
: 4564 : 0
Sakis Rouvas
: 3983 : 0
: 57816 : 0
: 927 : 3
- "Piu Che Puoi"
: 122720 : 0


: 19.11.2012
: 12611
: 25313
: 49413


Edward Burne-Jones.

, 11 2018 . 15:50 +
__ Edward Burne-Jones.

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, , Edward Burne-Jones , - (Bennetts Hill) 28 1833 . , . - , . .

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The Days of Creation

- , . 1853 - , ( XII ), . , . , - ", ",  , , - . - . 1855 , .

Atlas Turned to Stone

The Call of Perseus

The Rock of Doom

Perseus and the Sea Nymphs

- « " , . - , , , . - , , . : ", … - ?"
- , . .

The Doom Fulfilled

The Death of Medusa

1861 , Morris, Marshall, Faulkener & Co, , . -, . 1890- , - 1898 . .

The Star Of Bethlehem

The Prioress's Tale

The Heart of the Rose

on the Quest of the Holy Grail

The Last sleep of Arthur in Avalon (detail)

King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid

Princess Sabra Drawing the Lot

The Princess Sabra Led to the Dragon

Pan and Psyche

Princess Tied to the Tree

The Sleeping Princess

The Madness Of Sir Tristram Princess Sabra Led to the Drag

Katie Lewis

Dancing And Playing

The Three Graces ( )

The Beguiling of Merlin

Phyllis and Demophoon



Cupid Finding Psyche

An Angel Playing a Flageolet

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