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ENGL102-27: January 2020

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 10:48 + в цитатник

The "Why Terror" text serves as exercise for us to create our Essay Unit 1 about a song. On Monday, you will receive your final summary s back which I got from you today. Then, I will model how to write an A,B,C,D, and F paper "response." Therefore, those of you who have not emailed me the response part yet (just the summary), email it before Sunday, so I can give advisory grades before class on Monday. Today, we are creating the outline for the "response part" of our song essay. You have finished the "summary part" already, which was due today in class. · Does the composer tell mere facts? · Does he/she try to manipulate/convince the audience, lead them in a certain direction? Make them believe something? The discussion of these elements must be backed up with citing lines or keywords (in quotation marks, mentioning the stanza or line of the song) from the lyrics which describe the claims the composer is making. Also, you need to use at least one scholarly research article (no Wikipedia!) to prove that you have investigated in the social/political/economical background of your song.

For example: when your song deals with runaway kids (such as in “Runaway Train” from Soul Asylum), you should cite some statistics about children living on the street, or from Amber Alert, or recent cases from the media as examples, to show the importance of this social issue today. Why did they run away, what became of them? Don’t just generalize, do some in-depth research to explain why the composer wrote a song about this topic, why he/she wrote it at that time, and not twenty years ago, and what he/she wants to achieve with it. Task for today: copy and paste these guidelines into a word document, and type your text under each of the points. This is our brainstorming and pre-writing activity. We collect data before starting our response. When you're done filling in the blanks, try out the three search engines and look for background material that you can use to support your thesis why your song is important today. Copy the links to any research article you find into your word document, and email all this to me at the end of today's lesson. No late documents accepted. If you don't get done, just email what you have. MAKE SURE YOU TAKE AN ARTICLE FROM A TIME THAT MATCHES YOUR SONG! So, if your song is from 2006, don't pick a research article that talks about the background of the 1920's, and if your song is a hippie song from 1969, don't use an article that talks about drug abuse in 2007!

how to write an autobiographical essay for college admissions wish we could have a group to discuss the brain, as many hubbers seem interested in that subject. My interest started when a relative had an astounding memory, and I loved to hear about it. Now, I love to read about the workings of the brain. I am glad you have that memory book by Marylu Henner. She is so brilliant and stays young looking forever. Thanks for sharing all the ideas. Hi Mana - Thanks for reading and commenting on my hub. It interests me that you believe these memories come from a past life. The brain is remarkable, and all sorts of theories probably come about this engine of our body. No one knows all the answers. Our lives just go on, and we need to have beliefs. Thanks for your opinions. First I am excited and sad by your hub both at the same time. Your hub was beautiful in many ways. I have always been intrigued by memory and those who have a great ability to access what they see and experience. Content has been generated with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

An amazing gift that not every person has. I have struggled with memory my whole life. During my childhood and adult life I was always more interested what could be instead of what is. Busy day dreaming I wouldn't remember much. I did develop my imagination to dream and dream I did. The sad part of your hub was finally reading the last comment. I love reading about people and what they know and don't know. So I was day dreaming and thinking of each person that left a comment. How they were moved like me to leave a comment. The truth is I can go on and on. Most people think I am rambling when each thought in my mind seems crystal clear. I would love to continue talking and discussing future ideas about more extraordinary hubs that lead to tapping into the unlimited brain power deep down I know we all have. Thank you forever writing this hub and it is not uncommon for me to be three years behind everyone else.

As I write this I have the book by Marilu Henner Total Memory Makeover sitting on the corner of my kitchen table. Have an amazing night and I can't wait to to dive right in many more of your hubs. Interesting Hub, Patricia. You seem to approach it from the standpoint of science and research. No bad thing, and I see that you have studied in this field. We esoteric ones say that nearly all of this is carried over from a former life. Re-incarnation. Vivekananda was a great Yogi. He remembered so much! Still, nothing comes from an empty void. It is highly likely, that all your bright people, carried over their experiences from long, long ago. A great Hub and noble effort. Silence and experience begins where science ends. In Love and Light. Hi tsmog I am sorry about your auto accident, and your problems with memory. The photos were to recall in pictures the events you missed in memory, Is that correct?


Effective Papers: Essay On The Angkor Wat

Среда, 01 Апреля 2020 г. 05:35 + в цитатник

There are many places in the world that one can go. However, only some of these places can be considered wonders of the universe. If one is curious to learn about an interesting place, full of historical substance, they should visit the Angkor Wat site in Cambodia. The Angkor Wat is thought by many as one of the greatest wonders of the world because of its history, architecture, and mysteries & legends. click here for more Can Write Custom Essays on Angkor Wat for You! The Angkor Wat was built around 1115 A.D. Cambodia. It took between 30 and 40 years to complete (Angkor Wat, 1). Cambodia was not chosen because of “sacred importance”, but because it had a strategic military position and it also contained agricultural potential (Places of Peace and Power, 1). Cambodia is known as ”the civilization whose most awesome monument is the great lost city of Angkor Wat” (Esler, 278). The temple of Angkor Wat was built originally for the Hindu religion . It would be dedicated to the Hindu god, Vishnu. Post has been generated by Essay Writers.

This was to provide a place of worship and “purity” (Jungle Science, 1). Many Hindu Temples have the concept of Mandala (Jungle Science, 1). Cambodia came to life between the ninth and fifteenth centuries when the Khmer Empire came about. The Angkor dynasty brought about wealth and prosperity. Because of this, huge buildings were built and dedicated to their god kings and gods (Esler, 278). However, despite all of these other buildings, the Angkor Wat is still considered to be the most magnificent of them all. The Angkor Wat truly reflects the wealth of the times. There were sometimes in this great city, that there was once “a population many times as large as that of medieval London” (Esler, 278). Business, and women dominated this city. The Khmers abandoned this city in 1432 (Places of Peace and Power, 1). There are only remains of the Angkor Wat today. The Angkor Wat's architecture is amazing in itself, as it has been thought of as “the largest temple in the world” (Esler, 279). The Angkor Wat, otherwise known as the “Pearl of Cambodia”has a rectangular wall that measures 800 by 1025 meters.

Angkor Wat, 1). It is so massive, that all the other known wonders of the world could fit in the Angkor Wat's front yard! It was built using sandstone, which was rare to the area at that time (Angkor Wat, 1). The five towers of the Angkor Wat are supposed to symbolize the five different mountain peaks. On the walls, one could find many battles being depicted, or signs of the Hindu religion are present. These all have to do with the Khmer empires and their rulers. For many years Angkor was considered to be a lost city. Itself was considered a legend (Angkor Wat Information Pages, 1). Peasants rediscovered Angkor Wat. The peasants thought they had found “temples built by gods or giants” (Angkor Wat Information Pages, 1). Some people thought that these were folktales that the peasants liked to tell. Others believed that there really was a city long ago-They were right.

The temples of Angkor Wat were founded once again by Henri Mahout in 1860. After him, many other archaeologists and interpreters came to try and discover the meaning behind these magnificent buildings (Angkor Wat Information Pages, 1). Mysteries of the temple were later explained by some of the inscriptions on the wall. This was done “mainly by French scholars in the late 19th and early 20th centuries” (Angkor Wat Information Pages, 1). There are legends that still roam about the Angkor Wat. One of these is the question of how the “original Kingdom of Cambodia” came about. One of the myths is that it supposedly came about by “the union of a fairy princess and an Indian, Brahmin - (Angkor Wat Information Pages, 1). Individual temples have their own legends. As one can see, The Angkor Wat is full of secrets, legends, and mysteries. How then can it not be considered one of the greatest wonders of the world? Its history is very interesting and precise. Its architecture is unbelievable. It's a wonder in itself how something as wonderful and massive as the Angkor Wat could have been constructed at such a time. It obviously took a great time to build, and it was worth the whole time. The Angkor Wat is somewhere that is visited by tourists all around the world. It will continue to do so in the future as well. All free online essays, sample essays and essay examples on Angkor Wat topics are plagiarized and cannot be completely used in your school, college or university education. We work with experienced PhD and Master's freelance writers to help you with writing any academic papers in any subject! We guarantee each customer great quality and no plagiarism!


Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School News: January 2020

Вторник, 31 Марта 2020 г. 20:19 + в цитатник

Molly Jones and Jacob Weatherly, seniors at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School and members of the Loretto Chapter of the National Honor Society, have been nominated to compete in the National Honor Society scholarship sponsored by the National Association of Secondary Principals (NASSP). Sue Vaughn, principal, at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s high school campus announced the nominations, which places both Jones and Weatherly in the national competition. This year the program will once again award $200,000 in college scholarships. As https://essayfreelancewriters.com/blog/national-honor-society-essays/ for the 2008 program, special recognition and additional awards will be presented to state and regional winners, along with the selection of one national recipient who will receive a $13,000 award. High school National Honor Society chapters from across the country were eligible to nominate two senior high members to compete. Nominees were selected based on their leadership skills, participation in service organizations, clubs, achievements in the arts and sciences, employment experience, and academic record. They were also required to write an essay. Data was created with https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

In high school, therefore, he took trumpet lessons from Dr. Ludwig Hebestreit, the founder and conductor of the Oklahoma Symphony Orchestra whose instruction contributed to Ellison's understanding of the complex structure of high artistic forms. Though music emerged as his primary means of expression, Ellison also enjoyed reading literature. In grade school, one of his teachers, Mrs. L. C. McFarland, introduced him to the writers of the Harlem Renaissance, which included Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, Claude McKay, and James Weldon Johnson. At home, Ellison read fairy tales, westerns, detective stories, and Harvard Classics. Ellison after being educated in a segregated school system graduated from Douglas High School in 1931 excelling in music but like W. E. B. Du Bois who was given a scholarship to attend Fisk University because the good people of Massachusetts did not want him to integrate their school system, he won a state sponsored scholarship to study music at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. This was so that he would not attend a white college or university in Oklahoma.

He was however not financially able to attend immediately. Later, he had to hitch ride there on a freight train as he was without funds for transportation. The music department where Ellison, studied music at Tuskegee Institute was perhaps the most renowned department at the school, headed by the conductor Charles L. Dawson, an accomplished composer and choir director.whose reputation drew Ellison there. The Tuskegee choir was an added attraction as they were often being invited to play at many prestigious locations throughout the world, including Radio City. Ellison's studies there from 1933 to 1936 included amongst others music appreciation, modern languages, physical education, and psychology. He also profitted from the close tutelage of the piano instructor Hazel Harrison one of Italian pianist and composer Ferruccio Busoni's prize pupils and a friend of Russian composer Sergey Prokofiev whose three-hour- a-day trumpet practice sessions heavily influenced him. Ellison found the South restrictive because of "the signs and symbols that marked the dividing lines of segregation" . Ellison was also baffled by the political alliances Tuskegee made with whites, especially that with Dr. Robert E. Park, a professor at the University of Chicago's School of Sociology.

He observed that it was with the help of Dr. Park, whom many considered the power behind Booker T. Washington, that Tuskegee gained a national reputation. Despite all these, Ellison found Tuskegee to be a progressive institution where he met Morteza Sprague, the head of the English department to whom he later dedicated his first book of essays, Shadow and Act (1964). True to his Renaissance man ideal, he studied sculpting under the direction of Eva Hamlin, an art instructor who was later responsible for his meeting and studying with August Savage, a Black sculptor in New York. Though Ellison made no serious formal attempt to study literature at Tuskegee, while he studied music primarily in his classes, he spent increasing amounts of time in the library, reading modernist classics. Ellison found the poem intriguing because, as he explains, he was able to relate his musical experience to it: "Somehow its rhythms were often closer to those of jazz than were those of the Negro poets" He specifically cited it as a major awakening moment for him. For it was the fascination with the poem's musicality that really got him interested in writing. This has been generated by Essay Writers.


Narrative Essay Examples: Narrative Essays Examples For Kids

Вторник, 31 Марта 2020 г. 11:17 + в цитатник

Narrative writing is extremely crucial for the academic growth of your kids. It provides kids with essential writing skills that make it easy for them to write high quality and decent essays. These essay types help kids to be able to tell their own stories and communicate fluently without any troubles. Parents and tutors should also spur kids to utilize narrative essays examples for kids when drafting their essays. For kids sitting for their narrative essays paper whether on the 4th grade or 6th grade levels should also make use of narrative essays examples 2012. These essay examples guide them on the writing style to use, how to format their essays, how they can easily structure and outline their piece of work and much more. The number of kids searching for narrative essays examples 2012 is high. Additionally, there many other homeschooling parents also looking for narrative essays examples for kids. They are all searching with hopes that they will get the best narrative essay examples. Content has been created by Essay Writers!

