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Выбрана рубрика Special for you.

Вложенные рубрики: special 2(70), kai gero taip maza(7)

Другие рубрики в этом дневнике: Your virtual friend Aksi...(47), words(218), time heals all wounds but the scars remain(4), tikra moteris(6), Skeletas (4), sexy(36), sad for you (19), Quotes(10), posakiai juoame fone (46), picture with words(18), picture(150), Pic. in love (17), Paulo Coelho (2), New Year(2), New year(15), naked (9), LOVE TO LOVE YOU(58), love letters(7), love(34), Lack of passion is fatal.(13), i love you (130), heart key (2), Gyvenimo Paslapčių Skrynut&#(17), grafiniai uzrasai(43), giftiki(10), giftiki(9), g - e ramki(11), For bye (3), drinke (9), comment(228), cat(1), 2014-11-15(0), 2 picture (208), 10 Truths You Will Learn Before You Find Happiness(13), 1-Lovely(38), 1(65), Broken Heart(40), I Believe In A Fairy Tale..(15)
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Среда, 31 Августа 2016 г. 14:03 + в цитатник
One Picture... A Thousand Stories
"You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again. You can also look at a picture for a second and think of it all your life" - Joan Miró

She is strong with her will and her mind…she hurts but covers it with attitude and silence…she sings and laughs…she dances and cries…she’s mad as hell, sometimes, it seems, for no reason…she’ll have you banging your head against a concrete wall, but you’ll smile while doing so…she’ll love you like no other, if you love her like no other…she’s crazy like that…a fucking mess…

And I want one…
— coachmw–Thoughts of a Silver Fox (via coachmw)

But never have I been a calm blue sea. I have always been a storm.— Stevie Nicks, Storms

The smell of her hair, the taste of her mouth, the feeling of her skin seemed to have got inside him, or into the air all round him. She had become a physical necessity.— George Orwell, 1984

Серия сообщений "Quotes":
Часть 1 - 101 Most Popular Romantic Love Quotes
Часть 2 - This is love.
Часть 4 - Без заголовка
Часть 5 - Без заголовка
Часть 6 - Без заголовка

Рубрики:  Special for you/kai gero taip maza
Gyvenimo Paslapčių Skrynut&#
time heals all wounds but the scars remain
love letters

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Понедельник, 13 Июля 2015 г. 13:38 + в цитатник
Виртуальные чувства…Откуда берутся?…
В них легко погрузится, но сложно проснуться…
Так обманчиво все, что не хочется верить…
Столько нежности, страсти…Да все не измерить…
Сложно вытерпеть все…Одиночества пытку…
Виртуальностью жить без реальной улыбки…
Столько радости, боли…Не каждый так сможет…
Благодарен Тебе…Тут люблю я Тебя…О Боже…
.... Как же все надоело…Как хочу я коснуться…
....Хоть увидеть разок…
.......Но пора уж проснуться…
....... Мы всего лишь слова…
......Здесь мы больше не можем…


я желаю тебе жить в городе Любви, на улице Согласия, чтобы окна выходили на проспект Мечты, а дорога вела к морю, под названием Счастье!!!


.Самый сильный магнит для мужчины - притягательная женщина.
Источник и причина счастья мужчины - это женщина.
Лучший исполнитель желаний мужчины - это женщина
Женщина для мужчины - подарок судьбы, знак свыше, ступенька к Всевышнем......

Ты обаятельна и аристократична, Пикантным шармом на все сто наделена, В свои (неважно, сколько) выглядишь отлично, Непостижимо благородна и умна. Ещё плюс к этому, безбожно сексуальна, Почти бессовестно, чертовски хороша.......

Такую женщину любить Достойно могут только Боги! Однажды, счастье испытав, Обратной нет уже дороги. Обворожительна, как сон, В котором нет законов вовсе. И неожиданно свежа, Как солнце в утреннюю просинь. Общение с ней - источник благ, Роса с цветка весенним утром. Она - жемчужина во всём...


Пускай тебя очарованье Не покидает никогда! Твой блеск, улыбка, обаянье С тобой останутся всегда! Пусть счастье, радость, глаз сиянье, Успех - продлятся на года! И пусть на все твои желанья Судьба в ответ промолвит:"Да Да Да...


