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Создан: 30.12.2012
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Выбрана рубрика Your virtual friend Aksi....

Другие рубрики в этом дневнике: words(218), time heals all wounds but the scars remain(4), tikra moteris(6), Special for you(218), Skeletas (4), sexy(36), sad for you (19), Quotes(10), posakiai juoame fone (46), picture with words(18), picture(150), Pic. in love (17), Paulo Coelho (2), New Year(2), New year(15), naked (9), LOVE TO LOVE YOU(58), love letters(7), love(34), Lack of passion is fatal.(13), i love you (130), heart key (2), Gyvenimo Paslapčių Skrynut&#(17), grafiniai uzrasai(43), giftiki(10), giftiki(9), g - e ramki(11), For bye (3), drinke (9), comment(228), cat(1), 2014-11-15(0), 2 picture (208), 10 Truths You Will Learn Before You Find Happiness(13), 1-Lovely(38), 1(65), Broken Heart(40), I Believe In A Fairy Tale..(15)
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Понедельник, 12 Сентября 2016 г. 15:40 + в цитатник
Words have a taste, sweet but subtle, like dark chocolate; Words have a are cruel and spiteful color sometimes;sometimes wise and loving color.

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All the problems begin of one thing: the woman sat, and she feel - bored ....
У всех проблем одно начало: сидела женщина, скучала....
Рубрики:  words/sad
Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Воскресенье, 10 Июля 2016 г. 10:44 + в цитатник
Maybe, we knew each other before we met. In this real life or in another. Maybe, there’s a reason why your eyes were so familiar to me. I feel safe even if it’s the first time that I saw them. I feel home, even if I didn’t know you at all. Maybe, you were familiar to me because of such things - maybe we walked across the same street, bumped into each other, waited in the same line or ordered the same drink at my favorite coffee shop. Coincidence? Or maybe… Fate? I don’t know. But somehow, I’m glad it all happened.
Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Четверг, 26 Мая 2016 г. 14:56 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения DiZa-74 [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Футажи -12

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Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Вторник, 19 Апреля 2016 г. 22:11 + в цитатник
Prašau tavęs neužmiršk manęs
Aš turėjau Tau parašyti šį trumpą laišką , kad pasakyčiau kaip aš rūpinuosi tavimi.
Aš mačiau vakar Tave kalbant su draugais.
Laukiau Tavęs visą dieną, tikėjausi, kad tu panorėsi pakalbėti su manim.
Dievas davė Tau saulėlydį, kad užbaigtum savo dieną...
Dievas davė Tau vėsų vėjo dvelkimą, kad Tu pailsėtumei..
Laukiau. Tu neatėjai. Tai mane iskaudino.
Tačiau , tebemyliu Tave, nes esu dėl tavęs irgi..
Mačiau Tave miegant praeitą naktį,
Mačiau mėnulio šviesą ant tavo veido
Norėjau paliesti Tavo kaktą...
Vl laukiau. Norėjau ateiti. Norėjau pasikalbėti....
Aš daug norėčiau tau pasakyti.
Ryte tu atsikėlei ir išėjai... į darbą į mokyklą, į ....
Mano ašaros buvo lietuje. Kuris krito tau ant veido.
Jei tik tu galėtum išgirsti mane . Viską...
ką aš stengiuosi tau pasakyti. per
žydrą dangų ir žalią pievą...
Aš šnabždu Tau , per medžių lapuose ir gėlių spalvose..
Šaukiu Tave kalnų šaltiniuose...
Prašau tavęs neužmiršk manęs. Aš norėčiau pasidalinti su Tavim daug dalykų....
Daugiau netrukdysiu tavęs..................... Dabar tai yra laikas tavo sprendimui..
Aš vis dar tebelaukiu; nes aš ......................................

I ask you, do not forget me
I want to write you this short letter to say how I take care of you.
I saw you yesterday talking with friends.
I was wait all day... I was hoping that you want to chat with me.
God gave a sunset, that day to finish ...
God gave , a cool breath of wind, that you get a reset ..
I do wait. You did not come. It hurt me.
However, I still love you, because I am for you, too ..
I saw you sleeping last night,
I have seen the light of the moon on your face
I wanted to touch your forehead ...
Again I waited. I wanted to meet, I wanted to talk ....
I would like to tell you a lot.
In the morning, you a rise and you went to work ... to school, to ....
My tears were in the rain.... rain fell on your face.
If only you could hear me. Everything ...
What I'm trying to tell you. through blue sky and green meadow ...
What I whisper to you through tree leaves and flower colors ..
What I tell to you in mountain springs ...
I ask you, do not forget me. I would like to share with you a lot things ....
More i don't Disturb you ..................... Now it is time for your decision ..
I'm still still waiting; because I ......................................
Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Воскресенье, 10 Апреля 2016 г. 22:05 + в цитатник
I shouldn't date a man who viewed is me as a sex object ....
I'm should be with someone who loves your personality just as much as my body....

