
1945 Власть агата кристи акунин альтернативная история архитектура байден биолаборатории блокада большевики британия бродский быдло быков быт видео вмв вов война воспитание выборы вьетнам гавайи германия глобализм голливуд гонолулу даллес делон демократия демократы детектив дети диктатура донбасс достижения дружба европа егэ женщины живопись запад зеленский зима идеология израиль инновации интервью интернет искусство история карикарура карикатура кино китай коррупция космос красная армия кулинария культура культура отмены лгбт ленинград либерализм либералы литература личное ложь любовь майдан мелодрама менеджеры мета мифы мораль музыка мультфильм навальный народ ненависть нобелевка новый год образование оон оппозиция памятник пандемия пелоси песни песня петербург пионеры питер победа политика поэзия правда предательство привалов прилепин пропаганда пуськи путин пушкин равноправие реклама религия рецензия родина рождество россия рпц русофобия русские русский язык русь сво свобода свобода слова семья сериал смешное сми солженицын сорос социализм ссср сталин стихи сша тарковский театр тест толстой трамп трейлер украина фашисты фоменко фото фотографии фэйсбук хазин ходорковский цензура ценности цены школа эмиграция юбилей юмор


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Локшин о результатах разоблачений NSA и CIA Сноуденом.

Вторник, 14 Апреля 2015 г. 19:03 + в цитатник
Цитата сообщения Арнольд_Локшин Dictatorship USA – Part 4

Massive Crimes Beyond Mass Spying

The Snowden revelations have come and mostly gone. There are at least three major vital but largely ignored conclusions to be drawn from this episode.

(1) Nothing has changed in the “work” of the National Security Agency (NSA) or any other component of the massive US lie, spy, provocation, subversion, terror, torture and mass murder apparatus. Like so many other exposures of the horrendous crimes of US imperialism, nothing of importance changes as a result.

The NSA continues its massive, everyday, world-wide spying as before. The fact that such spying against Americans directly violates the US Constitution is a matter of no importance whatsoever.

No one is punished for these crimes. Snowden himself has to hide out in Russia to avoid ugly reprisals from the US.

(2) Massive spying is not an end in itself. It is an essential component for conducting psychological warfare – and other forms of warfare. In the United States, the combination of massive intelligence-gathering and largely hidden psychological warfare against genuine dissenters is used to suppress real opposition to reactionary US imperialist policies at home and abroad. This suppression is fundamentally important for the functioning of the US dictatorship. (Other aspects vital to the US dictatorship will be discussed subsequently.)

Mass NSA spying is, as we know, not limited to the United States. The information so gathered is used to obtain information on the thoughts and actions of virtually everyone in the world, at least all those who use computers, telephones or other electronic devices. Such “intelligence” is a key component of conducting psychological warfare operations abroad in collusion with foreign accomplices-stooges – such as the KGB in the former Soviet Union or the FSB in Russia today.

In times of actual warfare, the advantages of such a widespread information-gathering network are obvious. The material can not only identify opponents of US imperialism, but potential collaborators as well.

(3) The horrendous US lie, spy, provocation, subversion, terror, torture and mass murder apparatus is truly MASSIVE. Remember that the NSA, with its enormous and vastly expensive spying operations constitute only one part of the enormous US secret political police apparatus. Whatever the officially designated figures, the US “intelligence” machine costs hundreds of billions of dollars annually – approximately the amount spent on the US military. Which according to former CIA Chief Allen Dulles is as it should be [1].

Any under-estimation of the scope of the massive US lie, spy, provocation, subversion, terror, torture and mass murder apparatus is a grave mistake. The never-ending, world-wide propaganda campaign to depict the US as a “democracy” contributes greatly to falsely down-playing the crucial role of the CIA, FBI, NSA etc. in the politics of US imperialism at home and abroad.

Suppose someone like Arnold Lockshin had postulated that the US regularly spies on virtually everyone in the world. “Crazy.”

Not at all “crazy,” but fact. More than that, the massive US “intelligence” apparatus plays the fundamental role in the functioning of the US imperialist DICTATORSHIP.

[1] The Craft of Intelligence, Allen Dulles, New York 1963
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