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Италия " Позитано"

Среда, 10 Апреля 2013 г. 21:17 + в цитатник
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Жизнь на краю обрыва - райский уголок Италии Позитано

Позитано — райский курортный городок в Италии. Его площадь составляет всего 10 кв.км, он поражает, в самом хорошем смысле этого слова, и оставляет стойкое желание вернутся сюда еще хотя бы раз...

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Рубрики:  Города и страны

Отель в Чили

Среда, 03 Апреля 2013 г. 20:41 + в цитатник
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"Волшебная гора" - отель в Чили

"Волшебная гора" - отель в Чили

Путешествовать и посмотреть новые интересные места, всем хочется. А, если еще и остановиться в одном, различном по своему строению - отеле, думаю тоже никто из Вас не откажется. Да, это просто невозможно, такой отель, который по своей архитектуре так оригинален, а еще и находится среди такой красивой природы. Какой все - таки этот отель, мы с Вами узнаем, если отправимся туда и задержимся в нем немного.

6-Отель в виде водопада в Чили (700x466, 162Kb)

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Рубрики:  Города и страны

Цвингер - достопримечательности Германии

Вторник, 22 Января 2013 г. 01:44 + в цитатник
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Цвингер - достопримечательности Германии


Цвингер и Картинная галерея - достопримечательности Германии - описания и фотографии Дрезден (Dresden)

Вот куда бы я хотела попасть в первую очередь, это в Музей фарфора.

Рубрики:  Города и страны

Отель в Малайзии -дизайн

Понедельник, 24 Декабря 2012 г. 20:27 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения virtoree-07 [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Отель в Малайзии со столетней историей

Проектное бюро Ministry of Design из Сингапура работало над реставрацией и оформлением отеля Macalister Mansion на острове Пенанг в Малайзии. За историческим фасадом, которому уже не менее ста лет, скрывается современный мир комфорта и стиля. Светлые стены и потолки удачно дополняются деревянными полами и дизайнерской мебелью в теплой гамме, которая разбавлена неожиданными красочными аксессуарами.

Отель в Малайзии со столетней историей


Рубрики:  Города и страны


Понедельник, 12 Ноября 2012 г. 21:08 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения virfox [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Боко Которская бухта - жемчужина Адриатики

Черногория: Боко Которская бухта - жемчужина Адриатики

«Бог в течение шести дней создавал мир, а на седьмой, не спеша, создал эту бухту», — так, пораженный красотой Боко Которской бухты, заявил когда-то Джон Бойд, остроумный английский биолог.

ec06f8fd3e (700x361, 295Kb)

Рубрики:  Города и страны

Катастрофа- 2012. Получено из США

Пятница, 02 Ноября 2012 г. 21:28 + в цитатник
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Катастрофа-2012?? Получено из США.

After the storm: True scale of Sandy's devastation across Eastern Seaboard emerges as death toll hits FIFTY and damage set to top $50BILLION

Before the storm: The horizon over the Mantoloking Bridge was once dotted with row after row of Atlantic vacation homes

Before the storm: The horizon over the Mantoloking Bridge was once dotted with row after row of Atlantic vacation homes


Razed: Now the horizon in New Jersey is entirely altered following the devastating superstorm Sandy

Razed: Now the horizon in New Jersey is entirely altered following the devastating superstorm Sandy

Disaster zone: This aerial photograph shows the extent of the damage to the Breezy Point section of Queens, New York, now littered with burned-out homes

Disaster zone: This aerial photograph shows the extent of the damage to the Breezy Point section of Queens, New York, now littered with burned-out homes

Apocalyptic scene: Firemen continue to pour water on smoldering fires on Beach Blvd in Breezy Point, New York. More than 100 homes were destroyed by fire after Sandy passed directly though the area

Apocalyptic scene: Firemen continue to pour water on smoldering fires on Beach Blvd in Breezy Point, New York. More than 100 homes were destroyed by fire after Sandy passed directly though the area

Completely destroyed: Fires ripped through around 130 homes on Breezy Point after the superstorm hit

