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: 01.09.2008
: 874
: 3530
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, 20 2010 . 20:28 +
Valentinych [ + !]



, 18 2010 . 22:11 +
Vl_ad_le_na [ + !]


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, 17 2010 . 16:47 +
LittleLonelyGirl [ + !]

"... , , , , . : , , , , , , , "
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, 09 2010 . 07:26 +
-Lorelea- [ + !]

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, 29 2010 . 19:39 +
SurreMus [ + !]

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, 22 2010 . 12:49 +
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, 25 2010 . 12:24 +
Valentinych [ + !]


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PS: - .


, 17 2010 . 20:47 +
lj_dao_kakao [ + !]

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, 14 2010 . 00:14 +
[ + !]

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, 21 2010 . 14:33 +
Die_Gelassenheit [ + !]




, 26 2010 . 20:30 +
Leonardo19 [ + !]

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, 15 2009 . 10:58 +
Mages_Queen [ + !]




24 Windows XP

, 07 2009 . 19:00 +
Humiliating [ + !]

, .

Windows XP Pro Russian .


24 , , Windows XP.

, , , , . , , , , Windows XP : Backup, System Restore, ASR.

, "", " "", " "", "". «»>>>» »>>>

2. .

, "", "". " " . "". , . “OK” , “” “OK”.

3.  .

" " " ". " "Windows" - , . "". " " - Windows , " " " " "; e " ".

4. .

" " "". "" "" "".   “ ” " ". “” “OK”.

5. .

" "(                                                                           

"" - " ", "


6. Windows Messenger.

Windows Messenger – « » (. «»). .


Messenger , , . - "" :

«RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove» «OK».

Windows Messenger






7. .

" " - "" - "" - "" -" " - "". . 1,5. , .

8. .

- "" "regedit". HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. MenuShowDelay 400 0.

9. .

- "" "msconfig". "" - , .

10. "prefetch" - C:\windows\prefetch.

. , . , . . . .

11. .

« », «». « ». «» «» , , . . NTFS.

12. .

Windows XP "Zip" — , . Windows ( , "RAR"), "regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll". "regsvr32 zipfldr.dll".

13. (IRQ).

CMOS- , . " " - "" " ". , "". , IRQ . . RegEdit . HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/PriorityControl. DWORD IRQ#Priority ( '#' IRQ) «1». , IRQ08 System CMOS. IRQ8Priority.

14. "POSIX" .

"Regedit". HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ SessionManager\SubSystems Optional Posix.  

15. ( NTFS).

. "Regedit" HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate, "1"

16. .

WinXP , . WinXP . "Regedit" HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management DisablePagingExecutive, "1" - , "0" -

17. .

. "Regedit" HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer AlwaysUnloadDLL, "1" - , "0" - . 1 - , 0 - 1 - , 0 - .

: .

18. .

, , . , , , . "Regedit" HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon AllowMultipleTSSessions, "1" -  

19. Dr. Watson.

, , , - , . "Regedit" HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug "Auto" "0"

20. .

" ". Windows XP Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Recent . , . "Regedit" HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer NoRecentDocsHistory, "1"-

21. .

. , , , . "Regedit" HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop AutoEndTasks, "1" - , "0" -

22. .

. . "Regedit" HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer , NoLowDiskSpaceChecks, "1" - , "0" -

23. Windows Media Player.

Windows Media Player (Tools-Options- Automatic updates). Windows Media Player. "Regedit" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsMediaPlayer DisableAutoUpdate, "1".

24. (bandwidth), QoS.

Windows XP - Quality of Service (QoS). QoS — , QoS API. , — . , -> gpedit.msc. .

" " " ", "" « QoS» . " " - . Enabled, , "" . " " " " "" , " QoS" . , .

: , , - .

, , , SEO , , .



, 06 2009 . 22:57 +
igorinna [ + !]

h4 style="text-align: center"> , , . . , . .



, 27 2009 . 07:09 +
Valentinych [ + !]



, 08 2009 . 08:38 +
GlumShadow [ + !]

, , , ?
Tiny Menu  ( :) :


, :)



, 07 2009 . 13:19 +
GlumShadow [ + !]


, ...

.. , :)



, 24 2009 . 12:25 +
Prestissima [ + !]

... , , .
 (540x306, 31Kb)


, 16 2009 . 16:49 +
ASGAlex [ + !]

)) , "Hello, World!" ))))
 (387x399, 27Kb)


 : 2 [1]