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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 06.02.2012
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Выбрана рубрика STATEMENT-COMPLAINT 2021-2022.

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Понедельник, 31 Января 2022 г. 21:51 + в цитатник
United States President Joe Biden
U.S. Vice President, U.S. Senate President Kamala Harris
Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi
Senators and Representatives of the US Congress

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet
Director of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE/ODIHR) Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir
International Rescue Committee President David Miliband
To Acting Chairman of Feedom House (Freedom House) D. Jeffrey Hirschberg
American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director Anthony D. Romero
Front Line Defenders Executive Director Andrew Anderson
To the Secretary General of CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation Lisa John (World Alliance for Citizen Participation, Lysa John)
Executive Director of Human Rights Watch Kenneth Roth
Amnesty International Secretary General Kumi Naidoo
Director of the Uzbek Forum for Human Rights Uzbek Forum Umida Niazova

Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the United States Javlon Vakhabov
Consul General of Uzbekistan in the United States Kamol Ikramov

FBI Director Christopher Wray
Chief of the Maryland and Delaware Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
To the Chief of the Field Office of the States of the District of Columbia and several counties of Northern Virginia of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Superintendent of the Maryland State Police, Colonel Woodrow W. Jones III
Washington DC Police Chief Robert J. Contee III
Gaithersburg Police Department (Maryland) Chief of Police Mark P. Sroka

Director of the Uzbek edition of radio “Ozodlik” Alisher Siddiq (Alisher Siddiq)
Director of the Central Asian Regional Office of BBC Radio Hamid Ismailov
To the head of the Uzbek editorial office of radio “Amerika ovozi” Javdat Sayhon
To Washington Post Editor Martin Baron

Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov (Uzbek, born in 1954)
Mailing address:
216 Tulip Dr.,
Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20877
E-mail: havassh54@gmail.com

October 21, 2021 - January 12, 2022


Dear Sirs!

I am writing this Complaint Statement to inform you that my Green card and Social Security card were stolen in an unusual way in September 2018 (see Photo 1). I believe that this theft was organized and carried out by agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). I am writing here and further on the basis of the facts my assumption that 19 thefts and 4 robberies were organized and carried out by agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and people associated with them. To facilitate reading and clarity, I will write in paragraphs (paragraphs). If some paragraphs do not concern you or you do not like it, then you can proceed to reading the next paragraph.
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Photo 1. My Green card (Green card) and Social Security card (Social Securite). I made a copy of them a few years ago and accidentally put my social security card 180 degrees upside down.

1. Uzbek-English translation programs, including www.translate.google.com, translate very poorly and inaccurately. Therefore, I wrote a complaint statement in Russian and translated it into English using the www.translate.google.com program. I apologize for possible mistakes made during translation.

2. 19 thefts and 4 robberies were organized against me from November 2012 to June 2021. I wrote several articles about some thefts and robberies over the years. I planned to write a separate article or several articles about all 19 thefts and 4 robberies with the application of relevant documents. Then apply in writing to the police with a request to issue a new green card, referring to these articles.

But on October 24, 2021, another presidential election was planned in Uzbekistan. I wanted to participate and vote in these elections. To participate, you need a passport of citizenship of Uzbekistan. Unfortunately, two armed robbers took away my passport of a citizen of Uzbekistan along with a bag and a backpack in the city of Washington on the night of May 26, 2014. I wanted to apply to the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the USA with a request to issue me a new biometric passport. There is the following requirement in case of loss of a passport.

"9. In case of loss of the passport, the applicant submits a certificate from the law enforcement agencies of the host country on the applicant's appeal regarding the loss of the passport and a statement detailing the circumstances of the loss of the passport. [1]

I brought in photo 2 a photocopy of my passport. I took it off in 2008 during the paperwork at the Almaty office of the United Nations Agency for Refugees - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to search for a country for political asylum. Below are the entries written in my passport in English.



Cod of state UZB

Pasport number CG 0491414


Given names SHUHRATJON

Nationality UZBEKISTAN

Date of birth January 20,1954 Sex “M”

Place of birth DJIZAK REGION

Date of issue February 12, 1999


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Photo 2. A copy of a sheet from my passport of a citizen of Uzbekistan.

3. I started writing a complaint statement from the beginning of September 2021 about the circumstances of the loss, more precisely about the robbery of the passport of a citizen of Uzbekistan and the theft of a green card. I completed the first version of the application-complaint in 81 paragraphs on October 21, 2021 and came to the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Washington. I submitted a complaint statement, a photocopy of my passport and a green card (Green card) to the first secretary of the Consulate of Uzbekistan in the United States, Mr. Fakhriddin Muminov, and asked a question about the condition of my participation in the vote on October 24 in the embassy building. In response, he gave me a form in English (see photo 3).

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Photo 3. Form for my exclusion from the citizenship of Uzbekistan. The form was signed by the first secretary of the Consulate of Uzbekistan in the United States, Mr. Fakhriddin Muminov.

«October 21, 2021


The Concular Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the United States of America hereby confirms that in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan # PF-4727 dated on May 22, 2015, Mr. Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov (DOB: January 20, 1954) has lost the citizenship of Uzbekistan.

Should you have any questions on this matter feel to contact the Embassy at 202-887-5300 or myself directly at cellphone +1202-251-8298 (uzbekconsul.org@gmail.com or consul.washington@mfa.uz ).

Fakhriddin Muminov
Consul-First Secretary signature»

The form does not indicate the reason for the deprivation of my citizenship. I asked about the reason. He and "advisor" Jamshid Mirzabaev were unable to answer this simple question.

4. I wrote a complaint addressed to the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and handed it over to the Secretary of the Embassy on October 22, 2021. It was written on the form that I was excluded from the citizenship of Uzbekistan on the basis of decree PF-4727 (PU-4727) of the late President Islam Karimov dated May 22, 2015. I searched legislative sites for the text of this decree. But he's not there. Apparently, the leadership of the State Security Service (SSS) of Uzbekistan did not allow the publication of such an important decree on the regulatory website www.lex.uz

As a human rights activist, I picketed the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the United States from 2016 to 2021 once or twice a year and handed my critical comments in writing to Mr. Fakhriddin Muminov or put them in the embassy's letter box. He and "adviser" Jamshid Mirzabaev did not tell me about depriving me of my Uzbek citizenship.

I went to the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Washington on the day of the presidential election - October 24, 2021. There, the “adviser” Jamshid Mirzabaev said that there was no answer from Tashkent. I asked him to show decree PF-4727. He replied that he did not know and he did not have a copy of this decree. I got the impression from the conversation with Jamshid Mirzabaev on October 21 and 24, 2021 that he is connected with the State Security Service of Uzbekistan.

Dictator President Islam Karimov died on September 2, 2016. But his main vehicle, which is the State Security Service of Uzbekistan, has hardly changed over the past six years of Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev's presidency. They still resolve issues at their own discretion, including depriving a person of citizenship for no reason ... I will write about this in more detail in a separate article.

5. Talking about the theft and robbery of my documents along the way, I want to shed light on 19 thefts and 4 robberies organized against me from November 2012 to June 2021. I wrote in the application-complaint about 19 thefts and 4 robberies with the application of the relevant documents and photographs. The reader, having read about 19 thefts and 4 robberies, having familiarized himself with the relevant documents and seeing the photographs, will understand and it will become clear to him what the reasons were, who and how organized and committed these crimes.

6. Reader, having read about 19 thefts and 4 robberies, do not think that I am such a simpleton who allows himself to be deceived, a potential victim of thieves, scammers and robbers.

Father and mother were school teachers. There were eight brothers and sisters in our family. In the late 1960s, many of us, including myself, were in school, and older brothers were students. When I was fifteen, in the summer of 1969, I traveled by train from Jizzakh to the city of Kuibishev (now Samara) with eleven boxes of apples weighing 20 kilograms each for business. My late father Ahmadjon Yusupov (1920-1977) accompanied me from Jizzakh. In the city of Kuibishev, I was met by the now deceased elder brother Rustam Akhmedzhanov (1946-2003).

I was also in business in 1994-1997: I brought to Russia many boxes of tomatoes, grapes, apples and other fruits, vegetables and melons weighing up to 30 kilos each. I have never been robbed on the train, and in rented apartments. I organized the opposition youth Republican Party of Uzbekistan (RPU) in 1993-1997. He spent part of the money he earned on the reproduction of the Charter of the RPU and other organizational affairs of the party, as well as human rights. I had a diplomat bag and kept my important party and personal documents and papers in it. I used to put my diplomat under my head in an upright position and sleep like that. Once we eat on a train on a reserved seat car through Kazakhstan. At midnight, someone slowly pulled the diplomat out from under my head. I immediately woke up. Nearby is the conductor of our car and in his hand is my diplomat. I asked him, "What's the matter?" He can't answer. He silently put my diplomat beside me and went to his official compartment. I started cursing him in Uzbek with swear words that I knew. I understand that he did not attempt this theft on his own initiative. Employees of the National Security Service (SNB) of Uzbekistan rode in each train. Apparently, they ordered him to bring my diplomat.

Let me remind you that in 1994-1997 there were dashing years of crime in Russia. Even in those conditions, they could not organize theft and robbery against me. And in the US capital, nineteen thefts and four robberies were organized in nine years. I am sure that these thefts and robberies were carefully prepared and carried out literally to the minute. And with the safety net of strong and tall men associated with the FBI. They used to sleep pills and other criminal means in some thefts and robberies.

7. Residents of the US and other countries shudder at the next horrific massacre in the US. I analyzed the cause of the massacres in the US and in some countries based on numerous facts and personal experience, and in 2013 I wrote the article "What is the cause of the massacres in the US?" (see [2]). He also suggested a solution to the problem.

Another eight years have passed. But the big problem remains unresolved. I believe that in these crimes there is a large share of the guilt of some agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The guilt of FBI employees and leaders is difficult to prove. Since the FBI is a closed organization, there is very little information about them, and even less about their work. Therefore, when I write about the guilt of the US FBI, it is appropriate to add the word "version".

So, I state the version of the guilt of the FBI agents: they choose a certain dissident or close relative of a rich or famous person among the inhabitants of the United States, begin to interfere in his personal life, organize his repeated dismissal from work, destroy his / her family, use powder, liquid and air sedatives, sometimes added to food or drink with the help of another worker, such as a McDonald's worker, and other means of harassment. Thus, they provoke selected US citizens to commit various types of crime, including mass murder and suicide (see [2]). I present some facts on a personal example of about 12 years of life in the USA.

An unreasonably persecuted citizen often becomes embittered and begins to plan mass murder or suicide. An important and sad fact: the FBI agents, after finding out and convincing them that they have achieved the anger of the persecuted citizen, they inform the police leaders about the possible upcoming crime of this citizen. As a result, innocent citizens and even children, as well as US police officers, are often injured and killed from the massacre, and FBI agents and their leaders receive new benefits and incentives.

8. I studied at the Samarkand State University in 1970-1975, at the Moscow State Technical University named after N. Bauman in 1979-1983. I have worked as a design engineer since 1980 and held positions up to a leading designer in research institutes and design departments of large machine-building and tractor-building plants in Moscow and Tashkent in 1980-1988. Many people know that in order to design new mechanisms and machines, a designer, especially a leading designer, must be able to analyze hundreds of factors and choose the best reliable option.

I have been involved in the defense of human rights since 1974. I have been publishing articles on human rights and other topics since 2004 and have published over 400 articles and five books. I participated as the second head of the Tashkent city organization of the opposition Popular Movement "Birlik" ("Unity") in 1988-1990 and the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan "Erk" ("Freedom") in 1991-1993. I have been living in the US as a refugee since January 2010, which is almost twelve years. All this knowledge and bitter life experience helps me to make an analysis of many events and important conclusions.

I have written and substantiated the way of solving and proving various crimes of FBI agents and US police officers in paragraphs 124-125. It will be useful to know this for the President and Vice President of the United States of America, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and Senators and Representatives of the US Congress, police chiefs investigating various crimes against citizens, as well as heads of international human rights organizations.

9. I accuse certain FBI agents of illegally stalking me, using night drug interrogations and other serious violations of my constitutional and human rights, as well as organizing and carrying out numerous thefts and robberies. Therefore, it is appropriate to provide some important information about the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

“The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the US domestic intelligence and security service and its main federal law enforcement agency. Operating under the jurisdiction of the US Department of Justice, the FBI is also a member of the US intelligence community and reports to both the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence. The leading U.S. organization for counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and criminal investigations, the FBI has jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crimes.

Although many of the FBI's functions are unique, its activities in support of national security are comparable to those of the British MI5 and the Russian FSB. Unlike the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which has no law enforcement and is focused on gathering intelligence overseas, the FBI is primarily a domestic agency, with 56 field offices in major cities across the United States and more than 400 local agencies across the United States. US smaller cities and districts throughout the country.

Despite its domestic focus, the FBI also maintains significant international activity, with 60 Legal Attaché Offices (LEGAT) and 15 subsidiary offices at U.S. Embassies and Consulates around the world. These foreign offices exist primarily to coordinate with foreign security agencies and do not typically conduct unilateral operations in host countries. The FBI may, and does, from time to time, carry out covert activities abroad.

The FBI was founded in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation, abbreviated BOI or BI. Its name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935. The FBI headquarters is the J. Edgar Hoover Building, located in Washington, DC.” [3]

"FBI Mission: Protect the American people and uphold the United States Constitution.

FBI motto: Loyalty, Courage, Honesty.

FBI Budget: In fiscal year 2019, the FBI's total budget was approximately $9.6 billion.

In a request to Congress for authorization and a budget for fiscal year 2021, the FBI requested $9,800,724,000. Of this money, $9,748,829,000 will be used for wages and expenses and $51,895,000 for construction. The S&E program increased by $199,673,000." [3]

“In March 1971, the residential office of an FBI Media Agent, Pennsylvania, was robbed by a group calling itself the FBI Citizens' Commission of Inquiry. Numerous files were taken and distributed to newspapers, including The Harvard Crimson. The files detailed the FBI's extensive COINTELPRO program, which included investigations into the lives of ordinary citizens, including a group of black students at the Pennsylvania Military College and the daughter of Congressman Henry S. Reuss of Wisconsin. The country was "shaken" by the revelations, including the assassinations of political activists, and the actions were condemned by members of Congress, including House Majority Leader Hale Boggs. The phones of some members of Congress, including Boggs, were allegedly tapped." [3]

"Rank Structure: The following is a list of rank structures within the FBI (in ascending order):
- Field Agents
- New trainee agent
- Special agent
- Senior Special Agent
- Supervisory Special Agent
- Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC)
- Special Agent in Charge (SAC)

- FBI Office
- Deputy Assistant Director
- Assistant director
- Deputy Executive Assistant to the Director
- Executive Assistant Director
- Deputy Deputy Director
- Deputy chief of staff
- Chief of Staff and Special Advisor to the Director
- Deputy Director
- director" [3]

“As of December 31, 2009, the FBI had 33,852 employees. This includes 13,412 special agents and 20,420 support professionals such as intelligence analysts, linguists, scientists, information technology specialists, and other professionals.” [3]

“A March 2007 report by the DOJ Inspector General described the FBI's "widespread and serious abuse" of national security letters, a form of administrative subpoena used to request records and data relating to individuals. The report states that between 2003 and 2005, the FBI issued more than 140,000 letters on national security matters, many of which concern people with no apparent connection to terrorism.

The FBI keeps files on certain individuals for various reasons and for a long time, in particular, on Elvis Presley (1935-1977), Frank Sinatra (1915-1998), John Denver (1943-1997)." [3]

It is appropriate to recall the following words of the first director of the FBI, John Edgar Hoover (1895-1972):
"The minute the FBI starts making recommendations about what should be done with its information, it becomes the Gestapo." [4]

10. My general analysis of the events from January 2010 to January 2022 shows that FBI agents, together with employees of the Uzbek National Security Service, began to organize provocations against me from the first days of my arrival in the United States. Between July 2010 and January 2012, I was illegally fired from my job three times in Boise, Idaho. I am sure that FBI agents were also behind these actions. Therefore, I decided to briefly write the circumstances of moving to the United States and persecution in the city of Boise (Idaho) in 2010-2012. This information will provide important information about the crimes of FBI agents against dissident residents of the United States, including refugees. After all, I am sending this complaint to both the President of the United States and the leaders of international human rights organizations.

11. A bit of history from the events in Uzbekistan. On December 23, 2007, the next Presidential elections were held in Uzbekistan. On December 20, 2007, a group of human rights activists, including myself, from 11:00 to 12:30 in Tashkent held a picket in front of the building of the Chief Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan. After the picket, a group of four people in civilian clothes started watching me. They followed me until evening. Then we spent the night by car, where I went to spend the night with friends. They continued the pursuit all day on December 21st. They traveled in a white and gray Nexia car with state numbers 30 84-52 and 30 Q 84-67. From December 21 to 22, I spent the night at the office of the Human Rights Alliance of Uzbekistan at the address: Tashkent, st. Lashkarbegi, house 17. They came for me and there, they watched until the morning. In my opinion they were employees of the National Security Service of Uzbekistan. Usually they had a document of an employee of the Department of Combating Terrorism. On the afternoon of December 22, 2007, one of them rudely insulted me, and the other tried to take my camera away from me. On December 23, 2007, one of the persecutors beat me severely.

On the morning of December 23, 2007, I came to the Parkent market in Tashkent. Three of yesterday's pursuers followed me with quick steps. Then it became clear that a fourth had joined them.

I left the store and went to the right along a footpath about three meters wide. Walked five or six meters. Then a 27-year-old Uzbek man, 175 cm tall, with an athletic build, quickly approached me from behind, grabbed my jacket on the left side, sharply turned me around 90 degrees and maliciously, loudly saying: “Tugri yur, onangni palon kilay!” (“I say, walk straight, ... fuck!”) and with all his strength with his left hand he hit my chin with his fist. The blow was completely unexpected for me, and I swayed, taking half a step back. I automatically wanted to cover myself with my other hand, but I didn't have time. And at this time, this sadist quickly, with all his strength, struck me a second blow with his fist on the chest. The blow was strong, professional, apparently he was engaged in boxing. And I, could not resist and fell into the wet asphalt. I was in a semi-recumbent state. My shoulder bag flew out and flew away from me (later it turned out that the main zipper of the bag was out of order and one of the front pockets on the bottom was torn). It was crowded around. Then one Russian woman said something loudly and tried to stop, move this sadist away. The same woman reached out, helped me up off the ground, and handed me a bag.

I stood up and the people standing next to me asked: “Who is he and why did he hit you?” I turned back. Those four pursuers were standing three or four meters away from me. Three of them pointed their cell phones turned on in my direction and watched with a smirk. The fourth, that is, that sadist was a little off to the side. I replied: “I am a human rights activist. They are intelligence officers. They have been following me for the fourth day, ”and showed those four with his hand. The sadist wanted to get closer to me, apparently, he wanted to hit me again. But one of the three pursuers took him by the shoulder, turned and pushed him towards the clothing market. All four were waiting to see what I would do.

After the beating, I felt bad and called the ambulance. Doctor Feruz Achilov, after listening to me and talking with the duty officer of the 5th substation, brought me to the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care (RSCEMC) (Tashkent, Farkhod street, house 2). Traumatologist F.I. Rashidov examined me and in the Case History number 15342, as well as in the certificate he wrote the following diagnosis: “Bruise of the soft tissues of the lower lip and chin, chest on the left”.

On December 31, 2007, at 11.30 am, accompanied by Major Zh.Riskulov, I entered the office of the head of the investigative department of the Khamza District Department of Internal Affairs, Major Abdukhakim Turgunov. He asked several questions. I gave a brief account of what happened on December 23rd. As a result, they decided to open a criminal case. The case was handed over to the senior investigator of the Khamza District Department of Internal Affairs, Captain Yulia Ivanovna Iokhim. Y.Yokhim asked a number of questions as a victim and wrote a record of the interrogation. I signed the protocol of interrogation at 13.50. She said, “This is a hanging case. I will soon move to Russia. So the case was handed over to me." ([5], ([6])

12. After the Presidential elections on December 23, 2007, the persecution of me intensified and there was a real threat of many years in prison and even my life. Therefore, on the night of October 11-12, 2008, I secretly left Tashkent for Andijan. There, on the afternoon of October 12, he crossed into Kyrgyzstan through the border crossing "Dustlik" ("Friendship"). He lived in the city of Bishkek for three weeks and on November 4, 2008 left for the city of Almaty (Kazakhstan). There, employees of the Almaty Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) registered me as an "asylum seeker", and on February 23, 2009, as a "refugee".

13. The US government granted me political asylum as a human rights activist and journalist in 2010. I arrived in Boise, Idaho on January 21, 2010. I was helped by the international human rights organization International Rescue Committee (IRC - International Rescue Committee) when moving from Kazakhstan to the USA and for several months after the move. I thank the people and government of the United States, as well as the leadership of the UNHCR and the IRC, for granting me political asylum in the United States.

14. At the Boise airport I was met by Uzbeks Abdulatif Kambarov (1962) and Tursunbai Utamuradov (1956-2012). They said the IRC had scheduled me to stay in their rented apartment. I agreed. Among those who met was the IRC case manager, Mr. Rabiou Manzo. He is from Niger. As a child, he lived for five years in Ukraine and one year in Russia as a refugee and knew Russian well.

A new bed, bedding, soap, shampoo, towels and something else was installed in the apartment for me. On the very first evening, Abdulatif set a condition: “We read namaz and pray five times a day. If you also pray five times a day, you will live with us. Otherwise, look for another apartment tomorrow.” That's religious freedom in the USA for you. Washing of the hands, face and feet is required before each prayer. I didn’t have such an opportunity before, and therefore I prayed only on Fridays in the mosque. I agreed.

A few days later they began to organize provocations against me. This two-room (with a three-room hotel) apartment was located in a one-story four-apartment building, which was located in the center of Boise, 200 meters from the Idaho State Governor's Building (apartment address: W Franklin St., Boise, Idaho (I don’t remember the house number)). The rent was $375 per month. In Boise, such an apartment paid a minimum of $525.

The entrance to the apartment was from the side of a small entrance street without a name and was dimly lit. A day later, several powerful lamps were installed and the passage was illuminated as during the day. And in Tashkent they also installed additional lighting, where I spent the night. This was done for the convenience of the arrival of the authorities for night drug interrogations. I realized that I ended up in a fake apartment of the special services. I thought that this was organized by the Uzbek National Security Service (SNB).

15. On February 1, 2010, I verbally addressed Mr. Rabiou Manzo about the provocations of two Uzbeks and asked for another apartment. But the problem of providing another apartment was not solved, and the provocations continued. Abdulatif Kambarov refused to provide a computer. Therefore, I wrote a complaint by hand in 25 pages about 17 provocations of two Uzbeks in an apartment. On February 26, 2010, the complaint was referred to Mr. Rabiow Manzo, and on April 1, 2010 to the Director of the IRC in Boise.

As a result, on February 26, 2010, I moved to another apartment where two brothers from Africa lived. I lived with them in a private room (F 3818, Nez Perce street, # 202 Boise, Idaho 83705). On April 18, 2010, I moved into a separate apartment at 585 S. Curtis Rd., #8, Boise, Idaho 83705. On April 1, 2010, I signed paperwork with Boise management to rent this apartment for six months with a monthly payment of $525. [7]

16. I became a member of the Boise Central Library on January 31, 2010 (715 S Capitol Blvd
Boise, ID 83702). I usually return late. It was early February 2010. A low table (hontakhta) was set up in the living room and dinner was served around it. Before the end of dinner, at about 11 p.m., the main provocateur Abdulatif Kambarov came and sat opposite me. He came to Boise in 2006 among the Andijan refugees. But he lived separately from them.

He had a phone in his hands. He and his henchman Tursunbai Utamuradov boasted that they had recently bought expensive modern two new telephones. He turned on, pressed some buttons of the phone, put it on the table between us and started a conversation.

He talked about work and said that there is work to do, mopping the floor and cleaning the toilet. I tried to be calm and asked, “Why are you telling me this? Did you also mop the floors and clean the toilet?” He replied: "I used to wash floors and clean the toilet." I said: “Everyone solves this problem himself. If he wants to, he will wash the floors, clean the toilet, and so he will earn money. But I will not do such work. I will find my piece of bread in a different way." He went on with his offer. I told him: “This does not concern me. Let's close this topic."

Provocateur Abdulatif continued his proposal with a slight change: “Many people in the US start by mopping floors and cleaning toilets. You must also do this work.” I got a little angry, but I answered calmly: “I did not come to the USA to wash floors and clean the toilet. I came to continue my action for the protection of human rights, in the field of journalism and democracy. With two university educations, I will find my piece of bread without washing the floors and cleaning the toilet, with the permission of Allah (God).” By this time I had finished dinner, took the teapot and bowl, got up, went into the kitchen and began to clean them. [8]

But I could never imagine that this provocative proposal made in early February 2010 would be used against me in July 2010.

17. On March 29, 2010, Gail Hawkins (Employment coordinator) interviewed me and filled out ten questionnaires.

On April 5, 2010, Jail Hawkins said: “In the US, there is a separate government program for the employment of people over 55 years old. This is what Experience Works does.” She introduced me to Mr. Gerry Autry, Employment and Training Coordinator and his supervisors, Mr. Lloyd Willamson, Supervisor. . But for a long time there was no specific job offer.

18. Question: For what reason did the FBI agents begin and continue to persecute and organize crimes against me for many years? In February 2013, I wrote a long article “What is the reason for the massacres in the USA?” and answered this question there as well (see [2]).

After the bloody tragedy of May 13-14, 2005 in Andijan (Uzbekistan), in the summer of 2006, 250 refugees received political asylum in the United States. Of these, 55 people lived in Idaho (USA). On the night of August 1, 2006, 33-year-old refugee Olimjon Sobirov, on the night of September 1, 2006, 29-year-old Zokhid Makhmedov died in his sleep from unknown and inexplicable reasons in his home in Idaho. The causes of both deaths have not been disclosed until today - November 23, 2021.

Talented journalist Synthia Sewell wrote a long article "Mysterious deaths" ("Mysterious deaths") about the mysterious death of two horsemen and Uzbek refugees in the United States. She published it on March 30, 2008 in Idaho's central newspaper, the Idaho Statesman (see [9]). This newspaper has been published since 1864.

I found this article in the Boise City Library on April 15, 2010. I published it on Internet sites in four versions, that is, in Uzbek in two versions - in Cyrillic and Latin, as well as in English and Russian in April-May 2010 ([10]).

19. Some important passages from the article [10].

“During the investigation into the death of Zohid Makhmedov, Meridian Police Detective Mike Locke spoke with Rene Haige of World Relief, the agency that helped the Makhmedovs settle here. She did not talk about the Uzbeks with Stitesman (with the journalist of the Idaho Statesman, A.Sh.), referring to the rules of privacy (secrecy of personal life, A.Sh.), but told Locke that the Uzbek embassy called all the Andijan refugees to return home, saying that "If they refuse, the consequences will be such that something bad may happen to their families." [10]

“And in addition to the disappointment of Akram Makhmedov and the aura of mystery about the upcoming events, the Meridian police report contains links to the FBI. The coroner's office and others said they were interviewed by FBI agents. The FBI, while vehemently denying it, conducted its own investigation into the deaths.

“We are not investigating. We have not investigated and we are not going to investigate," said John Morton, senior FBI agent in Boisey. [10]

“Of the 250 Andijan refugees who spent more than a year in refugee camps in Kyrgyzstan and Romania before crossing over to the US, (by 2008, A.Sh.) about one-third and one-half had already returned to the country from which they had fled. » [10]

I spoke several times with Akr Makhmedov, brother of Zohid Makhmedov, in 2010. He was indignant: “Why did the FBI withdraw the criminal case on the death of two Uzbek refugees from the police?” At that time I could not answer this question. Now I can answer: apparently the FBI agents did not want or were afraid to solve this crime, especially when a similar case arose.

20. Important fact: dictator Islam Karimov (1938-2016) awarded the first deputy chairman of the National Security Service (SNB) of Uzbekistan, Lieutenant-General Shukhrat Gulyamov (1966), with the honorary title of Hero of Uzbekistan in 2007 ([11]).

I wrote about the crimes and fate of Shukhrat Gulyamov in paragraph 30. The NSS has not caught a single spy in the many years of Uzbekistan's independence. And then Shukhrat Gulyamov receives the honorary title of Hero of Uzbekistan from the hands of President Islam Karimov. In my opinion, the dictator President Islam Karimov awarded him for "the successful operation to return many Andijan refugees from the United States in 2006-2007." Mostly women and children of Andijan refugees returned from the USA. As a result, refugees from Andijan were taken hostage by the National Security Service of Uzbekistan because of their returned wives and children. They even closed their websites and stopped all criticism of the dictatorial regime of Uzbekistan, headed in those years by Islam Karimov. All this was achieved through a mysterious death, or rather the murder of two Uzbek refugees with an interval of one month with the help of an unknown poison.

“On August 10, 2017, the Supreme Military Court (Tribunal) of the Republic of Uzbekistan sentenced Shukhrat Gulyamov to life imprisonment with the condition of compensation for financial damage in the amount of one and a half billion dollars inflicted on the state.” [eleven]

In my opinion, tens of millions of dollars of that one and a half billion dollars were brought into the US through various legal and illegal channels and used to bribe, bribe and encourage theft, robbery, poisoning and other types of crime.

In my opinion, some agents and leaders of the FBI knew about the dangerous criminal actions of the Uzbek National Security Service in the United States. But they constantly cooperated with the employees of the Uzbek National Security Service, and not for free. Indeed, without such cooperation, it was impossible to kill two Uzbek refugees in the United States with an interval of one month ...

