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  • , (55)
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  •    Ma-riska (20)
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  • (1513)
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  •     (5)
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 - e-mail



: 02.11.2012
: 5630
: 465
: 6612



, 12 2015 . 13:39 +
[ + !]


, 20 2015 . 18:20 +
i08r06y64 [ + !]




. , .

, , , .

, , , . :

throw-threw-thrown, ()
fly-flew-flown, ()
catch-caught-caught, ()
bring-brought-brought. ()
Fling-flung-flung ? ()
Cling-clung-clung , ()
, , say-said-said, ()
hear-heard-heard, ()
feel-felt-felt ()
kneel-knelt-knelt... ( )
Cost-cost-cost !!! ()

win-won-won. , ()
lose-lost-lost, ! ()
fight-fought-fought ()

weep-wept-wept (, )
sleep-slept-slept ()

buy-bought-bought ()
pay-paid-paid, ()
lay-laid-laid ()
think-thought-thought, ()
Smell-smelt-smelt ! ()
sweep-swept-swept, ()
keep-kept-kept, ()
Learn-learnt-learnt ()
Sew-sewed-sewn ()
Shine-shone-shone (, )
know-knew-known, ()
- grow-grew-grown. (, )
dream-dreamt-dreamt ()

Drink-drank-drunk ()
forget-forgot-forgotten ()

, , have-had-had()
do-did-done, ()
- creep-crept-crept, ()
weep-wept-wept. ()
hurt-hurt-hurt ()
fight-fought-fought ()
, shoot-shot-shot. ()

Strike-struck-struck . ()
, swell-swelled-swollen ()
Freeze-froze-frozen ()
break-broke-broken ()
Bind-bound-bound . ()
Draw-drew-drawn ()

Hide-hid-hidden . ()
spread-spread-spread ()
send-sent-sent, ()
, steal-stole-stolen . ()

Spit-spat-spat . ()
Lean-leant-leant ()
, !
, , fall-fell-fallen ()
Write-wrote-written , ()
Ride-rode-ridden , ()
Be-was-been . ()
Seek-sought-sought - ()
bite-bit-bitten ()
find-found-found ()

become-became-become. ()
Give-gave-given ()
feed-fed-fed ()
- .

let-let-let. ()
sit-sat-sat, ()
Knit-knit-knit , ()

quit-quit-quit; (, )

lead-led-led: ()
dwell- dwelt-dwelt , ()
lie-lay-lain, ()

dig-dug-dug, ()
Find-found-found, , ()

, , think-thought-thought, ()
strive-strove-striven ()
thrive-throve-thriven! ()
Take-took-taken ()
Go-went-gone . ()

Drive-drove-driven , ()
Eat-ate-eaten ()

Fly-flew-flown , ()
Hold-held-held , ()
Spend-spent-spent ()
Build-built-built ...()
wake-woke-woken, ()
speak-spoke-spoken ()
( ),
Leave-left-left , (, )
Run-ran-run , ()
Find-found-found ... ! ()

put-put-put ()
begin-began-begun ()
cut-cut-cut, ()
shut-shut-shut, ()
light-lit-lit, ()
hit-hit-hit, ()
ring-rang-rung ()
, , run-ran-run. ()
think-thought-thought, ()

Hang-hung-hung , ()
see-saw-seen, ()
fly-flew-flown, , ()
swim-swam-swum , ()
Lie-lay-lain , ()

Teach-taught-taught ! ()
Make-made-made ! ()
be-was-been ()
Steal-stole-stolen , ()
Beat-beat-beaten, ! ()

Speak-spoke-spoken ? ()
Sing-sang-sung . ()

Leap-leapt-leapt, ! ()
Tell-told-told ()
burst-burst-burst . ()

Sell-sold-sold ! ()

Weave-wove-woven . ()
mean-meant-meant, ()
Understood understood ()
stand-stood-stood? ()
get-got-gotten ! ()

" ":

1 -
2 -
30 - .. .
31 - -
32 - C


, 09 2015 . 21:06 +
lazy_Mary [ + !]

     (700x605, 202Kb)


- 50

, 06 2015 . 22:58 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

- 50

0_437b5_1d0a7e28_XL (622x414, 18Kb)

Calm down. — .

Coffee? If it is no bother. — ? .

Come on. Let's get this over with. — .

Do you want me to help you? You bet! — , ? !

Don't be silly. — . .

Don't mention that. — .

Don't worry, I can make it on my own. — He , .

Don't worry. Relax. — He . . .

Get lost. — . . .



, 29 2015 . 01:26 +
lazy_Mary [ + !]

, .

АНГЛ 1 (644x598, 219Kb)



, 04 2014 . 22:34 +
Milendia_Solomarina [ + !]

: ,

, , , .  http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/elementary-podcasts


1. -


Elementary Podcasts

Practise your English language listening skills with Elementary Podcasts. Listen to them on your computer, or download them to your mp3 player or smartp

2. - - , .

Girl with red glasses and headphones

Listen and Watch

You can listen or watch on your computer, or download audio and video files to your mp3 player.

All of our audio and video materials are accompanied by language practice activities that you can do on your computer while you listen or watch, or print out and do when you want.


3. ,  



, 28 2014 . 00:37 +
_ [ + !]

, .

– , ( ) .


1. booksshouldbefree.com – .
2. storynory.com – .
3. librivox.org – ( ) . .



, 17 2014 . 00:28 +
Milendia_Solomarina [ + !]

. - , , , , ( -), - . :

  (30 , )

! ! ! . , , 30- . , , , , . , . Pimsleur . , - , ..



2 - ( 30-60, )




, 17 2014 . 09:41 +
poohmargo [ + !]

-) )

        -) , ))) " " blushgringrin, )))   - -, - ))) , ))))) 

          ) ) , , ""spruce_up

! , , ( ))) ,   ( derisive  ) - , , . ( ))))   , , , ) , , , , ...( grin), - ( ""))))), , , ,   , ( , , , ), ) )))), , )

) - good  , , .

, ) )



. - . ( English_Bloggrin,  , )))), , , )) ))))

. , ! ( , , ... )

1356479708_inglish-vinglish (212x300, 22Kb)


, . , . , , ? , , , , ... , , .






Language Exchange

, 24 2014 . 00:54 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


: Green Card +

, 21 2014 . 21:25 +
Milendia_Solomarina [ + !]

: Green Card +

, " ", , , " " - . :-) - ( " "), , !

, , :

BBC Learning English – , -. «6 minute English» ( ), Pronunciation tips (, )   The Flatmates – .




, 13 2013 . 15:25 +
_ [ + !]


- 10 .
. :)



, 04 2013 . 00:24 +
ITDalee [ + !]


1. WordSteps – . (, , PC), .

2. - , . , , , , .

3. www.englishtopic.narod.ru/ - English Topics and Texts - .

1020871_Cg3rCFM74dk (604x340, 73Kb)


 : [1]