However, many do not know where they can get the best essays. The internet has made learning simple these days. You can get narrative essays examples for kids online without a lot of hassles or spending a ton of your money. There are many custom writing companies offering these narrative essays examples online. For your kid to succeed, essay examples play a major. Thus, do not feel shy or overburdened to get some online. If you decide to get your narrative essays examples 2012 online, it requires determination and caution to get the most effective essay examples. Here, are few things to consider. There are essay examples that you can easily download and use. However, you need to determine whether these samples are free of charge or you have to pay. For many parents, this is a practical offer to utilize. It is wise to determine whether the narrative essays examples for kids come from recognized providers. The source that you get your essay examples should be reputed and reliable. You will find many websites, but all are trustworthy. Therefore, before you get your download, ensure that they site that you go for is the best. Hence, by determining the reputation of the online site, you will rest assured of quality essay examples. Lastly, the narrative essays examples that you get, should be able to provide your kids with the essay writing guidance they are searching. This is crucial because, there are narrative essays examples for kids that cannot aid your kids in any way. Download the best and enjoy the growth of your kids writing capabilities. Meet the best custom writing experts and let them show you how to write quick essays. Also order assignment and get the best custom term papers,college term papers and non plagiarized papers among other custom writing services.

Bauby composed and edited his memoir “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly” entirely in his head, and dictated it one letter at a time. The memoir was littered with the author’s anger, longing and sadness but also an enduring zest for life despite his condition, wherein he opens with “Through the frayed curtain at my window, a wan glow announces the break of day. Narrative Essay Outline hurt, my head weighs a ton, and something like a giant invisible diving bell holds my whole body prisoner” and then later on writes, “I need to feel strongly, to love and admire, just as desperately as I need to breathe.” His narrative tells the experience of someone whose body is paralyzed but thinks and feels no less strongly and deeply than he had before he was claimed by a sickness that although not unheard of, wasn’t really common, especially at the time. Tell the story in order of chronology. If it lacks organization, sense and proper order of events, you will lose your reader in a maze, so make sure that you write things as they happened and keep a smooth flow in logical progression. Never miss out on important points. Don’t expect your reader to figure out for themselves how you got from one point to another, unless the point can be assumed safely and obviously. Outlines and one draft after another is fine, because if it’s not yet good enough for you, if you think it’s missing something, chances are, you’re right. Anyway, it usually takes 2-3 drafts for even the most seasoned writers to come up with the right article and one that’s free of errors. Don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the whole experience. Otherwise the task is going to be more difficult than it’s supposed to be, and you are more likely to do your best work when you enjoy the topic you have chosen and when you’re looking forward to get your narrative told.

The characters Jesus interacts with in most of the narratives in Mark are the lowly, the sick, the lame, the outcast - the poor in society. The gospel has strong association of the misfortunes and the suffering people. Rhoads and Michie (1982:133) call these characters ‘little people’, mostly unnamed, unimportant and are suffering in many forms. Jesus, the messiah, is with them, healing them, dining with them and being with them, alleviating their suffering. Not only Jesus associates himself with them, he also mirrors their life. Jesus himself suffers. He is scourged at the pillar, crowned with thorns, made to carry his cross, mocked, robbed, insulted, ridiculed, stripped, given with vile drink, died, abandoned, left alone in the company of strangers. However, amidst all those suffering, Jesus comes out victorious. In the narrative of Mark, in God’s new rule those who suffer will find glory in God. Suffering is a journey through which hope and liberation will soon be achieved and death or the experience of it may simply be part of it.

This theme is exemplified in the healing of the demoniac: the man lived in the death-like situation but because of Jesus’ power, he was restored to life. It is this very message that the gospel of Mark becomes meaningful in its positioning of the audience. The readers or hearers (when read) of Mark in the Roman rule would have been able to associate and identify themselves with those experiences of pain, suffering, powerlessness, marginalization and the longing for hope for a redeemer. The Gospel presents Jesus rightly that: the suffering Messiah who exemplifies the power of faith to God, bringing hope and salvation to all those who are poor and powerless. The attitude shown by the protagonist - Jesus - is one that is discreet. After refusing to include the newly exorcised man from becoming one of his close followers, Jesus goes away. There is a sense of hastiness in the telling of the story - another general observation of the narrative of the whole gospel.


Every Narrative Essay Has A Happy Ending With Us

Вторник, 31 Марта 2020 г. 03:34 + в цитатник

Here are some questions you can ask yourself when writing a professional narrative essay. Of course, not all of them will be suitable for your topic, but you can bookmark this page, as many other students do, and use it later with another topic in question. These questions are mostly applicable to autobiographical narrative essay, which is the most common type of narrative essays in general. Do I differ in one quality or another from those whom I know? How can Narrative essay ideas prove these qualities with practical examples? About your achievements and activities you get engaged to? What made me do this kind of activity? Why did I continue to do this? Why did I remember this particular event? Has it changed me as a person? How did I respond to this? What I had never suspected? Why did I mention this person? Do I strive to become like him?

What are his qualities I admire? Have I revised my views? Why do I like it or not? Has this circumstance largely affected my life? What did I learn as a result? What did I learn from this situation? When looking for a trustworthy professional narrative essay writing service to help you out, you should remember about the major factors to consider when making a choice. We can’t say we are the only service you can address, as there are other reliable agencies in the market, but we are definitely in a top-five of companies to consider when it comes to professional narrative essay writing, and here is why. First of all, our services are both affordable and high-quality. We never compromise on quality even when an assigned narrative essay writer needs to deal with this assignment overnight. To make sure formatting, style, content, and originality are intact we have every paper meticulously checked by Quality and Proofreading Department. Editors use anti-plagiarism software to guarantee that a narrative essay written by our author is 100% original and plagiarism free. Buying a narrative essay with us, you save money and time and receive a final draft of impeccable quality. We can guarantee full confidentiality, we offer only safe payment methods and never disclose your personal information and any details related to your order to the third parties. The best way to deal with a “write my narrative essay” struggle is to address our service. Do it now and enjoy the outcomes!

If you want to tell the story of your prom night, does it start when you get dressed? Maybe. Does it start when you spill spaghetti sauce all down your dress before the dance? While that might seem like the climax of a story you want to tell, it might make a better starting place. Go straight to the drama. You don't need to write up a formal outline for a narrative essay unless it's part of the assignment or it really helps you write. Listing the major scenes that need to be a part of the story will help you get organized and find a good place to start. Use a consistent point of view. Generally, narrative essays will be written in first person, making use of "I" statements, which is a little unusual compared to other assignments you'll be given in school. Whether you're giving us scenes with dialog, or discussing what happened in past-tense, it's perfectly fine to use first person in a narrative essay. This post has been done by Essay Writers!

Don't switch perspectives throughout the story. This is a difficult and advanced technique to try to pull off, and it usually has the effect of being too complicated. There should only be one "I" in the story. In general, narrative essays (and short stories for that matter) should also be told in past tense. You may be instructed to write in the 3rd person (such as he, she, it, they, them, their). If so, be consistent with your pronouns throughout the story. Describe the important characters. Who else is important to the story, other than yourself? Who else was present when the story took place. Who affected the outcome of the story? What specific, particular details can you remember about the people in the story? Use these to help build the characters into real people. Particular details are specific and only particular to the character being described. While it may be specific to say that your friend has brown hair, green eyes, is 5 feet tall with an athletic build, these things don't tell us much about the character. The fact that he only wears silk dragon shirts?


Gypsy Daughter Essays: Why Write A Narrative Essay?

Понедельник, 30 Марта 2020 г. 19:13 + в цитатник

Why Write a Narrative Essay ? To Narrate is to Tell a Story. All essay writing is divided into four types, or "modes." These four modes of writing are expository, argumentative, descriptive, and narrative. What distinguishes one mode from another is its purpose, or the purpose of the writer. An expository essay is an essay that informs a reader. An argumentative essay is an essay that convinces a reader. A descriptive essay gives visceral details to a reader. A narrative essay tells a story to a reader. Of the four modes, the narrative essay offers the writer a chance to be the most personal, to share with the reader a moment of personal insight. The personal narrative offers readers and writers a chance to get to know one another better and share an insight about the human condition. The narrative essay is my favorite type of essay to both read and write because of the chance for the writer and his or her intended audience to get to know one another better. It's the essay in which the writer can be the most personal.

The key to finding the right level of personal language, tone, voice, and style in a narrative essay is for the writer to clearly define the intended audience. For example, a narrative essay written for a child will not be written in the same way a person would write an essay for his or her mother or grandfather. An essay written for a close friend will not be written the same way as an essay written for a professor or acquaintance. Yet, the intent remains the same: The writer has a chance to demonstrate his or her personality in the telling of a story that holds personal significance. The writer get to know the reader better by carefully thinking about what that person already knows and needs to know in order to understand the story being told. The reader has the benefit by learning about the writer by reading the essay. No matter how well the writer already knows the reader, there's always the possibility, in a narrative essay, to get to know one another better.

In addition to getting to know one another better, the narrative offers both the writer and the reader a chance to learn something about the universal human condition. Writers and readers might share a moment of insight about the motivations of individuals, how people do or do not adapt to changing circumstances, how one might persevere to achieve a goal or bounce back after a series of failures. There are numerous types of lessons to be learned, and the writer has a chance to "frame" the lesson in a way encapsulates a personal moment. The implication in this is that in order to construct the frame for the narrative, literally meaning within the introduction and conclusion of the essay, the writer has a chance to learn from the memory he or she is sharing in the body paragraphs of the essay. Of course, the writer may have already had an idea about the importance of the moment, but the dual layer of introspection makes the lesson all the richer for both the reader and the writer. Because of the chance to share a moment of personal insight with a reader, I find that the narrative essay assignments I receive from students are by far the strongest and most well-written essays I receive. The most convincing reason to choose the narrative essay over the other modes is in the opportunity to learn from one another and our uniquely individual life experiences. Want to read more about narrative essays? Want to learn more about writing essays? Try my complete online essay writing course on Udemy Writing for English Composition: College Essays. Copyright Amy Lynn Hess. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication. Post has been created by https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

It presents information, explains, analyzes, and discusses ideas. Think of an essay. It tells, illustrates, explains, and reviews what occurs. In this type of writing, the author speaks. He seeks to "expose" through it and it is usually associated with reports, dissertations, newspaper and magazine articles, encyclopedia entries, and history books, but it is used to tell, inform, and explain in all literary forms, including memoirs, biographies, creative nonfiction pieces, flash fiction, short fiction, and novels. Bill Roorbach in "Writing Life Stories: How to Make Memories into Memoirs, Ideas into Essays, and Life into Literature" (Writer's Digest Books, 2008, p. It shows, through scenes, dialogue, features, feelings, facial expressions, interior monologue, actions, and character interactions, what occurs, as if the reader had a front-row seat in a play on stage. In narrative writing, the characters speak. Narrative summary, which combines elements of both of these, provides a collapsed-event, condensed-form illustration of a particular story and offers a brief mention of people and places, minimizing interaction, as illustrated through dialogue. This has been generated by Essay Freelance Writers!


Literature Review Writing Service: Strategies To Review And Critique Literature Pertinent To Nursing Practice

Понедельник, 30 Марта 2020 г. 06:19 + в цитатник

Process developments may likewise take place to just decrease the range of steps in a present process in order to decrease the general rate tag of running a treatment and subsequently decrease the expense of the end product. Of course you get various kinds of strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice related to a specific product category or group. Technological strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice is a huge creator of financial rate and a chauffeur of competitive advantage. A lot of folks think strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice just originates from a specific location. In addition, there are service developments. If you choose the latter, you may produce innovations which never ever find a marketplace. If you follow the treatment, the possibility of having 10 ah-ha moments is much greater than having one. The outcome is a lot richer when everyone is involved in the treatment. Like the production of any excellent strategy, the practice of producing an innovation strategy should start with a transparent understanding and articulation of particular objectives related to helping the company achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Content has been generated by Essay Freelance Writers.

Third, the practice of producing the strategy must be open. The term strategy' suggests that we're speaking about something with a possibly large influence on business, i.e. does not consist of just a collection of incremental product line extensions. Smaller and less-visible strategies likewise have actually multiplied. An explicit strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice strategy makes it possible to develop a system to collaborate with your particular competitive needs. importance of literature review 's not sufficient to have strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice strategies. To start with, an innovation strategy has to be really motivating and ought to describe a preferable future state for the company. The organisation calls for a correct structure so regarding retain competitive advantage. Organizations must check out strategic strategies to create advanced and brand-new types of worth not in sporadic aha! Given the significance of strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice and its prospective benefits, a company must plan the practice of strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice in a manner that shows a deliberate strategy.

A company which wishes to operate in the early region of the strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice curve can opt to be a first mover, a speedy follower, or a market best-practice adopter, all which stand strategies. Recording Concepts and producing the correct culture to make the many of strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice Concepts are ephemeral and may be squashed within the unsuitable atmosphere. Numerous smaller-scale little company ideas require extremely great studying to determine the really business opportunities. Business will require to scale down and re-engineer their operations to stay competitive. More than a couple of business decline to introduce or adopt an innovation just due to the fact that they fear they will lose consumers. So regarding do that, business has made a well integrated community which makes use of lots of strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice strategies. On the other hand, if it waits too long to introduce the enhanced , a rival may produce such an innovation previously and capture market share.

