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Anatomy of feminism 2023


Feminism as part of neotrotskyism and the activities of transnational corporations The true goals of feminism Trotskyism + TNK = Globalism Other supposedly independent ideologies of neotrotskyists Some subjects of Trotskyism and TNC Signs of non -independence (Trotskyism) and extremism in feminism Negrofilia and its propaganda Techniques for the propaganda of feminism Signs of feminism in Russia Proposals for the reform of the gender sphere

Feminism as part of neotrotskyism and the activities of transnational corporations

Feminism is the destruction of men, mainly white and yellow races, under the guise of a struggle for women's rights. Feminism, on the one hand, is a product of neotrotskyism (they call themselves in order to confuse the population with abstract concepts - liberals, democrats), on the other hand, the side of the activity of transnational corporations (hereinafter referred to as TNC). Feminism positions itself as a separate, supposedly spontaneously arising movement, which does not apply to Trotskyism and TNC, but in fact it is part of them, since it realizes their goals, which will be shown further. The synonym for neotrotskyism in the West is cultural Marxism, which is considered by some political scientists as an imitation of socialism by TNC, as it makes a bet on culture, but not the transfer of all private ownership in the hands of the state in the classical version. Feminism is in a clear form, as in the USA, and implicit forms, as in the USSR or the Russian Federation.

The true goals of feminism

From the Trotskyists

Modern Trotskyism grew out of the Frankfurt school, which itself originates near Trotsky. Andropov admitted that "manipulation by the instinct of reproduction is useful within the country and beyond ...". It is meant that the export of feminism to the West served as the purpose of its weakening and decomposition. However, in the 90s, these ideologems returned in Russia, in which latent feminism has been observed from the time of the USSR, which doubled its destructive action. Trotskyists often call themselves democrats, liberals, since these concepts are abstract. Who is against the freedom or the authorities of the people? And you are called a Trotskyist, then you cant live for a long time. The ultimate goal of the neotrotskyists is to build a society of universal equality, universal equality, which, of course, is impossible. Since all economic resources are concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere, in the white and yellow races, these resources must be redistributed between the entire population of the Earth. Since at least for geographical reasons this is impossible, it is necessary to build such a society in a separate territory and slowly expand it or overtake the entire population of the Earth into the northern hemisphere. For this, it is necessary to weaken the white race, and we are talking about our interests, and its nation, since they themselves in a good mind and health will not agree to this. It is necessary to destroy identity. One of the most effective tools here is the creation of a deficiency of sex in men. The shortage of sex causes stress in the male part of the nation. Men as an intellectual and power resource of the nation in this state here and Now they cannot resist the authorities imported by migrants, and in the long run the birth critically falls. Gradually, the indigenous population is replaced, migrants penetrate the authorities and begin to dictate the agenda for the indigenous population until its complete destruction/enslavement. Hence the frequently used term tolerance, taken originally from medicine - the inability to resist infections, that is, migrants. It is one thing when there is an economic need for labor, and another thing is when migrants become the object of worship and itself. Hence the economically unreasonable flows of migrants to Europe and the USA. The deficit of sex is created by an increase in a womans sense of self -importance with the style of you worthy of more. Thus, in fact, the white and yellow races should ensure a good life to the entire population of the Earth at their own expense and at home. In addition, feminism encourages 1 gap of generic ties 2 False paternity of 3 single mothers (RSP-biomurus, divorces with a trailer, that is, a stranger child, ideological mothers-single), that is, an incomplete family who is crippling the psyche of the child from childhood. This is an analogue of circumcision in slave Abrahamic religions: in Judaism of boys and female circumcision in Islam. The birth rate falls, since the birth rate is high where there is a lot of sex. Studies have shown that in those periods of history when there are legalized public houses in the country, the birth rate is high. Today, the anti -Southern in Putin in Russia led to the extinction of the Russian nation. A man who had no enough sex until 25 years old will not create a family in the future, will walk left more often than if this period is filled. The unrealization of sexual instinct in the teenage period, according to German scientists, leads to persistent impotence. Hence the pedoistry. It is not clear what damage can cause sex with a woman with a woman? All calls for high fertility without taking into account these facts are nothing more than imitation. The pedoistry of feminists comes to the point that their pedophilia is considered to have sex with a 20 year old woman, which by the age of 20 already has a BU, a gifted, wide patient with infections with a mileage of 100 members by its 20 years. According to feminists, a man should want sex with cellulite, with sagging boobs, with wrinkles of a 40 -year -old old woman, and even pay unthinkable money for this dubious pleasure, actually maintain such a parasite.

From TNC

1 women as consumers of really unnecessary trash 2 women as the incentives of men to acquire trash and its exchange for sex 3 mixing of races and nations to unify consumer preferences 4 Mixing nations to remove customs barriers. In this sense, globalists are also, as they want a unified global market.

