
  • (16)
  • Li (28)
  • (1)
  • (0)
  • (0)
  • (0)
  • (0)
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  • (15)
  • (115)
  • (134)
  • (29)
  • (5)
  • (16)
  • ... (139)
  • (115)
  • sibdrf (0)
  • (107)
  • (280)
  • .....,,, (303)
  • (30)
  • , (90)
  • (2107)
  • (92)
  • (16)
  • - (62)
  • (2)
  • (2)
  • (126)
  • (65)
  • (32)
  • (7)
  • : ..... (36)
  • (123)
  • (2833)
  • : (4)
  • : (309)
  • (1740)
  • (99)
  • (3)
  • (13)
  • (1180)
  • : , (41)
  • (4)
  • , ... (96)
  • (14)
  • , (10)
  • , ... (259)
  • (174)
  • (79)
  • (33)
  • (93)
  • (1723)
  • : (7)
  • : , (5)
  • : (17)
  • (7)
  • (122)
  • (241)
  • (63)
  • (120)
  • (275)
  • . (299)
  • , (952)
  • (7)
  • , (144)
  • (18)
  • (191)
  • (119)
  • (556)
  • (176)
  • (253)
  • (4683)
  • (16)
  • : (40)
  • (254)
  • (24)
  • (13)
  • (125)
  • (20)
  • (244)
  • (271)
  • : (6)
  • (161)
  • ,... (32)
  • (76)
  • (42)
  • (5)
  • (103)
  • (74)
  • (1371)
  • : (25)
  • : (58)
  • : (48)
  • (2381)
  • (145)
  • , ... (79)
  • (1399)
  • (34)
  • (52)
  • (2)
  • (238)
  • (8)
  • (30)
  • (12)
  • (12)
  • (12)
  • - (607)
  • - (228)
  • (12)
  • (13)
  • (1)
  • (257)
  • (190)
  • ,... (259)
  • (334)
  • (67)
  • (297)
  • (19)
  • (29)
  • (23)
  • (1)
  • (5)
  • , (18)
  • (65)
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  • (204)
  • (1462)
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  • (13)
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  • (136)
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  • (108)
  • (3)
  • (73)
  • (11)
  • (4)
  • (801)
  • (20)
  • (28)
  • (164)
  • (1)
  • , (377)
  • (84)
  • (802)
  • : (3)
  • (86)
  • : (5)
  • (29)
  • (56)
  • (354)
  • (1139)
  • (52)
  • (12)
  • (28)
  • (6)
  • (268)
  • (81)
  • (11)
  • (476)
  • ... (499)
  • (86)
  • (398)
  • (3)
  • (169)
  • (48)
  • () (1)
  • (273)
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  • (598)
  • (11)
  • (14)
  • (612)
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  • (2)
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  • (50)
  • (99)
  • (2)
  • ,,, (123)
  • (68)
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  • (135)
  • (377)
  • (58)
  • (65)
  • (67)
  • : (21)
  • (69)
  • (37)
  • (97)
  • (1)
  • (10)
  • (0)
  • (5)
  • (97)



 - e-mail



: 19.10.2012
: 39544
: 833
: 40578



: (97), (5), (0), (10), (1), (97), (37), (69), : (21), (67), (65), (58), (377), (135), (60), (68), ,,,(123), (2), (99), (50), (1), (2), (47), (612), (14), (11), (598), (419), (273), ()(1), (48), (169), (3), (398), (86), ...(499), (476), (11), (81), (268), (6), (28), (12), (52), (1139), (354), (56), (29), : (5), (86), : (3), (802), (84), ,(377), (1), (164), (28), (20), (801), (4), (11), (73), (3), (108), (243), (136), (13), (11), (345), (13), (108), (185), (1462), (204), (25), (179), (38), (65), ,(18), (5), (1), (23), (29), (19), (297), (67), (334), ,...(259), (190), (257), (1), (13), (12), - (228), - (607), (12), (12), (12), (30), (8), (238), (2), (52), (34), (1399), , ...(79), (145), (2381), : (48), : (58), : (25), (1371), (74), (103), (5), (42), (76), ,...(32), (161), : (6), (271), (244), (20), (125), (13), (24), (254), :(40), (16), (4683), (253), (176), (556), (119), (191), (18), ,(144), (7), ,(952), .(299), (275), (120), (63), (241), (122), (7), : (17), : ,(5), :(7), (1723), (93), (33), (79), (174), , ...(259), , (10), (14), , ...(96), (4), : ,(41), (1180), (13), (3), (99), (1740), : (309), : (4), (2833), (123), : .....(36), (7), (32), (65), (126), (2), (2), -(62), (16), (92), (2107), ,(90), (30), .....,,,(303), (280), (107), sibdrf (0), (115), ...(139), (16), (5), (29), (134), (115), (15), (482), (410), (2), (5), (44), (223), (140), (31), (18), (2), (107), (6), (0), (0), (0), (0), (1), Li(28), (16)