Completely destroyed: Fires ripped through around 130 homes on Breezy Point after the superstorm hit

Beachfront: A property in Rockaway, New York, somehow manages to remain upright despite having its innards swept away by the flood

Beachfront: A property in Rockaway, New York, somehow manages to remain upright despite having its innards swept away by the flood

Shocked: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg views damage in the Breezy Point area of Queens yesterday

Shocked: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg views damage in the Breezy Point area of Queens yesterday

Another world: This community north of Seaside, New Jersey lies covered in sand after the superstorm blew through

Another world: This community north of Seaside, New Jersey lies covered in sand after the superstorm blew through

Lying in a heap: Boats cluster together at a marina in Brant Beach on Long Beach Island, New Jersey

Lying in a heap: Boats cluster together at a marina in Brant Beach on Long Beach Island, New Jersey

Submerged: An image provided by the U.S. Coast guard shows flooded homes in Tuckerton, New Jersey

Submerged: An image provided by the U.S. Coast guard shows flooded homes in Tuckerton, New Jersey

Inaccessible: One day on and a portion of Harvey Cedars on Long Beach Island remains underwater

Inaccessible: One day on and a portion of Harvey Cedars on Long Beach Island remains underwater

Devastation: Debris lies strewn across the south shore of Staten Island, New York

Devastation: Debris lies strewn across the south shore of Staten Island, New York

Widespread damage: The south shore area of Staten Island was severely damaged by the strong winds and floods coming in from Atlantic

Widespread damage: The south shore area of Staten Island was severely damaged by the strong winds and floods coming in from Atlantic

Grounded: A sailboat beached in Long Beach yesterday as shocked local residents head outside to inspect the damage

Grounded: A sailboat beached in Long Beach yesterday as shocked local residents head outside to inspect the damage 

No way out: Homes in Fenwick Island, Delaware, sit surrounded by floodwaters yesterday

No way out: Homes in Fenwick Island, Delaware, sit surrounded by floodwaters yesterday

Bethany Beach, Delaware, looks more like Venice yesterday. Bethany and nearby Fenwick Island appeared to be among the hardest-hit parts of the state

Bethany Beach, Delaware, looks more like Venice yesterday. Bethany and nearby Fenwick Island appeared to be among the hardest-hit parts of the state

Stuck: Two cars sit abandoned in sand swept in by the superstorm onto Long Beach, New York

Stuck: Two cars sit abandoned in sand swept in by the superstorm onto Long Beach, New York

Closed: The South Ferry subway station in New York was knee-deep in seawater last night

Closed: The South Ferry subway station in New York was knee-deep in seawater last night

Travel hub: The extensive damage to the subway station will take time to repair - officials are unable to estimate when it will reopen for business

Travel hub: The extensive damage to the subway station will take time to repair - officials are unable to estimate when it will reopen for business

Non-salvageable: A row of beachfront houses tilts backwards on the New Jersey coast

Non-salvageable: A row of beachfront houses tilts backwards on the New Jersey coast

Beachfront: A house in Coney Island's Sea Gate community in New York lies covered in large rocks thrown up by the waves
Blowing through: A satellite image showing Sandy's progress inland towards the Michigan area

Blowing through: A satellite image showing Sandy's progress inland towards the Michigan area

Homes ripped apart: The facade of this New York apartment building was knocked off by Sandy

Homes ripped apart: The facade of this New York apartment building was knocked off by Sandy

Upended: Fallen power lines lie across a road in Atlantic City

Upended: Fallen power lines lie across a road in Atlantic City

Shining through: The sun sets over the Robert Moses Causeway leading to Fire Island, New York, last night

Shining through: The sun sets over the Robert Moses Causeway leading to Fire Island, New York, last night

Damaged goods: A man inspects the flood damage to a warehouse in Brooklyn, New York

Damaged goods: A man inspects the flood damage to a warehouse in Brooklyn, New York

Tossed around like toys: Boats like crumpled in a heap in a harbour on the south shore of Staten Island

