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: 20.05.2006
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Screams and Songs of my English-soul.

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"Knocking at locked doors...",

, 13 2011 . 16:32 +
ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul


, 02 2011 . 04:37 +

, "Glass Prison".

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ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul


: True Love

, 31 2011 . 20:22 +

, - . , , . Small Talk, , , . . :


Mr. Right? Miss Perfect?

12 signs that your crush may be the one.

From , former About.com Guide

Like leprechauns and unicorns the search for true love can seem like a fantasy that will never come true, but rest assured, you will find "the one" one day. In fact, as you head down the path of life you are likely to find a few "the ones", that is you are likely to fall in love more than once. How can you tell the difference between love-right-now and the-right-and-true-love? You can't really. Each and every time you fall in love it will feel like the real and final deal and it will be true. Every relationship will have something important to offer you and none, no matter how painfully they may end, will be a waste of your time. Each relationship will teach you a valuable lesson about yourself, your capacity to love, and what you are looking for (and not looking for) in a partner. So how can you tell if the person you are with is worthy of your "true love"? How can you know when a crush has moved beyond lust and in to the realm of love? Here are some sure fire signs that your affair of the heart has reached true love status:

  1. You can't help but smile when you see her/him and s/he is always smiling back.
ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul



, 31 2011 . 19:17 +

( - ).

How To Find True Friends

8 Qualities of a Good Friend

From , former About.com Guide


What are the qualities of a good friend? True friendships can start instantly but they take time to build. Here are a few qualities to look for when making friends as a teen -- and beyond.

1. A good friend is honest.

A good friend may not share every detail of every second of their life, but they do try to be clear about their intentions. This means that they try to present an accurate picture of who they are and of different situations. When something doesn't seem right, they let you know.

ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul



, 30 2011 . 00:55 +

, ? . , - . - ... ... - - . , , . , - , - .

, , , . . , . - , - . . Small Talk.

ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul


, 22 2011 . 15:55 +

, . , , ( ) - . , . , , - . , .

ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul


: !..

, 30 2011 . 23:57 +

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ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul


Lost in Mass

, 10 2008 . 17:20 +

If you are creative it means a lot of things on your work plase, in your room and all over the home. For everybody else it looks like a giant dump, but you are a Queen of Dumps. Because of that there is nothing will be a dump in your eyes. It`s the collection of possibilities, not a mass.

Speaking about the working space we pay our attantion for some internal position of mind, not to the appearance. If everything is clear, you have a strong feeling of order and regularity. Just look on the picture of deep creation! From the first this is an unclear expectation of something beyong the mind. Than you can sense what a proper matherial will be and how to use it. You hands might be first in that understanding - this is the way of crafts. Sometimes is may be a clear picture of the result. Then you turn youself to the next step of the creation process - the Boiling Soup of Variation.

ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul


An Official Holiday

, 10 2008 . 16:09 +

I have never admired about official holidayes. Actually I barely abide it. It seems as if a few dayes before a holiday there is a huge funnel beyond the sky. It grows more and more, deformes the everyday life, mix up all jobs and business and then it absorb people which are teared from their surface spase into something another.

ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul



, 10 2008 . 15:12 +

Possibilities... Billions of possibilities crowding around me, inside me, touching my head, streaking about my eyes. So many ideas are give me in it`s complete form as if it was born. But it was not.

My capsule of everyday`s life, an ordinary  events and reactions is so thin, so unsertain, so it barely covers even the surfaced of possibilities. I have tried to live as another, but it is nothing for me. All of my power root from the Vertical, and possibilities, capabilities. A growing potencial form the shell of my mind.

ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul


, 17 2007 . 13:23 +

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ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul


The Professional Risk

, 26 2007 . 20:01 +
The Professional Risk
First of all I want to transfer my cordially thanks to all of my dear readers, especially to whom of they who have been given to me their opinion. I am so impressed of your participation that there is no (English) words to express my gratitude. I only hope that you understand how it is valuable to me to have that lucky possibility for a long time.
After my first experience to translate the cloud`s description into English I had plucked up heart and had shown it to several persons. One of them was the Chinese musician which was an interpreter and an English tutor several years ago. It had been the most breath-taking  moment for the last months because his reaction was unexpecting.
ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul


Once upon an evening, in the underground

, 25 2007 . 21:33 +

Once upon an evening, in the underground
It was happened yesterday evening.  My head was full of English preposition and synonyms  which I was trying to push into my mind all day. As usual I went for a walk about 11 p.m. to have some fresh air and, if I find the bean in the cake, to enjoy some beautiful music.

ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul


The 3d Song: Really Funny Things

, 17 2007 . 16:56 +

The funny things 

Among of really funny things most of them are gotten from the real life. They as if tear out from the stream on life and so they are going to get their own spirit. 

Once I had seen how my Persian cat did bad thing into my programmer`s shoes. (Those shoes was so disgasting that I would like to do the same if I could).

ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul


2nd Song: , ,

, 16 2007 . 20:24 +
 (600x450, 19Kb)

A Color of Clouds


The most beautiful and perfect thing I have ever seen is clouds. The greatest panorama greets from my 21-floor window: infinity of green forests, nearly prominent skyline and very small number of houses. And the clouds spreads over that glory.

Just choose the color!

Pink? It is the blush on the cloud`s tummys when the sun just going to rise. It happens about 5 o`clock in summer and hardly ever seen in winter. This pink as if it lightly violet, and lilac, with slightly inkling to a drowsy mist.

In the daytime the same basic pink color has changed. It has been just impregnating by in-between tints of honey, from slightly yellow to deepest, sweetest shadows. Bright-rose color has been only on the edges of clouds. It`s shadow as if ruddy, mellow apple.

On the surest the pink color of clouds has changed in the third time. Now it is glutted by crimson splashes, filled by bright-orange on their edges.

Who said that fluorescent colors are unfamiliar in the nature? All of that colors are here! You can paint the evening clouds by a simple office highlighter, and the colors will be true. At that time clouds as if they flaming from inside, especially from their back side.

Let`s see to another colors. How about blue? This is the deep-deep sky. The endless deep-blue far away, then it is slightly dashed by light-yellow-green. It`s shadow so light than will determined only by experienced eye. By homely glance you can see not more than water down blue as if you mixed white color with general blue. But look attentively to that shadow, it is not nearly white!

Here it is all gradations of milk, from transparent-white to drawn-milk color. And in inaccessible height blue color becomes bright and deep dark blue.


My love to the clouds is a gleam of desire to see a virgin perfection. It makes me happy. It protect me from dingy, grip, commonplace, powerless and flat human society`s colors.



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ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul


1st Song: A kick to Introduction

, 16 2007 . 20:17 +

Yesterday I was in English Conversation Club. It was my 4-th time in such place and I was shocked. It was not too much shock but it was sensitively for me because I have realized the reason why I so unsociable and have been in public places so seldom. 

For this once I was gotten by 2 young ladies. Both of them spoke English very fluently and I really didn`t understand why they drag oneself along to the party. They said that

ANNAmain - /Screams and Songs of my English-soul

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