
  • (3612)
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  •    ) (44)
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  •     (Point to point) (30)
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  • (1255)
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  • ܨ (849)
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  •    , .. (6)
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  •     (36)
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  • (365)
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  •     (100)
  •    - (15)
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  • (6)
  • (6)
  • (6)


 - e-mail



: 04.08.2012
: 8494
: 27
: 8595



: (87)

: (18), ܨ(849), (14), - (230), (3612), (16), (72), (45), (40), (13), (365), (87), (6), (22), ...(51), (672), (24), (6), (240), online(56), (64), (7), (14), (7), (51), (101), (6), (399), (1255), (315), , , ...(17), (7)

, 03 2020 . 21:19 +
_ [ + !]


12 ,

, , , . . .

, , Grey’s Anatomy , .

5222098_qOaypKiB2ws (700x542, 91Kb)

5222098_6MxR2UCDxkY (700x592, 94Kb)

- /


, 03 2020 . 21:04 +
_ [ + !]

Thanks for your quick reply. - .
Apologies for the delay. - .
Sorry for the delay with the answer. - .
Thank you for your letter. - .
We thank you for your letter of the 10th of July. - 10- .
We thank you for your inquiry of the 10th of July. - 10- .
Due to the fact that... - , ...
In reply to your letter of the 25th of May... - 25- ...
In answer to your letter of the 25th of May... - 25- ...
Further to our letter of the 11th of January... - 11- ...
In response to your cable... - ...
In response to your telex... - ...
All whom it may concern... - , ...
In accordance with the terms of our agreement... - ...
In conformity with your instruction we ... - , ...
We are writing to inform you... - ...
Kindly note that... - , , ...
I regret to inform you... - , ...
I have been informed that... - , ...
We are forced to inform you... - ...
We wish to draw your attention to the following: - :
We draw your attention to the fact... - ...
We confirm that... - , ...
We acknowledge the receipt of... - ...
We have received your letter of... - ...
We have learnt with regret of... - ...
We have learnt with regret about... - ...
We regret to hear of... - ...
We regret to hear about... - ...
We are surprised to learn that... - , .
Regarding your letter of... - ...
Will you please notice that... - , ...
Please note that... - , ...
Please take notice that... - , ...
Please inform us about... - …
- /


, 03 2020 . 21:01 +
_ [ + !]

o ooo

to take a chance - o
to have a rest - o
to take offence - o
to take a nap -
shadow cabinet - o
to hit the target - o
golden share - oo
to put an end to - oo o, oo
to play with fire - o
the root of the trouble - o
to read between lines - o
to take into account - o
to make a point - o ooo
to jump at conclusions - o o
it's high time - o o ( "oo ")
take your time - oo ( " o ")
help yourself - o ( "oo ")
to make a decision - ( "")
to achieve results - o o
pay attention - o ( "") (o)
draw (smb's) attention - o (-o)
moment of silence - o
ups-and-downs -
trouble shooter - o o
at the world's end -
think tank - ooo
token strike - o
in accordance with - oo
on account of - oo
in addition to - o
at any rate - o o
on behalf of - o
on the basis of - oo
for the benefit of - o
by and large - o
in charge of - o
in connection with -
in contrast to/with - o
in the course of - o
as early as -
with the exception of -
at the expense of -
- /


, 03 2020 . 20:58 +
_ [ + !]


as sound as a bell -
at odds with -
at the expense of - -
at worst -
be a law unto oneself -
be as good as one's word -
be one's own man again -
be one's own master -
by oneself - ,
come true -
cross someone's path -
dead drunk -
Dear me! - !
Easy come, easy go. - ,
find oneself -
fresh eye -
get a life -
get one's -
go astray -
here and there -
high sign -
hit the road -
hold the keys -
in this way -
keep one's distance -
lay aside - ,
lead astray -
leave somebody alone -
let somebody go -
make a bundle -
make a date -
make friends -
man of his word -
money to burn -
name of the game -
No kidding. - .
no offence -
No shit - ? ?
none other than - ,
odds and ends -
out of touch -
point of honor -
safe and sound - -
Shame on you! - !
side by side - ,
so be it -
So much the better -
so so -
stumbling block - ,
take a picture -
take cover -
take place - ,
That is nothing to him -
this and that -
to and from - -
turn upside down -
walk of life -
- /


, 03 2020 . 20:52 +
LediLana [ + !]



3925311_angl (700x403, 264Kb)

, . 30-40 . , , , . , , :

- /


, 02 2020 . 20:34 +
[ + !]

