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Аве, Мария. - Madonna and angels. Beautiful details

Пятница, 16 Января 2015 г. 08:33 + в цитатник
Цитата сообщения lomovolga Аве, Мария. - Madonna and angels. Beautiful details. \2\




part 1


the Small Cowper Madonna (detail),


Джон Уильямс *Колыбельная для ангела*


Madonna of the Basket.
1524. NG. London


1500-01, detail of Angel Gabriel,
Baglione Chapel, Santa Maggiore, Spello


Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine (plus St. Sebastian).



 Мастер легенды Марии Магдалины (мастерская)
Мария Магдалина
Национальная галерея



Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606 – 1669)
'The Holy Family’
1645 oil on canvas,
Hermitage Museum


Master of the St. Lucy Legend.
Virgin of the Rose Garden with Saints, c.1475-80



Master of the St. Lucy Legend.
Virgin of the Rose Garden with Saints, c.1475-80, detail


Master of the St. Lucy Legend.
Virgin of the Rose Garden with Saints, (detail) c.1475-80


.Cervara Altarpiece.Virgin.1506


Cervara Altarpiece.Virgin. (detail) 1506


Jan Gossaert (active 1503; died 1532)
Virgin and Child
c. 1520. Oil on panel. 53,4 x 40,2 cm.
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago. 1957.47.


Michael Sittow.
[Catherine of Aragon (?) as] Mary Magdalene


.Virgin among Virgins.1509.left group.[Rouen]


Virgin among Virgins.1509.left group.heads.


Jan Gossaert (active 1503; died 1532)
The Virgin and Child
c. 1527. Oil on panel. 63 x 50 cm.
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid. P01930.


Jan Gossaert (active 1503; died 1532)
Madonna and Child
c. 1532. Oil on panel. 34,4 x 24,8 cm
  National Gallery of Art, Washington.


Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/8-1543)
Venus and Amor
c. 1526/1528. Oil on panel. 34.5 x 26 cm.
Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel. 323.


Paolo Veronese.
The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine, 1550s


Jan Gossaert (active 1503; died 1532)
Madonna and Child
c. 1520. Oil on panel (rounded at the top). 25,4 x 19,3 cm.
Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague. 830.


Geertgen Tot Sin Jans.
Glorification of the Virgin.[Rotterdam]


Paolo Veronese (1528-1588)
The Annunciation
c. 1580. Oil on canvas. 98,4 x 75,3 cm
  National Gallery of Art, Washington.


Virgin and Child with the Infant Baptist.


Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530)
1518. Oil on canvas. 185 x 137 cm.
Musée du Louvre, Paris.


Virgin and Child with Angel. c1523.


Giovanni di Paolo,
Branchini Madonna, 1427, detail


Giovanni di Paolo,
Branchini Madonna, 1427, detail


Martin Schongauer,
Holy Family.1480s.


Raphael and Giulio Romano.
Madonna della Quercia. c.1518-1522.


Giovanni Bellini,
St.Vincenzo Ferrer Polyptych.c.1464. Detail of Angel Gabriel


Gianfresco Penni,
Spinola Madonna.1518-1520


Housebook Master.
Holy Family by the Rosebush.1480-1490



Леонардо да Винчи



Quentin Massys,
St. Anne Triptych (detail)


Cleve,Joos van.
Holy family.c.1512-1513


Frankfurt Master.
Adoration of the Christ Child, c.1510-1520


Hans Memling (active 1465; died 1494)
Virgin and Child
c. 1475-1480. Oil on wood. 24,8 cm diameter.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 32.100.59.


Hans Memling (active 1465; died 1494)
The Virgin Mary nursing the Christ Child
1487-1490. Oil and gold on panel. 174 cm diameter.
Private collection.


Bernaert van Orley,
Virgin and Child.


Paolo Veronese (1528-1588)
Saint Catherine of Alexandria in Prison
c. 1580-1585. Oil on canvas. 116,2 x 83,8 cm.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 1999.225.



Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine.


Quentin Massys,
Virgin at Prayer.


Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi).
Holy Family with St. John, early 16th c.


Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi).
Holy Family with St. John, early 16th c., detail


Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi).
Holy Family with St. John, early 16th c., detail


Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi).
Holy Family with St. John,
early 16th c., detail


Vittore Carpaccio,
Virgin Reading, c.1505.


Virgin and child.


 Jan Gossaert (active 1503; died 1532)
Madonna with the Child (replica)
16th century. Oil on panel. 44 x 32,2 cm.
The State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg.


Virgin Adoring the Christ Child. 1520s.


Mary Magdalene. c.1518-19.



Leonardo da Vinci,
Benois Madonna, c.1478, detail



Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530)
Holy Family with St John the Baptist
c. 1529. Oil on panel. 129 x 100 cm.
The State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg.


Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530)
Madonna and Child with the Young St John
c. 1518. Oil on wood. 154 x 101 cm.
Galleria Borghese, Rome.


Holy Family with the Infant St. John the Baptist.


St. Catherine.
[Hampton Court] 




Detail from the Sibyls from the Chigi Chapel.
c1512-1513.S.Maria della Pace.Rome


Quentin Massys.
Madonna and Child, 1520s


Madonna della Tenda.c.1513-1514.


Paolo Veronese, T
he Vision of St. Helena, c.1560-1565


The Vision of St. Helena, c.1580


Tobias and the Angel, 1514


Jacopo Pontormo,
Madonna and Child with Three Angels, ea. 16th. c.



Paolo Veronese,
The Wedding at Cana, 1559, detail


Юлиус Гюбнер


Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban
The Infant Christ Distributing Bread to the Pilgrims


Giorgione (attributed).
Christ Carrying the Cross.
[Isabella Stewart Gardner Mus.]


de Jongh, Claude -(1605/1606–1663)
Saint Lawrence crowned by Baby Jesus


Jean Baptiste Marie Pierre.
The Adoration of the Shepherds, c.1745 (detail)


  Jean Baptiste Marie Pierre.
The Adoration of the Shepherds, c.1745 (detail)



Otto van Veen,
Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine, detail


Virgin and Child (The Bache Mdonna).
c.1512. [MMOA]


Jan Gossaert (Mabuse),
Adoration of the Kings, c1510-15


Jan Gossaert (Mabuse),
Adoration of the Kings, (detail)
c1510-15 [NG.London]


Christ and the Adultress


The Rape of Europa. 1559-62. Detail of putto on fish


  Jacopo Pontormo,
Madonna and Child with Three Angels, ea. 16th. c. (detail)


  The Annunciation (detail)
by Francesco del Cossa.
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden.




Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528)
The Paumgartner Tryptych.
Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germa


Rogier van der Weijden (1399-1464)
St. Luke Lucas painting the Madonna.
Arttreasures of the Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany.


  Jan Provoost (1465-1529)
Martyrdom of Saint Catherine of Alexandria. Detail.
Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp.

Quinten Massys (Metsys) 1465-1530 -
The Virgin and Child with Angels. Detail.
Around 1500-1509. The Courtauld Institute of Art, London.


Quinten Massys (Metsys) 1465-1530
The Adoration of the Magi. Detail.
Around 1521. John Stewart Kennedy Fund, 1911. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.


Quinten Massys (Metsys) 1465-1530
Maria Magdalena. Detail.
Around 1525. Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.


Quinten Massys (Metsys) 1465-1530
Maria Magdalen. Detail.
The Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp

Gerard David (Netherlandish, ca.1455-1523)
Archangel Gabriel. Detail.
1505. Robert Lehman Collection,
1975. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.


  Jean Bellegambe (ca.1470-ca.1535)
La Vierge à l'Enfant. Detail.
Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels.


Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528)
Madonna with the Siskin.
Detail. 1506. Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin



Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528)
Madonna with the Siskin. Detail.
1506. Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.



Petrus Christus (Netherlandish, active by 1444, died 1475 or 1476)
The Annunciation. Detail.



 15th century German painting.
Kunsthalle, Hamburg.



Quinten Metsys (Massijs) 1465/1466- 1530
Madonna and Child. Workshop. Detail. Before 1530.



Jan van Eyck (Netherlandish, c.1390-1441)
The Annunciation. Detail.
Andrew W. Mellon Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington.



Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1618-1682,
Vierge à l’Enfant avec sainte Rose de Viterbe, v. 1670, dét.,
Musée Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid



Raphael (1483-1520)
La Vierge à l'Enfant avec le petit Saint Jean-Baptiste, dite la Belle Jardiniere. Detail.
Musée du Louvre.



Леонардо да Винчи.
Madonna with a Flower (Benois Madonna, detail)) 1478






Серия сообщений "живопись старых мастеров \3\":
Часть 1 - Живопись старых мастеров. Портрет \15\
Часть 2 - Живопись старых мастеров. Портрет \16\
Часть 32 - Живопись старых мастеров. Портрет (details) \29\
Часть 33 - Живопись старых мастеров. Портрет (details) \30\
Часть 34 - Аве, Мария. - Madonna and angels. Beautiful details. \2\

Серия сообщений "Old masters. Beautiful Details":
Часть 1 - Old masters. Beautiful painting Details \1\
Часть 2 - Old masters. Beautiful painting Details \2\
Часть 19 - Look beautiful eyes. Parts Of The Old Masters. \2\
Часть 20 - Зарубежные творцы. Живопись старых мастеров, (details) \28\
Часть 21 - Аве, Мария. - Madonna and angels. Beautiful details. \2\
Рубрики:  искусство


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