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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 01.09.2007
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интересно, кто-нибудь асилит? ))) я - нет :)

Пятница, 12 Октября 2007 г. 17:23 + в цитатник
Настроение сейчас - upandrunning

Andrey, when you're head over heels, you are a Natural Lover

You have a willingness to explore and take risks, which makes you a real catch for people who want to get out and experience all life has to offer. Whether you're camping, mountain biking, or simply taking a walk on the beach, your ease in the outdoors is something to be admired. In relationships, you're one of those balanced people who is able to think both with your heart and your head. This trait will surely benefit you in any romance you embark on.

Andrey, when you're in love, you're a Natural Lover. Approximately 9% of people share this type with you. What does this title say about you? Read on to find out.

Few people are as at home in the natural world as you are — and that trademark comfort with your surroundings is sure to attract people to you. Your willingness to explore and take risks makes natural lovers like you a real catch for people who want to get out and experience all life has to offer. Whether you're camping, mountain biking, or simply taking a walk on the beach, your ease in the outdoors is something to be admired.

As one who has such a strong connection to nature, it's only fitting that you'll want to seek out a mate who can appreciate the world around them as well. That doesn't suggest you need to pair up with an expert hiker or extreme sports type to find love. It just means that a partner who can sit with you and watch a sunset will probably come to mean more to you than one who'd rather watch TV. In relationships, you appear to be one of those balanced people who are able to think both with your heart and your head. This trait will surely benefit you in any romance you embark on.

Now that you have general sketch of your love personality, you should understand the 7 core personality dimensions that determined it.

Your love personality type is a composite of seven personality dimensions. Together they make up your love personality type, and individually they offer insight about particular aspects of how you look at the world and those around you.

Be aware that some people with the same personality type will have different dimension scores. Only by looking at both someone's type and dimensions can you get the full picture of who they are.

Here are your scores relative to others who took the test:

Modern Traditional
Pampered Rugged
Emotional Rational
Easygoing Particular
Independent Connected
Down-to- earth Dreamy
Humble Self- possessed

Dimension #1: Modern versus Traditional
People who are more traditional tend to carry those feelings over into their search for love. For example, traditional types tend to believe that when a man and a woman go on a date, the man should pay. They're also likely to feel that red roses are the perfect gift for a first date and that idealistic weddings are the only way to go. For someone who is traditional, tried-and-true rituals are important to uphold.

People who are more modern are likely to hold a contrary opinion. For one, they'll often feel that people on a date should split the bill. They may also think that a Vegas wedding is just as good as a church service. It all depends on the people involved and what feels special to them. In addition, modern types tend to believe in equality in relationships and seek true respect from their significant others.

Your score on the Love Test shows that you're more traditional than many other people who took it. This means that in love, you're more inclined to follow time-tested dating patterns, especially at the beginning of a relationship. You may even come from a long line of daters who've taught you the many "rules" of courtship — both explicit and implicit. These kinds of dating traditions dictate what a man is supposed to do in a relationship and what a woman is supposed to do. Sometimes, even same-sex couples will uphold these traditional roles, one taking on the male role and one taking on the female role, without losing their gender identity. The point is that these roles have become ingrained in our culture over the years and, to some degree, appear to have become ingrained in you as well. As a result, you tend to be one who'll look to the ways of the past to help you best create your future love.

Dimension #2: Pampered versus Rugged
Those who scored as more rugged are outdoorsy types who generally enjoy being out in nature. They're also individuals who are willing to take risks and get a little dirty in order to have some fun. For highly rugged people, the world is their playground as well as their sanctuary.

Individuals who are more pampered include people who appreciate the many creature comforts associated with civilization. Pampered types typically prefer that their recreation be of the indoor variety.

Your results show that compared to other people who took the test, you fall on the more rugged side of the line. This suggests that you aren't afraid to get down and dirty when the time is right. You appear to be comfortable in natural settings and don't seem to mind the unpredictable quality inherent in outdoor activities. In fact, you likely appreciate being out in nature because of the many surprises it offers. This comfort with your surroundings likely carries over to other aspects of your life as well. If so, the result is a confidence that can be very calming to others. In love, it will be important to find a partner who also has a passion for nature. If not on the same level as you, at least enough so you can share the kinds of experiences that you value.

