embarrassing stories to tell!

In a world like nowadays, where everybody wants to know the TRUTH, the reality of things, the “behind the scenes” of everybody and everybody’s life, we would be nothing but superficial and “stuck up models” if we were just to talk about work.

We are very proud of the work we do, the jobs we get. But we also want to enjoy our stay here, and make as many friends as we can!!!!!

Trust us, we aren’t the only ones that go out… We are just the only ones brave enough to talk about it!!! :) :p

Heather & Laura aka HORA

TF. You often mention hanging out at Feria (Roppongi club) on your blog. What are your other favorite/recommended Tokyo party spots?

HORA – HORA loves Feria!!! We have some VERY good memories there. There are also a lot of other places where we love to go, such as:

  • Mi Casa (Roppongi)
  • Fashion Bar (Azabu-Juban)
  • Mado Lounge (Roppongi Hills)
  • Lime Sports Bar (Roppongi)
  • Trump Room (Shibuya)
  • Le Baron (Aoyama)

These are the places we visit frequently. Every night there is a new story to tell!!! (hence “The Blog” :p)

TF. Do you get recognized on the street and/or in clubs by people who’ve seen your modeling work?

HORA – It has happened sometimes, but doesn’t happen frequently because there are so many models here and they change so often!

We get more recognition from people that have been reading our blog!!!:p LOL, we were SHOCKED when that started happening!

TF. Will the blog continue when you leave Japan? Maybe your continuing adventures in Spain or LA or some other far away place?

HORA – We haven’t posted on it yet…which is something we are working on as we speak! The blog WILL continue, but you are going to have to visit the blog to see what is going to happen!! :p We will tell you, however, that it is going to be very exciting!

TF. Any other advice, crazy stories, or last comments to share?

HORA – Tokyo has united us by complete fate. Two people from opposite ends of the globe (Heather & Laura) have been united and created a “baby” inspired by Japan… and you don’t get that often!

Tokyo is an amazing city, but you need to create your own “family” around you in order to enjoy it! we LOVE Tokyo and cannot wait to come back!!

Domo Arrigato Gosaimas!!!!!!!!!

Grimoire Shibuya – Japanese Dolly-kei & Vintage Fashion Wonderland

Воскресенье, 11 Июля 2010 г. 08:27 + в цитатник

On the border of Shibuya and Harajuku, on the 7th floor above various small streetwear boutiques, you will find Grimoire. It’s the pioneering store behind the Dolly-kei fashion scene. Managed by former fashion student and Cutie model Hitomi Nomura and owner Naoaki Tobe, Grimoire is a magical hideout away from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo street life.

Grimoire Shibuya

Dolly-kei, as you may have guessed, takes inspiration from antique (and slightly spooky) dolls and movies such as Narnia, Alice in Wonderland and Harry Potter. The used, vintage and antique clothing and the store’s own accessories line, which include crucifixes, bags and shoes, also come from the duo’s interest in picture books, European folk stories and fantasy.

The used clothes, which are sourced from the US, Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic, are a playful mixture of bohemian, gypsy, eastern European costumes and fairy tales. Nomura, who is also considered a “charisma staff” for customers, says that when she embarks on her buying adventures she wants “girls to wear these clothes so they can change and transform into something else.”

Grimoire Shop in Tokyo

Dolly at Grimoire

Grimoire Shibuya

The name Grimoire comes from an ancient magic book and as she explains, “When you open the pages of the book, the different pages show various magic tricks. We hope people can have a different scene or experience (every time they come to our store), and we hope we can make more dreams.”

Although the store is the epicenter for Dolly-kei, don’t be surprised if you see some Lolitas hanging around as they sometimes come into the store, too. Although distinct from Lolita, Dolly-kei looks, at first, like it has some distant connection with Mori girls (girls who look like they live in forests), but is more eastern European to Mori girl’s Scandinavian aesthetic. Nomura says that Grimoire girls have a “stronger image, more unusual with a special appeal”. The shop opened in June 2008 and has since has grown steadily from a secret grotto for specialist fans to a more popular meeting place for like-minded people. It’s not only for girls, either – as the store also sells bags and accessories for men.

