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, 05 2014 . 13:23 +
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, 11 2014 . 21:59 +
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, 12 2014 . 21:58 +

Vogue Knitting ( Crochet ) 2013

Here are some of the cool  designs from Vogue Knitting Magazine Crochet 2013 Edition. I wasn't able to include the bag designs because I'm taking forever to upload everything and my internet connection are not so good this time, probably because of the many trees surrounding my house. Oftentimes I need to take my laptop outside to get a better reception. The patterns are in written form but there are also diagrams provided though not as complete as the Japanese crochet magazines does it. When I'm just starting to crochet, I'm used to following written patterns but when I get to buy those Japanese magazines where they feature complete diagrams in its entirety, I became more reliant on those types of patterns. So, now I have to go back to the basics of reading and following each row but I've got to... since some of the designs in this edition is so hard to pass up. I like their presentation and the photography, really cool pictures! I wonder if there's anywhere to buy Vogue Knitting magazine in the Philippines, I haven't seen one yet.







By the way, I've finally taken a proper picture of my last project, couldn't find a model though as my sis already went to work and I'm currently pregnant so, I have to contend with the good old hanger. Really need to buy a dressform, just don't know where..maybe I'll check online on one of those dressforms.
I wore this top over a sheer blouse and when my doctor saw it, she asked me where did I buy it, I told her I just made it and she can't believe it. She wants me to make another one for her and just tell her how much. This top truly is a head turner anywhere I go..so girls make one of your own.



, 13 2014 . 23:35 +
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