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: 14.03.2015
: 219
: 10
: 255


, 28 2016 . 06:58 +

By the way -
A drop in the bucket -
And so on and so forth - .. ..
As drunk as a lord -
As I said before. - ..

As innocent as a babe unborn -
As sure as eggs is eggs -
As to... (As for.) - .
Believe it or not, but - ,
Did I get you right? - ?

Don't mention it -
Don't take it to heart -
Forgive me, please, I meant well. - ,
He is not a man to be trifled with -
I am afraid you are wrong - ,

I didn't catch the last word -
I mean it -
I was not attending -
If I am not mistaken -
If I remember rightly -

In other words. -
In short. -
It does you credit -
It doesn't matter -
It is a good idea -

It is new to me -
Let us hope for the best -
May I ask you a question? - ?
Mind your own business -
Most likely -

Neither here nor there - ,
Next time lucky -
Nothing much -
Oh, that. That explains it -
On the one hand . -

On the other hand . -
Say it again, please - ,
That's where the trouble lies - !
Things happen -
What do you mean by saying it? - ?

What is the matter? - ?
Where were we? - ?
You were saying? - - ?

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