This is unbelievable i have be suffering for HEPATITIS B who helped me in my life, i want to inform. |
There are various male enhancement products for sale in today's market, most of which come with ample offers on improving penile size and improving a man's sexual drive amongst other things. We all know that Viagra is the chemical-based sexual enhancement pills that help you get an erection immediately like within a hour or so. However, there are some side effects with this pill that many men don't like, such as headaches, vision loss, dizzy, stomachaches, etc. This is why you can see many penile herbal natural male enhancement supplements enlargement pills that sell on the market along with penis exercises that help me reach to that size.
No matter how crazy it sounds , he knows I'm open minded, he came to me and told me he wAs cursed... Not sure how to react I just kept asking him questions, he mentioned sirens would come to him at night and sing to him , he would hear children in the house , or he would see our deceased brother around... It was all very scary I believed him , I mentioned it to my parents but they just figured he was on drugs..... 3 weeks later he kept telling mom that he wasn't feeling good he kept having thoughts of suicide so he picked up the phone and called the police on himself... He told the police he had rapped his girl friend.....police showed up arrested him , his girlfriend showed up and convinced the the officers that it wasn't true that she had never been raped... They let him go told our mother to take him to a psychiatrist.... So immediately we took him he was placed in psychiatric hospital for 3 days, where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia..... He was given meds that would have him sleeping all day..... He was a different person someone that I didn't know.... It all felt like the change had happened over night...... Even though he had been diagnosed he claimed he was cursed and that he wanted to get cleansed..... So my parents took him to a curandero in English it's a shaman To get spiritually healed..... The shaman immediately saw that someone had placed a curse on him and was trying to harm him...... So the shaman started my brothers cleansing...... And ever since his first visit he's been off medication.... He stopped hearing voices and seeing stuff.... So far he's been cleansed 9 times he needs to be cleansed 10 times in order to completely heal him and recover from the harmful curse......
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