It's time for the real work to start once it has gone through the awareness phase. When it has to do with strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice, huge businesses get a bad rap. Often excellent service results in increased sales and a couple of businesses have actually based nearly all their company design on making sure that the service they offer to their consumers is among the most ingenious. Consumers acquire the brand-new product as opposed to the old. In addition, businesses are trying to concentrate on efforts which best leverage the provider's talents and specific niche in the market, and developing brand-new strategies to track trends and produce strategies for changing course if a specific effort isn't panning out as expected. Like the production of any extremely great strategy, the practice of producing an innovation strategy should start with a transparent understanding and articulation of particular objectives related to helping the company achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Given the significance of strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice and its prospective benefits, a company must plan the practice of strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice in a manner that shows a deliberate strategy. As to do that, the company has made a well integrated community which makes use of lots of strategies to review and critique literature pertinent to nursing practice strategies.


How To Analyze A Literary Work

Воскресенье, 29 Марта 2020 г. 12:47 + в цитатник

Analyzing a literary work doesn’t always begin with a process of understanding the purpose of the author. As the student reader, sometimes you can’t always figure out what the main objective of the text is or for what reason the author has written the work. The author may have written the short story for pure enjoyment. Sometimes authors, in general, write for publication. Sometimes they write because it is therapeutic; for example, writing helps them to move past emotional pain. Although they may begin the process of writing with a multitude of aims, they don’t typically write to appeal to you as the reader. In other words, while they are in the process of writing, they don’t consider how a word or how a character description will impact you as the reader. Doing this will hinder the process. They just write and we, as students, take their work and discuss it.

Within the classroom, professors give (lecture) students information about the author’s name, a list of previous works, and the prevailing thought about the author and his/her influence on the literary canon. As part of the learning process, professors then instruct students to write papers in order to demonstrate their understanding of literary themes that permeate the author’s work. Where students run into problems is when it comes to writing and developing an analysis. Students don’t always know how to analyze. In other words, they don’t know how to take a chunk of material, break it into manageable parts, take one part at a time, and examine and evaluate each part. They let the task of coming up with an analysis intimidate them and they run to the first available resource they can find to fill up the essay. Developing an analysis takes time and patience. It is a skill that can’t be learned in one semester. Similarly, analyzing the literary text without any other secondary influence takes even more patience. This content was created by Essay Writers.

You have to flex your own intellectual muscles in order to discover the hidden treasures of the text. Therefore, when it comes to students analyzing the author’s work, they must learn how to address the content within the book that is lying on the desk, without the benefit of having access to extended research, to complete background information on the author, or to literary criticism. All of this information should come secondary to the student developing their own ability to analyze within an academic essay, but they can’t do this before they fully understand the text. Pushing everything else aside, what can the student learn about a particular literary work? What steps are most beneficial to students who struggle with examining and evaluating the literary text? Step 1: Study the introduction and conclusion paragraphs. Examine wording in the text that indicates imagery. The word imagery refers to pictures and descriptions.

Ask yourself questions about why you think the author places certain words within the paragraphs. Describe what they mean in terms of the context the author provides. Examine the text to determine also how the author introduces the main character in the first few paragraphs. If the main character is not present within these paragraphs of the story, then consider this in your analysis. Skip down to the end of the story. Search for the main character within the conclusion paragraph. If the main character is present within the conclusion paragraph, then determine the significance of how the author positions the main character within your papers. Step 2: Learn as much as you can about the main character. When professors give students an assignment to write about a particular literary work, students never focus on the main character. Instead they merely provide a summary of the main character and provide in-depth information about the themes and ideas expressed from the professor through classroom lecture.

Keep in mind that professors don’t lecture so that their work can be included in your papers. Professors present a structure of ideas based upon the canon. Your job as the student is to apply some of those ideas to “your” analysis. To understand the text is to understand the main character. This may make it easier to discover the author’s purpose. The main character is the anchor of the text. Wherever you see the main character, study his/her actions, statements, and activities within each paragraph and/or context. No one else in the story exists without the main character, so examine the actions of secondary characters in relation to the actions of the main character. Examine how the author presents the main character. Pay close attention to what the main character says about him/herself. Treat the main character as if he or she is a person you are interested in getting to know better. Once personal essay introduction examples are able to do this you can better assess how the author uses the character in the work. Step 3: Investigate relationships. The main character is always in relationship with someone else in the story.


Convert Consumer Leads To Sales 5 Tips

Воскресенье, 29 Марта 2020 г. 11:51 + в цитатник

LIVE: Richard Stallman speech in Skopje, MacedoniaThe principle goal of promoting is to generate sales leads and develop enterprise. However, there is no such thing as a simple way to transform your leads routinely into gross sales Fortunately, gross sales technology is a collection of processes that can be followed. The important thing focus must be on complete the campaigns successfully. In this article, I'll show you top suggestions that will help you to convert consumer leads into gross sales: 1. Offer a discount Each and everyone loves a low cost or a free provide. But, to be efficient the offer should be Time-sensitive. Special discounts or a small provide will help consumers to construct trust with the product or with the model. 2. Expertise is a should Whenever you're doing a telemarketing or electronic mail marketing campaign it's a necessity for you or your group to have a transparent understanding regarding the product you might be promoting. You have to be able to handle customer's inquiries and redirect them to the right path. You need to present your data and efficiency to realize belief from your prospects. For help with essay, please contact https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

43 Informative Speech Outline Templates & Examples3. Online Presence with a FAQ web page Nowadays, everybody will do their research online to get extra details about your organization. Having an eye catching webpage offers you plenty of benefit and can make you discoverable to your customers. A simple on-line search ought to provide them with all of the details about your company. Additionally they might have some widespread questions together with phrases and circumstances of your services or merchandise. That's why an eye-catching web site with an informative FAQ web page is a must to showcase your companies or merchandise to attract customers. 4. Follow up In a short time frame, a quick observe-up is a very effective means to convert a lead right into a sale. If you are doing an electronic mail marketing campaign, then it's advised to following up with the purchasers who are opening your electronic mail or exhibiting interest in them within 24 hrs after your marketing campaign. 5. Your advertising and marketing efforts should stand out Keep in mind that you're not the just one who's attempting to convert the result in a sale. Your competitors are also making an attempt the identical with the same leads at the same time except these are unique leads. That's why you have to focus on your advertising plans. With an effective Email Marketing and Telemarketing, you possibly can simply reach out to your clients to speech or showcase your providers and merchandise.

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Add to that the horror these guys witnessed, is it any wonder they acted the way in which they did. Got to love Patten no less than for his loyalty to his troops. As you say, Patton was Patton. He did an awesome scatter and canopy up job. Not one of the historians or archivists at the National Archives had ever seen or heard of the Dachau IG report. They were no help in any respect. I spent a part of the following summer doing research at the Military History Institute in Carlisle Barracks and the archivist there stated I should get in contact with Col. Foster in DC, retired army and beginner historian. Back in DC, I regarded him up and after checking me out for about eight hours to verify I was legit, he gave me a photocopy of the IG report. He had found it ten years earlier, misfiled, as if somebody did not want it discovered. He made copies and continued along with his other analysis. Couple of years later he found it was missing from the file and no one knew how or when it had been taken/destroyed. I used to be extremely lucky that the archivist put me in touch with Foster. So glad you appreciated the sequence. When your story reached Patton's desk (as head of third Army) I instantly thought of Malmedy with the sure data that anybody who was involved with that phase of the Bulge battle would have burned any such report. Patton was Patton in spite of everything! informative speech examples about life was an awesome collection!

I might inform my certain peoples shift in raised eyebrows or widened eyes that they have been involved when i instructed them in regards to the selenium and other toxic metals which are discovered constantly in Appalachian waterways, which has direct contact with drinkable water for the surrounding communities. Delaware…” which puts the magnitude of destruction some visible help for my audience. The questions I received after my presentation also established some form of connection between my audience and i as a result of I could tell that my information had affect on them (particularly about how MTR negatively degrades the atmosphere). The most important lesson that I discovered for this speech is to actually take the time to brainstorm a subject and be assured in it. I spent an excessive amount of time going back and forth between subjects that I underestimated the amount of time I would wish to arrange. I think that I positively might have been extra ready and rehearsed for this speech. My lack of preparation is a combination of adjusting my matters too much and due to this fact changing my outline and also the episode I had within the morning with not feeling well, which in all probability won’t happen again, nevertheless it remains to be a lesson learned that regardless of how effectively you learn about one thing, chances are you in all probability might learn more and that you still want to organize!

If therefore, your introduction is nice, it captivates audiences' attention and stirs up interest: sends questions, expectations and anxieties operating within the minds of the audience. So additionally does a poor introduction kill their appetite, in order that rather than get anxious to get the remainder of the gist from you, they get anxious to dispose of your time losing presence. Speech makers of affordable experience will let you know that probably the most embarrassing second of their careers was when an audience simply stared at them indifferently, while they made frantic efforts to get their attention. Often, they'd ignore you and fill within the gap by telling stories and holding pockets of briefs underground. To keep away from such pitfalls, your introduction should stir interest and be interesting enough for one man to inform one other to maintain quiet let him hear you well, as each speech must be well worth the time spent to receive it. Otherwise, they would just switch off psycho-mentally, while leaving you to make the noise. To attain this, you may ask a rhetoric question, use an anecdote (a brief analogical story) or a catchy quote however which have to be related and which would make your presentation easier to realize.


The Differences Between An Analytical And An Argumentative Paper

Воскресенье, 29 Марта 2020 г. 09:33 + в цитатник

When https://essayfreelancewriters.com/blog/a-comprehensive-guide-on-apa-format/ writing a research paper, you can select between two styles: analytical and argumentative. Here are the differences to help you choose. When you are considering how to write a research paper, one of the things to ask yourself is what you are trying to achieve with it, which will govern whether you use the analytical or the argumentative style. The purpose of the analytical approach is to define, explain and interpret information such as an event, book, poem, play, work of art, or even a person. You will us this approach to give an answer to a particular question objectively. It requires that you approach the subject with no pre-conceived conclusions. When writing a paper using the argumentative approach, also sometimes known as the persuasive approach, you make a statement proposing only one side of an argument. It is an attempt to convince your reader of the validity of your opinion as opposed to others, through evaluation and persuasion.

If you are taking the analytical approach to writing a research paper you will need to assemble data from reliable sources, which you cite by paraphrasing. You must have a very real knowledge of the subject if you select the analytical approach as it is meant to make use of your research in order to provide an objective picture of the data that is available on the subject. This enables you to present a conclusion based on all available information, not just your opinion. Once you have achieved familiarity with the topic, you will be able to restructure and relocate the concepts that underlie the basic topic in your paper. When writing your analytical paper, remember to use the present tense, avoid the first person, as well as the use of contractions. When constructing an argumentative paper, your aim is to create a thesis that presents your opinion of why the reader should only consider one particular side of an argument.

To do this, you must investigate your topic thoroughly and evaluate the evidence you discover in your research in order to be able to establish a position on the topic. You must then support your position by providing credible and trustworthy sources from previously published materials. In persuading your readers to your point of view, you may need to produce empirical research results by collecting data through interviews, surveys, observations, or experiments. Your resulting paper will demonstrate your ability to counter any arguments to the contrary of your stated chosen position using trustworthy data and sound reasoning. Be sure to use good transitional words and phrases when moving between arguments to demonstrate your logical progression of thought. As mentioned earlier, you will need to cite references in order to demonstrate a strong analysis or argument for your paper. When you refer to works by other authors, it is important that you cite them accurately so your reader can validate the references. The citation style will vary based upon the writing format given to you by your professor, whether APA, MLA, or another. To ensure that you do not lose points for formatting errors, you can use formatting software for accuracy. By using the proper software, you can save time during the editing process and this will allow you to focus your attention on what matters most, the content.

Treat the reference as you would any other reference of its type. Keesing (1991) argues that culture “implies a substantial degree of…” (p. To acknowledge the work of one author that you have found in the work of another. Gombrich (1983) argues that both art and nature are needs of the mind (as cited in Norrington, 1989, p. 22). This is known as the ‘corporate or group author’. When the author and publisher are the same (e.g. with a corporate author), replace the publisher with the word ‘author’ - see example (a). The Department’s report (Department of Defence, 2009) contains . A report by the Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee (2018) recommends . Reports from businesses, groups, committees and societies may provide concrete evidence in your writing. Use organisation name (corporate or group author) if there is no person as author. In this financial report, Diabetes Australia (2010) clarifies the purpose . GM Holden (2010) proposes that the future will lie .