Я тебя поцелую... Хочешь? Нет, молчи же, молчи... Ни слова... Я тебя поцелую... ночью... На заре поцелую снова... Поцелую, когда проснешься... Нежно-нежно и очень страстно... Ты глазами мне улыбнешься И не сможешь быть безучастна...
Рубрики:  words/rusis
Special for you/kai gero taip maza
tikra moteris

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Суббота, 09 Мая 2015 г. 09:14 + в цитатник
Made with FreeOnlinePhotoEditor.comSpecial for you * '¨) Still do not understand how this happened ..... You look away, distracted me from the first moment, unwilling to suspect what I expected. If you come, I lose focus, if you talk to me, I sigh, if look at me, provoke me! but if you kiss me ... do not know how I feel when you kiss me? your kisses drive me crazy, sulfuran me, convince me, I can not turn to the side as much as I try, because you alone ... have filled the space that had been empty. Contigo yes, you all...Made with FreeOnlinePhotoEditor.com
Рубрики:  Special for you

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Суббота, 09 Мая 2015 г. 08:55 + в цитатник
Made with FreeOnlinePhotoEditor.comSpecial for you * '¨)Being a woman is just be a leaf in the wind is perpetual search and verse is a fallen flower petal on the table one evening rain and restless hands of a drop of water that filters the perfume of a rock that emerges from a balcony with geraniums and roses is looking to be root moisture to keep the cup simply being woman is being land and seed is being tree branch and be eternally girl in the depths of the soul is the daughter and mother friend, sister, girlfriend, wife joy and tear being woman is simply being star rainbow and hot breakfast in the mornings and evenings is expected to be entangled balm and comfort to the bone meat scented with musk and eternal love... Made with FreeOnlinePhotoEditor.com
Рубрики:  Special for you

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Суббота, 09 Мая 2015 г. 08:47 + в цитатник
Made with FreeOnlinePhotoEditor.comSpecial for you * '¨) If you already forgot me ... to let desfalleciera my heart, and the love I felt for you, I did not understand, and yet I can not believe it but I feel calm, ours was not to be I loved you so much love more than my own strength and I showed you, has cost me many tears, to see reality. You let my love for you grow so large that it could not be me, but I have called you did not answer you expected, but you do not come back, is that you already forgot me. As you manage your busy schedule to step aside, it hurts, real love can not be forgotten easily but this uncertainty that afflicts me not anymore, it's killing me. You are not alone, strange I feel it in my heart, since that day my love, you said to always be around people and very busy, they, your family needs you, understand many things, not promises, which must be will. mourn what else? if you know what I forgot. Made with FreeOnlinePhotoEditor.com
Рубрики:  Special for you

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Среда, 11 Февраля 2015 г. 21:11 + в цитатник
Made with FreeOnlinePhotoEditor.com
Рубрики:  Special for you/kai gero taip maza

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Вторник, 30 Декабря 2014 г. 12:38 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения smart50 [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Я к Вам вернусь воспоминаньем неуловимым, словно сон... http://foto.infan.ru/img/f/12/s/s4int01med_c1.jpg src="http://foto.infan.ru/img/f/56/0/0_68a87_a87a9be5_-1-XL.jpg" style="height: 905px; width: 900px;" /> http://foto.infan.ru/img/f/86/6/6e53a114f311559a9d4ba0784be8ef24_c1.jpg http://foto.infan.ru/img/f/62/1/103_c1.jpg http://foto.infan.ru/img/f/87/5/582571_339100306184331_1624805599_n1.jpg http://foto.infan.ru/img/f/60/1/104708804_large_0_adbbd_ba939d5a_XLjpeg.jpg?SE=20da30c7 http://foto.infan.ru/img/f/10/1/104709043_large_0_adbe0_4850e6e1_XLjpeg.jpg Хочешь? Стану я Снегурочкой...
Хочешь? Стану я Дюймовочкой...
Хочешь? Самой глупой дурочкой...
Или...новогодней ёлочкой...

Хочешь? Стану дикой кошкою...
Или птицей певчей...стану я...
Хочешь? Покачаю ножкою...
Иль накрою...жаркой лавою...

Хочешь? Стану притяжением...
Хочешь? Стану невесомостью...
Или правилом сложения...
Или ...воплощённой скромностью...

