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, 25 2019 . 19:34 +
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Wim Hof: " "! ( )

, 16 2019 . 01:57 +


, 22 2018 . 17:25 +


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, 06 2018 . 15:23 +



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, 29 2018 . 00:40 +
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, 29 2018 . 23:39 +
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Transformational Breath is possibly the most powerful self healing tool on the planet

, 29 2018 . 19:54 +
ransformational Breath is a safe, life-changing, natural, self-healing process. It brings more oxygen and energy into the body, clears the subconscious, and allows for greater connection with your authentic self. By opening our breath, we open our lives to greater possibility.
How It Works

On a physical level, by releasing the tension that constricts our breathing pattern, we not only open the breath to increase capacity but we also improve the quality of the breath. The body receives more oxygen, nourishing all of its cells. This brings more energy into the body and increases the bodys natural ability to detoxify. (It is estimated that approximately 70% of the bodys detoxification process is through the breath. Most people use only 20-30% of their full respiratory capacity. When you consider that the amount of oxygen in the air is less than it was hundreds of years ago, all this indicates that we are really getting the short shrift of what was meant for our health and well-being.)

Transformational Breath allows for subconsciously held negative patterns of past trauma or held emotions to resolve. Held emotions create a stagnation of energy, potentially causing dis-ease. Energy that is stagnated is not available for our present health and well-being.

By using specific breathing techniques, we can create a circuit that allows this previously stagnated energy to flow, integrate, and be available for more vitality in our present lives. Transformational Breath also uses sound, movement, and safe physical touch to free up the tension and move stagnated energy that restricts our breathing capacity.



, 27 2018 . 13:16 +


, 27 2018 . 12:53 +
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, 30 2018 . 00:56 +


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, 30 2018 . 20:29 +


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, 30 2018 . 20:22 +




, 03 2015 . 00:18 +



, 25 2015 . 16:57 +
......................................derin nefesi dene sadece enaz 4 ay nedeni şu oksijen alıp verdikce hava tüm vucuda kan dolaşımı ile gider bölece nerde ne sorun varsa orda tedavi eder yaptıkca derin nefesi ...bundan niye eminim mi cevabım ..bende agzımda sol tarafta hafif bir yara vardı onu temizledi tertemiz oldu yeri ben devamlı ac mideye derin nefes 150 defa 3 ögün ac mideye sabah ögle akşam ac mideye 150 defa ..150 150 150 ..3 defa aynı sayıda yapıyorum bol oksijen geldikce vücuda hasarlı yerleri yara bere olan yerlerde tertemiz oldugunu şahsen şahit oldum bu mübarek cuma gecesinde ...Allah dert vermiş dermanda vermiş bulabilene derler bazı eski insanlarımız ...bu derin nefesi derin derin 150 yi bulunca önceleri mide içi kasılırdı titrerdi bogazda titreme cenede titreme sol kolda ellerde uyuşma olurdu bunlar şuan yok artık cok deniyorum masus özellikle derin derin zorluyorum nefesi hiç bu tür belirti yok artık ....bide masa başı cok oturmaktan kollarda dirseklerde nasır gibi kabuk bagladı yara oldu cok diresege yüklenmekten masada oturunca kollarda bu durum şuan tertemiz olmuş yerleri temizlenmiş resmen ....tüm ciddi sorunlar için derin nefesi deneyin ha vücuddaki hasara bakıyor ha deyince gecmez bazı durumlar bundan tam tedavi olana dek devam edilirse kesin çözümü bu ...benden tavsiyemdir tabiki isdeyen dener isdemiyen denemez ayrı konu ....hayırlı cumalar cümleten herkese ....Allah şifa versin herkese inşaallah......not aclık vücuda zarar verebilir örnek beslenme bozuklugu olur b12 vitamin eksikligi yaparsa sıkıntı oluşur .....aclıkla pek olmaz zararlı olur .............. http://tavsiyenipaylas.com/Tavsiyeler/13/refluden-nasil-kurtuldum


, 14 2014 . 01:38 +
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