Williams and Taji (1990) believe . If there is no author, place the first few words of the title of an article or entry in the author position in double quotation marks. In the reference list, use the word “In” before the title. Treat a brochure or a pamphlet as you would a book. According to the High Country Urban Biodiversity Project (2012) a large diversity of native wildflowers grows on the New England Tableland. Data can be shown in many ways in your text: e.g. tables, graphic representations, images, maps, charts, drawings, photographs. Tables and figures have separate numbering systems. Italicise Figure number but not Table number. Your own/personal data does not require an author reference. Leech (2002) suggests that . Debt levels have fallen (“Computer Industry Blamed”, 1997) . Leech, G. (2002, September 19). Call for research shake-up. Leech, G. (2002, September 19). Call for research shake-up. Computer industry blamed. (1997, July 7). The Sydney Morning Herald, p. In The Third Man (Korda & Wells, 1949) . Australia’s Geological History (Clarke, 1986) explores . In The Future of Work (2010) . Replace ‘audio podcast’ with ‘video webcast’ for appropriate format. Make sure you indicate the type of material in square brackets. According to Fisher (2011), there are two types of ethical concerns facing multinational corporations. A. Brown (2010) argues that nationalism is . Information privately obtained e.g. personal conversation, interview, letter, lecture, email.A live lecture is treated as personal communication, but you must reference a podcast of a lecture. Doubts were cast on the statistical methods used (P. Content has been created with the help of Essay Writers.


Descriptive Essay Example: Ingredients For The Best Vacation Possible

Суббота, 28 Марта 2020 г. 09:28 + в цитатник

This free sample essay will help you to do a couple of things: write sample essay & better understand what you need to enjoy your ideal vacation. What Is a Descriptive Essay? A descriptive essay is a type of essay which aims at helping you illustrate something to your reader in a way that they can see, feel, or hear what you are talking about. If you are looking for descriptive essay examples here is a great one below. Vacation means different things to different people. For most people living in the Western hemisphere, it means getting away to a new landscape where things have slowed down tremendously compared to the daily hustle bustle of life. Vacation is an extended period of recreation, especially one spent away from home or in traveling, and that’s exactly what a vacation should be. A good vacation - that is, a fun, successful vacation that restores, refreshes and relaxes a person - has a sort of recipe, a list of elements that are needed in order for it to be successful. First of all, a true vacation really needs to occur near water.

There is something about the movement of the water that is calming and relaxing. For people who spend a majority of their time working, in school, at home, on the go, in the office, on the commute to work, there is nothing they would rather being doing than relaxing near some kind of water, whether ocean, river or bay. Some of the biggest, most visited attractions in the world are located near water - Hawaiian cities, Paris, Amsterdam, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, Tokyo, Seattle. The list goes on and on, and it makes sense that these locations attract millions of people each year, mostly from out of its own country. They’re just so beautiful, welcoming and picturesque. And they are on or near water. Another element of a good vacation is the fabulous weather. Unless, of course, if a person taking vacation comes from a place where the beautiful weather is the norm - then they may want to go someplace cold, like Moscow, Russia, in winter, or Switzerland. But generally, a vacation requires favorable weather, at least in the minds of many people all around the world. Nice weather is comfortable, enjoyable and welcoming.

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Nice weather is always a wonderful distraction from the everyday problems, work challenges, the day-to-day mundane things, like paying bills and going to doctor’s appointments and grocery shopping. That stuff doesn’t exist on vacation - thanks in part to wonderful weather, sunny days, the kind of climate where nothing is needed but a swimsuit and some sandals and maybe a cocktail. Also, of course, a vacation needs the right people, the right company, which should always be a given. A good time is as good as the company that is kept. This applies to vacation, of course. Whether it’s family, friends or lovers, vacation is best in the company of one’s favorite people. A person rarely, if ever, goes on vacation alone. It’s usually done in the company of others. So if a person is tasked with going on vacation, they are best to do so not just with other people to help pass the time, but with the best people who make the time a truly spectacular memory.

To conclude, vacation isn’t a vacation without certain things. Of Descriptive Essay Writing , this can be argued, but most vacations, it can be said, are successful for certain reasons. Success, in this case, refers to the person having a satisfying experience after which they return home renewed, refreshed and recharged and focused. This is done by, one, vacationing in a place that includes water or is surrounded by water. Beaches are the top choice, generally, but lakes, rivers, and other watery destinations. Other elements required for a successful vacation is nice weather and good company. A vacation just isn’t vacation without any of these three key elements. There also may be several other ingredients that can be included in the formula of a perfect vacation story. For example, all great vacations must last at least a few days, longer than an extended weekend. Another example could be that a vacation should not have scheduled time, but should have nothing but free time built into each day and night. It is really up to the individual to choose his or her own ideal vacation and elements.

Use clear and concise language. This means that words are chosen carefully, particularly for their relevancy in relation to that which you are intending to describe. Why use horse when you can choose stallion? Why not use tempestuous instead of violent? Or why not miserly in place of cheap? Such choices form a firmer image in the mind of the reader and often times offer nuanced meanings that serve better one’s purpose. Remember, if you are describing something, you need to be appealing to the senses of the reader. Explain how the thing smelled, felt, sounded, tasted, or looked. Embellish the moment with senses. What were you thinking? If you can describe emotions or feelings related to your topic, you will connect with the reader on a deeper level. Many have felt crushing loss in their lives, or ecstatic joy, or mild complacency. Tap into this emotional reservoir in order to achieve your full descriptive potential. Leave the reader with a clear impression. One of your goals is to evoke a strong sense of familiarity and appreciation in the reader. If your reader can walk away from the essay craving the very pizza you just described, you are on your way to writing effective descriptive essays. It is easy to fall into an incoherent rambling of emotions and senses when writing a descriptive essay. However, you must strive to present an organized and logical description if the reader is to come away from the essay with a cogent sense of what it is you are attempting to describe.


Writing A Research Paper Online At PayToWritepaper.com

Суббота, 28 Марта 2020 г. 06:52 + в цитатник

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Furthermore, they said that literature must have intellectual value, emotional value, spiritual value, universality, permanence, style and most of all artistry. Similarly, Edilberto Tiempo says that literature or good literature is intended to move, it must seduce but a work's emotive quality must not assault the sensibility, it must be ungirded by reasonableness, by logic, it must complement and satisfy the intellect, it must have the inevitability. The criteria on how the literary selections in this crash course program on Literature were based from Jose Garcia Villa's criteria as cited by Edilberto K. Tiempo's suggestions on what should be included in any anthology of Literature. They are substance and form. Jose Garcia villa said that he followed double standard of form and substance. Substance requires vitality of subject and significant selection of facts. Genuine substance is achieved only when a pulse beats through the correlated facts, for significant substance alone, if without beat of life, remain dead substance. To achieve validity, therefore, substance in fiction should be living as well as significant.

The second test is form. It requires vigor of structure although form and substance in literature are a creative one and they are indivisible, still they are distinct. Thus making feasible this test of form. Form, in literature, is the adequate and beautiful externalization of substance. It is not restrictive, mold, but is free, yet artistically disciplined presentation of substance. Literature liberates the mind and spirit as one reads through the pages. The experience one has in looking at a painting, listening to a classical music or a moving performance in a theatre is similar to the reading of a literary text. It moves the mind to think critically. It touches the heart with that emotive power when one reads poetry or reads a play. All these effects and more are experienced by readers or learners including the enthusiasts when they are arrested by powerful literary texts with beautiful form and substance. Literature is an instrument to fight illiteracy. People have become dependent on moving pictures and flashed items that they tend to read less.


University Of Virginia Clinical Nurse Leader Program: February 2020

Пятница, 27 Марта 2020 г. 11:27 + в цитатник

UVA's second-degree MSN-entry Clinical Nurse Leader program at UVA was extremely well represented at the national CNL Summit held in New Orleans January 29-31, 2009. The CNL Summit was co-sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, and was attended by over 400 practicing clinical nurse leaders, students, faculty, and nurse executives. Our own Kathryn Reid, CNL program coordinator, serves as a member of the AACN's national CNL Steering Committee, and in her role, moderated several sessions and co-led a CNL faculty forum. • Dorothy Tullmann gave a podium presentation titled Enhancing Students' Vision of Quality and safety in the Microsystem: The Role of Clinical faculty in Precepted Clinical Experiences. • Rebecca Salisbury (Class of 2008) and Audrey Snyder gave of podium presentation of Rebecca's UVA Emergency Department capstone project titled A Healthy Work Environment Improvement Project. • Jess Keim (Class of 2008 and now a student in the PhD program) and Tim Cunningham (Class of 2009) also gave a podium presentation titled Utilizing CNL Roles to Initiate the Development of Global Health Partnerships.

• Sherry Kausch (Class of 2009) presented a poster titled Impact of a CNL Student Impact in Home Health Care Nurses' Teaching. • Drew Walton (Class of 2008) and Gayle Coolidge (Class of 2008) presented a poster titled Clinical Nurse Leader Students Create a "Green" Tipping Point in an Academic Medical Center. Co-authors include Kiernan Calef (Class of 2008) and our medical center colleagues Kim Sutphin, Kathleen Rea, and Pam Dennison. Tim Cunningham's (Class of 2009) work titled Ngudo Nga Zwinepe (Learning through Photos): A Modified Photovoice Methodology Assessing Community Water and Health Perceptions in Limpopo Province, South Africa has been accepted for presentation at Yale's 6th annual Unite for Sight Global Health Conference and at the Global Health Education Consortium & the Western Regional International Health Conference in Seattle, WA, both of which will be held this spring. In case you've not had the opportunity to meet Tim, he also serves as the CNL 2009 "class clown" - literally! His background includes professional clowning with the organization known as Clowns Without Borders, and he attributes these experiences as contributing to his desire to become a nurse. On a last note, Kathryn Reid has been invited to speak at the upcoming AACN MSN Education conference. She will be speaking during one of the opening sessions titled Moving Graduate Nursing Education into the Future on the topic of Educating Non-Nurses for the CNL Role: Second Degree Master’s Advanced Generalist Preparation. Co-panelists for this presentation include Jean Novotny speaking about Transitioning BSN Graduates to the CNL Role via Master’s Programs and Jean E. DeMartinis speaking about Elevating Specialty Preparation From Master’s to the DNP.

It can be unnerving for students when it comes to writing a great capstone project mainly because this emphasize your level of expertise. It is imperative that you also choose a good topic for your project as to impress your readers. The main thing you should do would be to brainstorm great nursing capstone project ideas that are within current trend of your field. Avoid nursing capstone project ideas that are commonly used instead stick to something innovative and you enjoy. Remember that writing your capstone project may be time consuming but this is less stressful when you are truly interested with your nursing capstone project topics. Get Free 10 Best Nursing Capstone Project Examples with Us! Still hungry for topics? Then have a look at the BSN capstone project ideas to help you out! For most students, they are on a time crunch which can be stressful which is why it is crucial that you know where to get help. Getting assistance from expert writers online will help you guarantee winning nursing capstone project ideas that will be beneficial for you. In fact, you can also access free nursing capstone project examples that will help you jumpstart your creative juices and determine which area of nursing works best with you. Our online help is readily available 24/7 in order to give you excellent academic support and top notch nursing capstone project ideas.

You capstone project is one of the most essential academic requirements and possibly the most challenging. To help you maximize the impact of your capstone project, it is important that you create better aviation capstone project ideas. Your project is a great chance for you to impress your audience and also present something relevant to your field. To help you maximize your chances of creating innovative ideas, make sure that you allocate time and effort into brainstorming and organizing your thoughts and concepts. A capstone project can be difficult but this is a rewarding task especially if you pave way for development and success. There are several things that you can do in order for you to create good aviation capstone project ideas. Aside from simple researching, you can also read previous capstone projects for inspiration. Whether you want to address loopholes or accommodate various issues in your field. Here is the list that can help you in choosing one of the best aviation capstone project topics.

Your aviation project ideas are being shared for the better help. 8. The Aviation Branch of the U.S. How to Choose the Best Research Topics in Aviation? Pick a subject that is intriguing to you. It might appear glaringly evident, yet this will make the exploration procedure more fun and drawing in for you. Ensure click this link meets the task necessities. Approach your teacher for input in the event that you are uncertain. Think about the extent of your point. You are supposed to follow these 10 valuable tips for selecting the ideal research topic. 1. Follow the aviation capstone project examples. 2. Start doing some exploratory, in-depth research. How to Write the Best Aviation Capstone Project? Research papers are planned to exhibit an understudy's scholastic information of a subject. An examination paper is unique in relation to an exploration proposition (otherwise called an outline), despite the fact that the composition procedure is comparative.

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11.4 Strategies For Gathering Reliable Information - Writing For Success

Четверг, 26 Марта 2020 г. 23:41 + в цитатник

Writers classify research resources in two categories: primary sources and secondary sources. Primary sources are direct, firsthand sources of information or data. For example, if you were writing a paper about the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, the text of the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights would be a primary source. Secondary sources discuss, interpret, analyze, consolidate, or otherwise rework information from primary sources. In researching a paper about the First Amendment, you might read articles about legal cases that involved First Amendment rights, or editorials expressing commentary on the First Amendment. These sources would be considered secondary sources because they are one step removed from the primary source of information. Your topic and purpose determine whether you must cite both primary and secondary sources in your paper. Ask yourself which sources are most likely to provide the information that will answer your research questions. If you are writing a research paper about reality television shows, you will need to use some reality shows as a primary source, but secondary sources, such as a reviewer’s critique, are also important.