Dimension #3: Emotional versus Rational
Those who scored high on the rational scale are people who can usually take a step back during a heated situation in order to think out how best to respond. When provoked, their level-headedness makes them more likely to step back from an argument rather than fan the flames. Rational types are also typically strong thinkers who enjoy working through challenging problems to find a solution.

Those who scored more highly on the emotional scale tend to respond to intense situations by expressing their feelings as they have them. In this way, emotional people can sometimes come across as being either intense or impulsive. On the positive side, people who are highly emotional tend to be more direct than their rational counterparts and can be good about confronting issues in order to clear the air.

Compared with others, your results indicate that you're more rational than many people who took the test. This means that you're someone who is quite capable when it comes to logical reasoning. In fact, it's likely that you apply this valuable ability in a variety of situations, both personal and professional. Being rational and even-tempered can indeed serve you well, particularly during long-term relationships; almost no couple experiences constant bliss. At times when the road gets rocky, your deliberate way of processing difficult emotions can help you and your partner create more focus and direction in your relationship. It will also keep shouting matches to a minimum.

Being high on the rational scale means that you have a talent for observing what's happening in your own life. By being witness to events and your reactions to them, you can make more conscious choices for yourself. Not everyone has this ability. On the contrary, many people let their emotions pull them off-center and miss great opportunities. So be happy you have a good head on your shoulders. Being the voice of reason can be an attractive quality. It can also make you more compatible with the many people who'll come into your life.

Dimension #4: Easygoing versus Particular
Highly particular people tend to strive for perfection in whatever they do. They also tend to have refined, and at times expensive, tastes. Appearance can be important to particular types, so taking care of themselves is often a high priority.

Easygoing people, on the other hand, don't tend to place a lot of importance on appearances. "Keeping up with the Joneses," whether in beauty, fashion, or possessions, isn't typically a top priority for easygoing types. They tend to be more impressed by things that have little to do with life's trappings.

In your case, you scored on the more easy-going end of the continuum compared with others who took the test. This indicates that you generally aren't too worried about having a place for everything and everything in its place. On the contrary, most times you tend to think it's more important to just be who you are and take life as it comes. So if your slacks aren't pressed or you're having a bad hair day, it's not likely to throw you for a loop. Instead, you're one of those people who seems to know that there are more important things than your appearance. You're also not the type to be awed by power or celebrity. In fact, if you saw your favorite actor in the supermarket, you'd probably simply smile and say hello rather than clamoring for an autograph. The people in your life likely see this laid back nature and appreciate that you're willing to take them as they are. The ease you often possess can be an attractive force; it makes have a you calming presence to those you are near.

Dimension #5: Independent versus Connected
People who are highly connected tend to make their relationships with others a priority. They keep in close touch with family and friends when they can and are usually softhearted, empathic people.

Highly independent people tend to be less open with those around them than their connected counterparts. They typically enjoy having time to themselves. Independent types are apt to search for meaning in ideas, things, or particular experiences more often than in their relationships. As a result, they can be at their best whether they're in a relationship or flying solo.

Compared with the other people who took this test, your score weighed more heavily on the realistic end of the scale. This means that although you surely appreciate the presence of others in your life, you're often your own best companion. In fact, there are certain things that you probably prefer to do alone, even if you don't have to. Whether you enjoy taking yourself to a movie now and then or simply for a quiet drive, you seem to be one of those people who understand that quality time doesn't always have to mean social time. So while you likely appreciate the chance to socialize with friends and family, you're apt to covet your down time as well.

When it comes to relationships, you're not usually one to dive right in with your heart on your sleeve. Instead, you're more likely to hold back a bit and open up to the new romance more slowly. This kind of distance may simply feel safer. However, once you let yourself fall deeply in love, you can develop as close and real a bond as anyone out there.

Dimension #6: Down-to-earth versus Dreamy
Individuals high on the dreamy scale include those people who would choose the bubbles of champagne over a glass of wine simply because it seemed a more romantic gesture. Highly dreamy people tend to see the magic in life. They may also actively seek out ways to make their love relationships special so that each day becomes an occasion.

People who are more down-to earth prefer life's everyday moments to grand gestures that seem over-the-top. They are realists who aren't easily swayed by styling or symbolism. For the most part, down-to-earth people would rather avoid glossy exteriors to get closer to what's on the inside. This tendency typically holds true across the board — in their friendships, in professional life, and in love.