, 18 2022 . 21:50 +
Veta_160 [ + !]

? , .
, .

" "

The ABC .
1. .
2. .
3. .
2 (410x50, 11Kb)
- " "

. - .
2 (410x50, 11Kb)


, 01 2018 . 22:52 +
Kudina [ + !]



, 23 2017 . 20:38 +
__ [ + !]

! !

, !


, . , , !




, 12 2017 . 10:11 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

(Phrasal verbs) - Look

(Phrasal verbs) - Look

look about = look around - ,
look about for - , (-.)
I've been looking about for a better job since Christmas.

look back - ,
Man stopped and looked back.
I want to be able to look back -

look down - , / -
he looked down towards the water -
look up and down -

look down - ;

look down - ; ;
look down nose - ( -., -.)

look for - , ,
What are you looking for?
? ?

look forward to - ; (-.)
I'm looking forward to some warmer weather after this bitter winter.
, , .

look out - (.)
Look out! - ! !

look out - ( -. ), (-.)
My hotel room looks out across the lake. - .

look out for - , (-. / -.)
to look out for a house - ( )

look over - , , / ,
He looked around, is there someone else.
, - .

look over - ,
So me and John start to look over the rest of the fuel trucks.
, .

look in - (-.) /
I don't intend to look in tonight, there's nothing worth watching.
, .

look through - , (-.) / ,
I said good morning but she looked me straight through and walked on.
, .

look up - (-. )
look up to - (-.), (-.)
look up - (.) ( )
Things are looking up. - .

look up - (-.)
While you're in London, do look up our old teacher, he'll be pleased to see you.
, , .





, 12 2017 . 10:10 +
kudryashechka [ + !]



I agree / disagree...
In my opinion, ... / From my point of view, ... / As far as I am concerned, ...

I believe that ... / It seems to me that ...
I am in favour of ... / I am against the idea of ...
According to ...
Some people say that ...
It is said / believed that ...
There is no doubt that ...
It cannot be denied that ...
It goes without saying that ....
We must admit that ...


The main argument in favour / against is ...
First of all, I should like to consider ...
The first thing (I would like to consider) to be considered is...
To begin with ... / To start with ...
Apart from that ...
Despite the fact that ... / In spite of the fact that ...
On the one hand ... / On the other hand, ...
Besides, ... / In addition, ...
What is more, ... / Moreover, ... / More than that, ...
What matters most in this case is ...
Finally, ...
However, ... / ..., though
... although ... / ... even though ...
Nevertheless, ...

- :

for this reason
therefore / that is why
sth happened
because of
as a result of
owing to / due to
as a consequence of


for example
for instance
such as


To sum up, ....
To conclude, ...
On this basis, I can conclude that ...
In conclusion, I would like to stress that ...
All in all, I believe that ...

a graduate – ( )
paper qualifications – ,
work experience –
to graduate from (a college, university etc.) – (, )
train as – ,
to qualify as – , -
in-house training –
management development –
management training – ,
skilled — , , (-, )
unskilled – , (-, )
highly skilled – (-, , )
semi-skilled– (-, )
to be skilled at/in smth – , -
to be skilled at/in doing smth – , -
customer care –
good with = skilled at/in – , -
a self-starter = self-motivated = self=driven = proactive] – ( – )
methodical = systematic = organized – ,
computer-literate – ,
numerate –
motivated– ( )
talented– ,
a team player – ,
come through experience –
accountancy firm –
laborer (AmE) = labourer (BrE) – (, )




I THINK (/):

, 12 2017 . 10:09 +
kudryashechka [ + !]