Tossed around like toys: Boats like crumpled in a heap in a harbour on the south shore of Staten Island

Sodden: The interior of a State Island building completely destroyed by floods swept up by the superstorm

Sodden: The interior of a State Island building completely destroyed by floods swept up by the superstorm

Waves from Hurricane Sandy crash over a sea wall and onto the door steps of houses on the Bayshore, Connecticut shoreline
Soaked: Local residents walk through the flooded Hudson Street in Hackensack, New Jersey

Soaked: Local residents walk through the flooded Hudson Street in Hackensack, New Jersey

Stark: Foundations and pilings are all that remain of brick buildings and a boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey

Stark: Foundations and pilings are all that remain of brick buildings and a boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey

Smashed: A street sign stands near apartment buildings and destroyed large sections of the historic boardwalk

Smashed: A street sign stands near apartment buildings and destroyed large sections of the historic boardwalk


View from the sky: Video taken from a helicopter shows the devastation along Jersey Shore

View from the sky: Video taken from a helicopter shows the devastation along Jersey Shore

Eye of the storm: New York was among the hardest hit by Superstorm Sandy. A fire broke out in Queen destroying between 80 and 100 houses

Eye of the storm: New York was among the hardest hit by Superstorm Sandy. A fire broke out in Breezy Point, Queens, destroying between 80 and 100 houses






Battle: More than 190 firefighters have contained the six-alarm blaze fire in the Breezy Point section, but they are still putting out some pockets of fire

Battle: More than 190 firefighters have contained the six-alarm blaze fire in the Breezy Point section, but they are still putting out some pockets of fire

Washed up: A resident pushes a bicycle down a street covered in beach sand due to flooding from Superstorm Sandy in Long Beach, New York

Washed up: A resident pushes a bicycle down a street covered in beach sand due to flooding from Superstorm Sandy in Long Beach, New York

Destruction: Cars floating after being pushed out a flooded basement during last night's battering

Destruction: Cars floating after being pushed out a flooded basement in the city during last night's battering


Beached: A 168-foot water tanker, the John B. Caddell, sits on the shore where it ran aground on Front Street in the Stapleton neighborhood of New York's Staten Island

Beached: A 168-foot water tanker, the John B. Caddell, sits on the shore where it ran aground on Front Street in the Stapleton neighborhood of New York's Staten Island


Fleet in the floods: Yellow cabs in a parking lot are surrounded by water after Superstorm Sandy struck Hoboken, New Jersey

Fleet in the floods: Yellow cabs in a parking lot are surrounded by water after Superstorm Sandy struck Hoboken, New Jersey

Trashed: Cars float up from a car garage in a mixture of floodwater and gasoline in lower Manhattan as workers begin the process of pumping out the mess

Trashed: Cars float up from a car garage in a mixture of floodwater and gasoline in lower Manhattan as workers begin the process of pumping out the mess


Wrecked: A man looks at an uprooted tree which fell on a car when Superstorm Sandy swept through the Brooklyn borough of New York

Wrecked: A man looks at an uprooted tree which fell on a car when Superstorm Sandy swept through the Brooklyn borough of New York

A firefighter leaves a destroyed home in Pasadena, Maryland, where the homeowner was killed overnight when a tree fell on his home during superstorm Sandy

A firefighter leaves a destroyed home in Pasadena, Maryland, where the homeowner was killed overnight when a tree fell on his home during superstorm Sandy

Battered: This home in Manalapan, Florida, was ripped up and ravaged by Sandy when the storm passed through

Battered: This home in Manalapan, Florida, was ripped up and ravaged by Sandy when the storm passed through

Ripped out: A tree rests on Mike and Kelle Barry's home in Annapolis, Maryland as Superstorm Sandy ripped through the East Coast

Ripped out: A tree rests on Mike and Kelle Barry's home in Annapolis, Maryland as Superstorm Sandy ripped through the East Coast

Understatement: A Whole Foods store in New York informs its customers that it is closed 'due to inclement weather'

Understatement: A Whole Foods store in New York informs its customers that it is closed 'due to inclement weather'

