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Темное наследие Кастанеды


Четверг, 01 Декабря 2016 г. 02:50 + в цитатник
Рубрики:  hahafoo/bh

мракобесное наследие карлоса кастанеды


Среда, 28 Октября 2015 г. 23:59 + в цитатник
The couple separated, but soon afterward Castaneda adopted C.J., the son Runyan had had with another man.
Парочка разошлась, но вскоре КК усыновил сына Риньяны от другого мужичины. ( инафига - ?)
And, for seven years, he worked on the manuscript that was to become “The Teachings of Don Juan.”) В течении 7 лет(заветное число,чо) КК рукопишет "Уроки дон Жуана".
“The Teachings” begins with a young man named Carlos being introduced at an Arizona bus stop to don Juan, an old Yaqui Indian whom he’s told “is very learned about plants.”
"Уроки" начинаются незатейливо - паренёк с именем Карлос знакомится на автобусной остановке с дон Жуаном - индейцем преклонных годов из племени "яки" - о котором он(паренёк с именем Карлос) сообщает - "весьма знакомый с травкой".

Carlos tries to persuade the reluctant don Juan to teach him about peyote. Eventually he relents, allowing Carlos to ingest the sacred cactus buds. Carlos sees a transparent black dog, which, don Juan later tells him, is Mescalito, a powerful supernatural being. His appearance is a sign that Carlos is “the chosen one” who’s been picked to receive “the teachings.” “The Teachings” is largely a dialogue between don Juan, the master, and Carlos, the student, punctuated by the ingestion of carefully prepared mixtures of herbs and mushrooms. Carlos has strange experiences that, in spite of don Juan’s admonitions, he continues to think of as hallucinations. In one instance, Carlos turns into a crow and flies. Afterward, an argument ensues: Is there such a thing as objective reality? Or is reality just perceptions and different, equally valid ways of describing them? Toward the book’s end, Carlos again encounters Mescalito, whom he now accepts as real, not a hallucination. In “The Teachings,” Castaneda tried to follow the conventions of anthropology by appending a 50-page “structural analysis.” According to Runyan, his goal was to become a psychedelic scholar along the lines of Aldous Huxley. He’d become disillusioned with another hero, Timothy Leary, who supposedly mocked Castaneda when they met at a party, earning his lifelong enmity. In 1967, he took his manuscript to professor Meighan. Castaneda was disappointed when Meighan told him it would work better as a trade book than as a scholarly monograph. But following Meighan’s instructions, Castaneda took his manuscript to the University of California Press’ office in Powell Library, where he showed it to Jim Quebec. The editor was impressed but had doubts about its authenticity. Inundated by good reports from the UCLA anthropology department, according to Runyan, Quebec was convinced and “The Teachings” was published in the spring of 1968. Runyan wrote that “the University of California Press, fully cognizant that a nation of drug-infatuated students was out there, moved it into California bookstores with a vengeance.” Sales exceeded all expectations, and Quebec soon introduced Castaneda to Ned Brown, an agent whose clients included Jackie Collins. Brown then put Castaneda in touch with Michael Korda, Simon and Schuster’s new editor in chief. In his memoir, “Another Life,” Korda recounts their first meeting. Korda was told to wait in a hotel parking lot. “A neat Volvo pulled up in front of me, and the driver waved me in,” Korda writes. “He was a robust, broad-chested, muscular man, with a swarthy complexion, dark eyes, black curly hair cut short, and a grin as merry as Friar Tuck’s … I had seldom, if ever, liked anybody so much so quickly … It wasn’t so much what Castaneda had to say as his presence — a kind of charm that was partly subtle intelligence, partly a real affection for people, and partly a kind of innocence, not of the naive kind but of the kind one likes to suppose saints, holy men, prophets and gurus have.” The next morning, Korda set about buying the rights to “The Teachings.” Under his new editor’s guidance, Castaneda published his next three books in quick succession. In “A Separate Reality,” published in 1971, Carlos returns to Mexico to give don Juan a copy of his new book. Don Juan declines the gift, suggesting he’d use it as toilet paper. A new cycle of apprenticeship begins, in which don Juan tries to teach Carlos how to “see.” New characters appear, most importantly don Juan’s friend and fellow sorcerer don Genaro. In “A Separate Reality” and the two books that follow, “Journey to Ixtlan” and “Tales of Power,” numerous new concepts are introduced, including “becoming inaccessible,” “erasing personal history” and “stopping the world.” There are also displays of magic. Don Genaro is at one moment standing next to Carlos; at the next, he’s on top of a mountain. Don Juan uses unseen powers to help Carlos start his stalled car. And he tries to show him how to be a warrior — a being who, like an enlightened Buddhist, has eliminated the ego, but who, in a more Nietzschean vein, knows he’s superior to regular humans, who lead wasted, pointless lives. Don Juan also tries to teach Carlos how to enter the world of dreams, the “separate reality,” also referred to as the “nagual,” a Spanish word taken from the Aztecs. (Later, Castaneda would shift the word’s meaning, making it stand not only for the separate reality but also for a shaman, like don Juan and, eventually, Castaneda himself.) [/COLOR]
Рубрики:  hahafoo/bh

