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, 30 2014 . 19:31 +


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, 17 2014 . 16:50 +


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, 05 2014 . 11:18 +




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, 06 2013 . 14:58 +



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, 29 2012 . 14:59 +





, 27 2012 . 17:58 +

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, 24 2012 . 23:20 +



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, 22 2012 . 23:20 +

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, 17 2012 . 20:11 +
Le roi d'Angleterre et sa reine avec les fonctionnaires entiers et une armée
Impossible de l'atteindre à la terre la cadeau.
Ils ont appelé les scientifiques du palais entiers dans le monde,
Et leur a ordonné de livrer ce sur le plan personnel d'un palais de son.
Bien que tous les gens ont entendu leurs souhaits dans vos oreilles,
Un peloton ne peut pas obtenir un cadeau du ciel.
Les petits enfants! Devinez plutôt quoi s'agit-il, serait de vouloir d'eux lui,
Bien que je compte un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept!


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{A rainbow}
The English King and his queen with whole servants and an army
Can not reach it from the heaven to the ground, as can be.
They called to the palace whole scientists in the world,
And ordered them to deliver this at personally of.
Although all the people heard their wishes in your ears,
A platoon can not to get a gift from heaven yet.

little children! Guess rather, What is it, would to want all of them,
While I count one, two, three, four, five, six, seven!
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, 16 2012 . 23:08 +
Qui n'aime pas à mentir et à écouter?
Écoutez vous que la pluie chante!
La pluie est - un monsieur bruit agréable!
La pluie est - une jolie habile dans!
Il a l'oreille fine, qui tout dire?
La chanteur ne chante pas dans notre oreille:
Il est sur le toit, dans une maison est claire.
Je vais écouter son chant dans son lit:
Alors, écoutez de la pluie: Tous heureux!

21:42 (GMT+2) , 16 2012 .

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Who does not like to lie and listen,
Listen to the rain is singing!
Rain is a pleasant thud Mister!
Rain is a pretty clever in inner!
It has a fine ear, all mean,
The singer does not sing in our ear -
He is on the roof, in a house is clear.
I'll listen to its sing in bed:
So listen to the rain - all glad!
166961_227446143990185_100001744039434_496937_1363850258_n (700x393, 65Kb)



, 08 2012 . 16:31 +

15:16 (GMT+2) , 08 2012 .

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13:57 (GMT+2) , 08 2012 .

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11:13 (GMT+2) , 08 2012 .

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08:39 (GMT+2) , 08 2012 .

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18:44 (GMT+2) , 07 2012 .

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, 01 2012 . 21:38 +
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, 01 2012 . 17:04 +


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, 01 2012 . 15:36 +
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, 29 2012 . 22:56 +


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, 28 2012 . 13:28 +
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, 26 2012 . 18:48 +
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, 25 2012 . 10:12 +




, 24 2012 . 16:11 +
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, 12 2012 . 11:24 +

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, 11 2012 . 22:43 +

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, 05 2012 . 12:21 +




, 04 2012 . 23:11 +
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, 04 2012 . 13:47 +

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, 03 2012 . 23:46 +


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, 01 2012 . 21:39 +

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, 31 2012 . 21:10 +


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, 31 2012 . 18:52 +
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I think mice
Are rather nice.
Their tails are long.
Their faces small.
They haven't any
Chins at all.
Their ears are pink,
Ther teeth are white,
They run about
The house at night.
They nibble things
They shouldn't touch
And no one seems
To like them much.
But I think mice
Are nice.



, 29 2012 . 21:02 +




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, 28 2012 . 18:23 +


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From fairest creatures -

, 27 2012 . 23:29 +
From fairest creatures we desire increase,
That thereby beauty's rose might never die,
But as the riper should by time desease,
His tender heir might bear his memory:

But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,
Feed's thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,
Making a famine where abundance lies,
Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.

Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament
And only herald to the gaudy spring,
Within thine own bud buries thy content
And, tender churl, makest waste in niggarding.

Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.



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, 22 2012 . 21:27 +

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I'm the book that Nancy read* -

, 22 2012 . 14:54 +

1970 . 2012

I'm the book that Nancy read
For fifteen minutes together.
Now I am standing here on my head
While she's gone to look at the weather.
My leaves are crushed in the cruellest way,
There's jam on my opening page,
And I would not live with miss Nancy Gay
Though I shouldn't be read for an age.



RaVISsant TaTi


Trains -

, 22 2012 . 12:36 +

Trains* 1970 2012

Over the mountains,
Over the plains,
Over the rivers,
Here come the trains.

Carrying passengers,
Carrying mail,
Bringing their loads
Without fail.

Over the mountains,
Over the plains,
Over the rivers,
Here come the trains.




RaVISsant TaTi



, 16 2012 . 20:20 +


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, 14 2012 . 00:07 +

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, 06 2012 . 14:58 +



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The crazy sun at sunset
was shone, as if a thousand lights.
Threshold roaring at the shallows,
sparks were created from the Sun.
The waves were rocked the boat,
The whirlwind was falling at rocks.
On the rocks a seagull slept
on gray mountain stones.
In the mist, all were, as if melted.
The stream rustled around stones.
Alone, among the rocks, I'd looked for
the flower, is growing near the water.


, 01 2012 . 20:41 +

' '
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, 30 2011 . 22:20 +

...Some flowers are growing in the mountains,
that bloom in summer and winter time.
I'm sure, a lot of lonely-dinosaurs
the them crowd of, here are going
And I'm watching as tired' waves,
when you were listening the wind's talk.
I might had to look to your image again.
I might had to together bird's flocks.


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, 26 2011 . 19:52 +

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, 25 2011 . 17:24 +

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In the starry sky the moon is rising

, 24 2011 . 19:15 +

In the starry sky, the moon is rising
with the magic dreams.
This is the radiant country,
This is the tale the winter sleep.
The wind is scooped up snow,
to was piling snows on the threshold
and to the fairy-tale town
was waking up in the this snow .
There were having
on the bushes a lot of snowy clothes.
A mischievous snow
was closed all of bridges.
White-winged Sylphs were
picking up a fabulous arrow
And there sound was, as
if is a song for people.








, 23 2011 . 21:52 +
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, 21 2011 . 21:48 +




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the New Year is coming!

, 20 2011 . 12:56 +

Everything's been different
All the day long.
Lovely things have happened,
Nothing has gone wrong.

Nobody has scolded me,
Everyone has smiled.
Isn't it delicious
To be a birthday child?

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1970 , 2011



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