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Edvin Marton - Tosca Fantasy
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: 19.07.2012
: 4703
: 77
: 4823


, 24 2014 . 13:45 +
MissKcu Motor-car -

- "", . , . , . 
: . , .

Motor-car –

, , .

accelerator / əkˈsɛləreɪtə / –  
battery / ˈbætəri / –  
hood / hʊd / –  
trunk / trʌŋk / –  
brakes / breɪks / –  
bumper / ˈbʌmpə / –  
clutch / klʌʧ / –
engine / ˈɛnʤɪn / –  
first gear / fɜːst gɪə / –  
gearshift / gɪəʃɪft / –  
headlights / ˈhɛdlaɪts / –  
neutral / 'nju:trəl / –  
radiator / ˈreɪdɪeɪtə / –  
reverse / ri'vɜ:s / –  
to shift / ʃɪft / –  
tail light / teɪl laɪt / –  
tire /ˈtaɪə / –  
transmission /trænzˈmɪʃn / –  

, , . , , .

break down –  
And if things became too frightening, I could always breakdown later – , – .

fasten one's seat belt –  
When she drives her car she fastens her seat belt – , .

speed limit –  
What is the speed limit on this highway? – ? 

car pool – , , . 
we decided to have car pool with Max. – .


- . , , , , . , ( ), , ( , ). , , .

Adjective + to

-. It’s + Adjective + of somebody to do something – - .
: difficult, hard, dangerous, expensive, easy, impossible, safe, cheap, kind, sensible, mean, silly, clever, stupid, careless, unfair, considerate.

It was nice of you to take me to the station. 

It’s silly of Mary to give up her job when she needs the money. 
, .

? ?

Applying for a job –

Interviewer: Good afternoon, Mr. Brooks. Have a seat, please. 
, . , .

Dan Brooks: Good afternoon. 

Interviewer: I received your resume a few weeks ago and I must say that I was rather impressed. 
, , .

Dan Brooks: Thank you. 

Interviewer: As you know we are a small but fast growing financial company, mostly trading stocks and bonds. May I ask you why you're interested in working for us? 
, , , . , , ?

Dan Brooks: Yes, of course. I know that your company has an excellent reputation. That's why I'd like to work for it. Besides, I have always wanted to work with a smaller company, which consequently develops. 
, . , . . , , .

I see. That's good to hear! Would you mind telling me a little bit about your current occupation? 
. ! ?

Dan Brooks: I'm a broker at a large international company at the moment. I mostly deal with clients and I handle all aspects of their accounts. 
. , .

Interviewer: I see. Could you also tell me a little bit about your previous job experience? 
. ?

Dan Brooks: Yes, of course. I have worked for two full years at my current position. Before that, I participated at an internship program at the same company. 
, . . .

Interviewer: Could you also say a few words about your main education? 

Yes, with pleasure. I have graduated from the University of Kent and I have a degree in Accountancy and Finance. After graduation I have also attended workshops for experienced specialists. I've gained lots of new financial theory and practice there, as well as a certificate of course completion. 
, . . . , .

Interviewer: That's good to know, Mr. Brooks. I would like to ask you one more question about your interest in our company. Why do you think that you are the right candidate for the position of head broker? 
, . . , ?

Dan Brooks: I think that I have enough experience in the stock market to handle this job. Also, I quite like my current dutiens and don't mind expanding the range of my responsibilities in this field. 
, , . , .

Interviewer: Well, you might just be the right person we've been looking for. Do you have any questions 
, , , . - ?

Dan Brooks: Yes, I have one question. If I were hired, how many accounts would I be handling? 
, . , ?

Interviewer: You'd be handling about a third of our clients, as you'd be working with two other head brokers. Is there anything else you'd like to ask? 
, . - ?

Dan Brooks: No, that's it. Thank you. 
, . .

Interviewer: Ok, then. We will send our employment contract for your review this week, Mr. Brooks. And we hope to see you soon among our staff. 
, . . .



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