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Понедельник, 01 Апреля 2024 г. 21:14 + в цитатник


70. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. 1999 йилги Тошкент портлашлари: Кимлар ва қандай қилиб уюштирди? (3-мақола) (Tashkent explosions of 1999: Who organized and how? (Article 3)).
- 1999 YILGI TOSHKENT PORTLASHLARI | Записи в рубрике 1999 YILGI TOSHKENT PORTLASHLARI | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6817215/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “1999 YILGI TOSHKENT PORTLASHLARI”, “2019 YILGI MAQOLALAR”. February 15, 2019);
- 1999 ЙИЛГИ ТОШКЕНТ ПОРТЛАШЛАРИ: КИМЛАР ВА ҚАНДАЙ ҚИЛИБ УЮШТИРДИ? (3-МАҚОЛА) — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2019/02/15/1999-йилги-то...тлашлари-кимлар-ва/#more-12168 February 15, 2019).

71. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Судьба Е.Урлаевой, или карательная психиатрия Узбекистана в действии. (The fate of E. Urlaeva, or the punitive psychiatry of Uzbekistan in action.)
- Ш.Ахмаджонов > Судьба Е.Уралаевой, или Карательная психиатрия Узбекистана в дейстии | ЦентрАзия (centrasia.org) (www.centrasia.org/newsA.php?st=1128977820 October 11, 2005, 00:57);
- ELENA URLAEVA | Записи в рубрике ELENA URLAEVA | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6975091/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “ELENA URLAEVA”, «Статьи 2005 года», “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”.
Aprel 18, 2022).

72. Узбекистан: Посол США Памела Спратлен встретилась с правозащитницей Еленой Урлаевой. (Uzbekistan: US Ambassador Pamela Spratlen met with human rights activist Elena Urlaeva.) - Узбекистан: Посол США Памела Спратлен встретилась с правозащитницей Еленой Урлаевой (fergananews.com) (www.fergananews.com/news/23520 June 16, 2015).

73. ХУРМАТ БАБАДЖАНОВ. «Заглушить голоса активистов»: В Берлине обнародовали доклад о карательной психиатрии в Узбекистане. (“Silence the voices of activists”: A report on punitive psychiatry in Uzbekistan was published in Berlin.) - «Заглушить голоса активистов»: В Берлине обнародовали доклад о карательной психиатрии в Узбекистане (ozodlik.org) (www.rus.ozodlik.org/a/31471567.html September 22, 2021).

74. Political abuse of psychiatry. - Political abuse of psychiatry - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_abuse_of_psych...or%20groups%20in%20a%20society. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

75. Использование психиатрии в политических целях. (The use of psychiatry for political purposes.) – www.wikipedia.tel/Использование_психиатрии_в_политических_целях (www.wikipedia.tel Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии).

76. St. Elizabeths Hospital.
- St. Elizabeths Hospital - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Elizabeths_Hospital From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

Больница святой Елизаветы (St. Elizabeths Hospital.) - Больница святой Елизаветы — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Больница_святой_Елизаветы Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии).

77. Abolitionism in the United Kingdom. - Abolitionism in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia);
- www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abolitionism_in_the_United_Kingdom (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Abolitionism - a movement to abolish slavery)).

78. Frances Farmer. – Frances Farmer - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_Farmer From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

79. Фармер, Фрэнсис. - Фармер, Фрэнсис — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фармер,_Фрэнсис Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии).

80. Шухратжон АХМАДЖОНОВ: В США отобрали дочь у беженца. (Shuhratjon AHMADJONOV: In the USA, the daughter was taken away from a refugee.)
- Статьи 2014 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2014 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики «Статьи 2014 года», “ELENA URLAEVA”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. Aprel 18, 2022);
- Dunyouzbeklari.com- журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси (www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=63043 February 28, 2014).

81. Родной брат Елены Урлаевой проживающий в США нуждается в помощи журналистов. (The brother of Elena Urlaeva, who lives in the USA, needs the help of journalists.) - Dunyouzbeklari.com- журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси (www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=57046 December 23, 2013).

82. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Господин Президент Барак Обама: Просим вернут младенца Мишель родителям. Петиция. (Mr. President Barack Obama: Please return baby Michelle to her parents. Petition.)
- Господин Президент Барак Обама: ПРОСИМ ВЕРНУТ МЛАДЕНЦА МИШЕЛЬ РОДИТЕЛЯМ (avaaz.org) (www.secure.avaaz.org/community_petitions/ru/Gospod...UT_MLADENCA_MIShEL_RODITELYaM/ Сайт Общественных петиций Авааз, Опубликовано 29 марта 2014 (Обновление 14 апреля 2015);
- ELENA URLAEVA | Записи в рубрике ELENA URLAEVA | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6975091/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики «Статьи 2014 года», “ELENA URLAEVA”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. Aprel 18, 2022).

83. Шухратжон Ахмаджонов: О неправильной позиции Василия и судьбе петиции. (Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov: About the wrong position of Vasiliy and the fate of the petition.)
- Статьи 2014 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2014 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики «Статьи 2014 года», “ELENA URLAEVA”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. Aprel 18, 2022);
- www.secure.avaaz.org/community_petitions/ru/Gospod...lOA_jFH3WARJ78gOgkusnOq3UUCBfc (www.secure.avaaz.org Опубликовано 29 марта 2014 (Обновление 14 апреля 2015).

84. ЕЛЕНА УРЛАЕВА. В Управление Верховного комиссара Организации Объединённых Наций по делам беженцев! - Письмо Елена Урлаева мне и более 500 адресатам международных правозащитных организаций и активистам от 3 марта 2019 года. (ELENA URLAEVA. To the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees! - Letter from Elena Urlaeva to me and more than 500 addressees of international human rights organizations and activists dated March 3, 2019.)

85. 'Pharmacy on a chip' gets closer. By Jonathan Amos. - 'Pharmacy on a chip' gets closer - BBC News (www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-17050551 February 16, 2012).

86. Американские ученые создали вживляемые под кожу микрочипы с лекарствами. (American scientists have created microchips implanted under the skin with drugs.) - Американские ученые создали вживляемые под кожу микрочипы с лекарствами | Спортивный портал Vesti.kz (www.vesti.kz/tech/amerikanskie-uchenyie-sozdali-vjivlyaemyie-koju-mikrochipyi-98099/ February 17, 2012).

87. Staff. - Staff Archives - Street Sense Media (www.streetsensemedia.org/staff_type/admin/ ).

88. Jeffery McNeil, badge № 133. - Staff Archives - Street Sense Media (www.streetsensemedia.org/staff_members/jeffery-mcneil/#.Y7t2Cv7MJpk)

89. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. «Гадо»ни «гадо»га қарши қўяётган махсус хизматлар. (The intelligence (FBI) agencies pitting “beggar” against “beggar”).
– Полная текст статьи. – СТАТЬИ 2013 года | Записи в рубрике СТАТЬИ 2013 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/4529093/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики «СТАТЬИ 2013 года», “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. August 18, 2013);
- Одна треть статьи. – “Гадо”ни “гадо”га қарши қўяётган махсус хизматлар « O'zbekiston ERK Demokratik Partiyasi (uzerk.org) (www.uzerk.org/registan-net-алматовга-қарши-иноятов-мхх-ва-ички.html August 1, 2013).

90. РУБИНА Я. В 2015 году в мире были убиты 67 журналистов. (RUBINA Ya. In 2015, 67 journalists were killed around the world.)
– "Репортеры без границ": в 2015 году в мире из-за своей профессии погибли 67 журналистов - ТАСС (tass.ru) (www.tass.ru/obschestvo/2562969 December 29, 2015);
- В 2015 году в мире были убиты 67 журналистов (saint-petersburg.ru) (www.m.saint-petersburg.ru/m/society/rubina/344354/ December 29, 2015).

91. Constitution of the United States. - U.S. Senate: Constitution of the United States (www.senate.gov );
- www.senate.gov/civics/constitution_item/constitution.htm (www.senate.gov ).

Constitution of the United States of America. - Constitution of the United States of America - Wikisource, the free online library (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

92. Havana syndrome. – Havana syndrome - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia);
- www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havana_syndrome (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

93. Скончался Абдуманноб Пулат. (Abdumannob Pulat died). - Скончался Абдуманноб Пулат (fergananews.com) (www.fergananews.com/articles/6805 November 22, 2010).

94. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Абдуманноб мухолифатнинг яхши лидери эди (AHMADJONOV SH. Abdumannob was a good opposition leader).
- СТАТЬИ 2010 ГОДА | Записи в рубрике СТАТЬИ 2010 ГОДА | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6801766/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики «СТАТЬИ 2010 года», “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. November 15, 2018);
- http://muvozanat.info/index.php?option=com content...-45&catid=31:general&Itemid=18 (www.muvozanat.info December 26, 2010);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=16602 (www.yangidunyo.com January 13, 2011);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=439#more-439 (www.yangidunyo.com November 1, 2012).

95. АБДУМАННОБ ПЎЛАТ. Америка ва бошқа ривожланган мамлакатлардан бошпана олиш: тартиб ва талаблар(ABDUMANNOB PULAT. Asylum in America and other developed countries: procedures and requirements). – http://yangidunyo.com/?p=9201 (www.yangidunyo.com January 10th, 2010).

96. Brain tumor (Опухоль головного мозга). - Brain tumor - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

97. РОМАН РОНИН. Своя разведка. Практическое пособие. Минск, «Харвест», 1997. (ROMAN RONIN. Your intelligence. Practical guide. Minsk, Harvest, 1997 (see [97])).
- Своя разведка. Практическое пособие (zadereyko.info) (www.zadereyko.info/downloads/library/svoya_razvedka.pdf);
- Своя разведка — Ронин Роман — быстро скачать (klex.ru) (www.klex.ru/r0).
- https://www.klex.ru/r0;
- http://lib.ru/DPEOPLE/m_razw.txt

98. РАТНИКОВ Б.К. Наркодопрос (практика его применения специальными службами США). (RATNIKOV B.K. Drug interrogation (the practice of its use by US special services)). - Наркодопрос (практика его применения специальными службами США) - Center Bereg - юридический портал (center-bereg.ru) (www.center-bereg.ru/o4449.html July 23, 2018).

99. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Господин Президент Барак Обама! Дорогие сенаторы и депутаты! (Открытое письмо от 13 января 2014 года). (Mr. President Barack Obama! Dear senators and representatives! Open letter dated January 13, 2014. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov.
– Статьи 2014 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2014 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики «Статьи 2014 года», “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. Aprel 18, 2020);
- Dunyouzbeklari.com- журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси (www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=59220 January 17, 2014).

100. Mr. President Barack Obama! Dear senators and representatives! Open letter dated January 13, 2014. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov.
- Статьи 2014 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2014 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики «Статьи 2014 года», “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. Aprel 18, 2020);
- Dunyouzbeklari.com- журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси (www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=59220 January 17, 2014. Текст статьи на английском языке находится после текста на русском языке. А.Ш.).

My Open Letter dated January 13, 2014, was published in the newspaper “Street Sense” in four issues.
(Part 1) Open Letter by Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, Vendor.
– 01 29 2014 by Street Sense Media - Issue (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/01.29.2014_a825d58222cf21 Newspaper “Street Sense”, January 29, 2014, page 14);
- Newspaper “Street Sense”, Volume 11: Issue 6, January 29 – February 11, 2014, page 14.
(Part 2) Mr. President Barack Obama. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov.
- 02 12 2014 by Street Sense Media - Issue (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/02.12.2014 Newspaper “Street Sense”, February 12, 2014, page 11);
- Newspaper “Street Sense”, Volume 11: Issue 7, February 12-25, 2014, page 11.
(Part 3) Open Letter to President Obama. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, Vendor.
– 02.26.2014 by Street Sense Media - Issue (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/street_sense_2.26 Newspaper “Street Sense”, February 26, 2014, page 14);
- Newspaper “Street Sense”, Volume 11: Issue 8, February 26 – March 11, 2014, page 14.
(Part 4) Obama Letter Finale. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, Vendor.
– 03.12.2014 by Street Sense Media - Issue (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/street_sense_03.12. Newspaper “Street Sense”, March 12, 2014, page 11);
- Newspaper “Street Sense”, Volume 11: Issue 9, March 12-25, 2014, page 11.

101. Report coronavirus cases. - United States COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer (worldometers.info) (www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ May 22, 2023).

Coronavirus in the USA. Current coronavirus statistics as of 05/22/2023 (USA).
- Коронавирус в США - Статистика [18.02.2023] - Графики (minfin.com.ua) ((www.index.minfin.com.ua May 22, 2023);
- www.index.minfin.com.ua/reference/coronavirus/geography/usa/ (www.index.minfin.com.ua May 22, 2023).

102. United States military casualties of war. – www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_casualties_of_war (www.en.wikipedia.org From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

103. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Господин Президент Дональд Трамп! Господин Избранный Президент Джо Байден! Уважаемые сенаторы и репрезентативы! (Жалоба от 8 сентября и 14 декабря 2020 года). (Mr. President Donald Trump! Mr. President-elect Joe Biden! Dear senators and representatives! (Complaint dated September 8 and December 14, 2020)). By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov. - СТАТЬИ 2020 | Записи в рубрике СТАТЬИ 2020 | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6906524/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики «СТАТЬИ 2020», “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. December 18, 2020).

104. Mr. President Donald Trump! Mr. President-elect Joe Biden! Dear senators and representatives! Dear Americans and leaderships of the human rights organizations! (Complaint dated September 8 and December 14, 2020). By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov. - ENGLISH | Записи в рубрике ENGLISH | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5838835/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики «СТАТЬИ 2020», “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. December 18, 2020).

105. Persecutory delusion. - Persecutory delusion - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

Бред преследования (Persecutory delusion). – Бред преследования — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Материал из Википедии - свободной энциклопедии).

106. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Боймирза Ҳайитнинг сабр-бардоши (AHMADJONOV Sh. Patience of Boymirza Hayit).
- TURON | Записи в рубрике TURON | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6982034/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “TURON”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “2023 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, June 28, 2023);
- БОЙМИРЗА ҲАЙИТ САБР-БАРДОШИ — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2018/01/02/боймирза-ҳайит-сабр-бардоши/ January 2, 2018);
- (6) БОЙМИРЗА ҲАЙИТ САБР-БАРДОШИ — результаты поиска | Facebook (www.facebook.com/search/top?q=БОЙМИРЗА%20ҲАЙИТ%20САБР-БАРДОШИ January 5-9, 2018);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/04/11/bhayit-2/#more-14567 (www.turonzamin.org Aprel 11, 2011);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=18465#more-18465 (www.yangidunyo.com Aprel 25, 2011).

107. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Энг қисқа ва оммавий Дастур – мадҳиядир: яна “Яша Турон” мадҳияси ҳақида (AHMADJONOV Sh. The shortest general program is the anthem: once again about the anthem “Yasha Turon” (“Live Turan”)).
- 2006 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2006 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963249/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “TURON”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. June 29, 2023);
- http://www.turonzamin.org/congress3/shuhrat_yana_madhiya.html (www.turonzamin.org ARXIV February 14, 2006);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/04/13/shuhrat-ahmadjonov-10/#more-14612 (www.turonzamin.org April 13, 2011; в латинице);
- http://muvozanat.info/index.php?option=com_content...-16&catid=31:general&Itemid=18 (www.muvozanat.info April 13, 2011; in Cyrillic);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=18402#more-18402 (www.yangidunyo.com April 21, 2011; in Cyrillic).

108. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. 2005 йил: Ҳайдаровнинг Президентга шикоят аризаси (AHMADJONOV Sh. 2005: Khaidarov’s complaint to the President).
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6982034/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “BOSHQA MUALLIF”. June 29, 2023);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/04/18/shuhrat-ahmadjonov-11/#more-14638 (www.turonzamin.org April 18, 2011; in Latin);
- http://muvozanat.info/index.php?option=com_content...-20&catid=31:general&Itemid=18 (www.muvozanat.info April 22, 2011; in Cyrillic).

109. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. 2006 йил: Йиғлаб-йиғлаб ўқилган илтимоснома(AHMADJONOV Sh. 2006: Petition, read with tears in my eyes).
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “2006 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. June 30, 2023);
- http://www.turonzamin.org/congress5/mutabar_ariza.html (www.turonzamin.org ARXIV 2006.30.05);
- http://www.turonzamin.org/congress5/mutabar_ariza.html (www.turonzamin.org Йиғлаб ўқилган ариза. - “Turonzamin” журнали, 2006 йил июн, 6(18)-сон);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=18555#more-18555 (www.yangidunyo.com April 28, 2011. in Cyrillic);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/04/19/shuhrat-ahmadjonov-12/#more-14654 (www.turonzamin.org 2011.19.04, in Latin).

110. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. 1990 йилги Ўш-Узган қирғинига доир хотираларим (AHMADJONOV Sh. My memories of the Osh-Uzgen tragedy of 1990).
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. August 12, 2022);
- http://muvozanat.info/index.php?option=com_content...ion&layout=blog&id=3&Itemid=18 (www.muvozanat.info April 28, 2011);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=18601 (www.yangidunyo.com April 30, 2011).

111. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Главная ошибка лидеров узбекской оппозиции. (AHMADJONOV Sh. The main mistake of the leaders of the Uzbek opposition.)
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. Octobr 7, 2022);
http://muvozanat.info/index.php?option=com_content...-03&catid=31:general&Itemid=18 ( www.muvozanat.info May 22, 2011);
- http://pravozashitnik.at.ua/news/2011-05-22-1950 (www.pravozashitnik.at.ua May 22, 2011); page in Russian).
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/05/24/oshibka/#more-15078 (www.turonzamin.org May 24, 2011);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=19378 (www.yangidunyo.com May 25, 2011).

112. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Кимса Муродиллага жавоб (AHMADJONOV Sh. Response to a certain Murodilla).
- MUXOLIFAT | Записи в рубрике MUXOLIFAT | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6988010/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “MUXOLIFAT”, “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. July 1, 2023);
http://yangidunyo.com/?p=19741 (www.yangidunyo.com May 31, 2011, in Cyrillic);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/06/02/shuhrat-ahmadjonov-14/#more-15245 (www.turonzamin.org June 2, 2011. In Latin).

113. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Қирғин: кимлар ва қандай манфаат изламоқда? (AHMADJONOV Sh. Tragedy: who is looking for what benefits?).
- TURON | Записи в рубрике TURON | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6982034/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “TURON”, “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. July 2, 2023);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/06/17/shuhrat-6/#more-15384 (www.turonzamin.org June 17th, 2011, in Latin);
- http://muvozanat.info/index.php?option=com_content...-42&catid=31:general&Itemid=18 (www.muvozanat.info 17 June 2011 19:43, in Latin);

- Часть 1 (Part 1). – ҚИРҒИН: КИМЛАР ВА ҚАНДАЙ МАНФААТ ИЗЛАМОҚДА? - 22 Июня 2011 - ХИМОЯЧИ (at.ua) (www.himoyachi.at.ua/news/2011-06-22-2325 June 22, 2011);
Часть 2 (Part 2). – ҚИРҒИН: КИМЛАР ВА ҚАНДАЙ МАНФААТ ИЗЛАМОҚДА? - 2 - 22 Июня 2011 - ХИМОЯЧИ (at.ua) (www.himoyachi.at.ua/news/2011-06-22-2326 June 22, 2011);
Часть 3 (Part 3). – ҚИРҒИН: КИМЛАР ВА ҚАНДАЙ МАНФААТ ИЗЛАМОҚДА? - 3 - 22 Июня 2011 - ХИМОЯЧИ (at.ua) (www.himoyachi.at.ua/news/2011-06-22-2327 June 22, 2011);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=20277 (www.yangidunyo.com 2011.22.06, in Cyrillic);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=1509 (www.yangidunyo.com 2012.14.06, again in Cyrillic).
114. Шухратжон Ахмаджонов: Провокации в школе США (Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov: Provocations in a US school). - Dunyouzbeklari.com- журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси (www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=63311&replytocom=12140 March 5, 2014).

115. Шухратжон АХМАДЖОНОВ: Дискриминация в школе США (Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov: Discrimination in US school). - Dunyouzbeklari.com- журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси (www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=69706 May 18, 2014).

116. Микоз стоп. Почему появляется грибок на ногах? (Mycosis of the feet. Why does foot fungus appear?) - https://zazdorovye.ru/mikoz-stop/ (www.zazdorovye.ru 20.02.2013).

117. Главный врач г. Вашингтон и региона: «Грибок ногтей заражает кровь и запускает процесс некроза. Путь к спасению есть, но не для всех.» (Chief Physician of Washington, DC and the region: “Nail fungus infects the blood and triggers the process of necrosis. There is a path to salvation, but not for everyone.”) - Больше 31 тысячи человек скончалось от грибка ногтей за 2018 год (liveeblogjournal.biz) (www.liveeblogjournal.biz/exodol/free/geo2form/?aid...korova-vyshla-v-svet-full.html March 20, 2020).

118. Можно ли взвесить душу? Ученые проводят уникальные эксперименты. (Is it possible to weigh the soul? Scientists conduct unique experiments). – Можно ли взвесить душу? - KP.RU (www.kp.ru/daily/26069/2976237/ April 30, 2013).

119. (U) Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Reference Book. – 2411.pdf (csef.ru) (www.csef.ru/media/articles/2411/2411.pdf 2011).

120. America's Psychic Challenge. – America's Psychic Challenge - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America%27s_Psychic_Challenge From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

121. Битва экстрасенсов (телеканал STB Украина). Все 21 сезонов. (Battle of psychics (TV channel STB Ukraine). All 21 seasons).
- https://teleportal.ua/ru/show/stb/bitva

122. Кашель (Cough).
- Кашель — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии);
- www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Кашель (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии).

123. Шуҳратжон АХМАДЖОНОВ. - Власти Узбекистана хотят вновь применить карательную психиатрию. (Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov - The authorities of Uzbekistan want to re-use punitive psychiatry).
- Ш.Ахмаджонов - Власти Узбекистана хотят вновь применить карательную психиатрию | ЦентрАзия (centrasia.org) (www.centrasia.org/newsA.php?st=1118219340 June 8, 2005);
- Статьи 2005 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2005 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5478522/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики «Статьи 2005 года» , “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. April 24, 2023).

124. В Узбекистане надо отменить смертную казнь! Обращение Ш.Ахмаджонова к сессии Олий Мажлиса. (The death penalty must be abolished in Uzbekistan! Sh. Ahmadjonov’s address to the session of the Oliy Majlis). - В Узбекистане надо отменить смертную казнь! Обращение Ш.Ахмаджонова к сессии Олий Мажилиса | ЦентрАзия (centrasia.org) (www.centrasia.org/newsA.php?st=1093401900 August 25, 2004).

125. Statement-Complaint: Crimes of USA FBI agents and the way of evidence. (2021-2022 version. Beginning, Continued 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Ending). By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov. - ENGLISH | Записи в рубрике ENGLISH | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5838835/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Headings (Рубрики) “STATEMENT-COMPLAINT 2021-2022”, “ENGLISH”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, “2022 YILGI MAQOLALAR». January 31, 2022).

126. 2021-2023 - Complaint-Statement: Crimes of USA FBI agents and the way of evidence. (2021-2023 version. Beginning, Continued 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Ending). By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov. - 2023: KOMPLAINT-STATEMENT | Записи в рубрике 2023: KOMPLAINT-STATEMENT | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6997346/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Headings (Рубрики) “2023: KOMPLAINT-STATEMENT”, “ENGLISH”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, “2023 YILGI MAQOLALARIM». May 15, 2023).

127. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. В Вашингтоне начинается скандал (Scandal begins in Washington, DC). - 2023 YILGI MAQOLALARIM | Записи в рубрике 2023 YILGI MAQOLALARIM | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6995770/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “2023 YILGI MAQOLALARIM», “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”. August 22, 2023);
- Facebook (www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002930964631 Страница Шухратжон Ахмаджонова в Фейсбуке, 22 августа 2023 года).

128. Scandal begins in Washington, DC. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov. - ENGLISH | Записи в рубрике ENGLISH | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5838835/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Headings (Рубрики) “ENGLISH”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, “2023 YILGI MAQOLALARIM». August 23, 2023);
- Facebook (www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002930964631 Страница Шухратжон Ахмаджонова в Фейсбуке, 23 августа 2023 года).

129. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Вашингтонда жанжал бошланди (Scandal begins in Washington, DC). - 2023 YILGI MAQOLALARIM | Записи в рубрике 2023 YILGI MAQOLALARIM | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6995770/ "Турон Шухратжони" кундалиги (дневник)даги “2023 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА” рукнлари. 2023 йил 8 ноябр).

130. My appeal to readers. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov.
- Newspapar “Street Sense”, December 20, 2023 – January 2, 2024, page 3);
- ENGLISH | Записи в рубрике ENGLISH | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5838835/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Headings (Рубрики) “ENGLISH”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “STREET SENSE”, “2023 YILGI MAQOLALARIM». January 7, 2024).

131. Шухратжон АХМАДЖОНОВ. Обращение к читателям! (Appeal to readers!)- STREET SENSE | Записи в рубрике STREET SENSE | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6968415/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “2023 YILGI MAQOLALARIM», “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “STREET SENSE”. 6 января 2024 года).

132. United States Space Force (Космические силы США). - United States Space Force - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Space_Force From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

133. National Association of Police Organizations endorses Trump. By Jason Silverstein (Национальная ассоциация полицейских организаций поддержала Трампа. Джейсон Сильверстайн). - National Association of Police Organizations endorses Trump - CBS News (www.cbsnews.com/news/national-association-of-polic...ions-endorses-president-trump/ July 16, 2020).

134. The Tragedy of MacBeth by William Shakespeare. Act 2, Scene 2. - https://etc.usf.edu/lit2go/215/the-tragedy-of-macbeth/5560/act-2-scene-2/

135. Михаил Решетников: большинство преступлений совершены теми, кто скрывал свои психиатрические патологии. (Mikhail Reshetnikov: most crimes were committed by those who hid their psychiatric pathologies). - Михаил Решетников: большинство преступлений совершены теми, кто скрывал свои психиатрические патологии - Чемпионат Мира по футболу 2018 в России (sport-interfax.ru) (www.sport-interfax.ru/wc2018/633882 October 18, 2018).

136. Количество единиц оружия в США на 67 млн превысило численность населения. (The number of guns in the United States is 67 million higher than the population.)
– Количество единиц оружия в США на 67 млн превысило численность населения :: Общество :: РБК (rbc.ru) (www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/5b29bbd69a79479de93bdd81 June 20, 2018).

There are more guns than people in the United States, according to a new study of global firearm ownership. By Christopher Ingraham. - There are more guns than people in the United States, according to a new study of global firearm ownership - The Washington Post (www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2018/06/19/the...y-of-global-firearm-ownership/ June 19, 2018).

137. АНГЕЛИНА БАГДАСАРЯН. Стрельба в Калифорнии: поиск мотивов. (ANGELINA BAGDASARYAN. Shooting in California: searching for motives.) – Стрельба в Калифорнии: поиск мотивов (golosameriki.com) (www.golosameriki.com/a/shooting-in-california/6934057.html January 26, 2023).

138. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. АҚШда ишсизлик: Обамага таклифим (AHMADJONOV Sh. Unemployment in the USA: my proposal to Obama). - 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963245/ www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6988010/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”. July 3, 2023);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=1475 (www.yangidunyo.com June 9, 2012).

139. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Предложение по решению проблемы безработицы в мире. (AHMADJONOV Sh. Proposal for solving the problem of unemployment in the world.) – Статьи 2014 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2014 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/page1.html Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики «Статьи 2014 года», “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. January 2, 2014);
- Dunyouzbeklari.com- журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси (www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=22958 November 26, 2012).

АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Дунёда ишсизлик муаммосини ҳал этишга доир таклифим (AHMADJONOV Sh. Proposal to solve the problem of unemployment in the world). – ЯНГИ ДУНЁ » Blog Archive » Дунёда ишсизлик муаммосини ҳал этишга доир таклифим (yangidunyo.org) (www.yangidunyo.org/2012/11/29/дунёда-ишсизлик-муаммосини-ҳал-этишг/ November 29, 2023).