From a number of countries

A number of regimes use feminism as a tool for retaining power. Feminism is beneficial for the state, since 1 man will not overthrow the regime, but will be busy with problems in his personal life, mainly by searching for sex 2 a man can be tied up with various payments to a woman of 3 women - a formally significant part of voters, most of whom do not even think of Several years ahead.

Trotskyism + TNC = Globalism

Trotskyism initially global, does not recognize Ras and Nations at all, sets the task of building a fair society on the whole earth at once, so Trotskyists are globalists. Transnational corporations act globally, advocate the creation of a unified global market. Thus, the goals of the Trotskyists and TNCs in many respects coincide. The mention of globalists without their specific disclosure is a departure of attention to the side. In addition, TNC management has geopolitical ambitions, since the turnover of many TNCs exceeds the annual budget of such a developed country as Germany. TNCs are often not instruments in the hands of any state, but the state is an instrument in the hands of TNCs. The organizers of feminism are globalists, since the facts shown shows that their goals are global. These forces often resort to the stuffing of all kinds of theories-speakers that cannot be expanded from specific customers to performers. Any conspiracy theory has the right to life, if the structure is clear, the motives of the parties, and is not just given the assertion that some reptiles want to capture the world. For what? How? Dates, etc. Hanging the label of the conspiracy theory should help ensure that the above is not paid attention to. Such operations as Mastard, Gladidi, Stealthy Insect Sensor projects, the MK Ultra project and many others that were ridiculed as a conspiracy theories.

Other supposedly independent ideologies of neotrotskyists

Next, ideologies and phenomena created by the Trotskyists, TNCs, some modes, or taken under control are listed. They, like feminism, are positioned as independent, but in fact they realize the goals of the Trotskyists and TNCs. The rate is made on accounts and weakening of the population in order to simplify management. 1 criminal ideologies (Russian AUE, Mexican drug cartels). The criminal, especially the youth, who sooner or later falls into the hands of the state, becomes controlled by life. 2 migrantophilia. The seizure of territories without struggle. Negrofilia. Lowering white in beauty and intelligence to the level of blacks. 3 Excessive consumerism, "consumption". 4 Massive Conscious Culture (REP, Hip Hop, Camedy Club, Dom-2). Its easier to manage dumb. 5 copywritten. Limiting access to information in order to misunderstand the world and quality rest. 6 elite education. Limiting access to information in order to misunderstand the world. 7 imperatives. Pseudonationalism. The norm is a contractual National Democracy with other peoples. 8 Abrahamic religions. Initially created by Rome to manage the masses, slave religions, which are successfully used today by new owners. Signs: The servant of God, Knowledge increases sorrow, any power from God, masochism, etc. With the Abrahamic Patriarchate, the man is not completely free. Under him a wife and children, but above him a king, over whom a very dubious god. They require a man to have a family. However, now cognitive freedom is important to a man. The Russian Orthodox Church called Russian men the national tragedy of MK RU/Social/2019/09/08/V-RPC-Nazvali-Rossiyskikh-Muzhchin-Nacionalnoy-Tragediey.html quotes: According to Archpriest, there are exception For women and protect against hooligans), but rarely. " A man should work, and he was tempered at this work. That is, again we are talking about a man as a servant of women and the state: the servants of God, serf men, sheep (property) of Israelis house. Alternative Vedism. 9 Aijism. 10 Fashion for stupidity, including endless humor (Kamedi Club, our rash, house-2, the life of crazy "stars"). 11 Actually fashion for something. That is, thoughtless execution of imposed templates. 10 nakedness of people. Naked people cannot resist the authorities, migrants. 11 workaholism. Human health, lack of time to comprehend what is happening. So that people do not understand what is happening 13 Islamism (pseudoisam) 14 Nerolithicization and inadequate of artificial intelligence for the implementation of the workshop. 15 15 Anti -Assembly, pseudo -dedication (for example, Putin's Vedas, who direct fools to Syria. Real Vedas are concepts such as karma, void, etc.)

Some subjects of Trotskyism and TNC

The Democratic Party of the United States, the EuroSovki of the European Union (left -wing parties of Germany, France, England and Sweden), liberals and Putinists of Russia.