If you are writing about the health effects of nicotine, you will probably want to read the published results of scientific studies, but secondary sources, such as magazine articles discussing the outcome of a recent study, may also be helpful. Once you have thought about what kinds of sources are most likely to help you answer your research questions, you may begin your search for print and electronic resources. The challenge here is to conduct your search efficiently. Writers use strategies to help them find the sources that are most relevant and reliable while steering clear of sources that will not be useful. Print resources include a vast array of documents and publications. Regardless of your topic, you will consult some print resources as part of your research. Table 11.1 “Library Print Resources” lists different types of print resources available at public and university libraries. Reference works provide a summary of information about a particular topic. Almanacs, encyclopedias, atlases, medical reference books, and scientific abstracts are examples of reference works.

In some cases, reference books may not be checked out of a library. Note that reference works are many steps removed from original primary sources and are often brief, so these should be used only as a starting point when you gather information. Some of these resources are also widely available in electronic format. In addition to the resources noted in the table, library holdings may include primary texts such as historical documents, letters, and diaries. Businesses, government organizations, and nonprofit organizations produce published materials that range from brief advertisements and brochures to lengthy, detailed reports. In many cases, producing these publications requires research. A corporation’s annual report may include research about economic or industry trends. A charitable organization may use information from research in materials sent to potential donors. Regardless of the industry you work in, you may be asked to assist in developing materials for publication. Often, incorporating research in these documents can make them more effective in informing or persuading readers. As you gather information, strive for a balance of accessible, easy-to-read sources and more specialized, challenging sources. Relying solely on lightweight books and articles written for a general audience will drastically limit the range of useful, substantial information. On the other hand, restricting oneself to dense, scholarly works could make the process of researching extremely time-consuming and frustrating.

Since our argument is that quartered troops angered farmers into action, we need to discuss them in that order. Interpret your findings. Does the information you've found support your thesis statement? Does it cause you to rethink your original hypothesis? Or does your research further clarify your original thesis statement? If so, make the necessary adjustments. For example, if you discovered that farmers were primarily unhappy quartering British soldiers because they ate all their food, you'd want to include that information in your thesis statement. Quartered British troops consumed large quantities of food while housed with poor farmers. Because they couldn't feed themselves and quarter troops, these farmers chose to protest British taxes and to attack British troops. As such, farmers played a significant role in the origins of the American Revolution. Write visit here . An outline is a great place to organize your thoughts before you sit down to write.

It is also a great place to figure out what needs to come first. Once you have a general idea of the trajectory of your paper, you'll be able to introduce it more efficiently. Consider composing an outline as a list of questions you would like to answer. Start with your thesis at the beginning, then break it down into sections that back up your argument. Write questions like "Why is this research important?" and "What studies support my thesis?" Then insert information you found while researching into your outline that answers these questions. You can also write a prose outline, instead of a question-based outline. Place headers that are the subjects of each paragraph or section of your research paper. Add quotes and other notes in bullets below the subject. You can begin your composition directly from a prose-based outline. Continue researching if you need to fill holes in your outline. Content was generated with Essay Writers.


How To Write An Article Analysis

Четверг, 26 Марта 2020 г. 19:16 + в цитатник

As you write an article analysis, focus on writing a summary of the main points followed by an analytical critique of the author’s purpose. Knowing how to write an article analysis paper involves formatting, critical thinking of the literature, a purpose of the article and evaluation of the author’s point of view. In an article analysis critique, you integrate your perspective of the author about a specific topic into a mix of reasoning and arguments. So, you develop an argumentative approach to the point of view of the author. However, a careful distinction occurs between summary and analysis. When presenting your findings of the article analysis, you might want to summarize the main points, which allows you to formulate a thesis statement. Then, inform the readers about the analytical aspects the author presents in his arguments. Most likely, developing ideas on how to write an article analysis entails a meticulous approach to the critical thinking of the author. As with any formal paper, you want to begin by quickly reading the article to get the main points. Once you generate a general idea of the point of view of the author, start analyzing the main ideas of each paragraph.

An ideal way to take notes based on the reading is to jot them down in the margin of the article. If that's not possible, include notes on your computer or a separate piece of paper. Interact with the text you're reading. Becoming an active reader helps you decide the relevant information the author intends to communicate. At this point, you might want to include a summary of the main ideas. After you finish writing down the main points, read them to yourself and decide on a concise thesis statement. To do so, begin with the author’s name followed by the title of the article. Next, complete the sentence with your analytical perspective. Ideally, you want to use outlines, notes and concept mapping to draft your copy. As you progress through the body of the critical part of the paper, include relevant information such as literature references and the author’s purpose for the article.

Formal documents, such as an article analysis, also use in-text citation and proofreading. Any academic paper includes a grammar, spelling and mechanics proofreading. Make sure you double-check your paper before submission. When you write the summary of the article, focus on the purpose of the paper and develop ideas that inform the reader in an unbiased manner. One of the most crucial parts of an analysis essay is the citation of the author and the title of the article. First, introduce article critique example essay by first and last name followed by the title of the article. Add variety to your sentence structure by using different formats. For example, you can use “Title,” author’s name, then a brief explanation of the purpose of the piece. Also, many sentences might begin with the author, “Title,” then followed by a description of the main points. By implementing active, explicit verbs into your sentences, you'll show a clear understanding of the material. Content was generated by Essay Writers.

Much like any formal paper, consider the most substantial points as your main ideas followed by evidence and facts from the author’s persuasive text. Remember to use transition words to guide your readers in the writing. Those transition phrases or words encourage readers to understand your perspective of the author’s purpose in the article. More importantly, as you write the body of the analysis essay, use the author’s name and article title at the beginning of a paragraph. When you write your evidence-based arguments, keep the author’s last name throughout the paper. Besides writing your critique of the author’s purpose, remember the audience. The readers relate to your perspective based on what you write. So, use facts and evidence when making inferences about the author’s point of view. When you analyze an article based on the argumentative evidence, generate ideas that support or not the author’s point of view. Although the author’s purpose to communicate the intentions of the article may be clear, you need to evaluate the reasons for writing the piece. Since the basis of your analysis consists of argumentative evidence, elaborate a concise and clear thesis.

However, don't rely on the thesis to stay the same as you research the article. At many times, you'll find that you'll change your argument when you see new facts. In this way, you might want to use text, reader, author, context and exigence approaches. You don't need elaborate ideas. Just use the author’s text so that the reader understands the point of views. However, evaluate the strong tone of the author and the validity of the claims in the article. So, use the context of the article. Then, ask yourself if the author explains the purpose of his or her persuasive reasons. As you discern the facts and evidence of the article, analyze the point of views carefully. Look for assumptions without basis and biased ideas that aren't valid. An analysis example paragraph easily includes your perspective of the author’s purpose and whether you agree or not. Don't be surprised if your critique changes as you research other authors about the article. Consequently, your response might end up agreeing, disagreeing or being somewhat in between despite your efforts of finding supporting evidence.


AP English Language Practice Tests

Четверг, 26 Марта 2020 г. 07:42 + в цитатник

The AP English Language and Composition course is designed to help students become skilled readers and writers of prose. The best way to prepare for the multiple choice section of this test is to work through as many practice questions as possible. Get started on your test prep right now with our collection of free AP English Language practice tests. The AP English Language and Composition exam consists of a multiple choice section and a free-response section. You will have 60 minutes to answer the multiple choice questions. Then you will have a 15 minute reading period to read the sources for the synthesis essay and to plan your response. You are then given 120 minutes to write your essays. The AP English Language and Composition multiple choice questions are designed to test your skill in analyzing the rhetoric of prose passages. There are typically 54 questions, and this section of the test will count for 45% of your overall score. The free response section of the test consists of 3 essay questions. The first essay is the synthesis essay, in which you will need to write a persuasive argument using a variety of sources to illustrate and support this argument. The next 2 essays require analysis of rhetoric and style in selected prose passages. The 3 essays each count for a third of your grade on the free-response section, so you are encouraged to spend 40 minutes on each of them. To prepare for this challenging exam be sure to complete at least one AP English Language and Composition practice exam. You can get started now with our free practice questions.

Use direct evidence from the text to support your ideas, and quote judiciously with correct citations. As you’re writing, be aware of rhetorical elements and use them effectively. For more specific information about the test, consider using a formal study guide, such as those published by Barron’s or Cliffnotes. Alternatively, there are many online study resources available. Some AP teachers have even published their own study guides or review sheets online. You can find one here and another here. Another new, fun way to study is to use one of the recently developed apps for AP exams. 0.99 to $4.99, but they provide a fun and easy way to quiz yourself. Make sure you read reviews before choosing one - their quality varies widely. Once you have your theory down, test it out by practicing multiple-choice questions. You can find these in most study guides or through online searches. There are some available here and more are available in the College Board’s course description.

Try to keep track of which areas are still tripping you up, and go back over this theory again. Keep in mind, the key to answering questions correctly is understanding the passage, so practice active reading skills as you’re tackling the multiple-choice questions. This includes underlining, mouthing words, and circling key points. Remember, the answer will always be found in the text. As indicated on your exam, it is recommended that you spend 15 minutes reading the question, analyzing and evaluating the sources, and 40 minutes writing your response. Try to stick to this timeline when practicing your free response essays to see if it works for you. You do not have to follow it on exam day, but having a good idea of how much time it typically takes for you to plan and write will be an advantage. As you tackle your open responses, identify what each is asking you to do. When asked to synthesize, you know you will be taking pieces of evidence from multiple sources to form a single argument. This post was generated by Essay Freelance Writers!

Use specific examples and make them stand out by explicitly stating, “For example . ” or “As Source C indicates in paragraph 3 . ” Also be sure to cite your sources appropriately while writing. When writing an analysis of rhetorical strategies used, first consider the elements of SOAPSTone as discussed above. Also consider the five canons of rhetoric. This means thinking about the author’s invention, arrangement, and style. Memory and delivery are obviously less apparent in written pieces, but their roles in a speech are still important. As you read, try to underline specific places that highlight relevant examples. Finally, when writing your own persuasive argument, support your ideas with concrete examples from current events, literature, etc. Try to vary look at this site for more info to build credibility and address counterpoints to craft an even stronger response. As you prepare for the writing portion of your exam, be sure to review how your free responses will be scored. The College Board supplies many released free response questions and authentic scored student responses with written explanations that are an invaluable tool for this.


Learn How To Write An Analytical Essay In 15 Minutes

Среда, 25 Марта 2020 г. 04:13 + в цитатник

Once you have gone through the prewriting stage, you are prepared for writing this type of essay. However, before beginning with the writing process, prepare a detailed outline worksheet for your essay. Preparing a good and detailed outline will help you in focusing on the main topic. Start writing your essay with the introductory paragraph. The essay introduction aims to provide the reader with the basic background information of the issue. An introduction section starts with a hook, an interesting and engaging fact or statement. Consider it first and probably the last chance to impress your readers. The introduction should be exciting and leave the reader wanting to know more. However, be specific and keep everything brief. Do not overwhelm your readers with tons of information and keep the details for the latter part of the essay. Thesis statement comes after the introduction and it is usually a one or two liner.

It is the core essence of the entire essay and this is why it should be brief and to the point. It is usually written at the end of the introduction and is a small section. To make it impressive, mention the main theme of the essay briefly. The body of any essay is the main part that consists of the flesh of the essay. Writing an analytical essay, the number of body paragraphs vary, depending upon the complexity of the topic. Generally, Analytical Essay is made up of a topic sentence, analysis of the original text and evidence from the text that proves your opinion and thesis statement. Please remember that each paragraph must present a single idea or topic. Do not try to add multiple ideas into a single paragraph. Want to know how to conclude an analytical essay strong? Writing a conclusion has the same importance as the introductory paragraph. Use the conclusion to prove how and why your point of view was correct. Also, restate the thesis in a global context.

However, don’t introduce new ideas at this stage. It will only confuse your reader further. Explain the importance of the issue and your stance on it to the reader. If you want to learn details about the different types of analytical essays, along with their examples, feel free to explore the analytical essay example and sharpen your writing skills. The final step after you have finished the writing process is to perfect your draft. To do so, you must practice the following techniques. If your essay tackles an important issue and presents a solid argument, but at the same time, if it has grammatical or spelling errors, then it won’t come across as a well-written piece of writing. Before the final submission, make sure that your essay is completely error free. Check for spelling and grammar and make sure that everything is in line with your analytical essay structure. Make it your habit to get rid of any mistakes before handing in your paper.