AHMADJONOV Sh. The suggestion on a solution of the problem of unemployment in the world. - Dunyouzbeklari.com- журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси (www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=23637 December 3, 2012).

140. Impact of farmers' markets on economies within the United States. - Impact of farmers' markets on economies within the United States - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impact_of_farmers%27_mar...20and%20consumer%20preferences. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

141. WERTZ W.F. Was It Murder? Philip Marshall, Author of 'Big Bamboozle,' Dead. – Was It Murder? Philip Marshall, Author of `Big Bamboozle,' Dead (larouchepub.com) (www.larouchepub.com/other/book_reviews/2013/4011bamboozle_murder.html March 15, 2013).

142. Бывший американский агент Национальной Безопасности, автор расследования 9/11 Филипп Маршалл и его дети убиты. (Former American Homeland Security agent and 9/11 investigator Philip Marshall and his children are killed.) - http://politikus.ru/events/3665-byvshiy-amerikansk...marshall-i-ego-deti-ubity.html (www.politikus.ru March 6, 2013).

143. В США убит вместе с детьми писатель Ф.Маршалл, расследовавший теракты 11 сентября и утверждавший, что их организовало ЦРУ. (In the United States, the writer F. Marshall, who investigated the September 11 terrorist attacks and claimed that they were organized by the CIA, was killed along with his children.) – В США убит вместе с детьми писатель Ф.Маршалл, расследовавший теракты 11 сентября и утверждавший, что их организовало ЦРУ | ЦентрАзия (centrasia.org) (www.centrasia.org/newsA.php?st=1362584220 March 6, 2013).

144. National Guard (United States). - National Guard (United States) - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia);
- www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Guard_(United_States) (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

145. АНДРЕЙ САВИН. За четверть века были убиты тысячи журналистов. (ANDREY SAVIN. Thousands of journalists have been killed over a quarter of a century.) – За четверть века были убиты тысячи журналистов - Речь (35media.ru) (www.35media.ru/paper--rech/2016/02/03/za-chetvert-...li-ubity-tysyachi-zhurnalistov February 3, 2016).

146. В 2022 году число убийств журналистов увеличилось на 50%, половина журналистов погибает в нерабочее время. (In 2022, the number of murders of journalists increased by 50%, half of journalists die during off-hours.) – В 2022 году число убийств журналистов увеличилось на 50%, половина журналистов погибает в нерабочее время | UNESCO (www.unesco.org/ru/articles/v-2022-godu-chislo-ubiy...lovina-zhurnalistov-pogibaet-v January 16, 2023).

147. Павлюк, Геннадий Георгиевич (Pavlyuk, Gennady Georgievich). – Павлюк, Геннадий Георгиевич — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Павлюк,_Геннадий_Георгиевич Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии).

148. Отравление Сергея и Юлии Скрипаль (Poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal). – Отравление Сергея и Юлии Скрипаль — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Отравление_Сергея_и_Юлии_Скрипаль Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии).

149. Отравление Александра Литвиненко (Poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko). – Отравление Александра Литвиненко — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Отравление_Александра_Литвиненко Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии).

150. Отравление Алексея Навального (Poisoning of Alexei Navalny). – Отравление Алексея Навального — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Отравление_Алексея_Навального Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии).

151. Кара-Мурза, Владимир Владимирович (Kara-Murza, Vladimir Vladimirovich). – Кара-Мурза, Владимир Владимирович — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Кара-Мурза,_Владимир_Владимирович Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии).

152. 638 Ways to Kill Castro. Channel 4 documentary film. – 638 Ways to Kill Castro - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/638_Ways_to_Kill_Castro#...rected%20by%20Dollan%20Cannell. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

153. Провокация (Provocation). - Провокация | это... Что такое Провокация? (academic.ru)
(www.dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/158351 Rewritten from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia on May 14, 2011).

154. Agent provocateur. - Agent provocateur - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_provocateur#Canada From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

155. William Shakespeare. - William Shakespeare - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

156. Othello. - Othello - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Othello From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

157. Nero. - Nero - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nero From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

158. Reichstag fire. - Reichstag fire - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

159. Shelling of Mainila. - Shelling of Mainila - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelling_of_Mainila From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

160. Gleiwitz incident. - Gleiwitz incident - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

161. 33rd G8 summit. - 33rd G8 summit - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/33rd_G8_summit From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

162. Шуҳратжон АҲМАДЖОНОВ. (179-мақолам. 2012 йил 26 сентябр) Қуръон ва пайғамбарга қарши провокациялар. ((Article 179 of September 26, 2012) Provocations against the Koran and the prophets). – 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963245/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. July 3, 2023);
- www.yangidunyo.com 2012.26.09.

163. Terry Jones (pastor). - Terry Jones (pastor) - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Jones_(pastor) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

164. American Civil Liberties Union. - American Civil Liberties Union - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Civil_Liberties_Union From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

165. Martin Niemoller. – Martin Niemöller - Wikiquote (www.en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Martin_Niemöller).



Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov,
human rights activist, freelance journalist, refugee, pensioner without pension and vendor “Street Sense”

USA, Washington DC

October 21, 2021 - April 1, 2024
Рубрики:  ENGLISH

Комментарии (0)



Понедельник, 01 Апреля 2024 г. 20:42 + в цитатник



1. Mahatma Gandhi Quotes. - Mahatma Gandhi - First they ignore you, then they laugh at... (brainyquote.com)
- www.brainyquote.com/quotes/mahatma_gandhi_103630

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869 –1948) was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist. Employing nonviolent resistance, he led the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule. He inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

2. Биометрический паспорт (Biometric passport). - https://www.uzbekistan.org/page/view?id=29 (www.uzbekistan.org Website of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the USA, 2019).

3. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Мен сайловни бойкот қилдим (I boycotted the elections).
- Мен сайловни байкот қилдим — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2016/12/05/мен-сайловни-байкот-қилдим/#more-10730 2016.05.12);
- www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963253/ (www.liveinternet.ru Diary “Turon-Shuhratjoni”, Rubric «2016 YILGI MAQOLALAR», March 1, 2022).

4. Бывший адвокат Гульнары Каримовой заявил об отсутствии у нее адекватной защиты (Gulnara Karimova's former lawyer said she lacked adequate protection). – Бывший адвокат Гульнары Каримовой заявил об отсутствии у нее адекватной защиты (fergana.media) (www.fergana.media/news/119255/ June 18, 2020).

5. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Гулнора Каримовага озодлик. Ўзбекистон Президенти Шавкат Мирзиёевга 2021 йил 8 июл кунги Мурожаатномам (Freedom for Gulnora Karimova. My Message to the President of Uzbekistan, Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev, July 8, 2021). - www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6952466/ (www.liveinternet.ru Diary “Turon-Shuhratjoni”, Rubric «2021 YILGI MAQOLALAR», March 1, 2022).

6. Органы правопорядка США (US law enforcement agencies). – Органы правопорядка США — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Органы_правопорядка_США Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)).

7. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. В чем причина массовых убийств в США? (What is the cause of the massacres in the USA?) – ЯНГИ ДУНЁ » Blog Archive » В чем причина массовых убийств в США? (yangidunyo.org) (www.yangidunyo.org/2013/02/02/в-чем-причина-массовых-убийств-в-сша/ February 2, 2013);
Часть 1. – Dunyouzbeklari.com- журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси (www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=36455
Часть 2. – Dunyouzbeklari.com- журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси (www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=3658101.05.2013);
Часть 3. – Dunyouzbeklari.com- журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси (www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=36794 02.05.2013).

АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. В чем причина массовых убийств в США? (What is the cause of the massacres in the USA? (Continued 3, 2, 1, Beginning of article)).
- В ЧЕМ ПРИЧИНА МАССОВЫХ УБИЙСТВ В США? . Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/post259737043/ Diary “Turon-Shuhratjoni”, Rubric “СТАТЬИ 2013 года”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, February 4, 2013);
- USA-AQSH | Записи в рубрике USA-AQSH | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963246/page1.html Diary “Turon-Shuhratjoni”, Rubric “СТАТЬИ 2013 года”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, February 4, 2013).

8. Federal Bureau of Investigation (Федеральное бюро расследований). - Federal Bureau of Investigation - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Bureau_of_Investigation From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

9. J. Edgar Hoover quotes.
- J. Edgar Hoover - Just the minute the FBI begins making... (brainyquote.com) (www.brainyquote.com );
- www.brainyquote.com/quotes/j_edgar_hoover_114481 (www.brainyquote.com ).
J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) was director of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1935 to 1972.

10. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Меня постоянно преследуют, - жалоба узбекского правозащитника Ш.Ахмаджонова (I am constantly persecuted, - the complaint of the Uzbek human rights activist Sh. Ahmadjonov). - Меня постоянно преследуют, - жалоба узбекского правозащитника Ш.Ахмаджонова | ЦентрАзия (centrasia.org) (www.centrasia.ru/newsA.php?Month=12&Day=22&Year=2007 22.12.2007. 16:40).

АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Провокации спецслужб на кануне Президентских выборов в Узбекистане (Provocations of special services on the eve of the Presidential elections in Uzbekistan). - http://turonzamin.org/2007/12/22/1-360/#more-3320 (www.turonzamin.org 22.12.2007).

11. Шухрат Ахмаджонов: в день Президентских выборов – 23 декабря 2007 года продолжился преследование меня … (Shuhrat Ahmadjonov: on the day of the Presidential elections - December 23, 2007, the persecution of me continued ...). - http://turonzamin.org/2008/01/01/1-399/#more-3375 (www.turonzamin.org January 1, 2008).

12. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. АҚШда халқ саноғи (US Census, in Cyrillic).
1-қисм (Part 1). – Шуҳрат АҲМАДЖОНОВ | TURONZAMIN (www.turonzamin.org/2010/05/19/sanoq/#more-10796 May 19, 2010).
2-қисм (Part2). - http://turonzamin.org/2010/05/20/sanoq2/#more-10800 (www.turonzamin.org May 20, 2010).

13. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. АҚШда 1,5 соатлик иш билан боғлиқ провокация (Provocation associated with one and a half hours of work in the United States).
- 130-maqolam. АҚШда 1,5 соатлик иш билан боғлиқ провокация (September 10, 2010). Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6801766/ Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “СТАТЬИ 2010 ГОДА”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 3, 2021);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=14737#more-14737 (www.yangidunyo.com 2010.10.09).

14. Mysterious deaths. By Cynthia Sewell. - “Idaho Statesman”, March 30, 2008.

How did two Uzbek refugees die? By Cynthia Sewell. - http://www.idahostatesman.com/2008/03/30/337502/how-did-two-uzbek-refugees-die.html

15. Mysterious deaths. By Cynthia Sewell.
- газета “Idaho Statesman”, March 30, 2008;
- ENGLISH | Записи в рубрике ENGLISH | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5838835/ Дневник «Турон Шухратжони», Heading « ENGLISH», March 17, 2021);
http://turonzamin.org/2010/04/30/mysterious-deaths/#more-10492 (www.turonzamin.org 2010.30.4).

СИНСИЯ СЮЭЛЛ. Таинственные смерти. - Синсиа СЮВИЛ (Cynthia SEWELL) ТАИНСТВЕННЫЕ СМЕРТИ. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/post482134209/ Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “BOSHQA MUALLIF”, “2021 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА” 17.03.2021, на русском языке);
- https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6956320/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “BOSHQA MUALLIF”, 17.03.2021, на русском языке);
http://yangidunyo.com/?p=11486#more-11486 (www.yangidunyo.com 2010.15.5, на русском языке).

CYNTHIA SEWELL. Sirli o’limlar (Mysterious deaths). – http://turonzamin.org/2010/04/30/sirli-o%e2%80%99limlar/#more-10494 (www.turonzamin.org 2010.30.4, на узбекском языке на латинице).

СИНТИЯ СЮЭЛЛ. Сирли ўлимлар (Mysterious deaths).
- Синсиа СЮВИЛ (Cynthia SEWELL). СИРЛИ ЎЛИМЛАР. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/post482133657/ Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “BOSHQA MUALLIF”, “2021 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, 17.03.2021, на узбекком языке на кириллице);
http://yangidunyo.com/?p=11446#more-11446 (www.yangidunyo.com 2010.13.5, на узбекском языке на кириллице).

16. ГУЛЯМОВ Шухрат Тураджанович /GULYAMOV Shuxrat/. - ГУЛЯМОВ Шухрат Тураджанович | ЦентрАзия (centrasia.org) (www.centrasia.org/person2.php?st=1313563345 Рубрика “Персоны”).

17. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Мой жалоба от 13-21 октября 2010 года (на английском и русском языке) (My complaint dated October 13-21, 2010 (in English and Russian)). - СТАТЬИ 2010 ГОДА | Записи в рубрике СТАТЬИ 2010 ГОДА | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6801766/ Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “СТАТЬИ 2010 ГОДА”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 29, 2021).

18. Шухрат АХМАДЖОНОВ. Меня преследуют и в США (статья 1) (They also being persecuted me in the USA. Article 1).
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 29, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/02/21/shuhrat-5/#more-13876 (www.turonzamin.org 21.02.2011);
- http://pravozashitnik.at.ua/news/2011-2-22-1595-0- (www.pravozashitnik.at.ua 22.02.2011).

19. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Менга АҚШда ҳам тазйиқ қилмоқдалар (I'm being persecuted in the US too).
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/page1.html Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR” (page1), “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=17621#more-17621 (www.yangidunyo.com March 1st, 2011).

20. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Интернетцензура в США (Internet censorship in the USA).
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 10, 2021);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=22516 (www.yangidunyo.com November 12, 2011).

21. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Меня в США продолжают преследовать (статья 2) (They continue to persecute me in the USA. Article 2).
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=22404 (www.yangidunyo.com November 29, 2011).

22. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Мой жалоба в Комиссию по Правам Человека Айдахо. (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 3) (My complaint is to the Idaho Human Rights Commission. (They continue to persecute me in the USA. Article 3)).
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/12/23/shuh/#more-17341 (www.turonzamin.org December 23, 2011).

23. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Ответы Департамента полиции. (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 4) (Answers from the Police Department. (They continue to persecute me in the USA. Article 4)).
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/12/26/shuh-2/#more-17348 (www.turonzamin.org December 26, 2011).

24. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Сопроводительное письмо в КПЧА. (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 5) (Cover letter to the HRC. (They continue to persecute me in the USA. Article 5)).
- 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 2, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/12/30/shux/ (www.turonzamin.org December 30, 2011).

25. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Почему и как меня выгнали с работы? (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 6) (Why and how was I fired from my job? (They continue to persecute me in the USA. Article 6)).
- 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963245/ Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 3, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2012/01/02/shuh-3/#more-17439 (www.turonzamin.org February 1, 2012).

26. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Провокация путем кража. (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 7) (Provocation by theft. (They continue to persecute me in the USA. Article 7)).
- 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963245/ Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 3, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2012/01/03/shuh7/#more-17443 (www.turonzamin.org March 1, 2012).

27. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Провокация и штраф на тротуаре. (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 8). (Provocation and a fine on the sidewalk. (They continue to persecute me in the USA. Article 8)).
- 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963245/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”, Рубрика “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 8, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2012/01/18/shuh-5/ (www.turonzamin.org January 18, 2012).

28. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Мени АҚШда учинчи марта ишдан ҳайдашди (I was fired from my job in the US for the third time).
- 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963245/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”, Рубрика “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 8, 2021);
- http://turonzamin.org/2012/01/24/shuh-6/#more-17897 (www.turonzamin.org January 24, 2012).

29. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Судилище в США продолжается. (Меня в США продолжают преследовать. Статья 9) (Trial in the US continues. (They continue to persecute me in the USA. Article 9)).
- 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963245/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”, Рубрика “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, “USA-AQSH”, December 8, 2021);
- http://yangidunyo.org/?p=700#more-700 (www.yangidunyo.org July 16, 2012).

30. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Саодат ва Малоҳатга маслаҳатим (My advice to Saodat and Malohat).
– 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963252/ Дневник Турон Шухратжони, Рубрики “2011 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”, January 4, 2022);
- http://turonzamin.org/2011/07/12/shuhrat-ahmadjonov-15/#more-15645 (www.turonzamin.org July 12th, 2011, at 4:03 pm, на латинице).
- http://muvozanat.info/index.php?option=com_content...-52&catid=31:general&Itemid=18 (www.muvozanat.info July 12, 2011, 09:52, на кириллице).
- http://yangidunyo.com/?p=20835 (www.yangidunyo.com July 13, 2011).

31. Аллах. – Аллах — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Аллах Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии).

32. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Открытое письмо (Жалоба номер 2 от 17 февраля 2012 года) (Open Letter (Complaint No. 2 dated February 17, 2012)). - 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963245/ Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика «2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR», February 21, 2022).

33. Constitution of the United States. - U.S. Senate: Constitution of the United States (www.senate.gov );
- www.senate.gov/civics/constitution_item/constitution.htm (www.senate.gov ).

34. Первая поправка к Конституции США (First Amendment to the US Constitution). - Первая поправка к Конституции США — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Первая_поправка_к_Конституции_США Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии).

35. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights | OHCHR (www.ohchr.org/en/ );
- www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instrument...ant-civil-and-political-rights (www.ohchr.org/en/ ).

36. АҲМАДЖОНОВ Ш. АҚШда Мартин Лютер Кинг Куни. (Martin Luther King Day in USA).
- 172-мақолам: АҚШДА МАРТИН ЛЮТЕР КИНГ КУНИ (2012 йил 30 январ) . Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/post490449000/ Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрики “2012 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “USA-AQSH”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. February 10, 2022);
- http://turonzamin.org/2012/01/30/sh/ (www.turonzamin.org 2012.30.01).

37. 801 East Men’s Shelter. - 801 East Men's Shelter and Housing – Catholic Charities DC (www.catholiccharitiesdc.org/housinghelp/801east/).

38. Продуктовые карточки (талоны) в США, фудстэмпы (Grocery cards (coupons) in the USA, food stamps).
- О продуктовых талонах в США для малоимущих (usa-24.ru) (www.usa-24.ru/produktovye-kartochki-talony-v-ssha-fudstempy/).

39. ШУХРАТ БАБАЖАНОВ. Освободившийся из Жаслыка «Золотой король»: Я стал жертвой тех, кто хотел свергнуть Каримова и убить Мирзияева (Released from Jaslik "Golden King": I became a victim of those who wanted to overthrow Karimov and kill Mirziyaev). - Освободившийся из Жаслыка «Золотой король»: Я стал жертвой тех, кто хотел свергнуть Каримова и убить Мирзияева (ozodlik.org) (www.rus.ozodlik.org/a/30228605.html October 22, 2019).

40. Шухратжон АХМАДЖОНОВ: Вооруженное ограбление меня в Вашингтоне (Shuhratjon AHMADJONOV: Armed robbery of me in Washington, DC).
Часть 1, 2, 3 (Part 1, 2, 3). – Статьи 2014 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2014 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/page1.html Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика «Статьи 2014 года», 25.07.2014);
- http://dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=72243 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com 13.06.2014);
- http://dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=74347 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com 13.07.2014);
- http://dunyouzbeklari.com/p?=75630 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com 23.07.2014);

Часть 4, 5, 6 (Part 4, 5, 6). – Статьи 2014 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2014 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5278052/page2.html Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика «Статьи 2014 года», 25.07.2014, 26.07.2014, 08.08.2014);
- http://dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=78864 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com 20.08.2014);
- http://dunyouzbeklari.com/p?=78091 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com 04.09.2014);
- http://dunyouzbeklari.com/p?=78090 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com 25.09.2014).

41. Washington, DC Homeless Shelters. – Washington, DC Homeless Shelters (homelessshelterdirectory.org) (www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/city/dc-washington
Currently 14,724 Homeless Shelters and Social Services in the USA (June 19, 2023).

42. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. В Вашингтоне проводят испытание новое кибероружие (Washington, DC is testing a new cyberweapon).
- Часть 1, 2 (Part 1, 2). – 2019 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2019 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6817216/ Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “2019 YILGI MAQOLALAR”, “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. October 1, 2019; October 12, 2019);
- Часть 1 (Part 1). - В ВАШИНГТОНЕ ПРОВОДЯТ ИСПЫТАНИЕ НОВОЕ КИБЕРОРУЖИЕ (часть 1) — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2019/09/28/в-вашингтоне-проводят-испытание-ново/ September 28, 2019);
- Часть 2 (Part 2). – В ВАШИНГТОНЕ ПРОВОДЯТ ИСПЫТАНИЕ НОВОЕ КИБЕРОРУЖИЕ (часть 2) — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2019/10/14/в-вашингтоне-проводят-испытание-ново-2/ October 14, 2019).

43. Dear President Obama, Senators, Representatives, Americans, and Leadership of the Human Rights Community: By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov.
- Newspaper “Street Sense”, Volume 12: Issue 11, April 8-21, 2015, page 14;
- 04.08.2015 by Street Sense Media - Issue (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/04.08.2015 Newspaper “Street Sense”, 04.08.2015, page 14);
- Dear President Obama, Senators, Representatives, Americans and Leadership of the Human Rights Community: | Street Sense Media (www.streetsensemedia.org/article/dear-president-ob...rights-community/#.YW8id_rMLIU April 13, 2015).

44. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Судилище в США над Курбановым (A mock trial in the USA over Mr. Kurbanov).
- Статьи 2015 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2015 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/page2.html Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “Статьи 2015 года”, “MUHTOROV”. August 11, 2015);
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/qorqmaymiz/permalink/671717056295908/ (www.facebook.com Account a group «Қўрқмаймиз», August 11, 2015).

45. Uzbek National Sentenced to 25 Yars in Prison on Terrorism Charges. - https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/uzbek-national-sent...years-prison-terrorism-charges (www.justice.gov/opa/pr/uzbek-national-sentenced-25-years-prison-terrorism-charges January 7, 2016).

46. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. АҚШ қамоғидаги ўзбеклар ёрдамга муҳтож (Uzbeks in prisons of the USA need the help).
Статьи 2015 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2015 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/page2.html Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “Статьи 2015 года”, August 4, 2015);
- http://dunyouzbeklari.com/archives/94362 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com 02.09.2015. Руководитель сайта www.dunyouzbeklari.com Исмат Хушев удалил эту статью в 2015 году.)

47. Жамшид Мухторов: «Мен террорчи эмасман ва террорчи ташкилотларга моддий ёрдам бермаганман». Халқаро ташкилотларга ва барча оммавий ахборот воситаларига Очиқ хат. (Jamshid Muhtorov: I am not a terrorist, and I haven't given financial support to the terrorist organizations. Open letter to the international organizations and all mass media).
- Статьи 2015 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2015 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/page2.html Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “Статьи 2015 года”, September 19, 2015);
- Жамшид МУХТОРОВ: МЕН ТЕРРОРЧИ ЭМАСМАН ВА... - Шухратжон Ахмаджонов | Facebook (www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=880387268735630&id=100002930964631, Страница «Шухратжон Ахмаджонов» в Фейсбуке, August 28, 2015);
- http://uzxalqharakati.com/archives/33064 (www.uzxalqharakati.com August 28, 2015).

48. Jamshid Muhtorov: “Men terrorchi emasman va terrorchi tashkilotlarga moddiy yordam bermaganman”. Xalqaro tashkilotlarga va barcha ommaviy axborot vositalariga Ochiq xat. (Jamshid Muhtorov: I am not a terrorist, and I haven't given financial support to the terrorist organizations. Open letter to the international organizations and all mass media). - http://uzxalqharakati.com/archives/33064?lang=lat (www.uzxalqharakati.com August 28, 2015).

49. Джамшид Мухторов: Я не террорист и не оказал материальную помощь террористическим организациям. Открытое письмо международным организациям и всем средствам массовой информации (Jamshid Muhtorov: I am not a terrorist, and I haven't given financial support to the terrorist organizations. Open letter to the international organizations and all mass media).
– Статьи 2015 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2015 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/page2.html Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “Статьи 2015 года”, September 2, 2015);
- Джамшид МУХТОРОВ: Я НЕ ТЕРРОРИСТ И НЕ... - Шухратжон Ахмаджонов | Facebook (www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=88792715...0002930964631&substory_index=0, Страница «Шухратжон Ахмаджонов» в Фейсбуке, September 6, 2015);
https://www.facebook.com/groups/438091189579752/ (www.facebook.com, страница группы «Фонд помощи политзаключенным Узбекистана», June 9, 2015).

Обращение правозащитника и беженца Джамшид Мухторова из тюрьмы США (The Appeal of the human rights activist and refugee Jamshid Muhtorov from prison of the USA). - Dunyouzbeklari.com- журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси (www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=113254 September 7, 2015).

50. Жамшид Мухторов: Мана сенга озодлик, мана сенга демократия ва мана сенга инсон хуқуқлари!!! (Jamshid Muhtorov: Here to you freedom, here to you democracy and here to you human rights!)
– Статьи 2015 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2015 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/page2.html Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “Статьи 2015 года”, September 15, 2015);
- Жамшид МУХТОРОВ: МАНА СЕНГА ОЗОДЛИК, МАНА СЕНГА ДЕМОКРАТИЯ — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/09/16/жамшид-мухторов-мана-сенга-озодлик-ма/ September 16, 2015);
- Жамшид МУХТОРОВ: МАНА СЕНГА ОЗОДЛИК, МАНА... - Шухратжон Ахмаджонов | Facebook (www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=89404904...0002930964631&substory_index=1 , Страница «Шухратжон Ахмаджонов» в Фейсбуке, September 15, 2015);
- http://uzxalqharakati.com/archives/33473 (www.uzxalqharakati.com June 16, 2015, cyrillic);
- http://uzxalqharakati.com/archives/33473?lang=lat (www.uzxalqharakati.com September 16, 2015, latin);
- http://dunyouzbeklari.com/archives/116510 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com September 18, 2015).

51. Jamshid Muhtorov: Mana senga ozodlik, mana senga demokratiya va mana senga inson huquqlari!!! (Jamshid Muhtorov: Here to your freedom, here to your democracy and here to your human rights!)
– Статьи 2015 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2015 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/page2.html Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “Статьи 2015 года”, September 15, 2015);
- Mana senga ozodlik, mana senga demokratiya va mana senga inson huquqlari!!! (— результаты поиска | Facebook (www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=Mana%20senga%20ozodlik%2C%20mana%20senga%20demokratiya%20va%20mana%20senga%20inson%20huquqlari!!!%20 Страница «Шухратжон Ахмаджонов» в Фейсбуке, September 10, 2015);
- http://uzxalqharakati.com/archives/33064?lang=lat (www.uzxalqharakati.com August 28, 2015).

52. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. В чем обвиняют Джамшид Мухторова? (What accuse Jamshid Muhtorov of?)
– Статьи 2015 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2015 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/page2.html Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “Статьи 2015 года”, September 10, 2015);
- В ЧЕМ ОБВИНЯЮТ ДЖАМШИДА МУХТОРОВА? — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/10/21/в-чем-обвиняют-джамшида-мухторова/ October 21, 2015);
- В чем обвиняют Джамшид Мухторова? — результаты поиска | Facebook (www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=В%20чем%20обвиняют%20Джамшид%20Мухторова%3F%20 , Страница «Шухратжон Ахмаджонов» в Фейсбуке, September 10, 2015).

53. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Заменитель обвинительного заключения в США против Мухторова (Replacement of the indictment in the USA against Mr. Muhtorov).
- Статьи 2015 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2015 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/page2.html Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “Статьи 2015 года”, September 19, 2015);
- ЗАМЕНИТЕЛЬ ОБВИНИТЕЛЬНОГО ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЯ В США ПРОТИВ МУХТОРОВА — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/10/22/заменитель-обвинительного-заключен-2/#more-8596 October 22, 2015);
- (2) Шухратжон АХМАДЖОНОВ ЗАМЕНИТЕЛЬ... - Шухратжон Ахмаджонов | Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=...0002930964631&substory_index=0 Страница «Шухратжон Ахмаджонов» в Фейсбуке, September 18, 2015).

54. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Почему Мухторову отказали освободить под залог? (Why Muhtorov was refused (denied) to be released on bail?)
- Статьи 2015 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2015 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/page2.html Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “Статьи 2015 года”, September 22, 2015);
- ПОЧЕМУ МУХТОРОВУ ОТКАЗАЛИ ОСВОБОДИТЬ ПОД ЗАЛОГ? — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/10/23/почему-мухторову-отказали-освободит/ October 23, 2015);
- (2) Шухратжон АХМАДЖОНОВ ПОЧЕМУ МУХТОРОВУ... - Шухратжон Ахмаджонов | Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=...0002930964631&substory_index=0 Страница «Шухратжон Ахмаджонов» в Фейсбуке, September 22, 2015).

55. Джамшид Мухторов: Вот тебе свобода, вот тебе демократия и вот тебе права человека! (Jamshid Muhtorov: Here to your freedom, here to your democracy and here to your human rights!)
- Статьи 2015 года | Записи в рубрике Статьи 2015 года | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5532346/page2.html Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “Статьи 2015 года”, October 10, 2015);
- (2) Джамшид МУХТОРОВ: ВОТ ТЕБЕ СВОБОДА, ВОТ... - Шухратжон Ахмаджонов | Facebook (www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=907392966035060&id=100002930964631 Страница «Шухратжон Ахмаджонов» в Фейсбуке, 2015.09.10);
- Dunyouzbeklari.com- журналист Исмат Хушевнинг мустақил интернет-газетаси (www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=118654 October 10, 2015).

56. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Судьба Джамшида Мухторова (The fate of Jamshid Muhtorov).
Часть 1 (Part 1). Жизнь до тюрьмы (Part 1. Life before prison).
- MUHTOROV | Записи в рубрике MUHTOROV | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5837246/ Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “MUHTOROV”, “Статьи 2015 года”. October 23, 2015);
- СУДЬБА ДЖАМШИДА МУХТОРОВА — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/10/23/судьба-джамшида-мухторова/ October 23, 2015);
- СУДЬБА ДЖАМШИДА МУХТОРОВА — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2017/06/26/судьба-джамшида-мухторова-4/ June 26, 2017).
- http://uzxalqharakati.com/ru/archives/12557 (www.uzxalqharakati.com/ru/ 10.24.2015).

Часть 2 (Part 2). Судьба Фазлиддина и Шохруха (Part 2. The fate of Fazliddin and Shohruh).
- MUHTOROV | Записи в рубрике MUHTOROV | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5837246/ Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “MUHTOROV”. “Статьи 2015 года”. October 30, 2015);
- СУДЬБА ДЖАМШИДА МУХТОРОВА — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/10/30/судьба-джамшида-мухторова-2/ October 30, 2015).
- СУДЬБА ДЖАМШИДА МУХТОРОВА (Часть 2. Судьба... - Шухратжон Ахмаджонов | Facebook
www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=917879544986402&id=100002930964631 Страница «Шухратжон Ахмаджонов» в Фейсбуке, October 30, 2015).

Часть 3 (Part 3). Джамшид в тюрьме США (Part 3. Jamshid in prison the USA).
- MUHTOROV | Записи в рубрике MUHTOROV | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/5837246/ Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “MUHTOROV”, “Статьи 2015 года”, June 20, 2023);
- СУДЬБА ДЖАМШИДА МУХТОРОВА — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2015/11/11/судьба-джамшида-мухторова-3/#more-8648 Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика “MUHTOROV”. “Статьи 2015 года”. November 11, 2015);
- Шухратжон АХМАДЖОНОВ СУДЬБА ДЖАМШИДА... - Шухратжон Ахмаджонов | Facebook (www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=923706051070418&id=100002930964631 Страница «Шухратжон Ахмаджонов» в Фейсбуке, November 11, 2015).

57. Hostel. - Hostel - Wikipedia (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostel From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

58. House Rules. - Duo Housing DC, Washington DC - 2023 Prices & Reviews - Hostelworld (www.hostelworld.com/st/hostels/p/47670/duo-housing-dc/#houserules ).

59. АХМАДЖОНОВ Ш. Грабёж в центре Вашингтона (Robbery in downtown Washington, DC).
- 2016 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Записи в рубрике 2016 YILGI MAQOLALAR | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6963253/ Дневник “Турон-Шухратжони”, Рубрика «2016 YILGI MAQOLALAR», “ПРАВОЗАЩИТА”. November 2, 2021);
- ГРАБЕЖ В ЦЕНТРЕ ВАШИНГТОНА — Ислом ва Сиёсат الإسلام والسياسة Ислам и Политика (wordpress.com) (www.siyosat.wordpress.com/2016/02/29/грабеж-в-центре-вашингтона/#more-9300 February 29, 2016).

60. Street Sense Vendor Territorial Policy. - “Street Sense Vendor Training Handbook”, 17 page (page 7).

61. AQSh terrorizmda aybdor deb topilgan o'zbekistonlikni vatanga qaytardi (The United States returned to his homeland an Uzbek accused of terrorism). - AQSh terrorizmda aybdor deb topilgan o'zbekistonlikni vatanga qaytardi (amerikaovozi.com) (www.amerikaovozi.com/a/6393781.html January 12, 2022).

62. Crime near the Capitol. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov.
- Newspaper “Street Sense”, Volume 15: Issue 13, May 2-15, 2018, page 13;
- 05 02 2018 by Street Sense Media - Issue (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/05.02.2018 Newspaper “Street Sense”, May 2, 2018, page 13).

63. МИХАЙЛОВ В. Гражданин Узбекистана в США осужден на 30 лет за пособничество ИГИЛ. (MIKHAILOV V. A citizen of Uzbekistan in the United States was sentenced to 30 years for complicity with ISIS.) - Гражданин Узбекистана в США осужден на 30 лет за пособничество ИГИЛ - Новости Узбекистана сегодня: nuz.uz (www.nuz.uz/antiterror/43542-grazhdanin-uzbekistana...PfxoR4xMgW4RogtlCRotI6r198CHnk September 27, 2019).

64. UZFOOTBALLUZ. Нью Йорк шаҳрида “Mустақиллик кубоги-2019” футбол мусобақаси бўлиб ўтди

Нью Йоркда “Mустақиллик кубоги-2019” футбол турнири бўлиб ўтди. (UZFOOTBALLUZ. The 2019 Independence Cup football tournament was held in New York).
- Facebook (www.facebook.com/Uffuz/photos/a.489595861111624/30...eza4iP9DxK0hKrAFNe3pfm74Y&_rdr September 16, 2019);
- Нью Йоркда "Mустақиллик кубоги-2019" футбол турнири бўлиб ўтди - Vatandosh (www.vatandosh.uz 2019.29.09).

65. АҚШда ўзбекистонлик ИШИДга молиявий кўмак кўрсатганликда айбдор топилди, ҳукм ўқилди. (In the US, a citizen of Uzbekistan was found guilty of providing financial support to ISIS, and the verdict was announced.) - АҚШда ўзбекистонлик ИШИДга молиявий кўмак кўрсатганликда айбдор топилди, ҳукм ўқилди (ozodlik.org) (www.ozodlik.org/a/ақш-ўзбекистон-ишид/30186801.html September 27, 2019).

66. Our trees are dying where they stand. By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov.
– Newspaper “Street Sense”, August 18-24, 2021, page 10;
- 08 18 2021 by Street Sense Media - Issue (www.issuu.com/streetsenseinfo/docs/08.18.2021 August 18, 2021, page 10);
- STREET SENSE | Записи в рубрике STREET SENSE | Дневник Турон_Шухратжони : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников (www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6968415/ Дневник “Турон Шухратжони”. Рубрики “STREET SENSE”, “ENGLISH”, “2021 YILGI MAQOLALAR”. October 15, 2021).

67. Касымов, Тулкун Юлдашевич. – Касымов, Тулкун Юлдашевич — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Касымов,_Тулкун_Юлдашевич Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии).

68. Акцентуация. (Accentuation.) - Акцентуация — Википедия (wikipedia.org) (www.ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Акцентуация Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии).

69. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (ICD-10)-WHO Version for; 2019-covid-expanded
Chapter XXI
Factors influencing health status and contact with health services
Persons encountering health services in other circumstances
(Z70-Z76) – ICD-10 Version:2019 (who.int) (www.icd.who.int/browse10/2019/en#/Z73 ICD-10 Version:2019).

Рубрики:  ENGLISH

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Понедельник, 01 Апреля 2024 г. 20:10 + в цитатник


PARAGRAPH 335. One example of the possibility of preventing or solving murders such as the mysterious death of Philip Marshall and his children. In February 2013, four days later, Philip Marshall was found dead in his home with his son Alex and daughter Micalia. I believe it was another massacre in the USA.

image0018 (400x266, 34Kb)
Photo 72. Philip Marshall with son Alex and daughter Micalia.

“March 9—In February 2012, Philip Marshall, a veteran airline pilot, published The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror, which documents the role of Saudi Arabia in running the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and of the Bush Presidency in facilitating it by standing down. One year later, on Feb. 2, 2013, Marshall was found dead, along with his two teenage children and his dog, at his home in California” [141]

Below I give some data about this tragedy published in Russian-language sites.

“A war veteran, air captain, former government helicopter pilot devoted his time to writing books in which he collected evidence of a conspiracy between government officials and the Saudi-Arab nobility ...

The arriving police found the children of the Marshal family aged 17 and 14, their dog and Philip himself shot in the head with the same pistol, and therefore the version was immediately presented that it was a murder, and then a suicide of the killer.

Together with Marshall, 14-year-old Micalia and her 17-year-old brother Alex are found dead.

Marshall, who witnessed many covert operations, decided to shed light on puzzling questions in the last years of his life. Marshall believed that former US President George W. Bush allowed the 9/11 attacks to provoke a coup d'état. Marshall, with his fourth book, was supposed to detonate an information bomb ...

Kevin Barret, a member of the scientific investigation committee on the September 11, 2001, attacks, said on this occasion that the death of the writer was very mysterious. Philip Marshal wrote a book in which he gave very interesting information about the events of September 11th. The late Marshal told his friends that by publishing this book he was actually signing his own death warrant. Kevin Barrett added that Philip Marshal was killed because he had valuable classified information that could undermine the CIA and the ruling elite in the United States "[142]

Here is an expert's opinion.

“The specialist presents a number of evidence that the murder was committed by professionals - the neighbors did not hear the shots. Marshall's pistol, with which he allegedly killed his daughter, his son, his dog, and then himself, did not have a silencer. In addition, Marshall was right-handed, and the fatal wound is located in the region of the temporal lobe on the left.

Madsen suggested that Marshall was killed because of information in a new book he was working on."[143]

Such a murder is prepared in advance. If a Data Bank on the work of law enforcement agencies and special services, including the FBI and the police, were created, then it would be possible to obtain information about the discussion and preparation of the murder. Or at least find some initial data on the impending murder, and a thorough investigation to find the killer.

PARAGRAPH 336. I will give another example of a hard-to-prove crime and its disclosure by creating a data bank on the activities of FBI agents and police officers. I wrote in paragraph 57 that I became a Bank of America client in April 2010. I have been using his services for almost 14 years. They do their job honestly, respectfully and well, without interference from outsiders, including FBI agents.

I, like many Americans, pay for purchases through my bank account. Information about banking transactions of customers is stored in the computer center of the bank. Therefore, I always have proof of my purchases, including stolen and robbed laptops. Some executives and FBI agents don't like Bank of America's autonomy and evidence base. Apparently, for this and similar reasons, they are engaged in a covert battle against Bank of America.

Here are some examples. I visited Boise in August 2015. I was surprised by the fact that in Boise, Idaho, all branches of Bank of America were closed and liquidated.

In the city of Denver, Colorado, there is only one branch of Bank of America left in the city center. I came to Denver in 2015, 2017 and 2018 and used the only branch in Denver.

A covert war against Bank of America is also being waged in the city of Washington. There is a Bank of America branch at: 1845 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20001. The bank management decided to install an outdoor ATM (Automated teller machine) indoors in the summer of 2021. This bank branch was closed for more than one month: they made repairs inside the room and installed two ATMs. A little time passed, and some provocateurs began wrecking against these ATMs. Once, as usual, I invested part of the money and the ATM stopped. He does not accept money and does not return the money entered inside and my card. I left and the next day I went to another branch of the Bank of America Financial Center at 3100 14th St NW STE 101, Washington, DC 20010. There the manager identified it using a computer and gave me a new card along with that money.

Several days have passed. I come to the branch of Bank of America on 7th Street: there is a homeless man sleeping inside, spread out on the floor with a blanket and in the room like this. I left. Soon a sign appeared on the door stating that the branch is open from Monday to Saturday from 9:00 to 17:00, and Sunday is closed. After all, bank customers must use the ATM service 24 hours a day.

I came to the Bank of America Financial Center at 3100 14th St NW STE 101, Washington, DC 20010 on November 7, 2021, at 6:20 pm. The doors were closed. I went to the nearest ATM, which is located at the corner of 14th Street and Park Rd NW. There, someone broke the expensive glass of the ATM with a stone or brick and, of course, it was turned off.

Of course, the police will not be able to find the criminals who committed these crimes. In my opinion, the crimes against Bank of America are organized and committed by certain FBI agents and people associated with them. Of course, this is a hard to prove crime. Such and similar crimes can be uncovered through the creation of a data bank on the activities of FBI agents and police officers (see paragraphs 324-325). Usually, such crimes are not committed spontaneously. They are prepared in advance: the organizers and criminals negotiate, agree on a place and a price. Therefore, with the help of the data bank, it will be possible to learn about the impending crime and arrest criminals before or during the crime.

PARAGRAPH 337. I published an Open Letter to President Barack Obama in Street Sense about the need to increase oversight of the FBI and police through the creation of a parallel data bank on February 12, 2014. All ten items written in paragraph 324 were listed there. The FBI agents arranged for this small Open Letter to be published in small pieces in four (!) issues of the Street Sense newspaper (see [100]). In 2014, the Street Sense newspaper was printed every 14 days. This means that my Open Letter was printed in the newspaper for 42 (!) days.