Two women shop for groceries by torchlight in the Tribeca neighbourhood of New York after power outages caused large parts of the city to fall into darkness

Two women shop for groceries by torchlight in the Tribeca neighbourhood of New York after power outages caused large parts of the city to fall into darkness

Dangerous: A cordon is put up around scaffolding which collapsed in New York after Superstorm Sandy caused widespread damage in the city

Dangerous: A cordon is put up around scaffolding which collapsed in New York after Superstorm Sandy caused widespread damage in the city

Barrier: Water and debris block a section of South Street in lower Manhattan, in New York, which had been in the storm's path

Barrier: Water and debris block a section of South Street in lower Manhattan, in New York, which had been in the storm's path

Toppled: Pictures from Washington DC show how the wind has grabbed hold of trees and ripped them out by the trunk (above and below)

Toppled: Pictures from Washington DC show how the wind has grabbed hold of trees and ripped them out by the trunk (above and below)



Crushed: This home on the Florida coast is surveyed by two men astonished by the scale of destruction Sandy has left

Powerful: Waves pound a lighthouse on the shores of Lake Erie, near Cleveland, Ohio on Tuesday

Powerful: Waves pound a lighthouse on the shores of Lake Erie, near Cleveland, Ohio on Tuesday

Broken home: A man and child look in disbelief at a collapsed house in the Cosey Beach neighborhood of East Haven, Connecticut

Broken home: A man and child look in disbelief at a collapsed house in the Cosey Beach neighborhood of East Haven, Connecticut

Aftermath: A rainbow and looming clouds appear over the sky in New York's Manhattan after the hurricane stormed the city

Aftermath: A rainbow and looming clouds appear over the sky in New York's Manhattan after the hurricane stormed the city

Wrecked: A construction site sinks into a large hole on South Street Seaport - the clean-up operation is expected to cost over £12 billion

Wrecked: A construction site sinks into a large hole on South Street Seaport - the clean-up operation is expected to cost over £12 billion

New York, New York: Oct. 29, 2012, along the East River, Hurricane Sandy, a

Deluge: Water floods over the barriers in New York. The city's transit system, schools, the stock exchange and Broadway were also shut after a 13ft wall of water caused by the storm surge and high tides brought severe flooding to subways and road tunnels

Transformation: A subway station now resembles a river in one of the US's largest cities

Transformation: A subway station now resembles a river in one of the US's largest cities

Submerged: The lobby of Verizon's Corporate headquarters in Manhattan. The headquarter houses executive offices as well as some of the company's key telecom equipment that supports services to New York's financial district

Submerged: The lobby of Verizon's Corporate headquarters in Manhattan. The headquarter houses executive offices as well as some of the company's key telecom equipment that supports services to New York's financial district

Operation clean-up: Debris litters a flooded street in the Dumbo section of Brooklyn after the city awakens to the affects of Hurricane Sandy

Operation clean-up: Debris litters a flooded street in the Dumbo section of Brooklyn after the city awakens to the affects of Hurricane Sandy

Rubble: People in Atlantic City view the area where a 2000-foot section of the 'uptown' boardwalk was destroyed by flooding

Rubble: People in Atlantic City view the area where a 2000-foot section of the 'uptown' boardwalk was destroyed by flooding

Sand and debris cover a part of town near the ocean in New Jersey after serious flooding ravaged the coastline

Sand and debris cover a part of town near the ocean in New Jersey after serious flooding ravaged the coastline

Chaos: A boat moved by gushing waters rests on the tracks at Metro-North's Ossining Station on the Hudson Line

Chaos: A boat moved by gushing waters rests on the tracks at Metro-North's Ossining Station on the Hudson Line

Sweep up: Workers clean up sheets of blown out glass in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy - many store faces took a beating from the strong winds

Sweep up: Workers clean up sheets of blown-out glass in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy - many store faces took a beating from the strong winds

Challenge: Firefighters tackle a blaze in the Breezy Point section of the Queens borough of New York, in which more than 80 homes were destroyed

