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: 14.03.2013
: 45742
: 43405
: 116176



: -(1), !(388), (561), + !(2), !(184), (57), - .(1), -(192), (227), (85), ++(202), -,+.(5), .(31), (8), -VIP(101), .(182), -+(87), ++!(14), +,(55), -,(2289), +-,(374), -- !(2), --- !(2), (224), (5), !(121), .1- 2- .(5), - !(1), ++, ,!(130), - .(653), +(2641), (6430), ,(107), --+.(1), +(71), - .(2), -- !(33), ------(22), !+.(27), +,(10), +,(17), -!-,,,(162), --+ ,(84), + !(7), ++++,(37), (33), -!(1), -!(1), !-˨ (1), -.(1), +(3), ,,,,,,,(682), -.(564), - .(539), !(21), -(6), +!(42), !- !(93), !(23), !-----+,(3), (568), -++,,,,(308), ---+!(281), + (2), ()(216), .(1722), ,(1085), (980), (101), (233), (212), - - ,(4), ,(136), (226), *- ,(35), ,.(2), Ǹ!---!(0), Ǹ!---!(1), - .(1), (310), --!(22), - - ,(1), (8), , .(260), (161), ---------,(5), + .(2), --- .(0), - .(9), ,(57), - .(3), + !(1357), -----, ,(12), ++(255), -ר,,,,,,,(256), - (1), + -.(3), +!(7), -!(97), +,(30), !(67), + !(37), ****** .(242), -(3), ,(111), + .(27), . , - (8), +,(2), (703), ,(25), -+ --(360), (267), (349), ,(3), --(3), (523), (749), !(29), - ( !!!)(8), !(23), !(415), - ,(3), ----(15), (3140), -------(1904), - (1), - .(4), ! . (1), +,(0), Ψ- - .(1), -------!(5), .+1 .+ 9 !+ +.(29), + !(198), !(86), ++ (3), ------ !(132), ,......(120), -- !(55), !(456), Ũ !(46), ---- ,(16), (45), (247), -,(1), - .(2), - (8), - .(2), -1 .(26), ***()(354), ***()(226), ***( --(562), -,(1), * +,(1), ,(2), +,(14), ++--.(42), ------+,(25), - ,,!(1), (41), (146), ----- ,˨!(3), --(1), -++! !(2748), .(1861), -(539), -.(21), -.(35), (23), ....(106), -- ,(5), ++ "(26), .(63), ,(120), !(9), - (546), - +,(28), + !(1017), -!(1), ----VIP(1485), -+ ,(407), !(52), -.(1), +,(8), -.+!(14), "+,(2), +.(69), +!(22), - ,.(58), ,(22), --,(5), - (37), Ѩ - !(2), -+++,(100), ! - !(54), +-(36), -(6), Lady Magic4-++(1), ...Ϩ+...(119), +,(77), + ,(45), ,,,,,,(44), +-(4), -- +.(298), "" + (3), +.(15), ,(25), +,(15), ----- .(37), -(310), ר-.-2014-,(6), ˨ !(13), !(125), 8--,+,(17), 1- (3), (0)

>Fanfan - Les valses de Vienne

, 06 2013 . 19:09 +
olgal6840 [ + !]

Fanfan - Les valses de Vienne






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" ":
1 - " "
2 - ( )
38 -
39 - ...
40 - Fanfan - Les valses de Vienne


" !!", , , !

, 04 2013 . 22:11 +
Domenika_Live [ + !]

" !!", , , !





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" - !".. !

, 31 2013 . 00:34 +
Domenika_Live [ + !]

" - !".. !


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g> !!!

, 30 2013 . 23:34 +
ulakisa [ + !]




....... ! ڿڰۣDIM@BOBRIN--ڿڰۣ

, 30 2013 . 16:41 +



strong>Francois Feldman - ( )

, 23 2013 . 20:18 +


[+ ]

Francois Feldman - ( )



> Ĩ . .

, 21 2013 . 01:48 +
ilyaevteev [ + !]

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. .

, 20 2013 . 19:11 +
olgal6840 [ + !]

. .

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Johann Strauss II - The Blue Danube Waltz - Vienna Philharmonic 
, 01.01.2011, , -, Musikverein, ZDF,  
Vals Danubio Azul

1 - , ... ()
2 - ...
10 - ...
11 - . .
12 - . .

" ":
1 - " "
2 - ( )
31 - .
32 - ...
33 - . .
34 - ...
35 -
36 -
37 - ...
38 -



, 19 2013 . 22:57 +
Dmitry_Shvarts [ + !]


 (365x92, 7Kb)
, , . — , , - — …
, .

, , – . – , – .




The Lounge Legends Tango Festival vol. II

, 14 2013 . 22:33 +
Kot-bez-zabot [ + !]

The Lounge Legends Tango Festival vol. II

! !E-NUN

Front (700x696, 276Kb) :E-NUN

" """:

1 - !
2 - The Tango Lesson
34 -
35 - The Lounge Legends Tango Festival vol.I
36 - The Lounge Legends Tango Festival vol. II



g> >

, 13 2013 . 02:14 +
Liudmila_Sceglova [ + !]


3416556_00392676_1_ (600x345, 48Kb)


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3416556_photo15509 (376x500, 38Kb)




, 13 2013 . 23:48 +




ng> ... ?

, 13 2013 . 23:47 +
LAT [ + !]

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ong>The Lounge Legends Tango Festival vol.I

, 13 2013 . 23:36 +
Kot-bez-zabot [ + !]

The Lounge Legends Tango Festival vol.I

! !E-NUN

Front (700x696, 276Kb) :E-NUN

" """:

1 - !
2 - The Tango Lesson
33 -
34 -
35 - The Lounge Legends Tango Festival vol.I



g> ** - (1930-1940.) / 3/

, 12 2013 . 21:11 +
klassika [ + !]

** - (1930-1940.) / 3/

59133929_282 (517x82, 11Kb)

(1920-1930.) / 1/ -

(1930-1940.) / 2/-

, , . , " ?". " , ".

, youtube - !

Teddy Wilson And His Orchestra

Theodore Shaw Teddy Wilson - , , . , . , . 1929 , , 1931 . . - . , : , .
, , .

f508 teddy 323bd0213ea5dd84b36275

75415418_74478283_3511355_animashka14 (150x30, 21Kb)

animaciya21 (250x318, 59Kb)


Twist again

, 12 2013 . 13:19 +
[ + !]

Twist again

«Let’s Twist Again» Chubby Checker 61- . , . - , --. « , !» — , « ». , 1960 . 1992 30 :

. . , , . , . . hubby «» ( ). hecker «», . , :


– , !


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-, , , ,

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-, .

, ,

– !

4360286_0_6e5fa_7aa8949_XS_jpg (18x17, 9Kb)


" ":
1 -
2 -
3 - , !
4 - Let my people go
5 - Twist again


= =

, 10 2013 . 02:07 +
[ + !]

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> , ,...

, 10 2013 . 00:57 +
LAT [ + !]

, ,...






, 09 2013 . 18:01 +
Song__Bird [ + !]

61520236_1279098354_57970008_01 (445x700, 154Kb)


(. Oskars Stroks, 6 1893 - 22 1975) - , . , « ».




, 06 2013 . 12:44 +
SYarina [ + !]

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. . , ! ! !.. ... !

. . , .

, , , , , , , .

, , , ... . .

Dorina Costras


 : 8 7 6 5 4 [3] 2 1