Signs of non -independence (Trotskyism) and extremism in feminism

\ Feminism for migrants. From the correspondence of TNK-Ka D. Soros, it is known that the authors of the Istanbul Convention on the fight against violence against women consider it together with the UN General Agreement on migration. Feminists in Europe and the United States are surprisingly often advocated for the rights of migrants, but not the indigenous population. Such one -sidedness, bias is amazing. \ In feminism, a man is to blame for everything from birth. According to recognized principles of law, the practice of protecting the interests of one social group Women to the detriment of the other social group Men is unacceptable. Initially, this means that men from birth are to blame for everything, and women are saints by nature. This is certainly wrong. We give only a small selection of womens crimes: in the Murmansk region, the mother cut off the son of a penis and dangled the eyes of Opentown Ru/Novosti/21846 Mother cut off her daughter's head and cut his throat Sakhapress ru/archives/242960 Mother killed the babies with dedicated cream MK RU/Incid/2019/2019/2019/2019/2019/2019/2019/2019 05 /22/MAT-UBILA-GURUDNICHKA-RAZVEDENNYMI-SLIVKAMI.html Mother killed a seven-year-old son for poorly made lessons MK ru/incident/02/09/Mat-Umilego-Syna-za-sdelannye- Uroki.html In Ulan-Ude, a large mother, out of jealousy, killed a lover Mk ru/Incident/2019/24/V-Ulanude-mnogodetnaya-mat-revnosti-Ubila-lyubovnika.html in Buryatia, a mother killed a child, hid him in the sofa and left for a week in a ruin Mk ru/incident/2019/10/23/v-Buryatii-mother -rebenka-spryatala-ego-v-divan-i-y-nedlyu-v-zagul.html in the Astrakhan region, many children killed her husband Mk ru/incident/2019/01/05/v-astrakhanskoy -oblasti-mnogodetnaya-mat-svoego-muzha.html Mother killed children in spite of her husband Mk ru/2011/08/09/09/613018-mother-Detey-nazlo-muzhu.html gave a head and was frightened: her mother told how she killed and threw the child in Biysk Mk ru/Incident/2019 /08/01/dala-podzatylnik-i-Ispugalas-mat-kak-kak-ubila-i-vybrosila-rebenka-v-biyske.html 37-year-old Chelyabinka killed her mother after a night in the kitchen of Mk RU/Incid/2018/2018/ 11/07/37letnyay-Chelyabinka-mat-posle-nochnoy-sory-na-kukhne.html The baby, who has disappeared and buried by his own mother Mk RU/Incident/2019/09/01/Malysha-Kotoryy-V-Bashkirii-Abila-i-Zakopala-rodnaya-Mat.html In Moscow, the mother cut off the 12-year-old son of the MK RU/Incident/2019/03/30/V-Moskve-Matrezala-12letnemu-Synu-Chast-ukha.html cut off the ear due to 500 rubles: in Russia The atrocities over the son of OBOZREVATEL COM/Russia/Otrezala-uho-za-za-za-za-za-za-v-rossii-materials-zovershila-zverstvo-nad-syinom.htm and where are they strict regime and life imprisonment for them? If they are not there, then the women will kill what is happening. And if a man is to blame for everything again, and a woman is not responsible for her actions, then she needs to be deprived of all rights. \ Propaganda of anti -second -second, frigidity and impotence. Feminists oppose the sexycock, prostitution and porn, although 1 prostitution is the choice of many women and not feminists to decide for them 2 they are needed to satisfy male sexual needs. Its denial is extremism. Feminism is trying to shame men for this need, or even deny it. A man should only ruin himself at work from morning till night in order to provide a non-do-it-up parasitic woman. 3 They really reduce the number of real rape, which has shown research throughout the 20th century. (Lenta RU/Articles/2016/12/08/Antisexrobots/Why Feminists are afraid of the invasion of sex robots). This means that feminism does not want to reduce the number of rape too, but set their task to maximize men to realize sexual need. Feminism says that women do not need sex, that is, he denies the biological side of the matter, which is sectarianism. Another goal of feminism is the formation of impotence in men through prolonged unrealization of sex from the period of puberty: there is a need, but there is no implementation. So this area of the psyche will be destroyed or distorted. \ Feminists and Islamism. Feminists for Islamists, and against the contractual Muslims who want to stay at home (ISLAMNEWS RU/News-Feministki-Protiv-tradicionnogo-Islama/, TSARGRADA tV/artInistki-na-STRAZHE-SHARITA_78366 ). That is, feminists play for those Muslims who go to Europe for a good life, but in reality this will lead to its Islamization. A vivid sign of oligophrenia of feminists is a misunderstanding that the Islamists will simply seize power in the country after a while and women will not have any rights in the current understanding. \ Establishment. Feminists are not interested in the armed forces of the nation, including women, which is a real factor in a decrease in the number of violent actions against women (MIGNEWS COM/News/Disasters/World/011218_212822_52329.html). They do not urge women to study martial arts, follow the safety rules, for example, do not go alone at night in dangerous places, as even soldiers in the war do. They do not urge women to learn to distinguish true information from false in order to withstand manipulations. Nun of the Trotskyists and TNCs need to be inconsistent with migrants. \ Idle talk. In words, they are concerned about the rights of women in Africa and in the Middle East, but they themselves do not form combat battalions from themselves to help the "sisters" there. Feminism is not a struggle, but parasitization on good instincts or inattention of a man. All this, in the best case, should do men who are always to blame for everything. \Demagogy. Feminism, due to the unacceptability of the real