<![CDATA[Без заголовка]]> https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/begimotik/post22522037/ LiveInternet / LiveInternet.ru hourly 1 ru Begimotik https://i.li.ru/av/824393_681982.jpg Без заголовка https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/begimotik/ <![CDATA[Без заголовка]]> Вележи, well ye . i celebrate them too ,, but since i live in a diff country i get involved in all holidays celebrations ,, its fun ,, no mater were they come from ,, :D :P]]> <![CDATA[Без заголовка]]> by the way.. there are soooo many hollidays in Russian culture.. hundreds and hunreds... and they arent just some random stupid celebrations..
and they actualy got some really strong background! so...]]>
<![CDATA[Без заголовка]]> Вележи, a dnevnik otkroj .. ya fotki hochu posmotret' .. :D ...

na zhet haloweena ,, mne kazhetsy achem bol'she prazdnikov ,, tem lutche ,, :) ,, kakaya raznica otkuda oni prishli ? :D ...]]>
<![CDATA[Без заголовка]]> Begimotik, nah not auzzy land... but pretty close... NewZealand..
just about 4 years ago i've moved out from Pyatigorsk..

im not a boy.. as far as i can see.. i more like half dude-half man :-)

how did ya guessed that im from Australia? my accent :-)
i dont really keep my diary anymore.. got nothing to wright in it..
про копирование.. я коворил о том что как счас в россии хэлоуин празднуют и всё прочае что идёт из грёббаных штатов.. как будто своего ничего нету мля....

what about ya.. when did ya moveout from Pyatigosk? and for how long ya lived in there?]]>
<![CDATA[Без заголовка]]> Вележи, i live in CANADA now .... 'GAYnada']]> <![CDATA[Без заголовка]]> Вележи, o ye ,, i dont live in Pyatigorsk any more thou ,, n nvm bout the question if ur from US ,, .. Australia right ??]]> <![CDATA[Без заголовка]]> Вележи, like wat thou ,, coppyin what ?? lol .. so ur in US now ?? .. ye i know russian m english n french ,, so i write in diff languages weneva i feel like it ..lol

unblock ur diary for me,, i cant c it :( ,, u a boy or a girl lol ,, wats ur name ? ...

thats cool that u lived in pyatigorsk ,, how long ago ?]]>
<![CDATA[Без заголовка]]>

im just a random persone for ya.. there were time when i've lived in ПЯтигорск...

what am i trying to say?well.. ТОлько идиоты копируют тупые вещи, у других идиотов..
its my opinin about Russians coppying all that nonsence from the greatest shyt country in the world.. such as USA..
thats it..]]>
<![CDATA[Без заголовка]]> Вележи, amm .. wa? ... wut u tryin to say ? who are u ne ways ?]]> <![CDATA[Без заголовка]]>