Хочешь? Стану мандаринкою...
Или ...грушей...сладкой-сладкою...
Иль...лимонно-мятной льдинкою...
Иль...загадкой непонятною... http://foto.infan.ru/img/f/54/4/495677.jpg http://foto.infan.ru/img/f/39/i/img_19451.jpg Мне бы чашку кофе и забыться,
только бы не думать о тебе.
В запахе сирени раствориться,
затаиться бы в кромешной тьме.
Белым снегом по утру спуститься,
на ладонь остывшую твою.
И тихонечко с тобой проститься,
не услышав нежное «люблю http://retro.obsessedwithshoes.com/image.axd?picture=2009%2F9%2FRuthieDetail%5B1%5D.jpg http://foto.infan.ru/img/f/32/1/12_1228.jpg //img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/1/60/629/60629484_1277149760_the_book_of_beauty__by_m0thyyku.jpg Я к Вам вернусь воспоминаньем
неуловимым, словно сон,
весенних дней очарованьем,
зеленым светом за окном...
Я к Вам вернусь, как ощущенье
от поцелуя чистых губ,
как бросившее в жар волненье
от соприкосновенья рук.
Я к Вам вернусь, как сожаленье
о неслучившейся любви,
о затерявшихся мгновеньях,
что удержать Вы не смогли.
Я к Вам вернусь лучом надежды,
дорожкой лунной на воде,
осенним ветром, вихрем снежным,
напоминаньем о себе.
Мы никогда не будем вместе
и, очевидно, в этом суть.
Я к Вам вернусь забытой песней,
и в этой песне будет грусть.
http://foto.infan.ru/img/f/44/2/26079191_39247_c1.jpg Мне с грустинкою кофе, пожалуйста, можно?
Мне с грустинкою кофе, и с дымкой коричной
Есть в неважности мыслей закон непреложный
Улыбаясь, всегда отвечать- все отлично!
И следить за неясным весны измененьем
От красавицы робкой к легенде столичной,
И молчать, запасаясь до краю терпеньем,
И легко отвечать у меня все отлично ... Оставь мне запах кофе и иди,
Давай не будем скомкано лукавить,
Истерзанное лето позади,
Еще чуть-чуть и осень будет править.

Еще чуть-чуть и желтых листьев прах
Отправит нас в супружеские спальни,
Оставь мне запах кофе на губах,
И несколько посланий виртуальных.

Оставь июнь тревожный и слепой,
Пылающий июль и август томный,
Запомни меня именно такой-
Чувствительной, обидчивой, нескромной.

Оставь мне запах кофе и иди,
Губами сохраню твою улыбку,
Осознанная осень впереди,
И все имеют право на ошибку. 0_4eaaa_a943120b_XL (553x700, 63Kb) Утренний кофейный...поцелуй...
Нежной бабочкой...упал на губы...
Слов не надо...помолчи...не сдуй...
И не притворяйся...что ты - грубый...

Вместе таем...словно...рафинад...
Поцелуй всё...слаще...слаще...слаще...
И не притворяйся...что не рад...
Я же знаю...как ты любишь...сласти...

Утренний кофейный ...поцелуй...
С тонкой нотой...очень пьяной вишни...
Утренний горячий ...поцелуй...
Никогда не будет... третьим...лишним... 1827016_500315 (700x462, 192Kb) Взмах ресниц и мечтаний полёт…
Каждый день эстафета сначала…
А она непрерывно шептала:
Мне везёт, мне везёт, мне везёт!!!»

Сердце в кровь о предательства лёд
И судьба душу болью кромсает,
Но с улыбкой она повторяет:
Мне везёт, мне везёт, мне везёт!!!

Слёзы кофе прохладным запьёт,
Утром спрячется под одеяло,
Скажет вслух, хоть безмерно устала:
Мне везёт, мне везёт, мне везёт!!!

Спотыкаясь, шагала вперёд…
Разбивая о подлость колени…
Только слышалось тихое пенье:
«Мне везёт, мне везёт, мне везёт!!!»

Капля дёгтя испортила мёд
Капля лжи – и на сердце противно
А она говорила наивно:
Мне везёт, мне везёт, мне везёт!!!