You can do this easily by using spelling and grammar check software. It may sound weird but reading the paper out loud will actually help you in identifying your paper’s shortcomings. When writing, you may not be able to identify any complex or vague words and phrases. Reading it out loud will help you in picking such words and rectifying it before submission. Reading it this way will also help you notice the readability of your text. In case something is not falling in place, you can change it at this stage. And correctly also. Every assignment has specific guidelines and requirements and as a student, it is important for you to follow all of them. Some details include the analytical essay format, the required number of references, the required number of pages and words etc. Other details include the correct mentioning of the names of the characters and location, as mentioned in the novel, or your chosen subject. Sometimes we miss minor mistakes and errors and it is natural. This is why, having someone else read it for you will help you in rectifying those mistakes. This content was written with Essay Freelance Writers.

Ask your friend or a sibling to read it for you and point out structural or any other types of errors. The range of analytical essay topics is almost limitless. You can write an analytical essay and support your points with evidence and logical arguments on topics as wide ranging as the arts, political movements, social phenomena, scientific discoveries, and current events. How does fashion influence the lives of teenagers? Do you think that footballers are overrated in terms of pay? If yes then why? Can you imagine a world without technology? Prove your arguments.with strong evidence. Express your views on having mandatory school uniform. Provide strong arguments and proof. Voting age in the US should be revised. Analyze ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and the theme of fate. Explain and analyze different literary terms. Discuss and analyze the theme of Ambition in the play ‘Macbeth’. Analyze the role of different female characters in ‘Hamlet’. Analyze Twain’s ‘Huckleberry Finn’ and discuss the themes of while supremacy and black slavery in the book. Analyze the concept of ‘Power Corrupts’ in Marlowe’s ‘Doctor Faustus’. Identify and analyze different symbols in Samuel Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot’. How do the novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ discusses the era of the Great Depression? Discuss the elements of fantasy and reality in the play ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’. Is higher education directly related to a higher quality of life? Are high school and college exams necessary? Is peer pressure affecting students today? Analyze the latest presidential speech. Analyze the differences between identical twins. To help you further, we have added downloadable analytical essay template and essay s here. You can download them and use them as a guide for your essay writing process.


Argumentative Essay On Abortion Definition

Вторник, 24 Марта 2020 г. 14:01 + в цитатник

Abortion remains to be one of the most challenging and provocative conceptions of the up-to-date society. In the United States, abort is a legal matter. In the case with an abortion essay, the concept “abort” means the early termination of pregnancy that ends in the embryo or fetus’ death. Many people associate abortion with a murder. Other people see it quite justified, while someone considers that only God can choose whether to keep a baby or not. In the case with supporters of abortion, they do not consider it a murder, as they do not think an unborn child to be a person. Abortion is one of the issues that are problematic to call right or wrong. Besides, there are excessively many edges and points of view on this issue. We recognize devotees of abortion as so-called “Pro-Choice”. 1 of numerous discussion for thousands of years. Abortion has turned out to be legal procedure in the United States in 1973, right after the renowned case of Roe vs.

Wade in which the babies were proclaimed to be not legal “persons”, therefore, having no rights to be secured by Constitution. In the same time, woman has a legal right to make choices that take account of her body. That is why, as our government was always protective of the person’s key right to privacy, thus a woman’s reproductive system is not the issue to government ruling. In the mentioned case, every woman’s right to manage her own body was the key matter. Besides, a fetus is a woman body’s part, as it totally depends on her. Consequently, as the unborn child is a property of mother, she is the only one who can choose whether to kill it by an abortion or not. In the same time, the abortion can be done at any time up until birth. Even having a heart and a brain and being biologically a human life, an unborn baby is not considered as a legal person. Only after the birth, the baby turns into a legal person. Before that time, baby has no legal rights. A woman’s key rights to decide whether to keep baby or not is the central matter for the pro-choice devotees to upkeep. Abortion question have become very important in todays world. Our company differs from other essays site because of our professional writers, who can write literaly on every topic you need, no matter how provocative or complicated it is. Make sure in it by ordering perfectly crafted academic paper today. This content has been created with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

Here is a good topic example for this case: ‘Corruption is the cause of overborrowing by the government.’ Effects of this action/decision may include wage cuts, tax burdens and a high cost of living. Another cause-effect essay format is where there are many events, decisions, and actions triggering something, and the results are also many. This can be a very interesting or difficult writing assignment because it heavily depends on strong logic and knowing many things at the same time. 4 (you can add more). Let’s take an example like, ’Most accidents are caused by drunk driving.’ The outcome of drunk driving is death, and this, can cause grief to relatives of the deceased. Another thing is that one: drunk drivers get fined or even arrested. The third effect is your car gets written off causing you to lose drivers license points. Having to discuss some subjects in detail and mention its causes and effects may be overwhelming.

Don’t worry; it’s perfectly natural to be concerned - it shows you care. Too much stress, though, is not a good thing. Understand cause vs. effects - it is not uncommon for students to mix them up. Research - regardless of the paper, research is a must. Make meaningful links - you need to explain effects by making appropriate links to causes. Their relationship has to be solid and discussed thoroughly. Quality over quantity - avoid piling causes and effects one after another. Remember, you should provide deeper insight into their relationship and use evidence to support your claims. Choose the method - you can arrange causes and effects in chronological order, based on the importance, or categorize them. Smooth transition - to avoid choppiness, use transition words that allow you to switch from one point to another seamlessly. Be unbiased - you may agree or disagree with someone, like or dislike, love or hate, but you should never show it in the paper.

Don’t exaggerate - for a stronger impact one might feel tempted to exaggerate the effects or causes, but you need to avoid doing that. Evidence - it’s not enough to write “this cause has this effect”, you need evidence to support everything you write. Use reputable journals, publications, and other respected sources during this process. Do you get to choose your own cause and effect essay topic? In many cases instructors allow students to write an essay based on a subject they choose themselves. Some students spend hours thinking about topics they could discuss, but you don’t have to do that. Causes of voter apathy. What is the effect of divorce on children? Does the child’s age make any difference? Effects of abortion on a relationship. Causes behind US poverty. click this link of homelessness and its effects on society. Effects of increasing obesity rates in the US. Effects of stress on health. Content was created with Essay Freelance Writers.


Learn To Write A Literary Analysis Essay

Вторник, 24 Марта 2020 г. 03:00 + в цитатник

A literary analysis essay is quite a different form of essay writing work. In schools and colleges, students are assigned analytical essay writing work in order to enhance reading, understanding and analytical skills. Once you learn the skill of writing a literary analysis essay, you will understand how to write a text with intense meaning and analyze other’s work judiciously. If you want to become a pro essay writer, do not skip any line of this article. You might get great help from this article. How to define a literary analysis essay? These types of essays consist of an argumentative analysis of a literary work. The work of a writer is to analyze the drama, novels, fiction or non-fiction work. The analyses of character, event, place, tone, writing style, etc. This type of essay widens the questioning ability of students. For example, when a student writes a literary analysis essay, he/she will put up questions such as Why the writer has used a certain style while writing this novel?

What is the purpose of using such symbols in the novel? Therefore, one can define this type of essay as a piece of writing that deeply looks into different sections of literature work to uncover how they relate or affect the whole work. You might have a question, how to write a literary analysis essay. The answer to this question you will get in this section of the article. All the essays whether they are literary analysis essays or other types follow a similar pattern. They have an introduction, a body of the essay and a conclusion. But the structure of the information differs from one essay type to another. Let us have a look at the outline and how to put information in it. Firstly, include the full name of the author. Then mention the title of which you are doing the analysis. Secondly, work on your thesis statement. Thesis Statement needs to be in the introduction part.

The thesis statement delivers the whole idea of the essay. Therefore, work on it and make it as perfect as you can. Thirdly, remember to use questioning sentences in the essay. You can also take an online analytical essay help to get complete essay assistance for literary analysis essays. Every paragraph should start with an argument relatable to your thesis statement. Every paragraph should contain the same point of view. Further, remember to explain everything in detail. Don’t just simply write the narrative technique. Explain it in your words and with your understanding. End every paragraph with a hook statement that explains your point of view in a better way. Write a conclusion that starts by restating the thesis statement. Remember, you must not write the thesis statement word by word again. Just explain it. Then write the ideas and concepts which you have used in the essays. Explain your viewpoint again in a convincing manner and end your essay. You may take help from websites like Owlcation to get the idea of writing such essays.

Literary analysis is not limited to one type, you will find several types of analysis. What https://essayfreelancewriters.com/blog/literary-analysis-outline/ of literary analysis you will use depends completely on the assignment. Below, I have mentioned literary analysis types along with an explanation. Have a look at them. Close reading is defined as reading a specific piece of literary work and paying complete attention to every minute detail. For instance, the use of specific sounds or words in the text, usage of specific lines repeatedly, etc. This will allow you to understand the author’s psyche and give insight into his/her mind. Here the writer has to use various literary theories while analyzing the literary work. Theories could be used to compare and contrast or separately. The example of this type of technique, while analyzing the work of Marry Wollstonecraft, one can use different theories of feminism. As the name suggests, this type of analysis includes a comparison between the two literary texts. For instance, while doing an analysis of gothic literature, essayist may do a comparative study of different gothic literature to find and study the techniques used in such type of literature.

Here the essayist works upon the historical background of the literature or contemporary society. A close reading of both things leads to a perfect analysis. This form of analysis may require you to carry out extensive research. These are the types of analysis one has to do while framing an analytical essay of literature. You might find them difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to at least see one sample literary analysis essay. It will provide you with a better understanding of it. Choosing a topic for this type of essay is quite a difficult task. Therefore, I have written some topics for you as an example. A fatal flaw in hamlet and other works of Shakespeare. Significance of Horror, horror in the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Intense study of commonwealth literature. Get more examples of literary analysis essays from an online website such as EverNote. What is a literary analysis essay? This content was generated by Essay Freelance Writers.


Human Resources Management: What Are The Leadership Styles

Понедельник, 23 Марта 2020 г. 12:11 + в цитатник

There are 3 types of leadership styles could see mainly, as traditional leadership styles. Autocratic Leadership - traits of this leadership style are mainly, dictate orders & determine all policies without getting involvement of group members in decision making. Democratic Leadership - traits of this leadership style are, setting policies through group discussions & decisions. Laissez-faire Leadership - laissez-faire leaders are does not participate in their group's decision making at all. In 1939, a group of researches led by psychologist Kurt Lewin set out to identify different styles of leadership. While further research has identified more specific types of leadership, this early study was very influential and established three major leadership styles. In the study, groups of school children were assigned to one of three groups with an authoritarian, demographic, or laissez-fair leader/ the children were then led in all arts and crafts projects. But in present days, majority of these leadership styles are short coming. These different styles are effective under different situations and conditions. Mix of these leadership styles could see around the world most of the times . This has been generated by Essay Freelance Writersversion!

Unlimited numbers of leadership styles may be identified, and some of them are mentioned at below. Two major leadership models are available to see in modern world. Those are - Hersay and Blanchard's Situational Model and Vroom-Jago Leadership Model. Hersay and Blanchard's Situational Model is based on the amount of relationship and task behavior that a leader provides to subordinates in a situation. Performance of the task needed is stimulate task behavior or relationship behavior in return(Organizational Behavior, Hellriegel & Slocum,10e). Task behavior is the extent to which a leader tells to subordinates, what to do, when to do, where to do and how to do. Relationship behavior is the extent to which the leaders listens, provide support and help, and encourage their subordinates. Vroom-Jago time driven leadership model is focuses on the leadership role in decision making situations. This leadership model recommend a leader choices among five leadership styles based on seven situational factors, come to know the time requirement and costs associate with each styles. The situational variable are - decision significance, importance of commitment, leader expertise, likelihood of commitment, team support, team expertise and team competence. The decisions may or may not depend on the subordinates suggestions. Role of leader is much as chairperson, coordinating and discussion, focusing on the problem. Leader should not adopt the team to leaders decision. Leader is willing to accept and implement any solution that has the support of the whole team.

Maybe Characteristics and Personality Traits of a Leader think it is not their cup of tea. Data Analysis requires analytical bent of mind. HR can use this golden opportunity to polish themselves, correct the data and learn from mistakes. By holding back, you do not achieve what you want. HR needs to shed its inhibition to stay relevant. HR are generally regarded as people-oriented people. Since people are different than products, raw materials, and production units, you have been brainwashed to feel that analytics of any type is an attempt to commodities human intellect. Another point of fear is that analytics can be manipulated to prove any point and may dehumanize the uniqueness of each individual. While it’s essential to measure work performance on an input and output basis. Though many HR professionals are fearful that they may lose their identity, they should also look at the advantages; those adding real value will soon have analytics to validate the efforts for higher compensation and benefits. There are a few bottlenecks for widely adopting HR analytics: You can't see where you're going, or how to get there, unless you know where you are; and the analysis of pertinent numbers are necessary to do that.

However, there are a few bottlenecks for widely adopting HR analytics: 1). HR professionals have not been trained in analytics. 2). Most companies don't have one CoE analytics, where all analytic data is pulled, so it's not at all uncommon for data to be all over the place and not accurate enough to be put on a dashboard, 3). HR needs to take a deep, hard look to see how well they understand the businesses they support and what is relevant data for them to report back. Ask your clients what's important to their business and give them the data they will need to be successful in the future. HR need a deep understanding of the organization, how it works and what analytics is relevant in an HR context. Analytics is the language that CXOs speak and HR has to learn to speak their language and also retain their softer side too.


