
  • (8)
  •     (2)
  • digital art (8)
  • (50)
  • (91)
  • (434)
  •     (237)
  • (878)
  •     (2)
  •     (1)
  •     (1)
  •    "20 " (1)
  •     (5)
  •     (10)
  •     (45)
  •     (31)
  •     (10)
  •     (26)
  •     (8)
  •     (2)
  •     (1)
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  •     (11)
  •     (8)
  •     (28)
  •     (12)
  •     (3)
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  •     (56)
  •     (2)
  •     (1)
  •     (9)
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  •     (3)
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  •     (1)
  •     (1)
  •     (9)
  •     (20)
  •     (1)
  •     (27)
  •     (229)
  •     (7)
  •     (5)
  •     (110)
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  •     (3)
  •     (1)
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  •     (1)
  •     (22)
  • (75)
  • (49)
  • (64)
  • (101)
  • (500)
  •    Acoustic Guitar (12)
  •    Blues forever! (31)
  •    CD- 2013 (3)
  •    Guitar (2)
  •     (20)
  •     (55)
  •    -( ) (10)
  •     (11)
  •     (1)
  •    - lj (118)
  •    - (25)
  •     2.0 (2)
  • (1)
  • , , (24)
  • (176)
  • (101)
  • (48)
  • (845)
  •    "... " (27)
  •    "" (24)
  •    4- (35)
  •     - (5)
  •     (26)
  •     (3- ) (19)
  • (148)
  •    - (24)
  •     (21)
  •    - (28)


" ". - (0)

& - : " « ...

" ?" - (5)

, , ...

" ..." - (0)

- " , , ...

Animal Artist Anne E. LONDON. - (3)

Wildlife Art by A. E. London.   Anne London ...

" ..." - (0)

- . Ÿ ...



 - e-mail



: 11.10.2011
: 2931
: 17323
: 33780


1 - Risha - , , .
2 - - " , "
3 - Vespero -
4 - (Lumen) - (2003-2012)
5 - " , "
6 - " ..."
7 - Joanne Shaw Taylor ( )
8 - " ..."
9 -
10 - " , ..."
11 - " "
12 - Jaan Tätte - "Revolutsioon"
13 - " ."
14 - Paolo Nutini "Iron Sky"
15 - " ..."( ).
16 - ...
17 - Kodaline
18 - SHAKTI LOKA - " ."
20 - 19:84 - " , ..."
21 - Wolf Alice
22 - Glintshake
23 - Kovacs ( )
24 - " "
25 - " ..."


: 2.0(2), - lj(118), (1), (11), -( )(10), (55), (20), Guitar(2), CD- 2013(3), Blues forever!(31), Acoustic Guitar(12)

: (148), (845), (48), (101), (176), , , (24), (1), (500), (101), (64), (49), (75), (878), (434), (91), (50), digital art(8), (8)

" "

, 28 2014 . 01:01 +
Vine_Lock [ + !]

"" - !


«» ()

20:54, — 

«» .

-   , .

, «» 2014 . . - 

: 26 2014 .

Am G F
, '
Dm E Am F
, .
Dm E Am

Dm E Dm E F E Am
, ,

. , ,




9372 (640x480, 89Kb) WWW


Jaan Tätte - "Revolutsioon"

, 16 2014 . 02:12 +
lj user="tact_media" -: Jaan Tätte - Revolutsioon
"Revolutsioon" ( , , , , - Udupasun) - " " ( 80- XX , ), , , , .

, , - Svjata Vatra, . , , , , . , , , .

Jaan Tätte & Marko Matvere feat. Udupasun - Revolutsioon

Ma tean üht meest üle suure vee, kelle lugu ma jutustan.
Ta tahtis minna üle kolme maa, mille taga ta vabaks saab.
Ta astus õue pimedal ööl, kui aeg oli küpseks saanud.
Jalad murul, süda rinnas, oma teed tema teretas.

Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase südamel rääkida
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase hingel hingata.

Esimene maa oli mättaid täis, nende taha ta koperdas.
Mineviku hõng ja hingus teda maha materdas.
Üles astuda murede mäest, kui tuul on veel vastu ka,
pole lihtne, kui liialt mõelda, ta sihti ei unusta.

Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase südamel rääkida
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase hingel hingata.

