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Offering clear, concise instructions and photographs for a variety of knit edgings and projects, this dependable handbook provides guidance to knitters facing the challenge of finding the perfect edging or finishing for their projects. From adorning highly textured lace with trim to revamping basic sweater silhouettes with unique edgings, this is the perfect portable one-stop source for stitch inspiration. The unique and surprising results are guaranteed to keep knitters in stitches for years to come.
150 узоров каймы для спиц Haxell Kate - Knit Edgings & Trims: 150 Stitches Год: 2009 Автор: Haxell Kate Жанр: Вязание спицами Издательство: Interweave Press Серия: The Harmony Guides ISBN: 159668173X, 9781596681736 Язык: Английский Количество страниц: 106
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