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 - e-mail



( : 1) __


: 09.11.2012
: 5875


" ":
1 - .
2 -
3 -
4 - : 9
5 - . 1
6 - .
7 - 25
8 -
9 - 20
10 - :)
11 - 100
12 -
13 - Vocabulary on topic "Food"
14 -
15 -
16 - , 16
17 - . .
18 - .
19 -
20 -
21 - (100 )
22 - ;)
23 -
24 - 850 , , !!
25 - english
26 - ,
27 - () (30 , )
28 -


: (181), (292), (10), (103), (36), (158), (82), (69), (50), (71), (479), (47), (10), (9), (105), (240), (30), (40), (82), (174), HendMade(91), (163), (8), (59), -(64), (96), (34), ,, (14), (385), (461), - !(76), (114), (9), (224), (27), (343), (62), (1495), (51), (13), (0)


, 24 2014 . 15:05 +


I am sitting in the hall, smoking.
, .

Vera sitting next to me is reading.
, , .

, ing- -, ing- .

smoking , sitting .

-ing , .

sitting ()
waiting ()
coming out ()

, , , .

, . , . . . , . , , :

Reading is useful.


, 24 2014 . 15:46 +


abandon [əˈbændən]- ,
abash [əˈbæʃ] -
adjust [əˈdʒʌst] - , ,
adorn [əˈdɔ:n] - ,
aggregate ['ægrɪgət] -
anticipate [ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt] -
argue [ˈɑ:ɡju:] - ( think)
assert [əˈsə:t] - ,
bethink [bɪˈθɪŋk] -
castigate [ˈkæstɪɡeɪt] -
comprise [kəmˈpraɪz] - ,
condemn [kənˈdem] - ,
conduct ['kɔndʌkt] -
contaminate [kənˈtæmɪneɪt] -
dangle [ˈdæŋɡl] - , ()
delineate [dɪˈlɪnɪeɪt] - ,
deprecate [ˈdeprɪkeɪt] - ,
derive from [dɪˈraɪv]-
detect [dɪˈtekt] - , ,
deteriorate [dɪˈtɪərɪəreɪt] - ,
determine [dɪˈtə:mɪn] - ,
disrobe [ˈdɪsˈrəub] - ,
diversify [daɪˈvə:sɪfaɪ] - ,
efface [ɪˈfeɪs]- ,
enchant [ɪnˈtʃɑ:nt] -
endorse [ɪnˈdɔ:s] - , ,
exploit ['eksplɔɪt] -
expose [eksˈpəuzeɪ] - (),
feign [feɪn] - ,
fortify [ˈfɔ:tɪfaɪ] -
garnish [ˈɡɑ:nɪʃ] - , ()
generate [ˈdʒenəreɪt] - ,
haunt [hɔ:nt]- ,
implement ['ɪmplɪmənt] - , ,
impose [ɪmˈpəuz] -
innovate [ˈɪnəuveɪt] - ,
investigate [ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt] -
invoke [ɪnˈvəuk]- ,
jeopardize [ˈdʒepədaɪz] - ,
marshal [ˈmɑ:ʃəl]-
obtain [əbˈteɪn] - ,
permeate [ˈpə:mɪeɪt] -
perpetuate [pəˈpetʃueɪt] - ,
plunge [plʌndʒ]- ,
prevail [prɪˈveɪl] -
reduce [rɪˈdju:s] - ,
reiterate [ri:ˈɪtəreɪt] -
remonstrate [rɪˈmɔnstreɪt] - ,
scrutinize [ˈskru:tɪnaɪz] - ,
separate ['sep(ə)rət] - ,
succumb [səˈkʌm] -
suppress [səˈpres] -
testify - ,
undertake [ˌʌndəˈteɪk] -
weave [wi:v]- ,