Жизнь одна, здесь страданья не в счёт
От её красоты застывали,
За спиной у неё повторяли:
Ей везёт, ей чертовски везёт http://foto.infan.ru/img/f/45/y/yJhXlG5yQl.jpg Свари мне кофе - только утром!!!
вдохни в него прохладу дня
и пара долек шоколада
разбудят спящую меня

добавь в него чуть чуть корицы...
немного молока налей
и я почувствую частицы
в бокале теплоты твоей

Пусть вкус его напомнит вечер
а запах... — страстного тебя
Хитрец!!!! Зачем в него добавил...???
Немного капель коньяка...

К фарфору прикоснусь губами
целуя край бокала - кофе пью
Обнявши теплыми руками
я часть души твоей вдохну getImage (51) (700x590, 44Kb) Сладкие ресницы и кофейный смех.
Ей опять не спится, а уже рассвет.
Пишет небылицы, пальцы по стеклу.
Вспоминает встречи, может быть одну.
На полу бокалы, в голове бардак.
Карты не спасают и опять ;дурак
Грустные ресницы и кофейный смех.
Почему не снится главный человек? http://bestbeautywomen.ru/images/pages/fill/h600/1154adb33274a34000ed5b2553174a7b.jpg http://foto.infan.ru/img/f/8/v/vetton_ru_35img0024-1920x1440.jpg
Рубрики:  Special for you/kai gero taip maza

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Вторник, 30 Декабря 2014 г. 12:18 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения smart50 [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Хватит сидеть и распускать сопли. Вытри слёзы. НАЧИНАЙ ЖИТЬ.





1827016_RkrasivoIG2PESEmEaErEt50 (295x57, 5Kb)

1827016_e0822d8d1fdc (298x69, 6Kb)

 (97x51, 3Kb)

Рубрики:  Special for you/kai gero taip maza

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Пятница, 19 Декабря 2014 г. 10:17 + в цитатник

L ✫ O ✫ V ✫ E✫L ✫ O ✫ V ✫ E✫ L ✫ O ✫ V ✫ E
L ✫ O ✫ V ✫ E✫L ✫ O ✫ V ✫ E✫ L ✫ O ✫ V ✫ E

Рубрики:  Special for you/kai gero taip maza

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Среда, 03 Декабря 2014 г. 18:59 + в цитатник

Thank you all - for taking the time... I like to put my comments ... without putting anything nude .. Something to stop in Your heart... Faith, hope and love.. I am very happy to touch your soul... I repeat once again I still believe in love... that is within me, nothing and nobody can remove from my soul .. happy day for those - who now dawns and happy night for those who will rest…

Рубрики:  words
Special for you
I Believe In A Fairy Tale..
Your virtual friend Aksi...

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Суббота, 23 Августа 2014 г. 20:14 + в цитатник

Dancing Brigands Like Us

Some thieves like to swoon

others just like to sweep the planks

but a couple brigands like we

tear out splinters with knock-kneed grace

and flaming heart spinning tango…


wearing chucks and cutoff’s

you in that spaghetti top sex

and me in our favorite button down

I bought and you wear

unless, of course, you lend it to me….


But only if I give it back to you tonight. Slowly.


Stealing spotlights made for not-so-starlets

you peer out under that hot eyebrow

haircut, and me, well, I tilt my glasses

when we be-bop tilt-a-whirl, hearts beating

madness in secret alcoves in our camplight


There doesn’t need to be more than

forty watts of am bandwidth boogie,

a cooler full of what we need

and baby, we cut up the terra, free

a couple of dancing brigands…


Out here in the starlight heavenly ball field, just you, just me.


Chris Whitenack © 2014
Рубрики:  Special for you

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Пятница, 22 Августа 2014 г. 09:52 + в цитатник

Рубрики:  Special for you/kai gero taip maza

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Среда, 06 Августа 2014 г. 08:39 + в цитатник

Greetings from Lithuania...Your virtual friend Aksi....
Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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Среда, 06 Августа 2014 г. 08:36 + в цитатник

Greetings from Lithuania...Your virtual friend Aksi....
Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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Понедельник, 04 Августа 2014 г. 22:53 + в цитатник

“Don't pursue happiness! Life is as short as a sigh. The dust of people that were once famous turn with the reddish clay on the wheel you are looking at. The universe is a fata morgana; life is a dream.” .
.... Your virtual friend Aksi....

Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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Понедельник, 04 Августа 2014 г. 22:46 + в цитатник

“I have not asked for life.
But I try to accept whatever
life brings without surprise.
And I shall depart again without having
questioned anyone about my strange
stay here on earth.”
― Omar Khayyam, Rubaiyat de Omar Khayyam..
.... Your virtual friend Aksi....

Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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Понедельник, 04 Августа 2014 г. 22:38 + в цитатник

“Realise this: one day your soul
will depart from your body and you will
be drawn behind the curtain that floats between us
and the unknown. While you wait for that moment, be happy,
because you don't know where you came from and
you don't know where you will be going.”
― Omar Khayyam, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
.... Your virtual friend Aksi....

Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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Понедельник, 04 Августа 2014 г. 22:30 + в цитатник

“When I want to understand what is happening today or try to decide what will happen tomorrow, I look back.”
― Omar Khayyam
.... Your virtual friend Aksi....

Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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Понедельник, 04 Августа 2014 г. 22:20 + в цитатник

“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”
.... Your virtual friend Aksi....

Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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Понедельник, 04 Августа 2014 г. 09:37 + в цитатник

Special for you - my online friends :*)Knock! Knock! May I come into ur world? I bring no flowers, no gifts but wishes to keep u fresh, prayers to keep u healthy & luv to keep u smiling. New day new blessings. Dont let yesterdays failures ruin the beauty of 2day, becoz each day has its own promise of luv, joy, 4giveness..... Good Morning... “Thank you for loving me.”. Aksi ..!
Рубрики:  Special for you

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Понедельник, 04 Августа 2014 г. 09:29 + в цитатник

Special for you - my online friends :*)Sometimes my mind asks..Why? I miss u, Why? I care 4 u,
Why? I remember u ..Then my heart answered Its simply bcoz you are my sweet friend!! Is the magic called - F R I E N D... “Thank you for loving me.”. Aksi ..! WISH HAPPY WEEK
Рубрики:  Special for you

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Понедельник, 04 Августа 2014 г. 09:23 + в цитатник

Special for you - my online friends :*)You're a true friend, That i want you to know, Our love for each other Has helped us to grow. We've been through some tough times, But we've made it through, The only one i ever trusted was you. Is the magic called - F R I E N D... “Thank you for loving me.”. Aksi ..! WISH HAPPY WEEK
Рубрики:  Special for you

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Понедельник, 04 Августа 2014 г. 09:09 + в цитатник

Special for you - my online friends :*) Friendship - A Bond of Love - A Magic; A bond of love, A medal of trust. A shoulder in sadness, A hand in darkness. A special relation to hold, An ear where secrets can be told. An appreciator for encouragement, Something that doesn’t cost. A jewel never to be lost. Is the magic called - F R I E N D... “Thank you for loving me.”. Aksi ..! WISH HAPPY WEEK
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Среда, 04 Июня 2014 г. 13:19 + в цитатник

My name - online is Aksi . I am a free spirited person. I enjoy a variety of different things, and i appreciate the arts. My favorite day ( is being ) starts with great music, love feeling and the sunshine on my face :) I enjoy going to concerts, reading is a must, watching movies, working , and spending time with family and friends. I simple accountant .. But here - online - I love making people feel good. I hope you enjoy of my comments , and I hope you become a loyal my friends :) If I have posted any picture that you don't like , just let me know and I will remove it! Now ( in this comment ) I will to talk with you, so just ask me ( everything what you want know more about me ) !Your virtual friend Aksi
Рубрики:  Skeletas
Special for you

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Понедельник, 19 Мая 2014 г. 11:36 + в цитатник
Special for you :*)

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Понедельник, 19 Мая 2014 г. 11:26 + в цитатник
Special for you :*)

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Понедельник, 19 Мая 2014 г. 11:21 + в цитатник
Special for you :*)

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Понедельник, 19 Мая 2014 г. 11:08 + в цитатник
Special for you :*)

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Понедельник, 19 Мая 2014 г. 10:57 + в цитатник
Special for you :*)