goals of Trotskyism and TNCs, the initial delirium of its ideas, uses the essence of the concepts (later considered), the pseudo-core language, repeated repetitions, personal insults, screams and other methods of demagogy. \ Feminism does not seek to conduct a national referendum. Where is the voting of all women of a country about recognizing the principles of feminism at least in the same country of the West over the past 30 years? It is not and will not be, as they will fall. It turns out that the feminists of the impostor speaking on behalf of women. \ Feminism does not denote the boundaries of its requirements. Here, the Trotskyist principle "does not have the beginning of the beginning, the revolution has no end." In this case, we are talking about the destruction of the opposite side (men), the third parties (children), but we are not talking about any equality. Give your finger - they will bite off your hand. \ Feminism hides its organizers (Trotskyists, TNC) and the promotion of their ideologies. Feminists and their owners understand that such ideologies are unacceptable, and therefore punishable. It would seem that feminism would not have to affect the themes of migration, Negro -fuel, Islam or the armed for the nation, however, all these oddities are perfectly explained by the fact that feminists are promoting other ideologies created by their masters. \ Feminism violates the interests of not only the opposite, but also third parties. Practice "face for oneself" violates the rights of the child. RSP (divorce with a trailer, a stranger for a man by a child, an ideological mother-lone) is a woman who deliberately plans 1 birth of a child who is disagreed with a man without planning his future for 20 years in advance 2 Divorce 3 Division of Men's Property 4 receipt of Money from the state, Alimony for his personal consumption, but not consumption of a child 5 leave a child without the right to see his father. RSP is a traitor. 86% of the divorces in the Russian Federation occurs on the initiative of a woman. \ Feminism harms women themselves. The short -term imaginary benefits obtained by a woman from feminism will be completely blocked by the negative: 1 disorder of her personal life with 2 criminal and material liability, which she will have to be carried as the beneficiary of material and intangible goods stolen in men. Another example is an empty term body positive (fat) - fairy tales for women with obesity, that obesity is the norm. Feminism does not warn about such consequences of obesity as diabetes, heart attack, stroke, etc. Feminism denies the basic principles of rationalism, rights, balance theories: \ Feminism believes that women have only rights without duties. \ Feminism for protecting the rights of only one social group (women) at the expense of another (man), that is, for parasitization. There is no protection of the rights of only one social group, and always all layers of society equally. All the rest is parasitic. All the rights of women, that is, neo -feudal privileges on the basis of gender, that is, money, is taken from men. \ The current generations are not responsible for the previous ones. Feminists believe that current men are responsible for the cases of previous generations. \ A man is not responsible for the weakness of a woman, since he did not create her. A womans weakness should not give any advantages to a woman - this is her biological characteristic and only her problem. Feminists do not address the complaint correctly. This is to gods or nature. \ There are no duties and responsibility from birth, but only from the contract. Feminists believe that a man owes something to women from birth. \ Consumption. First you are Russian, and then a woman. The feminists identified new pseudonation - women and believe that the taxes of a Russian man should go to the aid of Neogram in Africa. Therefore, on March 8, international (globalist) women's day is celebrated. \ There is no socialism without prefix National. Otherwise, your taxes go to the maintenance of Africa. They do not have to attack them (imperatives), but also feed too. \ Protection of the rights of a social group does not mean interference in consciousness to a person. Everyone has the right to think what they want. Feminists believe that it is necessary to influence the consciousness of a man. This is a sign of totalitarian ideology. \ No conflict. The conflict part of nature and the law cannot be regulated by many aspects of life. Feminism believes that the law should completely regulate life, relationships. Soon feminism will offer the rules for visiting the toilet at home. This is a completely sensible task for feminism - to develop the regulations of the Kacania and Scripture. \ Physical violence is a psychological investigation. Feminists believe that psychological violence against men from women is the norm, and the answer for this is not the norm. If a woman killed men for a cry on her, then she can be justified, but this should not work on a science. At the same time, a man, according to feminists, should be responsible for psychological violence, which, for example, is the so -called sexual harassment. \ The subjects of violence against women among feminists are only a white man. A neglected man, a woman cannot be subjects of violence, they are always only victims. Negroes in the USA do not rape white women in the United States, and if they are raped, a white man is to blame. The feminists did not say anything about harassment to women in Germany during the events in Cologne. How the feminists have a category of white men, but there is no category of white women, because white women give birth to white men with the participation of white men.