Basic Essay Structure: The Five-Paragraph Essay - Video & Lesson Transcript

Воскресенье, 22 Марта 2020 г. 13:08 + в цитатник

Let's see. There are five senses, five fingers, five great lakes, 5-star restaurants - heck, five golden rings! Ok, I'll never sing again. Take my word for it; the number five is really important. We associate five with prime numbers, major world religions and yes, even the standard for basic essay construction. The 5-paragraph essay is really a tried and true format that allows writers to adequately argue their thesis as well as provide readers a full circle experience by including an introduction and a conclusion. Meet my friend Connie. Connie recently started a new semester at Five Rivers Academy. On the first day of class, and without much instruction, her new teacher assigns an essay on the most influential pop star of the last decade. While other students in her class panic, the calm and confident Connie knows exactly what to do. Not only does she love any chance to sing the praises of her idol, the desire of her affection, the reason she gets up in the morning - Just'n Beeber - she also remembers that constructing an essay around the always-important 'five' provides the perfect balance of information.

Connie knows that the most important element of the introductory paragraph, perhaps even the whole paper, is the thesis statement. The thesis will identify the argument she'll make through her research and provide readers with a preview of the essay's main points. Without a properly formatted thesis statement, Connie's essay is doomed to failure. Since Connie has three body paragraphs to make her argument, she'll need to make sure she has - that's right - three main points or one for each paragraph. This one sentence provides readers with a wealth of information. What is Connie arguing? She'll use her research to make the case that Just'n Beeber is the most influential artist of the last decade. Readers will most likely know that Just'n Beeber is successful, but an opponent could easily take issue with identifying 'the Beebs' as the most influential artist of the past ten years. We know her thesis is arguable and not simply setting up a report on the artist. How is she going to prove her argument? Here is where the body paragraphs come into play. Connie will identify quality information to support each of her claims identified in the thesis. In the order she laid out, Connie will devote one paragraph to the support Just'n receives from his family, one paragraph to the influence his mentors have in the industry and one paragraph on the importance of his desire to succeed. When considering the evidence to incorporate in her argument, it's important for Connie to stick with a variety of quality, up-to-date information from reliable sources. Databases, validated educational websites and official music industry publications are all examples of reliable sources. Simply trolling the 'I Love Beeber' chat room for unconfirmed rumors posted by her BFF, Jane, doesn't give Connie's argument much authority and leads to an unreliable essay full of holes.

For example, a thesis statement could look like this: “Although pre-prepared and highly processed foods are cheap, they aren’t good for students. It is important for schools to provide fresh, healthy meals to students, even when they cost more. Note that this thesis statement isn’t a three-prong thesis. You don’t have to state every sub-point you will make in your thesis (unless your prompt or assignment says to). You do need to convey exactly what you will argue. Brainstorm your evidence. Once you have chosen your topic, do as much preparation as you can before you write your essay. This means you need to examine why you have your opinion and what evidence you find most compelling. Here’s also where you look for counterarguments that could refute your point. A mind map could be helpful. Start with your central topic and draw a box around it. Then, arrange other ideas you think of in smaller bubbles around it.

Connect the bubbles to reveal patterns and identify how ideas relate. Don’t worry about having fully fleshed-out ideas at this stage. Generating ideas is the most important step here. Research, if necessary. Once you have your ideas together, you may discover that some of them need research to support them. Doing your research before you begin “writing” your essay will make the writing process go smoothly. For example, if you’re arguing for healthier school lunches, you could make a point that fresh, natural food tastes better. This is a personal opinion and doesn’t need research to support it. However, if you wanted to argue that fresh food has more vitamins and nutrients than processed food, you’d need a reliable source to support that claim. If you have a librarian available, consult with him or her! Librarians are an excellent resource to help guide you to credible research. Outline your essay. Persuasive essays generally have a very clear format, which helps you present your argument in a clear and compelling way. Here are introduction paragraph for an argumentative essay of persuasive essays: - An introduction. This data was created with Essay Writers.

30+ Essay Outline Templates - (Free Samples, Examples And Formats)

Воскресенье, 22 Марта 2020 г. 05:58 + в цитатник

When writing an essay, an outline isn’t strictly required for completing an essay. However an effective essay outline can make the task of writing an essay much easier than it would be without the outline. The essay outline organizes the main points, and their supporting content. This process prevents needless repetition of information, and highlights areas that need special attention. There is no hard-fast rule in essay outline design, but there is a general consensus on the overall idea. Typically, an essay has five paragraphs. The first paragraph is the introduction which includes the hook, and the thesis or main argument. The second, third, and fourth paragraphs are the three arguments, and their supporting facts or opinions. The fifth paragraph is the conclusion. Why you should make an outline for essay? There are three types of essays- There are three basic types of essays: Expository, Informative, and Argumentative. The type of essay you write will dictate your introduction. Article has been created by https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

In informative essays, the introduction will be a general summary of the information to follow. In argumentative essays the introduction will be your main argument in the discussion, and expository essays will lead with an introduction that may state facts or statistics. Outlining is a time saver and an organizer- Assembling an essay outline allows the writer to see what work has been done and what work remains. It also organizes otherwise chaotic thought processes in a sensible manner. Essay outlines take time, but they save more time and frustration later in the process. You wouldn’t go on vacation without first knowing where you’re going, and how you’re getting there. This same concept applies to writing. There is no right or wrong way- There is no right or wrong way to make an essay outline- The components of an essay outline can be written out in proper sentence structure or paraphrased. The essay structure doesn’t necessarily have to consist of five paragraphs, and there is no set way of organizing the main points as long as the structure is organized for your purpose. Why you should make an outline for essay? Writing an outline essay is important because mastering the skill of writing essay outlines allows the writer to master their writing structure for future projects. Also, essay outlines allow the writer to organize their thoughts so readers don’t get lost in, or frustrated with what they’re reading. You might also like to check book outline templates.

If you examine the above examples, you will notice a basic essay outline template common to them all. Even though each is different in its own way because of the nature of the essay for which it is designed, the basic formula is the same. Let’s have a look at how this might play out in real terms. Study the following essay outline examples—one for each of the essay types discussed above. 1—Argumentative. Title: Buy Gold! Context: The current economic climate is very volatile, considering the various political, social and financial issues that face not just the U.S. In such a climate it is critical that individuals assess the best way to save their money and keep it from being devalued. Gold and silver are precious metals (PM’s) that represent alternative investments for savers because they keep track with inflation, require zero maintenance, and are still relatively inexpensive when compared to other asset prices. This data has been done with Essay Freelance Writers!

Gold and silver keep track with inflation. They do not lose value over time but, when priced in USD, reflect the value of the dollar in their own exchange rate/spot price. It is also smart investment because if the stock market tanks, PM’s will be viewed as a safe haven and their price will go up. Some will argue that PM’s are so expensive—but when compared to other assets (stocks, bonds, real estate) it is evident that PM’s are still undervalued. Investing in gold and silver in a market climate that is unstable is a wise idea. Your money will be safe in PM’s because they keep track with inflation. It is a very liquid market and requires no maintenance. And if equities go south, PM’s will even rise in value. 2—Persuasive. Title: Wear Your Seatbelt! Okay, so informative essay outline middle school pdf may not feel cool when riding in your car with your seatbelt on—fine! But riding in a car is not about being cool—it’s about getting from point A to point B safely—and that’s it.


How To Get A Scholarship

Суббота, 21 Марта 2020 г. 16:32 + в цитатник

Many people reading this article have either applied or even enrolled in an online or traditional college or university, however, the one question you may not have answered is, "How will I pay for it?" There are many options, which include grants, subsidized and unsubsidized loans, and scholarships. In my opinion, the best option is scholarships. I recently spoke to a University of California, Berkeley student who received so much scholarship money that after paying for four years of school, books and room and board she still had enough money to buy a car. That's right, a little known fact is that after you pay for all your books and classes, many scholarships allow you to spend the balance any way you choose. There are millions of dollars worth of scholarships that go unclaimed each year and my hope is that after reading this article you will pursue getting your share. When I asked the Berkeley student what her secret was she said it was not her grades because lots of students have good grades, it was not her ethnic background, nor her gender, but it was the fact that she had overcome hardships in her young life.

People in charge of issuing college scholarship money will frequently not issue them to a person that has grown up in a typical home with the perfect grades. The reason for this is that a student completing a college degree, whether it is through an online or a traditional college or university, has many challenges to overcome and scholarship boards would rather invest in someone that already has the skill set and level of maturity gained from overcoming a significant challenges. You've considered the obstacles you've overcome and now you are ready to write the essay, but before you start remember that you do not have to write an entirely new essay for each scholarship you apply for. You can revise your original essay to meet the requirements for other scholarship submission requirements. When writing your essay, be sure to write about school activities and experiences, however, do not make them your focus. Rather than simply listing activities, describe your level of achievement in those activities including employment or volunteer activities and the personal qualities revealed through the time and effort you devoted to them. Also, discuss your interest in your intended filed of study. If you have a disability, you may also include a description of its impact on your experiences, goals and aspirations. Any exceptional achievement such as honors and awards that demonstrate your motivation, achievement, leadership and commitment will be welcomed. Make sure your essay is neatly typed, is well written, and does not contain grammatical errors or misspelled words.

Improving your MBA math skills: If you have strong and objectively demonstrated quantitative skills based on your academic background, professional certifications (CPA, CFA), and/or GMAT or GRE scores, ignore this topic. As you may have gathered from filling out applications, a number of schools specifically ask applicants to indicate their highest level of math taken or discuss their quantitative skills if not readily apparent. If you are not strong in math or have no objective facts that demonstrate it (see examples in previous paragraph), that can really hurt especially at programs know for being quantitatively rigorous. You can certainly take an online or evening course, but that can take quite a while to complete. I highly recommend the online course, MBA Math, because many top schools recommend it as preparation to their students. It is a self-study program and you receive a certificate completion once you are finished with it, which can then be provided to a school you are waitlisted at. For help with essay, please contact https://essayfreelancewriters.com.

Additional recommendation: If the school will take one, provide it. It is fine to send more than one recommendation if the school allows it. Think Define the leadership concept about your selection(s). You don’t want a recommendation that will not add something substantially different from what your previous recommendations stated. A recommender who will provide support to help you overcome any areas of professional and/or academic weakness in your background. A recommender who will provide a perspective on different part of your background. If academic recommendations are acceptable and your GPA is not great, consider getting an academic recommendation if you can get a strong one. If your English ability is maybe the issue, consider getting a recommendation from someone who can speak positively about your English communication skills. This is especially important if your iBT TOEFL or IELTS score is not that high or if you think your interview was not so strong because of your speaking skills. This has been created by Essay Writers.

Additionally, many schools will also take informal recommendations from alums or current students, so if you can get one from someone who knows you, it can’t hurt. WARNING: Usually the worst recommendations to send are from high level VIPs you don’t know you well and/or who you have not engaged with in some sort of organized purposeful activity (work, volunteer, mentors, academic, etc.). Sometimes applicants know a senator or a CEO or a former prime minister or someone whose family is a major donor at a university (but not the applicant’s family) and obtain a recommendation that it more like an abstract character reference or a collection of second-hand reported information. This is not a good thing to do and will not help you unless the recommender has real organizational influence at the school. If they do have such influence, they probably don’t need to write a formal recommendation to have impact.


Making Money On The Side While Keeping Your Day Job

Суббота, 21 Марта 2020 г. 13:04 + в цитатник

If you earn enough on the side, you won't ever have to touch your 15th and 30th paycheck. Just leave them in your payroll bank to earn interest and build up your savings for a long holiday vacation to the Mediterranean within the next few months, and every year thereafter to other exotic places on earth. Moonlighting has often been resorted to by family members who can't earn enough from their day jobs to make ends meet. But thanks to the Internet, how to make money on the side while keeping your day job can be fun, easy, and lucrative right in the privacy and comfort of your home or office. Be an article or academic writer online. With several clients who need articles in content marketing to search-optimize commercial websites, you can be a member of service bureaus that provide SEO content. If you have been writing quality reports in your day job, it shouldn't be difficult extending this skill in online article writing.