Compared with others, your score weighed more heavily on the down-to-earth end of the scale. This result indicates that you're the kind who realizes that although romance can be nice, it takes more than hearts and flowers to keep the world turning. Rather than focus your attention on fairytale dreams, you usually like to live in the here-and-now of reality. As a result, you often find happiness in the small pleasures present in everyday life: a good cup of coffee, a solid night's sleep, or a sunny day. These are things that others might overlook, but you can truly appreciate them. This easy sense of satisfaction with life can come across to others in a very engaging way, particularly in love. Those around you likely recognize the value you place in little things and appreciate your willingness to accept situations and people as they are. This kind, genuine nature is sure to draw others to you in life and in love.

Dimension #7: Humble versus Self-possessed
People who score highly on being self-possessed are generally confident types who believe strongly in their abilities. This feeling may translate into a sense of pride in their level of physical fitness, a sense of assurance about their intellectual abilities, or a high regard for their sexual prowess. Highly self-possessed people often have a charisma and energy that makes them the center of attention.

Individuals who score more highly on the humble end of the scale are typically grounded people who would usually prefer to go unnoticed rather than make a big fuss. So instead of trumpeting their achievements to others, humble types will often opt to celebrate their successes in private. People who are highly humble also tend to be humanists who see others as equals, rather than feeling superior to anyone.

Compared with others, you scored on the more grounded end of the continuum. This means that you're not likely to go around boasting to others about your abilities or worth. Your humility is the stronger virtue. You can possess a kind of quiet strength that doesn't need to be voiced. It simply is. You're one of those people that others probably describe as "the salt of the Earth," because you're likely to appreciate and recognize others rather than put yourself first. This humble quality that you embody can actually help you when you need to make tough decisions. Unencumbered by arrogance, you're likely to see a situation for what it is and make choices accordingly, rather than being impulsive or unduly confident.

In love, being humble can sometimes make you seem more genuine to others, because it's obvious that you're not all about self-aggrandizement and flash. You're just yourself. While this quiet nature of yours is an admirable thing, remember that it's okay to toot your own horn once and a while. Feeling good about yourself isn't the same thing as feeling superior to others. For people like you, the trick is to be humble while still truly loving yourself for who you are.

When it's all said and done, much of compatibility comes down to that X factor known as chemistry. However, by knowing the love personality types that are the closest fit with your own, you're much more likely to know a good thing when you see it. Also, understanding your compatible types can give you new insight to why certain people you meet just don't seem to match up. Realize that most relationship problems can be fixed — so you're far from doomed if your types aren't a perfect match. Instead, think of the information as a mechanism to learn more about yourself and your romantic life.

Although the old adage tells us that "opposites attract," generally, research indicates otherwise. In fact, studies show that opposites don't attract; similar people do. So the type that you're apt to be most compatible with is actually your own: the Natural Lover. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. However the dimensions measured in this test focus on attitudes and behaviors that, when matched between two people, increase probability of having a compatible relationship.

When looking for a match, the type that is the next most compatible to your own is Essential Companion.

If you're looking for a genuine, down-to-earth partner who knows how to treat others with kindness, you'd best look in the direction of an essential companion. They not only respect and value the people in their lives but also make their relationships a top priority. However, they're usually not the type to try to impress others with fancy romantic gestures. Nor are they apt to spend time worrying about their appearance in a superficial manner. If that special someone is willing to take them as they are, they will happily do the same in return. Otherwise, they'll probably keep on walking.

They're probably interested in finding a partner who will be equally committed to things like quality time and genuine communication. That way, they can focus on one another without all the bells and whistles that some people consider an essential part of a good relationship. When they find an individual who feels the way they do about these things, the relationship will be a truly special one.

You should also look for a Prized Partner when scouting out romance; that's the second most compatible type to your own.

They appreciate the finer things in life and tend to seek out others who share their refined tastes. High fashion, gourmet meals, luxurious getaways — these are the kinds of things that prized partners enjoy. If they can experience them with a worldly, stylish mate, it's all the better.