Some agents and leaders of the FBI have continued and continue dangerous cooperation with employees and leaders of the NSS (since 2017, this service is called the State Security Service - SSS). This is evidenced by 19 thefts organized against me and 4 robberies from November 2012 to June 2021.

I lived for about 12 years and experienced constant surveillance, provocations, nightly drug interrogations of FBI agents using sedatives and made sure that FBI agents and people associated with them use sedatives a lot in their criminal actions. I am convinced that the criminals used against Olimjon Sobirov and Zokhid Makhmedov also a sedative, along with an unknown poison. For this reason, they both died in their sleep and the nearby wives did not know their dying state ...

Perhaps an unknown poison made up both components, that is, both lulled and acted as a deadly poison. After all, the secret laboratories of the secret services are still creating new and improved poisons ...

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Понедельник, 31 Января 2022 г. 21:40 + в цитатник


21. Every year on June 20, World Refugee Day is celebrated. Every year on the coming Sabbath day, downtown Boise hosts a celebration and various events. On May 17, 2010, I wrote to the director of the Boise IRC, Ms. Leslye Boban, requesting permission to prepare for a display of human rights posters, including the article “Mysterious deaths” on June 19 (Saturday), 2010 in honor of World Refugee Day. She replied: “There is freedom of speech in the United States. Therefore, permission can not be asked. But I want to warn you: if you demonstrate this article in downtown Boise, you may get into a lot of trouble.” I answered this way: “If we now remember those who died unjustly in prisons and tormented prisoners, then years will pass and someone will also remember us. If we are afraid and do not remember them, then the descendants will not remember us either,” and showed them and himself with his hand. That day my words were translated by Mr. Rabiou Manzo.

22. For World Refugee Day, I prepared ten stands on the topic of human rights and refugees. On June 19, 2010, on one large stand, he showed a three-fold enlarged newspaper article "Mysterious deaths" in English. Residents and visitors to Boise read this article and the article on punitive psychiatry with great interest. I wrote on another stand about punitive psychiatry used in the USA and in other countries, about the Uzbek journalist Jamshid Karimov (1967), the nephew of the then President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov (1938-2016), who since September 20, 2006 was imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital in Samarkand ( he was released in February 2017). Some reputable men were constantly watching me and my stands, but they did not make any comments to me.
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Photo 4. Ms. Heide Carlfen - case manager for Olimjon Sobirov (1977-2006). She saw the article “Mysterious deaths” and a photo of Olimjon and Zohijon and said: “Olimjon was a good person...”. Boise (Idaho). June 19, 2010. Photo of the author.

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Photo 5. An American reads a poster about punitive psychiatry. A photo of Jamshid Karimov and an article are visible on the stand. Boise (Idaho). June 19, 2010. Photo of the author.

23. I arrived in the morning on bus number 6 with ten stands. But on the way back, the driver did not let me into the bus with stands, although the bus was half empty. I had to take a detour changing two buses, then walked the last three stops on foot, loading ten stands on myself.

24. After the article [10] was published on websites, an Uzbek refugee, US citizen Fazliddin Yakubov (1959) called from the state of Ohio (USA). He was shot at from two sides nine times, three bullets hit him at a gas station on World Refugee Day - June 20, 2008. He was seriously injured in the hospital and was in a coma for 53 days (!). High-class US surgeons saved his life. But even they could not extract one of the bullets and Fazliddin still lives with one bullet inside.

Fazliddin Yakubov told me with great bitterness that he had not yet been given a disability and more than one dollar of pension. I asked him to write to me in detail about this and promised him to solve this problem. Literally two days later, a man came to him and promised to make a pension, as well as pay the pension for previous years. Those who listened in on our telephone conversation, perhaps the FBI agents knew that I, as a human rights activist and independent journalist, would take up this problem, publish an article and write to various higher authorities up to the President of the United States. Therefore, they immediately began to issue a pension to him and began to pay for the previous two years.

25. FBI agents intensified their persecution of me after publishing on websites and displaying a newspaper article “Mysterious deaths” about the mysterious death of two Uzbek refugees. Later, I was illegally fired from my job three times. I wrote about it in my 17 articles ([7]-[8], [12]-[24]). Here I will briefly write how I was fired three times from a job in which FBI agents actively participated.

26. In July 2010, I got a job at Thrift Story (Thrift Story. Store address: 5823 West Franklin Rd. Boise, ID 83709). I came to work on the morning of July 28, 2010. The manager gave me a bathrobe and escorted me to the store yard. He asked all the things that are in the boxes to be thrown into the inside of a large container and sweep the yard. I finished this work within an hour and a half. I reported to the store manager, Mr. Robert Gillespie, that the work in the yard was completed. He told one of his employees. That worker escorted me to the hall and wanted to give me a mop and a bucket. I told him: “I am no wash floor” (“I will not wash the floor”). He went out into the big hall of the store and said about my refusal. I told the director: “I am no wash floor, no clean toilet. It is no contract. Other jobs, please.” After all, they did not agree with me about this and did not conclude a contract.

The director wrote on paper: “Take the rest of today off. I need to speak with Experence Works.” I said "O'kay" and went home. July 29, 2010 at 8:45 came to work in the store. The manager said, "There is no work." This is how my first job in the USA ended.

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Photo 6. Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov. Boise City. During the picket on November 1, 2010.

27. Also, the FBI began a lot of inspections in the office of the International Rescue Committee (IRC - International Rescue Committee) in Boise in 2010. Apparently, the FBI agents were looking for incriminating evidence against me and the leaders of the IRC. As a result, Leslye Boban, the director of the IRC office in Boise, who had worked here for 23 years, was fired. Here is such a freedom of speech in the United States in the execution of agents and leaders of the FBI ...

Colleagues at IRC had a lot of respect for Ms. Leslie Boban. Therefore, her director's post was empty for many months and no one wanted to occupy this chair. The director of the IRC of the neighboring state would arrive in his own car, sign the necessary documents, and leave within a few months. Ms. Julianne Donnelly Tzul became the new director of the Boise IRC office in February 2011, a position she still holds today.

28. I wrote a complaint to the management of Experence Works and sent it by mail ([24]). On November 2, 2010, Ms. Stephane Cabral, Director of the Idaho and California Experience Works, arrived from California. There was a 45-minute discussion between myself, Stefan Cabral and Lloyd Williamson, head of the department at the Boise Experience Works, as well as translator Yura Malakhov.

On November 23, 2010, I was hired by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (address: 6464 W. State St. Boise, ID 83714). A Bosnian refugee and I repaired electrical appliances and devices there, including vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, irons, coffee makers, electric toys, and others. They were then put up in the shop for sale. Usually, various equipment and household appliances were brought to the warehouse by car. Each department loaded into carts and delivered to its department.

29. I worked normally and almost without remarks for more than seven months. On July 12, 2011, I was fired from my job for half a day. The real reason was the following.

On August 23, 2010, Uzbek TV journalists Saodat Amonova (1972) and Malohat Eshonkulova (1966) spoke at a press conference in Tashkent and spoke about censorship, parochialism, abuse and theft of public funds at the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan. On August 23, 2010, they addressed the then President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, via Ozodlik (Freedom) radio. There was no answer.

On December 5, 2010, both journalists published an Appeal to International Organizations. On December 6 (Monday), 2010, they held a picket at Mustakillik Square in Tashkent. On December 9, they were fired from their jobs. They went to court. But the court took the side of the television leadership. From May 27, 2011, they wrote 56 appeals to President Islam Karimov. There was no answer.

On June 27, 2011 they held a picket in front of the building of the President's Office. They were brought to court and fined a large sum. They went on a political hunger strike.

In defense of brave journalists, I wrote a long article “Saodat va Malohatga maslahatim” (“My advice to Saodat and Malokhat”) consisting of paragraph 26 (see [25]). In paragraph 21, I wrote about the fate of the journalist Jamshid Karimov (1967), the nephew of President Islam Karimov. The dictator president, with the help of the leadership of the National Security Service (SNB) of Uzbekistan, was arrested on September 11, 2006 and taken to the Samarkand psychiatric hospital. By that time, he had been there for more than five years. (Zhamshid was released from the Samarkand psychiatric hospital in February 2017 after the death of President Islam Karimov.)

At the end of the article [25], I advised Saodat and Malohat to leave Uzbekistan as refugees and continue their journalistic activities abroad. I published a large article [25] on www.turonzamin.org and www.muvozanat.info on July 12, 2011, and on July 13 on www.yangidunyo.com. Naturally, the article greatly irritated both the dictator Islam Karimov and the leadership of the National Security Service of Uzbekistan.

On July 11, 2011 at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul came a man a little taller than me - about 182 cm, about 30 years old. He said that goods had been brought to the warehouse and should be brought to his department. As usual, I loaded it into a cart and brought it to my workplace. And then, as usual, he began to clean and repair them. The man demanded to work quickly.

On the morning of July 12, 2011, I went to work as usual at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. That man was there. The head of the trade organization, Ms. Mardi Kline, said that I was fired from my job. I asked a question about the reason. She said: “You put the equipment on the aisle. The passage is an emergency passage." Although in the continuation of the passage to the emergency door there were two work chairs of two employees. But they were not accused of anything, and I was fired from my job. This man was standing next to Ms. Mardi Kline and he demanded that I quickly pack my things and leave. In my opinion, he was an FBI agent and carried out an order to dismiss me from work. This is how I got fired from my job for the second time involving an FBI agent.

30. I wrote a complaint on August 17, 2011 against the Idaho Human Rights Commission. They started a business. On September 25, 2011, through the Idaho Human Rights Commission, I received a 2.5-page explanatory note with many false statements from leader Mardi Kline-Barr. I wrote a long reply letter as a response to Mardi Kline's explanatory note. On December 19 (Monday), 2011, I came to the HRC and handed over Pamela Paks, director of the Idaho Human Rights Commission (see [19]-[20]). On January 5, 2012, I was illegally fired from my job for the third time (see [23]). On February 23, 2012, the judge issued a decision to evict me from the apartment. On February 28, 2012, all my things were taken out of the rented apartment and sealed. On March 2, 2012, I left Boise for the city of Washington. In August 2012, I received an email from the leadership of the Idaho Human Rights Commission stating that there was no violation of the law in the actions of Ms. Mardi Kline-Barr and I have the right to file a lawsuit in court. I was 3,800 kilometers away from the city of Boise, how could I file a lawsuit in the Boise court?

31. On August 24, 2011, I was hired by the Create Common Good (CCG) agro-farm, with an 18-hour work week at a salary of $ 7.25 per hour. I received $540 per month. And for the rent of a two-room apartment he paid monthly 525 dollars. (CCG Office: 1161 W. River Street Boise, ID 83702; CCG Farm: 4750 S. Surprise Way Boise, ID 83716. www.createcommongood.org ).

On January 5, 2012, I was illegally fired from my job for the third time (see [23]). I knew all three jobs well and fulfilled the requirement at the level. In all three cases, I was fired from my job for spurious reasons and false accusations not related to my main job.

I believe that FBI agents and people associated with them were behind all these surveillance, harassment and provocations. I am sure that hidden contacts and agreements between FBI agents and employees of the Uzbek National Security Service (SGB) played a big role in this.

So, I believe the FBI began to harass me because of my human rights and journalistic activities. This is a flagrant violation of the US Constitution's First Amendment on free speech...

32. I am a citizen and a refugee from Uzbekistan. As far as I know, FBI agents are involved in surveillance of foreign citizens. They stubbornly refused to give me a green card in 2010. I was even forced to smear some kind of ointment on my hands for 14 days in 2011. I believe I was bullied precisely at the insistence of the FBI agents for a year and a half without issuing a green card. As a result, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) center in the city of Boise gave me a green card in June 2011, that is, a year and a half later. The reason was the same - my human rights and journalistic activities. For comparison: citizens of foreign countries who win the lottery are issued a green card within 1-2 months after moving to the United States.

33. I have written and published other articles on human rights issues and on the illegal persecution of me. I was illegally fired from my job three times in Boise from July 2010 to January 2012. It was revenge for my human rights and journalistic activities. Naturally, the rent debt has accumulated. I have lived in a two-room apartment since March 2010 and paid $525 monthly (address: 585, S. Curtis Rd., # 8. Boise, Idaho 83705). In my opinion, the FBI agents and people associated with them planned to kick me out of the apartment during the January frosts.

I became a Bank of America customer in April 2010. I asked the bank staff for a loan (this branch of the bank was located on S Capitol Boulevard in Boise). And they gave me an interest-free loan of $800. I paid $750 of this amount to pay off the apartment debt. I paid another $30 for a bank transfer of $750. Thanks to such help, I managed to live in the apartment for another two winter months. Thanks to the people at Bank of America.

34. In order to exclude any possibility of compromise, a 45-year-old woman participated in the court case. I think the FBI agents got her a job on our block as a volunteer. In February 2012, this woman filed a lawsuit to remove me from the apartment. The court did not provide me with an interpreter into Uzbek and the judge ruled to evict me from the apartment on February 23, 2012. On February 28, 2012, all my things were taken out of the rented apartment and sealed. I left Boise on March 2, 2012.

35. I arrived in the city of Washington on March 2, 2012. I was not given the opportunity to get a job. I studied for two weeks with Jubilee Jobs (2712 Ontario Rd NW, Washington, DC 20009) and was looking for a job with their letters of recommendation. I went with their letters to more than ten organizations. But there was not a single return phone call from them. FBI agents blocked my phone. I once returned to Jubilee Jobs from another organization. A young curator who gave me letters of recommendation said: “I called you. Why did not you answer?" I put my phone on the table and said, "Please call." She dials my phone number and calls, but my phone does not ring. I told her, "The FBI is blocking my phone like this."

36. I spent the night in a shelter in Virginia from March 2 to April 1, 2012. Shelters in Virginia are winter-only until April 1st. I spent the night in the city of Washington in shelter 801 from April 2, 2012 to May 26, 2014, that is, about two years and two months (801 East Men's Shelter. 801 East Building, 2700 Martin Luther King Ave., SE. Washington, DC 20032).

37. Shelter is a shelter for the homeless in the United States. It opens at 19:00 and at 7:00 in the morning the homeless must leave the shelter. For 2 years and 2 months I was convinced of the following: the shelter is a place of massacre against dissidents in the USA. I will write about this later in a separate article with a lot of facts, if the Lord God gives me the opportunity (Allah hohlasa).

Brief information about the shelter 801.

“Catholic Charities 801 East Men’s Shelter is a low-barrier shelter program open to anyone who identifies as male 18 years and older. The program offers a hot dinner, access to case management staff, showers, and a bed on a nightly basis. The low-barrier shelter provides 380 beds every night and is open from 7 pm to 7 am daily.” [26]

38. The FBI agents continued their pursuit of me in Washington. I was robbed nine times and robbed twice from November 2012 to May 26, 2014. Here I will write about thefts and robberies. First, about one important fact.

39. Important fact: Bakhtiyar Gulyamov (1964) was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United States in July 2013. His brother Lieutenant General Shukhrat Gulyamov (1966) was the first deputy chairman of the National Security Service (SNB) of Uzbekistan. And in August 2013, daring thefts and robberies began.

First, if NSS Lieutenant General Shukhrat Gulyamov asked his brother Bakhtiyar Gulyamov to assist some NSS officers sent to the United States, he would hardly have refused. Secondly, Lieutenant-General of the National Security Service Shukhrat Gulyamov had every opportunity to provide enough currency to pay for the services of thieves and robbers, as well as to buy my stolen and robbed laptops, diaries, flash drives, phones, recorders, cameras and other journalistic accessories.

I assume that the NSS officers sent from Tashkent to Washington, as well as those living in the USA, ordered with a monetary reward, and in some cases they themselves participated in the thefts and robberies of me.

A little about the personality and fate of Lieutenant-General of the National Security Service Shukhrat Gulyamov. In January 2017, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev removed him from his post as the first deputy chairman of the NSS and appointed him head of the Surkhandarya regional department of the NSS. Shukhrat Gulyamov, as if nothing had happened, remained in Tashkent, served as the first deputy chairman of the National Security Council in his office, and thus openly sabotaged the Decree of the President of the country.

“02/06/2017 at an extraordinary meeting of the country's Security Council under heavy guard of army special forces, President Mirziyoyev removed him from his post and deprived him of the rank of general.

"He [Shukhrat Gulyamov - U.Kh.], as if nothing had happened, remained in Tashkent, performed his former duties [the functions of the first deputy chairman of the National Security Council] in his office, and thereby openly sabotaged the Decree of the President of the country [On the appointment of Shukhrat Gulyamov head of the Surkhandarya regional department of the National Security Service]," Shavkat Mirziyoev said in his speech to the participants of the meeting.

Reading out the Decree on the removal of Sh. Gulyamov from work in the NSS system, the President of Uzbekistan stressed that "if Shukhrat Gulyamov does not comply with the new Decree, arrest him and even use firearms against him."

The meeting participants witnessed how Shavkat Mirziyoev personally took away the service certificate from Shukhrat Gulyamov and deprived him of the rank of General of the National Security Service.

On August 10, 2017, the Supreme Military Court (Tribunal) of the Republic of Uzbekistan sentenced Shukhrat Gulyamov to life imprisonment with the condition of compensation for financial damage in the amount of one and a half billion dollars inflicted on the state.” [11]

Please note: Lieutenant General of the National Security Service Shukhrat Gulyamov caused financial damage to the young state of Uzbekistan in the amount of one and a half billion dollars! I am sure that some of this money was spent on undercover operations in the United States, paying for the services of the organizers of thefts and robberies, thieves and robbers, as well as buying stolen and robbed of my information and journalistic supplies, such as two Toshiba laptops, three telephones, flash drives, notepads, recorders, cameras and so on.

Additional information about the deeds of Lieutenant General of the National Security Service Shukhrat Gulyamov.

"In 2012, a group of generals in Uzbekistan were plotting a coup d'état with the removal of the late Uzbek President Islam Karimov from office and the physical removal of then-Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyayev." Akhmed Aliyev, a 53-year-old well-known jeweler, the head of the Aliyev Zargari (Gold Center) company, stated this at a press conference held on October 21 at the Le Grande Plaza hotel in Tashkent.

During the press conference, Ahmed Aliyev stated that he was the victim of political repressions.

“I was put in jail for two reasons – economic and political. I believe that the economic reason for my arrest was the desire to take away my "Gold Center", created in the center of Tashkent. However, this was a secondary reason. The primary reason was political revenge... To be more precise, I went to prison for economic and political reasons. But I consider the political reason to be primary. In 2011-2012, a coup d'état was being prepared in Uzbekistan. In the event of its implementation, the then President Islam Abduganievich Karimov would have been removed from office. As part of that coup d'état, Shavkat Mirziyoev, who at that time held the post of prime minister, would have been physically eliminated. I repeat, they wanted to physically eliminate him. I was put in jail only because I found out about it,” Ahmed Aliyev said.

He stated that "general Shukhrat Gulyamov personally stood behind the plan to physically eliminate Shavkat Mirziyaev."

At a press conference at the Le Grande Plaza hotel, Aliyev called the former First Deputy Chairman of the National Security Service (now the State Security Service - Ed.), General Shukhrat Gulyamov, an "enemy of the people."

Recall that in 2017, the Military Court of Uzbekistan sentenced General of the Special Services Shukhrat Gulyamov to life imprisonment.

In a separate conversation with a journalist from Ozodlik, Ahmed Aliyev clarified the issue of the coup.

- If I'm not mistaken, then a person who speaks baseless words is called a talker? People who back up their words with certain documents are taken seriously. So, I have documents confirming every word I said today, - says Ahmed Aliyev.

According to him, in 2014 he managed to transfer these documents to the leadership of Uzbekistan, in particular, Shavkat Mirziyaev.

- Then Shukhrat Gulyamov still remained in his position. I ask you to take this into account,” the entrepreneur said. [27]

Only after the removal of Lieutenant General of the National Security Service Shukhrat Gulyamov in February 2017, it was possible to remove Bakhtiyar Gulyamov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United States, in April 2017.

40. FIRST THEFT. After organizing the theft of a bag on the night of August 9, 2013, on August 13, 2013, I began to write an article about four thefts organized against me in shelter 801. For some reason, I could not finish that article then. From that unfinished article, some data on four thefts.

I usually slept in a shelter with a trouser. This unusual theft was committed on one of the October nights of 2012. The thief first pulled my wallet out of my pocket and took the item he needed. I don't remember now what it was. Rather, it was associated with information. He then put my wallet in my pocket. FBI agents and his assistants in those days used nightly drug interrogations against me. I believe they stole that thing during the night of the drug interrogation. They wanted to know my reaction to the theft - where and how I would apply.

The material damage was minor. Therefore, in the morning I told about the theft to a tall, respectable employee who that night was on duty in a shelter and distributed beds to the homeless.

41. THE SECOND THEFT. I started selling the Street Sense newspaper from the end of October 2012. In early November, the evening became cool. I turned to a charity located in the basement of the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church (The Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church: 1 Chevy Chase Cir, Washington, DC 20015) for help. They gave me a yellow coat in my size. I sold a newspaper in the evenings at the corner of Wisconsin Ave & M St NW DC. This intersection is very crowded. It was difficult for the FBI agent and his assistant to follow from the inside of the car. Perhaps they had to get out of the car and freeze for several hours while I sold the newspaper. They decided to deprive me of that sheepskin coat so that I could not sell the newspaper in the evenings.

I hung a short fur coat at the head of the bed at night. I woke up at 5:15 on the morning of November 14, 2012 and did not see my sheepskin coat. I went around the great hall and did not find him. I told the workers of the shelter about it. I called the police on 911. Police officer Ms. Rebecca Hernaandez (Hernaandez, Rebecca) from the 7th police department arrived. I escorted her to my bed and explained the theft of the sheepskin coat. She got on the phone with an interpreter. We stand with her and discuss through an interpreter. At this time, someone called her walkie-talkie and in a rough male voice began to scold her. His harsh words and insults changed the face of Mrs. Rebecca Hernaandes dramatically. She stuttered something answered him. She then said a few short sentences and left. Then I realized that it was one of the chiefs controlling the shelter, probably an FBI agent. This agent did not want a police officer from the 7th department to investigate the theft of a sheepskin coat.

I received a copy of the report the next day, written by Ms. Rebecca Hernaandez and signed by her supervisor, Mr. Harris, Martin. Nine years have passed since then and I don't know where that copy is. I reproduce the text written by Ms. Rebecca Ernaandes in from my 2013 unfinished article.

“On Wednesday, November 14, 2012, at approximately 05:13 hours, the undersigned Officer responded to the above location for a dispatched run. On scene, C-1 and the Officer were not able to effectively communicate due to a language barrier. The Officier utilized the Language Line and had a Russian Interpreter assist with the call for service. C-1 stated that he woke up that morning and noticed his winter jacket was missing. C-1 did not state when he last saw the jacket, but was able to give a description of it. The particulars of the jacket were as follows: light yellow in color, artificial leather, and one inch of fluff that is rare and not from the surrounding area. The undersigned Officer went to his bed area to assist with searching for the jacket, but was unsuccessful. C-1 was told by the Officer, through the interpreter, that if the jacket was found by the staff after everyone left for the morning that it will be held at lost and found.”

42. THE THIRD THEFT. I continued writing the article about the June 24, 2014 thefts that I started writing in 2013. By that time, the number of thefts had reached seven. There, about the third theft in shelter 801, he wrote only the words: “3-THEFT. Theft of trousers and shirts (shirts). The third theft took place sometime in March 2013. It was a minor steal for me. I don't remember her details.

43. THE FOURTH THEFT. Another organized theft in a shelter occurred on the night of April 26-27, 2013. I then wrote a report to the police. I quote the text of that report from an unfinished article of 2013.

“I, Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, bought an LG 530G phone from Best Buy (4500 Wisconsin Ave NW. Washington, DC 20016) on July 1, 2012. Phone number: (202) 341-4028.

From April 2, 2012 to today - June 26, 2013 I spend the night in a shelter at the address:
801-East Men Building
2700 Martin Lyuter King Avenue, SE
Washington DC 20032

On the night of April 26-27, 2013, the shelter staff provided me and several other homeless people with folding beds in the kitchen of the shelter. I hung my suit on the seat of the table. There was an LG 530G phone in the suit pocket.

On the morning of April 27, I found out that someone had stolen my phone. Together with the phone, the chip of this phone and its battery were stolen, as well as a chip from the previous phone and a battery of the same brand of phone.

Interesting fact: in the other pocket of the suit there was a change of about one dollar. The thief did not take the money. Apparently, this "thief" was interested in my telephone contacts with friends and relatives, recorded in the phone.

On the evening of April 27, 2013 at 9:00 p.m. I came to the Metropolitan Police Department Washington, DC 7th District (2455 Alabama Ave SE, Washington, DC 20020). A police officer spoke to me. She asked for the brand of the phone. I couldn't answer.

I came to the Best Buy store on May 4, 2013 and asked for a copy of the specifications of the LG 530G phone. The employee gave it to me. I am attaching this copy to this application.

On the same day I bought a new VMU Kyocera Event phone. My new phone number is (202) 423-7578.)"

44. THE FIFTH THEFT. I carried my important things in a black bag, including a laptop. In the evening, having come to the shelter, 801 opened his iron locker number 184 in the D-hall (see photo 3). From the locker he took out two cloth bags with bedding and clothes for the night. I put a bag with all the accessories inside, including a laptop, and put some clothes over the bag, for example, a jacket, trousers, sometimes shoes. Usually, the rise in the shelter was at 6:00 o'clock. I, along with others, got up at 6:00, washed my face and hands, made the bed, put my clothes and bed in cloth bags. Then I went to the D-hall to locker number 184.

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Photo 7. Lockers in the D (D)-hall of shelter 801. My black bag is visible inside locker 184. In front of the locker is my backpack. City of Washington. March 2014. Photo of the author.

The iron lockers of the shelter were small and it was impossible to put a backpack and outerwear inside. So I put it next to me on the bed. On the night of August 8-9, 2013, a backpack with things was stolen from me in shelter 801. August 9 was the day of the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. I am a Muslim and fast every month of Ramadan. The organizers, possibly FBI agents, specifically organized this theft on the holiday of Ramadan - Eid al-Fitr (the holiday of Conversation, Uraza-Bayram). This was another dirty provocation. I called the police and could not go to the holiday prayer in the mosque and celebrate with fellow believers. A police officer wrote report 13112229 about the theft of a backpack in a shelter on August 9, 2013. Here and below, in parentheses, I indicate in which of my articles I wrote about these thefts and robberies: ([28, part 4, paragraph 12.3.1]).

As I wrote in paragraph 40, after organizing the theft of a bag on August 9, 2013, on August 13, 2013, I began writing an article about four thefts organized against me in shelter 801. I continued that article on June 24, 2014. From that unfinished article, the following is a list of stolen items along with a backpack on August 9, 2013.

"1. Backpack brand GA-7316-06 - 1 pc. $99.99 + 6% tax = $105.98.

2. Magazine (notebook like a book) 2 pcs. The total price is approximately $10.
These notebooks were filled with addresses of friends, a diary of events from 2006-2008 and a lot of other important information for me.

3. Journal (general notebook - Composition Book) - Diary of events from September 2012 to August 8, 2013. This diary was almost filled with important entries from the events of 2012-2013. - 1 PC. $3.19 + 6% tax = $3.38.

4. Green form (apron) of the newspaper “Street Sense” - 1 pc. (Management of the newspaper "Street Sense" gave me a new form).

5. Umbrella - 1 pc. $7.

6. Russian Compact Dictionary. Russian-English, English-Russian. (Russian-English and English-Russian dictionary) - Derlitz Publishing, New-York, 2011. p. 624. - 1 pc. $13.99 + 6% tax = $14.83

7. T-shirt - 1 pc. $12.

8. Smart rip card - 1 pc. $21 ($5 Smart rip card cost, $16 bus fare for one week. Total: $21).

The material damage from the theft on August 9, 2013 amounted to the following amount with an incomplete list of things: $ 174 dollar 19 cents. [28, part 4, paragraph 12.3.1]

Please note: there is no laptop among my stolen items. Police Officer Kelvin W. Branch, in his report 14074924, that is, after the armed robbery of me on the night of May 26, 2014, will slanderously allege that in report 13112229 I referred to the theft of a laptop on August 9, 2013 (see paragraph 64).

Now I will give a photocopy of report 13112229, which consists of two pages from [28, part 4, paragraph 12.3.1].

1RAPORT13112229 (699x595, 105Kb)
Photo 8. First page of Report 13112229. ([28, part 4, paragraph 12.3.1])

2RAPORT13112229 (633x700, 124Kb)
Photo 9. Second page of Report 13112229. ([28, part 4, paragraph 12.3.1])

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Понедельник, 31 Января 2022 г. 21:11 + в цитатник


45. Hereinafter I will write about thefts, beatings and robberies and reports of police officers. Police officers in some reports deliberately erroneously refer to other reports in order to confuse. Perhaps they did this on the advice and insistence of the FBI agents. Therefore, I will give here a list of reports, the date and some important details to make it easier to understand them. I compiled this list of reports and then sorted through them.

45.1. Two-page report 13112229 about the theft of a backpack in shelter 801 on the night of August 8-9, 2013. ([28, part 4, paragraph 12.3.1]) I wrote about the theft of a backpack in a shelter on August 9, 2013 and report 13112229 in paragraph 44 in this complaint statement. I unequivocally wrote there that in report 13112229 there is no word about the theft of a laptop.

