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: 17.10.2013
: 2186
: 14
: 2239


, 05 2013 . 18:19 +
DragooonFly . . - .

,   !

. , , , ...

( , ), , . .

IMG_6227 (525x700, 316Kb)

1 fold down corner (700x525, 172Kb)

2 Roll then sew (700x525, 152Kb)

3 Fold ribbon (700x525, 160Kb)

4 Roll along fold (700x525, 152Kb)

5 Secure with stitches (700x525, 169Kb)

7 Roll again (700x525, 153Kb)

6 Fold again (700x525, 150Kb)

8 Continue folding and rolling (700x525, 153Kb)

9 Secure end of ribbon (700x525, 144Kb)

10 Roses are ready (700x525, 204Kb)

Thai silk purple (255x255, 11Kb)

11 Grosgrain ribbon (700x525, 202Kb)

IMG_6218 (700x525, 276Kb)

IMG_6221 (700x525, 196Kb)

IMG_6219 (700x525, 215Kb)

IMG_6227 (525x700, 316Kb)

1 - . !!!!
2 - )))Lasso Shoes
3 - " "
4 - . ))))
5 - . . - .
6 - Chloe & Maddie
7 - .
8 - .
9 -
10 - .

: [1] []


: ( )