Grimoire Shibuya

Grimoire Shibuya

Grimoire Shibuya Shoes

A Mixi community for Mori-girls, a few years ago, had a checklist of 60 points which Mori girls should follow. However, when asked about things Grimoire girls like, in addition to dolls, wizards and eastern Europe, the answers were quite simple, “We like magazines like Zipper, Fruits and Kera and websites like Dropsnap, and for music we always play (in store) French, Celtic and country music and also movie soundtracks.”

This June will mark Grimoire’s 2nd anniversary, and the team plan to have a special party event. They already organize party nights at which “customers come dressed up wearing our store’s clothes so lots of magazines come and take photographs.” So if you want to party with Dolly girls (and boys), keep tabs on the store’s very quirky website and blog.

Grimoire Shibuya

Grimoire Shibuya

Grimoire Shibuya

Grimoire Shibuya

Grimoire Shibuya

Grimoire Shibuya

Grimoire Shibuya

6%DOKIDOKI Girls in the Popples Room

Воскресенье, 11 Июля 2010 г. 08:26 + в цитатник

What do you get when you mix cute 1980s characters with cute fashion and cute girls from the Japanese fashion brand 6%DOKIDOKI? You get a fuzzy pink bedroom full of so much cuteness that it must be seen to be believed.

Parco Factory in Shibuya recently hosted an exhibition featuring The Popples. As we reported previously, the World of Popples exhibition showcases original Popples artwork, vintage 1980s Popples toys, a place where you can take pictures of yourself in a special Popples photo set, and a gift shop selling Popples goods – including a line of exclusive Popples x 6%DOKIDOKI clothing and accessories. The exhibition – which recently ended in Shibuya, but just opened today in Nagoya – is the first Popples show in Japan since Mind Works Entertainment licensed the characters for the Japanese market last year.

World of Popples

Our favorite part of the Shibuya World of Popples exhibition was “The Popples Room”. As the name suggests, The Popples Room is a bedroom for the Popples that is as cute as they are, if not more so. The space was created in collaboration with the popular Japanese fashion brand 6%DOKIDOKI. If you know 6%DOKIDOKI, you know that they never do anything half-cute. They go all the way to 100% cute, and then multiply by ten – and that’s definitely true of this project. It’s hard to explain just how insanely cute the Popple’s Room really is, so we are very lucky that 6%DOKIDOKI and Mind Works Entertainment allowed us to take photographs of the room to share with you.

Popples x 6%DOKIDOKI Girls

On Sunday, February 21st, 6%DOKIDOKI held a special event in The Popples Room. “6%DOKIDOKI Girls in The Popple’s Room” featured a live performance in which several girls from 6%DOKIDOKI literally lived in the Popple’s Room for several hours while fans looked on. 6%DOKIDOKI fashion is cute. 6%DOKIDOKI girls are cute. The Popples are cute. What happens when you mix all three? Check out the pictures and we think you’ll agree, life doesn’t get much cuter than this.

(These pictures look best in high resolution – click any photo to enlarge it.)

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room


6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room

6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Room


Amazing 6%DOKIDOKI x Popples Dresses:

6%DOKIDOKI Popples Dresses

6%DOKIDOKI Popples Dresses


Popples Original Artwork:

Popples Original Artwork


The history of Popples:

The History of the Popples


The Popples goods shop at Parco Factory in Shibuya:

World of Popples Gift Shop
(All photographs by Kira.)

Spring 2010 Tokyo Fashion Trend – Hats, Hats, Hats

Воскресенье, 11 Июля 2010 г. 08:25 + в цитатник

Spring has sprung in Tokyo! The winter weather isn’t completely gone as of yet, but it’s getting warmer every day. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and Japan’s famous hanami parties can be seen (and heard) in just about every park in the city. What do warm weather and a bunch of pretty trees have to do with Tokyo fashion? They signal the arrival of the first Spring 2010 fashion trends in Japan’s capital. So far, the biggest spring fashion trend we’re seeing involves hats – lots and lots of hats!

Zara Hats

The single defining fashion trend of Spring 2010 in Tokyo so far is the appearance of girls in hats – and not just any hats. Last summer, we saw a big boom in fedoras for both guys and girls. This Spring, though, the one hat to rule them all is the boater – or, as it’s known in Japanese, the “bota” or “kankanbo”. The boater, according to Wikipedia, “is made of straw and has a stiff or soft flat crown and brim, typically with a ribbon around the crown”. That’s a pretty accurate description of the boaters that are at the heart of the hat trend right now in Tokyo.