45.2. Report of the theft of a bag with a laptop in shelter 801 by a professional thief on the morning of October 8, 2013 (fifth theft). The number of this report is unknown to me. The police destroyed this report from the police computer of the 7th Washington City Police Department. My copy of the report was taken away with my bag during an armed robbery on the night of May 26, 2014. I wrote about this theft and destruction of a report from the police computer at paragraphs 46-51 with the evidence in this complaint statement. I wrote about buying my first laptop on credit in paragraph 57 and there I printed a receipt from Best Buy dated November 18, 2012. I wrote about buying a second laptop on credit in paragraph 58, and there I printed a Best Buy receipt dated November 30 (“Black Friday”), 2013.

45.3. Two-page report 13167550 Halpin police officer, Kevin M. (badge number 4251) wrote with some distortions and false statements about the beating and robbery of me on November 21, 2013 (the first robbery). Then two robbers beat me up and took away my wallet with documents. I wrote about this robbery in paragraphs 52-55 in this application-complaint.

Please note: in the Report number 13167550 about the theft on August 9, 2013, there is not a single word about the laptop. This means that police officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch, in report 14074924 dated May 26, 2014, writes about a laptop and openly slanders me with reference to report number 13167550 (see paragraph 64).

45.4. Five-page report number 201357180 Detective Ms. Alanna Watkins wrote more truthfully about the beating and robbing of me on November 21, 2013. Then two robbers took away my wallet with documents. I wrote about this robbery at paragraphs 54-55 in this complaint statement.

45.5. Two-page report 14074924 was written by police officer Mr. Calvin W. Branch on purpose with gross misrepresentations and false allegations of an armed robbery against me on the night of May 25-26, 2014. Then two armed robbers took away my backpack and bag along with my laptop, Uzbek passport and journalistic accessories. I wrote about this armed robbery at paragraphs 61, 63-64 in this application-complaint.

Police officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch falsely writes in report 14074924 dated May 26, 2014 (see paragraph 64): “Further investigation revealed that C-1 made several reports for the same laptop stolen (in reports) CCN 13112229 and CCN 13167550. C-1 recently made a report for the same laptop as stolen, and Detective Campos is currently investigating according to Detective Hunsucker."

I wrote in paragraph 45.1 that in report 13112229 about the theft of a backpack in shelter 801 on the night of August 8-9, 2013, there is no word about the theft of a laptop. I also wrote in paragraph 45.3 that report 13167550 says that I was beaten and robbed on November 21, 2013 and that my wallet with documents was taken away by the robbers. Therefore, in report 13167550 there is no word about the robbery of my laptop.

To be precise: the theft of the bag, along with my first laptop, was organized in shelter 801 with the help of a professional thief on the morning of October 8, 2013 (see paragraphs 45.2 and 46-50). My second laptop was robbed on the night of May 26, 2014 by having my bag and backpack stolen by the robbers (see paragraphs 45.5, 61 and 63-64).

46. THE SIXTH THEFT. On the morning of October 8, 2013, my laptop bag was pre-planned theft in shelter 801. On the morning of October 8, 2013 at 6:30 am, as usual, I came to the D-hall, opened my locker number 184, took out my bag from the inside and put it behind me. And he began to insert two bags of bedding into the inside of the locker. I put two bags in the locker and turned back. There was no black bag. During this 1-1.5-minute interval, a professional thief grabbed my bag and ran out of the D-hall and ran away.

The bag contained my laptop, three notepads with addresses of relatives, friends, human rights activists, journalists, members of the Uzbek opposition, as well as other important information, two diaries describing the events around me, my passport of a citizen of Uzbekistan, a recorder (recorder), phone, glasses, and so on. Further. Later, on October 9, 2013, I found out that a professional thief with a bag escaped through the back exit, that is, through the Emergency Door into the yard of the shelter.

The shelter staff did not allow me to call 911 on my office or mobile phone. I left the shelter and looked for the phone. The phone was provided by one of the builders of the house across the street. I called the police.

I was waiting for the arrival of the police near the shelter building near the entrance. An unfamiliar young man of 25 years old arrived in a car, stopped not far from the door and quickly entered the shelter building. He looked very much like an Uzbek. I was waiting for the policeman, thinking about what to say and forgot to write the number of the car. Apparently, an FBI agent called him and said that his order was completed and demanded to come urgently. Some homeless person could pay attention to a large bag poorly hidden among the grasses under a tree and take it for himself.

A few minutes later a policeman arrived. But he did not get out of the police car and did not go into the shelter to inspect the crime scene. I went to his car. He contacted a Russian translator through the phone. He started asking questions and I answered. He asked about the stolen items. I answered. I asked to call my phone, which was in my bag. By calling, it was possible to determine the location of the bag. He refused to call and locate the bag. He wrote while sitting in the car. A little later, the policeman asked me to step away from the car. I walked away. He drove off about 20 meters and called somewhere and talked. Then he left. On the same day, October 8, 2013, the policeman wrote a report. I usually get a copy of the report and keep it, knowing the importance of the document. I also had a police report dated October 8, 2013 in my bag. [28, part 6, paragraph 12.4]

While I was talking to the policeman, a young man got out of the shelter, got into his car and drove away. In my opinion, he paid the amount agreed and was told that the bag was under the trees. He stopped the car on the way, took my bag, poured the contents into his trunk or into some of his bags, put the empty bag under a tree and left.

47. THE SEVENTH THEFT. A professional thief committed another theft the next morning - October 9, 2013. I changed bags in my locker and put a rag bag with things behind me. I looked back after 1-2 minutes and look - the bag is gone. I looked around, the hall and the corridor in the hope that someone was joking. But there was no bag. I went to the duty officer in the center of the shelter, stood near the counter and said: “They just stole my bag with things.” The duty officer just started talking, at this time the thief came up behind me, touched my shoulder and said in a low voice: "I'll help you find a bag, let's go." We moved away and he asked for money for the bag. Agreed on the price. I gave an advance and he brought my bag with things. I gave the rest of the money. The thief then told me: “Never put your thing behind or on the side. Your thing is only in front of yourself. I remembered his words for a long time.

The question arises: for what purpose did they stage a second theft in two days and this time they quickly returned it for money?

The FBI agents and her assistants in the shelter at night did a lot of drug exposure and drug interrogations of me. I wrote about drug exposure and drug interrogation in paragraph 98. Having committed a double theft in two days, they conducted another night drug interrogation of me. And asking various questions about the two thefts received a variety of answers and recorded on video and audio. Then they made a montage out of these video and audio recordings and got nonsense, nonsense, nonsense. After all, I wrote a report to the police about the theft of a bag with a laptop and other things.

For example, an FBI agent with the help of a Russian translator asks a question about the second bag. I, under the influence of drugs, answer that "I bought a bag from a thief for so much a dollar." And there - in the report he wrote that the bag with the laptop was stolen. These are such absurd, meaningless, nonsense answers that are filmed and they go to psychiatrists. They sent my written report and video to psychiatrists. Here is a ready-made material for you to receive another diagnosis from psychiatrists that "Shukhratjon Akhmadjonov is mentally ill and his accusations of stealing a bag with a laptop and other journalistic things are nonsense ...".

It is appropriate to write that the FBI agents and their accomplices organized such double thefts of my things several times (see paragraph 88). I only found out about such a double theft here in the USA.

48. A thief approached me on the evening of October 8, 2013 and offered to ransom some of my stolen documents. I bought three documents for $40, including my Uzbek passport and my bank account book at Bank of America. The organizers of the thefts, possibly FBI agents, wanted to create a conflict situation between me and the thief and then deal with me. Realizing this, I tried not to bring to a serious conflict with him.

On the evening of October 9, 2013, I came to the 7th Police Station (Seventh District Station. 2455 Alabama Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20020. Phone: (202) 698-1500) and told the duty officer that I had an important message about the theft of my bag and belongings on October 8th. I was invited to the inner hall where police detectives (investigators) work. The police officer took these three documents and made a photocopy of two of them - my Uzbek passport and bank book. But he refused to apprehend the thief. He advised calling the police on 911.

49. As I wrote above, the thief brought me my documents and sold them. I asked him to return my notebooks (notebooks) for money, which were filled with addresses, phone numbers of brothers, sisters, relatives, friends, associates, members of the opposition, and so on. I gave him money in advance. He promised several times and failed to deliver. He verbally explained as follows: “I took your things (stolen, A.Sh.) to the house of one woman. For some reason, she's not at home. I'm going down again." Then he disappeared for a few days and came back to the shelter to ask me for money. I told him: “You took money from me and promised to return my notebooks. You didn't keep your promise." He responded verbally. I asked him to write on paper. He then wrote the following.
156647935_1VORzapiska1 (699x525, 283Kb)
Photo 10. Thief's note dated October 25, 2013. [28, part 1, paragraph 3].

Apparently, my notebooks were handed over to an FBI agent, and he sold it to an Uzbek officer of the State Security Service. The thief in his note writes as follows.

“I went to jail for beating that woman. I got locked up one 4 nights. I got to break in her house to got the 2 notebooks.”

Below on the right is my entry in Uzbek: “2013 yil 25 October (zhuma) kechqurun ўғri yozgan gaplar” (“Phrases written by a thief in the evening of October 25 (Friday) 2013”).

I decided to go to the police at the end of October 2013 and at 7 o'clock in the morning I left the shelter. I walk along the sidewalk to the W4 bus stop. The thief is coming from the opposite side of the street. He would come up to me, say something and ask for money. I asked him to write on paper. He wrote only a request for money, and did not write his other phrases. Here is the thief's letter.

156647936_2VORzapiska1 (420x587, 240Kb)
Photo 11. Thief's note, written at the end of October 2013. [28, part 1, paragraph 3].

“I need help 20.00 (dollars, A.Sh.) I will get your books.”

The thief asked for 20 dollars to buy my notebooks. I told him, “I once gave you $20 in advance. You promised to return my notebooks. You didn't keep your promise. Now I have no money.” I said that and went about my business. [28, part 1, paragraph 3]

50. The thief later brought my documents three more times and sold them to me. In total, I paid him $161. I told the thief that the notepads were important to me, where the addresses and phone numbers of my relatives were recorded and asked them to return them for money. As I wrote in paragraph 36, he promised twice and failed to fulfill his promise. Apparently, a professional thief was assigned to steal my bag and put it under the trees. The thief completed the task of the customer of the crime on October 8, 2013. In my opinion, the SSS officer arrived, paid the customer for organizing the theft, completely shook the entire contents of the bag into his bag or car trunk and left the empty bag under the trees.

Then - in October 2013, the police officers of the 7th department did nothing to catch this thief red-handed. The reason for such a cold and indifferent approach is that the shelter was controlled by some strong organization of special services, in my opinion the FBI. Therefore, the police and detectives had no right to interfere in the affairs and problems of the shelter. Apparently for this reason, one of the detectives advised me to call the police at 911. I openly told this detective on October 9, 2013 in the evening: “What are you not policemen? After all, shelter 801 is located on the territory of the 7th police department. In response, the detective repeated, "Call the police at 911." [28, part 6, paragraph 12.4]

51. On the morning of May 26, 2014, after the robbery, I asked police sergeant (female) Ms. DaeTonya Scoh for a copy of the report dated October 8, 2013. She looked at the computer and said: “The report about you dated October 8, 2013 is not on the computer.”

On the evening of May 31, 2014, I came to the 7th police station. I decided to check again for the presence of the report dated October 8, 2013. To this end, at 19:30, he asked officer M.H. Park (M.H. Park, badge No. 4032) to give a copy of the report dated October 8, 2013. He looked at the computer and said, "The report of October 8, 2013 is not on the computer."

This meant that the police of the 7th department, possibly at the direction of the FBI agents, destroyed from the computer a report dated October 8, 2013 about the theft of my bag with all journalistic accessories, including a Toshiba laptop in an 801 shelter. Two criminals armed robbed me on the night of May 26, 2014 and took away a bag and a backpack, inside of which was a report dated October 8, 2013. Therefore, I do not have the opportunity here to write the number of the report dated October 8, 2013. [28, part 6, paragraph 12.4]

52. FIRST ROIST. November 21, 2013 in the morning at 7:00 o'clock left the shelter and came to the bus stop. There were four homeless men and two well-dressed unknown men standing at the bus stop. A healthy man, 185-190 centimeters tall, beat me up, took my wallet out of my inner jacket pocket and handed my wallet to the second criminal.

The second strong, stocky criminal was about 30 years old, his height was 180 cm. Perhaps he was an Uzbek. He looked like an Uzbek. He kept both hands in the side pocket of his jacket and tried to cover his body from the views of the drivers of cars passing by. During the robbery, the second man was driving away some homeless people who came out of the shelter. Inside the wallet were my documents: identity document (ID), Green Card (Green Card), Social Security Card (Social Security Card), Medical Insurance Card (Medical Insurance Card) and food stamp card (Food Stamp Card). Both criminals left one by one.

I called 911 and called the police. The Metro Transit Police Department police car arrived at 7:25 pm. The name of this policeman was Enderson. He didn't have a badge on his chest. I told him about the robbery. At 7:35 pm, another police car arrived. The second policeman had the number 425 written on his badge. They talked to each other about something. They asked me: "Should I call an ambulance?" I answered: "It is necessary!" and they called an ambulance. Ambulances took me to the United Medical Center (1310 Southern Ave SE, Washington, DC 20032).

As usual, the policeman did not connect with the interpreter. The police officer wrote a report in such a way that the criminal case was not opened and another crime against me was not investigated. In those days, I photographed my face. There was a tumor and a large bruise under the eye and above the eyebrow. This is clearly visible in the photo that I present here. [28, part 4, paragraph 12.3.2]

156647942_1BOSQINfotoMEN1 (465x699, 54Kb)
Photo 12. View of my face after being beaten and robbed on November 21, 2013. [28, part 4, paragraph 12].

53. It is interesting that both police officers, having violated their official duties, did not write a report about the beating and robbery of me on November 21, 2013. I came to the 7th police station on the night of November 21, 2013 and said: "Please give me a copy of the robbery report." The officer on duty said, "There is no report of the robbery committed against you in the computer."

I insisted and demanded an answer for what reason there is no report. Police officials then called Officer J.Mc Cloud (badge number 674) from the Metro Transit Police Department. He asked me questions at 00:40 on November 22, 2013 and wrote a report 13167550 about this robbery. (This time is listed on the second page of report 201357180, written by Detective Ms. Alanna Watkins. See next paragraph 54 for her.)

Police Officer J.Mc Cloud (badge number 674) wrote report 13167550 on behalf of Police Officer Halpin Kevin M. (badge number 4251). Now I will give a photocopy of report 13167550, which consists of two pages.

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Photo 13. First page of Report 13167550. ([28, part 4, paragraph 12.3.2]).

156647984_2RAPORT13167550 (633x700, 114Kb)
Photo 14. Second page of Report 13167550. ([28, part 4, paragraph 12.3.2]).

I will give the text of the two important parts of the Report 13167550.


1. Stolen property. Clothes/furs (includes accessories) 1 $ 15.00
2. Stolen property. Other, 3 books 3 $ 20.00
3. Stolen property. Money (coins and paper currency) 106 $ 106.00
4. Stolen property. Other, 2 journals 2 $ 6.00
5. Stolen property. Recorder 1 $ 60.00”

“NARRATIVE Describe event and action taken.

C-1 states that he entered the shelter at 2700 Mlk. 801 East on 08-09 at 01:00 hours and went to sleep at 01.30. hours. Placing the listed property under his bed in dorm A. C-1 upon waking at 06.00 hours noticed the listed items missing.” ([28, part 4, paragraph 12.3.2])

Please note: in the Report number 13167550 about the theft on August 9, 2013, there is not a single word about the laptop. This means that police officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch, in report 14074924 dated May 26, 2014, writes about a laptop and openly slanders me with reference to report number 13167550 (see paragraph 64).

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Понедельник, 31 Января 2022 г. 20:52 + в цитатник


54. Detective (investigator) Ms. Alanna Watkins of the Metro Transit Police Department Criminal Investigation Division investigated the November 21, 2013 robbery. She wrote a more truthful Report 201357180. Report 201357180 consists of five pages. All five pages of report 201357180 are published in [28, part 5, paragraph 12.3.3]. I took from the first page only the title lines relating to the document, from the fourth page - Narrative Information, and from the fifth page - the Additional Story (Additional Narrative). Below is the text.

“Event Report

Metro Transit Police Department ORI-DCMTP0000

Incident – Based Event Report

MTPO CCN 201357180

Local Juris. (Jurisdiction, A.Sh.) DC

Event Location MLK (Martin Luther King) Ave & Milwaukee Place, SE

City Washington State DC


Local District 7-D

Date of Event From 11/21/2013 To 11/21/2013

Time of Event From 07:05 To 07:15

Date of Report 11/22/2013 Time of Report 00:40”

“Narrative Information (page 4, A.Sh.)

V01 reports while waiting in line to board the A2 bus at bus stop # 1000210 located at Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. & Milwaukee Ave., SE. He was beaten and robbed by two b/males (black / males, A.Sh.) who stole his wallet.

Additional Narrative

V01 reports at approximately 07:05 hrs at the MLK (Martin Luther King, A.Sh.) & Milwaukee Ave., SE bus shelter/stand (bus stop # 1000210), standing behind several patrons waiting to board the A2 bus. S01 grabbed V01’s backpack from behind and attempted to pull it from his shoulder. Unsuccessful in his attempt to take the backpack S01 then grabbed V01 by his arm and pulled him back into the bus stand. S01 then grabbed V01 by his collar, shoved him against the bus stand glass and asked him where his money was. V01 noticed S2 standing close by appearing to be keeping look. V01 then began yelling for help at which time S01 grabbed him by his throat and began choking him then threw him to the ground. As V01 laid on the ground yelling for help S01 began going through the pockets on the outside of V01’s jacket. As V01 was still yelling for help he was then struck in the face by S01 with a clinched fist. V01 then pulled his wallet from his inside left brest pocket and gave it to S01. The wallet contained $23 US currency, Bank Debit Card, Credit Card, SSN Card, ID Card, Medicare Card, Food Stamp Card and a memory SD card for his camera all of which were taken. S01 and S02 then began walking away from the scene taking V01’s backpack with them but discarding it several feet away. The suspects fled the area on foot. V01 retrieved his backpack then call 911 to report the incident. V01 was transported by medics to United Medical Center (Emergency Department) and released at 14:12 hrs. V01 suffered head trauma, contusion (face) and a hematoma.

MTPD CCN: 201357180 Event Report Page 5 of 5” [28, часть 5, параграф 12.3.3]

55. Detective Ms. Alanna Watkins wrote eight questions during an interview with me on December 17, 2013. On December 27, 2013, I responded in writing to all of her questions. At the end I wrote the question: “Where and how can I get a new green card?” She replied that I needed to contact the office of the Catholic Charities (Catholic Charities, 924 G St. NW, Washington, DC 20001). Since the shelter 801 belonged to this organization. [28, part 5, paragraph 12.3.5]

56. I went to the office of the Catholic Charitable Organization and spoke to a lawyer. He said that to get a new green card, you need to pay $ 700 and pay for the Catholic Charitable Organization. He fixed the day and time. I arrived at the appointed time. The lawyer pointed to the volunteer. The volunteer wanted to fill out the relevant paperwork in the same office. The lawyer said "Not here". A volunteer led me to a utility room. He installed three telephones there directed at me and some other recording-transmitting devices. He asked questions and wrote down all the data about my documents. The queue of questions has reached the secret question. The question was about my mother's name. He asked the question three times and I repeated my mother's name three times. He asked me to spell it out. I spelled. I then realized that one of the goals of stealing my documents was to get the maximum documentary information about me and the answer to a security question.

Let me remind you that in the United States it is allowed to call the center of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and, after answering the security question, correct your personal data. I was told about this in 2010. I never called the center or made any changes for 11 years.

That's how my secret personal data was stolen with the help of a volunteer. In my opinion, the volunteer was connected at the insistence of the FBI agents. As a result, even a lawyer for the Catholic Charity became complicit in the leak of my secret identity and secret question password. The lawyer himself had to conduct a survey and fill out questionnaires.

57. I bought a laptop for the first time on November 18, 2012. Then the seller of the Best Buy store through Capital-one-bank gave me a loan of $ 1,200 with a term of payment within 18 months at zero interest (Best Buy store address: 4500 Wisconsin Ave Nw Washington, DC 20016). I bought a Toshiba laptop for $799.99 and Office Home and Students for $89.99 that day in Best Bay. In total, together with the tax (tax), I paid $ 943.38 from the loan. On the same day and the next day I bought a computer mouse and something else. As a result, I paid off more than $1100 from the loan. In photo 10, I have shown a copy of the Best Buy store receipt for buying a laptop and other laptop accessories on credit on November 18, 2012 from [28, part 6, paragraph 12.4, photo 21].
NOUTBUK115468766_IMG_0003 (524x700, 155Kb)
Photo 15. A copy of the Best Buy store receipt for the purchase of a Toshiba laptop and other laptop accessories on credit on November 18, 2012.

Then he paid off the loan every month. I paid off a $750 loan by October 2013 and was left with $450 in debt. My laptop was stolen along with my bag on October 8, 2013 (see paragraph 46).

58. The theft of a bag with a laptop in shelter 801 was committed on October 8, 2013. On Black Friday, November 30, 2013, I bought a new Toshiba laptop (Toshiba) brand P55T-A5202 - 15.6”/15-4200U / 8 GB on credit. This time I paid $699 for a laptop, that is, $100 less than on November 18, 2012. In photo 11, I have shown a copy of the Best Buy store receipt for buying a laptop and other laptop accessories on credit for the second time on November 30, 2013 ([28, part 3, paragraph 11, photo 10]).
(This second laptop was taken away in an armed attack on the night of 26 May 2014, see paragraphs 61 and 64.)

NOUTBUKchek2 (541x699, 97Kb)
Photo 16. A copy of the Best Buy store receipt for my second purchase on credit of a Toshiba laptop and its other accessories on November 30, 2013.

59. A thief attacked me in a shelter on May 24, 2014 at 00:40 am. When I walked towards the lockers, the thief quietly approached me behind me, sharply thrust two hands into my two side pockets of my trousers. So he pushed me 3-4 steps from behind. I said out loud, "Hey!" The thief took his hands out of my pocket along with my folded one sheet of paper and a pen, and he ran out into the corridor and turned into the toilet. I filed a complaint about this with the police. [28, part 1, paragraph 3]

60. I came to the 7th police station on May 25, 2014 at 22:20 and filed a complaint with the police officer on duty. He did not want to accept the complaint and offered to sit and wait. I was waiting. I applied several times, but they demanded to wait. I stayed like that for 24 hours. After 24 hours, I became indignant and began to demand that the complaint be accepted.

My complaint dated May 24, 2014 was accepted by a police officer, Mr. J.S. Walker (J.C. Walker) somewhere 24:30 hours and handed over to Police Lieutenant Protective Service Division (PSD) Mr. Smith (Mr. Smith). PSD Address: 1900 Massachusetts Avenue, SE Acc. Building, Second floor, tel. 202-727-8031. I asked them to sign in my copy of the report. The officers on duty refused and said that my complaint had been forwarded to Lieutenant Smith. Lieutenant Smith asked me something. I did not understand and asked him to write on paper. He waved his hand, said nothing, and walked out of the building into the street. I asked the police officer on duty, “Where did he go?” The policeman replied, "He went to shelter 801."

Lieutenant Smith left in shelter 801, and I was not invited to a joint trip. At this time it was 00:40 hours on May 26. I asked the officer on duty to write the address of Lieutenant Smith's work. He wrote. I gave this address above.

So, the policemen on duty at the 7th police department did not accept my complaint on purpose and made me wait until midnight. They accepted my complaint only 24:40 hours. I left the police building very late - at 1:05 am on May 26, 2014 and went home, that is, to shelter 801. Thus, they created a convenient time for robbing me at 2:00 am on May 26, 2014. I was then armedly robbed and my bag and backpack were taken away. [28, part 1, paragraph 3-4]

61. THE SECOND ROBERT. On the night of May 26, 2014, two robbers robbed and took away my bag and backpack. An interesting point: these armed robbers were not interested in my purse (wallet) with dollars, which was in the inside pocket of the jacket. They were only interested in my storage media, such as a laptop, flash drives, folders with papers, notepads and others. Therefore, the wallet with some personal documents was preserved. (But the wallet did not survive for long: on the night of May 25-26, 2014, they organized the theft of a wallet from my 801 shelter locker. And by the morning of May 26, 2014, my wallet with all my personal documents was stolen from a locked locker. [28, part 1 , paragraph 5])

As the robbers disappeared behind the gate, I telephoned the police to 911. Police officers Mr. Calvin W. Branch, Detective Sergeant Fleming, Detective Hunsucker, and Sergeant Larsen arrived. ). I wrote their questions and my answers in the article [28, part 2, paragraph 7]. Officer Calvin W. Branch took me to shelter 801 at 2:35 am and left.

62. EIGHTH THEFT - theft from a shelter locker on the night of May 26, 2014. My misadventures did not end there on the night of May 26, 2014. In the shelter, as usual, I opened my iron locker number 184, took out bed linen. Then I took off my jacket with a purse in the inside pocket. He put the jacket in a locker and closed it with a padlock. During the night, someone, possibly an FBI agent, opened my locker and stole my wallet. Also missing is a piece of paper on which I wrote the numbers of two large black cars that arrived at 2:15 am at the scene of an armed robbery. In my opinion, it was important for the FBI agent to destroy the note with the numbers of these cars.

FBI agents or shelter staff at night, often during the day, open my locker and rummage through my things. Proof: in the last 14 months - from July 2013 to July 2014, a mouse ran out of my locker 13 (!) times. Apparently, an FBI agent or, on his orders, one of the shelter informers put a piece of bread or another product in my locker for a provocation and left the locker door open for a long time. The mouse entered the locker by the smell of bread and ended up inside the locker. As the mouse came in, the snitch slammed the locker door. When I opened the locker and took out the bed linen, packed in two bags, the mouse ran out of there with great fear and ran away to look anywhere.

I opened my locker at 6:30 on the morning of May 26, 2014 and put on my jacket. Feeling the inside pocket of the jacket, I realized that my wallet was not there. I told the shift supervisor about this (I don't know his name). He said, “Go to Mr Poole. Let him give you another lock"

I called 911 at 6:55 am and talked about my wallet being stolen. Ten minutes later, a police officer arrived. He was met by the shift supervisor and escorted to his office. I was ordered to wait in the corridor.

I think the shift supervisor of the shelter showed the police officer my complaint dated May 25, 2014. On the night of May 26, 2014, Lieutenant Smith brought this complaint and gave it to the shift supervisor (see paragraphs 59-60). He told the policeman: "This is the kind of lie he writes." The policeman read the indicated place of my complaint within 3-4 minutes. The policeman then said goodbye to the shift supervisor and left the room. He didn't say anything to me and left. I wrote about this theft in the article [28, part 2, paragraph 8].

63. I arrived at the 7th police station on the morning of May 26, 2014. I wrote a Report about the theft on the night of May 26 from my locker number 184 of shelter 801. Below are sheets 1 and 2 of the Report in photos 17 and 18.

RAPORT1meniki26MAY1 (523x699, 79Kb)
Photo 17. The first page of my report on the theft in a shelter dated May 26, 2014. ([28, part 2, paragraph 8].)

RAPORT2meniki26MAY1 (699x373, 47Kb)
Photo 18. The second page of my report on the theft in a shelter dated May 26, 2014. Here is the signature of the police officer on duty, Ms. Daetonya Scoh. ([28, part 2, paragraph 8].)

64. On the morning of May 26, 2014, I requested and Ms. Daetonya Scoh, police officer on duty, Police Department 7, gave me a copy of two-page report 14074924. This report was written by police officer Mr. Kelvin V. Branch (Mr. Calvin W. Branch). Below I give sheets 1 and 2 of his Report 14074924 in the form of photos 19 and 20 ([28, part 2, paragraph 9]).

RAP3bosq14074924 (650x699, 114Kb)
Photo 19. First page of report 14074924. ([28, part 2, paragraph 9).

RAP4bosq14074924 (700x381, 78Kb)
Photo 20. Second page of report 14074924. ([28, part 2, paragraph 9).

There are many tables on the first page. I took from the first page only the title data concerning the document, and I publish the 2nd page in full. Below is the text.

“Metropolitan Police Preliminary Public MPD Document
Department Washington, D.C.

Incident – Based Event Report

Report number: 14074924

NARRATIVE Describe event and action taken.

R-1 Reports while traveling in the 3000 Blk of 7th St. SE, R-1 was flagged down by C-1 who advised that he was robbed by two young black male with one of the suspects armed with a gun. C-1 also advised that the suspects stole his black backpack containing his silver colored Toshiba laptop computer.

Further investigation revealed C-1 has made several reports for the same laptop computer being stolen CCN’s 13112229 and 13167550. C-1 has recently made a report for the same laptop computer being stolen and detective Campos is currently investigating according to detective Hunsucker. C-1 is also known to be a mental health consumer according to ofc. Halpin. Detective sgt. Fleming, detective Hunsucker and sgt. Larsen were on the scene.

Further investigation is pending” [28, part 2, paragraph 9]

Please note: Police officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch in this report 14074924 writes about reports CCN 13112229 and CCN 13167550. I wrote about the theft of a backpack in a shelter on August 9, 2013 and about report 13112229 in paragraph 44 in this complaint statement: I there he unequivocally indicated that report 13112229 did not contain a word about the theft of a laptop (see paragraphs 44 and 45.1).

Police Officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch falsely writes in report 14074924 dated May 26, 2014: "Further investigation revealed that C-1 made several reports for the same laptop stolen (in reports) CCN 13112229 and CCN 13167550. C- 1 recently made a report for the same laptop as stolen, and Detective Campos is currently investigating according to Detective Hunsucker."