I think (/):

I suppose – , ,
I suppose it will rain today. (, .)

I reckon – ,
I reckon she is angry at me for leaving her alone. (, - , .)

I guess – , ,
I guess I’ll go now. (, , .)

I imagine – ,
I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel. (, .)

I presume – ,
That’s the new assistant, I presume. ( , .)

In my opinion –
In my opinion this matter is not as bad as it may seem. ( , , .)

I believe – ,
I believe he is innocent. (, .)

It seems to me that – , …
It seems to me that they are conspiring against us. ( , - .)

To my way of thinking,… - , -
To my way of thinking, his speech was not very convincing. ( , .)

As I see it, … – ,
As I see it, he has done nothing wrong but helped his family. ( , , .)

The way I see things is that… – , -
The way I see things is that they have committed a crime and have to be punished. ( , , .)


400 , 75%

, 12 2017 . 21:17 +
__ [ + !]

400 , 75%

, !




, 01 2017 . 22:16 +
VIPs [ + !]

100 ?

5745884__3_ (604x362, 129Kb)
1. ,
arise, arose, arisen (, )



, 20 2017 . 10:15 +
__1008 [ + !]

- !

3769678_9 (650x400, 183Kb)



, 09 2017 . 22:35 +
justvitek [ + !]

4208855_mNI071OMMdk (604x448, 55Kb)


Can you spare me a moment? - ?
Could you do me a favor? - ?
Do you mind my smoking? - , ?
Don’t take it to heart -
Don't mention it -
Forget it - ,
Have a good time -
Here's to… - ,
How about… - …
How are they getting on? - ?
How come? - ?
How did it come about? - ?
How did it work out? - ?
How do you like it here? - ?
How so? - ?
How was it? - ?
How's that? - ?
I beg your pardon -
I meant well I meant no harm -
I wish I could - ,
It does you credit -
It would be very kind of you -
It's very kind of you -
Let me introduce -
May I help you? -
Never mind - ,
Shut up! - !
Take it easy - ,
Thank you anyway -
Thank you in advance -
There, there - , …
What can I do for you? - ?
What do you make of it - ?
What does he look like? - ?
What kind of man is he? - ?
What shall I do? - ?
What's going on? - ?
What's happening? - ?
What's the matter? - ?
What's the trouble? - ?
What's up? - ? ? ?



, 01 2016 . 00:59 +
Ellynna [ + !]


70  ,



. .

, 23 2016 . 21:02 +
_ [ + !]


7 ,

, 04 2016 . 18:55 +
Marino_Blu [ + !]

7 ,

,   ...





, 04 2016 . 18:54 +
Nataly2012 [ + !]


400 , 75%

, 04 2016 . 14:51 +
Dansing_Dragon [ + !]

400 , 75%

400 , 75%


, , -,  .

Oxford English Corpus ( ), .

0/funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/0-29-300x241.jpg" target="_blank">http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/0-29-300x241.jpg 300w, http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/0-29-370x297.jpg 370w" width="1024" />

, 100 50% ( ).


100 , 100 , 400 , . .

. . . , .

1/funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/1-37-267x300.jpg" target="_blank">http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/1-37-267x300.jpg 267w, http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/1-37-264x297.jpg 264w" width="800" />

4/funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/4-25-267x300.jpg" target="_blank">http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/4-25-267x300.jpg 267w, http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/4-25-264x297.jpg 264w" width="800" />

3/funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/3-30-267x300.jpg" target="_blank">http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/3-30-267x300.jpg 267w, http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/3-30-264x297.jpg 264w" width="800" />


2/funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/2-28-267x300.jpg" target="_blank">http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/2-28-267x300.jpg 267w, http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/2-28-264x297.jpg 264w" width="800" />



. 15 ! . .

, 04 2016 . 14:49 +
vdomarvik [ + !]

. 15 ! . .

. 15 ! . 1.

! . 2.



, 31 2016 . 12:29 +
justvitek [ + !]