Teine maa oli joonitud, ja juppideks jaotatud.
Kullast hambaga sihvertraat ainust aega kuulutas.
Välimine pind ja ühine joon teda hakkasid tänama.
Ta nägi läbi, ta kõndis mööda, see maa teda muuta ei saa.

Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase südamel rääkida
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase hingel hingata.

No mis head seal on, kui väsinud meel, ja vägi hakkab raugema.
Üle ootuste tuldud kui teadmatu ees, tahe lihtsalt seisatas.
Unes võib rännata lõputeel, kuid ükskord peab ärkama.
Ta leidis laulu, ta leidis enda, kolm maad olid üheks saanud.

Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase südamel rääkida
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase hingel hingata.
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase südamel rääkida
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase hingel hingata.
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase südamel rääkida
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase hingel hingata.
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase südamel rääkida
Igaühe hinges on revolutsioon, lase hingel hingata..



" ."

, 29 2014 . 03:02 +
T_Smereka ҳ ."ҳ ( ) "hardnheavy" "". , , !
ҳ , . , , . , , "- - ", " ". , . , , . , , , , ." - rutracker.org

³ ,

ҳ, , ,
, -



Paolo Nutini "Iron Sky"

, 24 2014 . 02:03 +
Paolo Nutini ( ) 9 1987 .

- "Paolo will be releasing his new single 'Iron Sky' on Monday 1st September.
'Iron Sky' is the third single to be taken from Paolo's album 'Caustic Love'"

lj user" "mel_ok" Paolo Nutini "Iron Sky"
, . , ...

Iron Sky

We are proud individuals
Living for the city
But the flames
Couldn't go much higher

We find God and religions
To bait us with salvation
But no one, no nobody
Can give you the power

To rise
Over love
Over hate
Through this iron sky that's fast becoming our mind
Over fear and into freedom

Oh, that's life
That's dripping down the walls
Of a dream that cannot breathe
In this harsh reality
Mass confusion spoon fed to the blind
Serves now to define our cold society

From which we'll rise
Over love
Over hate
Through this iron sky that's fast becoming our mind
Over fear and into freedom

You've just got to hold on
You've just got to hold on

[Charlie Chaplin's speech from The Great Dictator]
To those who can hear me, I say - do not despair.
The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed -
the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress.
The hate of men will pass, and dictators die,
and the power they took from the people will return to the people.
And so long as men die, liberty will never perish...
Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men -
machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!
You are not machines! You are not cattle!... You are men!
You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful,
to make this life a wonderful adventure....
let us use that power - let us all unite.

And we'll rise
Over love
Over hate
Through this iron sky that's fast becoming our mind
Over fear and into freedom
Into freedom

From which we'll rise
Over love
Over hate
Through this iron sky that's fast becoming our mind
Over fear and into freedom
Freedom, freedom

Oh, rain on me
Rain on me
Rain on me


" ..."( ).

, 05 2014 . 23:17 +
" "



, 23 2015 . 10:26 +
: , ,

. ,

" " -



, 08 2015 . 15:34 +
- Kodaline

The One
Tell me, tell me that you want me
, , ,
And I'll be yours completely, for better or for worse
, .
I know, we'll have our disagreements
, ,
Be fighting for no reason, I wouldn't change it for the world

Cause I knew, the first day that I met you
I was never gonna let you, let you slip away
And I still remember feeling nervous
Trying to find the words to get you here today
, .

High Hopes
I remember it now,
It takes me back to when it all first started
, ,
But I only got myself to blame for it,
And I accept the now
It's time to let it all go,
Go out and start again
But it's not that easy

But I've got high hopes,

It takes me back to when we started
, .
High hopes, when you let it go,
- ?
Go out and start again
High hopes,
Ooohhh when it all comes to an end
But the world keeps spinning around

(: http://www.amalgama-lab.com/songs/k/kodaline/high_hopes.html#ixzz3TnRyaLrC )



, 26 2015 . 09:04 +




, 24 2015 . 02:27 +
- . "Rock-Line-2015" , , . - :

... "--2015" - , PRINCESSE ANGINE. , ( ?), - , , , , , , -.



19:84 - " , ..."

, 29 2015 . 00:43 +
19:84 -
- , -
- -
- ,

1984+119561 (393x274, 72Kb)

- , , , , ; , . , , . , . , , , . , , . , , . . . , . , . . , , . , . , . , . , . , . , , . , , . . , , , , , -, . .
. . . , .

19:84 2009 .


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