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: 26.02.2013
: 830
: 61
: 1054



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Electronic space societies conditioned to war and destruction found a better way to win conflicts. Wars for territories became wars for the control of minds and entities, since it was learned that massive destruction is counterproductive.
Orion entities [several species of Greys and the Reptilians]...began an epoch of conquest and domination.
Occasionally, invaders would arrive on a planet targeted for colonization only to discover the presence of a primitive culture that had the potential of having tremendous psionic ability. Sometimes they would find their paths blocked by disembodied [other-dimensional] entities. They would employ electronic and psionic crystal-based weapons to drive away local denizens...

Since the original purpose was the conquest of the physical universe [which implies control of mind and mass-consciousness] it became necessary to create a more equitable system of prediction and control. The practice of implanting came into being as a method of population control. It was and always has been a political expediency...
Occasionally, a faction which opposes the invaders appears on one of the planets the Orion entities have taken over, in order to free the prisoners. They do this by giving them the technology or information which would make them free beings again. This creates a certain amount of instability in the un-stable and un-natural system which has been imposed on the planetary population. This is what is happening on Earth in 1990..

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