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Среда, 23 Августа 2017 г. 18:20 + в цитатник
You will need the following items for this spell:

2 black candles
1 needle
some blood

Only use at midnight!
Chant this at midnight:

Deus inferorum mihi placuerit. Fac me a lamia invoca me in ista nocte milites inferni et mutare.


God of hell please me. Make me a vampire call upon the soldiers of hell and change me this midnight.

The blood is used for when you wake up the next morning. never leave your house when the suns out you will burn alive

Превращение в дракулу.

Среда, 23 Августа 2017 г. 18:14 + в цитатник

The darkest spell, from the darkest creature, DRACUL
You will need the following items for this spell:

5 Black Candles
1 Red Candles
Photo Target
A Huge Isolated Room

A vampire spell made by the king vlad himself. This spell is part of a book of mine that only a few own.
Casting Instructions for 'The darkest spell, from the darkest creature, DRACULA!'
Ok, first of all you will need 5 black candles and 1 red candle to begin the casting of the spell.
You will also need a photo of the target of the spell (if you want to harm someone else get a photo of that person, or if you want to conjure the powers of evil within you prepare a photo of yourself)

Put the 5 black candles in a circle about 6.ft (2m) in diameter in the room in which you spend most of your time (attention, ritual must be performed at night, after the sun has set). Put the red candle inside the circle and light them (make sure the red one is the last you light).

Next take off all of your clothes and kneel inside the circle facing the red candle.
Say these exact words (in your head): "Great masters of evil and darkness, grant me the gift of invoking your powers"
If you want to be the emissary of darkness on Earth take your photo and burn it on the flame of the red candle saying this: "Ascultati la mine demonilor, dracilor si vrajitoarelor. Ma supun intunericului, ma supun puterilor raului si haosului. Va spun acum creaturilor ale infernului, faceti din mine ambasadorul durerii si al raului pe pamant, faceti din mine mesagerul sufletelor voastre! Va ordon sa imi umpleti sufletul cu otrava care a facut din Vlad cel mai temut demon intre oameni. Ma leg la setea vesnica de sange si de durere, ma leg la o viata in intuneric si de aducere a terorii intre oameni"

Translation:? "Listen to me demons, devils and witches! I obey darkness; I obey the powers of evil and chaos. I tell you now creatures of the inferno, make me the ambassador of pain and evil on Earth, make me the messenger of souls! I order you to fill my soul with the poison that made Vlad the most feared Demon among men! I pledge to eternal thirst of blood and pain; I pledge to a life of darkness and I vow to bring terror among men!
Now you must visualize yourself as what you want to become, visualize yourself as the darkest creature, do not rush this step, it is very important!s it, congratulations dark one!

Now, for the other part, making someone suffer: Take the photo of your target and burn it in the flame of one of the black candles while saying this: ?"Dracilor, demonilor si creature ale intunericului, faceti din acest om tinta puterilor voastre, faceti-l sa sufere, faceti-l sa simta toata puterea raului pe pamant. Faceti din viata lui un calvar, sa simta durere cum nu a mai simtit nimeni. Trimiteti, Stapani ai Infernului, creatura cea mai intunecata, cea mai infricosatoare pe urmele lui. Trimiteti emisarul dupa aces tom, trimiteti pe Vlad!"

Translation: Devils, demons and creatures of darkness, make this man/woman the target of all your powers, make him/her suffer; make him/her feel all the power of evil on earth. Make his/her life a disaster. Make him/her feel pain, make him/her wish he/she was dead. Lords of Hell, send the darkest creature after him/her, send the most frightening being in all existence to make him/her pay. Oh Great Lords, send Vlad!

Now try to imagine your victim suffer, try to see him feeling pain. Again, do not rush this step, all the words you have said must translate into this imagination.
Now lift up the red candle (while kneeling) and place it outside the circle. Blow out the candles starting with the red one and continuing with the black ones in a counter-clockwise direction.
Step out of the circle with your left foot first.
That's it, now you just have to wait to see that person suffer.

Now lift the red candle in the air with both hands (while kneeling) and feel the powers of evil surround you. Put the candle down and blow out the candles starting with the black ones in a counter-clockwise direction (make sure the red one is the last one you blow out).

Immediately you will feel a thirst, a craving for something, you will know what you crave once you quench your thirst.

стать вампиром

Пятница, 04 Августа 2017 г. 01:36 + в цитатник

теперь все станут вампирами скачайте документ и делайте как в инструкции ничего не изменяйте

Вложение: 5169751_tannarh_prevraschenie_v_vampira.pdf

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Суббота, 08 Июля 2017 г. 19:17 + в цитатник

Я Джеки Вампир разоблачаю Ирину Болл болотную ведьму она сука и пиздаебка нухуй и в пизду соси тварь антихрист твой бог это я ей говорю. Подписывайтесь на мой дневник буду ее разоблачать и выкладывать истории из сатанинских книг и обьяснять скоро вылажу как стать вампирами и оборотнями вообще это жизнь вечная не только у вампиров но и у оборотней если станете воскреснете после смерти на третий день и физически выберетесь из могилы. Это для нормальных людей!

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