They are drawn to people who know how to take care of themselves and are hooked in socially. Whether they're out at a club or an exclusive restaurant, it's important to them to be part of the scene. However, they aren't just hedonists. On the contrary, they know that the good life comes at a cost. As a result, they've likely set goals that will help them live it. Because they have higher ambition than most people do, it will be best for them to find a partner who values their drive to succeed and can share in their dreams for the future. That way they can make it to the top together.

So now that you know the love personality types you're most compatible with, what about the ones that you're least similar to? Here's some information about the type that is your opposite.

Who isn't a good match for you?
The type opposite to yours is Idealistic Romantic. "Happily ever after," may be the three words that idealistic romantics enjoy dreaming about, — next to "I love you," of course. They likely have their share of idealistic dreams for the future, especially when it comes to imaging their perfect partner. They are socially skilled and know how to make the people close to them feel special. As a result, they're apt to have their eyes out for someone who can do the same.

The rituals of romance are important to them, so someone who doesn't appreciate the value of things like red roses and candlelight dinners probably won't hold their interest for very long. However, they're not just looking for a thoughtful date. They seek a deeper emotional bond. Once they find that special love, they'll probably be the first to declare that they're head-over-heels rather than hold back their emotions. After all, what good is being in love if you can't share it?

Now you have your guide to helping you spot a good mate. But once you find a relationship, you want to be able to hang onto it. That's where understanding your personality really comes into play. Read on for advice to keep your love going strong.

Your love report

Seven dimensions of your love personality

Compare yourself to others

Who are you compatible with?

How love can change you

History behind the test

Love can turn your world a little upside down, so it's not so surprising that being in a relationship may sometimes result in changes to your personality. Even psychologists agree that love can alter people's behavior and influence which personality attribute you display.

Part of the reason love can bring about this kind of transformation is that in a romantic relationship, people tend to let down their guard. It's the disarming aspect of close relationships that gets us to be our real selves — a complex mixture of the best and the worst that we each can be.

As a result, in love, certain aspects of personality usually hidden from view can come forth in ways that aren't always very positive. During stressful periods in a relationship, or even in good times, you may find yourself reverting to old negative patterns of behavior or expressing your least favorable traits. Dynamics from your childhood or experiences with past lovers can all come to the surface, so that suddenly you're dealing with a lot more than just what's in front of you.

The best way to combat this tendency is to take a step back whenever you feel yourself beginning to act out old emotions or behaving in a way that could be harmful to your relationship. By grounding yourself and making sure you are truly present, you can gain perspective on your situation. Ask yourself what you're thinking and feeling to see if it's an accurate reflection of what's happening in that moment. If you find yourself overreacting or reacting based on the past, you can make changes to behave in the way that feels best to you and most truly represents your best self.

Realize that attraction, an integral element of romantic love, can make your body react in physical ways to your thoughts and surroundings. In this way, attraction can have the effect of a stimulant or generate the same physical sensations that in other environments would be considered excitement, fear, or stress. When in a heightened state like that, it's much easier to act in ways that you later can reflect on and wonder, "What was I thinking?" So take heed of attraction's power.

In addition to these factors, given your love personality type, there are certain issues that are more likely to come up for you when you're in a romantic relationship.

For natural lovers like you, it's knowing when to hang in there and work things out, and when to walk away. It can sometimes feel like an awful lot of work to settle relationship disagreements because you're one of those people who appreciates ease in your life. When tough issues come to the surface, you may have a tendency to try to make them go away so things will be calm again. This attitude, while certainly justifiable, can sometimes merely exacerbate an already difficult situation.

Facing difficulties head-on is often the quickest way to make them go away. And even in love you're bound to hit some rough spots. Certain points in relationships can require a lot of work and energy to get through. Just remember that the benefits of a long-term healthy love are usually worth the effort.

Getting perspective
No matter what difficulties you encounter, you can benefit from clearing your mind so that your true inner voice is revealed. There are several ways of gaining this focus, including physical exercise, meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, and others. The exercise below involves a more active form of mediation that will quickly clear out the noise in your head to leave you with a knowingness that can guide you to right action in your relationships and throughout your life.

Step 1:
Get yourself in a comfortable sitting position.

Step 2:
Picture a chord that goes around your waist and into the center of the earth. This is your grounding chord. Feel the weight of it pull you down into the earth, so that you are connected to it.

