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: 17.02.2014
: 3070


Christ is risen! !:)

, 20 2014 . 10:01 +
Spirit_of_Sky (Christian) , , , (Easter). - (Holy Week) (Palm Sunday), (Lent). , (the gospel), (Jesus Christ) (Jerusalem). , (palm branches). (believers) (temple, church) . (willow branches), . (blessed) (sacred). (behind the icons) ( ).

804505 (700x437, 113Kb)

(in churches) (service).

(Maundy Thursday) (The Last Supper) - (apostles [ə'pɔsls]). (Good Friday): , (Jesus was crucified on a cross).

(Paskha/Russian Pravoslavnaya easter)? (Hebrew). easter*. Russian Orthdox easter.

(to spring-clean homes), (to make the traditional kulich and paskha). (to dye/to decorate/to paint eggs), .

, (some of the hard-boiled painted eggs) , (priest) . (go to the Church) (for Midnight Mass) - , . : ! ("Christ is risen!"), (the congregation/parishioners) : ! ("He is risen indeed!"). (Kisses are exchanged three times on alternative cheeks).

(to the huge easter table). (Fish is not served at Ester table). » (eggs are decorated with » on the back, the Cyrillic initials for " Christ is risen"). (the "Battle of the Eggs" takes place). . (The loser's egg cracks), , (until there is a champion).

, ! : )


- . , - , - . . . , , . , . , , . , , , (Resurrection).

, , , :

The Seven Deadly Sins
Anger (or Wrath, or Ire) - ,
Lust (or Lechery)
Covetousness (or Greed, or Avarice) - ,
Sloth -
The Ten Cammandments -
Messiah [mә'saiә] -
The Old Testament -
The New Testament
Evangelist - one of the four writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) of the books called the Gospels in the Bible
The Book of Revelation - ()
the Crucifixion
the Resurrection
Ascension Day (the 40th day after easter, when the Ascension of Christ into heaven is celebrated)
to convert to Christianity
The Trinity :

God the Father
God the Son
The Holy Spirit
The Passion of Christ
original sin
fast -
to break the fast -

, , !

: 4

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NathalieV   , 20 2014 . 10:24 ()
galinaras   , 20 2014 . 15:00 ()
The Easter day has come to us,
So greet it with a smile,
The winter days are in the past,
Springs coming for a while,
Lets sing and dance, lets celebrate
And spend this day together,
The Easters here anyway,
So let it last forever!
mega-san   , 13 2015 . 17:13 ()
Rucci   , 12 2015 . 00:32 ()
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: ( )