Challenge: Firefighters tackle a blaze in the Breezy Point section of the Queens borough of New York, in which more than 80 homes were destroyed

Upsetting: Tom and Deidre Duffy look through the wreckage of their home at Breezy Point, in Queens, which was devastated by fire

Upsetting: Tom and Deidre Duffy look through the wreckage of their home at Breezy Point, in Queens, which was devastated by fire

Sandy in the Midwest: Waves slam against a breakwall at North Avenue Beach on Lake Michigan in Chicago this morning

Sandy in the Midwest: Waves slam against a breakwall at North Avenue Beach on Lake Michigan in Chicago this morning

Gone: Deidre Duffy studies all that is left of her home at Breezy Point, in the Queens borough of New York

Gone: Deidre Duffy studies all that is left of her home at Breezy Point, in the Queens borough of New York

Toy: A doll's head can be seen among the charred remains of a house destroyed by fire in the aftermath of the post-tropical storm

Toy: A doll's head can be seen among the charred remains of a house destroyed by fire in the aftermath of the post-tropical storm

Map showing track of Hurricane Sandy
Map showing track of Hurricane Sandy

Left: A map showing track of Hurricane Sandy through New England, with inset showing projected rainfall totals through Wednesday night and right. mid-Atlantic states showing storm surge from the superstorm storm

View from above: This aerial photograph shows burned-out homes in the Breezy Point section of the Queens borough of New York after the fire

View from above: This aerial photograph shows burned-out homes in the Breezy Point section of the Queens borough of New York after the fire

Water, water everywhere: An aerial view of flooding on the bay side of Seaside, New Jersey

Water, water everywhere: An aerial view of flooding on the bay side of Seaside, New Jersey

Flooded areas

Flooded areas: Highlighted areas show flooding in New York. An unprecedented 13-foot surge of seawater - 3 feet above the previous record - gushed into Gotham

A dead deer is pictured with driftwood and debris left by a combination of storm surge and high tide

A dead deer is pictured with driftwood and debris left by a combination of storm surge and high tide

Precarious: A crane attached to One57, a luxury apartment tower under construction in midtown Manhattan, hangs down after partially collapsing amid gusts from Sandy

Precarious: A crane attached to One57, a luxury apartment tower under construction in midtown Manhattan, hangs down after partially collapsing amid gusts from Sandy

Shock: Residents look over the remains of burned homes in the Rockaways section

Shock: Residents look over the remains of burned homes in the Rockaways section

Rescued: Hospital workers evacuate a patient Deborah Dadlani from NYU Langone Medical Center during Hurricane Sandy

Rescued: Hospital workers evacuate a patient Deborah Dadlani from NYU Langone Medical Center during Hurricane Sandy

No train service: Veronica De Souza posted this extraordinary picture ('via ninjapito') on Twitter of the 86th Street station with water above the platform

No train service: Veronica De Souza posted this extraordinary picture ('via ninjapito') on Twitter of the 86th Street station with water above the platform

Aid at hand: An emergency operations centre in Fairfax County, Virginia, co-ordinates the mammoth response to the severe flooding caused by Sandy

Aid at hand: An emergency operations centre in Fairfax County, Virginia, co-ordinates the mammoth response to the severe flooding caused by Sandy

Scene: A car passes a tree lying on power lines the morning after Hurricane Sandy hit Dartmouth, Massachusetts Scene: A car passes a tree lying on power lines the morning after Hurricane Sandy hit Dartmouth, Massachusetts




Obstacle: A driver navigates under a downed tree and power lines in Newton, Massachusetts as dawn breaks

Obstacle: A driver navigates under a downed tree and power lines in Newton, Massachusetts as dawn breaks

Split: The wall of this house in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, shows how hard the East Coast has been pummeled by Sandy

Split: The wall of this house in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, shows how hard the East Coast has been pummeled by Sandy

Smashed: A giant tree crosses a street, leaving it impassable for any vehicles in Ridgewood, New Jersey

Smashed: A giant tree crosses a street, leaving it impassable for any vehicles in Ridgewood, New Jersey

