
  • (0)
  • (1135)
  •     , (67)
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  •     (26)
  •     (22)
  •     (30)
  • (185)
  •     (26)
  •     (20)
  •     (72)
  • (38)
  • , (10)
  • (94)
  •     (17)
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  •    , (11)
  •     (12)
  • (624)
  •     (223)
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  •     (63)
  •     (76)
  •     (7)
  •    , (160)
  • (3)
  • (57)
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  •     (17)
  •     (32)
  •     (49)
  •     (33)
  •     (11)
  •     (14)
  • (24)


Shifting Squares - (0)

, . : ...

Delicate Shell - (0)

https://dampal.ru/letnyaya-koftochka-delicate-shell          ...

. - (0)

    ,  ...

@wool.style - (0)

: Yarn Art Jeans 50 /160 , 2 . ...

- (0)

, , ...


  •     , , , 24 . !
  •     - - . : Internet Explorer 6, Fire Fox 1.5, Opera 9.5, Safari 3.1.1 JavaScript.
  •    - "Empire" - "Empire" Goodgame Empire. , .


. !


 - e-mail



: 01.07.2013
: 3075
: 99
: 3358



: (24), (158), (242), (57), (51), (22), (57), (3), (624), (94), , (10), (38), (185), (135), (131), (1135), (0)

, 22 2016 . 09:17 +
gyord-pro-ladies [ + !]

    ,     — , ,    , .



!!!100 4 ..

, 27 2016 . 07:55 +
rinagit [ + !]

" ":

1 - englishpod
2 - "42": ? Do It!
30 - - ...
31 - 15 ,
32 - !!!100 4 ..
33 - (irregular verbs) ..
34 - .



, 13 2015 . 15:25 +
_ [ + !]

" " . . - , .

3 (640x512, 501Kb)

4 (640x464, 317Kb)



, 04 2015 . 09:29 +
_ [ + !]

- , , 16 .


. 1.

3290568_0_8fea2_d0d2901f_M (160x21, 4Kb)

" ":

1 - - .
2 - , : - 1 100.
7 - , : : , , .
8 - , . : .
9 - . . 16 .
10 - ... .
11 - . .
23 - . 8. .
24 - . .
25 - . .. . . .



, 19 2015 . 20:09 +
_ [ + !]


10 youtube !

, 22 2014 . 20:42 +
_1 [ + !]



, 30 2014 . 12:20 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

awesome -
amazing - ,
adorable -
charming -
fantastic -
gorgeous -
great - ,
wonderful -
brilliant -
attractive -
beautiful - ,
good-looking -
handsome - ( )
lovely -
pretty - ( )
experienced -
hard-working -
efficient - , ""
talented, gifted - ,
confident -
brave -
clever, intelligent -
patient -
kind -
honest -
good-humoured -
outgoing -
friendly -
compliments_graphics_06_xlarge (300x300, 40Kb)



, 15 2014 . 06:12 +
[ + !]


    langinfo (1) (569x421, 266Kb)

, , . 
, , , . , , . - , , « , ?».
, , , .



: 9

, 19 2014 . 09:52 +
_ [ + !]

15060714-shutterstock_157245068-605x419 (484x336, 46Kb)

. , , «» – . .




, 28 2013 . 15:18 +
ITDalee [ + !]

1. WordSteps – . (, , PC), .

2. - , . , , , , .

3. www.englishtopic.narod.ru/ - English Topics and Texts - .

1020871_Cg3rCFM74dk (604x340, 73Kb)


, 24 2013 . 18:21 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

1ak (700x495, 264Kb)

2ak (700x495, 267Kb)



, 30 2013 . 21:20 +
santa3 [ + !]

45008_128647127181405_100001083563438_164845_7553100_n (700x441, 41Kb)

(Alexander Bebris) 2003 The State University of Management, . , , . , , , , .    " ". , , , . , , , . : , , , , .   (31 ), . . , , ))

----- (550x150, 54Kb)




, 13 2013 . 19:51 +
_ [ + !]

3937385_RnaPpravahPreklamq (278x58, 4Kb)


3937404_slide11 (700x233, 53Kb)

, . . , , , . .


, !

, 08 2013 . 18:00 +
lach [ + !]

3646178_11 (500x322, 59Kb)

1) lang-8.com/ - , ,
2) sharedtalk.com/ - !
3) omegle.com/ - . . -
4) langled.com/home.php - ( , )
5) www.englishbaby.com/ - , , , lessons
6) www.interpals.net/ -
7) livemocha.com/ -


50 ,

, 13 2013 . 11:26 +
DScreative [ + !]

1 Fillers, - .
- , , , , . , , .

1.1 Well,...
. "", , "". "", "" , . - , , .

1.2 I think,...
, . - - , .


2.1 It depends
. , , , - , . - " [ ]" , , -/ . .

2.2 This and that - .
2.1, . , :
What sort of music do you like? different, - difficult, different. ? :
Well, this and that. / Well, it depends.
) , . . . ) I like Shakira ) - I like different music.

3.1 Yes, please!
- .
Comment 1: : Will you marry me? - Yes, I will! .
Comment 2: Yes, thank you! - : No, thank you.
3.2 (Yes,) of course!
3.3 (Yes,) sure!
3.2 3.3 , 3.2 , , 3.3 .
c :
3.4 Certainly, (sir)!
3.5 You bet!

3.6 I agree.
. , - , 3.1-3.3
3.7 Right you are! = !

4 .
4.1 How much (is it)? = ()? . , , ,
4.2 Here you are.= , . , . , , Your Majesty.
4.3 Can I have a ( sandwich, please)?= ?
4.4 I'll leave it.= ( , , ). - , ,...
4.5 I'll have it. = . ( , )
4.6 Cash, please. / Credit card, please. = , . / , . - "How would you like to pay?" = ?

5.1 Hello!
5.2 Hi! , 5.1
5.3 How are you? = , ?
5.4 Bye! (Bye-bye!)
5.5 See you! =
5.6 Have a nice time! = ! , , -


, 13 2013 . 11:23 +
DScreative [ + !]

11 (537x604, 98Kb)

12 (534x604, 96Kb)

13 (542x604, 103Kb)

14 (537x604, 110Kb)

15 (532x604, 110Kb)

16 (604x457, 92Kb)


, 08 2013 . 09:19 +
[ + !]

Dont Speak

, . , , , . — .



c 16 2013

: 1 ()


11 . : 



, 08 2013 . 09:18 +
lief [ + !]


morgana797 " . 16 !". . . 40 . morgana797.

" ":

1 - . 16 !
2 - 5

 : [1]