Step 3:
Picture green light coming from the earth — the earth's energy, moving slowly from your feet, to your knees, and finally arriving at your stomach. Imagine that it starts a swirling motion in your center.

Step 4:
Now picture white light coming from above, shining down on you and moving through the crown of your head, to your shoulders, flowing down your arms and also down your spine and to your stomach, where it mixes with the green light you brought up from the earth.

Step 5:
Imagine a flow of light moving down the grounding chord and into the earth, and let it carry away all the things you are worried about, all the conflicts you have. Picture them in full life form and then watch as they wash away in the flood of light that leaves your body.

Step 6:
Once you have done this for some time, picture the rest of the light from your stomach moving up to leave through the crown of your head, finishing the clearing of your energy. That means you can stop drawing in light or energy from the earth and from above you.

Step 7:
Sit in quiet relaxation for a few minutes, noting what it is like to be in a body that is clear and a mind that is without worries and anxiety. If worries come back at you, just note that they are there, and watch as they flow right past you without bothering you a bit.

Step 8:
Now you are ready to look at whatever issue you are dealing with, or to attend to any questions you might have. For example, if you are not sure about the person you are with, ask yourself: Are they right for you? Is this relationship having a positive effect on your life? Is this person being fair? Are you? This is the time to ask yourself all the questions that have been creating tension for you. Sit patiently and wait as your higher self tells you the answers.

Your love report

Seven dimensions of your love personality

Compare yourself to others

Who are you compatible with?

How love can change you

History behind the test

Here is a list of select Love Test questions and how people answered them so you can see how you compare with other test takers.

Your answer
You are as romantic as:
37% • Champagne and strawberries
54% • Flowers and wine
8% • Pizza and beer
1% • Ginger ale and Pepto Bismol

Do you keep in close touch with your family and friends?
35% • Definitely, it's a priority
52% • Usually
9% • I contact them on holidays
4% • Not really

How do you feel when you think about money?
6% • I get completely stressed out
19% • I feel a bit edgy
51% • I can deal
24% • Money doesn't worry me at all

Watching a sex scene in a movie makes you feel:
4% • Uncomfortable
12% • Slightly embarrassed
66% • Somewhat excited
18% • All hot and bothered

If love were a flower, it would be a(n):
47% • Red rose
5% • Venus Flytrap
13% • Orchid
8% • Daisy
7% • Tulip
2% • Gardenia
9% • Tiger lily
9% • Bird of Paradise

As a lover, you're:
19% • Hot stuff
47% • Pretty darn good
17% • Average
17% • Not very experienced

Have you ever snooped through your significant other's things?
11% • Yes, but I'd never do it again
23% • Yes, and I'd do it again
24% • No, but I would
42% • No, never

Do you give your friends birthday presents?
22% • Of course!
56% • It depends on the friend
7% • Just a card
12% • Nope
3% • Who waits for birthdays?

On a date, who should pay for dinner?
68% • The man
1% • The woman
11% • Split it
20% • Switch off

If your significant other did something to upset you, you would:
44% • Discuss it calmly
24% • Confront them
16% • Stew about it
15% • Shrug it off
2% • Move on to my next victim

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a car. What kind is it?
22% • A rough 'n' tumble SUV
11% • A practical sedan
16% • A luxurious traffic-stopper
51% • Something fast and sporty

You're out shopping and run into a friend. Where do they find you?
13% • Fishing through the bargain bin
70% • Cruising the mid-priced shops
17% • In an overpriced boutique

Championship match: Work vs. Play. Who wins?
2% • Work, by a landslide
8% • Work, but it was close
33% • Work and play tie
38% • Play wins, but just barely
19% • Play crushes the competition

If you had to take Phys Ed now, what would your grade be?
48% • A
30% • B
14% • C
5% • D
3% • F

Where does your paycheck go?
2% • To my broker for investment
4% • Straight to my savings account
78% • I spend some and save some
16% • It pays off my maxed out credit cards

How settled are you?
46% • I live with my parents
37% • I'm renting
16% • I'm a homeowner
1% • I sleep in a van

What's the first thing you pick up at the newsstand?
30% • New York Times
36% • USA Today
5% • National Enquirer
29% • I don't really follow the news

Are you in touch with nature?
24% • I am one with nature
57% • It depends on my mood
12% • It depends on what I've inhaled
7% • We're not very compatible