-15 a aa a

1. I feel myself (« »)
a: I feel myself fine today.
a: I feel fine today.
a aa feel («a») a a myself («») — a a , a. : I feel well \ I feel sick \ I feel happy.
a «I feel myself», a ... a. a, aaa a a a .

- /


, 02 2020 . 20:22 +
[ + !]

15 o cx po oo o

1. Put on –

o o o-o oo o.

Put your items on the counter please. - , o.
Why don’t you put on that new jacket you bought yesterday? - o o o , oo ?

2. Try on –

To o o, o-o, o o , oo o o .

Can I try these dresses on somewhere please?
o - , o?
3. Try out – ooo,

T oo o o, o. To o o ooo, oo oo o o , ..

I’d like to try out this lipstick color. Do you have a tester for it?
o ooo o oo . E ?
4. Pop in –

o o o o o o, o o oo oo .

I’ll book you an appointment, and you can pop in for a consultation with one of our opticians.
, o o oo oo.
5. Brought in – o o-o oo

o o o oo o, , o .. o o .

We have brought in a brand new summer collection now, so the old winter range is on sale.
oo o o, o o o.
6. Come up – , o ( oo )

K , o o , o oo. o o o :

I need to buy a gift for my friend, his birthday is coming up.
o oo oo , o oo o.
7. Take up – o-o

-o o.

o , o o o o o.

I’m thinking of taking up the violin, could you buy one for my next birthday please?
o , o , o, o o o?
8. Bring down –

o o o , oo o-o.

We have brought down the prices, because we’re having a huge sale before the winter!
, oo o oo o o !
9. Turn down – o

T o o o o, oo.

He bought a really expensive watch for me, but I turned it down. I couldn’t accept it!
o oo , o o. o !
o !
10. Sell out – o

o, o o o o o o, o o « ». T o o.

I’m afraid all those watches have sold out now; they were very popular over Christmas!
K o, o o; o o o oo!
11. Help out –

o o o, oo o o oo o .

Could you help me out please? I can’t do the zip up on this dress!
o oo , o? o o o !
12. Do up –

o o o o o o-o.

Could you do the zip up on this dress for me please?
o o o , o?
6 o o oo o
13. Stand out -

o oo o o, o oo o o, .

This sweater stands out from the rest. I love the vibrant colors!
o o. !
14. Pay off – oo

T o o o, o (o, ).

I have finally paid off all the money I owed on my credit card! It’s such a relief!
, o-o, o oo o o ! o o o!
15. Take back – o

To o o, oo o .

I’m going to take this back to the store, and see if I can get a different color.
o o oo , oo o .

- /


, 20 2018 . 11:15 +
_2012 [ + !]

ۻ .

  , , , .


- /


, 25 2017 . 19:23 +
justvitek [ + !]

1. Can you help me? - ?
2. I'm looking for... - ...
3. How much is this? - ?
4. Sorry -
5. Please speak more slowly. - , , .
6.I don't understand. -
7. Could you repeat that? - ?
8. What is your name? - ?
9. My name is . . . . - ...
10. Nice to meet you! -
11. How are you doing? ?
12. Where is . . . the bathroom, restaurant, museum, hotel, beach, embassy? - , , , , , ?
13. Can I ask you a question? - ?
14. Could you write it down on paper?- ?
15. I am hungry. - .
16. I am thirsty. - .
17. I am cold. - .
18. I am feeling sick. - .
19. I need help. .
20. What time is it? - ?
21. I need to go now. - .
22. Excuse me! - ( )
23. I speak English a little bit - -
24. Where can I buy ...? - ...?
25. That's (too) expensive. - ()
26. I'll take one / it / this. -
27. I like this. -
28. I don't like that -
29. Can I pay by credit-card? - ?
30. Can I exchange this? -
31. That's all, thanks - ,
32. Excuse me, where can I get a taxi? - , ?
33. This address , please - , !
34. Stop here, please. - , .
35. I'd like a ticket to...- ...
36. When does the check-in begin? - ?
37. Here is my luggage -
38. It is a business trip -
39. I want to book a room. .
40. Here you are. , .
41. Keep the change -
42. Could you break this 100 (hundred) dollar bill? - 100- ?
43. The hange is not correct -
44. I need... - ...
45. I agree. - ()
46. With pleasure. - .
47. I am sorry, but I can’t. - , .
48. Thank you so much!- !
49. You are welcome! - ( ).
50. Have a good time! - !

4208855_M899JBP5YVY (604x604, 84Kb)

- /


, 27 2017 . 20:10 +
Nik2003 [ + !]



