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: 17.07.2014
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, 05 2017 . 12:06 +
. .Salvatore Postiglione.Scene of the Narration of the Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio.jpegCesare Auguste Detti (1847-1914) 2d01d595afd9t.jpgd1226dea1127t.jpg1306343023_www.nevsepic.com.ua_the-court-jester.jpgd3cc8c778b31t.jpgGiovanni Battista Filosa (1850-1935)Composing a love letter.jpgBlack lace.pngSCENA GALANTE, 1875.jpg Gioacchino Passini095.jpg096.jpg094.jpgGioacchino Passini 07.jpgThe Stories from the Life of St Ursula (1490-96)30return.jpg12ambass.jpg40betrot.jpg80martyr.jpgPaintings until 150906holyfa.jpg07holyc.jpg061virgi.jpgCycle in the San Giorgio degli Schiavoni (1502-07),1vision.jpg4dragon.jpg6seleni.jpg Marchetti LudovicoBacci Ball.jpgItalian_Soldiers_at_the_Court_of_Honor_Castle_of_Potois.jpgCarlo Grubacs (Italian, 1810-1870)3.jpg4.jpgCarlo_Grubas_Blick_auf_Venedig_bei_Gewitterstimmung.jpgFishing on the Lido with the Campanile in the background.jpgOn the steps of Santa Maria della Salute.jpg Fra Filippo Lippi, Coronation of the Virgin (detail).jpgCoronation of the Virgin.jpgSeven Saints.jpgSt John Taking Leave of his Parents.jpgCaspar Andriaans van Wittel (1653 - 1736)Caspar Andriaans van Wittel - Piazza Navona_ Roma.jpgCaspar Andriaans van Wittel - The Castel Sant_Angelo from the South.jpgCaspar Andriaans van Wittel - The Piazzetta from the Bacino di San Marco.jpgCaspar Andriaans van Wittel - View of Florence from the Via Bolognese.jpg Crucifixion.jpgNo. 11 Scenes from the Life of the Virgin. 5. Marriage of the Virgin.jpgNo. 19 Scenes from the Life of Christ. 3. Presentation of Christ at the Temple.jpgBaroncelli Polyptych.jpgSodoma. Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (1477-1549Come_benedetto_fa_tornare_nel_manico_uno_roncone_che_era_caduto_nel_fondo_di_un_lago.jpgCome_benedetto_pregato_dai_monaci_produce_l'acqua_dalla_cima_di_un_monte.jpg._._1503-04..__.___..jpgCome_benedetto_scioglie_uno_contadino_che_era_legato_solo_a_guardarlo.jpg Carlo_Dolci_-_Madonna_in_Glory_-_Google_Art_Project.jpgCarlo_Dolci_-_The_Holy_Family_with_God_the_Father_and_the_Holy_Spirit_-_WGA06376.jpg .St Catherine Reading.jpeg  .jpg  .jpg  .jpg .    .Frederic Soulacroix (1858-1933)CharlesL.jpgCharlesZ.jpg Claudia Giraudo016.jpg035.jpg040.jpg

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