I wrote in paragraphs 44 and 45.1 that in report 13112229 about the theft of a backpack in shelter 801 on the night of August 8-9, 2013, there is no word about the theft of a laptop. I also wrote in paragraphs 45.3 and 52-53 that report 13167550 says that I was beaten and robbed on November 21, 2013 and that my wallet with documents was taken away by the robbers. Therefore, in the report 13167550 there is no word about the robbery of my laptop.

To be precise: the theft of the bag, along with my first laptop, was organized in shelter 801 with the help of a professional thief on the morning of October 8, 2013 (see paragraphs 45.2 and 46-50). My second laptop was robbed on the night of May 26, 2014 by having my bag and backpack stolen by armed robbers (see paragraphs 45.5, 49 and 63-64).

Note: Police Officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch, in report 14074924, also writes: "C-1 is also known to be a mental health consumer according to Officer Halpin." This is another way to use punitive psychiatry against me. I will write about punitive psychiatry in another paragraph in this complaint statement.

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65. All my checks for two laptops were in a robbed bag. I contacted Best Buy (4500 Wisconsin Ave Nw Washington, DC 20016). They store all the information about customers' purchases on the computer and I received a copy of receipts for two laptops. In doing so, I exposed all the slander in Report 14074924, which was written by Police Officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch. I wrote and published a large article [28] consisting of six parts. There printed many receipts and documents on two laptops.

In response, powerful agencies, perhaps the FBI, did everything possible to close the Best Buy store. It was the Best Buy store at 4500 Wisconsin Ave Nw Washington, DC 20016 that was closed under some pretext in December 2017. In December 2018, a new Target store was opened on this large building and it is still functioning today - November 19, 2021. This is how the freedom of business of one citizen or a large team in the United States can end when he or they cross the interests of the FBI in no way ...

Let me remind you: in the city of Washington there is another large Best Buy store at 3100 14th St. NW Ste 203. Washington DC, 20010. The staff of that store did not affect the interests of the FBI and it continues to operate to this day - January 9, 2022.

66. As a result, from November 2012 to January 2015, the organizers and criminals took away twice all my belongings of a journalist, such as two Toshiba brand laptops, three diaries describing the events around me, six notebooks and one notebook with the addresses of relatives, friends, human rights activists , journalists, members of the opposition, as well as other important information, a recorder (recorder) with audio recordings of 2010-2013, three mobile phones, a camera, two glasses and so on. I called the police seven times and wrote statements.

67. On February 6, 2015, I sent an Appeal (Complaint) to the President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama and the leaders of international human rights organizations about the fate of six Uzbek refugees, including me. I wrote the text of this Appeal in paragraph 4 of a large article [29]. There is a lot of information and facts about persecution in the Complaint. I wrote the following at the beginning.

“In the US, the rights of Uzbek refugees were violated in 2006-2015. They are arrested in the USA and do not hold a trial for many years. They are poisoned, shot, unlawfully fired from their jobs, compromising materials are secretly collected to discredit refugees, they are discriminated against, persecuted, provoked by provocateurs, robbed, beaten, and their things are stolen. The FBI and police are violating Articles 9, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19 and 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" [29]

I wrote the following at the end of the Appeal-Complaint.

“It is no secret that the Uzbek National Security Service is cooperating with some members of the US security forces (FBI agents, 10/06/2021). Therefore, none of these crimes has yet been solved. I believe some of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the police are behind these illegal acts. I ask you to stop the persecution of Uzbek refugees in the United States and bring the perpetrators to justice” [29, part 1, paragraph 4]

68. My Appeal (Complaint) to the US President Mr. Barack Obama was published in the newspaper “Street Sense” on April 8, 2015 (see [30]). It was published without a text about a grave crime against an Uzbek refugee, US citizen Fazliddin Yakubov (1959). I wrote about him in paragraph 5 of that statement-complaint. This crime was investigated by FBI agents. They could not or did not want to open it.

The fact that part of the complaint (article) was removed proves that FBI agents control the Street Sense newspaper and block certain parts of the article at their discretion. By doing so, they grossly violate the First Amendment of the US Constitution on freedom of speech. I'll write the deleted text for clarity.


SEE: 1. США: ФБР расследует жестокое преступление против этнического узбека в штате Огайо (USA: The FBI is investigating a brutal crime against an ethnic Uzbek in Ohio). – http://www.fergananews.com/news.php?id=9514 (www.fergananews.com 06/28/2008);
2. Karl Turner, Shooting victim Fazliddin Yakubov thankful for the community's support. - http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2008/08/shooting_victim_fazliddin_yaku.html (www.blog.cleveland.com August 11, 2008)" [29, part 1, paragraph 4]"

69. The FBI agents continued to persecute me after my Appeal (Complaint) to the US President Mr. Barack Obama in February 2015. From the US President Mr. Barack Obama, I have not received any answers. But, thank God, after my letter (complaint) the arrest of Uzbeks living in the USA and slanderous accusations of supporting terrorists stopped.

I have been renting a room since August 2014 in Gaithersburg, Maryland (216 Tulip Dr., Gaithersburg, MD 20877). It was a semi-basement three-room building, two Georgians lived in two rooms. The owners lived on the first floor, who many years ago moved to the USA from Chimkent (Kazakhstan). On the evening of February 6, 2015, that is, the day the letter was sent, at the turn from the main street towards my Deer Park street, an unknown man stood in the corner and watched me. I think he came to find out if I live at the address I gave in the letter. I lived in this rented room from August 2014 to June 1, 2015. I saw such a waiting man only once that evening. [29, paragraph 5]

70. Two months have passed since the letter was sent to the President and on 8 April 2015 the landlord demanded to vacate the room by 1 June 2015. He said that his nephew was coming from Shymkent to study in the USA. In my opinion, under this pretext, I was expelled from the rented room for my critical letter and for my human rights and journalistic activities. Moreover, in those days, one of the Georgians moved to another apartment and the next room was vacated. But the owner insisted and I left this apartment on June 1, 2015. Pre-rented a small space at ezStorage (807 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877) for about a hundred dollars a month and moved my stuff there. [29, paragraph 5]

71. I have tried many times to rent a room through the ads on www.washingtondc.craigslist.org/d/rooms-shares/search/. Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) made it so that all addresses disappeared from the ads and only the phone numbers of the owners of the apartments remained. Thus, they demanded to send a message (message) by phone to the owner. I didn't get any responses to my messages. Also, I did not receive response letters from the hosts to my letters sent by e-mail. My phone and emails were constantly monitored by a group of stalkers. I believe that this group of stalkers were agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or people closely associated with the FBI. They followed me day and night and staged various provocations against me since March 2012, that is, after my arrival in the city of Washington. In my opinion, it was they who blocked my messages and response messages and emails of the apartment owners.

72. NINTH THEFT. I was looking for a room to rent after June 1, 2015 and often spent the night in the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport lounge (2401 Smith Blvd, Arlington, VA 22202). I got there on the last metro train around 1:00 am and left at 5:00 am on the first metro train. I sat at a table in one of the closed cafes for four hours at night and usually worked on my laptop. Electrical outlets were on the opposite wall. I did charge my phone in such an outlet.

An interesting fact: a group of tall, strong African-American men appeared, who calmly settled down near large glass windows and slept lying down. Nobody commented on them. Apparently, they wanted me to lie down and sleep in one of the places in the large hall of the airport. I knew that I couldn't sleep. These provocateurs will steal all my things.

I put my phone on charge near the opposite wall on the night of July 3-4, 2015. From time to time, I looked towards the outlet. The phone cable is visible and I was calm. At about five o'clock in the morning I come, there is a cable, but there is no telephone. Experienced thieves organized the theft of my expensive phone.

I contacted the airport police on duty and said that my phone had been stolen while it was charging. The policeman says: "You write that the phone is lost (lose)." I told him: “I didn’t lose my phone. It was stolen from me.” I said several times, but the policeman did not want to register the crime as theft.

Please note: July 4 is the most famous holiday of the people of the United States - Independence Day. And on such a day, my phone was stolen in the hall of Ronald Reagan National Airport. After all, in that hall of the airport there are many television cameras and not a single fly can imperceptibly shed. My phone was stolen, and the police officers pretend that nothing much happened. Thus, they cover the thieves. I think the FBI agents or take off the tied man stole my phone. Apparently, therefore, the police officers did not want to look at the cameras during the crime and did not want to search for criminals.

I found out the address of the National Airport Police Office, which was located in another building. I applied in writing. A few days later I was given a copy of the official report, which was written about the theft of my phone. I don't know now where this copy is in my archive. I don't have time to look for her right now. I will add it to the application-complaint if I find it in the future.

73. I was in Boise, Idaho, to protect refugee Fazliddin Kurbanov from 6 to 15 August 2015. I wrote an article about the trial of Kurbanov [31]. Unfortunately, he and his relatives did not want me to defend him. As a result, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison by a court verdict of January 7, 2016 [32].

74. From August 15 to October 30, 2015 I was in the city of Denver (Colorado) and defended the rights of the Uzbek refugee Jamshid Mukhtorov (1976). Agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested him at the Chicago airport on January 21, 2012 and could not start a trial until the summer of 2018. In defense of Jamshid I published 11 articles and appeals (see [33]-[43]), I gave him about a hundred articles published about him.

75. I published the first part of a large article “The Fate of Jamshid Mukhtorov” entitled “Life before Prison” on the website www.siyosat.wordpress.com on October 24, 2015. Then he began to write the second part of the article entitled "The fate of Fazliddin and Shokhrukh." There I revealed all the meanness of the Uzbek informer-provocateur Shokhrukh Khalikulov (1981), whom the FBI leadership enrolled as their secret collaborator (sexot, see [43, part 2]).

By that time, my money had run out and I was almost completely dependent on the financing of Asil, Jamshid's brother. Asil began demanding my departure for Washington. He bought me a plane ticket for a Denver-Washington flight on October 30, 2015. I finished the second part of the article titled “The Fate of Fazliddin and Shokhrukh” on October 29 and sent it to Mr. Muhammadsolikh Abutov, the head of the www.siyosat.wordpress.com website. He published the second part of the article on October 30, 2015, Tashkent time.

Apparently, my publication of an article about the informer provocateur and FBI sex agent Shokhrukh Khalikulov caused a stir in the leadership of the FBI of the state of Colorado. The prison guards urgently woke Jamshid Mukhtorov at six in the morning on October 30, 2015 and demanded that he urgently prepare for a meeting with the judge. In my opinion, prison guards acted on orders from the FBI. Jamshid is driven from jail to Federal Court in downtown Denver. There, FBI agents announce in the presence of a judge and lawyers that Shokhrukh Khalikulov is not an FBI agent, but an ordinary witness in Jamshid Mukhtorov's trial.

I arrived from Denver to Washington on the afternoon of October 30th. I am sitting at a table late in the evening of October 30, 2015 in one of the airport cafes. There's a call from Denver from Jamshid Mukhtorov. He talks with great surprise about how the FBI agents transferred Shokhrukh Khalikulov into an ordinary witness. I told him that yesterday, October 30, Tashkent time, I published the second part of the article about the informer-provocateur and sexist Shokhrukh Khalikulov.

Jamshid Mukhtorov asked at the beginning of the conversation: “Where are you?” I spoke for the first time. He asked a second time and I replied, "I'm sitting at a table in a cafe at Ronald Reagan Airport in Washington." Jamshid called me from prison and naturally his conversation with me was recorded.

I arrive at the airport on October 31, 2015 and put a notice on the door: "The airport closes from 24:00 to 5:00 in the morning." This is how FBI leaders got Ronald Reagan National Airport shut down for the night. I started spending nights on October 31, 2015 at McDonald's, which was open 24 hours a day.

So, the FBI agents and people associated with them intensified the provocation and persecution of me in Washington after my trip to the states of Idaho and Colorado, and also because of my published articles.

76. I spent the night from October 31, 2015 at McDonald's, which worked 24 hours a day. I had the opportunity to spend the night in hostels.

“A hostel is a form of low-cost, short-term shared accommodation where guests can rent a bed, usually a bunk bed in a dormitory, with shared use of the living room and sometimes the kitchen. Rooms can be mixed or single sex, with private or shared bathrooms. Private rooms may also be available, but the hotel must have shared bedrooms to be considered a hostel.” [44]

But in the hostels of the city of Washington, the following restrictions were introduced. For example, in the hostel Duo Housing DC.

“If you are a resident of Washington DC, Virginia, or Maryland, you are restricted to a total of 1 day in any 30 day period.
Guests are limited to 14 days within the current calendar year.” [45]

I agree with the restriction for residents of the city of Washington, that is, the District of Columbia. But why restrict the rights of residents of the neighboring states of Virginia and Maryland? They give privileges to residents of the other 48 US states. Thus, they violate the equality of the inhabitants of the 50 states of the United States.

I wrote in the paragraph that I was registered in Gaysersburg, Maryland. Because of the rule above, I was only allowed to stay at the hostel one night a month. Because I often spent the night at McDonald's.

77. THE THIRD ROBERT. I was robbed at Farragat Square in downtown Washington on February 19 (Friday), 2016 at 4:00 pm. I called the office of the Street Sense newspaper and also called the police on 911. I will write in more detail about this robbery: how they organized the protection of the robber from legal liability, how they took action against me by sending a provocateur-vendor to my Street Sense newspaper outlet.

I have written a complaint to the commander of the Second District Station, Mr. Melvin Gresham. I asked for help in opening a criminal case, solving a crime and punishing a criminal. He was sent this complaint on February 25, 2016 via registered mail with notification. I rewrote the following text from that complaint.

“I have been selling the Street Sense newspaper at Farragat Square since November 2012. On February 19 (Friday), 2016, I went to the Friday prayer - jumah prayer to the mosque (Islamic Center of Washington DC. 2551 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008). At 2:00 pm I came to the corner of Farragat Square (the intersection of K Street and 17th Street) and started selling the Street Sense newspaper. At 3:40 p.m. I went to Pret A. Manger (1701 K St NW, Washington, DC 20006. Tel: 202-857-7945), had a cup of coffee and went to the bathroom.

I returned and continued selling the newspaper. A little time passed and the vendor (street seller) Ray Hicks (Ray Hicks) approached me. He pointed to his backpack under the post and said, "I'll be selling the newspaper here." I said, “I've been selling newspaper here since 2:00 pm. I went to the toilet." He nervously picked up my two bags, walked 7-8 meters down the sidewalk and placed my bags in the middle of 17th Street. At that time, the traffic light was red and the cars stopped.
156552900_ps_2016_04_27___10_38_54 (464x699, 90Kb)
Photo 21. Vendor (street seller) Ray Hicks (Ray Hicks). City of Washington. February 19, 2016. Photo of the author.

I had five pieces of Street Sense newspaper in my hands. I took these newspapers under my left arm, took out my phone and decided to photograph this provocateur. The provocateur began to quickly approach me. I managed to photograph him once (I attach this photo, a Street Sense employee looked at the photo on February 22, 2016 and said that he was Ray Hicks). The provocateur came up to me, tore five newspapers out of my armpit and threw them on the ground. He went to the side of my bags and took out my 25 Street Sense newspapers from the bag. He walked through 17th Street and left down K Street towards 18th Street.

The white light came on and the cars started moving around my bags. About 30 seconds passed and the traffic light turned red. The cars stopped. A passing young man picked up both my bags and carried them to the sidewalk of 17th Street. I called the Street Sense office twice and left a message twice. It was 4:15 p.m.

I started calling the police on 911. The 911 employee asked for my native language. I answered: Uzbek. She contacted the translator by phone. The Uzbek girl began to translate. The 911 employee wrote down my details, clarified what had happened. But the translator did not say that the provocateur moved my bags to the middle of 17th Street. I asked her to translate these words of mine as well. From there, the duty officer clarified some data, for example, my exact location. At the end, the attendant said that I was waiting for the arrival of the police.

At 5:05 pm police officer Mr. Che Allen arrived in a police car. Car number DC 10610. I said hello. He got out and walked to the sidewalk. I pointed to two bags standing on the sidewalk of 17th Street and began to talk about what had happened. He asked about my native language and said that he needed to contact an interpreter. He went into the inside of a police car. I went to the bags and took pictures twice. Then they were moved to the edge of the sidewalk closer to the police car.

156553535_MrCheAllenFEBR192016 (470x699, 94Kb)
Photo 22. Police officer Mr. Che Allen (Mr. Che Allen). City of Washington. February 19, 2016. Photo of the author.

Mr. Che Allen talked to someone on the radio and got out of the car. He asked to see a personal document. I handed over my Maryland Identification Card Number A-532 765 021 055. He began copying the data from my document onto his notebook. He asked for my phone number and I answered. I started videotaping our conversation on my phone. He handed over my document and went to my bags.

Mr. Che Allen asked. I said that the provocateur robbed my 25 pieces of Street Sense newspaper and began to briefly talk about what had happened. When I mentioned the transport of my bags by the provocateur to the middle of 17th Street, Mr. Che Allen asked an unexpected and irrelevant question: “Are you need a hospital?” (“Do you need a hospital?”) I did not understand and said: “Excuse me” (“Excuse me”). He repeated the question differently: “Do you need medical treatment? Do you need a hospital?” (“Do you need treatment? Do you need a hospital?”).

I understood the provocation of his question and asked with the same tone: “Do you need a doctor, sir?” ("Do you need a doctor, sir?"). He stuttered and pretended not to understand my question. I repeated my question. He couldn't answer my question and moved on to the main topic: “Okay. How much do the newspapers cost?” I answered: “I bought each newspaper on 50 cents” (“I bought each newspaper for 50 cents”). He wrote 25 newspapers at 50 cents. He asked: “What time did this happen?” (“At what time did this happen?”). I replied: “He provoked at 4:15 pm” (“He provoked at 4:15 pm”).

Officer Che Allen called the police and got a report number. He wrote the following information on a piece of paper and gave it to me: “Report 025-422. Officer Che Allen. Badge 3694. 2nd District: 3320 Idaho Avenue. Washington DC 20016. Phone: 202-715-7300."

I said: “I have a photo of this provoker” (“I have a photo of this provocateur”) and opened the photo of the provocateur on my phone. But police officer Che Allen was not interested in the photo and began to leave in the direction of the police car. I asked, "Sir, how many days should I wait for an answer?" (“Sir, how many days do I have to wait for an answer?”) He replied: “A week” (“A week”). I said, "Why so long?" ("Why so long?") He said, "I don't know. I will report to email you” (“I don’t know. I will report to your mail”).

I have not received any response from the Commanding Officer of the Second District Station, Mr. Melvin Gresham.

78. Please note: the third robbery took place in broad daylight in downtown Washington. This intersection is located from the White House at a distance of 300 meters. President Barack Obama's motorcade often passes along 17th Street and through the intersection on Connecticut Avenue. That is, this is the Presidential route. By the way, on that day, February 19, 2016, the motorcade of President Barack Obama passed through this street and the intersection at 19:00. Here cameras film the situation at the intersection day and night 24 hours. Therefore, to see on a filmed film or computer file how Ray Hicks came up and provocatively moved my bags to the center of 17th Street and took out my 25 pieces of newspapers from the bag, it is very simple.

It is appropriate to say: provocations against me during the sale of the Street Sense newspaper are organized on Fridays - a holy day for Muslims. These provocateurs and the officials behind him, the FBI agents, know very well that I am a Muslim. That's why they organize provocations against me on Fridays. The provocation and robbery on February 19, 2016 was also organized on Friday.

79. Some may ask: Why did police officer Che Allen ask, “Are you need hospital?” (“Do you need a hospital?”) As I wrote above, I spent the night in the city of Washington in the shelter 801 East Men's Shelter (801 East Men's Shelter) from April 2, 2012 to May 26, 2014. In early April 2012, I wanted to use the services of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library. 901 G St. NW, Washington, DC 20001. A librarian said, "People who are registered in the City of Washington can use our library services." So I decided to register in the shelter and get the document.

I was issued an individual document on April 13, 2012, registered at 1100 Alabama Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20032 (1100 Alabama Avenue, Southwest, Washington, DC 20032). I thought it was the address of the shelter. In 2013, www.maps.google.com opened the address 1100 Alabama Avenue, SE. It turned out that this is the address of the Federal Psychiatric Hospital.

The true address of the 801 shelter is 2700 Martin Luther King Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20032.

Fraudulent registration of my document in a psychiatric hospital - this dirty provocation by the FBI agents against me - a refugee.

In my opinion, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation control the shelter in the United States, and there are quite a lot of FBI agents and collaborators with this organization among the overnight stays. Therefore, such a dirty method of reprisal against dissident homeless people was invented and carried out under the supervision and participation of FBI agents. I spent more than two years in a shelter and came to this conclusion.

I left the shelter on May 26, 2014 and in August 2014 I rented a room at 216 Tulip Dr. Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877. Received a new ID there on January 20, 2015.

Thus, my ID was provocatively and covertly registered at the Federal Psychiatric Hospital from April 13, 2012 to January 20, 2015. When a police officer opens my data on the computer, the address of the psychiatric hospital also appears on his monitor. Using this fact, police officer Che Allen asked me provocative questions: “Do you need medical treatment? Do you need a hospital?” (“Do you need treatment? Do you need a hospital?”). Thus, he tried to distract me and so that I could not tell the most ugly deeds of the criminal.

80. I wrote above: from August 6 to October 30, 2015, I was in Idaho and Colorado and defended the rights of Uzbek refugees Fazliddin Kurbanova and Jamshid Mukhtorova and published articles [31]-[43].

Perhaps the FBI agents decided to punish me for my human rights and journalistic activities. To this end, they hired Mr. Joshua Maxey to work at the Street Sense office as Vendor Manager around October 2015. This was written in the newspaper Street Sense in the issue of October 21, 2015 (2015, issue 25, page 2). Since that date, Mr. Jeffrey Gray has assumed the position of Sales and Communications Manager.

Mr. Geoffrey Gray started working as a Vendor and Sales Manager in March 2015. In Street Sense, July 29, 2015 (2015 Issue 19, Page 2), Mr. Geoffrey Gray is a Vendor and Sales Manager.

To punish a certain vendor, the position of Vendor Manager is not enough. That is, a certain vendor can be punished by having the job functions of a Sales Manager. Apparently, the FBI agents understood this and in November 2015, the position of Mr. Joshua Maxi was expanded: he becomes Vendor and Sales Manager. Mr. Joshua Maxey as Vendor and Sales Manager first appeared in Street Sense in the November 18, 2015 issue (2015 Issue 1, Page 2). He continued to work in this position in April 2016.

Mr. Geoffrey Gray continued as Sales and Communications Manager in April 2016. So, since November 2015, two employees have worked in the small newspaper Street Sense, that is, Mr. Geoffrey Gray and Mr. Joshua Maxey with the job functions of Sales Manager. I'm sure it happened because of the placement of FBI agents or their associated official.

Mr.JoshMaxey1 (466x700, 53Kb)
Photo 23. Mr. Joshua Maxey. February 2016. Photo of the author.

Mr.JeffreyGray1 (700x682, 69Kb)
Photo 24 Mr. Jeffrey Gray Photo from the website of the newspaper Street Sense. 2016.

81. The response of the FBI agents and their henchmen against me to my complaint and demand to punish the robber, Mr. Ray Hicks, is interesting. I wrote in paragraph 77 that on February 19, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. I called the Street Sense office. Mr. Joshua Maxey, Street Sense salesperson and sales manager gave me on February 23, 2016 a Decision to suspend me from the sale of Street Sense for a period of one week. I was given another suspension on February 26, 2016 for two weeks effective February 19, 2016. His text was written in paragraph 82.

Joshua Maxey invoked the violation on February 5, 2016. That day I was filmed on the phone on the video vendor David Denny (David Denny). He also wrote a complaint, possibly after my report about the crime of vendor Ray Hicks on February 19, 2016. Vendor David Denny made provocations against me many times (there are witnesses). I wrote about his provocations in paragraph 83.

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82. I wrote a complaint analyzing the events of February 2016 to Mr. Brian Carome, Executive Director of Street Sense on April 30, 2016. I sent him this complaint via mail on May 3, 2016. Below is the full text of that complaint. I wrote based on a complaint from the Street Sense American Newspaper Buyers Address on May 14, 2016. I added six points at the end of the complaint and Appeal P.S. In P.S.3 I printed nine photos. I have typed six photographs from the 14 May 2016 Address in paragraphs 77, 80, 83 and 87. The complaint is long and has been divided into paragraphs 82-85 for clarity.

«216 Tulip Dr.
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877
Phone: 301-337-5722
E-mail: jiz54@mail.ru , ergash1955@yahoo.com
Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov (Uzbek, born 01.20.1954)

Street Sense
Mr. Brian Carome, Executive Director
1317 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-347-2006
E-mail: info@streetsense.org

April 30, 2016

Dear Mr Brian Carom,

On February 23, 2016, Joshua Maxey (Street Sense salesperson and sales manager) gave me a Suspension from the sale of Street Sense for one week from February 19, 2016 (I was given another Suspension on February 26, 2016 from February 19, 2016). The following is written there (see Appendix 1).

“To: Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, # 457
From: Josh Maxey, Vendor Manager
Subject: Two week suspension
Date: 2/19/2016
CC: Brian Carome, Executive Director

Mr. Ahmadjonov,

On 2/5/16 Street Sense staff members were made aware of a situation that involved you violating Street Sense code of conduct which states “I agree to abide by the Street Sense vendor territorial policy at all times”. A witness informed Street Sense staff that you stood in front of a wendor that was already selling on a street corner. When the wendor tried to address you and told you that they were at the location first, you ignored them and continued to try to sell your paper. Street Sense does not assign any specific territory to our vendors. Street Sense uses a “first come, first serve” method. Street Sense staff have also had to address this issue with you on more than one occasion.

Due to this violation, I am hereby suspending you from selling Street Sense for a period of one week. You may not purchase and distribute the Street Sense paper during this period.

Once this suspension has expired on 2/26/2016, Street Sense will consider reviewing your status and granting you privileges to return to selling Street Sense papers again. You may appeal this suspension to the Executive Director by filling out the attached form.

Any questions you have about this suspension may be brought to the Vendor Manager

Josh Maxey
Vendor Manager

signature Josh Maxey 2/23/2016”

Mr. Joshua Maxey in the Solution writes:

“On 5/2/2016, Street Sense employees were made aware of the situation that you are involved in a violation of the Street Sense Code of Conduct, which states: “I undertake to comply with the submitter of the Street Sense Vendor Territorial Policy in any case.” A witness told Street Sense staff that you were standing in front of a vendor who was already selling on the street corner. When the salesperson tried to reach out to you and told you that he was at the location first, you ignored them and continued trying to sell your paper. Street Sense does not assign a specific territory to our sellers. Street Sense uses a first-come, first-served basis Street Sense staff have also had to deal with this issue with you on more than one occasion.”

I have been working as a vendor in Street Sense since October 2012. I have always tried not to violate the Street Sense Code of Conduct which states: "I undertake to comply with the submitter of the Street Sense territorial policy at all times." I also tried to work on a first-come, first-served basis.

83. Continuation of my complaint addressed to Mr. Brian Carom, Executive Director of Street Sense dated April 30, 2016. I write here about the provocations of the vendor David Denny.

“I'll start from the end. Mr. Joshua Maxey writes: "Street Sense staff also had to deal with this problem with you on more than one occasion." What he is referring to, I don't know. If Mr. Joshua Maxi writes specifically, I will answer specifically.

In my opinion, my suspected violation was reported on February 5,2016 by the vendor, Mr. David Denny, by providing a video taken on the phone. I'll start with his previous provocations.
Mr.DavidDenny1 (700x677, 76Kb)
Photo 25. Vendor David Denny. Photo from the website of the newspaper Street Sense. 2016.

I sold Street Sense newspaper near the Eastern Market some Saturdays in 2013 and 2014 (Eastern Market, 225 7th Street, SE Washington, DC 20003. Phone: 202-698-5253). David made several provocations against me near the Estern Market in 2014. Here I will write about three of his provocations. I wrote about these provocations and other important events in detail in my diary. Unfortunately, on the night of May 26, 2014, two armed robbers robbed me and took away my bag and backpack. The bag and backpack contained a laptop and other important items, including diaries. I bought a new notebook in July 2014 and started writing down some important events. I copied the date of the third provocation of David on April 19, 2014 into this diary from a piece of paper.

DAVID'S FIRST PROVOCATION. This was in 2014. I came to the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue Southwest and 7th Street Southwest (Pennsylvania Avenue, SE and 7th Street, SE) on Saturday 9:00 am and started selling Street Sense. David Denny came in around 12:00 and started selling Street Sense on the same corner. Several minutes passed. Some disabled person wearing a green Street Sense uniform arrived in a wheelchair. David gave him the Street Sense newspaper and the disabled person also started selling Street Sense. As a result, on one corner, a few steps including me, three people dressed in the Street Sense uniform were selling. This case was seen by vendor Ms. Aida Basnight. I explained the situation to her. She called David to order. But David did not leave and continued to sell the Street Sense newspaper. I hoped that David would understand and leave. So I tried to keep selling Street Sense. But David did not leave and continued to sell the newspaper. I realized that this is an open provocation on the part of David. So, I left after 7-8 minutes.

THE SECOND PROVOCATION OF DAVID. David created the same situation a few weeks later. In this case, there was no Street Sense salesman in a wheelchair. This case was also seen by vendor Ms. Aida Basnight. This time I stood for a few minutes and then left.