Negrofilia and its propaganda

It must be understood that the concept of race, including white, relatively, but nevertheless it exists. The concept of security is also relatively, but it is taken into account. Belonging to a highly developed race (white, yellow, arabs, Indians) does not speak of a persons high development from birth, but significantly increases the chances of this. In particular, Putinists are natural white blacks or orcs. Next, we will talk about the white race, to which the Russians belong. The importance of a non -terrible, focused on a long -term perspective in the model of modern Japan preserving the racial gene pool, as instinctive eternal value transmitted from generation to generation realized by the person himself, and not by the state, its fencing from Negro visual and genetic influence will be shown on specific facts below. Negroes are the least developed race on the planet. This can be seen from 1) a wretched appearance, which, according to the scandalous survey of 2020, is reminiscent of a poop. In 2022, the study showed that about 76% of Western film products with blacks were failing at the box office, and Hollywood had to take loans to cover these failures. In turn, in the near future, this will lead in a financial crisis in Hollywood. 2) low intelligence. In nature, all the most successful animals usually have a beautiful appearance, for example, a horse or a tiger. The low intelligence of blacks, among other things, is confirmed by 1) the absence of Nobel laureates for natural sciences among blacks 2) lack of self -organization. The countries of Africa both lived in the Stone Age and live. The Polish study of 2016 showed that those countries of Latin America, where the Indian and Spanish population mixed the most dysfunctional with blacks. 3) 86% of crimes in the United States are committed by blacks 4) The blacks did not conquer the whites, but the white blacks. Here, the Trotskyists use a double standard: on the one hand, they admit that there is evolution and adaptability, but on the other hand they do not admit that the black raca 5) Negroes over 40 years in the United States have not achieved any significant successes even when protecting them. On the part of the state in the form of positive discrimination 6) blacks did not create any culture: neither architecture, nor music, nor mythology, nor philosophy. Nobody, for example, will say this about the Chinese or Indians. Everyone knows Chinese architecture and philosophy. Therefore, films with only blacks do not use any success, and in Hollywood the Negroes are forced to embed in the mythology and fantasy of the white race, which is an insult to the white race. 7) There are studies conducted in the United States in the 60-70 years, which suggest that the brain of a black man is primitive than the brain of a representative of a white or yellow race. These studies were seized from the US libraries during the reign of B. Clinton. 8) 83% of the Negro-Arabs in France does not work, but sits on benefits that the whites pay. At the same time, the Turks and the Chinese work. Negroes are a sacred cow for Trotskyists and TNCs, as they are the most wretched people, to the level of which it is necessary to symbolically and biologically lower the white and yellow races. The goals of the Trotskyists and TNCs in the propaganda of non -sinful: in the long -term perspective, mixing white and blacks in order to destroy the Geno Front of the White race as an advanced race for light global control 2 in the short term, instilling wretchedness and stupidity as a norm of behavior for white. The white race, its nations have rights and goals: preserving their appearance and transferring it to the descendants, preserving their culture and transferring it to descendants, spending their money only on yourself, the right to see at home in the country only those who want, symbolic display of white Races in culture. There is another violation of the right to the sovereignty of the race and its nations. This is the same racism that Trotskyists scream about. Only in their false tantrums do white still humiliate blacks. The chain of propaganda of Trotskyism, feminism of Negrofilia is as follows: TNC and Trotskyists (for example, US Democratic)> NPOs, Human Rights Council centers, psychologists and scientific institutions> Cinema, advertising, media, games, social networks and bots in them, messengers, porn sites , public opinion leaders, purchased bloggers, etc. An important role is played by NGOs, human rights centers, psychologists and scientific institutions. They, like feminism, position themselves independent, however, their entire activity is reduced to the promotion of feminism and migrants. They do not protect the indigenous population or men, although they must protect everyone. In the movies and games, the task of forming an image of a black man as an equal white person is set, and even better than a sacred, divine figure. Negroes are portrayed as employees of complex intellectual professions, which in reality is practically not observed. For example, blacks are portrayed as physicists or Scandinavian deities. Another task of replacing history, when blacks become a natural part of the history of Europe. In cinema and on porn sites, annoying motives for sex and mixing a white woman and a black man are frequent. In advertising, clothing models are advertised by blacks. The media provide false social surveys that 95% of the white population support life with blacks. When requesting the sources of such surveys in Britain, their organizers could not issue materials from the initial survey. Bots sponsored by NPOs operate on social networks, and which use various techniques for propaganda of Negroophylia. This is an imitation of mass likes and reposts. Another trick is an exclamation used by bots on the Internet "You are a racist!" The bet is on the fact that already supposedly 99% of the white race opposed "racism", which is not in reality. From what moment it is not specified and such clarification will never be. The study conducted in 2018 in the 30s of the United States showed that about 93% of the whites would not want to have general offspring with blacks. Immediately after this, WP publishes a response fake study, where the whites already want to have offspring from blacks. In 2019, it became known that YouTube winds the views and likes with content where there are blacks. And the undesirable, non -rustic content Yutub secretly lowers from the proposed materials. Among the video bloggers in monetization, inserts are encouraged with an illustration of any subject with Negro. Trotskyists use feminists-bots on women's dating sites and publics, where they create the themes of men of a different nation, race- the wrong country where the work of bots is being conducted, better than our local men. For example, in Germany, feminists-bots will write the French, and better Arabs, and even better blacks are much better than Germans. Science does not function on its own. He who finances it orders the subject of her research. Polish researchers have revealed that since 1995, about 240 scientific research has been conducted in the West, the results of which confirm the right of Trotskyism. Propaganda of NegroFilia is an attempt on the symbolic display of the White race and violates its rights. This is the first step towards the destruction of the identity of the race and its individual nations. The mythology of the Aryans and fantasy based on it is the property of the White race and its nations. Therefore, the White race has the right: 1 lead lists of customers and conductors of Negroophylia (TNK, individual countries, political parties, NPOs, lawyers, people-bots on social networks, journalists, judges, law enforcement officials, etc. 2 Destroy Negroophyli propagandists: terrorist attacks, poisoning, murders, publication of incriminating evidence, organization of social pressure, the creation of centralized and decentralized organizations 3 reimburses losses from NegroFilia through courts and expropriation 4 to redo works of cinema, games, etc. Removing the blacks from the use of modern technologies, including neural networks, since they are the property of the white race. Representatives of the white race can use the following approaches to Negro -Filian propaganda: 1 movie, games, etc. Where there are blacks, have no value, since they are already in advance. This is a marginal interpretation of the mythology of the White race and its nations in Type of fanfiction 2 enemy propaganda. Trotskyists use an empty term racism. In reality, each race and the nation considers itself the first, including blacks. It is proud of himself, without causing damage to other races, nations at their home are the norm, and the rest of the disease. According to the Trotskyists, racism is possible only from whites in relation to non -ram, and the opposite is impossible, like sexism is possible only from men in relation to women, and the opposite is impossible. That is, there is no talk of any equality. Trotskyists deny the white race and its nations in existence, which is racism in this understanding. You can love blacks, but the Negro will never love you, since for him a white person will always be a god at a subconscious level. A child from white and Negro will always be humiliated by both groups. Although there are no pure races and nations, you should not specifically increase pollution, as we do not water ourselves with shit out of the toilet, even if we did not wash today. To ensure the flows of migrants, and in particular blacks, Trotskyists and TNCs invented a pseudo -subpened society. This is not a transparent society, that is, in which it can be enlightened as an X -ray of the state apparatus for corruption. Open society - openly unfriendly migrant culture.

