



: 04.05.2012
: 2844


Poets of the fall.

, 09 2022 . 22:23 +
* www.DeepL.com/Translator ( )
Poets - Tour diaries - Part 2
A new day, a new drive Rain. My favourite state of affairs. Unnecessary thought leaves me like vapor, dissipating, clearing the view. It rinses the scenery through the windshield. Washes over the endless fields to my right as I ride shotgun, gazing beyond the obvious. Drenched lanes after drenched lanes, moving billboards weve come to know as trucks, and those metal coffins on wheels we call cars, all careening ahead in the cosmos of traffic, all in high speed. Some more than others. From the backseat, jazz notes on a guitar. While sophisticated, theyd still promote a frantic atmosphere, if not for the soothing rattle of rain on the window. Out to my right, in the field, a solitary deer grazes by a copse of lush trees. Id wager its the only being in sight completely unfazed by the downpour. As it too will pass. Meanwhile my heart smiles. Leaning back on immense cushions, with a book in hand, it snacks on fond memories. . . . Make more good memories today. Thank you all for your lovely comments. Much appreciated. -Marko

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. Poets of the Fall /2020-2022

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