THE THIRD PROVOCATION OF DAVID. I started selling Street Sense on April 19, 2014 at 9:00 am at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue Southwest and 7th Street Southwest (Pennsylvania Avenue, SE and 7th Street, SE). Here in the corner is a cafe and its tables and chairs are on the sidewalk. I sat down to eat at about 12:30. A little time passed and David came up. He put his bag near the tree and began to put on his green Street Sense uniform.

I know the Street Sense Vendor Territorial Policy, in paragraph 4 of which the following words are written.

“4. Vendors are permitted to vacate a distribution point for up to 20 minutes for a meal/bathroom break without losing their claim on that distribution point. If a vendor vacates a distribution point for more than 20 minutes, the distribution point they occupied becomes available to any other vendor on a first come, first serve basis for all vendors, regardless of length of tenure with the organization.” [39]

I went up to David and said, “I've been selling Street Sense here since 9:00 am. I’ll finish my lunch and continue selling newspapers.” He paid no attention to my words, took out newspapers from his bag and began to sell loudly saying “Donation ... Homeless ...” (“Donate ... to the Homeless ...”, I remembered two words from his loud talking). I quickly finished my lunch, cleared the table, and stood at my selling point. David quickly approached me and waving a newspaper and loudly saying “Donation… Homeless…” stood in front of me. I took a few steps back and wanted to sell a newspaper. He came and stood before me again. I understood his open and impudent provocation. I crossed Pennsylvania Avenue and started selling a newspaper outside CVS Fharmasy (661 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003). David quickly crossed the street and again stood in front of me waving the newspaper loudly saying “Donation… Homeless…”. I crossed the street and returned to my original place in front of the cafe. David also came back across the street and stood in front of me again. I crossed Pennsylvania Avenue for the second time and wanted to continue selling newspapers near CVS Fharmasy. David crossed the street again and brazenly stood in front of me waving a newspaper loudly saying "Donation ... Homeless". I understood that he wants to organize an open, impudent provocation and create a conflict situation. I said nothing, stopped selling newspapers and went to the library.

I went to another small market in the city of Washington later on Saturdays and sold newspapers there. This market was in the parking lot across from the Safeway Store (Safeway Grocery Store address: 1855 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20007).

DAVID'S FOURTH PROVOCATION. Now about David's provocation in early November 2015 near Farragat North metro station. Why exactly at the beginning of November 2015 - the reason is as follows.

On the evening of October 30, 2015, I returned from the city of Denver to the capital of the United States to the city of Washington. After my trip to the states of Idaho and Colorado, the provocations and persecution against me in Washington intensified. Again, David tried to arrange a provocation in early November 2015. (Probably, the FBI agents specifically sent against me the proven provocateur David Denny, who many times staged provocations near the Estern Market. A.Sh., 05/11/2016, 11/08/2021).

In early November 2015, I was selling Street Sense near the Farragut North metro station. After an hour of my work, David came. He looked at me and walked past. I sold the newspaper for another 30 minutes and went to the toilet. I return in 5-6 minutes and see that David is selling a newspaper here near the metro. I said nothing, put on my green Street Sense uniform, and continued selling newspapers. David saw me and within about ten minutes sold a Street Sense newspaper to two customers. David left after ten minutes of selling the Street Sense newspaper.

I came the next day and saw that David was selling a newspaper near the Farragat North metro station. I told him that I would write a complaint to the Street Sense management and I went to another place. David after my warning about ten days did not come to sell the newspaper. I thought maybe David realized his mistake and I decided not to write a complaint about David's provocation in early November 2015.

Another 10-15 days passed and he began to come to sell Street Sense at the corner of Farragat Square or near the Farragat North metro station. So on February 5 (Friday), 2015, he came to the corner of Farragat Square. I decided to tell him in front of others that he was a provocateur. I took out the Street Sense newspaper and stood close to David. He came up and started talking to me. I told him: “You used to do provocations against me in the Estern Market. You have now come to this place to arrange new provocations.” He took out his phone and started making a video recording. I turned away from him and said that he was a provocateur. But he was passing to the right, then to the left, filming on the video of the phone. I stood for a few minutes and went to another place.

THE FIFTH PROVOCATION OF DAVID. After February 5, 2016, David sold newspapers several times in Farragat Square and near the Farragat North metro station. Knowing that he could arrange another provocation, I never approached him. Therefore, on February 12 (Friday), 2016, David himself approached me in order to arrange another provocation. It was like that.

On February 12 (Friday), 2016, after praying in the mosque at 14:00, I came to Farragat Square and started selling the Street Sense newspaper. David came at 15 o'clock near the metro station Farragat North. At 15:40, I decided to take the bus one stop and drink a cup of coffee in a cafe and go to the toilet. The bus stopped at the corner of K Street and 17th Street, and I crossed 17th Street and quickly approached the bus. At this time, David comes running and takes a video of his phone and asks me: “Are you leaving?” So, he waited 40 minutes for me to go to the toilet. This was another provocation by David. I looked at him and said nothing. That day I distributed roses to my female customers: February 14 - Sunday was Valentine's Day, that is, Valentine's Day. David wanted to take my job selling newspapers and take away my ability to give 60 roses to my customers. Therefore, I decided to return to the place where I sold newspapers, that is, to the corner of Farragat Square. This is how I extinguished another provocation by David on February 12, 2016.

SIXTH PROVOCATION WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF MR. RAY HICKS. The organizers of the provocation, possibly FBI agents, sent another provocateur, vendor Ray Hicks, to Farragat Square on February 19 (Friday), 2016. I will briefly write about his provocation below.

I will add: Vendor David Denny did similar provocations against me in 2020-2021. I reported them to the manager with a photo.

84. Complaint continued on 30 April 2016.

“Some may ask the question: Why didn’t I write a complaint against David on the days of the five provocations?

I believe that these provocations are deliberately planned and staged to create the appearance of a conflict situation. If I write a Complaint and the conflict becomes public knowledge, then they can organize a big and insidious provocation against me in the form of a severe beating or even murder. The police or the FBI will open a criminal case and begin an investigation. They will suspect the conflicting person. But this provocateur on the day and hour of the crime will be among the people, that is, he will have an alibi. As a result, the investigation will come to a standstill and the crime will not be solved. It is appropriate to recall that in 2015, 65 journalists were killed around the world (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reporters_Without_Borders ), and many hundreds of journalists and human rights activists were beaten and maimed. Most of these crimes against journalists and human rights activists have not been solved and the perpetrators have not been found...”

85. Continuation of my complaint to Mr. Brian Carom, Executive Director of Street Sense dated April 30, 2016. I write about the provocations of the vendor David Denny.

“I have above (in paragraph 82, A.Sh. 08.11.2021) cited the text of the Decision to remove me from the sale of Street Sense from February 19, 2016, which was given to me by Mr. Joshua Maxi on February 23, 2016. The question arises: why was the decision to suspend me from the sale of Street Sense only received four days later, that is, on February 23, 2016? I will number my answers.

85.1. On the afternoon of February 19, 2016, I went to the Street Sense office and bought 55 pieces of newspaper for $25. But no one told me about the suspension decision. Apparently there was no such solution.

85.2. On February 19, 2016 at 4:15 pm vendor Ray Hicks taunted me in the corner of Farragat Square and he robbed my 25 pieces of Street Sense newspapers. I phoned the Street Sense office twice at 4:15 pm and left a message twice. I called the police on 911. About this entrapment and robbery, on February 25 and 27, 2016, I sent a registered letter with notification to Mr. Melvin Gresham, Police Chief of the Second District Station, and Mr. Brian Carom, Executive Director of Street Sense. The text of this Complaint was written in article [47] (see paragraphs 82-85). To my complaint, Mr. Joshua Maxi wrote a response on March 31, 2016. I wrote about this in P.S.2 (see paragraph 86).

85.3. On February 22 (Monday), 2016 at 10:00 am, I came to the Street Sense office. Mr. Jeffrey Gray (sales and communications manager) said: “You are suspended from selling Street Sense. You need to talk to - Mr. Joshua Maxi. He won't come today. He will come to the office tomorrow."

85.4. I came on the morning of February 23, 2016 to the Street Sense office. Mr. Joshua Maxey has given me a suspension from the sale of Street Sense. He cites a violation on February 5, 2016. I believe that this Decision was hastily organized with hindsight after my report of a robbery and provocation by vendor Ray Hicks on February 19, 2016 at 16:15. Therefore, Mr. Joshua Maxi gave me the Solution only on February 23, 2016. I wrote a brief history of Mr. Josh Maxey's beginnings at Street Sense in P.S.3 (see paragraph 80).

The legal error of this Decision is that it was adopted without discussion with the accused party, that is, with me. For clarity, imagine this case: one US citizen sued another citizen and provided a video shot on his own phone. And the judge, without discussion with the accused party, makes an accusatory Decision. This is not a court, but a dictatorial solution to a conflict situation. And such a gross violation of human rights takes place in the office of Street Sense, which is located less than one mile from the White House and the US Congress.

I believe that the decision to suspend me from the sale of Street Sense is specifically designed to denigrate me, defend the wrongdoing of vendor Ray Hicks on February 19, 2016, and subsequently stage another similar provocation and fire me from my job as a vendor of Street Sense. I believe that all this is targeted harassment and persecution for my human rights and journalistic activities.

So, the decision is made erroneously without discussion with me.

Based on the foregoing, I request that Mr. Joshua Maxey's Decision to Suspension me from the sale of the Street Sense newspaper be rescinded."

86. I wrote in paragraph 77 how vendor Ray Hicks robbed me on February 19, 2016. On February 27, 2016, I sent a registered letter with notification to Mr. Brian Caroum, Executive Director of Street Sense. Mr. Joshua Maxi gave me the following written reply to this complaint on March 31, 2016.


March 31, 2016

Mr. Ahmadjonov:

Upon reviewing your complaint, the administrative office followed up with the vendor whom you filed the complaint against. Given the evidence that you included with your complaint in the form of a picture, the disciplinary action was taken against said vendor. If there are any more incidents wits this vendor, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.


Joshua Maxey
Vendor Manager, Street Sense
202-347-2006 ext. 10”

Please note: Mr. Joshua Maxey does not write anything about the punishment applied. That is, he hides it from me and from others. This is first.

Second, in the Disciplinary Procedures section of the Street Sense Vendor Territorial Policy, the following words are written.

“Criminal Offenses
- Stealing money, newspapers, or property from Street Sense, volunteers, staff, vendors, or customers.

First offense: Minimum six month suspention” [46, стр. 10]

I also wrote an Appeal to my newspaper buyers and there at the end I wrote the following: “Given the reason for the appearance and the beginning of the work of Mr. Josh Maxey at the Street Sense offices, it's not hard to imagine that he will transfer or be transferred within one year to another job. Indeed, soon the patrons, possibly FBI agents, transferred him to another organization.

I believe that the FBI agents deliberately orchestrated, through their protege, Mr. Joshua Maxi, the Decision to suspend me from the sale of Street Sense on February 23, 2016. By doing so, they tried to denigrate me and protect the robber Ray Hicks from legal liability for the February 19, 2016 robbery.

87. In those days I wrote an Appeal to the Americans, first of all to my customers of the Street Sense newspaper and handed out a text about robbery and injustice. Many of them helped me financially. Thank them.

ShuhratjonAhmadjonov1 (700x455, 107Kb)
Photo 26. Author - Shukhratjon Akhmadjonov. City of Washington. February 26, 2016. Photo of the author.

My picket near Farragat Square on February 26, 2016 is shown in photo 26. I wrote the following words on the poster:

«I was robbed in the Farragat squary on February 19, 2016 at 4:00 pm. I was suspending Street Sense for a period of two week on February 23, 2016.

Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov,
human rights activist, freelance journalist, refugee and vendor “Street Sense”

88. THETENTH THEFT. FBI agents and his assistants orchestrated the theft of 30 pieces of Street Sense newspaper from a stroller around March 30, 2016.

The FBI agents tried to organize an additional theft and thereby confuse me in the testimony of crimes through drug interrogation. I wrote in paragraph 47 about this way of organizing a double crime.

I usually put my bag and trolley at a distance of two or three meters and when selling a newspaper, I often look at my things. Therefore, the FBI agent and his assistants could not organize the theft for more than a month. Around March 30, 2016, in the evening, they managed to steal my 30 pieces of Street Sense newspaper from the cart.

People were returning home from work, and when the traffic light turned red, they stopped in the corner of Farragat Square in front of me. The FBI agents chose just such a time. They arranged for a few men to stand between me and the cart, blocking the view of the cart. Within about one minute, an experienced thief managed to discreetly remove a package from my cart, which contained 30 pieces of Street Sense newspaper.

I did not notice the theft and continue to sell the newspaper that I have on hand. At this time, a man of athletic build, about 27 years old, the same height as me - 180 cm, approached me. It is very noisy at this intersection. Therefore, he speaks in my ear in the sense of "Bring your bags to you." I nodded and continue to call customers. He repeatedly says, “I'm a cop. You carry your bags with you. They can commit theft" and left.

I sold a few newspapers that were in my hands and went to the cart to take another five pieces to continue selling newspapers. I look at the package of newspapers, no. I had to go home.

I know that a police officer usually doesn't use the insulting word "I'm a cop" about himself. It was clear to me that this man was an FBI agent and orchestrated a second additional theft. If I call the police and they write a report about the theft, then at night they could organize another drug interrogation about the robbery on February 19 and the theft on March 30, 2016 in Farragat Square. Then they would have received another billiard, which they would have used to obtain another conclusion from psychiatrists. Given this, I did not call the police and did not write about this theft. I included it in my list as another organized tenth theft.

89. THE ELEVENTH THEFT. The eleventh theft was organized on August 9, 2017 at 18:45. I placed two bags on the edge of the sidewalk along K-street near the corner of Farragat Square and tied each other with a handkerchief.

Bus routes L2, G8, 38B, 30S, 30N, 32, 33, 36 had their final stop at Farragat Square and made a full turn around it. And buses 30S, 30N, N2, N4, 42, 43 stopped near the square and drove on. Apparently for this reason, Farragat Square was additionally controlled by some leaders and drivers of the bus fleet. They themselves or on behalf of FBI agents put one or two buses on the edge of 17th Street and watched me from a distance of 15-20 meters, sometimes making various signs with their hands so that people would not buy my newspaper. They turned on the headlights of the bus in my direction from the onset of darkness.

That day, as usual, several men were watching me at a distance of 15-20 meters, including those in the clothes of a bus driver. Suddenly they began to fuss and stubbornly look in my direction, standing in the middle of the sidewalk. I started taking pictures with my phone. One of them saw that I was photographing him and ran into the inside of his bus.

People come home from work and during the red light of the traffic light they stop in the corner of the square and block my view of the bags for one or two minutes. In such a short time, the thieves managed to pick up the bags and put them in the trunk of the car and drive off. I found out about the disappearance of the bags a few minutes later, called 911 and called the police at 18:45 hours. Police officer Carlos Ramos arrived at 20:00 (Carlos Ramos, his badge number is 4478. Metropolitan Police Department. Second District. 3320 Idaho Avenue, NW. Washington, DC, 20016). He said the six-digit identification number of the report (report) about the incident: 17.137129 (the first two digits indicate the year, that is, 2017). I said, "please give me your business card." He gave. I wrote important information on the back of the card. The above facts I copied from that business card of Mr. Carlos Ramos.

I didn't receive any message from the police, as usual. I went a few days later to the police station. There he received a copy of the report, met with the detective, demanded that a criminal case be opened and that the crime be investigated. The detective shrugged his shoulders and said in the sense: "How to solve this crime?" I told him: “You should have at least met with me and talked about this crime. I would tell you additional facts. You didn't come and talk." If he would come then, I wanted to give him the photos of the bus drivers that I took that evening. I don't know where that report is in my archive now.

90. THE TWELVE THEFTS. I remembered the following about the twelfth theft: then 25 copies of the Street Sense newspaper were stolen. I wrote about this theft in my diary, like all the events taking place around me. I wrote the date and circumstances of the theft there. The criminals took away all my diaries and notebooks through robbery and theft. That's why I don't remember the date of the twelfth theft.

I used to trade in the evening at the entrance to the North Farragat metro station. The newspapers were on top of the stroller. Americans come home from work in a large stream from 17:00 to 19:00. The provocateur stole at that moment my 25 pieces of newspaper. Why does an ordinary citizen need 25 newspapers? It cannot be sold elsewhere: as a special cape of the seller of the "Street Sense" newspaper is needed.

I'm sure the FBI agents organized this theft on purpose. They expected me to call the police. They organize a demolition. The thief will not be found. But to turn the guards of the subway against me and forbid me to sell the newspaper at the entrance to the subway. That is, they will demand that I sell the newspaper away from the subway entrance.

So, the goal was to drive me away from the subway entrance somewhere to the side. I realized this treachery and did not call the police. In the future, I put the stroller next to it and put the newspapers away in the inside of the stroller, I also often looked at the stroller.

91. THE THIRTEENTH THEFT. The events associated with the 13th theft occurred in the following order. I often ate lunch and dinner at the large Whole Foods Market (4420 Willard Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland, 20815). I came for dinner on March 2 (Friday) 2018 at 20:00. Bought a hot meal and sat down at the table. I wanted to start eating, at this time the store cleaner comes up and tells me: "You must leave." I ask: "What is the reason?" He does not answer my question and repeated his demand. I reply: "Okay, you return my money, which I paid for this food." He didn't say anything about getting my money back. He says he will call the police. I sat down and started eating.

I ate, cleaned up after myself and went out. Opposite me are two policemen. One of them stops me and demanded to provide the document. I gave him my individual document and said: “Please introduce yourself. Give me your business card." In response, he takes out handcuffs and puts them on my hands. I was taken outside and put on the pavement with handcuffs on my hands. Their white police car was numbered: D 00-86. The policeman radioed my identity and filled out a standard protocol. The handcuffs were removed from my hands. He gave me a second copy of the protocol and said that I was banned from entering this store for three years. I said, “Please introduce yourself. Give me your business card." He said, "Roy Johnson." He had a badge on his chest: 3127. He gave me his business card. There were the following entries.

Department of Police (Montgomery County, Maryland)
2nd District
4823 Rugby Avenue
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
240-773-6700 Fax 301-657-0123

I looked at the notes on the protocol: on the second copy, the notes were barely noticeable, as if written with a bad pencil and it was difficult to read the words. I asked for a good copy. The policeman refused. I said: "Please fill out the protocol again and give me a properly completed protocol." He refused and said, "Tomorrow you can come to the police department and get a good copy."

On March 5 (Monday), 2018, I arrived at the Second Montgomery County Police Department and said to the officer on duty, "Please call a police officer, Mr. Roy Johnson." He said, "He is not." I showed a copy of the protocol and said: "He promised to provide a good copy." The attendant refused to provide a good copy. I then said: "Please then write the words in my copy of the protocol in good letters." He wrote a few words, stopped, and refused to encircle the words any further in normal letters. He demanded that I leave. I left.

A few days later I took this protocol to my storage room at Extra Space Storage (1001 N Fillmore St, Arlington, VA 22201). One fine day in the same 2018, the puncture disappeared from my cell: more precisely, FBI agents stole the protocol during another unauthorized search in my cell. This was the thirteenth theft of my property by FBI agents.

92. On December 10, 2017, I rented a room in Arlington, Virginia from an ad in www.russiandc.com (address: 4114 4th Street North, # 2. Arlington, Virginia 22203). The owner, Ms. Baigalmaa Baljinnyam, came to the US from Mongolia many years ago. She raised her daughter and son alone. She rented a two-room apartment (if you add a living room, then a three-room apartment) and paid a significant part of her salary in rent. So she sublet one room.

She studied and graduated from the Faculty of Philology in Russia in her youth and knew the Russian language well. She said that punitive psychiatry was also used against her.

Her father came from Mongolia in November 2017 and stayed with her. The owner's father left the US in mid-January 2018. He left and the next day they came and demanded from the hostess that I leave the apartment. I moved out of the apartment on January 28, 2018. I called her by phone in 2018 and asked about the letters sent to my name to her home address. She said she moved to another apartment.

93. So, because of the persecution for my human rights and journalistic activities, from June 1, 2015 to March 2020, that is, before the start of the coronavirus pandemic, I spent the night in various places, including McDonald's and hostels. Under such conditions, it was convenient for the persecutors, that is, the FBI agents and people associated with them, to use sedatives and drug interrogations against me.

94. Now I’ll write why they organized the theft of my green card at the end of the summer of 2018. In 2015, in an Appeal (Complaint) to Mr. Barack Obama, I wrote the names of six Uzbek refugees who were subjected to illegal persecution in the United States. One of these six refugees was Jamshid Mukhtorov (1976). I wrote about him in my Appeal in 2015 as follows.

“Jamshid Mukhtorov (born in 1976 in the city of Jizzakh (Uzbekistan), Uzbek, Muslim, refugee). He has lived with his wife and two children in Denver, Colorado since 2007. He was arrested on January 21, 2012 at the Chicago airport before leaving for Turkey. He was charged with "attempting to provide material assistance to the Islamic Jihad Union, an Uzbek terrorist organization." He has been kept in prison for more than 3 years and has not yet been tried on him. I also grew up in Jizzakh. Jamshid is an Uzbek, a Muslim, a refugee like me” [28, paragraph 4]

And after my Appeal (Complaint) to President Barack Obama in February 2015, the trial of Jamshid Mukhtorov was postponed several times for no reason. I came to the city of Denver (Colorado) in August 2015 from the city of Boise, also from Washington in 2017 and 2018. In general, he lived there for 150 days assisting Jamshid as a human rights activist and journalist. He handed over about 100 articles relating to his court case. Wrote and published 20 articles and appeals in Uzbek, Russian and English.

95. On April 28, 2017, I asked Jamshid Mukhtorov to write a complaint to the US Supreme Court about the violation of the Sixth Amendment of the US Constitution.

“Article VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the defendant has the right: to a speedy public trial by an impartial jury from the state and district (predetermined by law) where the crime was committed; the accused must be informed of the property and grounds for the accusation against him; he has the right to demand that he be confronted with witnesses testifying against him; so that he can get witnesses to testify in his favor, and so that he can use the advice of a defense counsel” [48]

The meaning of the 6th Amendment was this: the arrested person must be tried by a speedy trial. If the suspect has not been tried for one year, then he has the right to file a complaint and he must be released without preconditions.

On April 29, 2017, I was about to leave Denver for Washington. During the last meeting on April 28, I tried to convince and urged Jamshid to send a copy of the complaint to the US Supreme Court in the city of Washington. But he was afraid that he would deprive him of a meeting with his family and therefore he was waiting for an answer from the judge. If Jamshid Mukhtorov would then have written a complaint to the US Supreme Court, then in 2017 he would have been released. He limited himself to writing a complaint to the District Federal Court. The federal district court has scheduled a trial for 2018. As a result, the court in 2018 sentenced him to 11 years in prison.

It is appropriate to say that prosecutors and FBI agents could not prove in court that Jamshid Mukhtorov provided even one US dollar to terrorist organizations. In my opinion, the first, third and sixth amendments to the US Constitution regarding Jamshid Mukhtorov were violated in the Federal Court of the State of Colorado.

Currently, in January 2022, Uzbek refugee and human rights activist Jamshid Mukhtorov is serving a sentence for an uncommitted crime in a US prison.

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Пятница, 28 Января 2022 г. 22:57 + в цитатник


96. THE FOURTH ROBERT. The fourth robbery took place on the night of April 26-27, 2018 at 1:13 am: three robbers took away my large bag with 14 things. I published an article about this “Crime near the Capitol” in Street Sense on May 2, 2018 ([44]). I will give the entire text of the article and its translation.

“Crime near the Capitol
By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov Artist/Vendor

I was robbed on the bus 30N bus on the night of April 26 at 12:55 a.m. The crime was committed blocks away from the Capitol building, the bus stop near intersection of Constitution Avenue and 7th Street, NW (more exactly: Independence Avenue and 3rd Street. A.Sh. November 12, 2021). I sat at the end of the bus in a corner. The male robber sat down on a seat in front of me and pulled my bag, which was at my feet, to him. He lifted it and run out from the bus. The robber was accompanied by another man and a young lady. They all left together. “Stop the bus – my bag – robbery!” The driver pulled over and called the police.

The driver, three other passengers and I waited there until Metro Transit Police Officer E.Ferrell arrived at 1:13 a.m. The officer listened to the driver and me. “Please, to connect the interpreter from Uzbek”, I said. But he said he did not have the opportunity to connect with an interpreter. Nonetheless, I provided a list of the 14 items that were in the bag that was stolen. The officer said that the incident was recorded, gave me the report number, and said it would be available within five business days.

Usually, I notice a special employee in each bus to ensure the safety of the driver and passengers. But this employee was not on this bus. Therefore, I believe that this robbery was planned in advance. In a large bag was my folder (case) with papers, documents and articles, and a Russian-English dictionary. I'm sure they were interested in my document folder. The real question is, who sent them?

I have been robbed four times and stolen from 13 times between November 2012 and now. But the police did not investigate any of these crimes. Therefore, the crime against me continues" [49]

I wrote in my article: “At the end, the police officer said that this incident was recorded under the number 2018-08054 and the report would be available five working days after the incident.” But the article did not write the incident number 2018-08054.

I started writing a list of my things robbed on the night of April 27, 2018. About five minutes later, two more men in civilian clothes arrived. In my opinion, they were also police officers and said that they would be looking for criminals. The time was almost two in the morning. I said that I needed to get to McDonald's (4130 Wisconsin Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20016). Two men said that they would take me to McDonald's and took a list of 14 of my things that had been robbed. I later realized that the two were officers from another police department, possibly from the mental health police department. As usual, they did their best not to solve this obvious crime.

Here it is necessary to write some important additions and clarifications. The bus stop is located in front of the Capitol building and next near First Street (First Street SW). The criminals ran out with my bag at one of these stops. They could not walk near the Capitol building with a large and heavy black bag. They would have been noticed by police and video cameras. I'm sure our bus was followed by accomplices of the criminals in a car. And when they ran out of the bus, the accomplices' car immediately stopped and they left in it. This means that the robbery was carefully planned and carried out. I believe FBI agents and people associated with them planned and carried out this robbery.

As the criminals ran out of the bus with my bag, I stood up and said loudly: “My bag was taken away from me. Driver, stop the bus!" I approached the driver and asked to stop the bus. The driver stopped the bus in front of Fourth Street Southeast (Fourth Street SW) and called the police. It was to this place that federal police officer Edwin R. Ferrell and others arrived.

The article and report erroneously spelled 7th Street, NW. I wrote many times in this complaint statement that FBI agents constantly monitor me and my laptop. In this case, they fit within the text, and for confusion purposely corrected the address of the incident from Fourth Street Southeast to Seventh Street, NW. The difference between these stops is about one thousand meters. In my opinion, the FBI agents made such a change on purpose in order to confuse the investigation and readers. I hope Officer Edwin R. Ferrell and the driver of that bus remember well the location of our discussion of this crime.

Unfortunately, I did not succeed in those days to correct the erroneous places in the article. After the theft and robbery, I was very busy with additional work to earn money, as well as searching for and buying stolen and robbed things. After each theft and robbery, I tried to urgently buy those things that were stolen and robbed. So it was easier for me to quickly forget another trouble organized by the FBI agents and continue to live.

I received a five-page Event Report (Event Report) 2018-08054-001 from Ms. Rolls Clerk at the Metro Transit Police Department. Elle Shakban (rollce clerk ms. Elle Shakban) on May 7, 2018 (Metro Transit Police Department. 600 5th St NW, Washington, DC 20001). I read the entry on the first page: "Event Location. 7th Street at Constitution Ave NW" and said, "The robbery took place on Independence Ave. SW. Constitution Ave NW was written here. Why such distortion? She replied: “You can ask your questions to Detective Dorrity. He works in the second police department. The telephone number of the second police department is 703-667-2692.”

I will cite here only the first, fourth and fifth pages of the report.
scan_20211109153036b (529x700, 38Kb)
Photo 27. The first page of the report 2018-08054-001.

scan_20211109153123b (532x700, 18Kb)
Photo 28. Fourth page of report 2018-08054-001.

scan_20211109153213a (539x700, 19Kb)
Photo 29. Fifth page of the report 2018-08054-001.

Text on the fourth page of the report 2018-08054-001.

«Narrative information

V-001 reported that he was on board bus # 7116 when S-01 grabbed his black luggage bag. Then exited the bus along with S-02 and S-03 at Northbound 7th St. and Independence Ave. SW making good their escape»

Text on the fifth page of the report 2018-08054-001.

«Additional Narrative

On 4/27/2018, at 01:13 hours, the R/O was dispatched to 7th St. and Constitution Ave., NW for a theft that occurred on board bus # 7116, 30-N route. V-001 reported that he was seated at the rear of the bus with his black luggage bag on the floor next to him. V-001 said that S-01 grabbed his bag off the floor and exited the bus along with S-02 and S-03 at while stopped on the Northbound side of 7th St. and Independence Ave., SW. All three subjects fled in an unknown direction making good their escape. V-001 was not injured»

Notice the entry "7th St. and Constitution Ave. NW" on the first page of the report and on the entry "7th St. and Independence Ave. SW" on the fourth and fifth pages of the report 2018-08054-001.

Police officer E. Ferrell said on the night of April 27, 2018: “Each passenger is photographed at the entrance to the bus and it will be possible to identify criminals from the photo.” There were three criminals and it was easy to find them from three photographs. Moreover, there were only three passengers on the bus besides me and the criminals. I regret that I did not then press for an investigation by the federal police by referring the case to Police Officer Edwin R. Ferrell (Ferrel, Edvin R, badge # 440).