Techniques for the propaganda of feminism

Propagandists - bots - these are mostly poorly equipped in the life of women who receive money from the organizers of feminism. They can propagate at a variety of venues. Propaganda is carried out 1 right 2 indirectly, including a way of life. Direct propaganda involves the creation of topics and their discussion. Propaganda as a way of life suggests that a propagandist on the Internet through his page, photos, etc. It shows its supposedly real life, which is conducted according to the values and the principles of feminism, and does not propagate directly with texts or in communication. For example, on a dating site, a woman can write "Men with income below n the amount not to write." Here, the feminist bot is not looking for a real acquaintance - his task is to show that a woman (sex) is an supposedly value that you still need to pay for. The effect intensifies when the user meets 20 such profiles. 1 Monopoly on the determination of the norm of 2 vooremins (fake -submermins), that is, not reflecting reality. - Positive discrimination - discrimination is not positive. Discrimination either or not. Discrimination was, is and will be. In his house, the owner is free to discriminate against whom he wants and nothing else. Do not like it - get out. Positive (for example, in favor of blacks) Discrimination means the predominant position of an uninvited guest from the owner of the house. - Sexism - feminism believes that sexism, that is, insulting behavior on the basis of sex, is possible only in relation to women. RSP is insulting, and security is non -maintenance. - Abuez (bullying) - manipulations of part of life and it is impossible to hide from them. - harassment, harace - there is no possibility of objective proof. According to any far -fetched statement, a criminal case can be instituted. In the best case, a man carries the costs of reputation, time and money. At the same time, feminists do not want sexual sexual motion to be balanced at least the active use of false denunciation - physical violence - physical violence by a psychological investigation. Feminists believe that the psychological violence of women against men is the norm, and the answer to this is not the norm. Everything is mutually intelligent: 5th psychological violence = 1 see of physical violence 3 pseudo -coaching language - the historical responsibility of men - current generations are not responsible for the previous ones. A man is not responsible for the weakness of a woman, since he did not create her. This is to gods or nature. - a priori duty (responsibility) of a man - liability arises only from an agreement that is voluntary for both parties -Regulation by the law of absolutely all aspects of life - a conflict part of nature and the law cannot be regulated by all aspects of life. 4 insults, scream, transition to personality 5 Demagogy and Sophism 6, tearful fake stories. Often used in women's forums in the form of direct evidence of rape, etc. The victim describes the supposedly pure truth, but anonymously, but everyone should believe her. 7 False Statistics. For example, about rape. In Germany, feminists actively distributed fakes about increasing the number of rape on the part of the Germans, but did not say anything in Cologne, about rape from migrants, as well as beating non -memorials in connection with the violation of the laws of Sharia. Many centers for the study of public opinion are associated with the Trotskyists and TNCs, receiving financing through NKO-films of the gasket. 8 imitation of the majority. On a women's forum on any topic, likes will be specially twisted or five bots will work, depicting the opinion of 100 people. 9 "First pretty, then terrible." In many videos, feminism promotes a pretty girl, that is, there is a bet on sexual instinct. Then, according to the plan of the authors, when the ideas of feminism settle in the heads of the population, and the aunts will be more terrible. 10 Real man, normal man, a man must. Only he himself can determine a man, in extreme cases, another man, like a tiger another tiger, but not a chicken. Moreover, the concept of "real woman" is not used. A man from birth should not be anything. 11 Creating impossible macro and hiding this, the reception of a multi -tread hydra. For example, first, the images of naked women are hung everywhere, excessively lifting the sexual instinct of men, and then they pure men in that they only think about sex. At the end, a false conclusion is made: "A man without a woman is nowhere." 12 "There is no obeying a woman, then you are gay." 13 varieties of shit. There are many classifications of feminism: radical, intersectional, etc. All this is intended to create an eagle of complexity, natural development, scientificity around feminism. With the same success, you can introduce a classification of chairs: polygonal stools, vertical radical stools, an obsession chair, etc. 14 What is it? I have never heard that! Here it is preceded that some concept that no one knows that Feminism does not know. For example, What is the same RSP? You just came up with it yourself. " RSP is a biomur, a divorce with a trailer, that is, a stranger for a man, a child, an ideological single mother).

