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! Cicely Mary Barker. 5.

, 19 2017 . 10:27 +
Matrioshka ! Cicely Mary Barker. 5.

The Rose Fairy


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Spring goes, summer comes

The little darling, Spring, has run away;
The sunshine grew too hot for her to stay.

She kissed her sister, Summer, and she said:
"When I am gone, you must be queen instead."

Now reigns the Lady Summer, round whose feet
A thousand fairies flock with blossoms sweet.

The Rose Fairy



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The Song of The Rose Fairy

Best and dearest flower that grows,
Perfect both to see and smell;
Words can never, never tell
Half the beauty of a Rose.
Buds that open to disclose
Fold on fold of purest white,
Lovely pink, or red that glows
Deep, sweet-scented. What delight
To be Fairy of the Rose!

The Birds-Foot Trefoil Fairy

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The Song of the Bird's-foot Trefoil Fairy

Here I dance in a dress like flames,
and laugh to think of my comical names.
Hoppetty hop, with nimble legs!
some folks call me Bacon and Eggs!
while other people, it's really true,
tell me I'm Cuckoo's Stockings too!
Over the hill I skip and prance;
I'm Lady's Slipper, and so I dance,
not like a lady, grand and proud,
but to the grasshoppers' chirping loud.
My pods are shaped like a dicky's toes:
that is what Bird's-Foot Trefoil shows;
this is my name which grown-ups use,
but children may call me what they choose.

The Buttercup Fairy


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The Song of the Buttercup Fairy

This I whom children love the best;
My wealth is all for them;
For them is set each glossy cup
Upon each sturdy stem.

O little playmates whom I love!
The sky is summer blue,
And meadows full of buttercups
Are spread abroad for you.

The Forget-Me-Not Fairy


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The Song of the Forget-Me-Not Fairy

So small, so blue, in grassy places.
My flowers raise their tiny faces.

By streams my bigger sisters grow,
And smile in gardens, in a row.

I've never seen a garden plot;
But though I'm small,
Forget me not!

The Foxglove Fairy

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The Song of the Foxglove Fairy

Foxglove, Foxglove,
What do you see?
The cool green woodland,
The fat velvet bee:
Hey. Mr. Bumble,
Ive honey here for thee!

Foxglove, Foxglove,
What see you now?
The soft summer moonlight
On bracken, grass, and bought;
And all the fairies dancing
As only they know how.

The Greater Knapweed Fairy

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The Song of the Great Knapweed Fairy

Oh, please, little children, take note of my name:
To call me a thistle is really a shame:
I'm harmless old Knapweed, who grows on the chalk,
I never will prick you when out for your walk.

Yet I should be sorry, yes, sorry indeed,
To cut your small fingers and cause them to bleed;
So bid me Good Morning when out for your walk,
And mind how you pull at my very tough stalk.

The Harebell Fairy


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The Song of the Harebell Fairy

O bells, on stems so thin and fine!
No human ear
Your sound can hear,
O lightly chiming bells of mine!

When dim and dewy twilight falls,
Then comes the time
When harebells chime
For fairy feasts and fairy balls.

They tinkle while the fairies play,
With dance and song,
The whole night long,
Till daybreak wakens, cold and grey,
And elfin music fades away.

The Heather Fairy

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The Song of the Heather Fairy

Ho, Heather, ho! From south to north
Spread now your royal purple forth!
Ho, jolly one! From east to west,
The moorland waiteth to be dressed!

I come, I come! With footsteps sure
I run to clothe the waiting moor;
From heath to heath I leap and stride
To fling my bounty far and wide.

The Herb Robert Fairy

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The Song of the Herb Robert Fairy

Little Herb Robert,
Bright and small,
Peeps from the bank
Or the old stone wall.

Little herb Robert,
His leaf turns red;
He's wild geranium,
So it is said.

The Honeysuckle Fairy

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The Song of the Honeysuckle Fairy

The lane is deep, the bank is steep,
The tangled hedge is high;
And clinging, twisting, up I creep,
And climb towards the sky.
O Honeysuckle, mounting high!
Woodbine, climbing to the sky!

