



: 04.05.2012
: 2846



Poets of the Fall - Daze ( " Jealous Gods " 2014 ).

, 09 2020 . 23:15 +

Rolling down the freeway, master to the speed of light

Screaming up in the air, bursting through the night

No rest, I've stayed here too long, it's time to move on
, ,

Reality's a three way, a scenery defined

By tomorrow dubbed a mystery and the past just blurry lines

If there's ever been injustice in my name, I bow unto blame
- ,

And you can give me everything I need this way

We'll be loving till the first light of the day

Set the world on fire with bittersweet desire

To chase away the night, let the whole world burn

Set the world on fire for bliss in sweet denial, oblivion and peace
, ,

Will you let me burn?

Drifting like a cast off, the shadows got it good
, ,

With constant companions, would that I could

Further afield my nemesis on stilts is gaining on me

So I crawl across the state line, to another state of being

Holding on for dear life to the better days I've seen

Long for the comfort of your loving arms, your passions, your charms

And you can give me everything I need this way...
, ...

Set the world on fire...
, ...

Did you ever feel your love eclipsing the sun
- , ?

I give you the reason I'm still on the run

Disappear in the heavy glare of neon

Set the world on fire...
, ...

* Google / '' Poets of the Fall ''.
POTF / "Jealous Gods" 2014


Poets of the Fall - Rebirth ( " Jealous Gods '' 2014 ).

, 26 2020 . 16:47 +

What is beauty compared to grief

What is joy in league with sorrow

A dead rushes' fleet drifting on a quiet tide

N' does a sunset know its worth
, ,

Making yesterday tomorrow

Is there a silence on this earth before every tear's been cried
, ,

For you, for you

I would bring down the heavens on this earth

For you, for you

I would even trust the devil for rebirth

With every road once paved with gold

Both hands with a heart to hold

How could we look past all the stories we have told

Could we lose ourselves again

In a childlike faith

Trust the wishing well, dance like Tinker Bell
, , -

For you, for you

I would walk forever through this barren land

For you, for you

I would hold a deadly viper in my hand

For you, for you

I would bring down the heavens on this earth

For you, for you

I would even trust the devil for rebirth

* Google / '' Poets of the Fall ''.
POTF / "Jealous Gods" 2014


POTF - Hounds to Hamartia ( "Jealous Gods " 2014 ).

, 24 2018 . 02:26 +

A single kiss for your treasure

There just left at your door

Life has shown you no pleasure before
, ,

Double cross for a symbol

Name your rosary beads

You will nurture the fable till it bleeds

Bleeds for your love

No more tragic love for sale in the crooked gallery
, .

High on acid love gone stale seems like fantasy
, , .

Just like magic Hubris leads, leads its hounds, hounds to Hamartia
, , , .

What you eclipse makes your measure
, ?

What you leave reaches for you in your stead
, ?

Taking flaws for a gamble to get ahead
, .

No remorse for the trouble spread

In the revolution

No more tragic love for sale
, ..

Hit or miss youll be playing
, .

Paying your dues cos you need the game all the same
, .

Fame draws you like fireflies to the flame
, ,

Play all on red

No more tragic love for sale
, ...

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POTF / "Jealous Gods" 2014


POTF - Love will come to you ( "Jealous Gods" 2014 ).

, 18 2018 . 03:26 +

Hey, whats going on? Whatcha doin here?
, ? ?

Is there something wrong tonight?
- ?

Do you remember who I chose to be?
, ?

My best friend in this life

Life doesnt run a clear course

It flows through from within

Its supposed to take you places and leave markings on your skin

And those marks are just a sign of something true
, - ,

you witnessed in your time

Of something new, like the start of something fine
, - .

Like morning dew love will come again to you

Like morning dew

Morning dew

Hey, can you tell me who you are?
, , ?

The colour of your dawn

When the gates are open from last nights revelry on the lawn

And when the sounds of laughter still echo in your dreams

The smoke screen disappears and nothing is what it seems

And your tears have been worthwhile

They got you through to a different place and time where all is new
, , .

To the start of something fine
- .

