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 - e-mail



: 05.11.2012
: 53751
: 953
: 55238



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, 31 2019 . 14:49 +
RUSSA_N [ + !]


  , 16 12. , : « , …»  « …».

! 10   . , (: ) . , .



- .

, 20 2019 . 16:24 +
justvitek [ + !]

4208855_Wo8hMS7gSfY (700x700, 221Kb)

- Arresting attention 
1. - I say. 
2. . - Look here 
3. . - Excuse me. 
4. . - What can I do for you?. 

- Thanks 
1. ( ). - It was very kind of you to do it. 
2. . - Thank you very much. 
3. , ( , , ). - Thank you for doing it (for coming, for telling). 
4. , . - Thank you, anyway. 
5. . - Thank you in advance. 
6. He (3). - Don't mention it. 
7. He . - Not at all. 
8. . - You are welcome. 

- Apologies
4208855_12 (220x104, 10Kb)



, 21 2018 . 10:38 +
alona777 [ + !]

 "Stress Relieving Flower Patterns"
: Alexandra Doffing



, 05 2018 . 13:04 +
komor_valerya [ + !]

   « » — 450 . 700 — , 15 — . , . «.» ,    .




, 10 2018 . 00:08 +
11111 [ + !]

1 (525x700, 308Kb)



, 23 2018 . 05:56 +
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, 15 2017 . 14:33 +
Ninyk [ + !]

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13) - , : ( ), ( ), ( ).

14) - : (? ?) ( ), (? ?) ( ), ( ).

15) ( ) . ( ? ?). : , , , .



, 23 2017 . 06:14 +
11111 [ + !]

01-HYkkVMKTO58 (531x700, 190Kb)



, 23 2017 . 06:01 +
_ [ + !]

0_6775f_4af4a8f3_XXXL (258x58, 6Kb)

, , . , . . 30 30 , .. , 30 . , , , , , .. , . . Dr. Paul Pimsleur
114155183_90042576_0_8416d_5f3ac03d_Skopirovanie (150x106, 37Kb)



. ..

, 22 2017 . 01:20 +
Gegoma [ + !]

: 2009
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, 31 2017 . 07:10 +
_ [ + !]

header (700x119, 10Kb)

596097_1 (517x700, 126Kb)

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- .PDF

, 23 2017 . 04:50 +
Gegoma [ + !]

4870325_9RMASOPOMYU (595x700, 301Kb)

 : .., ..
 : .:  
: 2007
  : 259
 : PDF
: 27.4 Mb 



, 18 2017 . 09:58 +
_ [ + !]

*** :)))***  .

  •    •    •    •    •     •     •    •     •    •     •     •     •    •    •    •     •     •     •     •    •    •    •     •    •     •    •    •  




, 12 2017 . 09:36 +
Konstancia [ + !]



. 1-4

, 04 2017 . 08:55 +
Svetlana-sima [ + !]

tablitsy_po_russkomu_yazyku_1-4_klassy-1 (495x700, 59Kb)



, 15 2017 . 15:50 +
gyord-pro-ladies [ + !]

4425087_rsz_dollarphotoclub_796927381024x768 (700x525, 80Kb)

    ,     — , ,    , .




. . (.)

, 07 2017 . 13:28 +
_ [ + !]

. . (.)

hard soft ( )
narrow wide ( )
empty full ( )
sharp, keen, acute dull, blunt ( )
strong, tough weak, delicate, fragile
, , ,
big, large little, small ( )
bold, confident timid, shy
, ,
brave, bold afraid, frightened
, ,
bright, colorful dull, colorless
, ,
busy, occupied free ( )
calm, quiet noisy, excited
, ,
careful, cautious careless
cheerful gloomy ( )
clean, neat dirty (, )
clever foolish, stupid
/ ,
cold, cool hot, warm
, ,
confident, sure not sure

crazy reasonable, sensible
cruel kind ( )
dangerous safe
dead alive ( )
deep shallow ( )
delicious, tasty tasteless, inedible
different the same, similar
difficult, hard easy ( )
dry wet ( )
early late ( )
expensive cheap ( )
far, distant near, close (, )
fast, quick slow ( )
screenshot_325 (501x309, 230Kb)



, 07 2017 . 13:17 +
11111 [ + !]

01-5jMtnWJ7-sQ (563x700, 371Kb)


 : [23] 22 21 ..
.. 1