Signs of feminism in Russia

In the USSR-RF, the hidden feminism, among other things, is expressed: eggs on eggs in the USSR \ Non -zhba of women in the army and at the same time the optionality of childbirth. At the same time, the woman retires earlier and for some reason should receive a salary equal to the male \ disabilities of women (lack of forced dispatch) for hard physical work. About 400 items. Neo -feudal privilege \ mitigated criminal punishments for women, in that absence of strict regime \ absence of a death penalty for women if it is available for men. \ Birth of a child without coordination with a man \ Non -signing for psychological aggression / presenting a male image in cinema and media as a Bababababan (FemSlave) and a wretched creation (examples: Moscow does not believe in tears, an official romance, love and pigeons) \ Alimony for his wife \ Alimony for A child whose birth of tricks is disagreed with a man or a child from another man (forgery). Up to 46% of children in Russia may not be from the father. \ Reduced retirement age by 5 years, although a woman could not give birth and not work at all \ opportunity to get jointly acquired property without a real contribution. The contribution here is a gag, boo vagina with a mileage of 100 members by 20 years / maternal capital as a robbery of male payers. Taxes are taken in men \ Inappropriation of inappropriate waste of maternity capital, alimony and the lack of criminal punishment for this \ removal of attention and other resources of a man without paying sex. Violation of the transaction "Costs from a man - sex from a woman." Dynamo. Lack of criminal punishment for this Encouraging by the state of symbolic elements of babbism: opening doors, gifts of jewelry as a symbol of aristocracy, kneeling, etc. Including at school \ 92% of divorces, women are left on the initiative of women \ In 87% of cases, they leave children and forbid their fathers to see Their \ irresponsible propaganda of feminism as the ideas of a womans superiority over a man \ unspoken encouraging the propaganda of feminism despite the statements of traditional values (patriarchy) \ encouraging RSP, which means 1 betrayal of a man of the mental psyche due to an incomplete family \ propaganda of frigidity as part of feminism. There is no sex in Putin's cinema at all. \ False about the birth rate in Russia and the real population. 94% of maternity capital does not reach mothers, since they are dead souls. There is a constant closure and fusion of kindergartens and schools \ illegalization of prostitution. For comparison in much more conservative tsarist Russia, public houses were official institutions with medical control and taxes \ imitation of real changes in the form of a fathers day, but not a real change in the position of a man \ symbolic unnecessary Russian women to the Russian nation by celebrating an international (!) Women's Day. The very fact that a woman is a woman is noted. \ A man is noted only as an honorary state slave, for example, on February 23 - the day of the defender of the patronymic (Putinism) \ Non -signing of women who came out of relations during the service of a man in the army \ Non -signing of betrayal in marriage \ punish the actions of justice by force ( With the state of the state) in relation to the changed women in marriage \ long -term showing the infantilizing population of the house - 2 \ lack of an official reaction to women broadcasting about the need for only men with unrealistic standards of a salary of at least 500,000 rubles, etc., \ Money objectification of men \ justification of the violent actions of women, including the relations of children and shifting guilt for this to men. At the same time, the man does not have the right to fill up the changed wife. \ Posterity in the popular music of Bababory (FemSLAVE), irresponsibility of the activity of feminist bots on dating sites in order to increase the social price of a woman to infinity / uneven coverage of the value of the life of a woman and man. If a woman was killed, this is horror. But men can be killed and do not need to hysteria on this subject \ propaganda of the decaying VIP of ideology, as well as poverty. We need propaganda of the middle class \ Lack of sexual education at the school to create a sacred attitude to 1 sex 2 women 3 violations of the birth rate by forming adolescence fear before this 4 creating frigidity and impotence \ entering the university on equal terms with the option of giving birth, serve in the army and serve in the army and T.D. Neo -feudal privilege \ informal pressure of men with the image of a real, normal man who always owes everything to everyone, and no one should ever never, that is, a terpyloid, a babboaba (famslave) \ Informal ban on a noble attributes for men - rhinestones, etc. ., \ Encouragement among men simple thinking (simple boys, men) in order to alleviate parasitic management \ Using the word man as a synonym of a slave since the time of tsarist Russia. For the first time, he wrote about the need for such usage against men. L. Bronstein - Trotsky back in 1921, who seemed to fight tsarism. P. Stolypin was against the use of this term \ encouraging the self -destruction of men with alcoholism. Sale of vodka in any store in Russia \ Similarly, by tending to use unprofitable techniques. For example, this is a harmful inciting council took out a weapon - immediately shoot \ non -planning and obstacle to compensation for damage to men as a social group of damage from the state and women as a social group since 1955 by depriving women of the freedom of 2 material compensations \ Non -vast on a hole With an analogy of the tax on eggs in the USSR \ non -informing men about this state of affairs in the media \ non -use of the Vedic concept of strength of strength in a man. That is, an attempt to endlessly squeezing the resources of a man, although it is final \ the participation of women as a social group in \ Non -disclosure of an article in the suicide of men by women's actions.