How softhearted are you?
35% • Very
52% • Pretty soft
10% • Pretty hard
3% • Think concrete

Rate your energy level:
33% • Excellent
51% • Good
14% • Satisfactory
2% • Poor

Do you consider your relationships with others to be important?
66% • Without a doubt
28% • Yes, for the most part
5% • Sometimes
1% • No, not really

Your ideal wedding would be:
14% • A big fairytale affair with all the trimmings
31% • Elegant and sophisticated
3% • In Vegas, baby!
1% • Before a Justice of the Peace
34% • Small and intimate with just our closest friends
17% • Hmmm...never thought about it

How long do you spend getting ready each morning?
1% • Over an hour
10% • About an hour
44% • A half hour
45% • Less than ten minutes

Would you keep a picture of your sweetheart on your desk at work?
84% • Yes
13% • No
3% • Only if I'm expecting a "surprise" visit...

Are you star-struck?
2% • I'm practically paparazzi
15% • I keep up with Hollywood gossip
56% • Not very
27% • What a waste of time

When it comes to decoration, how would you describe your place?
27% • It's like a college dorm room
38% • Modest but homey
31% • It's got lots of little personal touches
4% • It's like a catalog showroom

Are you a shop-a-holic?
5% • I need a 12-step program
13% • I can quit anytime I want
29% • I'm a "social shopper"
53% • I've never had a shopping problem

Which breakfast cereal are you most like in bed?
22% • Lucky Charms
16% • Total
14% • Sugar Smacks
2% • All Bran
7% • Kix
8% • Wheaties
16% • Just Right
15% • Honey Bunches of Oats

Sex is:
34% • A way to express intimate feelings
33% • The perfect union between two soul mates
26% • Always great
7% • A gift I bestow only on the worthy

The word "diamond" makes you feel:
6% • Ecstatic
12% • Eager
18% • Excited
9% • Anxious
55% • Nothing much

The Love Test is based on years of personality and relationship research at Tickle and draws on the knowledge we have gained from literally millions of Tickle users. From the masses of data compiled, our research team used statistical analyses to determine the very top traits people display in romantic relationships. They also examined people's most closely held opinions about finding love. The result of their findings is this test, which included the six types of people looking for love and seven key dimensions of their love personalities. It also looks at the pitfalls these different types can experience, with advice on how to gain new perspective during relationships. Research on romantic relationships in the psychology literature helped to provide insight into the types of problems that usually occur in relationships. By looking at these challenges and comparing them to the six love personality types, our experts were able to determine common problems each type has. They were also able to offer tips on what to do about these tendencies. Tickle hopes that you have enjoyed the Love Test and that it helps you make the most of your romantic life for years to come

Вложение: 3616818_the_love_test__tickle_personality_tests___results_.pdf

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головные странности

Вторник, 09 Октября 2007 г. 20:17 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - тишинах
Настроение сейчас - сплю

заметил что меня как магнитом тянет ко вполне определенному типажу Ж.
счас и не описать толком, но есть определенные закономерности - 100% уверен.
видимо это то, что называется "химия любви".... причем всего раза 4 я такое испытывал за 12 лет. Все разЫ неудачно...

встает вопрос - ждать и искать или взяться за голову и начать строить отношения на имеющейся базе знакомств ? ;)

конечно внутри себя я ответ знаю, но порассуждать (и помечтать) - оно не вредно...



Вторник, 09 Октября 2007 г. 17:09 + в цитатник
Результат теста:Пройти этот тест


У Него/Неё будут синие глаза. Меньше вероятность серых. Также возможны веснушки. Да, и есть вероятность лопоухости. :-)
Психологические и прикольные тесты LiveInternet.ru


Вторник, 09 Октября 2007 г. 16:57 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - тишинах
Настроение сейчас - флегматичное

живу помалу, скучаю без русскаго духу :)
наслаждаюсь всемиё прелестями сервиса развитого капитализма, ориентированного на потребеление. то есть можно купить/найти все и в ассортименте. прекольно. только оно перестает быть необходимым уже через месяц - начинается "томление русской души" :))
иожет жениться пора?... трудно сказать - как показал опыт, это спасает только на пару месяцев :)

достижения - заказал себе звуковой прожектор Ямаха 1100 модель. с нетерпежом жду теперь - крутая весчь заменяющяя 5.1 систему как минимум-ивсего один юнит компактных размеров. только вот грызут меня сомнения что потребен и саб отдельный под это дело... ну да посмотримс.