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Пятница, 16 Мая 2014 г. 09:30 + в цитатник
Special for you :*)Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. The world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world..“Thank you for loving me.”. Aksi ..!
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Вторник, 01 Апреля 2014 г. 15:08 + в цитатник
Special for you :*)Remember to look up at the stars, and not down to your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.
Stephen Hawking
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Вторник, 01 Апреля 2014 г. 14:57 + в цитатник
Special for you :*) Let them miss you. Sometimes when you’re always available, they take you for granted because they think you’ll always stay.
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Вторник, 01 Апреля 2014 г. 14:40 + в цитатник
Special for you :*)You ripped off the wings of a butterfly and placed them on yourself, swearing they’d help you get yourself off the ground.
But those butterfly wings never carried you far, they never carried you far enough to happiness... Because in the end, you only went back, with feet dragging in the dirt, back to rip more wings off butterflies because you didn’t realise, that to fly away, you needed to grow your own wings.
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Вторник, 01 Апреля 2014 г. 14:19 + в цитатник
Special for you :*) Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.
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Вторник, 01 Апреля 2014 г. 14:11 + в цитатник
Special for you :*) "You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time."
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Вторник, 01 Апреля 2014 г. 14:09 + в цитатник
Special for you :*)At the cost of your happiness, others will suffer pain. You should be careful of what you choose.
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Вторник, 01 Апреля 2014 г. 14:06 + в цитатник
Special for you :*) Fall in love with someone who wants you, who waits for you. Who understands you even in the madness; someone who helps you, and guides you, someone who is your support, your hope. Fall in love with someone who talks with you after a fight. Fall in love with someone who misses you and wants to be with you. Do not fall in love only with a body or with a face; or with the idea of being in love.
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Вторник, 01 Апреля 2014 г. 14:04 + в цитатник
Special for you :*) If someone wants you in their life, they’ll make room for you. You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot. Never, ever insist yourself to someone who continuously overlooks your worth.
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Вторник, 01 Апреля 2014 г. 13:56 + в цитатник
Special for you :*) I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.
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Вторник, 01 Апреля 2014 г. 13:53 + в цитатник
Special for you :*)I’m not totally mad at you. I’m just sad. You’re all locked up in that little world of yours, and when I try knocking on the door, you just sort of look up for a second and go right back inside.
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Понедельник, 10 Марта 2014 г. 19:33 + в цитатник
Special for you :*) Since the first time that I saw you,the first time I looked into your eyes,I knew that I loved you.My heart told no lies.But I'm afraid.Afraid of your reaction.But i got the thinking,,,and decided what to do.I'll let the gods decide my fateIf I'd be good with you.So time will tell ...If we should be together.But just so you know.. I'll love you forever.
Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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Среда, 05 Марта 2014 г. 18:27 + в цитатник
I know that many people do not like my principles , behavior and thoughts .
You do not like that I can - be unpredictable ?
 You see - once I 'm good and sweet, next time I am evil and not good.
 I sometimes do not smile , as everyone expects from me .
What else in me you do not like ?
 No, do not say it . I do not care .
I can be - just as , whatever - I want - to be ....
But not so - what - you want me to see. I behave well - I want to - and not - as you want. I have my own mind and the mind , I make the decisions itself , I love only those things that gives me joy , and not the ones you like. I can do everything when I want it , but not when you want them .
If you do not like it , what I do , and you can get out of my life .... and , out of my mind , I will escort you .
Why do I speak ? So - that , I live - my only life ... and I'm only one responsible , for the decisions and steps that I can do.
 And I can only blame me if I do wrong ...
Рубрики:  words
Special for you
Gyvenimo Paslapčių Skrynut&#

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Суббота, 01 Марта 2014 г. 01:04 + в цитатник
Special for you :*) How Much You Mean
by garyb0819

You mean so much to me, where could I even begin to start
More than the world so grand, you live deep within my heart
You mean so much to me, I hope that I show you everyday
Just how special you are, in love with you I will forever stay

You mean so much to me, no words could ever say just how much
So I hope my love does show, especially with the way I touch
You mean so much to me, more and more each day my love does grow
Always searching for another way, a special way to let my love show

You mean so much to me, more than any amount of silver or gold
So blessed with your love, so eager to watch our life unfold
You mean so much to me, such a treasure I found in you
Captured by your beauty so real, spell-bound by your love so true