Water world: The famous casinos of Atlantic City, New Jersey, were submeraged after superstorm Sandy hit land nearby

Water world: The famous casinos of Atlantic City, New Jersey, were submeraged after superstorm Sandy hit land nearby

Lashed with rain: A van skids in the flooded streets of Atlantic city, where casinos are shuttered, tourists have and 500 are trapped in their homes

Lashed with rain: A van skids in the flooded streets of Atlantic city, where casinos are shuttered, tourists have and 500 are trapped in their homes

U.S. Route 30, the White Horse Pike, one of three major approaches to Atlantic City, New Jersey, is covered with water from Absecon Bay during the approach of Hurricane Sandy

U.S. Route 30, the White Horse Pike, one of three major approaches to Atlantic City, New Jersey, is covered with water from Absecon Bay during the approach of Hurricane Sandy


A man stands on a dry patch of sidewalk on a flooded street as Hurricane Sandy moves up the coast

A man stands on a dry patch of sidewalk on a flooded street as Hurricane Sandy moves up the coast


Battered by the boardwalk: An empty street in flooded Atlantic City, which has taken a direct hit from the superstorm, forcing residents to flee inland

Battered by the boardwalk: An empty street in flooded Atlantic City, which has taken a direct hit from the superstorm, forcing residents to flee inland





Submerged: A car is covered by water near the Consolidated Edison power plant in New York, after Sandy knocked out power to at least 8million people, and large sections of the city were plunged into darkness

Submerged: A car is covered by water near the Consolidated Edison power plant in New York, after Sandy knocked out power to at least 8million people, and large sections of the city were plunged into darkness

Terrifying episode: Heavy waves smash over the seawall in Winthrop, with the 911 system inundated with 10,000 calls every half hour

Terrifying episode: Heavy waves smash over the seawall in Winthrop, with the 911 system inundated with 10,000 calls every half hour

Sea life: A row of houses stands in floodwaters at Grassy Sound in North Wildwood, New Jersey, after the powerful storm lurched westwards and took dead aim at New Jersey and Delaware

Sea life: A row of houses stands in floodwaters at Grassy Sound in North Wildwood, New Jersey, after the powerful storm lurched westwards and took dead aim at New Jersey and Delaware

Devastation: Bulldozers swing into action to clean up Fort Lauderdale after Sandy swept along the coast

Devastation: Bulldozers swing into action to clean up Fort Lauderdale after Sandy swept along the coast


Breached: Floodwaters from Sandy rush into the Port Authority bus terminal in New Jersey through an elevator shaft

Breached: Floodwaters from Sandy rush into the Port Authority bus terminal in New Jersey through an elevator shaft



Intense: A journalist battles to get to work in ravaged Atlantic City

Intense: A journalist battles to get to work in ravaged Atlantic City

A police car drives through a flooded street near the Atlantic City Convention Center on Monday

A police car drives through a flooded street near the Atlantic City Convention Center on Monday

A flooded street between two casinos along the Boardwalk before the arrival of Hurricane Sandy as 'Frankenstorm' threatened to wreak havoc on the area with storm surges, driving rain and devastating winds

A flooded street between two casinos along the Boardwalk before the arrival of Hurricane Sandy as 'Frankenstorm' threatened to wreak havoc on the area with storm surges, driving rain and devastating winds


 Boardwalk floating in sections through the flooded streets of Atlantic City

Pounding waves have already broken up sections of the Atlantic City boardwalk, according to photos posted to social media and discussion on police and fire scanners

Flooding begins to inundate a parking garage ahead of Hurricane Sandy as Governor Chris Christie's emergency declaration shut down the city's casinos and 30,000 residents were ordered to evacuate

Flooding begins to inundate a parking garage ahead of Hurricane Sandy as Governor Chris Christie's emergency declaration shut down the city's casinos and 30,000 residents were ordered to evacuate

A car sits in a flooded street near the ocean ahead of Hurricane Sandy today - and the worst is yet to come