Like morning dew your love will come again to you

Like morning dew

Love is there when you open the door

and you step off the trail you knew before
, .

Through the streets and the houses of gods you roam

and on their altars you lay your heart of stone
, .

Till all laughter is claws on your skin

and your moments of clarity scream the hell within
, .

When you fade like a rose in the gloom love waits outside your room
, ,

Like morning dew your love will come again to you
, .

Morning dew


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POTF / "Jealous Gods" 2014


POTF - Choice Millionaire ( "Jealous Gods" 2014 ).

, 23 2018 . 02:03 +

Cars in the night, cut through the mist

Baby suns for eyes, diamonds on your wrist

Twist in the scheme, a permeating theme

A violin crescendo

Dark violet skies over seas of lead

Hard violent fights, red sun will set

Like a rivulet, like a tear beget
, ,

A clear innuendo

Silence of the mind ever deafening

Rain on the roof ever prattling
, .

Straddling truth for the pain you gain for pain

Some bill of rights

Daring getaways, steamy masquerades

Famine of all wars, whores and escapades

Jack of Spades in silk brocades

Velvet nights in city lights

Its a wide wide world out there

And life can be a love affair

Or a cage of sheer despair

Youre a choice millionaire

Its a wide wide world out there

You can travel in your easy chair

So build your castles in the air

Youre a choice millionaire
- .

Because no one needs any more confessions

Shadows cast without a streak of fear

Moments past, held so dear

A lock of hair, a touch of lip

A lashing whip

Subliminal love for the ones you hate
, .

LOL as I abbreviate

Alleviate if you can relate to the pink slip

Of love unzipped

Minutes burning till seconds pop

Silhouettes dancing till the curtains drop
, .

Stop before you lose your mojo
, ,

Your fear of heights

Hot passion flares every pipe dream

Concussion, blindness of a regime

A scream incites, the air ignites
, ,

The city lights

Its a wide wide world out there

So put a lacquer on your hunger

Parade the sky that youre under

Without heedless impressions

No one needs more confessions x2

Its a wide wide world out there

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( , . ""))))) )
POTF / "Jealous Gods" 2014


POTF - Brighter than the sun ( "Jealous Gods" 2014 ).

, 14 2018 . 03:44 +

Im in way too deep like a poser

And falling for the dreams just the ground getting closer
, , .

I guess its how our lives get painted in scars
, ,

With everything riding on a joker

With the paradise syndrome strap on for spurs

Regret is the skin you shed just to make it this far
- , ,

I need you to find me, I can no longer breathe
, ,

I want you to touch me, just to know I still feel, oh
, , ,

Like a miracle you change me, raise me
, ,

Brighter than the sun till Im ready to be me

And your love is the reason, yeah
, .

Like a miracle you wake me, make me
, ,

Brighter than the sun when it used to blind me

I know your love is the reason
, -

Love never goes out of season

I got nothing to call a solution

Not a penny to my name, just riding the motion
, .

Yet like a child I still reach for the stars
, .

But if this darkened hole is my conclusion

And the mother of pearl world is just a notion

I lose for playing out my part in this farce
, .

I need you to find me, I can no longer breathe
, ,

And I want you to touch me, just to know I still feel, oh
, , ,

Like a miracle

Just remember when its time speak your mind,
, , , ,

speak your mind, you gotta show them how
, ,

Show them how you wanna live your life

Just one life, one life, all in the now
, ,


Like a miracle

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POTF / "Jealous Gods" 2014


POTF - Rumors ( "Jealous Gods" 2014).

, 13 2017 . 02:44 +

Like whispered hot secrets your restless dreams will fade away

In still life like motion slow through the frantic rush of the day
, .

With lackeys of lust crowding the streets

N I know they would steal your heart to see my love tortured
, ,

Render trust a hostage to fortune

Rumors seduce like fire

Seducing illusions driving the chariot of hearts astray

Standing silent vigil over the moments of ease that still remain
, .

With a thorn to the side for every good deed

N I know they would steal your heart
, ...

Every day is a day we awake into this life
- ,

Another chance another line to define

And we will dance, we will play, and experience a lifetime
, .

