Fai-D Fai-D male 1542 668 51 https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/fai-d/rss/ <div id="r_text" name="r_text">- You will look in my eyes and will see ice in it. You will take my hand and will not sustain such cold. You will kiss me, and you will be overtaken with hopelessness. You will grow fond of me and will suffer. You will turn to me a back, and I shall kill you. You still wish to be with me? <br /><br /><br /><br /> -Yes. </div><br /><br /> <br /><br /> ...Я забуду о тебе,когда слепой художник нарисует звук падения лепестка розы на хрустальный пол замка,которого нет...<br /> <br /> кому нужен пишите в асю...или сюда <a href="http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/bellial/"><img style="margin:0px;" src="http://www.liveinternet.ru/images/m2.gif" width="20" height="16" border="0" /></a><a href="http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/bellial/profile/"><b>Bellial</b></a> в личку. -Dize-Mania- 1696180 female -Domino- 1075105 female -GACKT- 1293694 male alexa_greece 1849404 female Angel_Hikaru 1063843 male anime_icon 1948851 male Demonic_Dream 1844254 female design_and_avatars 1834608 female El_teatro_del_arte 1909490 female Flieg 1853998 male Gold_Rose 1207086 female Howenheim 1422398 male J-rock 1141550 female Japanese_Existence 942953 male kappia 1715888 female Kritica 1791351 male Kuroi_Kenshin 1928718 male Lestat_Lioncour 1416005 female little_anime_house 1490223 female luchikP 1162310 female Mariya_Shido 3055753 male Musanka 1341617 female Naruto_Fans 1200002 male Nayumi-san 1144633 female Nicole_M_Wait 1653466 female poison4you 1583497 female Refused 1582089 female Sans_sort 1984101 male Someone_to_talk_to_Hello 1695830 female Sou 1881594 male Suzume-san 1985699 male SweetAnGel13 1871811 female The_People 1530156 male Tsubasa_chronicle 941452 male Watanuki 1459959 male Веллам 1932496 male Идиотка-Психопатка 1444385 female Лилиадна 2017448 female Маруся-Лопилато 976534 female ночная_девочка 1868153 female _LOVELESS_ 870715 male _Luppi_ 2017293 female _wolfs_rain_ 1020709 male