In my opinion, it is difficult to find another example in the next 20-30 years, where a short article or a proposal letter was published in four issues of the newspaper. In short, the FBI agents organized this on purpose so that the Americans would not notice the essence of the Open Letter on the need to strengthen control over the FBI and the police by creating a parallel data bank about them.

PARAGRAPH 338. Another question arises: where, in what state structure is it necessary to create a data bank on the activities of FBI agents and police officers? In my opinion, it is better to create such a data bank under the leadership of a special department in the structure of the US National Guard. Here is some general information about the US National Guard.

“The National Guard is a state military that becomes part of the reserve components of the US Army and Air Force when used for federal missions. It is a military reserve made up of military personnel or National Guard units from each state and territory of Guam, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia, 54 separate organizations in total. It is formally established under Article 1 of Section 8 of Congress allowing "the raising and maintaining of armies". All members of the National Guard are also members of the organized militia of the United States, as defined in 10 U.S.C. Section 246 National Guard units are under the dual control of the state and federal governments.

Most National Guard soldiers and airmen work full-time in the civilian service, with part-time members of the National Guard. These part-time Guardsmen are supplemented by full-time Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) personnel in both the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard, as well as Army Reserve Technicians in the National Guard and Air Reserve Technicians (ART) in the Air National Guard. The National Guard is a joint Department of Defense (DoD) operation consisting of the reserve components of the US Army and the US Air Force: The Army National Guard and the Air National Guard, respectively." [144]

Membership in the National Guard as of September 30, 2020, was Army National Guard 336129, Air National Guard 107414, their total number is 443543 people. [144]

I will list some of the positive aspects of opening a data bank under the leadership of a special department in the structure of the US National Guard.

First, there is a military reserve, consisting of military personnel or units of the National Guard, in every state and territory of Guam, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, a total of 54 separate organizations.

Secondly, the US National Guard is in dual subordination, that is, it is subordinate to the President of the United States and the governor of the state.

Thirdly, most soldiers and airmen of the National Guard work in the civil service. They are very interested in the safety of citizens and the observance of the laws by everyone, including leaders and FBI agents.

Fourthly, the guardsmen will reliably protect the accumulated information about the activities of the leaders and agents of the FBI, as well as the leaders and officers of the police. They prevent leakage of classified information.

Fifth, the data bank establishes control over the heads and agents of the FBI, as well as the heads and officers of the police. When ascertaining the threat to the lives of citizens, the governor of the state may decide to arrest some leaders and even FBI groups and policemen with the help of guardsmen.

Sixth, the FBI and police officers are heavily armed and can offer armed resistance to arrest. In such cases, the governor may send a sufficient number of well-armed guards.

PARAGRAPH 339. I sent US Presidential candidate Mr. Joe Biden a written proposal during the 2020 presidential campaign to increase control over the FBI and the police through the creation of a parallel data bank. In my opinion, this letter was also blocked by those FBI agents who controlled my laptop and mail. I hope sooner or later they will definitely pay attention to this serious and important proposal. Moreover, such an official letter may come from international human rights organizations.


PARAGRAPH 340. Concluding this statement-complaint, I ask myself: what will change in the actions of the intelligence services, including the US FBI? Indeed, in many countries, intelligence services operate almost uncontrollably and commit a wide variety of crimes with impunity. Let's take journalism as an example.

PARAGRAPH 341. “Journalism is a dangerous profession: in the last 25 years alone (1990-2015, A.Sh.) at least 2,297 journalists have been killed around the world. This was reported by the British publication The Independent. These people mainly covered wars, revolutions, murders and corruption crimes. According to the International Federation of Journalists, the situation with murders of media representatives is getting worse every year. For comparison, in 1990 there were 40 such murders, and since 2010, at least a hundred journalists have died at the hands of criminals every year. The worst year in the sad statistics was 2006: then 155 media workers were killed. As Anthony Ballenger, Secretary General of the International Federation of Journalists, emphasized, only one in ten murder cases is investigated, and the perpetrators remain unpunished.” [145]

“According to UNESCO, 86 journalists and media workers were killed worldwide in 2022 – that’s one murder every four days. This highlights the serious risks and vulnerabilities that journalists continue to face in the course of their work.

The surge in murders in 2022 marks a sharp reversal of the positive trend observed in recent years: from 99 murders in 2018, the number dropped to an average of 58 murders per year in 2019-2021, according to the UNESCO Observatory on Murders of Journalists. These figures are a reminder of the growing gaps in legal systems around the world and highlight the failure of states to meet their obligations to protect journalists and prevent and prosecute crimes against them.

About half of the journalists killed were off duty at the time of the attack—on the road, at home, or in parking lots and other public places. This continues a trend in recent years and means that there are no safe places for journalists, even in their free time.

While the number of journalists killed in countries in conflict rose to 23 in 2022 from 20 the previous year, the global increase was driven largely by killings in countries not experiencing conflict. Their number has almost doubled - from 35 cases in 2021 to 61 in 2022. This accounts for three-quarters of all murders last year.

These journalists were killed for a variety of reasons: in retaliation for reporting on organized crime, armed conflict or the rise of extremism, as well as for covering sensitive topics such as corruption, environmental crimes, abuse of power and protests.

Although some progress has been made over the past five years, the level of impunity for the killing of journalists remains a shockingly high 86%, which has a negative impact on the work of journalists and threatens freedom of speech around the world. This demonstrates that the fight against impunity remains an urgent responsibility, requiring further strengthening of international cooperation.

In addition to killings, journalists continue to face multiple forms of violence—enforced disappearances, kidnappings and arbitrary detentions, legal harassment and digital violence, especially against women journalists.” [146]

PARAGRAPH 342. One of the main reasons for not solving crimes is that they are often organized by current or former intelligence officers. Most of these crimes are not solved and the killers are not punished. A rare exception is the disclosure of the murder of journalist Gennady Pavlyuk (1958-2009) - a journalist from Kyrgyzstan.

“Gennady Georgievich Pavlyuk, pseudonym Ibrahim Rustambek (June 11, 1958, Bishkek - December 22, 2009, Almaty) - independent journalist. Published in Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Russian media. Lived in the cities of Bishkek and Cholpon-Ata. Member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation, awarded various international prizes and awards.

Graduated from the Kyrgyz State University and graduate school of the Belarusian State University, Candidate of Philological Sciences.

The founder and editor-in-chief of the newspapers “Arguments and Facts Kyrgyzstan” and “White Steamer”, in 2006-2007 he worked as acting editor-in-chief at the representative office of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” in Kyrgyzstan. In recent years, he has been a freelance writer and has collaborated with a number of foreign companies as a press consultant.

Since the summer of 2009, he has collaborated with the Ata-Meken party, participated in seminars and party congresses, including the congress of A Just Russia in Moscow and the Social Democrats in Stockholm.

Killed in Almaty. 12/16/2009 found thrown with tied hands and feet from the 6th floor; On December 22, 2009, he died without regaining consciousness. He was buried in Cholpon-Ata.

In 2011, by the verdict of the Alma-Ata Interdistrict Court for the murder of G. G. Pavlyuk, former employee of the State Committee for National Security (SCNS) of Kyrgyzstan Aldayar Ismankulov (to 17 years in prison), as well as citizens of Kazakhstan Shalkar Orazalin and Almas Igelikov (to 11 and 10 years in prison, respectively), according to investigators, who extorted material assets from the murdered person. An appeal to the Almaty City Court did not lead to a change in the sentence" [147]

PARAGRAPH 343. According to some sources, more than 550 presidents and heads of state were killed in the 20th century. Of these, most were organized by current or former intelligence officers. Many of them are not solved and the killers are not punished.

PARAGRAPH 344. The intelligence services of many countries have been poisoning opposition leaders, politicians, prominent public figures, and leaders of other countries for centuries. They are engaged in assassination attempts even today. I will give four examples.

“The poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia occurred on March 4, 2018 in the city of Salisbury (UK). Former GRU officer Sergei Skripal, who worked for the British intelligence services and has dual citizenship, Russia and Great Britain, and his daughter, Russian citizen Yulia, who flew from Moscow to visit her father, were poisoned with a nerve agent and hospitalized in an unconscious state.” [148]

“Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko is a lieutenant colonel of the Soviet and Russian state security, in 1988-1999 he was an employee of the KGB of the USSR, and then of the FSB of Russia.

On November 1, 2006, Litvinenko suddenly fell ill, was hospitalized and died three weeks later. The cause of death was poisoning with polonium-210, a rare and difficult to detect radioactive substance.” [149]

“The poisoning of Alexei Navalny, a Russian opposition leader and founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), occurred in Russia in August 2020.

The first signs of poisoning appeared in Alexei Navalny on August 20 during a flight from Tomsk to Moscow. The plane made an emergency landing in Omsk. Navalny, in an unconscious state, was taken to the toxicology intensive care unit of City Clinical Hospital No. 1, where he was put into an artificial coma and connected to a ventilator. Two days later, on August 22, Navalny was transported for treatment to the Charité clinic in Berlin (Germany). On September 7, 2020, he was taken out of an induced coma, and on September 14, he was disconnected from the ventilator. On September 22, Navalny was discharged from the Charité. He underwent rehabilitation in Germany, after which he returned to Russia on January 17, 2021, where he was detained upon arrival at Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport on charges of violating the terms of his probation in the Yves Rocher criminal case.

On September 2, the German Federal Government, citing research conducted by a special laboratory of the Bundeswehr, stated that Navalny was poisoned with a nerve agent from the Novichok group. Later, France and Sweden confirmed Novichok poisoning, citing the results of their own research in laboratories certified by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Germany said that the use of Novichok was a “flagrant violation” of the Chemical Weapons Convention and sought help from the OPCW, which conducted its own study of Navalny’s biological samples and on October 6 confirmed the conclusions of German, French and Swedish laboratories about the presence of traces of a substance of the family in the analyzes "Newbie." At the same time, the OPCW report specified that Navalny was poisoned with a new variety of Novichok, which was not included in the list of controlled chemicals of the Chemical Weapons Convention.” [150]

“Vladimir Vladimirovich Kara-Murza (born September 7, 1981, Moscow) is a Russian opposition politician, television journalist, director, publicist. Former chairman of the board of the Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom. He was poisoned on May 26, 2015 and February 2, 2017. [151]

PARAGRAPH 345. It is appropriate to recall the 638 assassination attempts of Fidel Castro (1926-2016), the leader of the people of Cuba.

“638 Ways to Kill Castro is a Channel 4 documentary film, broadcast in the United Kingdom on November 28, 2006, which tells the story of some of the numerous attempts of the Central Intelligence Agency to kill Cuba's leader Fidel Castro. It was directed by Dollan Cannell" [152]

PARAGRAPH 346. It is necessary to develop a Universal Declaration on Intelligence Services and an International Covenant on Intelligence Services, likewise a Universal Declaration of Human Rights and an International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

It is definitely necessary to write in it general principles for creating control over their intelligence services and oblige the heads and employees of the countries' intelligence services to do what they are prohibited from doing.

1. Murder of citizens.
2. Poisoning of citizens.
3. Use of torture.
4. Use of provocation (see paragraph 340-341).

The following types of persecution of citizens must obtain written permission from the court.
1. Volunteering only with court permission.
2. Equating sedatives to poisons and their use only with the permission of the court. In medical institutions - with the permission of the head physician.

At the International Court in The Hague, when organizing a trial of criminals who have committed crimes against humanity, along with the head of the country, the head of the intelligence services of that country must also be in the dock.

Based on the Universal Declaration and the International Pact on Intelligence Services, each country will introduce a separate chapter or paragraphs on intelligence services into its Constitution and will also develop its own Law on intelligence services.

PARAGRAPH 347. Based on 54 years of life in Uzbekistan, including 37 years in the totalitarian Soviet Union, I know: intelligence officers use a lot of provocations against freedom-loving citizens and those they find objectionable. Further observations and bitter experience after 2010 convince me: provocation is used by intelligence officers in other countries, including FBI agents and people associated with them. It is appropriate to provide information about the concept of provocation and some famous provocations.

In the Russian-language Wikipedia there was an article “Provocation”. But it disappeared and it was replaced with the article “Provocation is a type of psychological manipulation.” The article “Provocation” is saved on the website Провокация | это... Что такое Провокация? (academic.ru) (Provocation | this... What is Provocation? (academic.ru)) The following definition was written there.

“Provocation is an action or a series of actions with the aim of provoking a response / inaction of the provoked person(s), usually with the aim of artificially creating in this way difficult circumstances or consequences for the provoked person(s). The subject who commits provocations is called a provocateur.

Provocations occupy an important place in marketing, military affairs, art, politics, in relations between individuals, groups of people, between legal entities and states. In politics, provocations are often aimed at a negative reaction of public opinion towards the enemy. In particular, methods of provocation may include committing unseemly actions under the guise of one’s opponent, inflicting damage on his known opponents, in order to evoke a reaction of sympathy in public opinion. In military affairs, a provocation can be a false retreat, creating the illusion of insecurity of one of your flanks, in order to lure the enemy into a trap. For political purposes, states can sacrifice part of their troops, provoking the enemy to an open attack in order to gain a pretext for war” [153]

In the English-language Wikipedia, this concept is written in the article “Agent provocateur”.

«An agent provocateur (French for 'inciting agent') is a person who commits, or who acts to entice another person to commit, an illegal or rash act or falsely implicates them in partaking in an illegal act, so as to ruin the reputation of, or entice legal action against, the target, or a group they belong to or are perceived to belong to. They may target any group, such as a peaceful protest or demonstration, a union, a political party or a company.

In jurisdictions in which conspiracy is a serious crime in itself, it can be sufficient for the agent provocateur to entrap the target into discussing and planning an illegal act. It is not necessary for the illegal act to be carried out or even prepared» [154]

Let's remember some famous provocations.

“- Shakespeare's Iago ([155]) provoked Othello's jealousy ([156]), which ended sadly for Desdemona.

- The arson of Rome by Nero ([157], on the night of July 18 to July 19, 64, A.Sh.) is considered a classic provocation with the aim of unleashing repressions against Christians.

