
     Disc headrigs (Trimming)
Disc headrigs (Trimming)
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, 01 2014 . 20:47 +
bsp21 (700x189, 68Kb)
Sectional HARROW SPRING "Demeter"
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-15 -21
15 21
5 7
: /
- 17
- 30
- , 14
- 600
- 9200 9200
- 15920 22080
- 1130 1130
- 13120 16200
- 3900 3900
- 3200 3200
4950 6050
( 17 /) / 25,8 35,7
(.) 43, 63, 81
() 9
(5 ) / 250 350
Universal harrow allows harrowing and plowing stubble , do light cultivation , seedbed preparation , closing fertilizers and crop residues , as well as even distribution of chopped straw .
The original design of the heavy harrow allows you to easily and quickly transfer it from working to transport position and back again without disassembly . The operation training harrow to working or transport takes less than five minutes , and may be carried by one person. This advantage distinguishes harrow BSP from other tools of traditional designs.
Simple and rapid adjustment of the angle of attack of the teeth allows a wide range of possible settings , depending on field conditions and type of work .
Harrow sections are fixed on spring-loaded levers which allow to regulate the pressure on the ground over a wide range . Quick steps and large width harrows enable to process per day up to 300 hectares . For arable farms with 4-5 thousand . Ha , only one harrows (BSP ) .
Cable system balancing traction improves handling wide- unit and sectional design provides good copy field surface .

Agrotechnological appointment harrow the following tasks :
Pre-sowing treatment fields to destroy the capillaries in the upper soil layer . Harrowing for this purpose is conducted in early spring after the snow as soon as possible the work of the tractor on a wet field. It is known that intensive melting of snow leads to the formation of the crust , which has a plurality of capillaries. Through the capillaries of the water comes to the surface of the crust and vaporized. This " pump" pumping out of the soil at a sunny day up to 100 liters of water per square meter 1 ! This operation is often referred to as " delay" or " closing " of moisture. The effectiveness of the closing spring harrow moisture is much higher due to the special design of spring tines . The length and thickness of the teeth are selected so that at a speed of 10 - 15 km / h tines vibrate and this vibration has strong destructive effect on capillary topsheet.

Vibration teeth can effectively break crop residues, and it eliminates clogging harrow during operation, which increases the efficiency of the operation in comparison with traditional harrow .

Harrowing after sowing (e.g. sunflower ) is performed when a yarn of weeds in 2 - 3 days until germination , which makes it possible to keep crops from weeds pure state. Skillful conducting harrowing on shoots at low cost allows to significantly reduce clogging . Setting the correct angle of attack of the teeth provides the use of a harrowing posleposevnom move without fear sown seeds.

Harrowing of winter made ​​1 track across crops. Minor injuries plants cause their response and the plants begin to grow faster .
At minimum tillage heavy harrow need and autumn , when you need to plug the crop residues into the soil. In the zero technology harrow is used to distribute the straw over the surface of the field. In any case, autumn harrowing allow provoke early germination of annual weeds that are killed in the aftermath of the cold.

Heavy , Wide- universal , spring harrow BSP of LLC " SibzavodAgro " combines successful design , optimum performance dimensions and performance, ensured reliability, and the right price. BSP is deservedly considered stout , effective tool for fieldwork season .

Advantages heavy harrows BSP " Demeter "

"Heavy harrows" - a new category harrows designed to work effectively with crop residues , seedbed preparation and posleposevnogo harrowing . Heavy harrows ready to carry out any operations in any cropping system - the "standard" , "minimal" or "zero" .

Rational work with crop residues . Conventional light and medium harrows usually can not provide the necessary conditions to work with crop residues . Heavy harrows perfectly perform work on the distribution of crop residue on the surface of the field and at the same time gently work with stubble .

Protection of soil . With heavy harrow BSP you can fully provide steblestoy stubble during the distribution of crop residues and prepare fields for direct seeding . Stubble is the most important factor to keep the snow - one of the sources of moisture. Stubble just prevent wind and water erosion.

Click to enlarge Long life springs. The springs are made of high wear-resistant spring steel. Spring characteristics the tooth selected in such a way that it effectively destroys the surface soil crust .

A large number of settings enables flexible adjustment of the pressure force on the ground and the angle of attack of the spring teeth . This allows you to quickly adjust the harrow to specific field conditions as necessary. Harrow can be reconfigured in a few minutes .

A large number of tasks , among which can be identified separately : mulching , preparation semyalozhe , weeding in the stage of white thread , mulching , crop residues distribution .

High maneuverability harrow in the transport and working position , the ability to maneuver in reverse in the transport position , as well as a quick translation harrows into the working position and back to rapidly intervene in unpredictable weather conditions .

Transport width and height harrows allow to transport it on public roads without the need to attract traffic police patrol .


Name Unit . rev. values ​​of
BSP -15 BSP -21
Width m 15 21
Number of sections pc July 5
Speed: km / h
- Up to 17 working
- Up to 30 transport
Number of rows of teeth 5
Step 300 in the row of teeth
Tooth pitch on the trail of 60 mm
Type rabchego body : mm
- Tooth spring round , diameter of bar 14
- The length of the tooth 600
Dimensions in working position: mm
- Length 9200 9200
Depth of processing ( ripping ) Up to 9 cm of soil
Required tractor power ( Grade 5 ) l / s 250 350
10 (448x336, 89Kb)

" "".Harrow "Demetra&qu":
1 - ""
2 - Ltd. "Renaissance of Siberia"
3 -
4 - HARROW-hoe-15-amplia BMSH.- -15, -15 ,HARROW-hoe shirokozahvatnymi BMSH-15-BMSH 15ID


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