There are a few variations, including boater-style hats made of materials other than straw (cloth boaters with a flower pattern is one popular variation we see a lot), and many of the hats have more decorations than just a simple ribbon (for example, ribbons with flowers or bows attached to them). We’ve also seen many girls wearing hats that are similar to the boater, but aren’t quite boaters – including straw fedoras, straw bowler hats, and larger straw beach-type hats covered in flowers. But there can be no doubt that the boater itself is the king of hats in Tokyo today.

To illustrate the extreme speed and force with which a trend like this can explode in Tokyo, we went out to Takeshita Dori and a few other popular shopping streets to take photos of the many Harajuku shops selling similar – if not identical – boaters. There are thirty pictures posted below of boater (and similar style) hats on sale around Harajuku (and maybe a couple of shots from Shibuya as well), but we could have just as easily posted 100 or 200 photos. We also included a few pictures of Japanese girls that we’ve seen on the street recently wearing these hats. We don’t want to overdose you on hats, but we’re sure you’ll be seeing plenty more of them as we continue to post our daily Japanese street fashion updates.

So, please enjoy these pictures of the hottest fashion trend for Japanese girls in Tokyo today – hats, hats, and more hats! All of the photos can be seen in high resolution by clicking on them.

Japanese Girl in Boater Hat

Japanese Girl in Straw Hat

Straw Hat Girl in Tokyo

Japanese Girl in Hat With Flowers

Harajuku Hat Shop

Harajuku Hats and Accessories

Harajuku Hat Trends

Wonder Rocket Harajuku

Hats and Bunnies in Harajuku

Tokyo Hat Trends

Fashion Boutique in Harajuku

Harajuku Hats

Claire's Harajuku Hats

Hat in a Harajuku Shop Window

Hats in Harajuku

Flowery Harajuku Hat

Liz Lisa Spring 2010 Fashion

Harajuku Hats

Japanese Straw Hats

Boater Hat in Harajuku

Hat and Clothing in Harajuku

Hat Shop in Harajuku

Harajuku Shop Selling Hats and Hello Kitty

WEGO Harajuku Hats

Girls Straw Hats in Tokyo

British Flag Bag and Hat in Harajuku

Straw Hat

SM2 Harajuku Hat

Harajuku Hat Sale

How To Wear a Hat in Japan

Girls in Hats in Shop Windows

Nine by Four Harajuku Hat Shop

SHAZBOT Harajuku Hat Shop

Grimoire 2nd Anniversary: Dolly Kei Party Pictures

Четверг, 24 Июня 2010 г. 11:12 + в цитатник

Dolly-kei fashion took over Shibuya on Friday night as everyone’s favorite Dolly-kei boutique – Grimoire Tokyo – held their Second Anniversary party at Cafe x Lounge MICROCOSMOS. Amazingly dressed and coiffed dollies – girls, and guys – came out in droves to celebrate the epicenter of Tokyo’s Dolly-Kei scene. The girls and boys sampled cake, muffins, and cookies while watching Japan in the World Cup, snapping pics of other attendees, making friends, and enjoying various DJs and performers – all the while toasting Grimoire’s 2nd birthday.

The event was split into two parts: a reception party from 9pm to midnight, and a Midnight Lounge from midnight until 5am. The party featured eight DJs, table magician Masaki Yamamoto, and pole dancer Tokyo Dolores. The entry fee included all the entertainment plus dinner and drink. With all of that fun in mind, TokyoFashion.com’s Will Robb grabbed his camera and made his way to Shibuya. His incredible photos below are a testament to the influence that Grimoire has had on the fashion scene in Tokyo in their two years of existence.

When you browse the photos, look closely – you’re sure to see some people that have appeared on TokyoFashion.com before, including the fabulous Saki as well as the great Grimoire managers and staff. We would like to send out a big “Congratulations!” to Grimoire on their success, and a “Thank You” as well for allowing us to photograph their fantastic party.

So, enjoy the pictures – and please click on each photo to see the high resolution version and to read the captions on the photos.

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Результат теста "Кто ты из South Park?"

Воскресенье, 09 Мая 2010 г. 09:39 + в цитатник
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"Кто ты из South Park?"

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Пятница, 07 Мая 2010 г. 14:56 + в цитатник
Люблю все самое красивое, моду , книги, необычное кино,
Обожаю Японию.
 (215x184, 11Kb)

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