And if you can still recall how you went though writing your term papers, thesis and dissertations back in high school and college, there are countless foreign students from Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Eastern Europe who take higher education in the West but couldn't write well. They will pay handsomely any competent writer who can complete their collegiate, masters and doctoral papers. You stand to earn anywhere from $100 to $300 a week writing for a few hours on weekdays and your weekends. Cumulatively, you could earn the equivalent of the monthly minimum wage in many states on top of your regular paycheck. Did you know that you can simplify the clutter in your life by monetizing unused or old stuff at home? You won't have to mount a garage sale. You just need to enroll yourself as a merchant in eBay or Craigslist and post old or unused toys, clothes, small appliances, books, DVDs, CDs and other items in good condition and which you can easily send to the buyer by parcel shipping once a sale is clinched. Some people with a collection of coins, stamps, rare memorabilia, die cast toy cars, and antiques often get a sure and regular income when disposing their collections one piece at a time online. Just post them with their pictures taken from your cellphone camera and see some money pour in from time to time or regularly. If you're a programmer or graphics designer you have a large online market for your skill without leaving home. It's often a matter of posting what you do best in social networks and creating your own blogs. Even the people you meet and interact with everyday in your day job can be a potential market for your moonlighting. That's another good reason to keep your day job.

The best advice I've ever come across is, "do what you love and the money will follow". It is safe to say that through formal studying, we become more knowledgeable and we become better teachers. This is because of any number of ways, including: learning teaching theory, being forced ourselves to give presentations, (after all, being critiqued and peer reviewed raises the self awareness that we all have towards pedagogical approaches to the classroom). In addition, our critical thinking and study skills improve through being involved in formal classroom settings. Self improvement and learning is not limited to formal learning, going to conferences, attending seminars and taking classes are excellent ways to improve and increase earning power. While it may not seem as serious a route as formal learning and the earning power seems to be more leaning towards non-monetary gains, there are a number of things that can be learned, comprising skills along with knowledge.

Keep in mind that I know of several people on hiring committees who were inclined not to hire non-JALT members who were applying for work. Also, https://essayfreelancewriters.com/custom-dissertation-writing/ (particularly international ones) may have the effect of raising an application to the top of a hiring committee. Aside from that, there are almost always useful ideas that can be gained from attending conferences. Finally, it is a chance to interact with others and (in the case of education oriented conferences) keep up to date with the advances within the discipline. Not to discount the monetary earning potential with semi-formal learning, there are networking opportunities, rarely found elsewhere in such abundance. This connects with the other side of earning which is non-monetary. This includes keeping up with new trends, and finding that we are not the only ones in the situations we find ourselves in. Confidence tends to build in most who find out that they are not alone. As one participant stated during a final Q&A session, "once the door is closed, it is a lonely profession", and finding peers to share with is an excellent way of coping. This post was generated by Essay Freelance Writers.

Discrimination Essay In A Nutshell

Четверг, 19 Марта 2020 г. 12:51 + в цитатник

The history of mankind is sodden with discrimination. It takes different forms and shapes, and modern society is not an exception. It is at stake of cultural history and has influenced many social, cultural, and economic occurrences that we see today. Thus, any student will face a writing assignment dedicated to this subject matter sooner or later. It is not that difficult when you know the principles of proper academic writing. Yet, when you have no time or decided to write it without an outline, you may end up in a deadlock. Here we cover the basics of the writing of the essay on discrimination. Weaponize yourself with the tips from pro writers! What is a discrimination essay? Racial discrimination essay essentials. Gender discrimination essay ideas. Essay on discrimination outline. The list of the most interesting discrimination essay topics. What is a discrimination essay? racism thesis statement for to kill a mockingbird and every type of discrimination implicates the superiority of a certain group of people over another group of people.

One of the main problems here is that many people mess up the notion of discrimination with the notion of prejudice and stereotypes. It is necessary to understand that, as a rule, stereotype and prejudice cause discrimination, but, these notions are not exactly the same. This theme is controversial, multifaceted, and can be approached from different points of view. The issue of racism is a hot button for American society. Naturally, this issue is widely depicted in the literary works, works of art, movies, etc., so you will definitely find enough research material. The problem here is of another kind. It is essential to make up your mind on the topic. We have gathered some interesting ideas that you can use for your papers. First and foremost, it is necessary to set these two notions apart: racism and racial discrimination are not the same. In fact, you will write a cause-and-effect essay where racism will be a cause, and racial discrimination will be the effect. Or, vice versa, you can approach this topic another way.

Indicate that discrimination is a much broader notion than racism. Consequently, racism is one of the manifestations of discrimination. Both approaches are correct, so the choice is yours. Select the one that seems more interesting to you and start working! A workplace is a place where all types of discrimination appear from time to time, so it provides a fertile field for the research. For example, you can dedicate the essay on racial discrimination to the issue of prejudice in this sphere. Thus, as a rule, employers tend to hire white people to do intellectual labor and black people to do physical work. A heavy accent or poor knowledge of English can also become a stumbling block on the way to a good job. The best sources to search for information are the laws and social programs aimed to protect workers from unfair treatment. So you can make an insight into the current situation with labor legislation, what steps are taken to eliminate the racial discrimination at work and evaluate their efficiency.

Another idea for the essay dedicated to the work issues is your solutions to them with solid argumentation. As the issue of racism is old as the hills, the search for the sound solution also takes different shapes and forms. There are many policies, movements, activists, and even scientific investigations aimed to prove that all people have similar physiology and development despite the race. Here you can discuss the activities of the anti-apartheid movements (and, obviously, explain what apartheid is), or to discuss the influence of a particular anti-racist activist on the certain movement or event. If you are an attentive TV viewer, this topic won’t need any further explanation. All you need is a thorough analysis of a cast of characters of any TV show or movie. Thanks to racial prejudice, African Americans are typically criminals or hip hop musicians (often both), and Asian Americans are nerds with no communicational skills. Data has been generated by https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

All main roles are played by white people almost without exception. Even Disney cartoons are not an exception! If to compare Aladdin and Jafar, for example, it becomes clear that positive hero has whiter and more regular features, and the main villain has a more exotic appearance, though both characters are supposed to be of Arabic appearance. Another idea for a thematic prejudice and discrimination essay is the negative effects of racial discrimination in media. Or, if you want a challenging task, try to search for some positive effects of racism in media. The first one that comes to mind is, obviously, Othello. It is a brilliant example of the consequences of intolerance and the belief that one race is superior to others. Another great discussion point is the aptitude of “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” in the school program. The text of this novel is filled with offensive, racist words and may seem abusive, so can the cultural values overweight the offense? Or you may discuss the issues connected with Uncle Tom’s Cabin.


Stand Up Comedy: How To Deal With Bombing On Stage

Среда, 18 Марта 2020 г. 23:59 + в цитатник

Bombing is the most feared verb to a comic. And with good reason. It's an experience that lives up to its hype. You could describe it as dire, disastrous, disturbing, harrowing, hideous, horrendous, horrid, horrifying, unnerving, unpleasant and unwelcome and still fall 73 adjectives shy of properly describing the pain of standing on stage before absolute silence. Yet, it's inevitable. Every comic bombs at some point when starting out. Jerry Seinfeld bombed. Jim Carrey bombed. George Carlin bombed. It's part of the comedy process. And it's not until later, when you gain more experience, that you'll look back and realize that bombing teaches you more than succeeding. Many factors can contribute to bombing. Some are out of your control (poor sound system, uncontrollable drunks in the audience, wrong crowd for your act), but for the most part the cause is you. You will feel the onset immediately. After your first few jokes generate zero reaction cotton mouth will set in. You may even find yourself involuntarily speeding up your delivery.

Your focus will then become distracted. Instead of being in the moment, you're looking at the lady in the second row with the cold, apathetic stare, as she poisons you with her negative venom. The joke rolodex in your brain begins spinning like a pinwheel in a wind storm, as you desperately try to find jokes you think will work. This causes stammering and awkward pauses. The crowd senses your nervousness and become as nervous as you. You know you're bombing but are helpless to stop it. Tension builds. Because you're getting paid you can't leave the stage, prolonging your agony. Murmuring ripples through the crowd. Though you can't see the venue owner, you can feel the weight of his or her stare weighing on you like a Subaru station wagon. Murmuring evolves into full blown conversation. You've lost the crowd. Finally, your time is up. You limp off the stage to a small smattering of applause.

As you hide in the back assessing the damage to your psyche, you endure another crippling blow upon hearing the comic that followed killing on stage. As the saying goes, "It's not the situation, but how you respond to it that makes the difference." If you can't imagine enduring such freefalling embarrassment a second time, interpret it as a sign that maybe you're not cut out to be a comedian. Because like https://essayfreelancewriters.com/blog/difference-between-begin-began-and-begun/ or not, bombing will happen again. On the other hand, if you're still determined and eager to forge ahead, use the situation to learn. Accept it as a bump in the proverbial road that was painful but not life threatening. Try to reassess where the unraveling began. Did you exude confidence entering the stage, or were you tentative and unsure? Was your opening material too offensive? Or was it too quirky? This is where the importance of taping each show becomes apparent. With a tape you can easily go back and try to identify when the fall began. This article has been generated by Essay Freelance Writersversion!

Don't let on that you're bombing. The more nervous you become, the more nervous the crowd becomes watching you. As difficult as it is to mask you're inner screaming, try to commit to your act. Show confidence. You won't earn more laughs, but you will win the crowd's respect. If you came on stage and immediately went into the crowd asking questions and did not receive the laughter you expected, pull back. It's a sign the crowd could be tentative; they want to listen, not participate. Revert to a more conservative approach, delivering your material in a more traditional manner, in the true form of a true monologist. Or you may have to juxtaposition the situation just described. Sometimes when the monologue approach is not working, you may have to try going into the crowd and work off their reactions. This way you get the audience more involved. This tact generally works best with smaller crowds. Think twice before trying this on a large crowd.


How To Write A Cause And Effect Essay (with Pictures) - WikiHow

Среда, 18 Марта 2020 г. 11:56 + в цитатник

Take note of the assignment details. Carefully write down any of the assignment requirements as provided by your teacher. If you have an assignment sheet make sure to read through it carefully and note any questions that you have. At a minimum, you should know the due date, the assignment length, the formatting requirements, and the opening prompt. If you write down the details yourself make sure to keep this piece of paper in a safe location as you will need to consult it throughout the writing process. Understand the goal of the assignment. Cause and effect papers do not always cover both of these elements. Find out if your essay is supposed to focus on causes, effects, or a bit of both. You will also want to determine if you are supposed to explore an assigned topic or come up with one yourself. For example, you may be asked to write about the causes of the American Revolution, which means that you will discuss taxation protests and other contributing factors. Or, you may be asked to write about the effects of the American Revolution, which means that you will discuss nation-building and other long and short-term effects. This data was done with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.comversion!

A combined cause and effect essay would combine both of these angles. Narrow down (or broaden) your topic. If you need to choose your own topic it is a good idea to start by brainstorming. Write down any and all topics that jump to mind. Pick the top five that interest you the most. Consider how much information you can reasonably fit into your paper’s required page length. Try breaking a potential topic into multiple parts and choosing one. Double check that your idea is within the given subject parameters outlined by the teacher for the assignment. Consider writing about moments that are close to your own experience, such as events that have impacted your life. For example, you could discuss a war period that you lived through. Or, you could take on a controversial topic, such as the proven effects of eating fast food on a regular basis. Taking a historical angle and looking into events like the American Revolution is another possible approach.

Be flexible in adjusting your topic breadth or depth as you work on your paper. At any point in the process you may need to add or delete particular discussions to fit the requirements. For example, if you are writing about the actions of George Washington during the American Revolution, you may need to narrow your focus and only discuss one particular choice that he made. Read any assigned texts. If your teacher assigned articles or books to coincide with this essay assignment it is a good idea to start reading those as soon as you can. They may help you to narrow down a topic or they make help you to understand the topic that you’ve been assigned. You can also use your text notes as evidence when you actually start writing too. These texts are usually great places to research your topic further. Conduct background research. Look at sources (books, articles, etc.) that explore your topic from a variety of perspectives. This content has been generated with the help of Essay Writers!

Cast a wide net initially by reading everything that you can. Narrow down your search as you find useful information. Make sure to take careful notes while you research so that you can cite properly later and avoid plagiarism. Check that your sources fall within the guidelines given by your teacher for the assignment. If you are covering a recent topic, such as the effects of fast food production, you may be able to use first-hand accounts, also known as primary sources, in your work. Approach your teacher with questions. At any stage in the process if you have questions you should email your teacher (if possible) or talk with them after class. It is a good idea to write down your questions beforehand too. You can also talk with students who’ve worked with this teacher before to see if they can clarify the assignment for you. A good question might be, “Is there a minimum source number for this assignment? ” Just make sure that the question that you ask is not already answered in the assignment sheet. Develop a thesis statement.

After you’ve looked over your notes you will want to come up with a thesis statement, or argument, to guide your paper. This is what you will try to prove throughout your essay. Your thesis should be debatable and should be supported by the facts that you uncovered during your research. A thesis statement can be a single sentence or multiple sentences, depending on what you need to cover. It cannot be a quote, a basic statement of fact, or a question. As you are trying to craft your thesis statement it is helpful to consider what your evidence indicates about your topic. What causes and/or effects are clearly illustrated by your sources? Create cause and effect essay topics 2017 . Identify at least three broad themes or ideas that can support your main thesis. These themes will become separate body sections of your paper. You will then place smaller or more detailed ideas or concepts under these larger ‘umbrella’ ideas.

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