, 12 2014 . 15:45 +


1. Hello/ good bye - /
2. Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! - ! / /
3. Please thank you - /
4. Sorry -
5. I don't understand. -
6. Please speak more slowly. - , , . ([mɔ:] )
7. Could you repeat that? - ?
8. What is your name? - ?
9. My name is . . . . - ...
10. Nice to meet you! -
11. How are you doing? ?
12. Can you help me? - ?
13. Let's go to... - () ...
14. I'm looking for... - ...
15. Where is . . . the bathroom, restaurant, museum, hotel, beach, embassy? - , , , , , ?
16. How do I get to ..? - ...?
17. How do you say this? - ? ( )
18. How much is this? - ?
19. Can I ask you a question? - ?
20. I am from . . . . - ...
21. Can you help me practice English? - ?
22. Could you write it down on paper?- ?
23. What does this word mean? - ?
24. I am hungry. - .
25. I am thirsty. - .
26. I am cold. - .
27. I am feeling sick. - .
28. How do you use this word? - ?
29. Did I say it correctly? - ?
30. What time is it? - ?
31. This food is amazing! - - !
32. I need to go now. - .
33. Today, yesterday and tomorrow - , , .
34. Can you give me an example? - ?
35. Please wait a moment. - .
36. Excuse me! - ( )
37. I'm sorry to bother you - ,
38. Does anybody here speak Russian? -- -?
39. I don't speak English very well - -.
40. I speak English a little bit - -
41. I need an interpreter. - .
42. Where can I buy ...? - ...?
43. That's (too) expensive. - ()
44. I'll take one / it / this. -
45. I like this. -
46. I don't like that -
47. Can I pay by credit-card? - ?
48. Can I exchange this? -
49. That's all, thanks - ,
50. Excuse me, where can I get a taxi? - , ?
51. This address , please - , !
52. Drive me to the airport/hotel/city center - / /
53.When does the bus to Boston leave? - ?
54. Stop here, please. - , .
55. I'd like a ticket to...- ...
56. When does the check-in begin? - ?
57. Where can i return my ticket? - ?
58. Here are my passport and custom declaration -
59. Here is my luggage -
60. It is a business trip -
61. It is a turistic visit -
62. I travel with a group -
63. I want to book a room. .
64. I want a room with bed and breakfast. .
65. Non-smoking, please. - , .
66. Here you are. , .
67. Keep the change -
68. Could I have the bill? - ?
69. The hange is not correct -
70 Could you break this 100 (hundred) dollar bill? - 100- ?
71. What size is this sweater? ?
72. I want to try it on. - .
73. I need... - ...
74. I want to book a table. .
75. I'd like... - ...
76. I do not eat meat. -
77. I agree. - ().
78. With pleasure. - .
79. I see. - .
80. I am busy. - ().
81. No, thank you. - , .
82. I am sorry, but I cant. - , .
83. Thank you so much!- !
84. You are welcome! - ( ).
85. Best wishes! - !
86. Congratulations! - (-)!!
87. Happy birthday! - !
88. I wish you all the best! - !
89. Have a good time! - !
90. Have a good holiday! - !
91. Have a good trip! - !
92. Take care! !
93. Good luck! - !
94. See you (later)! - !
95. See you soon! - !
96. I need help. .
97. I'm lost. - .
98.I have an emergency. Please call for help. - . !
99. Call the police! - !
100. Call for a doctor. -


: 9

, 18 2014 . 10:47 +
_ [ + !]

: 9

15060714-shutterstock_157245068-605x419 (484x336, 46Kb)

. , , «» – . .



. 1

, 20 2014 . 23:33 +
bahera [ + !]

. 1


, , .
, .
, .
- (+), (-) (?).




, 20 2014 . 23:41 +
bahera [ + !]


  ,  . , , :

22 (393x541, 152Kb)


( 2-16):




, 27 2014 . 21:38 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


That's all - ( ).

I'm through / finished - ( / ).

I see - . / .

That's none of your business - He . / He .

Shut up! - ! / !

I don't mind - .

I think so - .
conversational-english 2 (303x351, 33Kb)


, 14 2014 . 21:20 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

Really? - ? [ˈrɪəlɪ]
What? -? [wɔt]
What a surprise! - !
Well I never! / Blimey! - !/ blimey='God blind me!', , ! [wel][aɪ] [ˈnevə]
That's the last thing I expected! - , !
You're kidding! - !
I don't believe it! / Are you serious? - / ?
I'm speechless! - ! [ˈspi:tʃlɪs]
I'd never have guessed. - ! guessed
Postcross_postcard_maria_van_bruggen_surprise_19 (600x600, 38Kb)



, 16 2014 . 21:26 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


joy [dʒɔɪ]
awe - , [ɔ:]
inspiration - [ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən]
delight [dɪˈlaɪt]
gaiety , [ˈɡeɪətɪ]
mirth , , [mə:θ]
fun , [fʌn]
gratification - , , [ˌɡrætɪfɪˈkeɪʃən]
gratitude - [ˈɡrætɪtju:d]
enjoyment , ; [ɪnˈdʒɔɪmənt]
pleasure [ˈpleʒə]
wish [wɪʃ]
amusement - , [əˈmju:zmənt]
hope - [həup]
serenity - [sɪˈrenɪtɪ]
empathy - , [ˈempəθɪ]
desire , [dɪˈzaɪə]
ecstasy , [ˈekstəsɪ]
love , , [lʌv]
affection , , [əˈfekʃən]
468390_stock-photo-ten-positive-emotions (400x293, 102Kb)