You mean so much to me, a masterpiece of love I did find
So many memories for us to make, my past I leave behind
You mean so much to me, a rainbow with colors that dazzle
Each time I look at you, once more I must call you beautiful

You mean so much to me, just how much I hope you realize
Just take a look at me, see my love deep within my eyes
You mean so much to me, let me put it to you so simply
Everything I ever dreamed of, that's how much you mean to me

Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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Суббота, 01 Марта 2014 г. 00:55 + в цитатник
Special for you :*) A Reflection of Love
by garyb0819

When you look into the mirror, this is what you will see
A part of a forever couple, the perfect match for me
When you look into the mirror, this is what you will see
Eyes that sparkle with a love so true, a hint of things to be

When you look into the mirror, this is what you will see
A face I call so beautiful, the one I love so incredibly
When you look into the mirror, this is what you will see
A reflection of my inner soul, two hearts in perfect harmony

When you look into the mirror, this is what you will see
A rainbow with it's colors immense, sunshine most definitely
When you look into the mirror, this is what you will see
A past that made you who you are, a future filled with destiny

When you look into the mirror, this is what you will see
A person who stole my heart away, an angel I love so completely
When you look into the mirror, this is what you will see
A tomorrow with so much promise, a life to share thru eternity

When you look into the mirror, this is what you will see
A reflection of love I feel for you, a love so infinitely
When you look into the mirror, this is what you will see
A reflection of love so honest and true, please never stop loving me

Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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Суббота, 01 Марта 2014 г. 00:53 + в цитатник
Special for you :*)So Miss the Most
by garyb0819

Peace and tranquility, the feeling of complete safety
Gazing upon the stars at nite, the feeling of touching a tree
Taking a walk with nowhere to go, the feeling of simply being free
Watching a family of ducks all in a row, the feeling of forever inside of me
These are just a few of the things I so sadly miss

Laughter and endless smiles, the beauty of a rainbow so real
The rumbling of a freight train, the beauty of a sunrise I can feel
The crunching of fallen Autumn leaves, the beauty of a cornfield so tall
The pounding of a summer rain, the beauty of pumpkins in the Fall
These are just a few of the things I so sadly miss

Freedom and choices, a life that has purpose and meaning
A morning to spend care-free, a life that causes my heart to sing
A day to enjoy the world so great, a life I wish would never end
A nite to spend alone with you, a life to spend with my best friend
These are just a few of the things I so sadly miss

So many things I so sadly miss, so many that you will never know
So many sounds I want to hear again, so many places I want to go
So many sights so blinded was I, so many chances I let slip by
So many times I should have said, so many that it makes me want to cry
So much I so sadly miss, but it's you I so miss the most

Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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Суббота, 01 Марта 2014 г. 00:44 + в цитатник
Special for you :*) One of Many
by garyb0819

Many places I have been, many things in my life I have done
Many times of sadness I endured, many moments of so much fun
Many wonders I have seen, many rainbows I have beheld
Many miracles have come my way, many oceans yet to be sailed
Many smiles upon my face, many nites I have spent alone
Many friends have come and gone, many things still unknown
My life has been filled beyond belief, so blessed am I
Maybe I have been lucky, maybe there is no reason to wonder why

Many dreams have all come true, many wishes so fulfilled
Many mountains I did climb, many wounds now all healed
Many sunrises so spectacular, many sunsets to make me cry
Many songs to bring me joy, many tears I needed to dry
Many goals I did achieve, many stars I did gaze upon
Many laughs along the way, many races so easily won
My life I have no regrets, a past that is only me
Maybe for some it would not be enough, to me it must be

So as I sit here tonite, many things I so sadly miss
Like the warmth of your body so close, the taste of your kiss
Many are the good-byes of our life, many are the hugs so dear
Many are the words we write, many are the reasons your love is near
Many are the miles between us, many are the memories we now share
Many are the tomorrows yet to come, many are the ways we both care
Many are the phases of my life, many more my life will bring
Maybe you are but one of many, to me you are now everything

Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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Суббота, 01 Марта 2014 г. 00:40 + в цитатник
Special for you :*) What We Need
by garyb0819

Our love needs no words, but so many words we say each day
Just a reminder that in our hearts, our love will forever stay
With our words we do convey, about a love so lucky that we share
About a love we call special, a love that follows us everywhere

