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: 17.10.2014
: 265


, 07 2014 . 19:34 +

Facials. MUST TRY

- 3 tablespoons dry oatmeal
- 1 bag of chamomile tea
- dried leaves of mint

Pour the tea bag from a daisy in a dry oatmeal and a little dry, add the mint leaves. Pour boiling water to such a good paste swelled. While warm, almost hot to even, apply on face with a thick layer. It is thick, nalyapala, so to speak. And under the eyes and above the eyes, too. And, you can put warm gauze on the face, the mask does not fall down. After 15 minutes, remove everything and wash with warm water!

Face, like a baby!
no wrinkles, flaking and red spots all gone.

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for your beauty and health

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