, 06 2014 . 14:01 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


to squeeze - [skwi:z]
to squeeze juice -

to crumple - [ˈkrʌmpl]
to crumple the paper -

to squash - [skwɔʃ]
to squash tomato -

to press -
to press the button -

to wring - [rɪŋ] , c
to wring a towel -

to crush - [krʌʃ] ,
to crush the rebellion -
10409491_469154533230554_234707972271929994_n (458x350, 24Kb)



, 17 2014 . 23:27 +

100%. !

1. Hello/ good bye - /
2. Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! - ! / /
3. Please thank you - /
4. Sorry -
5. I don't understand. -
6. Please speak more slowly. - , , .
7. Could you repeat that? - ?
8. What is your name? - ?
9. My name is . . . . - ...
10. Nice to meet you! -


, 23 2014 . 11:38 +

, . , .


Vocabulary on topic "Food"

, 23 2014 . 14:34 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

Vocabulary on topic "Food"

beef [bi:f] -
berry ['berɪ] -
biscuit ['bɪskɪt] -
bread [bred] -
butter ['bʌtə] -
cake [keɪk] - , ,
candy ['kændɪ] - ,
cheese [tʃi:z] -
chicken ['tʃɪkən] -
chicken [ʹtʃıkın] -
chocolate ['tʃɒklɪt] -
coffee ['kɔ:fɪ] -
duck [dʌk] -
egg [eg] -
fish [fɪʃ] -
ham [hæm] -
honey ['hʌnɪ] -
ice cream ['aɪskri:m] -
jam [dʒæm] - ,
juice [dʒu:s] -
kebab [kıʹbæb] -
kefir ['kefə] -
ketchup ['ketʃəp] -
macaroni, pasta, spaghetti [mækə'rəʋnɪ], ['pæstə],[spə'getɪ] -
meat [mi:t] -
milk [mɪlk] -
mushroom ['mʌʃru:m] -
mustard ['mʌstərd] -
mutton [ˊmʌtn] -
nut [nʌt] -
oil [ɔɪl] -
pancakes ['pænkeɪks] -
pepper ['pepər] -
pizza ['pi:tsə] -
pork [ʹpɔ:k] -
porridge (cereal) ['sɪrɪəl] -
poultry [ˊpəυltrɪ] - ,
rice [raɪs] -
salad ['sæləd] -
salt [sɔ:lt] -
sandwich ['sændwɪtʃ] -
sausage ['sɔ:sɪdʒ] -
soup [su:p] -
sugar ['ʃʋgər] -
sweets [swi:t] -
tea [tiː] -
turkey [ʹtɜ:kı] -
veal [vi:l] -
water ['wɒtə] -
yoghurt ['jɒgərt] -
images (1) (259x194, 8Kb)


, 18 2014 . 20:06 +

- - besides the house (near the house)
- - among us
- - between the houses
- - by the window
- - at the door
- - round the table
- - far from the house
- - beyond the river
- - in front of our office
- - opposite my house
- - behind me
- - adove my head
- - over the table
- - under the bed
- - below the ground
- - in the school
- - inside the house
- - outside the house
- - on the table
- - on the wall


, 18 2014 . 20:14 +

Antique shop -
Baker's -
Book shop -
Boutique - ,
Butcher's -
Chemist's/pharmacy/drug store -
Confectioner's/candy shop -
Crockery -
Dairy products -
Delicatessen / deli -
Department store -
Draper's/an interior/design shop -
Electrical store -
Fishmonger's -
Florist -
Greengrocer's -
Grocer's/grocery store -
Haberdashery -
Ironmonger's/hardware store -
Jeweller's -


, 16

, 06 2014 . 21:41 +

, 16 , . ! , . , , (!), 8 , 16. , , ... ? -

1. ! ! 10-15 .



. .

, 03 2015 . 01:05 +
LediLana [ + !]



, 03 2015 . 01:07 +
LediLana [ + !]


, 21 2015 . 21:57 +
Galyshenka [ + !]


: , , .

  • , , , :
    , , , . - .

  • , . .
    , . , ?
    , .
    , . , .
    . .

  • . :
    C, ?

  • . .
    , , . , .
    , , .

  • :
    20, 23.
    , , .



, 11 2015 . 10:48 +
48 [ + !]

: 19 2014 .

""?   : http://happyhope.ru




image (518x417, 195Kb)



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