The people in the lane below
Look up and see me there,
Where I my honey-trumpets blow,
Whose sweetness fills the air.
O Honeysuckle, waving there!
O Woodbine, scenting all the air!

The Nightshade Fairy

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The Song of the Nightshade Fairy

My name is Nightshade, also Bittersweet:
Ah, little folk, be wise!
Hide you your hands behind you when we meet,
Turn you away your eyes.
My flowers you shall not pick, nor berries eat,
For in them poison lies.

The Poppy Fairy



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The Song of the Poppy Fairy

The green wheat's a-growing,
The lark sings on high;
In scarlet silk a-glowing,
Here stand I.

The wheat's turning yellow,
Ripening for sheaves;
I hear the little fellow
Who scares the bird-thieves.

Now the harvest's ended,
The wheat-field is bare;
But still, red and splendid,
I am there.

The Ragwort Fairy

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The Song of the Ragwort Fairy

Now is the prime of Summer past,
Farewell she soon must say;
But yet my gold you may behold
By every grassy way.

And what though Autumn comes apace,
And brings a shorter day?
Still stand I here, your eyes to cheer,
In gallant gold array.

The Scabious Fairy


The Song of the Scabious Fairy

Like frilly cushions full of pins,
For tiny dames and fairykins;
Or else like dancers decked with gems,
My flowers sway on slender stems.
They curtsey in the meadow grass,
And nod to butterflies who pass.

The Scarlet Pimpernel Fairy




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The Song of the Scarlet Pimpernel Fairy

By the furrowed fields I lie,
Calling to the passers-by:
If the weather you would tell,
Look at Scarlet Pimpernel.

When the day is warm and fine,
I unfold these flowers of mine;
Ah, but you must look for rain
When I shut them up again!

Weather-glasses on the walls
Hang in wealthy people's halls:
Though I lie where cart-wheels pass,
I'm the Poor Man's Weather-Glass!

The Toadflax Fairy


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The Song of the Toadflax Fairy

The children, the children,
they call me funny names,
They take me for their darling
and partner in their games;
They pinch my flowers' yellow mouths,
to open them and close,
Saying, Snap-Dragon!
Toad flax!
or, darling Bunny-Nose!

The Toadflax, the Toadflax,
with lemon-coloured spikes,
With funny friendly faces
that everybody likes,
Upon the grassy hillside
and hedgerow bank it grows,
And it's Snap-Dragon !
Toad flax!
and darling Bunny-Nose!

The Travellers Joy Fairy

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The Song of the Traveller's Joy Fairy

Traveller, traveller, tramping by
To the seaport town where the big ships lie,
See, I have built a shady bower
To shelter you from the sun or shower.
Rest for a bit, then on, my boy!
Luck go with you, and Traveller's Joy!

Traveller, traveller, tramping home
From foreign places beyond the foam,
See, I have hung out a white festoon
To greet the lad with the dusty shoon.
Somewhere a lass looks out for a boy:
Luck be with you, and Traveller's Joy!

The White Clover Fairy

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The Song of the White Clover Fairy

I'm little White Clover, kind and clean;
Look at my threefold leaves so green;
Hark to the buzzing of hungry bees:
"Give us your honey, Clover, please!"

Yes, little bees, and welcome, too!
My honey is good, and meant for you!

The Wild Rose Fairy


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The Song of The Wild Rose Fairy

I am the queen whom everybody knows,
I am the English Rose;
As light and free as any Jenny Wren,
As dear to Englishmen;
As joyous as a Robin Redbreast's tune,
I scent the air of June;
My buds are rosy as a baby's cheeck;
I have one word to speak,
One word which is my secret and my song,
'Tis "England, England, England" all day long.

The Yarrow Fairy



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The Song of the Yarrow Fairy

Among the harebells and the grass,
The grass all feathery with seed,
I dream, and see the people pass:
They pay me little heed.

And yet the children (so I think)
In spite of other flowers more dear,
Would miss my clusters white and pink,
If I should disappear.

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cicely-mary-barker (200x203, 46Kb), , (Cicely Mary Barker): , . , , . (Flower Fairies). , , 1923 .

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Copyright: , 2015
The Fairy Orchestra (2) (512x673, 123Kb)


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