- The Reichstag fire ([158], February 27, 1933, A.S.) was similarly used by the authorities of the Third Reich to fight communists, Jews and other opponents of Nazi power.

- Maynila incident ([159], November 26, 1939, A.Sh.) - a provocation staged by Soviet intelligence services on the Soviet-Finnish border, and which became the formal reason for the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940.

- Gleiwitz Incident ([160], in the morning at 4.45 o’clock on September 1, 1939, A.Sh.) - a provocation staged by the SS, and which served as the reason for Germany’s attack on Poland on September 1, 1939, which became the beginning of World War II.

- At the G8 summit in 2007 ([161], the summit took place on June 6-8, 2007, in Germany, and the provocation took place on June 3, 2007, A.Sh.), a police provocateur was identified who threw stones at the guards to create the appearance of unrest » [153]

We need to classify the types of provocation and which of them should be prohibited by international law. And also write the punishment for violating this international law.

PARAGRAPH 348. Let's consider a provocation to incite interreligious conflict and hostility. On September 26, 2012, I published the article “Qur’on va payg’ambarga qarshi provokatsiyalar” (“Provocations against the Koran and the Prophet”, see [162]). From this article I will give some information about Pastor Terry Jones (1951). He lives in Gainesville, Florida, USA.

“58-year-old pastor Terry Jones voiced his idea to burn the Koran in July 2010, the burning was scheduled for September 11 from 6 to 9 pm. According to the pastor's son, 200 copies of the Koran were collected. The plans to burn the Koran were opposed by the Vatican, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, countries of the Islamic world, Indonesia, Iran, India, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, US Attorney General, NATO Secretary General, leaders of some US religious denominations, and the commander of the coalition forces in Afghanistan, General Petraeus and others. On September 9, 2010, US President Barack Obama addressed the pastor.

On March 20, 2011, Pastor Wayne Sapp burned a Koran in the presence of Jones at his church in Florida, which provoked radical Islamists to riot in Afghanistan, leading to the killing of people.

In April 2012, the pastor repeated the burning of the Koran, which is why he was fined $271 for violating fire safety regulations.

In April 2013, the pastor announced plans to mark the next anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attack by burning 2,998 copies of the Koran. On the evening of September 11, 2013, a pastor was detained by police in Florida: in his truck they found 2,998 copies of the Koran (according to the number of victims of the September 11 tragedy), doused with kerosene and prepared for burning.” [163]

It is appropriate in international law to prohibit the following provocations.

1. Prohibit insults, including the burning of four sacred religious books - the Psalter, Torah, Bible and Koran.

2. Prohibit offensive actions, cartoons, films, etc. directed against the prophets.

3. Respecting the more than 1.7 billion Muslims, ban any depiction of the Prophet Muhammad.

4. Condemn without any reservations any denial of the Holocaust. There is Resolution of the UN General Assembly “Denial of the Holocaust” dated January 26, 2007, No. A/RES/61/255. PART


PARAGRAPH 349. FBI agents and people associated with them are grossly violating Americans' right to work. Let me give you one example. I wrote in paragraph 125 that I rented a room in Arlington on December 10, 2017 and was kicked out on January 18, 2018.

On January 28, 2018, I moved my belongings to Extra Space Storage. 1001 N Fillmore St, Arlington, VA 22201. Near this warehouse is a Trader Joe's grocery store (1109 N Highland St, Arlington, VA 22201). That day I went to the store and bought something. There were many young women and few men working in the store.

A week or ten days passed. I go into a store and see a lot of young men 175 cm tall and above. Many of those women are not. I am convinced that these women and some men were transferred to other less convenient places of work to make room for FBI agents and people associated with them. Perhaps they came up with a reason that a threat could come from me, and under this pretext they forced some women and men to move to another place of work. Typically, in the US, jobs are almost everywhere filled, and millions of unemployed Americans are looking for work. In order to get these women and men to work, some Americans were fired without any explanation elsewhere.

What did they want to know? It is important for the FBI agent to know what foods I buy and eat. A large grocery store has more than a thousand varieties of goods. An ordinary person buys 10-15 varieties of goods. For example, I love honey and buy it often. Knowing that I was being filmed, I tried to buy a variety of honeys. Later, several young women were waiting in the honey department with a phone in their hands. They filmed me from several angles. Typically, this video is broadcast, and the FBI agent receives it on his laptop while sitting in a car located near the store. They often added tranquilizers to my honey or replaced it during night drug interrogations with the same container of honey, to which they had already added a tranquilizer.

And for almost eight years, FBI agents and people associated with them continue to work in that store, employing their relatives and acquaintances here, for example, in the fall of the year. Of course, some salespeople hired by an FBI agent eventually move on to other jobs. But he gives up his workplace to his relatives, friends or people close to them. This is how FBI agents and people associated with them, under the pretext of controlling me, get comfortable, well-paid jobs, firing other Americans. There is clearly a gross violation of Americans' right to work here.

I do not exclude sometimes the need to employ an FBI agent, or a person associated with him to ensure security and so on. In such cases, the FBI agent or person associated with him must apply in writing to the court, justify and obtain permission from the court for a specified period. Then such a replacement will have a legal basis.

Currently, FBI agents and people associated with them are abusing their official position, firing some Americans and placing their acquaintances, close relatives and friends in this job. In my opinion, such disgrace should be banned. And let them resolve such issues only with permission and under the control of the court.

PARAGRAPH 350. At the end of your complaint statement, it is appropriate to write about some more specifics of the work of FBI agents. Each FBI agent is assigned to monitor and pursue a specific dissident citizen, such as a journalist, human rights activist, critic, and so on. The agent uses a variety of methods of persecution in order to break him and tries to achieve unquestioning obedience to him and the FBI. For this purpose, he and his leaders sometimes use the same methods and provocations that they usually use against notorious bandits and insidious criminals.

PARAGRAPH 351. In the United States, there is no antitrust legislation in the field of human rights protection, that is, only one human rights organization, the American Civil Liberties Union, has functioned since 1920.

"The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a non-profit organization founded in 1920 "to protect and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States." The ACLU works through litigation and lobbying and has over 1,800,000 members as of July 2018 with an annual budget of over $300 million. The ACLU has affiliates in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The ACLU provides legal assistance in cases where it believes civil liberties are at risk." [164]

Each state also has a human rights organization such as The Idaho Human Rights Commission (see paragraphs 39-40, 64). They are provided financially by the state authorities. Therefore, they are engaged in protecting the interests of the authorities, and not protecting the rights of US residents. This is especially noticeable when the interests of the FBI are involved.

It is necessary to give permission for the full functioning in the United States of other international human rights organizations, such as Freedom House, Human Rights Watch, Front Line Defenders, Amnesty International, and others.

PARAGRAPH 352. FBI agents and leaders have subjected and continue to subject refugees like me to unlawful and seriously violating human rights practices such as harassment, entrapment, drug interrogations, the use of powder, liquid and air tranquilizers, theft, beatings and muggings. They will then move on to using these methods and provocations against dissident Americans and US guests, or their children.

PARAGRAPH 353. Some may say: “Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov is an Uzbek, I am not an Uzbek. He is a Muslim, I am not a Muslim. He is a refugee, I am not a refugee.” It is appropriate to remind them of the following words of Mr. Martin Niemöller, 1946 (1892–1984) – Wasa German anti-Nazi, theologian and Lutheran pastor.

"When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews, I remained silent; I wasn't a Jew.
When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.
Martin NIEMOLLER" [165]

Let some readers not be confused by the word “Nazis” in the important statement of Mr. Martin Niemöller. I recall the following words of the first director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), John Edgar Hoover (1895-1972):
"Just the minute the FBI begins making recommendations on what should be done with its information, it becomes a Gestapo." [9]


PARAGRAPH 354. So, I believe based on the above facts, agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) stole my green card during one of the night drug interrogations in September 2018. Please help me get a new US green card. This is my first request.

PARAGRAPH 355. In every country, the main human rights defender is the president of the country. I address US President Joe Biden, who is the US's chief human rights activist. Please create a commission given the repeated gross violations of my rights. I ask you to include at least one specialist from international human rights organizations in the commission. Let the commission give a legal assessment of each episode of gross violation of my human rights written in this complaint, especially of a refugee. This is my second request.

PARAGRAPH 356. In my statement of complaint, I wrote many cases of violation of my human rights by officials. Let them tell who ordered them. I ask them and those who ordered to at least be dismissed from their positions or jobs so that they cannot further harm other Americans and residents of the United States. This is my third request.

PARAGRAPH 357. I wrote in paragraphs 278-286 that agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and associated people began testing the use of new cyber weapons against me in November 2012 and continue to this day - March 2024. I also wrote that they achieved another result on August 29, 2022: acute pain appeared in my right hip (leg). They created this pain artificially. I couldn't stand on my feet for four hours. I called 911 for help. My ordeal with the new cyber weapon lasted about a month.

So, agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and people associated with them, without my consent, subjected me to night drug interrogations and other various experiments from 2010 to 2024. This is a gross violation of Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (see paragraph 280 and [35]).

I am sure that the FBI leadership carried out such tests purposefully and according to a specific program. They wrote various reports, the leadership shared information with the CIA and some other US security agencies. Let the commission investigate these criminal acts, bring the case to court, and the court will punish the perpetrators based on US and international laws. This is my fourth request.

PARAGRAPH 358. In my complaint letter, I wrote many cases of discrimination against me, including discrimination at the Dupont Circle Market. Please help reverse this illegal decision and restore my rights to work at Dupont Circle Market. This is my fifth request.

PARAGRAPH 359. I wrote in paragraph 35: “Also, FBI agents began numerous inspections of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) office in Boise in 2010. Apparently, FBI agents were looking for incriminating evidence against me and the IRC leaders. “As a result, we got the director of the IRC office in Boise fired, Ms. Leslye Boban, who worked here for 23 years.”

I believe the director of the IRC Boise office, Ms. Leslie Boban, has been unfairly harmed because of my advocacy and journalistic work. It is necessary to restore justice, that is, to restore her to her position. This is my sixth request.

PARAGRAPH 360. I wrote in paragraph 294 that I wrote to my Street Sense customers asking them to help me find a room to rent. After sending this Statement of Complaint to management and US congressmen, heads of the FBI, police and international organizations, I will continue to search for a room to rent. Please let the FBI agents and people associated with them stop pressuring apartment owners to block my room rental. This is my seventh request.

PARAGRAPH 361. I proposed in paragraphs 331-332 to organize control over the activities of law enforcement agencies, including the special services. The president and parliament of each country must take control of the activities of security forces, including intelligence services, on the basis of the “Law on Intelligence Services.” Let the commission evaluate this proposal as well. This is my eighth request.

PARAGRAPH 362. I proposed in paragraphs 333-334 to create markets and end unemployment in the United States. Let the commission evaluate this proposal as well. This is my ninth request.

PARAGRAPH 363. To develop such laws, it is necessary to adopt the “Declaration on Intelligence Services” and the “International Pact on Intelligence Services” at the United Nations. Please help create the above-mentioned commission to develop and adopt the “Declaration on Intelligence Services” and the “International Pact on Intelligence Services” through the joint efforts of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE/ODIHR) and international human rights organizations. This is my tenth request.

PARAGRAPH 364. On December 10, 2023, humanity celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. By this significant date, it was necessary to prepare and adopt the “Universal Declaration on the Intelligence Services.” Better late than never. Before the 76th anniversary, I propose to prepare and adopt a “Universal Declaration on Intelligence Services,” and also to honor many countries with at least a certificate of recognition for active human rights defenders. It is also appropriate to present certificates to family members of deceased human rights activists and journalists. This is my eleventh request.

PARAGRAPH 365. I wrote in paragraph 326 that I firmly adhere to the idea of nonviolent resistance. FBI agents and employees of the Uzbek State Security Service (SSS) may plan and insist that I committed suicide. I have been a Muslim for over 70 years. Suicide is considered a grave sin in all religions, including Islam. Therefore, in any case, I do not plan to end my life by suicide. If they organize this, then I ask you not to believe the slanderous fabrications of FBI agents and employees of the Uzbek State Security Service. This is my twelfth request.

PARAGRAPH 366. I wrote in paragraph 3 about the illegal deprivation of my citizenship of Uzbekistan. I wrote a complaint twice to the President of Uzbekistan about the illegal deprivation of my citizenship and handed it over to “adviser” Jamshed Mirzabaev at the Uzbek Embassy in Washington. But there is no answer.

After finishing this complaint, translating it into English and sending it to the leadership and US congressmen, heads of the FBI, police and international organizations, I will write the following complaint addressed to the President of Uzbekistan and the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan about the illegal deprivation of my citizenship, and ask for its restoration.

If FBI agents and people associated with them manage to kill me in the United States using kidney disease or other means, then please send my body to Uzbekistan. I want to be buried not far from my parents’ graves in Jizzakh. I really don’t want to stay underground in the United States, where I was pursued by FBI agents and people associated with them for more than 14 years. This is my thirteenth request.

P.S. I published this statement-complaint in Russian on websites and sent it to various organizations. I recently completed the translation into English and will now send it to the leadership and US Congressmen, heads of the FBI, police and international organizations.

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Понедельник, 01 Апреля 2024 г. 19:28 + в цитатник


PARAGRAPH 311. In 2023, I photographed vendor provocateurs with my Motorola cell phone. There were at least ten such episodes from January to August 2023. I could print twenty more photos of vendor provocateurs for 2023.

The phone's SIM card was of a special size, and it was impossible to transfer files from it to a computer. He didn't have a transfer device. I went to the Verizon Wireless store that serviced my phone. From there I called support and told them about my problem. They also couldn't solve the problem.

For this reason, in November 2023, I was unable to print twenty photographs of provocateurs-newspaper sellers whom I photographed during 2023. And on December 3, 2023, at 10:30 p.m., my phone and camera were stolen in the subway. I wrote about this theft in more detail below.

PARAGRAPH 312. Thus, I have many times thwarted plans to drive me out of the market by FBI agents and their accomplices. Therefore, on August 6, 2023, a different method was used against me.