Our love needs no actions, but each day our actions say so much
About the way our love has grown, the way we crave each other's touch
With our actions so much we show, about a love so blessed to know
About a love so honest and real, a love we will never let go

Our love needs no questions, but so many answers we both found
Answers to a wish of long ago, to find a love to make our hearts pound
With our answers so much we did learn, a lesson to never forget
About a love that turned our life around, a love so happy we met

Our love needs no finish, but in many ways our love has yet to start
For we find ourselves all alone, so many miles that keep us apart
With our start so many years ago, such a tiny seed now so grown
About a love so incredible, a love so proud to call our very own

Our love needs no one else, but everyone can see our love so real
With our words and with our actions, we show just how we feel
With our answers to a love without end, a love just waiting to be freed
About a love we call destiny, our love is all we will ever need

Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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Суббота, 01 Марта 2014 г. 00:36 + в цитатник
Special for you :*)A Simple Word about Love
by garyb0819

Love is but a simple word, a feeling that can mean so much
Love can be shown in many ways, so often with just s simple touch
Love can be so powerful, so much happiness love can bring
Love can be your enemy, love can be your greatest blessing

Love is but a simple word, an emotion so unlike any other
Love can make you so very sick, love can be your quickest cure
Love can make you smile so easily, love can bring your biggest tears
Love can make you dance all nite, love can be some wasted years

Love is but a simple word, something we are always searching for
Love can make your life complete, love can leave you wanting so much more
Love can make you feel young again, love can be the dullest routine
Love can make you feel alive, love can be cruel and oh so mean

Love is but a simple word, so invisible yet it's always there
Love can ignite your heart aflame, love can be so unfair
Love can take you for the wildest ride, love can be a deadly crash
Love can be an adventuure without end, love can be a daily clash

Love is but a simple word, a simple word that is all inclusive
Love is everything to me, love is now my reason to live
Love is so very beautiful, love is my angel so perfect and true
Love is but a simple word, but to me love will always be you

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Суббота, 01 Марта 2014 г. 00:32 + в цитатник
Special for you :*)Someone to Love
by garyb0819

Someone to love, that's all I ever wanted, was that too much?
To share my life totally, to feel the warmth of a loving touch
Many nites I spent dreaming, hoping that one day I would find
That special someone, that once-in-a-lifetime love to call mine

Someone to love, to give my heart to, to let myself be free
To encourage me, to understand me, to love me completely
So much love I had to give, my heart I always kept protected
I tried so hard to love, always doing what everyone expected

Someone to love, to be my best friend, to make my tears go away
To share everything I had, to listen when no words I need to say
A dream I had so long ago, a dream of a love so incredible
To spend my life in love, to spend a life together as a couple

Someone to love, to comfort me, to always be right by my side
To believe in me, to trust in me, to never have anything to hide
Reality can be so cruel at times, it can even crush your inner soul
But never would I give up, forever I kept hoping for a miracle

Someone to love, it all sounds so simple, why couldn't it just be
My dreams of yesterday, so shredded and torn, my life so lonely
Until that one special day, when the heavens smiled from up above
And sent me a perfect angel, and blessed me with someone to love
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Суббота, 01 Марта 2014 г. 00:29 + в цитатник
Special for you :*) A Love so Special
by garyb0819

A love so special, that's what you and I share each day
So in tune with each other, sometimes no words need we say
Bonded within our hearts, separated only with our bodies
Together we truly have it all, a love to forever please

A love so special, such a blessing to know a love so true
Nothing compares to your beauty, or to this love I have for you
Connected with our souls, two hearts that truly beat as one
A life of pure happiness, a love of total satisfaction

A love so special, with our words and actions we do show
That our love is forever, never will we let each other go
Attached so completely, no longer do we breathe individually
Our love to us so miraculous, a love just waiting to be free

A love so special, a treasure far more precious than gold
This masterpiece of ours, we know the best is yet to unfold
Captured by our love, together we make a couple so amazing
Respect and honesty so essential, a love to make our hearts sing

A love so special, the way our two hearts blend so easily
So many years behind us, ahead of us a love thru eternity
Simply in love so deeply, a part of us that seems so natural
What we share is incredible, a love we both call so special

Рубрики:  Special for you/special 2

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