97. THE FOURTEENTH THEFT. I arrived in Washington DC from Denver in the middle of June 2018. I wrote two pages of information about the Denver trial, about violations of the first, third and sixth amendments to the US Constitution regarding Jamshid Mukhtorov, and distributed free Street Sense newspapers to my customers. Apparently, the FBI agents decided to punish me for my human rights and journalistic activities. It was they who, in one of the nightly drug interrogations, having previously put me to sleep, stole my Green card (Green card) and Social Security card (Social Securite) in September 2018.

In September 2018, I decided to open an account with Citibank (Citybank). Reason: I became a member of Costco Wholesale Corporation. Store address: Wheaton Warehouse. 11160 Veirs Mill Rd., Wheaton, Maryland. 20902-2538. Phone: (301) 692-1330). There clothes and food were sold in bulk and cheaply. For this service, the member had to pay $60 per year. many Americans and I benefited. Costco had an agreement with Citibank. A Costco member was entitled to pay with a Citibank bank card. The member had to pay the post to the bank at the end of each month.

I decided to open an account with Citibank. An employee of Citibank demanded a green card. I didn't find it in my wallet. I dug through my belongings twice at Extra Space Storage (1001 N Fillmore St, Arlington, VA 22201). But I did not find my Green card and Social Security card. I realized that FBI agents had secretly stolen my two important documents during the night of drug interrogations. I kept them in my wallet. The wallet was in my pocket. And both documents mysteriously disappeared from the wallet in September 2018.

So, the FBI agents in one of the nightly drug interrogations, having previously put me to sleep, stole my Green card (Green card) and Social Security card (Social Securite) in September 2018.

98. Many compatriots, journalists and human rights activists do not know or know very superficially what drug exposure and drug interrogation are. Brief information about this.

“Drugs are revered substances that give rise to euphoria in small doses, and in large doses - numbness and deep sleep with a complete shutdown of consciousness and pain sensitivity.

Such substances are both natural (opium, marijuana, henbane ...) and synthesized (amphetamines, "mulka", "ecstasy", "screw", LSD ...).

Due to the specific nature of the impact, all drugs are used in a wide range, in particular for:
- obtaining information (drug interrogation, call for talkativeness in a conversation ...);
— coding the object for the required behavior;
- breaking the will of a person with all sorts of goals (the technique of "putting on the game" ...);
- shocking changes in human behavior with the expectation of discrediting him;
- derangement of the psyche of the object in the process of "brainwashing" or zombies;
- neutralization of the possible resistance of the person during her abduction.

In the technique of professional interrogation, drugs are used to create a certain "twilight zone" in the mind of the individual. The drug provides disinhibition of specific restraining centers of the brain and a person cannot reason clearly and invent something, although he usually retains the memory of the past.

If the effect of the drug was not very strong and the subject did not lose consciousness in order to understand what he was being asked, then he is able to hide the truth. The difficulty therefore lies in the selection of the optimal working dose of the drug, which should exclude the ability to conscious resistance (possible with a meager dose), and prevent the subject from "talking nonsense" (with too high a dose). Drug administration is usually stopped when the person's eyelids begin to tremble and speech becomes slurred.

Drug resistance is quite subjective and, in particular, depends on the physical condition, mental type, experience and other purely individual factors. Sometimes a person posts information only after receiving the third or fourth portion of any of the "truth sera".

Specific questions are usually formulated as briefly as possible (so that the interrogated person does not forget their beginning when stating the end (and they should also lack suggestibility). The latter is especially true of neurotics, who are extremely prone to fantasies.

Having been freed from the influence of the drug, the interrogated person, as a rule, does not remember the content of the information given to him and has no idea about the duration of the session.

In the technique of drug interrogation, the following techniques are used:
- mixing in the drink infusion of belladonna (mad cherry or belladonna) in order to catch what is hidden in sleepy delirium;
- delayed intravenous administration of a small (0.5-1 ml of a 0.05% solution) dose of scopolomine; excessively rapid administration of the drug or its large doses are considered life-threatening (sharp drop in blood pressure, weakening of cardiac activity, respiratory arrest ...). The effect is usually manifested in feelings of soaring and weight reduction; the subject does not control himself, becomes excessively sociable, extremely complacent and very frank, blurting out what he usually hides;
- injection into a vein of 2-8 ml of a 10% solution of sodium thiopental (pentothal) with a meager (1 ml per 1 minute) speed; at the same time, after 10-15 minutes, "the light clearly dims, objects decrease in size, hidden thoughts jump to the surface, sweeping away thoughts of any caution and the need to control oneself, although there is usually no need for communication." With a small dose, a period of falling asleep should be used, and with a large dose, a period of awakening;
- slow introduction into a vein of 0.5-8 ml of a 10% solution of sodium amytal (barbamil), the effect of which is manifested in a decrease in overall activity and slowing down of speech; at the same time, dizziness and dryness in the mouth are felt, and the surrounding objects lose their shape. Then there is euphoria (although occasionally depression is possible) with increased sociability and friendliness, accompanied by verbosity with the disappearance of restraint, which lasts from 10 minutes to 1 hour, giving way to stunning and sleep for a period of several minutes to several hours. To prolong the desired euphoria, the drug is administered at the lowest possible (4-20 minutes) rate, and the overdose is eliminated with an injection of caffeine;
- slow (3-5 minutes) intravenous administration of 2-8 ml of 10% amytal-sodium solution (barbamil), and after immersion in a narcotic sleep, the introduction of a powerful dose of a psychostimulant (amphetamine ...). The forced awakening of the sleeper gives him a surge of energy and a passionate desire to speak; the sounds and all the images around become bright and very embossed, the pulse and breathing quicken, all thoughts clear up, you want to scream from the awareness of your strength. Since a person is tied up before this, all the power of the motor energy is actively sublimated into unstoppable verbal flows.

Will-suppressing chemicals can be detected in the blood no more than a few hours after the injection, and the needle mark is usually visible for a couple of days, although there are needles (for example, insulin) that do not leave any marks "[50]

It is appropriate to say that law enforcement agencies, including FBI agents, have been using drug interrogation since the early 1950s, that is, more than 70 years [51].

“In the 1950s, under the leadership of the Air Force (and eventually the CIA), a series of papers were written that defined the scope in which the government “could put pressure on a person and force him to do things against his will.” In the introduction of one of these works, the authors state that the purpose of their study is "to scientifically substantiate the action of pharmacological agents currently used to obtain information that the source of information, for one reason or another, does not want to give out" [51]

I will write in more detail about drug interrogations and the facts of adding poison to my food and drinks in separate articles in the future, if I remain alive and at large.

99. FBI agents began overnight drug interrogations of me in Boise in 2010 and continued into 2011. Some nights they entered my rented apartment and conducted drug interrogations. I felt bad after such a night of drug interrogation. I thought they were coming in through the window and hung up various large plastic sheets and attached them with tacks. If they entered through the window, they would not be able to attach the plastic sheets with buttons on the way back.

But the night drug interrogations continued. Once I noticed a square hole in the ceiling, which was covered with a small rectangular board. I climbed up the home stairs and moved the board away. There was a view of the attic. In the attic, long boards were laid for passage from the neighboring apartment. I began to think about how to close the entrance through the attic. The next day I come home from work and see: someone firmly hammered nails from the side of the attic to the ceiling board and my entrance to the attic was closed.

Several days passed and the night drug interrogation continued. I decided to go to my medical clinic and ask for a urine and blood test. I come there and ask for an analysis and say “I will pay for the cost of the analysis.” A young woman consults with someone on the phone and refuses. I'm waiting for the issue to be resolved. It was a Friday and the work day was over. Soon, respectable men in red baseball caps appeared around me and outside the door and everyone was looking in my direction. I realized that this would not end well for me and left.

I decided to go to the hospital's emergency department and ask for an analysis at my expense. There, too, they did not want to do an analysis. I began to demand. I waited over an hour and sat talking to a young Russian translator. Apparently, the doctor discussed with someone, possibly FBI agents, then told me: "We will conduct a complete analysis of you." I asked, "How much will it cost?" The doctor called the amount more than two thousand dollars. I didn't have that amount. So, I refused and went home. Here is American medicine and its help...

100. FBI agents have continued overnight drug interrogations in the city of Washington since 2012. I didn't know where to do a urine test. I asked one of the buyers to give me the address of a medical facility that provides good service. He brought the address written on a piece of paper the next day: (Whitman-Walker Health, 1525 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20005).

I'm tired of such drug interrogations and torment. I decided in 2018 to do a urine test after such an overnight drug interrogation at a medical facility in the city of Washington (Whitman-Walker Health, 1525 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20005). I asked and the doctors with an interval of two weeks conducted two analyzes of my urine. Doctors tested for 11 sedatives that are added to food or drink. The doctor said these sleeping pills weren't found in my urine.

I said to the doctor, "This group of persecutors used sleep drugs against me through the respiratory tract." The doctor said, "We cannot detect such sleep drugs." I asked: “It has been known for centuries that ammonia can put a person to sleep through the respiratory tract. Can you determine the use of ammonia if it was used against a person? She replied: "No, we cannot determine the ammonia used."

101. Naturally, another question arises: why do this group of persecutors from the FBI need numerous drug interrogations of me? This is partly due to punitive psychiatry. I have lived more than 11 years in the USA and some circumstances of punitive psychiatry in the USA have been revealed to me. I have written a more complete answer to this question in paragraphs 106-110, and in the long article [29].

A group of persecutors from the FBI have been trying for more than 11 years to use punitive psychiatry against me and thereby want to deprive me of basic human rights. They did not investigate any of the 19 thefts and 4 robberies with the help of punitive psychiatry. I wrote in a long article [29] about the use of punitive psychiatry in the US against dissidents, especially unemployed and homeless dissidents, including me. In the future I will try to write a separate large article on punitive psychiatry in the United States, God willing.

Security forces, often FBI agents with the help of officials, repeatedly fire a dissident citizen from work and do not give him the opportunity to get a job. They agreed with psychiatrists and for several months or years an unemployed and often homeless dissident citizen is secretly registered as a mental patient. They write about it in a special column of his personal file, stored in computer facilities.

A doctor of psychiatry initially diagnoses a minor psychiatric disorder to a dissident citizen. The security services continue to spy and organize new provocations against the dissident, and these moments continue to be filmed. Thousands of detachments of informers and informers help in filming. They film citizens daily on the streets and institutions of the United States. They are armed with special devices similar to mobile phones. Such devices provide instant video transmission over a certain distance, i.e. to FBI agents and police officers sitting in a car and / or in the center.

Then they make a montage of real audio and video recordings with recordings made during drug interrogations. The result is a billboard. Such edited audio and/or video recordings are given to psychiatrists. As a result, they receive the following psychiatric diagnosis against a dissident. This is one of the main reasons: FBI agents and people associated with them, using an edited audio and / or video recording, receive permission for the next six months of finance for surveillance and provocations against a dissident citizen. They provide jobs and a large salary for themselves in such a criminal way.

So, a group of FBI agents and people associated with them receive a large salary from the US budget and continue to haunt me day and night from January 2010 to today - January 9, 2022.

102. I believe that in the USA there is a criminal group of FBI agents and psychiatrists. They covertly frame a dissident person as a mental patient. In the future, various crimes are secretly committed against him, for example, theft of his things, robbery, beating, and so on. If the victim informs the police, then the police officer opens the personal file of the complainant in the computer archive: there, in the personal file of the applicant, it is written that this dissident citizen is listed as a mental patient.

103. Just such a criminal method was used against me. I was illegally fired from my job three times between July 2010 and January 2012 in Boise City. I moved to Washington DC in March 2012. I have been a salesman for the Street Sense newspaper since October 2012 and am financially self-supporting. From November 2012 to July 2021, they organized 19 thefts and 4 robberies against me. During the thefts and robberies, my journalistic belongings were taken several times along with bags, three computers, three telephones, a recorder and other things. I have reported crimes to the police many times. Police officers came and recorded my testimony on audio through their walkie-talkie, located in their chest. Often two police officers came. One of them reviewed my document and wrote it down in his notebook, and the other officer filmed it on his mobile phone. I came to the police station two days later and they handed me a registration sheet about the incident. It was written there so as not to open a criminal case. As a result, not one crime was seriously investigated and not one criminal was caught and punished.

104. An interesting fact: to facilitate the reprisal against dissidents and the homeless in Washington and in the states, the main shelter is open and operates in a building on the territory of a psychiatric hospital. I wrote in the paragraph that the largest shelter 801 in the city of Washington operates on the territory of the St. Elizabeth Psychiatric Hospital (address of the main building of the hospital: 1100 Alabama Avenue, Southeast, Washington, D.C., United States).

I was in New York in 2013 and decided to consult on one issue of my own health. Appealed to the New York branch of the International Rescue Committee (International Rescue Committee. 122 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10168-1289). The duty officer gave the address where there is medical care for the homeless. I came to the specified address. At the entrance to the territory I read that a psychiatric hospital is located here. The medical staff treated me well and I thanked and left.

105. There are many types of police departments in the USA. In my opinion there is a special police department dealing with mental patients. The statement of the injured dissident person is sent to this police department. And there they write some absurd pretext on behalf of the applicant and under this pretext they do not open a criminal case and do not investigate the crime. As a result, not one crime committed against this dissident citizen is not investigated.

106. THE FIFTEENTH THEFT. I usually buy an extra 100 pieces for the Street Sense newspaper in which my article is published. I give them for free to anyone who is interested in me and my articles. I bought a hundred Street Sense newspapers in May 2018 and took them to my luggage room at Extra Space Storage (1001 N Fillmore St, Arlington, VA 22201). Until September 2018, he handed out about 40 pieces to the Americans. Apparently, the FBI agents are tired of seeing how I distribute the Street Sense newspaper and thereby reveal the inaction of the police and the FBI. In September 2018, 60 copies of the Street Sense newspaper, in which my article "Crime near the Capitol" was published, disappeared from my storage room at Extra Space Storage. This was the fifteenth theft.

I always keep in my trouser pocket two keys to two locks with which I close my storage room. I believe the FBI copied both keys in one of the nightly drug interrogations. I noticed many times searches in my cell storage in Extra Space Storage.

107. THE SIXTEENTH THEFT. I bought a new Samsung Galactica-9 Mini phone on credit on October 10, 2017, made a contract with the phone company Verizon Wireless company (Verizon Wireless Company) for payment within two years and paid an initial fee of $142 (from Bank of America document). Phone number 240-660-1432. In the future, I paid monthly from $70 to $97.

I was sitting at McDonald's on the night of January 23-24, 2019 (address: 1800 N Lynn St, Arlington, VA 22209). As usual, I bought coffee and a French fry. I put the phone in front of me and connected the phone cable to the charging socket. I drank coffee and ate a French fry. A little time passed and my eyes began to close. I was sitting on a high chair and it is dangerous to sleep in such a chair for a long time - you can fall off the chair and get injured. Yes, and employees, McDonald's security and informers constantly monitor visitors. In the case of a client falling asleep, the security guard kicks the sleeping client out of the McDonald's hall. I dozed for a few minutes and during this time interval an experienced thief managed to disconnect the cable from the phone and steal it. I didn't call the police. First, I didn't have a phone to report to the police. Secondly, my previous reports to the police about the thefts did not yield any results. I told the manager of McDonald's - a fat woman about the theft of my phone.

I paid the remaining $291 of my $291 Galactica-9 Mini phone to Verizon Wireless company on February 19, 2019 through my Bank of America account.

I bought the following cheap phone brand Galacsy J3 Orbit from Samsung and made an agreement with the Trackpone phone company on July 26, 2019. I am currently using this phone - November 16, 2021. Until it was stolen...

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Пятница, 28 Января 2022 г. 22:46 + в цитатник


108. SEVENTEENTH THEFT. I planned to write a very important long article “New cyberweapons are being tested in Washington” (see [29]). The FBI agents and his accomplices did not allow me to write it in the city of Washington. I decided to go to New York in September 2019 and write this article there. I began to say before leaving a few days in advance to some of my long-term customers: “I will soon be leaving for New York for a month and please do not worry about my absence.”

Snitches-informers used to transmit and even record almost all my conversations with the Americans using a telephone device. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, FBI agents often conducted nightly drug interrogations and apparently asked questions about my immediate plans. Naturally, the FBI agents knew that I was planning to leave for New York on September 6, 2019.

On September 6 (Friday again), 2019 at 1:36 p.m., I was robbed for the seventeenth time. This happened in the city of Washington in front of the entrance to the subway station North Farragat. The criminals took my big black bag. The bag contained my Toshiba laptop, three notebooks, one of them was new, cables to the computer, and other things.

I used to tie the bag and the stroller together with a handkerchief. This day was Friday and there was little time left before prayer in the mosque. I decided to sell the newspaper "Street Sense" for 10-15 minutes. Therefore, I did not tie the bag and the stroller together. Those who planned the theft knew about it. One African-African man, aged 23-25, arrived on an electric scooter. He approaches my things and for two-or three minutes stares at my things and tries to determine whether they are mutually attached or not. I noticed this and started taking out my phone to take pictures. He noticed it too and started walking away. I also walked around, stood in front of him and took pictures. He then quickly left on an electric scooter.

I later mentally analyzed this case of theft. I was on the sidewalk. Therefore, the thief could not leave towards the street. He left with the bag in the subway down the escalator. He could not enter the metro station, as there are video cameras when passing through the machine. The thief went down the escalator and went up in the elevator. In this way, he came out onto the sidewalk at a distance of 20 meters from me. I then noticed how several respectable male subway workers in uniform were bustling around near that elevator and covering the view. In my opinion, they were waiting for the thief here by car. He put my bag in the inside (trunk) of the car and drove off. I'm sure this theft was carefully planned by FBI agents and carried out with the participation of a group of men. And here you can see the "hairy hand" of the FBI agents ...

I called 911 on the phone five times, including with the help of other citizens three times. Police officer Mr. M. Droadnax arrived at 14:45 hours. I got a business card from him. From that card, additional information: Metro Transit Police Department. Jackson Graham Building. 600 First Street, NW. Washington, DC 20001. Communications: (202) 962-2121. Mobile: (424) 354-9701.) Report number: 2019.13819.

I stayed in Washington on Saturday and Sunday September 7-8, 2019 to sell newspapers in the Saturday-Sunday markets and earn some extra money to buy another laptop and accessories in New York. I left for New York at night from 8 to 9 September 2019. As usual, the police did not open a criminal case and did not investigate the crime. I haven't received any messages from the police.

109. I arrived in New York on the morning of September 9, 2019. I bought a new Lenovo laptop, a mouse and downloaded the necessary programs, and also bought a computer bag for $53. For all this I paid $560. I bought a new large black bag for $45 and a backpack for $75.

I agreed with the owner of the apartment about renting a one-room apartment. I went to the bank for money, which was 150 meters away. I noticed that day that two Uzbeks were following me. I withdrew money from my account and returned. And the landlady told me that she had changed her mind and that she would not rent the apartment to me. Therefore, I spent part of the night in the New York McDonald's, and part of the night in the subway, which worked 24 hours a day. I was in New York for 36 days and nights.

110. What is the reason for the theft on September 6, 2019? It is known that in 2015 six Uzbeks were arrested in New York on charges of conspiring to provide material support to the Islamic State terrorist organization. They did not confess for a long time.

I asked about the New York Uzbek prisoners and their families on November 5, 2017, when I came to New York to the concert of Yulduz Usmanova, and also in October 2018, when I came to New York to the concert of Sherali Zhuraev. But none of the Uzbeks could give me any address of these Uzbeks or their families. I planned to look for their families after the end of this article. From article [48] it became clear that Juraboev, Saidakhmetov, Khabibov, Zakirov and Rakhmatov had already pleaded guilty to all charges.

In the New York Federal District Court on September 24, 2019, the jury delivered a verdict to Dilkhayot Kasimov, a citizen of Uzbekistan. He was found guilty of financing ISIS collaborators and sentenced to 30 years [53]. The trial went on for a week. He was arrested at the New York airport in February 2915. I accidentally read about this court on the Internet on September 29, 2019. If I had known earlier, I would have tried to participate in the trial as a human rights activist and would have written an article about the trial.

So, the trial of Dilkhayot Kasimov was scheduled for September 2019, that is, four years after his arrest. FBI agents were involved in their arrest and participation in court. They did not want my arrival and participation in the court as a human rights activist. In my opinion, it was the FBI agents who organized another theft of my laptop bag on September 6, 2019.

111. Interesting fact: On September 14, 2019, the non-governmental non-profit organization “Mahalla USA” organized a football tournament in honor of the Independence Day of Uzbekistan at the Jack Kaiser Stadium in New York (Jack Kaiser Stadium, 80th Drive and Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, Queens, New York).

12 teams from 10 states participated in the tournament. More than 700 Uzbeks and other representatives from Central Asia gathered. [54]

The Independence Day of Uzbekistan is September 1, and by that time 14 days have passed since the people of Uzbekistan celebrated the holiday. In those September days, Dilkhayot Kasimov was being tried in a New York court. In my opinion, the FBI did not want the participation of the Uzbeks in the trial and they asked their partners, the employees of the State Security Service of Uzbekistan, to organize a distraction event, which was a football tournament. This is first. Secondly, they wanted to know the mood of the Uzbeks towards the trials of the Uzbeks in New York.

As I wrote above, I spent the night in the cars of a moving subway train. Somewhere since September 12, 2019, I began to have severe coughs. I also had such coughs in Tashkent, when the Uzbek National Security Service (SNB) conducted drug interrogations at night in Tashkent before important meetings in the Tashkent office of Freedom House (Freedom House). Apparently, they conducted nightly drug interrogations and made special injections that act on the respiratory tract of a person and cause severe coughs. Such preparations are not produced in Uzbekistan. Apparently, such poisonous drugs were sold by American FBI agents to their Uzbek associates. This was yet another proof that the NSS officers of Uzbekistan and the US FBI agents are working in close cooperation both in Tashkent and in New York against human rights activists, journalists and other dissidents.

I coughed a lot in those days. I was also at Kaiser Stadium in New York on September 14, 2019. I did not know about the trial of Dilkhayot Kasimov. After my arrival in New York and during the football tournament, I asked several Uzbeks about the fate of the arrested Uzbeks. They replied that they did not know. I planned to study the accusations and defense of these Uzbeks after finishing a large article [29] that I began to write in those days. I learned about the trial on September 27, 2019, after the announcement of the court verdict: on September 24, a New York court sentenced Dilkhayot Kasimov to 30 years in prison. [55]

Violent coughs passed after a few days in New York. There were also coughs in Tashkent. Since then, more than two years have passed and I have not been bothered by coughing even once, thank the Lord God (Allah).

112. Now about one attempted theft in New York. At night at the end of September 2019, I sat in the corner of the car in the New York subway and fell asleep. I put my laptop in a computer bag, and put the strap of the bag over my head and hold the bag under my arm. Suddenly, the strap pulled my hands up to the top of the wallpaper. I woke up and started holding the bag with both hands. A few seconds later I completely came to my senses and realized what had happened: in front of me on the seat was a man with a black beard, strong build, 25-28 years old, height 180 centimeters.

Let me remind you: in Washington, many FBI employees and men who have constant contacts with the FBI have grown a beard since 2018. This is their special sign to get to know each other. A beard for FBI agents and related US citizens is also needed to discriminate against women on the basis of gender in the distribution of work, for example, in the appointment of a bus driver.

I believe this burglar was also connected to the FBI. He decided to rob the laptop while I was sleeping. He sat on the seat, held a mobile phone in his left hand and, raising his hand, filmed me on video with the aim: if I tried to punish the robber and hit him, he wanted to film this moment, then beat me. I realized that this attempt to steal my laptop was an organized and outright provocation. I sat for a while and at the next metro station got off the car and left. I wrote about this theft attempt in the article [29, part 2] in P.S.

113. THE EIGHTEENTH THEFT. On the night of October 11-12, 2019, two of my bags were stolen in the New York subway. This was the 18th theft. Briefly about this theft.

On the night of October 11, 2019, I bought a shake (shake, order number 366) at McDonald's restaurant number 3078 (address: 490 8th Avenue, New York) at 23:37. After about 30 minutes, my eyes began to close and I wanted to sleep. I think sleeping pills were added to this shake. I left McDonald's and went to the subway station "34 Street - Penn Station" (34 Street - Penn Station). It was around 01:15 at night. While waiting for the train, I temporarily sat down on a bench, which was located in the middle of the platform. I put my black bag and a rag bag between my legs. Suddenly, he fell into a deep sleep.

At 3:48 o'clock I was awakened by the words of the cleaner, who wanted to wipe the floor near the benches. I looked and realized that two of my bags had been stolen. The bag contained an adapter (power cable) from a Lenovo laptop and a cable from a Galaxy phone, as well as my personal clothes and various food.

If we take into account that trains arrive and depart every 10-15 minutes at this metro station during the night, it becomes clear that it is impossible to fall asleep soundly with a normal sleep for 2.5 hours (!). Therefore, I am convinced that sleeping pills added to the shake at McDonald's contributed to my sound sleep. I am also convinced that such a theft by sedation was carried out under the direction of FBI agents who continued surveillance and provocation in New York in September 2019.

I called 911. 15 minutes passed and no one came. Called 911 again. This time the man asked for my language and put me through an Uzbek translator. During this conversation, at 4:10 o'clock, two policemen came with bib numbers (badges): 4689 and 27339. They refused to register as theft and insisted on registering "lost" (loss). I insisted that this theft. The police did not try to find out from other people who were sitting in a nearby platform bench.

At 4:50 we got off the subway and got into a minibus-type police car. There were four of them in the car. I asked to be connected to an interpreter from the Uzbek language. They never connected. Police officers provide translation from other languages, but they do not provide translation from Uzbek. This is called discrimination.

The police at 5:20 o'clock in the morning drove to the building at 801 2-Avenue, New York. There, the police spoke with the officer on duty. We left the building and went by car to the station building. At 5:30 am, the police began to say goodbye to me. I asked for a report number. They did not give and said, on Tuesday - October 15, 2019, to come to the police station and ask for the result on this case. I took pictures of them just in case. This is the USA, theft and the police. This was the 18th time I was robbed, now in New York. (In June 2021, FBI agents stole some of my phone chips in one of the nightly drug interrogations. There was also a photo of the police from October 12, 2019.) I wrote about this theft in an article [29, part 2] in P.S.

The organizers of the theft were well aware that the adapter (electric cable) from the Lenovo laptop was not for sale in Best Buy stores in New York and could only be bought via the Internet. Using the charger left on the laptop batteries, I made some clarifications and additions to the second part of the article [29] and published it in my diary “Turon Shukhratjoni” on the website www.liveinternet.ru Literally for the last money I bought a bus ticket and on the same day, on the evening of October 12, 2019, I left New York for Washington. For this reason, I was unable to come to the New York City Police Department on October 15 and receive a copy of the theft report on the night of October 12, 2019.

114. The FBI agents used various methods of persecution against me. In October 2019, I wrote a long two-part article “New cyberweapons being tested in Washington” in Russian about my human rights work and the reasons for the persecution during my long life in the United States (see [29]). There he wrote a lot of interesting facts with attached documents. If someone wants to read this or my other articles in English, I recommend translating and reading them using the www.translate.google.com program.

115. To these many types of persecution of FBI agents, I can add two more illegal ways of persecution.

I turned 65 on January 20, 2019. Therefore, I wanted to solve two problems: retirement and renting cheap housing (studio). I contacted the Silver Spring District Center of the Department of Health and Human Services (Silver Spring Center: 8818 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Maryland 20910) on January 24, 2019. The employee spoke to someone on the phone and invited me into a room. There she gave me two addresses typed into the computer.

At the first address, I applied to the Social Security Administration for a pension (Social Security Administration, 315 N Washington St., Rockville, Maryland 20850). The employee said (meaning), “You should have accumulated 40 credits. You only have 4 credits. Therefore, you are not entitled to a pension. Let me remind you: in the USA, one loan was equal to $1,320 in 2018.

Under US law, you can only accumulate four credits per year. That is, a US resident needs to work for at least 10 years and pay taxes regularly for 10 years. I came to the US in January 2010. First, the refugee is given 8 months in the US to learn English and find a job. Secondly, I applied to the Social Security Administration (an analogue of the Pension Fund we understand) in January 2019. How could I accumulate 40 credits in 8 years? As a result, they refused to pay me a pension and I still do not receive a pension.

116. I have been living in the US since January 2010 as a refugee and have not yet become a US citizen. Firstly, for more than 11 years a group of people in civilian clothes have been spying and provocations against me. I'm assuming they are agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and/or people associated with the FBI. It is they who take pictures and videotape me, and also organize this with the help of street informers and informers' day and night for more than 11 years. In my opinion, based on these photos and videos, it was these people who organized 19 thefts and 4 robberies against me from November 2012 to June 2021. The police and the FBI did not investigate, or rather did not allow to investigate, any of these crimes, and not one criminal was not punished.

Secondly, this group of persecutors in civilian clothes have been trying for more than 11 years to use punitive psychiatry against me and thereby try to deprive me of my basic human rights. They did not investigate any of the 19 thefts and 4 robberies with the help of punitive psychiatry. I wrote in a long article [29] about the use of punitive psychiatry in the US against dissidents, especially unemployed and homeless dissidents. In the future I will try to write a separate large article on punitive psychiatry in the United States, God willing.

Thirdly, this group of stalkers in civilian clothes is not controlled by anyone in the USA and they do whatever they want against me, especially at night. I partially wrote about these illegal acts in a statement-complaint [56] in Russian and [57] in English addressed to the President of the United States. I will additionally write about this in articles in the future, if the Lord God permits.