It's hard to make friends here in the high desert.
Everyone is either a hoe or trying to take advantage of someone. Sad...
Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Понедельник, 13 Июля 2015 г. 13:48 + в цитатник
We very good know that we can never meet....We sitting on our computers we just see the words and pictures...Words and Pictures. that is .... how we imagine this world .... that is .... who we are and what we are.....On line we form our opinions through the words.... THANKS YOU.... as you are....
Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Вторник, 28 Апреля 2015 г. 12:46 + в цитатник
MY DEAR ONLINE FRIENDS…. You - beautiful souls who believe in love, because without love we are nothing. We can have all the admiration as art, as a person of no use….if we do not let a piece of our heart into every person…. We know appreciate what we have and learn to say thanks for every day … every moment … we have life and can even change … god bless…. i learn together … every single day to be better then yesterday...

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Because you are now my Guest
What can I can offer?
Tea or coffee?
Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Вторник, 28 Апреля 2015 г. 08:51 + в цитатник
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My status:
available only for a few. Busy for others. Absent for lies. Invisible to the false.
Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Пятница, 06 Февраля 2015 г. 22:51 + в цитатник
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Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Пятница, 06 Февраля 2015 г. 15:52 + в цитатник
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Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Пятница, 06 Февраля 2015 г. 15:31 + в цитатник
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Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Пятница, 06 Февраля 2015 г. 15:24 + в цитатник
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Четверг, 05 Февраля 2015 г. 13:53 + в цитатник

═══════ ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ═══════·
I am not an easy person to love. Some days I will whisper how nice is you are while planting gentle kisses. You will try to fight me off and in that moment my heart will have never felt so light. But other days when my mind is a storm cloud threatening to explode, I will be a bundle of emotions that I cannot quite keep contained. I will be cold, distant, and you will look at me like I am not the same person you fell in love with.I am a broken light switch. My moods flicker without anyone flipping me on and off. I wake up each morning and wonder which me you will encounter that day. I always hope it is the one who makes you want to stick around.I am not easy to love. But what I need you to understand is that whether there is a war raging inside of my mind or I am the kind person that you adore, I will always love you.I will love you in the morning. I will love you when I am angry. I will love you when you’re being stubborn. I will love you when I don’t even love myself. I will love you.I know that there will be days when you want to give up on me but I am asking you, please don’t. You see, you are the only one who has been able to settle the storm inside of me before I even realize it is surfacing.I am not easy to love but I promise that I will always put up a fight. And I will love you no matter which me my light switch flips on that day.
Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ═══════ Aksi ═══════ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ═══════ Aksi ═══════ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
═══════ ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ═══════·

Рубрики:  Broken Heart
Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Четверг, 29 Января 2015 г. 12:22 + в цитатник
How destiny controls us!! We keep dreaming, we keep trying, we keep moving and we keep advancing towards our dreams, goals and aims. But, what? When we are quite near destiny interfere and we say .... Oooooh ..Its illusion how fool I had been, before journey I must have checked the validity of our aim,goal, dream or desire. Then we teach ourself In future this is not going to happen, not to me atleast...... Wheel of Time never stop s, never sleeps, never get tired and never slow down .... Now our destiny and time conspirers against us. Time have its effect on us, dreams or whatever we name it get active again. But I am I knowledgeable now that destination or goal could be illusion, atleast now I will make wiser and learned decision. And then destiny come into play motivate us, inspire us and make us determined to again start the journey. We like a puppet are controlled by destiny, but we think its my session and its wise ... Then circle goes on goes on ... And goes on...... till the stopless time is moving. In the end only we can see the conspiracy and see that time and destiny both are united and conspirator against myself. Now its too late ... You have no time ..... No illusion ...only and only clarity .. But no time to tell anyone or anybody ... We see its end ... But again we are wrong. This may be the end of one path one form .. But wheel of time will go on and on .. With destiny riding on it... We think its end .... Again illusion...
Рубрики:  words/sad
Broken Heart
Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Четверг, 29 Января 2015 г. 11:37 + в цитатник
— You are tired, (I think) — Of the always puzzle of living and doing;
And so am I... Come with me, then, And we’ll leave it far and far away — (Only you and I, understand where we go !)
You have played, very long time (I really think this). And broke your toys and your heart ... you broke - and forget - fondest in life - LOVE... And you are a very tired now; Tired of things that you break... and — You Just tired.
But when I come - a lot time ago .... with a my dream in my eyes...
When I knock with a my dream at the hopeless gate of your heart — Open to me!
For I will show you the my dreams, And, if you like — Open to me! perfect places of Your dreams. — You Are Tired (I Think) —
Рубрики:  words/sad
Broken Heart
Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Суббота, 17 Января 2015 г. 14:22 + в цитатник
═══════ ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ═══════