A car sits in a flooded street near the ocean ahead of Hurricane Sandy today - and the worst is yet to come

A security guard stands outside the entrance of Caesar's Casino on the Atlantic City boardwalk, with doors covered with sheets of plywood for protection

A security guard stands outside the entrance of Caesar's Casino on the Atlantic City boardwalk, with doors covered with sheets of plywood for protection



Skyline: Brooklyn Bridge Park pictured here after it flooded following the arrival of Sandy, which has made landfall on the East Coast of the US

Skyline: Brooklyn Bridge Park pictured here after it flooded following the arrival of Sandy, which has made landfall on the East Coast of the US

Flooding: Water rushes into the Carey Tunnel (previously the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel), caused by Sandy on Monday night in the financial district of New York

Flooding: Water rushes into the Carey Tunnel (previously the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel), caused by Sandy on Monday night in the financial district of New York


Flood water rushes into a below-ground carpark in New York's Financial District

Flood water rushes into a below-ground carpark in New York's Financial District

Raging: More than 50 homes have been destroyed at Breezy Point in the Queens area of New York, as a result of Hurricane Sandy

Raging: More than 50 homes have been destroyed at Breezy Point in the Queens area of New York, as a result of Hurricane Sandy

Рубрики:  Города и страны


Воскресенье, 14 Октября 2012 г. 22:25 + в цитатник
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Города в фотографиях


Ну, кто не любит путешествовать ...

Петергоф, Россия
Балконы в городе Лугано, Швейцария
Рубрики:  Города и страны

Города окутанные туманом

Четверг, 20 Сентября 2012 г. 20:26 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения justvitek [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Города окутанные туманом

Город в тумане создает ощущение некой пугающей таинственности, с одной стороны это красивейшее природное явление с другой всегда кажется что в тумане скрывается что то опасное...


                                                           14 ФОТО

Asiago Plateau, Италия
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Сан - Франциско
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Город Баган, Бирма
0_8688d_e1ad0ad5_orig (650x433, 145Kb)

Каракас, Венесуэла
0_8688e_131ca10c_orig (700x462, 101Kb)

Trubbach, Швейцария
0_86890_af91230d_orig (609x381, 42Kb)

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Бергамо, Италия
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Дубай, ОАЭ
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Рубрики:  Города и страны

Швеция - какая она?

Среда, 23 Мая 2012 г. 05:48 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения Galche [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Швеция - какая она?

Швеция - какая она?

Хочется задать Вам вопрос: - "кто не любит путешествовать?". Но сама и отвечу, что вряд ли найдется такой человек, который бы не любил попутешествовать - все любят. Единственное различие в том, что одни любят море, а другие горы, а остальные, а они  - любят все маршруты. И еще один вопрос, почему мы больше предпочитаем ездить на юг, на море, а по - реже на север? Ведь и в северных странах есть, что посмотреть, есть, где отдохнуть, да и летом там, также тепло и приятно. Поэтому и решила предложит Вам - прогулку по Швеции. Вначале немного истории, ведь надо же знать о стране, куда "поедем"

О Швеции:




Рубрики:  Города и страны

Уникальный город труллей!!!

Понедельник, 30 Апреля 2012 г. 05:35 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения LJILJANA [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Альберобелло (Alberobello) - Уникальный город труллей!!!

Альберобелло (Alberobello) - Уникальный город труллей!!!


Рубрики:  Города и страны

Французская деревня

Суббота, 31 Марта 2012 г. 00:14 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения TimOlya [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Деревня La Roque Gageac (Рок Гажак). Франция

Деревня La Rodue Gageac (Рок Гажак). Франция.

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La Roque-Gageac - деревня, расположенная в Дордони в регионе Аквитании. Деревня входит в ассоциацию самых красивых деревень Франции. La Roque-Gageac расположена вдоль реки Дордонь.