I still have the status of a refugee and a citizen of a foreign state - Uzbekistan. If in this status they continue to persecute me for more than 11 years, what will happen if I take US citizenship? It's hard to imagine. For these reasons, I have not yet taken US citizenship.

As a continuation of these persecutions and crimes, they deprived me of my old age pension. Discrimination against me continued on the issue of cash assistance during the pandemic.

117. I live alone. In the United States, single people of retirement age are provided with cheap housing (studio) by the state authorities. For example, in the city of Washington there is a seven-story building where each elderly person of retirement age lives in a separate studio (address: 725 24th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20037).

I wanted to rent cheap accommodation (room). At the second address I received in Silver Spring County Center on January 24, 2019, I contacted the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (1301 Piccard Drive, Rockville, Maryland) at the end of January 2019. The employee talked to me for about an hour with the help of an interpreter. The translator connected with us via phone. I answered all her questions. She said: “I will send inquiries to some organizations asking them to provide you with accommodation. So please sign the document." I signed.

She invited Mrs. Kurling Altes, Case Manager Homeless Outreech Services, Every Mind, to the next meeting. Mrs Curling Altes gave me a business card and we decided to arrange a meeting via e-mails.

She sent me the following email on February 6, 2019. Note that she writes here about getting (providing) housing for the elderly.

«Good day,
How are you? I am reaching out again to schedule an appointment for your intake. I would like to help you apply for services that you requested, especially the Senior Housing. Please email back with a time that works for you.
My cell: 301. 978.1134
Take care! »

We made an appointment to meet at Every Mind office on February 11, 2019 (1000 Twinbrook Pkwy, Rockville, Maryland, 20851). We talked via computer using the program www.translate.google.com She stubbornly wanted to get my signature on a document allowing her to send full information about me. I wrote: “They do not need to provide all the information about me. To get started, they need a minimum of information. If they are interested in my request, then I can provide them with information in person.”

The dispute continued. I wrote: “I must familiarize myself with the powers of your organization. I don't know much about your organization yet. I suggest we stay here for today. I will familiarize myself with your organization at home based on the text on the website.

After my first conversation with Ms. Curling Altes, I returned home and read about Every Mind on the Internet. I ended up sending her the following email on February 18, 2019.

“Hello, Mrs. Kurline Altes!
I learned about the mission of your organization EveryMind at www.every-mind.org/about/our-mission/
I realized that your organization deals with people with mental health problems. I have no such problem. Therefore, please to cancel our meeting scheduled for February 19 and further meetings.
Best regards”

118. On February 19, 2019, I came to the Department of Health and Human Services, Montgomery County: 1301 Piccard Drive, Rockville, Maryland. Near the building at the intersection there is a large sign: Health and Human Services, Montgomery County: 1301 Piccard Drive. And at the entrance above the door there is an entry: The Crisis Center (Crisis Center).

I met with that employee. I told her, “I understand that you and Every Mind work with people with mental health problems. I don't have such a problem. Therefore, please stop sending requests to other organizations, that is, information about me.” She agreed and promised to stop sending documents with information about me.

I asked: “I wonder what organizations you sent information about me to?” She refused to tell me the names of the organization where she sent and which organizations were interested in my personal data. This is the level of freedom of speech in the USA: a person is not given the opportunity to get acquainted and learn information and documents concerning himself.

119. I understand that at the Silver Spring District Center of the Department of Health and Human Services on January 24, 2019, an agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) called an employee and he ordered me to give the address of the Montgomery Area Crisis Center.

So, seizing the moment, I was fraudulently sent to the psychiatrists at the Montgomery Area Crisis Center. They fraudulently wanted to get my signature on the documents they needed. Thus, they planned to use punitive psychiatry against me. This is another provocation and mockery of a refugee like me.

120. I wrote about the use of punitive psychiatry against dissidents in the US, including against me in [29]. In fact, punitive psychiatry in the US has over 150 years of history.

Employees of the National Security Service (SNB) of Uzbekistan undertook punitive psychiatry against me in 1997. I then thought that they were advised by employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia. Having lived in the USA for more than 11 years and having experienced a lot of persecution by FBI agents, including attempts to use punitive psychiatry, I realized that employees of the National Security Service (NSS) of Uzbekistan work in the USA together with FBI agents, that is, they study 150 years of experience in the use of punitive psychiatry against dissidents in the United States and this experience is being used in Uzbekistan. In my opinion, some agents and heads of the FBI have been for many years the main consultants for some employees and heads of the State Security Service (SSS, as it has been called the NSS since 2017) in the application of punitive psychiatry in Uzbekistan.

121. In 2009, the non-governmental organization Uzbek Forum for Human Rights (Uzbek Forum) was organized in Berlin under the leadership of the well-known Uzbek human rights activist Umida Niyazova. Uzbek Forum in September 2021 presented a report “Punitive Psychiatry in Uzbekistan – Silencing the Voices of Activists”. It mentions seven cases of forcibly placing activists critical of the authorities in a psychiatric clinic in Uzbekistan. In fact, there are many such cases. However, many people who experienced similar situations did not want to divulge their names. Therefore, they included only seven cases in the report. [58]

In the future, I will write a separate large article on punitive psychiatry in the USA and Uzbekistan, if the Lord God (Allah) gives me the opportunity.

122. For the above reasons, during the pandemic from March 2020 to today - November 23, 2021, I spend the night in hostels paying monthly from $800 to $1085. I spent all my bank savings over $1100 and got into a lot of debt. I will write in more detail in a separate article about the misadventures and bullying of the problem of renting housing (studio) from May 2014 to November 2021.

123. It is known that in the United States, quarantine was announced on March 13, 2020. The US leadership has allocated $2.3 trillion in financial assistance to US residents. They paid individual residents $1,200 in mid-April and $600 weekly thereafter. The US government did not provide financial assistance to me during the pandemic. Until December 14, 2020, I was not paid a single dollar.

How am I coping during a pandemic? First, I spent all my savings in the bank. Secondly, I borrowed money. Thirdly, from July 1, 2020, the printing of the Street Sense newspaper was resumed. I sell Street Sense daily, that is, seven days a week. Although it is dangerous in a pandemic because of the danger of contracting a coronavirus. Let me remind you: in the United States today - October 14, 2021, more than 44 million 671 thousand people fell ill with coronavirus. Of these, more than 720 thousand people died. For comparison: during the First World War in the United States, 53402 people died, and in the Second World War - 291557 people (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_casualties_of_war ). Until Allah (Lord God) save me from this deadly disease. Thank the Lord God. Fourthly, my customers of the Street Sense newspaper help me financially. Thank them.

I have been working as a vendor (street vendor) for the Street Sense newspaper since the end of October 2012. I applied for financial assistance to Ms. Lissa Ramsepaul, Director of Case Management, Street Sense on April 13, 2020. To no avail.

I contacted Ms. Lissa Ramsepaul in mid-June 2020. I said: "Please provide me with a copy of the document to be sent to the IRS" (Internal Revenue Service - Internal Revenue Service (Internal Revenue Service)). She refused. I told her: “This document concerns me personally. Therefore, I have the right to familiarize myself with it. She again refused to provide a copy of the completed and sent document. Apparently, she wanted to write some kind of slander, slander, slander about me in this document and therefore did not want to give me a copy of it.

I turned to Mr. Brine Cerome, CEO of Street Sense Media, for help. But Mrs. Lissa Ramsepaul refused even Mr. Brian Karom. This is contrary to the First Amendment of the US Constitution on freedom of speech. So someone, probably FBI agents, she was promised protection from such illegal actions ... I think Mrs. Lissa Ramsepaul discriminated against me because I am a Muslim, a refugee and not a US citizen.

I filled out a regular Form 1040 and mailed it June 23, 2020 by certified mail with notice to the IRS at 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20224. The notice card was returned to my mailing address in August 2020. I did not receive any response from them until December 14, 2020. I am sure that the reason for the refusal of financial assistance and the persecution was my human rights and journalistic activities.

I wrote and sent a large complaint to US leaders and international human rights organizations on September 8 and December 14, 2020 with the following request: “Please help me receive the financial assistance promised by the US Government during the pandemic” (see [51], [52]).

RESULT: I received a letter from the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. Kansas City, MO 64999-0010 on February 3, 2021. Inside the envelope was a letter and a check for $600 for the second half of 2020. I received my next check for $1400 on April 9, 2021 for the first half of 2021. Many thanks to everyone who assisted me in paying for the US Government financial aid.

And Mrs. Lissa Ramsepaul soon left the office of the Street Sense newspaper. Perhaps her patrons were transferred to another organization with another assignment ...

124. NINETEENTH THEFT. The 19th theft was in June 2021: FBI agents stole my several phone chips in one of the nightly drug interrogations. One of the chips was inside the phone, and the other - almost full - in the wallet.

In July 2021, I decided to write an article about the drying and dying trees of the city of Washington. The article wanted to use some of the photos stored in phone chips. Look, the chips have mysteriously disappeared. The chips contained more than one thousand photographs taken by me in 2019-2021.

Several drying and dying trees of the city of Washington were photographed on July 27, 2021 and the article “Our trees are dying where they stand (Our trees die where they stand) was published in the Street Sense newspaper on August 18, 2021 (see [59]).

125. I started sleeping in DC hostels after the Covid-19 pandemic was declared in March 2020. Under US law, a person has the right to spend the night in a hostel for up to 14 days. Therefore, every 14 days I changed the place of spending the night. The first hostel was called Duo Nomad and had the address: 1010 Pennsylvania Ave S. E., Southeast, Washington, D.C., DC 20003.

Many hostels have small lockers for keeping documents, a laptop and other things of the client for the night. In the corridor of the Duo Nomad hostel, cells were installed in the form of lockers. But such small nuts were welded as the eyes of the lock that my little lock did not fit into the hole of the nuts. I asked the hostel staff a question. He offered a very small combination lock. I agreed. I put my phone, laptop and folders with papers in the inside of the cell and closed it with this padlock.

In the morning I got up, opened the cell and took out my things and had breakfast. I opened my laptop and started typing. I look at the keys of the letters “P”, “P” and “E”, as well as the corresponding Latin “G”, “H”, and “ ” (quotation marks) are not printed. An FBI agent opened my cell at night, took out a laptop and managed to block and disable these three keys of my laptop. Since those days, I have been typing out each text in the following way: I store one of these letters in the laptop's memory using the "Ctrl" and "C" keys, then using the "Ctrl" and "V" keys I type it in the right place in the text …

The question arises: for what purpose did the FBI agent make such a dirty trick? Apparently, the FBI agents did not have time to translate my Uzbek and Russian texts into English with constant day-night monitoring of my laptop, and even more so to make provocative changes and additions to my text. Now they have such an opportunity and time while I am typing these three letters and signs into my text.

126. For more than 11 years, FBI agents have been monitoring, blocking and sometimes destroying my letters, files, phone numbers and emails sent to me from the memory of my laptop, flash drive and from e-mails for more than 11 years. On my behalf, they send all sorts of provocative letters and messages to other compatriots.

I write many articles and books in Uzbek on the problems of Uzbekistan. The leadership and agents of the FBI work closely and act jointly with the employees of the Uzbek State Security Service (SSS). Until 2018, the Uzbek special service was called the National Security Service (SNB). The State Security Service of Uzbekistan is a similar intelligence service as the FBI.

127. Cooperation between FBI agents and Uzbek employees of the State Security Service continues to this day. They enter my laptop from a distance at night, study, read, delete some of my files, and also send on my behalf all sorts of provocative letters and messages to other compatriots to discredit me and find out dissidents among the Uzbek intelligentsia. They like to carry out such illegal activities through my Facebook account.

I define such a provocation by reducing the charge in my laptop overnight. FBI agents and Uzbek SGB agents have not yet learned how to recharge a laptop from a distance. Usually in my laptop, the charge is 95-96 before I go to bed, sometimes up to 100 percent. In the morning I open it and see that the charge has decreased significantly. For example, on the night of October 12, 2021, charging decreased overnight to 83 percent, on October 15 to 91 percent, and on November 23 to 78 percent. Some days the laptop charge remains unchanged and is 95-96, sometimes up to 100 percent. So, the FBI agents and the Uzbek SSS officers did not use my laptop from a distance these nights.

I have been staying overnight at International Hostel 2 since April 2020 (Dc International Hostel 2: 1418 9th St NW, Washington, DC 20001). I usually return to the hostel in the evening and use my laptop in the evening and at night. I often listen and watch US news through the website www.golosameriki.com In September-October 2021, FBI agents and people associated with them began to create all sorts of obstacles: either the desired site does not open, or it freezes, or the Internet is generally turned off.

For example, on the night of October 9, 2021, the Internet was turned off. I complained to a hostel employee named Eshetu (Eshetu, he refused to write his last name) on October 10, 2021. On the night of October 11, there was Internet connection, but FBI agents from a distance made it so that the video often stopped and hung. This is how FBI agents and people associated with them grossly violate the First Amendment to the US Constitution and block freedom of speech in the US capital - in the city of Washington.

I can add the following official information about the FBI.

“FBI surveillance since 2010 - In the years since 2010, it has been uncovered by various civil liberties groups (such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that the FBI earmarked disproportionate resources for the surveillance of left-lerning movements and political organizations. The FBI has also committed several breaches of the First Amendment this time” [3]

128. Some may doubt the facts about drug interrogations and thefts. Let me give you more facts about it.

You know that during drug interrogation, the interrogated person unconsciously gesticulates strongly with his hands and feet. Therefore, strong men - FBI agents or their assistants by force hold the interrogated person during drug interrogation. After so many nightly drug interrogations, my arms, forearm, neck or legs hurt for a week or ten days.

They also hit my ears and I generally lost hearing in one of my ears, often in my right ear. I covered my left ear with my hand and all the city noise disappeared. Hearing was gradually restored within 7-10 days.

129. In September 2019, at the end of the first part of the article [29], I wrote the following: “P.S.1. For the last year and a half (since 2017), the special services have been trying hard to make my kidneys sick. They use beatings on the kidneys during drug exposure and drug interrogations, adding poison to my food, water, coffee, tea, which will make my kidneys terminally ill. I believe that they want to make me seriously ill in this way and eventually kill me. [29]

FBI agents and people associated with them still continue to hit the kidneys during nightly drug interrogations. They also add poisonous substances to my food and drinks at night. Because of them, I feel a nagging signal and a slightly noticeable pain in the kidneys for the next days. FBI agents in what ways use toxic substances against citizens - this is a topic for a separate large article.

FBI agents using drugs and poisonous substances against me and conducting drug interrogations at night with torture, cruel and inhuman treatment, they grossly violate Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

“Article 7 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no person shall, without his free consent, be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation.” [52]

130. FBI agents connect some cafe and catering workers to their crimes: they add toxic substances to food or drinks of dissident customers, including my food. I will give one example.

On October 24, 2021, presidential elections were held in Uzbekistan. I wrote in paragraph 4: “I went to the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Washington on the day of the presidential election - October 24, 2021. There, the “adviser” Jamshid Mirzabaev said that there was no answer from Tashkent.”

FBI agents do not like it when a dissident resident of the United States goes to the embassy of his country, and even more so communication with fellow citizens. Every time I noticed increased surveillance of me during the days of pickets in front of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the United States. I also noticed the observation of an unknown man on October 24, 2021.

I came to the embassy on October 24 at 14:00 and talked with fellow citizens from Uzbekistan, gave them a copy of my article “Our trees are dying where they stand” (“Our trees are dying where they stand”, see [59]) and talked with "adviser" Jamshid Mirzabaev.

I left the embassy after 16:30 hours. I got off the subway and arrived at Sweet Leaf-Courthouse (2200 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virinia 22201) at 5:25 pm. There I bought a Craft rain Bowl and Soup Combo (a bowl of Craft grain and Soup Combo). I am writing this data on the basis of check No. 104 of this cafe. After eating, a little time passed and signals and minor injections from the kidneys began to arrive. This went on until late at night. This means that some poisonous substance was added to the food. Their regular addition disrupts the normal functioning of the kidneys and gradually makes it indistinguishably ill.

I have eaten at this cafe more than ten times sometime since January 2021. I am sure that this poisoning of me is not the cafe workers' own initiative. I know that FBI agents also control the work of such cafes. They first agree with the head or employee of the cafe. An FBI agent verbally orders over the phone on the right day and hour to add to the food of a certain client, for example, October 24, 2021 in my food.

Such crimes are from the category of difficult to prove. They can only be exposed by creating a data bank on the activities of FBI agents (see paragraph 137). What types and methods are used by FBI agents and people associated with them to poison citizens is a topic for a separate large article.

131. Now I will answer the question: for what purpose have the FBI agents been persecuting me so stubbornly and for many years? I partially answered this question in paragraph 92.

First, the US FBI works closely with the State Security Service of Uzbekistan. And not free...

Secondly, I published an article [10] in four versions and publicized the mysterious death (murder) of two young Uzbek refugees in Boise in April-May 2010. He wrote about this in paragraph 18-28.

Thirdly, I wrote an appeal-complaint to the US President Mr. Barack Obama in February 2015 and revealed many violations of the laws and crimes of FBI agents against Uzbek refugees.

Fourthly, in 2015-2018, I participated in the trial in the city of Denver (Colorado), which FBI agents organized by arresting the Uzbek refugee Jamshid Mukhtorov (1976) in January 2012. The court verdict was announced only in 2018 and he was sentenced to 11 years in prison. After all, FBI agents and prosecutors for six years of investigation and courts could not prove his material assistance of at least one dollar to terrorist organizations. I published more than 20 articles about this trial.

Fifth, FBI agents and leaders have their own interests, including mercantile interests. They want to break the man and use him to their advantage. Brief explanation: much of the activity of the FBI and other intelligence agencies is built on the basis of provocation. Therefore, they need many provocateurs, especially talented provocateurs.

Sixth, apparently the FBI agents want me to take up arms and go shoot innocent people. Then they will try to blame the international human rights organizations that helped me get political asylum in the United States and cut their funding. It will also be possible to close or severely restrict the activities of the office of the newspaper "Street Sense".

132. What will happen if the FBI agents use even ten percent of the persecution that was used against me against a young American?

Usually, FBI agents carry out their persecution with the help of other people. This was given many examples in paragraphs 16.2-16.12 in the article [2]. Therefore, some young Americans become angry at the world around them, completely disappointed with it, consider their lives ruined and do not want to live anymore. This was written by James Fox (James Alan Fox, 1951), one of the leading American criminologists, professor of law and public policy at Northeastern University in Boston. as well as the author of 18 books devoted to the study of the phenomena of mass shootings in America. His interview was published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on December 15, 2012 in connection with another massacre at the Sandy Hook elementary school in the United States, when 28 people were shot, including 20 children aged 5 to 10 years.

“There are a certain number of people in American society who are angry at the world around them, completely disappointed with it, consider their lives ruined and do not want to live anymore. These people lack emotional support from family and friends. And they decide to take brutal revenge on those who, in their opinion, are responsible for their failures and do not give them a chance to cope with life's problems. When choosing between suicide and massacre, they tend to choose both” [60]

As you know, more than 393 million guns were in the hands of the American people in 2018 [61]. An angry American takes one or more of the 393 million weapons and goes to shoot innocent people in a row.

My first difference from young Americans is that I know exactly who is persecuting me and for what purpose. Therefore, I will not repeat the gross mistake of young Americans.

The second difference from young Americans is that I am a believer, a Muslim. In all religions, including Islam, the killing of another person is strongly condemned. This is the words of the Prophet Muhammad (hadith). Therefore, I will not go to murder, especially innocent citizens.

The third difference from most young Americans is that I have held the military rank of "reserve captain" since 1985 and have a good knowledge of military weapons and their use. But I do not want and will not use my knowledge and skills against ordinary US citizens and police officers. I wrote about this in the article “What is the reason for the massacres in the USA?” in 2013 and still hold this belief.

133. The use of weapons against ordinary US citizens will not give positive results. That is, the true culprits persecuting freedom-loving citizens will not be revealed and punished. Moreover, the mass murder gives the opposite result: after almost every mass murder, the special services, including the FBI, receive new powers, often the number of special services employees increases, and the rights of citizens are reduced. In other words, in a mass murder, innocent people and policemen die, and FBI agents receive benefits and incentives.

The FBI agents who are harassing and making various troubles and provocations against me will not wait for my illegal actions. I will not go for killing people, despite any provocations and bad deeds against me. As a human rights activist and independent journalist, I will write and publish articles, appeals and more, in which, to the extent possible, I will expose the mystery of bad deeds and true instigators from the FBI.

134. I have to write separately: I have been a human rights activist since 1974 and a freelance journalist since 2004. Therefore, I am not going to arbitrarily punish anyone for many years of persecution and various poisonings. I have a sharp journalistic pen and the ability to respond powerfully with exposés and complaints.

I believe and am sure that the journalistic pen is stronger than any weapon. After the publication and publicity about the dark affairs of the FBI, ordinary citizens, the intelligentsia of the United States can and should take an active part in organizing control over the FBI and the police by creating a data bank on their work. As a result, over time, appropriate laws will be adopted, and the activities of the FBI and the police will be brought under the control of the laws of the country. In the future, the ranks of the FBI and the police will gradually begin to clear out random people who abuse their official position and duties. And this is more important than using weapons against ordinary people or against the FBI and the police.

135. A typical way of working for FBI agents: they do some kind of provocation, bad deed, dirty tricks and filth against a dissident citizen and inform the police leaders about a possible armed incident of him. I am sure that I have been repeatedly reported to the police about the threat from me. The FBI has an eGuardian system for such a message.

“eGuardian is the name of an FBI system, launched in January 2009, to share tips about possible terror threats with local police agencies. The program aims to get law enforcement at all levels sharing data quickly about suspicious activity and people.

eGuardian enables near real-time sharing and tracking of terror information and suspicious activities with local, state, tribal, and federal agencies. The eGuardian system is a spin-off of a similar but classified tool called Guardian that has been used inside the FBI, and shared with vetted partners since 2005.” [3]

136. In the conditions of constant persecution in my life in the USA for about twelve years, I became convinced that FBI agents often and widely use sleeping pills against dissident US citizens and foreign citizens. These drugs are very versatile. Personally, powdered ones in coffee or tea were used against me, airy by mixing sleeping pills with the cool air coming out of the air conditioner and with the help of an evaporating liquid by wiping the floor around me after soaking a rag in a potent sleeping pill mixture. An important point: in my opinion, given that these crimes are organized by members of the US security forces, not one of the crimes committed with the help of sleeping pills has not been solved. Therefore, they use these means almost openly and brazenly.

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Пятница, 28 Января 2022 г. 20:23 + в цитатник


137. Suppose that some FBI agents grossly violate the laws and the US Constitution. But how can you prove it? This requires the creation of a data bank on the activities of FBI agents and police officers. I wrote about this in article [2] in paragraph 18.

137.1. Information should be accumulated on the daily work of FBI agents and police officers, as well as their leaders. To do this, it is necessary to create a separate service for the collection and accumulation of such information. This bank of information should begin with a complete list of FBI agents and police officers and FBI and police informants. What part of the information flow of the daily work of all employees and informants to collect - let the legislators decide.

I find it important to accumulate phone and walkie-talkie conversations between FBI agents, police officers, and FBI and police informants. It is this information that will best reveal what each particular agent, employee and his serving informants (informers) are doing, who and how they are being monitored, what legal and illegal, sometimes provocative verbal orders are given and what steps they take, and so on.

It is also relevant to collect the following information: each FBI agent, police officer and informant receives daily orders; their daily, weekly and other progress reports, and some other important information.

137.2. Such a bank of information must be opened and it must exist separately. The FBI and the police will continue to work according to their operating principles, that is, there will be no interference in their work. It's just that information about their work will be accumulated in parallel in a separate data bank.

137.3. Of course, this data bank will be classified and carefully guarded against leakage of information and against extraneous illegal interventions. A similar storage of classified information is currently in the Department of Defense, the FBI, the police and other US law enforcement agencies.

137.4. In this data bank, it is appropriate to accumulate letters of complaints from citizens about the work of FBI agents and police officers.

137.5. Serious work must be done to eliminate unemployment in the United States by organizing in all cities and regions of the United States the re-creation of conventional markets (see [62] and [63]).

137.6. At this time, approximately this amount of information is accumulated in the archives and files of the FBI and the police. FBI and police officials and officers have access to this information. And at any time, especially when it threatens them with dismissal and exposure, they can destroy relevant information, for example, regarding a specific suicide or mass murder. Sometimes the destruction of one sheet or file of an important document confounds the whole investigation of the crime. In the case of the creation of a parallel database, the leaders, agents and employees of the FBI and the police will not have access to this parallel database and will not be able to selectively destroy certain important information.

137.7. It is appropriate to grant the right to study the information of this parallel data bank only to a certain circle of persons from among the deputies of the legislative chamber of the state or the US Congress, or to the special commission being created to study and control this information.

137.8. In the interval of several years, according to the established law or the origin of the massacres, an authoritative parliamentary commission should be created. The commission can include one authoritative and honest officer of law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and the police. Again, it is better to write the choice of members of the commission in the law or let the deputies of the state or country parliament determine.

137.9. In the event of another murder or mass murder, the Commission will examine all materials relating to the murder. Firstly, in this case, the leaders of the FBI and the police will not be able to destroy the true information about the hidden work and persecution of certain citizens, including a suicide or the organizer of a massacre by some leaders and employees of the FBI and the police or heads of other departments.

Secondly, serious omissions and illegal actions of certain leaders, agents and / or employees of the FBI and police, as well as informants against certain citizens and residents of the United States, that is, serious violations of human rights, will be clarified.

Thirdly, based on the analysis of this information, it is possible and necessary to develop legislative acts and laws that regulate the work of leaders and employees of law enforcement agencies, especially FBI agents and police officers.

137.10. Only such a serious and comprehensive approach to the study and legislative regulation of the work of the FBI and the police, and possibly other law enforcement agencies, will make it possible to drastically reduce the number of suicides and mass murders, as well as robberies and thefts in the United States.

138. On January 13, 2014, I wrote an Open Letter to President Barack Obama, US Senators and Deputies about the need to create a data bank on the activities of FBI agents and police officers in order to dramatically reduce the number of mass murders and suicides, as well as interference with the privacy of US citizens. There he listed ten points written in paragraph 137. At the end he added the eleventh paragraph.

"11. A serious and comprehensive approach to the study and legislative regulation of the work of law enforcement agencies and special services (FBI and police, 10/20/2021) through the creation of a Data Bank will lead to the following results:

First, stop the illegal interference of law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies in the private lives of citizens and residents of the United States.

Secondly, to drastically reduce the number of massacres, such as committed by James Holmes, Adam Lanz and others.

Thirdly, the number of suicides of US citizens will sharply decrease.

Fourthly, the ranks of power structures and special services will be cleared of law-breaking agents, employees and leaders.

Fifth, as a result, the authority of the President of the United States, congressmen and deputies, the existing government, law enforcement agencies and special services among US citizens will rise.

So, I suggest you come up with the initiative to create a data bank on the work of law enforcement agencies and special services. This will ultimately solve many problems around the illegal interference of special services and law enforcement agencies, namely the FBI and the police, in the private lives of citizens, mass murders and suicides in the United States.” [64]

139. FBI agents used and continue to use sleeping pills many times against me for drug interrogation. Often they wait for me to fall asleep. I have a fear almost every night before going to bed that they will conduct another nightly drug interrogation. Therefore, I have a big dream in the USA since 2012 - to sleep peacefully and without anxiety for at least a week or ten days.

No wonder the great William Shakespeare said "Chief nourisher in life’s feast" ("Sleep, the main course in life’s feast, and the most nourishing." [65])

Shakespeare put an ode to sleep into the mouth of the Scottish king Macbeth, in the second act of the tragic play of the same name Macbeth (1603-1606).

"Methought, I heard a voice cry, “Sleep no more!
Macbeth does murder sleep”—the innocent sleep,
Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care,
The death of each day’s life, sore labor’s bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature’s second course,
Chief nourisher in life’s feast." [65] (Act 2, scene 2, 46-51)

"I thought I heard a voice cry, “Sleep no more!
Macbeth is murdering sleep.” Innocent sleep.
Sleep that soothes away all our worries.
Sleep that puts each day to rest.
Sleep that relieves the weary laborer and heals hurt minds.
Sleep, the main course in life’s feast, and the most nourishing." [66] (Act 2, scene 2, 46-51))

140. I will give one example of a crime that is difficult to prove and its disclosure by creating a data bank on the activities of FBI agents and police officers. I wrote in paragraph 21 that I became a Bank of America customer in April 2010. I have been using his services for over 11 years. They do their job honestly, respectfully, and do a good job of keeping out strangers, including FBI agents.

I, like many Americans, pay for purchases through my bank account. Information about banking transactions of customers is stored in the computer center of the bank. Therefore, I always have proof of my purchases, including stolen and robbed laptops. Some executives and FBI agents don't like Bank of America's autonomy and evidence base. Apparently, for this and similar reasons, they are engaged in a covert battle against Bank of America.

Here are some examples. I visited Boise in August 2015. I was surprised by the fact that in Boise, Idaho, all branches of Bank of America were closed and liquidated.

In the city of Denver, Colorado, there is only one branch of Bank of America left in the city center. I came to Denver in 2015, 2017 and 2018 and used the only branch in Denver. A covert war against Bank of America is also being waged in the city of Washington. There is a Bank of America branch at: 1845 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20001. The bank management decided to install an outdoor ATM indoors in the summer of 2021 (an ATM from an ATM, sometimes ATM from an English Automated teller machine). This bank branch was closed for more than one month: they made repairs inside the room and installed two ATMs. A little time passed and some provocateurs began wrecking against these ATMs. Once, as usual, I invested part of the money and the ATM stopped. He does not accept money and does not return the money entered into the internal and my card. I left and the next day I went to another branch of the Bank of America Financial Center at 3100 14th St NW STE 101, Washington, DC 20010. There the manager identified it using a computer and gave me a new card along with that money.