в эту субботу - война должна удасться - я полностью заапгрейдил свою м16 от АйСиЭс - тут у страйкболеров лимит на 120 мвс стоим - поставил пружину 110 и тонкий стволег - померяем хренографом в субботу опятьже... должно аккурат под 400 фпс встать. рад :)

скромная часть
ощущение себя "прынцем на службе работодателя" возникло блин. если раньше особей королевских кровей марьяжили по интересам государства, то и я сейчас туда сюда обратно катаюсь - и никакой личной жизни... сплошная проституция ...

кончилось мое промоушн период в Аштанге. посмотрел на предлагаемые цены - офигел - одно занятие не менее 9 баков беря оптом. при всем при этом все что он показывает это одно, от силы 2 новых упражнения. чето дороговато. буду по телевизору занимаццо с редкими наскоками к этому "сенсею" блин.

о культуре
местные иммигранты тусят на так называемом слете КСП. никто мне так и несмог расшифровать сию аббревиатуру - оно и понятно - слет уже девятый :)))))
в общем и целом - ценность тока в рекламе и масштабности слета всех. А так - бардовские песнопения под гитару при костре/луне - ничего такого. Наверное я тут еще пока недолго чтоб это ценить начать.
Хотя была группа Репа из Остина - зачотно перепевают ребята, молодцы. Им бы еще своего автора слов путнего...

Влажность - песетс просто - одежда мокрая всю ночь провисела - так и осталась мокрой. та что была сухая - тоже промокла. Техас млин....



Понедельник, 24 Сентября 2007 г. 07:11 + в цитатник
Настроение сейчас - херовое, философское

хочу встретить женщину, меня понимающую.


отношения, любови, семья

Вторник, 04 Сентября 2007 г. 01:58 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - апокалипсис сегодня
Настроение сейчас - одинокое

что человеку нужно для того чтобы считать себя полноценно живущим?
вопрос, задаваемый людями самим cебе, как мне кажется, веками. (после достижения 30й отметки, в основном ;)
каждый находит свой ответ. и окружающая действительность жостко толкает каждого в колею самоопределения - семья - дети - домег - достаток - уважение окружающих. в общем Маслоу знал тему....
только в процессе прохождения этой цепочки мы зачастую забываем о своих настоящих потребностях.
как то в анкете одного смешного сайта я ответил - осмысленная жизнь

потом допишу какие они имхо. пора и поработать



Понедельник, 03 Сентября 2007 г. 07:33 + в цитатник
наконец то завел себе пластик штатовский. красота! теперь все инет магазины доступны. страна - потребительский рай блин...
кальян заказал себе с нета, бритву нормальную, прочие приятные мелочи.

гыгы седня искал щетку для мытья посуды в волмарте... минут 20 искал. сначала нашел щетку для вычесывания кошек - как говорится на безрыбье и щука раком... но маленькая. потом в оконцовке нашел что-то поболе и поворсистей, кажись она для чистки ковров и покрытий - ну да ничего, поговорка выше все еще в силе :)

пока искал такую девушку увидел - глаза светло-серые, волосы светло-русые, кожа светло-загорелая, фигура светло-стройная... :) но нельзя - за харасмент можно попасть блин.((

а в хутерсе девушки конечно смазливые, но все таки мне как человеку привычному к устькаманским и ламатинским девам они не показались чем-то "супер-пупер" - так - средний класс с 1-3% нормальных (я бы за ней побежал)... :)

еда Хьюстона

Понедельник, 03 Сентября 2007 г. 07:22 + в цитатник
снговый народ от размера местных порций удивляется.
я -нет. потому что их не заказываю. беру только стартеры. количество выходит -аккурат как основное блюдо привычных мне размеров...
а как бы "считовый" и дорогой ресторан PAPA DEUX блин кормит рыбопродуктами похожими на фастфуд сплошной. фи.


Дневник AndreyR

Суббота, 01 Сентября 2007 г. 20:18 + в цитатник
Личный блог стажера-абстинента в Хьюстоне
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