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Цитата сообщения esoterick



Воскресенье, 12 Февраля 2012 г. 19:34 + в цитатник
Просмотреть видео
126 просмотров

Красивый ролик "Полуночное солнце - Исландия"




Наслаждаемся красотами природы и музыкой beach


Еще красивые ролики: Релакс и нирвана

и Красоты гор

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Комментарии (0)

Япония. Старое Киото

Понедельник, 07 Ноября 2011 г. 21:03 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения Happy__baby [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Старое Киото

Работы фотографа Kiyo Photography - японца, живущего в Киото, любящего старую японскую культуру, традиционные здания...

Есть на свете такие места, где ты чувствуешь себя, настолько уютно, как дома. Таков город Киото. Он разный. Это и торжественное спокойствие синтоистской кумирни, и многолюдная торговая улочка, а где-то прохладная тень кленовых деревьев в японском саду. Город никуда не спешит. В каком бы месте вы ни находились, буквально чувствуете его тысячелетнюю историю.
Случайное стечение обстоятельств позволило сохранить многие здания во время Второй Мировой войны. Местные жители позаботились об их сохранности.


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Рубрики:  Города и страны

Норвежский мост в никуда.....

Воскресенье, 30 Октября 2011 г. 20:45 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения Оксана_Лютова [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Сторсезандетский мост в никуда

Cлабонервные водители (и слабонервные пассажиры) – берегитесь! Чтобы адекватно воспринять зрелище Сторсезандетского моста в Норвегии, нужно хорошо подготовиться. Он соединяет материк с островом Аверой в губернии Мере-ог-Ромсдал, но весь подвох заключается в том, что он не выглядит как соединяющий что-либо с чем-либо. Подъезжающим он скорее покажется 23-метровым трамплином, с которого можно вместе с автомобилем нырнуть в ледяную морскую воду.

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Вторник, 25 Октября 2011 г. 00:45 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения ЯННА_КОТ [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Риквир, Франция

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Города мира

Понедельник, 24 Октября 2011 г. 01:41 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения belorys_kh [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

12 древнейших городов мира, которые до сих пор живы

Иногда хочется сделать сюрприз приятелям, что-нибудь оригинальное и прикольное. С помощью сервиса Фотошоп онлайн, не требующего установки на компьютер, Вы можете создавать открытки, коллажи,  ретушировать фотографии и многое другое. Вся работа производится непосредственно в браузере. Советую и рекомендую!

Как известно, город жив, пока есть жители, пока есть развитие крупных сфер деятельности. Города появляются и исчезают, заново отстраиваются или постепенно умирают, но есть древнейшие города, которые, не смотря на свой невероятный возраст, до сих пор развиваются и живут.


Сирийский город Дамаск основали еще 11 000 лет назад. Он оказался достаточно прочным, чтобы наблюдать развитие и упадок многих цивилизаций. Сегодня Дамаск заселяют 2,5 млн. человек и он известен как Арабская столица культуры.

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Воскресенье, 23 Октября 2011 г. 00:54 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения ЯННА_КОТ [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Потрясающая по красоте страна – Сербия

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Рубрики:  Города и страны


Пятница, 21 Октября 2011 г. 00:46 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения ВЗРЫВАЯ_СТЁКЛА [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]


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Рубрики:  Города и страны


Пятница, 21 Октября 2011 г. 00:40 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения Самазнаю [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Огни ночных городов. Сферические панорамы Японии.

Друзья мои, приглашаю вас на прогулку по ночной Японии.
Для того, чтобы посмотреть панораму, кликайте по картинке.
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terayama14 (700x84, 12Kb)
Рубрики:  Города и страны

Латвия. Город солнца.

Среда, 19 Октября 2011 г. 22:31 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения Алла_Курносова [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Город "Солнца"

В Латвии появился "Город солнца"

Латвийский миллионер реализовал в окрестностях города Цесис (Латвия) фантастический проект.
Выкупив 3000 га леса в холмистой местности, он построил "Город солнца", где действуют особые правила и люди ведут совсем иной распорядок жизни.
Во-первых, трёхэтажные дома из экологически чистых материалов построены таким образом с учётом рельефа местности, что из окон каждого отдельного дома
не видны другие дома.

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