злобесное наследие карлоса кастанеды


Понедельник, 19 Октября 2015 г. 23:04 + в цитатник
The dark legacy of Carlos Castaneda
The godfather of the New Age led a secretive group of devoted followers in the last decade of his life. His closest "witches" remain missing, and former insiders, offering new details, believe the women took their own lives.
крестный отец "нью-эйдж" последние 10 лет жизни руководил тайной группой преданных учениц.
Самые близкие ему "ведьмы" пропали без вести; а прежде состоявшие в его секте считают, что женщины покончили с собой.

There’s been, however, hardly a mention of the 20th century’s most successful literary trickster: Carlos Castaneda. ===> в 20 веке едва ли можно назвать более успешного литературного фальсификатора, чем карлос кастанеда(КК)

The books’ status as serious anthropology went almost unchallenged for five years. Skepticism increased in 1972 after Joyce Carol Oates, in a letter to the New York Times, expressed bewilderment that a reviewer had accepted Castaneda’s books as nonfiction. The next year, Time published a cover story revealing that Castaneda had lied extensively about his past. Over the next decade, several researchers, most prominently Richard de Mille, son of the legendary director, worked tirelessly to demonstrate that Castaneda’s work was a hoax.
На протяжении 5 лет статус книг КК как серьезных работ по антропологии почти не вызывал сомнений. Сомнения в их достоверности возросли в 1972 после того, как Joyce Carol Oates в письме в New York Times выразил замешательство, что рецензент принял КК-книги за невыдуманные истории.В следующем году "Тайм" напечатал на обложке журнала разоблачающую статью - Кастанеда лгал о своем прошлом чуть более, чем полностью. В последующее десятилетие несколько исследователей, наиболее видный из которых
Richard de Mille, работали самоотверженно, чтобы показать: КК-писания - фальшивка.

Castaneda, who disappeared from the public view in 1973, began in the last decade of his life to organize a secretive group of devoted followers. His tools were his books and Tensegrity, a movement technique he claimed had been passed down by 25 generations of Toltec shamans. A corporation, Cleargreen, was set up to promote Tensegrity; it held workshops attended by thousands. Novelist and director Bruce Wagner, a member of Castaneda’s inner circle, helped produce a series of instructional videos. Cleargreen continues to operate to this day, promoting Tensegrity and Castaneda’s teachings through workshops in Southern California, Europe and Latin America. КК изчез с горизонта в 1973 и в последнее десятилетие своей жизни обустроил потайную секту фанатичных поклонниц. Струменцией для жатвы душ ему служили его книжки, а также "тенсегрити"- колдунячья физкультурка (честно стыренный китайский цигун) - по словам КК переданная от 25 поколений индейских шаманов. Корпорация "Cleargreen" была основана для продвижения тенсегрити - она проводила семинары с тысячами участников.