Every day is a day we die

Cos I know they would steal your heart
, ...

N I know they would steal your heart to see my love tortured
, , ,

Render trust a hostage to fortune

Rumors seduce like wildfire
, .

Steal your heart to see my love tortured
, ...

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POTF / "Jealous Gods" 2014


POTF - Clear Blue Sky ( "Jealous Gods" 2014).

, 09 2017 . 02:35 +

I want to feel the sun shine

On my face like a new days just begun
, .

And Ill steal a moments fun

And reflect on all those days long dead and gone
, .

The memories still rock my cradle

Yesterdays sing me a lullaby

I cant fight it

It takes me back

To the days when you and I ran free of worries

Underneath the wide, clear, blue sky
, , .

Ill never be the one, no

To regret the things that I have never done
, .

And Ill reason with, with myself till I no longer feel the need to justify
, , .

I cant fight it

It takes me back

And I remember reaching high,

like borne on wings of sheer belief through my clear blue sky
, .

Thinking bout the times we had
, ,

All our days in the sun

Memories now brilliant and mad

They still linger on

Cant fight it

It takes me back

To the days when you and I ran free of worries

Underneath the wide, clear, blue sky
,, .

I cant fight it

It takes me back

And I remember reaching high,

like borne on wings of sheer belief through my clear blue sky
, .

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POTF / "Jealous Gods" 2014


POTF - Nothing stays the same( "Jealous Gods" 2014).

, 04 2017 . 02:14 +

Ive talked to the ladies down the walk

Ive drunk in tattoos that have brought the world to my eyes
, .

Understanding opens doors

to the intricate weave of how good tomorrow could be
, .

Been doused in elixir to numb my pains

And black and white thoughts have all bowed to me

As Ive walked through their unlit corridors

And weak as I am youre like an angel standing by me
, , , .

When sorrow calls my name

I know nothing stays the same
, .

Ive talked to the men of high regard

In rooms ever white and my soul grew dark by their words

Softly sweet as kissing lips
- ,

A kaleidoscope of no consolation at all

Ive bargained my bit with fate and all

With no preconceptions of immortality

I rolled the dice uncompromised

And lost as I am youre my good samaritan
, , .

When sorrow calls my name

I know nothing stays the same
, .

Google/ "POTF".
POTF / "Jealous Gods" 2014


POTF - Jealous Gods ( "Jealous Gods" 2014).

, 25 2017 . 00:50 +

Can you feel the void between us

Nothing there but light, yet it seems

Like the weight of the world

Keeping us here in the dark.
, .

If I allow our blessings define us,

Bearing the scars of our loss

Like it's all we deserve
, .

When passions we hold will depart.
, , .

If I could build a bridge between us

Arcs of soaring rainbows

Strength of mother earth

Would it fill our hearts.

If I instilled a faith to guide us

Blind and sweet like free flow

A seed in every word.

Could we lose the facades

Are we just jealous gods?

With every wall ablaze around us

Calling out your name

Like It's now and never surrender,
, ,

Victory is yours to claim.

By every trick of light by sleight-of-hand,
, ,

That makes a miracle reality right where you stand.
, , , .

They got their claws in good and deep

So you see there ain't no placing the blame.
, .

And so I'll build a bridge between us,

Arcs of soaring rainbows,

Strength of mother earth

For a brand new start.

And instill new faith to guide us

Blind and sweet like free flow

With every single word.

We won't go down as frauds

Like jealous gods,

Like jealous gods.

We are the perfect flaws -

Perfect with our flaws -

Just jealous gods,

Just jealous gods.

We're the perfect flaws,

The perfect flaws.

I can sense your apprehension

Fear for naught for I'm here

And I'm made of your love

Found in the quick of things.

And we can walk the bridge between us

Arcs of soaring rainbows,

Strength of mother earth,

Let it fill our hearts

And instill a faith to guide us
, .

Blind and sweet like free flow

There's a joy for every hurt.

Forgiveness in the flaws

Even for jealous gods.

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POTF / "Jealous Gods" 2014


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