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Ñòàòèñòèêà LiveInternet.ru: ïîêàçàíî êîëè÷åñòâî õèòîâ è ïîñåòèòåëåé
Ñîçäàí: 07.01.2014
Çàïèñåé: 1291
Êîììåíòàðèåâ: 15
Íàïèñàíî: 1305


Ïîíåäåëüíèê, 09 Ñåíòÿáðÿ 2019 ã. 21:23 + â öèòàòíèê
Öèòàòà ñîîáùåíèÿ Òàíÿ_Îäåññà "Óçåëêè" êðþ÷êîì. ÌÊ


Foundation Chain: Multiples of 12 + 4

Techniques used in this stitch (British term / American term):

Chain stitch – ch

Double crochet / Single crochet – dc/sc

Treble / Double crochet – tr / dc

7 – Half tr / half dc puff stitch - puff.st

Stitch - st

Row 1: skip 2 ch, 1dc/sc in each of next 3ch, *3ch, 3ch skip, 1tr/dc in next ch, make puff.st over previous tr/dc: yarn over, insert the hook into space of 3 ch, yarn over, draw the yarn through the space,

repeat the preceding step 6 times.

Yarn over and draw the yarn through all loops on the hook.

Then work 3ch, skip 3ch, 1dc/sc in each of next 5ch; rep from*, skip 3ch, 1tr/dc in next ch, make puff.st over previous tr/dc, 3ch, skip 3ch, 1dc/sc in each of next 4ch, turn.

Row 2: 2ch, 1dc/sc in each of next 3 dc/sc below, * 3dc/sc in 1st space of 3ch, 1dc/sc in tr/dc, 3dc/sc in 2nd space of 3ch, 1dc/sc in each of next 5 dc/sc below ; rep from*, 3dc/sc in 1st space of 3ch, 1dc/sc in tr/dc, 3dc/sc in 2nd space of 3ch, 1dc/sc in each of next 3 dc/sc below, 1dc/sc in 2nd ch, turn.

Row 3: 3ch, 1tr/dc in next st, puff.st over previous tr/dc, *3ch, skip 3 st, 1dc/sc in each of next 5 dc/sc below, 3ch, skip 3 st, 1 tr/dc in next, puff.st over previous tr/dc; rep from *, 1tr/dc in 2nd ch, turn.

Row 4: 2ch, * 1dc/sc in next tr/dc, 3dc/sc in space of 3ch, 1dc/sc in each of next 5 dc/sc below, 3dc/sc in space of 3ch; rep from*, 1dc/sc in tr/dc, 1dc/sc in 3rd ch, turn.

Row 5: 2ch, 1dc/sc in each of next 3 st, *3ch, skip 3st, 1tr/dc in next, make puff.st over previous tr/dc, 3ch, skip 3 st, 1dc/sc in each of next 5 st; rep from*, skip 3 st, 1tr/dc in next, make puff.st over previous tr/dc, 3ch, skip 3 st, 1dc/sc in each of next 3 dc/sc below, 1dc/sc in 2nd ch, turn.

Repeat rows 2 - 5 until you have reached your desired length.

Color combination with Beige & Lilac

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