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ womanBelievedinLove Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

═══════ ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ═══════
Рубрики:  grafiniai uzrasai
Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Среда, 14 Января 2015 г. 11:44 + в цитатник

I am tall and sometimes I fall with my own two feet. I am unique and sometimes called weird. I am smart and sometimes make stupid mistakes. I have a caring heart and sometimes I get it broken. I am woman and sometimes have little girl moments. I am beautiful and sometimes I forget it. - ME

Thank you MY Friends for respect .. I hope this its going to be one of the best years in my lifes… Thank you for all compliments…God bless everyone…
I am transparent - its my soul here.. I am not here to be enigmatic… I try to put a sense in every heart…If - You believe in love... If you have or not partner… Love its inside of you not outside…
Looking for the beauty and grace in all things around us. Beauty soothes the soul and allows a calmness to settle in.

Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Понедельник, 12 Января 2015 г. 13:08 + в цитатник
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My last Today’s comment - Spend the day surrounding yourself in love & light… see the amazing difference it makes!

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Вторник, 06 Января 2015 г. 11:47 + в цитатник
Thank you MY Friends for start this 2015 with respect .. I hope this its going to be one of the best years in our lifes… Thank you for all compliments…God bless everyone… Welcome New Friends…
I am transparent - its my soul here.. I am not here to be enigmatic… I try to put a sense in every heart…If - You believe in love... If you have or not partner… Love its inside of you not outside…
Looking for the beauty and grace in all things around us. Beauty soothes the soul and allows a calmness to settle in.
Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Четверг, 01 Января 2015 г. 19:19 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 21 Декабря 2014 г. 13:09 + в цитатник
Thank you to all of you for this day of page love. I hope you’ve found a little piece of something in each to make you laugh, make you, and make you love yourselves and others a little more. and always believed in love.. Love its the key.. day by day i remain this to you… and not a couples love… the love you have inside…and then you find the correct person in your life..
Рубрики:  words/love
Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Пятница, 19 Декабря 2014 г. 14:19 + в цитатник
I had (closed the door ) upon my heart
And ( wouldn't let come anyone in) my heart
I had trusted and loved in past ( but my heart - had hurt )
I thinking , that would never happen again.
I had locked the door (and tossed the key ) from my heart
Tossed the key ( far - as I could ) Was very hard ...
I thinking - Love would never enter there again,
My heart was closed for good.
Then - you came into my life
And made me change my mind...
Just... ( I thought that key) was impossible to find.
That’s when you held out your hand...
You proved to me I was wrong,
Inside ( your palm ) was the key ( to my heart )
You found ( key of my heart ).
Рубрики:  words/sad
Broken Heart
Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Пятница, 19 Декабря 2014 г. 13:36 + в цитатник
Thank you for sharing another day in my book of life…special thanks to God.. i am so blessed to have people like you… i hope this Christmas make a change inside in your soul with new Hopes… more Love.. and Believed in the Miracle of Love God give to us.. thank you so much…. to make me more stronger everyday….with the love inside of me and believed in that.. Have a great Friday…
Thank you for another day in my book of life… .
Рубрики:  words/happines
Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Среда, 03 Декабря 2014 г. 18:59 + в цитатник

Thank you all - for taking the time... I like to put my comments ... without putting anything nude .. Something to stop in Your heart... Faith, hope and love.. I am very happy to touch your soul... I repeat once again I still believe in love... that is within me, nothing and nobody can remove from my soul .. happy day for those - who now dawns and happy night for those who will rest…

Рубрики:  words
Special for you
I Believe In A Fairy Tale..
Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Вторник, 04 Ноября 2014 г. 10:57 + в цитатник
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Рубрики:  i love you
Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Вторник, 04 Ноября 2014 г. 10:49 + в цитатник
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Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Среда, 24 Сентября 2014 г. 14:33 + в цитатник
ChQuyw on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
make animated gifs like this at MakeAGif
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Пятница, 08 Августа 2014 г. 12:59 + в цитатник
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Your virtual friend Aksi...
I can seduce only with words. Without actions. With actions everyone can make...But... seduce ONLY with words better .... ( keep smile joke )
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Пятница, 08 Августа 2014 г. 12:47 + в цитатник

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Your virtual friend Aksi...
I can seduce only with words. Without actions. With actions everyone can make...But... seduce ONLY with words better .... ( keep smile joke )
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Рубрики:  Your virtual friend Aksi...

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