Proposals for the reform of the gender sphere

\ Criminal punishment for women for parasitic actions against men since 1955. Material, including nature, compensation for harm from women to men since 1955. \ The principle of compulsory accounting of two or more parties, and the prohibition of protecting only one side of the contradiction. Must be assigned to the Constitution. Actual for conflicts smoking - non -smokers, motorists - pedestrians, etc. \ Birth of a child only by patent. The couple gives the state a minimum of 5 years. The patent already indicates the names of the child as a symbol of respect for him. The child should not become a victim of instincts of a mother or father. \ Birth of a child is only married. The word marriage is replaced by its negative meaning. \ Divorce is possible with the payment of a penalty by the initiator. \ Penalty for proven treason. Introduction of sexual ships for treason, refusal to sex. \ Inconsistent birth of a child without the permission of the state is criminally punishable for both sides. \ Development of new methods of contraception. Science should justify the means allocated to it, and not to work out the agenda of the Trotskyists and TNCs in the form of feminism or non -infinum. \ The couple undergoes training with children \ The couple in advance hears the fund for the child, who is enough to reach the age of 20. \ The state allocates housing to the unborn child. For example, type of country houses. \ Marriage is not early 25 years of age in order to ensure the consciousness of the parties, that is, understanding their actions and their consequences. The cultivation of "service" and "cannon meat" is prohibited. \ Mandatory free DNA paternity test. Criminal punishment for women who have a child not from their father. \ The obligation to provide a woman in marriage. Failure to provide only because of the proved good reason. References in the law of the minimum number of sex in marriage. A fine for failure to provide sex. \ Marriage only with a marriage contract with the highest legal force (amending the IC of the Russian Federation) \ In this way, detection is possible only in marriage, with a patent, with training, with accumulated funds for a child, with the provision of his housing. Marriage is possible only upon reaching the age of 25, only with a marriage contract having the highest force. \ The presentation of a male image in the media and cinema should be valid. \ Symbolic nationwide apology for a hypertrophied presentation of a female image since the 70s of the 20th century. Conviction of practices to hold the doors in front of a woman, kneeling down, etc. In fact, these actions copy the slaves in front of the barin. \ Ensuring the right to sex to everyone since puberty. Including sex robots. It must be enshrined in the Constitution. Recognition of sex is one of the important components of the health of the nation. \ The ban on concepts of rape, sexual harassment due to the impossibility of objective proof, the possibility of manipulating, alimony on a woman due to the principle of equality of the parties (there is actually incompetent disabled woman-algofren, having equal rights, but not obligations, which does not happen). \ Cancellation of the draft or the draft of women in the army or for mandatory work, such as the removal of ducks in hospitals. \ Cancel all special positions in the right for women. It turns out that equality is only in words. That is, a housing is built, where women have rights, but there are no obligations. \ Mandatory familiarization with these principles during elementary school. Save the time of people in the future from many problems. \ Mandatory sex education at school. You cannot prohibit sex, we must civilize. \ In case of unrealization of these points in relation to the Trotskyists, TNCs, feminists and their representatives, actions should be used: executions, poisoning, terrorist attacks, torture, publication of compromising, social pressure, compiling lists of enemies, removing property and expropriations, propaganda.
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