- /


, 24 2017 . 14:55 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


1. Excuse me vs Im sorry
im_sorry-2517 (430x431, 42Kb)

1.1 Excuse me . , - , : , / / .
Excuse me, could you tell me the time? , , ?
Excuse me, but this is my place. , .
Excuse me, where is the shop? , , ?
excuse me . , , , : .

1.2 Sorry . , . .
- /


, 24 2017 . 14:52 +
Lordi-06 [ + !]


25 , .
1. some any.
, , : Have you got some drugs? ( - ?) , any. : Do you have any drugs?
 (313x313, 16Kb)

- - , ?

2. if () .
If you will . , : If you keep fucking our neighbour Trofim, I'll start sleeping with his wife Olga.
 (313x313, 17Kb)

- , .
- /


, 24 2017 . 14:49 +
mariapoddubnaya [ + !]

Happy birthday, Ploop! ( )

Happy birthday, Ploop! ( )
, , - :)

happy (700x393, 76Kb)
- /


, 24 2017 . 14:45 +
-- [ + !]

36 :))


- grow-grew-grown
, , dream-dreamt-dreamt


buy - bought - bought
pay - paid - paid,
lay - laid - laid,
think - thought - thought,


put - put - put,
begin - began - begun
, !

shut - shut - shut,
light - lit - lit,
hit - hit - hit,
ring - rang - rung
, , run - ran - run,
think - thought - thought,

Drink - drank - drunk
forget - forgot - forgotten
have - had - had


do - did -done,
- fall - fell - fallen
write - wrote - written ,
ride - rode - ridden ,

break - broke - broken
bite - bit - bitten


dig - dug - dug,
find - found - found

, , think - thought - thought,

Take - took - taken
, ,
go - went - gone ,

drive - drove - driven .

speak - spoke - spoken
Run - ran - run
Find - found - found !
- /


, 24 2017 . 14:44 +
_____ [ + !]




Apartment Flat
Bathtub Bath
Elevator Lift
Faucet Tap
Can Tin
Candy Sweets
Cookie Biscuit
Corn Maize
French fries Chips
Oatmeal Porridge
Grade Form
Kindergarten Infants school
Subway/Metro Tube/Underground
Restroom Public Toilet
The movies The cinema
Store Shop
Gasoline Petrol
Truck Lorry
Sidewalk Path
Line Queue
Highway Main road
Mailman Postman
Mailbox Postbox
Soccer Footbol
Vacation Holiday ,
Last name Surname
Mom Mum
Pants Trousers
Sneakers Trainers/Gymshoes
Fall Autumn
- /


, 24 2017 . 14:40 +
[ + !]

buy-bought-bought ()
pay-paid-paid, ()
lay-laid-laid ()
think-thought-thought, ()
Smell-smelt-smelt ! ()
- /


, 24 2017 . 14:39 +
- [ + !]


preview-650x390-650-1396259647 <br />
(650x390, 100Kb)
, .

, , , .
AdMe.ru , , .

*Against the clock - , .
*To eat ones word , .
- /


, 24 2017 . 14:38 +
allxandra [ + !]

★ ★

3891856_TAOLifeVoltaireThemostimportantdecisionyoumakeistobeinagoodmood1019x1024 (696x700, 683Kb)Everything's cool – ;
I couldn't care less – ;
I had a complete fit – ;
I haven't got a care in the world – ;
I'm having a really peachy time – ;
I'm on cloud nine – ;
I'm really buzzing – ;
I'm totally over the moon – ;
I'm walking on air – ;
I've had the week from hell – ;
She blew her top – ;
She threw a wobbly – ;
The fur's been flying – ;
There's a bad vibe round here – ;
We've made it up – .

- /


, 24 2017 . 14:36 +
allxandra [ + !]

Irregular verbs

, !

 fight - fought - fought
 weep - wept - wept,
 sleep - slept - slept.

 buy - bought - bought
 pay - paid - paid,
 lay - laid - laid,
 think - thought - thought,


- /


, 24 2017 . 14:36 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]



1. , :
Alexandr, Janin, Moscow, London, Russia : the Hague
2. ( language):
English, German, Russian ..
3. , , :
Baikal, Victoria Falls, Everest
4. :
Africa, Australia, South America
5. , :
Venus, Aquarius
6. , , , :
Tverskaya Street, Gorky Park, Domodedovo Airport,
7. , , :
Monday, Tuesday, April, Christmas
8. :
dinner, supper, lunch
9. :
love, peace, freedom
10. :
algebra, psychology
11. :
fire, water, ice
12. at:
at work, at home
- /

 : [7] 6 5 4 3 2 1