I'm totally over the moon. - !
I'm on cloud nine -
I'm sick and tired - .
I haven't got a care in the world. - .I couldn't care less. ()
I had a complete fit. - .
She blew her top. - "" .
There's a bad vibe round here. ()
(I'm) bored to death - ()
I'm exhausted - ( )
Get annoyed -
(feel) miserable (about) - , (-)
beside oneself with - -
have half a mind to - , .
keep cool -
take to heart -
come to one's senses -
strain at the leash -

4208855_7zS8rlVKE0 (478x604, 53Kb)


, 26 2016 . 09:57 +
justvitek [ + !]


1. agonized - [ˈæɡənaɪzd]
2. aggressive - [əˈɡresɪv] ,
3. anxious - [ˈæŋkʃəs] ,
4. arrogant - [ˈærəgənt] ,
5. apologetic - [əpɒlədʒˈetɪk] ,
6. blissful - [blˈɪsfl] ,
7. bored - [bɔ:d]
8. bashful - [bˈæʃfʊl] ,
9. cautious - [kˈɔːʃəs] ,
10. cold - [kəuld] ,
11. curious - [ˈkjuərɪəs]
12. concentrating - [ˈkɔnsəntreɪtin]
13. confident - [ˈkɔnfɪdənt] ,
14. demure - [dɪmjˈʊəː] ,
15. determined - [dɪˈtə:mɪnd]
16. disappointed - [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd]
17. disbelieving - [ˈdɪsbɪˈli:vin] /
18. disapproving - [ˈdɪsəˈpru:vin]
19. distasteful - [dɪsˈteɪstful]
20. disgusted - [dɪsgˈʌstɪd] , ,
21. ecstatic - [ɛkstˈætɪk] ,
22. envious - [ˈenvɪəːs]
23. enraged - [ɪnrˈeɪːdʒd] ,
24. exhausted - [ɪɡˈzɔ:stɪd] ,
25. exasperated - [ɪgzˈæspərɛɪːtɪd] ,
26. frustrated - [frʌstrˈeɪːtid] ,
27. frightened - [ˈfraɪtnid] - ,
28. grieving - [ɡri:vin] ,
29. guilty - [ˈɡɪltɪ] ,
30. horrified - [hˈɒrɪfaɪːd] ,
31. happy - [ˈhæpɪ] ,
32. hot - [hɔt] ,
33. hangover - [ˈhæŋˌəuvə]
34. hysterical - [hɪsˈterɪkəl] -
35. hurt - [hə:t] ,
36. indifferent - [ɪnˈdɪfrənt]
37. idiotic - [ˌɪdɪˈɔtɪk] ,
38. interested - [ˈɪntrɪstɪd] ,
39. innocent - [ˈɪnəsənt] , ,
40. jealous - [ˈdʒeləs]
41. joyful - [ˈdʒɔɪful]
42. loaded - [ˈləudɪd] , -
43. lonely - [ˈləunlɪ] ,
44. lovestruck - [lˈʌvɛstrʌk]
45. meditative - [mˈedɪtətɪv]
46. mischievous - [mˈɪstʃɪvəs] , ,
47. miserable - [ˈmɪzərəbl] , ,
48. negative - [ˈneɡətɪv] ,
49. obstinate - [ˈɒbstɪnət] ,
50. optimistic - [ˌɔptɪˈmɪstɪk] ,
51. pained - [peɪnd] , ,
52. paranoid - [pˈærənɔɪːd] ,
53. perplexed - [pəplˈekst] ,
54. prudish - [prˈuːdɪʃ] , ,
55. puzzled - [ˈpʌzlid] ,
56. regretful - [rɪˈɡretful] ,
57. relieved - [rɪˈli:vid] ,
58. sad - [sæd] ,
59. satisfied - [ˈsætɪsfaɪd]
60. sheepish - [ʃˈiːpɪʃ]1) , ; 2)
61. shocked - [ʃɔkt] ,
62. smug - [smˈʌg]
63. surly - [sˈɜːli] ,
64. suspicious - [səspˈɪʃəs]
65. surprised - [səˈpraɪzid] ,
66. sympathetic - [ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk] 1) ; 2)
67. thoughtful - [θɔ:tful] ,
68. withdrawn - [wɪðdrˈɔːn] ,
69. undecided - [ˈʌndɪˈsaɪdɪd] ,


- ͨ .

, 23 2016 . 17:41 +
Irisha-SR [ + !]

- .

 : [11] 10 9 ..
.. 1