At the heart of Castaneda’s movement was a group of intensely devoted women, all of whom were or had been his lovers. They were known as the witches, and two of them, Florinda Donner-Grau and Taisha Abelar, vanished the day after Castaneda’s death, along with Cleargreen president Amalia Marquez and Tensegrity instructor Kylie Lundahl. A few weeks later, Patricia Partin, Castaneda’s adopted daughter as well as his lover, also disappeared. In February 2006, a skeleton found in Death Valley, Calif., was identified through DNA analysis as Partin’s. сердцевиной К-движения была группа целиком и полностью преданных КК женщин.
С каждой из них КК имел \рекс- \фекс- \пекс- секс-связь - в настоящем или прошлом. Ведьмы - так они наименовались; две из них - Флоринда Доннер-Грау и Таиша Абеляр - пропали в день смерти КК вместе с президентом "Cleargreen" Амалией Маркус и инструктором по "тенсегрити" Кайли Ландал. Несколько недель спустя Патриция Партин - приемная дочь КК и его наложница - пропала тоже. В феврале 2006 скелет, найденный в Долине Смерти(Калифорния), был распознан через ДНК-анализ как останки Патриции.

Some former Castaneda associates suspect the missing women committed suicide. They cite remarks the women made shortly before vanishing, and point to Castaneda’s frequent discussion of suicide in private group meetings. Achieving transcendence through a death nobly chosen, they maintain, had long been central to his teachings. Некоторые экс-кастанедовцы предполагают суицид пропавших без вести. Приводят реплики женщин перед их исчезновением и указывают, что КК часто обсуждал суицид в закрытых собраниях группы.
получение сверхспособностей посредством выбора смерти //"прохождения" через смерть (путь смерти?)// - изначальный центр КК-поучений.прям по Библии -"не умрете, по станете богами"

Castaneda was born in 1925 and came to the United States in 1951 from Peru. He’d studied sculpture at the School of Fine Arts in Lima and hoped to make it as an artist in the United States. He worked a series of odd jobs and took classes at Los Angeles Community College in philosophy, literature and creative writing. Most who knew him then recall a brilliant, hilarious storyteller with mesmerizing brown eyes. He was short (some say 5-foot-2; others 5-foot-5) and self-conscious about having his picture taken. Along with his then wife Margaret Runyan (whose memoir, “A Magical Journey With Carlos Castaneda,” he would later try to suppress) he became fascinated by the occult.
КК родился в 1925 , в 1951 прибыл в США из Перу. Он изучал скульптуру в школе изящных искусств в Лиме и надеялся творчески поскульптурить в США. Он поменял множество родов работы и учился в LA колледже философии, литературе, сочинительству. Большинство знакомых с ним в те времена вспоминали его так- умелец рассказывать байки с гипнотизирующим взглядом карих глаз.
КК был коротышкой( 159 или, по другим данным, 165 см) и стеснялся фотографироваться. Вместе с тогдашней женой Маргарет Риньян(Margaret Runyan ( ее мемуары "Магическое путешествие с КК" КК позднее попытается изъять из печати) он увлекается оккультизмом.
According to Runyan, she and Castaneda would hold long bull sessions, drinking wine with other students. One night a friend remarked that neither the Buddha nor Jesus ever wrote anything down. Their teachings had been recorded by disciples, who could have changed things or made them up. “Carlos nodded, as if thinking carefully,” wrote Runyan. Together, she and Castaneda conducted unsuccessful ESP experiments. Runyan worked for the phone company, and Castaneda’s first attempt at a book was an uncompleted nonfiction manuscript titled “Dial Operator.” По словам Риньян, она и КК проводили долгие шумные вечеринки, где пили вино с другими студентами. Как-то ночью приятель сделал замечание, что ни Христос, ни Будда ничего не написали. Их учения были записаны учениками, которые, возможно, могли что-то изменить или преувеличить. "Карлос кивал головой, как если бы тщательно это обдумывал" - написала Риньян. Сообща КК и Риньян проводили безуспешные ЭСВ-опыты.

In 1959, Castaneda enrolled at UCLA, where he signed up for California ethnography with archaeology professor Clement Meighan. One of the assignments was to interview an Indian. He got an “A” for his paper, in which he spoke to an unnamed Native American about the ceremonial use of jimson weed. But Castaneda was broke and soon dropped out. He worked in a liquor store and drove a taxi. He began to disappear for days at a time, telling Runyan he was going to the desert.
Рубрики:  hahafoo/bh


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