



: 04.05.2012
: 2844


Poets of the fall.

, 06 2022 . 22:24 +
Poets of the Fall Community
Poets - Tour Diaries - Part 13
Who Needs a Parachute?
Take a freefall. Nose dive. Hurl yourself into it, whatever it is, with full steam. Its the immersion that speaks to you in a voice like no other. No tentavive attemps, hesitant toe dips or wry smiles lashing pitifully out from the fringes can give the same sense of satisfaction, fascination and leave you wanting to return. A new city. Taste the air, watch the steam rise into the night with every exhale. Stand under the clouds and the stars, the cosmos, until you understand. Feel the gait of those passing by. How their bones move driven by the authority of the muscles, pulled taut or relaxed, under their skin. Wear their expressions, until you feel their thoughts. Listen to the careening screams of the metal golems on the highways and the by ways, stopping and revving at the street lights. Look above the lights to the skyline, the massive buildings, build with time Become one with it all, until you hear its music, that unsteady rhythm of its fitful sleep and that beautiful, plaintive melody it sings. This is our world. Our life. Our time. We are in it together. Take care. -Marko
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. Poets of the Fall /2020-2022

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