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: 05.09.2017
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, 05 2024 . 15:13 +

Otto Marseus van Schrieck, called Snuffelaer
Nijmegen 1619/20 (?) - 1678 Amsterdam
Still Life of Flowers in a Glass Vase with Butterflies and a Lizard on a Marble Ledge

Circle of Joos van Cleve
Virgin and Child

Robert Lefèvre
1755 - 1830
Portrait of the Duchess of Angoulême

Portrait of the Duchess of Berry

Alexandre-François Caminade
1783 - 1862
Portrait of Adèle de Maillé La Tour Landry, Countess of Hautefort, Lady-in-waiting of the Duchess of Berry

After Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun
Portrait of Marie Caroline, Queen of Naples (1752-1814)

French School, circa 1820
Portrait of the Duchess of Berry

Alexandre-Jean Dubois-Drahonet
1791 - 1834
The Duchess of Berry at Dieppe in 1829

Henri-Pierre Danloux
1753 - 1809
Madame de Polastron

François Pascal Simon Gérard, called Baron Gérard
1770 - 1837
Marie-Caroline de Bourbon-Sicile, Duchess of Berry

Attributed to Charles Emmanuel Leclercq
1753 - 1821
Portrait of Madame Elisabeth, sister of King Louis XVI, as a Vestal

Jean Baptiste Mallet
1759 - 1835
A couple and a guitar player in an interior

Etienne Bouhot
1780 - 1862
View of the Saint-Victor fountain from the Jardin des Plantes, formerly the Barnabites fountain

Jacques François Joseph Swebach-Desfontaines
1769 1823
Picnic in the grounds of the Château de Rosny

François-Edmé Ricois
1795 - 1881
A view of the Château de Rosny

Felice Marie Ferdinand Storelli
1778 - 1854
The Duchess of Berry arriving at Dieppe

Jan van Os
Middelharnis 17441808 The Hague
Still Life of Fruits and Flowers with Grapes, a Pineapple, Melon, Pomegranate, and Mouse on a Marble Ledge

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