Several days have passed. I come to the branch of Bank of America on 7th Street: there is one homeless person sleeping inside, spreading a blanket on the floor and in the room like that. I left. Soon a sign appeared on the door that the branch was open from Monday to Saturday from 9:00 to 17:00, and closed on Sunday. After all, bank customers must use the ATM service 24 hours a day.

I came to the Bank of America Financial Center at 3100 14th St NW STE 101, Washington, DC 20010 on November 7, 2021 at 6:20 pm. The doors were closed. I went to the nearest ATM, which is located at the corner of 14th Street and Park Rd NW. There, someone broke the expensive glass of the ATM with a stone or brick and, of course, it was turned off.

Of course, the police will not be able to find the criminals who committed these crimes. In my opinion, crimes against Bank of America are organized and committed by some FBI agents and people associated with them. Of course, this is a hard to prove crime. Such and similar crimes can be uncovered through the creation of a data bank on the activities of FBI agents and police officers (see paragraph 123). Usually such crimes are not committed spontaneously. They are prepared in advance: the organizers and criminals negotiate, agree on a place and a price. Therefore, with the help of the data bank, it will be possible to find out about the impending crime and arrest criminals before or during the crime.

141. I published an Open Letter to President Barack Obama in Street Sense about the need to strengthen control of the FBI and the police through the creation of a parallel data bank on February 12, 2014. All ten paragraphs written in paragraph 123 were listed there. FBI agents arranged for this small Open Letter to be published in small pieces in four (!) issues of the Street Sense newspaper (see [64]). In 2014, the Street Sense newspaper was printed every 14 days. This means that my Open Letter was printed in the newspaper for 42 (!) days.

In my opinion, it is difficult to find another example in the next 20-30 years, where a small article or a proposal letter was published in four issues of the newspaper. In short, the FBI agents organized this on purpose so that the Americans would not notice the essence of the Open Letter on the need to strengthen control over the FBI and the police by creating a parallel data bank about them.

142. I sent US presidential candidate Mr. Joe Biden in 2020 during the 2020 presidential campaign my written proposal for the need to strengthen control over the FBI and the police through the creation of a parallel data bank. Again, those who controlled my laptop and mail were blocked many times. I hope sooner or later to pay attention to this serious and important proposal.

143. At the end of your complaint, it is appropriate to write about some of the specifics of the work of FBI agents. Each FBI agent is assigned to track and prosecute a specific dissident citizen, such as a journalist, human rights activist, critic, and so on. The agent uses a variety of methods of persecution in order to break him and tries to achieve unquestioning obedience to him and the FBI. For this purpose, he and his leaders sometimes use such methods and provocations that they usually use against notorious bandits and insidious criminals.

144. FBI agents and leaders have tested and continue to test refugees such as myself with illegal and seriously violating human rights methods of harassment, provocation, drug interrogation, the use of powdered, liquid and air sedatives, theft, beating and robbery. They will then move on to the use of these methods and provocations against dissident Americans and visitors to the United States, or their children.

145. Some may say: “Shukhratjon Akhmadjonov is an Uzbek, I am not an Uzbek. He is a Muslim, I am not a Muslim. He is a refugee, I am not a refugee.” It is appropriate to remind them of the following words of Mr. Martin Niemoller (1892-1984) - Pastor of the Protestant Evangelical Church, President of the World Council of Churches.

“When the Nazis came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Martin NIMÖLLER" [67]

("First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Martin NIMÖLLER" [68])

Let some readers not be confused by the word "Nazis" in an important statement by Mr. Martin Niemöller. I recall the following words of the first director of the FBI, John Edgar Hoover (1895-1972): "Just the minute the FBI begins making recommendations on what should be done with its information, it becomes a Gestapo." [4]

So, I believe based on the above facts, agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) stole my green card in one of the nightly drug interrogations in September 2018.

Please help me get a new US green card.

P.S.1. I will publish this complaint in Russian on websites and send it to various organizations. Then I will translate it into English and send it to the leadership and congressmen of the United States, the heads of the FBI, the police and international organizations.




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СИНТИЯ СЮЭЛЛ. Сирли ўлимлар (Mysterious deaths).
- https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6956320/ (www.liveinternet.ru "Турон Шухратжони" кундалиги (дневник), рубрика «Boshqa muallif», March 17, 2021, in Uzbek in Cyrillic);
http://yangidunyo.com/?p=11446#more-11446 (www.yangidunyo.com May 13, 2010. in Uzbek in Cyrillic).

11. ГУЛЯМОВ Шухрат Тураджанович /GULYAMOV Shuxrat/. - ГУЛЯМОВ Шухрат Тураджанович | ЦентрАзия (centrasia.org) (www.centrasia.org Рубрика “Персоны” (Heading "Persons"));
- www.centrasia.org/person2.php?st=1313563345 (www.centrasia.org Рубрика “Персоны” (Heading "Persons")).

12. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Мой жалоба от 13-21 октября 2010 года (на английском и русском языке). (AHMADJONOV Sh. My complaint dated October 13-21, 2010 (in English and Russian).
- СТАТЬИ 2010 ГОДА | Записи в рубрике СТАТЬИ 2010 ГОДА | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “СТАТЬИ 2010 ГОДА”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 29, 2021);
- www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6801766/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “СТАТЬИ 2010 ГОДА”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 29, 2021).

13. Шухрат АХМАДЖОНОВ. Меня преследуют и в США (статья 1) (Shuhrat AHMAJONOV. I am also being persecuted in the USA (Article 1)).
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “СТАТЬИ 2011 ГОДА”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 29, 2021);
- www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “СТАТЬИ 2010 ГОДА”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 29, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/02/21/shuhrat-5/#more-13876 (www.turonzamin.org
February 21, 2011);
- http://pravozashitnik.at.ua/news/2011-2-22-1595-0- (www.pravozashitnik.at.ua February 22, 2011).

14. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Менга АҚШда ҳам тазйиқ қилмоқдалар (I'm being persecuted in the US too). - www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=17621#more-17621 (www.yangidunyo.com March 1st, 2011).

15. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Интернетцензура в США (Internet censorship in the USA).
- www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 10, 2021);
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 10, 2021);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=22516 (www.yangidunyo.com November 12, 2011).

16. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Меня в США продолжают преследовать (статья 2) (AHMADJONOV Sh. They continue to persecute me in the USA (Article 2)). - www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=22404 (www.yangidunyo.com October 29, 2011).

17. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Мой жалоба в Комиссию по Правам Человека Айдахо. (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 3) (AHMADJONOV Sh. My complaint to the Commission on Human Rights of Idaho. (They continue to persecute me in the USA. Article 3)).
- www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/12/23/shuh/#more-17341 (www.turonzamin.org December 23, 2011).

18. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Ответы Департамента полиции. (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 4) (AHMADJONOV Sh. Answers of the Police Department. (I continue to be persecuted in the USA. Article 4)).
- www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/12/26/shuh-2/#more-17348 (www.turonzamin.org December 26, 2011).

19. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Сопроводительное письмо в КПЧА. (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 5) (AHMADJONOV Sh. A cover letter to the HRCCA. (I continue to be persecuted in the USA. Article 5)).
- www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/12/30/shux/ (www.turonzamin.org December 30, 2011).

20. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Почему и как меня выгнали с работы? (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 6) (AHMADJONOV Sh. Why and how was I fired from work? (I continue to be persecuted in the USA. Article 6)).
- www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963245/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 3, 2021);
- 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 3, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2012/01/02/shuh-3/#more-17439 (www.turonzamin.org January 2, 2012).

21. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Провокация путем кража. (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 7) (AHMADJONOV Sh. Provocation by theft. (They continue to persecute me in the USA. Article 7)).
- www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963245/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 3, 2021);
- 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 3, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2012/01/03/shuh7/#more-17443 (www.turonzamin.org January 3, 2012).

22. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Провокация и штраф на тротуаре. (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 8) (AHMADJONOV Sh. Provocation and a fine on the sidewalk. (They continue to persecute me in the USA. Article 8)).
- 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”, Рубрика “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 8, 2021);
- www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963245/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”, Рубрика “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 8, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2012/01/18/shuh-5/ (www.turonzamin.org January 18, 2012).

23. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Мени АҚШда учинчи марта ишдан ҳайдашди (AHMADJONOV Sh. I was fired from my job in the US for the third time)). - 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”, Рубрика “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 8, 2021);
- www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963245/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”, Рубрика “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 8, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2012/01/24/shuh-6/#more-17897 (www.turonzamin.org January 24, 2012).

24. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Судилище в США продолжается. (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 9) (AHMADJONOV Sh. Trial in the USA continues. (They continue to persecute me in the USA. Article 9)).
- 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”, Рубрика “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 8, 2021);
- www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963245/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”, Рубрика “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 8, 2021);
- http://yangidunyo.org/?p=700#more-700 (www.yangidunyo.org July 16, 2012).

25. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Саодат ва Малоҳатга маслаҳатим (AHMADJONOV Sh. My advice to Saodat and Malohat)). - - www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, January 4, 2022);
– 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, January 4, 2022);
http://turonzamin.org/2011/07/12/shuhrat-ahmadjonov-15/#more-15645 (www.turonzamin.org July 12th, 2011 at 4:03 pm, in Latin);
http://muvozanat.info/index.php?option=com_content...-52&catid=31:general&Itemid=18 (www.muvozanat.info 12 July 2011 09:52, in Cyrillic).
http://yangidunyo.com/?p=20835 (www.yangidunyo.com July 13, 2011).

26. 801 East Men’s Shelter.
- 801 East Men's Shelter and Housing – Catholic Charities DC (www.catholiccharitiesdc.org );
- www.catholiccharitiesdc.org/housinghtlp/801east/ (www.catholiccharitiesdc.org ).

27. ШУХРАТ БАБАЖАНОВ. Освободившийся из Жаслыка «Золотой король»: Я стал жертвой тех, кто хотел свергнуть Каримова и убить Мирзияева (SHUHRAT BABAJANOV. Released from Jaslyk "Golden King": I became a victim of those who wanted to overthrow Karimov and kill Mirziyaev). - Освободившийся из Жаслыка «Золотой король»: Я стал жертвой тех, кто хотел свергнуть Каримова и убить Мирзияева (ozodlik.org) (www.ozodlik.org/a/ October 22, 2019);
- www.ozodlik.org/a/30228605.html (www.ozodlik.org/a/ October 22, 2019).

28. Шухратжон АХМАДЖОНОВ: Вооруженное ограбление меня в Вашингтоне (Shuhratjon AHMADJONOV: Armed robbery of me in Washington).
Часть 1 (Part 1). – http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/ (www.liveinternet.ru July 25, 2014);
http://dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=72243 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com June 13, 2014);
Часть 2 (Part 2). - http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/ (www.liveinternet.ru July 25, 2014).
http://dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=74347 (www.dunyouzbeklar i.com July 13, 2014);
Часть 3 (Part 3). - http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/ (www.liveinternet.ru July 25, 2014).
http://dunyouzbeklari.com/p?=75630 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com July 23, 2014);
Часть 4 (Part 4). - http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/ (www.liveinternet.ru July 25, 2014).
http://dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=78864 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com August 20, 2014);
Часть 5 (Part 5). - http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/ (www.liveinternet.ru July 26, 2014).
http://dunyouzbeklari.com/p?=78091 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com September 4, 2014);
Часть 6 (Part 6). - http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/ (www.liveinternet.ru August 8, 2014);
http://dunyouzbeklari.com/p?=78090 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com September 25, 2014).

29. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. В Вашингтоне проводят испытание новое кибероружие (AHMADJONOV Sh. Washington is testing a new cyberweapon).
Часть 1 (Part 1). - https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6801767/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика «Правозащита», October 1, 2019);
https://siyosat.wordpress.com/2019/09/28/в-вашингт...дят-испытание-ново/#more-12408 (www.siyosat.wordpress.com September 28, 2019);
Часть 2 (Part 2). - https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6801767/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика «Правозащита», October 12, 2019);
- https://siyosat.wordpress.com/2019/10/14/в-вашингт...т-испытание-ново-2/#more-12435 (www.siyosat.wordpress.com October 14, 2019).

30. Dear President Obama, Senators, Representatives, Americans, and Leadership of the Human Rights Community: By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov.
- Newspapar “Street Sense”, Volume 12: Issue 11, April 8-21, 2015, page 14;
https://issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/04.08.2015 (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/ Newspapar “Street Sense”, 04.08.2015, page 14);
- Dear President Obama, Senators, Representatives, Americans and Leadership of the Human Rights Community: | Street Sense Media (www.streetsensemedia.org April 13, 2015);
- www.streetsensemedia.org/article/dear-president-ob...-rights-community/*YW8id_rMLIU (www.streetsensemedia.org April 13, 2015).

31. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Судилище в США над Курбановым (AHMADJONOV Sh. A mock trial in the USA over Mr. Kurbanov). - http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/ (www.liveinternet.ru The diary “Турон-Шухратжони”, November 8, 2015);
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/qorqmaymiz/permalink/671717056295908/ (www.facebook.com Account a group «Қўрқмаймиз», November 8, 2015).

32. Uzbek National Sentensed to 25 Yars in Prison on Terrorism Charges. - https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/uzbek-national-sent...years-prison-terrorism-charges (www.justice.gov January 7, 2016).

В США на 25 лет осужден узбекский беженец Фазлиддин Курбанов (Uzbek refugee Fazliddin Kurbanov sentenced for 25 years in the USA). - http://www.ozodlik.mobi/a/27475224.html (www.ozodlik.mobi/a/ January 8, 2016).

33. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. АҚШ қамоғидаги ўзбеклар ёрдамга муҳтож (AHMADJONOV Sh. Uzbeks in prisons of the USA need the help). - http://www.liveinternet.ru/journalshowcomments.php...rnalid=4799013&go=next&categ=0 (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, April 8, 2015);
http://dunyouzbeklari.com/archives/94362 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com September 2, 2015. The head of the website www.dunyouzbeklari.com Ismat Hushev removed this article in 2015.)

34. Жамшид Мухторов: «Мен террорчи эмасман ва террорчи ташкилотларга моддий ёрдам бермаганман». Халқаро ташкилотларга ва барча оммавий ахборот воситаларига Очиқ хат. (Jamshid Muhtorov: I am not a terrorist and I haven't given financial support to the terrorist organizations. Open letter to the international organizations and all mass media). –
http://uzxalqharakati.com/archives/33064 (www.uzxalqharakati.com August 28, 2015);
http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/ (www.liveinternet.ru “Турон-Шухратжони” кундалиги (дневник), September 19, 2015).

35. Jamshid Muhtorov: “Men terrorchi emasman va terrorchi tashkilotlarga moddiy yordam bermaganman”. Xalqaro tashkilotlarga va barcha ommaviy axborot vositalariga Ochiq xat. - http://uzxalqharakati.com/archives/33064?lang=lat (www.uzxalqharakati.com August 28, 2015).

36. Джамшид Мухторов: Я не террорист и не оказал материальную помощь террористическим организациям. Открытое письмо международным организациям и всем средствам массовой информации (Jamshid Muhtorov: I am not a terrorist and I haven't given financial support to the terrorist organizations. Open letter to the international organizations and all mass media). - http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, September 2, 2015).

Обращение правозащитника и беженца Джамшид Мухторова из тюрьмы США (The Appeal of the human rights activist and refugee Jamshid Muhtorov from prison of the USA). - http://dunyouzbeklari.com/archives/113254 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com September 7, 2015).

37. Жамшид Мухторов: Мана сенга озодлик, мана сенга демократия ва мана сенга инсон хуқуқлари!!! (Jamshid Muhtorov: Here to you freedom, here to you democracy and here to you human rights!) -
http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, September 15, 2015);
http://uzxalqharakati.com/archives/33473 (www.uzxalqharakati.com September 16, 2015, cyrillic);
http://uzxalqharakati.com/archives/33473?lang=lat (www.uzxalqharakati.com September 16, 2015, latin);
https://siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/09/16/%d0%b6%d0...%d0%ba-%d0%bc%d0%b0/#more-8450 (www.siyosat.wordpress.com September 16, 2015);
http://dunyouzbeklari.com/archives/116510 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com September 18, 2015).

38. Jamshid Muhtorov: Mana senga ozodlik, mana senga demokratiya va mana senga inson huquqlari!!! (Jamshid Muhtorov: Here to you freedom, here to you democracy and here to you human rights!) –
http://uzxalqharakati.com/archives/33064?lang=lat (www.uzxalqharakati.com August 28, 2015);
http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013 (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, September 15, 2015).

39. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. В чем обвиняют Джамшид Мухторова? (AHMADJONOV Sh. What accuse Jamshid Muhtorov of?) - http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, September 10, 2015);
https://siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/10/21/%d0%b2-%d...d0%be%d1%80%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b0/ (www.siyosat.wordpress.com October 21, 2015).

40. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Заменитель обвинительного заключения в США против Мухторова (AHMADJONOV Sh. Replacement of the indictment in the USA against Mr. Muhtorov). – http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, September 19, 2015);
https://siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/10/22/%d0%b7%d0...d1%87%d0%b5%d0%bd-2/#more-8596 (www.siyosat.wordpress.com October 22, 2015).

41. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Почему Мухторову отказали освободить под залог? (AHMADJONOV Sh. Why Mukhtorova was refused (denied) to be released on bail?) – http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/blog/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, September 21, 2015);
https://siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/10/23/%d0%bf%d0...d0%b1%d0%be%d0%b4%d0%b8%d1%82/ (www.siyosat.wordpress.com October 23, 2015).

42. Джамшид Мухторов: Вот тебе свобода, вот тебе демократия и вот тебе права человека! (AHMADJONOV Sh. Jamshid Muhtorov: Here to you freedom, here to you democracy and here to you human rights!) - https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=907392966035060&id=100002930964631
(www.facebook.com «Шухратжон Ахмаджонов» саҳифаси, October 9, 2015); http://dunyouzbeklari.com/archives/118654 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com October 10, 2015);
http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5837246/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, October 10, 2015).

43. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Судьба Джамшида Мухторова (AHMADJONOV Sh. The fate of Jamshid Muhtorov).
Часть 1 (Part 1). Жизнь до тюрьмы (Part 1. Life before prison). - http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5837246/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, October 23, 2015);
https://siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/10/23/%d1%81%d1...d0%be%d1%80%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b0/ (www.siyosat.wordpress.com October 23, 2015);
http://uzxalqharakati.com/ru/archives/12557 (www.uzxalqharakati.com/ru/ October 24, 2015).
Часть 2 (Part 2). Судьба Фазлиддина и Шохруха (Part 2. The fate of Fazliddin and Shohruh). - https://siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/10/30/%d1%81%d1...%be%d1%80%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b0-2/ (www.siyosat.wordpress.com October 30, 2015);
http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, October 30, 2015).

Часть 3 (Part 3). Джамшид в тюрьме США (Part 3. Jamshid in prison the USA). - https://siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/11/11/%d1%81%d1...d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b0-3/#more-8648 (www.siyosat.wordpress.com November 11, 2015).

44. Hostel. - Hostel - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia);
- www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostel (www.en.wikipedia.org From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

45. House Rules. - Duo Housing DC, Washington DC - 2021 Prices & Reviews - Hostelworld (www.hostelworld.com/hosteldetails.php/Duo-Housing-DC );
- www.hostelworld.com/hosteldetails.php/Duo-Housing-DC/Washington-DC/47670#houserules (www.hostelworld.com/hosteldetails.php/Duo-Housing-DC ).

46. Street Sense Vendor Territorial Policy. - “Street Sense Vendor Training Handbook”, 17 pages (page 7).

47. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Грабёж в центре Вашингтона (AHMADJONOV Sh. Robbery in downtown Washington, DC). - https://siyosat.wordpress.com/2016/02/29/%d0%b3%d1...2%d0%be%d0%bd%d0%b0/#more-9300 (www.siyosat.wordpress.com February 29, 2016);
2016 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2016 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика «2016 yilgi maqolalar», November 2, 2021);
- www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963253/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика «2016 yilgi maqolalar», November 2, 2021).

48. Конституция США. Поправки к Конституции США. - Конституция США — Викитека (wikisource.org) (www.ru.wikisource.org/wiki/ Материал из Викитеки — свободной библиотеки);
https://ru.wikisource.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%83%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%A1%D0%A8%D0%90#%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BA%D0%B0_I_(1791) (www.ru.wikisource.org/wiki/ Материал из Викитеки — свободной библиотеки).

49. Crime near the Capitol. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov (АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Преступление вблизи Капитоль). – https://issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/05.02.2018 (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/ Newspapar “Street Sense”, May 2, 2018, page 13);
Newspapar “Street Sense”, Volume 15: Issue 13, May 2-15, 2018, page 13.

50. РОМАН РОНИН. Своя разведка. Практическое пособие. Минск, «Харвест», 1997 (ROMAN RONIN. Your intelligence. Practical guide. Minsk, Harvest, 1997). –
- https://www.klex.ru/r0 ;
- http://lib.ru/DPEOPLE/m_razw.txt

51. РАТНИКОВ Б.К. Наркодопрос (практика его применения специальными службами США) (RATNIKOV B.K. Drug interrogation (the practice of its application by US special services). - http://center-bereg.ru/o4449.html (www.center-bereg.ru 23.07.2018).

52. Международный пакт о гражданских и политических правах (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights). - http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/pactpol.shtml (www.un.org/ru/ Веб сайт ООН, страница «Конвенция и соглашения» (United Nations website, page "Convention and Agreements").

53. МИХАЙЛОВ В. Гражданин Узбекистана в США осужден на 30 лет за пособничество ИГИЛ (MIKHAILOV V. A citizen of Uzbekistan in the United States was sentenced to 30 years for complicity with ISIS). - https://nuz.uz/antiterror/43542-grazhdanin-uzbekis...PfxoR4xMgW4RogtlCRotI6r198CHnk (www.nuz.uz/antiterror/ 27.09.2019).

54. Нью Йоркда “Mустақиллик кубоги-2019” футбол турнири бўлиб ўтди (The 2019 Independence Cup football tournament was held in New York). Нью Йоркда "Mустақиллик кубоги-2019" футбол турнири бўлиб ўтди - Vatandosh (www.vatandosh.uz September 29, 2019);
- www.vatandosh.uz/2019/09/нью-йоркда-футбол-турнири/ (www.vatandosh.uz September 29, 2019).

55. АҚШда ўзбекистонлик ИШИДга молиявий кўмак кўрсатганликда айбдор топилди, ҳукм ўқилди (A citizen of Uzbekistan in the United States was convicted for financial support of ISIS, the verdict was read out). - https://www.ozodlik.org/a/ақш-ўзбекистон-ишид/30186801.html (www.ozodlik.org/a/ 27.09.2019)

56. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Господин Президент Дональд Трамп! Господин Избранный Президент Джо Байден! Уважаемые сенаторы и репрезентативы! (Жалоба от 8 сентября и 14 декабря 2020 года) (Mr. President Donald Trump! Mr. President-elect Joe Biden! Dear senators and representatives! Dear Americans and leaderships of the human rights organizations! (Complaint dated September 8 and December 14, 2020. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov). - https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6906524/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика «Статьи 2020», December 15, 2020).

57. Mr. President Donald Trump! Mr. President-elect Joe Biden! Dear senators and representatives! Dear Americans and leaderships of the human rights organizations! (Complaint dated September 8 and December 14, 2020). By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov. - https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5838835/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник «Турон Шухратжони», Heading «English», December 15, 2020).

58. ХУРМАТ БАБАДЖАНОВ. «Заглушить голоса активистов»: В Берлине обнародовали доклад о карательной психиатрии в Узбекистане (HURMAT BABAJANOV. “Silence the voices of activists”: A report on punitive psychiatry in Uzbekistan was published in Berlin). - «Заглушить голоса активистов»: В Берлине обнародовали доклад о карательной психиатрии в Узбекистане (ozodlik.org) (www.ozodlik.org/a/ September 22, 2021);
- www.ozodlik.org/a/31471567.html (www.ozodlik.org/a/ September 22, 2021).

59. Our trees are dying where they stand. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov.
– Newspapar “Street Sense”, August 18-24, 2021, page 10;
- 08 18 2021 by Street Sense Media - issuu (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/ August 18, 2021, page 10);
- www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/08.18.2021 (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/ August 18, 2021, page 10).
- https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6956374/page2.html (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон Шухратжони” Рубрика “ENGLISH”, October 15, 2021).

60. Михаил Решетников: большинство преступлений совершены теми, кто скрывал свои психиатрические патологии (Mikhail Reshetnikov: Most of the crimes were committed by those who hid their psychiatric pathologies). - Михаил Решетников: большинство преступлений совершены теми, кто скрывал свои психиатрические патологии - Чемпионат Мира по футболу 2018 в России (sport-interfax.ru) (www.sport-interfax.ru October 18, 2018);
- www.sport-interfax.ru/wc2018/633882 (www.sport-interfax.ru October 18, 2018).

61. Количество единиц оружия в США на 67 млн превысило численность населения (The number of weapons in the United States exceeded the population by 67 million). – Количество единиц оружия в США на 67 млн превысило численность населения :: Общество :: РБК (rbc.ru) (www.rbc.ru June 20, 2018);
- https://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/5b29bbd69a79479de93bdd81 (www.rbc.ru June 20, 2018).
There are more guns than people in the United States, according to a new study of global firearm ownership. By Christopher Ingraham. - There are more guns than people in the United States, according to a new study of global firearm ownership - The Washington Post (June 19, 2018).

62. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. АҚШда ишсизлик: Обамага таклифим (Unemployment in the US: my proposal to Obama). - http://yangidunyo.com/?p=1475 (www.yangidunyo.com June 9, 2012).

63. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Предложение по решению проблемы безработицы в мире (AHMADJONOV Sh. The suggestion on a solution of the problem of unemployment in the world). - http://dunyouzbeklari.com/predlojenie-po-resheniyu-problemyi-bezrabotitsyi-v-mire/ (www.dunyouzbeklari.com November 26, 2012);
AHMADJONOV Sh. The suggestion on a solution of the problem of unemployment in the world. - http://dunyouzbeklari.com/the-suggestion-on-a-solu...-of-unemployment-in-the-world/ (www.dunyouzbeklari.com December 3, 2012);
АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Дунёда ишсизлик муаммосини ҳал этишга доир таклифим (Предложение по решению проблемы безработицы в мире). - http://yangidunyo.org/2012/11/29/%d0%b4%d1%83%d0%b...d1%8d%d1%82%d0%b8%d1%88%d0%b3/ (www.yangidunyo.org November 29, 2012).

64. Mr. President Barack Obama! Dear senators and representatives! Open letter dated January 13, 2014. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov. –
https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/ (www.liveinternet.ru "Турон Шухратжони" кундалиги (дневник), Рубрика “СТАТЬИ 2014 ГОДА”, April 18, 2020);
http://dunyouzbeklari.com/2014/01/17/59220 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com January 18, 2014);
(Part 1) Open Letter by Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, Vendor. –
https://issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/01.29.2014_a825d58222cf21 (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/ Newspapar “Street Sense”, 01.29.2014, page 14);
Newspapar “Street Sense”, Volume 11: Issue 6, Janaury 29 – February 11, 2014, page 14.
(Part 2) Mr. President Barack Obama. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov. - https://issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/02.12.2014 (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/ Newspapar “Street Sense”, 02.12.2014, page 11);
Newspapar “Street Sense”, Volume 11: Issue 7, February 12-25, 2014, page 11.
(Part 3) Open Letter to President Obama. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, Vendor. - https://issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/street_sense_2.26 (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/ Newspapar “Street Sense”, 02.26.2014, page 14);
Newspapar “Street Sense”, Volume 11: Issue 8, February 26 – March 11, 2014, page 14.
(Part 4) Obama Letter Finale. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, Vendor. - https://issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/street_sense_03.12 (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/ Newspapar “Street Sense”, 03.12.2014, page 11);
Newspapar “Street Sense”, Volume 11: Issue 9, March 12-25, 2014, page 11.

65. William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. (Act 2, scene 2).
- Macbeth | The Folger SHAKESPEARE (www.shakespeare.folger.edu );
- www.shakespeare.folger.edu/shakespeares-works/macbeth/ (www.shakespeare.folger.edu ).

66. William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. (Act 2, scene 2).
- No Fear Shakespeare: Macbeth: Act 2 Scene 2 Page 3 | SparkNotes (www.sparknotes.com );
- www.sparknotes.com/nofear/shakespeare/macbeth/page_58/ (www.sparknotes.com ).

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- www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Нимёллер,_Мартин (www.ru.wikipedia.org Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии);
- First they came for the communists... by Martin Niemoller (veni.com) (www.veni.com );
- www.veni.com/articles/firsttheycameforme.html (www.veni.com ).

68. Martin Niemoller: "First, they came for the socialists …"
- Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists..." | Holocaust Encyclopedia (ushmm.org) (www.encyclopedia.ushmm.org March 30, 2012);
- www.encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/martin-niemoeller-first-they-came-for-the-socialists (www.encyclopedia.ushmm.org March 30, 2012).


Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov,
human rights activist, freelance journalist, refugee and seller of the newspaper "Street Sense"

USA, Washington DC.

January 12-31, 2022.
Рубрики:  ENGLISH

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