Street Sense is sold by three other vendors in the same Dupont Circle market. But vendor provocateurs have never been sent against any of them so many times. They have used and are using the crime of racial discrimination against me for 11 years because I am an Uzbek, Muslim, refugee, human rights activist and independent journalist.

As I wrote above and published photographs, FBI agents and his accomplices tried to drive me out of the market by sending vendor provocateurs to my place where the newspaper was sold. When this provocative method was unsuccessful, on August 6, 2023, another method was used against me. They accused me of taking a photo of someone and I was banned from Dupont Circle Market for five years. Thus, they deprived me of the opportunity to earn a living as a newspaper seller.

PARAGRAPH 313. TWENTY-FOURTH THEFT. In the United States, Halloween is celebrated annually on the eve of All Hallows' Day on October 31st. On the eve of Halloween, many people, especially children, wear various costumes. Every year, around October 31st, I put on a Superman costume and sell a newspaper. To do this, I carry clothes in a large cloth bag. On the evening of October 29, 2023, I went to the Whole Foods Market grocery store (4420 Willard Ave, Chevy Chase, MD 20815). I had dinner and started packing my things. I see the bag with Superman's clothes is gone. I started to remember: I had this bag with me when I entered the store. So, within an hour, my bag of Superman clothes disappeared. More precisely, they committed another theft.

Let's say I accidentally left my bag in the store lobby. If an American finds someone's forgotten bag, he or she will hand the bag over to the store employees. I came to the store in the evening and the next morning and asked about the bag with Superman's clothes. The employees responded that no such bag had been found and no one had handed it over. The informers who watch me day and night, if they see my forgotten bag, they will take it away, show it to their boss and rummage through the bag in search of explosives... So, the FBI agent and his accomplices organized the twenty-fourth theft on the evening of October 29, 2023.

PARAGRAPH 314. SIXTH ROBBERY. As I wrote above, on November 8, 2023, I published an article entitled: “Washingtonda janjal boshlandi” (“A scandal has begun in Washington,” see [129]). In the appendix of the article, I printed 11 photographs of vendor provocateurs taken in 2022. He also promised to publish twenty more photographs of vendor provocateurs taken in 2023.

I wrote above that FBI agents and his accomplices are watching, photographing and filming day and night. I also sometimes photograph them in different parts of the city and at different times. So I have accumulated about 1500 photos in my Canon camera and mobile phone. There were a lot of photographs of provocateurs, informers, and security forces, who very often took photographs of me and my newspaper buyers. FBI agents and his accomplices were afraid that these photographs would become public. And they started hunting for my Canon camera and mobile phone.

I sell the Street Sense newspaper some weekdays at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue SE and 7th Street SE. November 24, 2023 I am sitting and selling the Street Sense newspaper. One man, about 45 years old, came up and asked for money. I decided to give him one dollar. He demanded twenty dollars. I said, “No money.” He started making threats. I stood up and walked back one meter. He keeps coming towards me and threatening me. I told him I would call the police. He went out. I sat down on my round stool and continued selling the newspaper.

I wear a small handbag over my shoulder. It contains my camera, phone, money from selling newspapers and various notes. 7-8 minutes passed. Suddenly that man came from behind, put his hand in the second pocket of the bag and began to pull it towards him. I stood up and clutched my bag with both hands. He tries to get the money and also snatch the bag. A woman stood nearby and watched. She had a phone in her hand. I told her, “Please call the police.” She started calling, the provocateur took out his hand and left. I look into the bag: the robber-provocateur managed to take five dollars from the pocket of the bag and tore out six teeth in the zipper of the bag. The zipper on this pocket is faulty.

Police officer Mr. Ty Truong (badge number 2193) from the Metropolitan Police Department of Washington arrived. I told what happened. He gave me his business card, on which he wrote the registration number: CCN # 23-192-198.

I remembered: this provocateur stole my newspaper twice, ten pieces each, in October 2023. I store my stuff in the red Trader Joe's grocery cart during newspaper sales. He stole it the first time and I didn't notice. Then he began to watch the stroller. The provocateur approached, took ten copies of the newspaper, put it in his armpit and began to leave. I caught up with him and demanded my newspapers back. He silently continued to walk away with quick steps. I realized that they were deliberately provoking him into a scandal and a fight. I walked around it and took two pictures with my phone. Then he returned to his workplace. Mr. Thai Truong told the police officer about this incident. After sending the Application-Complaint, I will ask whether a criminal case will be opened and how the search for the criminal ended.

PARAGRAPH 315. THE SEVENTH ROBBERY. On December 3, 2023, at 10:30 p.m., my phone and camera were robbed in the subway. Brief explanation. I wrote in my Complaint Statement that my room rental was blocked, and I was forced to spend my nights at various McDonald's. I tried to get on one of the last subway trains or buses at 24:00-1:00 o'clock, and left McDonald's early in the morning on the first bus at 4:30-5:30 o'clock.

Whole Foods Market (4420 Willard Ave, Chevy Chase, MD 20815) closes daily at 10:00 p.m. Metro trains run until 24 o'clock at night. Sometimes I spent 1.5-2 hours in between in a subway car. To do this, I drove to the Glenmont terminus on the red line and came back to my station. I usually sit in the corner seat of the carriage. I put a cloth bag under my feet. I place a two-wheeled cart near the seat and tie a scarf on top. On the seat next to me I put my black bag, inside of which there is a laptop, its accessories, some products and other necessary things. I passed my left hand through the handles of the bag. I covered myself with a small umbrella and held the spokes of the umbrella inside with the fingers of both hands. This is how I sometimes fell asleep while sitting. If someone touches or tries to steal something, then he should have removed the umbrella first. In this case, I will definitely open my eyes, see the thief or robber, and take appropriate decisions to protect my property.

On December 3, 2023, at about 23:00, I open my eyes and see: there is no umbrella in my hand, and it is lying on a rag bag, the black bag is lying on the floor of the car. Later I examined the umbrella: several spokes were broken. Apparently, the robbers forcibly removed the umbrella, and my fingers, holding the spokes of the umbrella, broke these spokes.

I look inside the bag: there is no phone or camera. I looked around: I had one flash drive under the seat. It was in the right trouser pocket. I realized that the FBI agents and their accomplices had previously used a narcotic drug and thereby organized the robbery of my phone and camera in the subway car. They may have administered the drug through the air conditioner. The carriage has air conditioning above many of the seats, including in the corner of the carriage. There is a second option: give me a drug injection directly.

I classified that night as a theft. Later I analyzed it and came to the conclusion that it was a robbery using a drug.

I got off the car at the next station - Silver Spring. I wrote down the car number: 1092. I told the station attendant: “I was robbed. Please call the police." She called. There was no policeman for a long time. I called 911. There a woman connected with an interpreter and explained the situation. She said that the police would arrive soon.

Police officer Mr. S. Robinson (badge number 863) arrived at 24:00. I said, “I don’t know much English. Please connect with an interpreter.” He refused. He listened to me, said “Lost” and suggested calling me at 202-962-2121. I objected: “I didn’t lose them. They were stolen from me.” He repeated, “Call 202-962-2121,” and left. I called this number. There, an employee named Geram dictated the registration number: 2300064327.

The question arises: what is the reason for the robbery of my camera and phone in a subway car? They contained about 1,500 photographs, mostly of informers, FBI agents and their accomplices, law enforcement agencies who photographed me at various times of the day and in various places around the city, including me and my newspaper buyers at Dupont Circle and Eastern Market. There was also a photograph of the robber dated November 24, 2023, about whom I wrote above.

PARAGRAPH 316. ANOTHER REASON FOR THE FIVE-YEAR BAN. I have financially supported the US Democratic Party in elections since 2012. The Democratic Party is more protective of the interests of ordinary people in the United States. And the US Republican Party is more protective of the interests of big business. President Donald Trump is the initiator and organizer of the US Space Force. Thus, he is the main initiator of the new development of the arms race in outer space.

«In March 2018, President Donald Trump said that the creation of a Space Force was a "great idea "and" could happen" On 20 December 2019, President Donald Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 into law, which included legislative provisions for creation of the Space Force, under the United States Space Force Act" [132]

It is no secret that some police chiefs and the National Association of Police Organizations actively supported Mr. Donald Trump in the 2020 election. [133]

Some police officers like Police Officer E. Naughton and some of the officials behind him have decided to support Mr. Donald Trump in the 2024 election by disqualifying campaign donors like me.

I received my main income from selling newspapers in the Dupont Circle market and thereby financially supported the US Democratic Party in the elections. For example, I voluntarily transferred $25 a month from my bank account from September 2015 to November 2016 for the 2016 presidential election. I planned to start paying monthly in September 2023. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents know almost everything about my financial affairs. Because they carefully observed and collected information about me since January 2010, that is, from the day I arrived in the United States. In my opinion, FBI agents and people associated with them decided to get ahead of events in 2023, and on August 6, 2023, they blocked my income in the Dupont Circle market by banning me from working in the Dupont Circle market for as many as five years. Thus, with their ban they covered the 2024 elections, and even the next presidential elections in 2028.

On August 6, 2023, Dupont Circle Market Manager Mr. Thomas Coleman, Police Officer E. Naughton and the officials behind them orchestrated a five-year ban on my work at the Dupont Circle Market. Thus, they deprived me of the opportunity to financially support the President of the United States, Mr. Joe Biden, in the upcoming presidential elections in November 2024.

PARAGRAPH 317. I concluded my response letter to the ACLU dated February 22, 2024, with the following words.

“So, the discrimination and crimes against me continue. We need to solve at least one important problem - the problem of lifting the discriminatory five-year ban on my work at the Dupont Circle market.

Your detailed written response as a human rights defender is required. Then we will meet, discuss and try to come to a common opinion. Only then can we contact a lawyer to file a lawsuit.”

PARAGRAPH 318. I wrote in paragraph 298 about my criticisms in the “Address to the Readers.” I expanded on my criticism and published it in Street Sense entitled “My Appeal to Readers” on December 20, 2023 (see [130], [131]).

The article did not include the following fact.

"11. We usually shopped at the cheaper Walmart Supercenter. In the summer of 2023, one of them, located at 99 H St NW Washington, DC, was closed. (202) 719-3720. Thus, we are forced to buy food and things at higher prices in other stores.”

I went to Walmart Supercenter on January 29, 2024. There they wrote the following announcement on the doors: “Retail for Lease. (Phone) 202-375-7500. klnb.com" ("Retail for Lease. (Phone) 202-375-7500. klnb.com") In the city of Washington, many retail stores were leased to Chinese businessmen, including a two-story Walgreens (801 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20001) in Chinatown - in the center of Washington. Apparently, the Walmart Supercenter store is being prepared for sale to Chinese businessmen for rent.

The article did not include the following important facts and opinions of mine.

“According to my observations, in the summer of 2023 there was a sharp increase in the number of snitches and informers on the streets and on public transport in the District of Columbia. Naturally, the number of managers has increased. If you consider that they are high-income US citizens, then the need for high costs is clear.”

Then the newspaper published a continuation of the text: “To cover such costs, in my opinion, taxes on small businesses were sharply increased and prices jumped sharply, primarily in cafes and bars. Some small business owners have found themselves on the brink of bankruptcy and forced to close their businesses. But the main blow was dealt to low-income citizens of the District of Columbia, including pensioners, large families and us vendors.” [130], [131)]

PARAGRAPH 319. POISONING. I wrote about poisoning in part 5.21, that is, in paragraphs 257-266. FBI agents and their accomplices continued to poison me in various ways into 2023. The main target of the poisoning was my liver and kidneys. My conclusion from many years of bitter personal experience: the liver was poisoned by adding toxic substances to food, for example, in meat dishes, bread, honey and jam, as well as by washing the floor in a room with a potent poison, and the person receives the poison in the body through the respiratory tract. The kidney was poisoned by adding poisonous substances to drinks such as coffee, tea, bottled and gallon water. Here I will tell you about one case of poisoning my liver through bread.

PARAGRAPH 320. Safeway (1856 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20007) open 24 hours a day. I arrived at the store and purchased a loaf of Italian Bread for $1.99 on December 9, 2023, at 5:01 am. The store is large and there is a separate large room inside where tables are installed, and the buyer has the opportunity to eat. I sat down at the table and had breakfast. I liked the bread and at 5:55 p.m. I bought another loaf of bread from Italian Bread for $1.99.

The next morning, December 10, 2023, at 5:30 a.m., I arrived at the store and bought two loaves of Italian Bread for $3.98. I sat down at the table and had breakfast. About an hour passed and the liver began to give a signal, like a small ant bite. During lunch I ate the same bread. Again, the liver gave a signal. Thought about it. The loaves of bread were an unusually dark color. This was the first time I had eaten this darkened color of bread in the United States. I guessed: perhaps they added it to the top of the bread, that is, they sprayed a toxic substance. I decided to check it out: I removed the top layer of bread with my fingers and began to eat the inner soft white part. The liver did not hurt. So, he also ate the rest of the bread in the middle. I don't throw the crust of bread in the trash. I divided it into small pieces and scattered it on the street or in the park for the birds. They ate with pleasure.

In my opinion, poison was sprinkled on top of the dough of a loaf of bread and baked in the oven. The smell and taste of the poison disappeared during baking. And the bread became an unusual gray-black color.

On December 20, 2023 at 5:43 am, I purchased two Bagel Bulks for $1.78 and two Bulk Sanowich Rolls for $1.78 from the same Safeway store. I ate two buns and my liver didn’t hurt. Bulk Sanowich Roll were also gray and black in color. I ate one of them and a signal began to come from the liver, that is, I was sick from the poison. The second man took off the crust of the bread, ate the soft part, and his liver did not hurt. The crust was divided into small pieces and served to the birds.

PARAGRAPH 321. DAMAGE TO TELEPHONE. I wrote in paragraphs 225-238 (part 5.14) that FBI agents and people associated with them organized the destruction of my things many times. They continued their illegal activities in this direction in 2023.

I wrote in paragraph 133 (part 3) the following: “I purchased the following inexpensive Samsung Galaxy J3 Orbit phone and entered into an agreement with the telephone company Tracfone on July 26, 2019. Unfortunately, his battery didn't work well. I charged it for several hours every day. I bought a new battery for $43. But soon it also began to work poorly and charged it for several hours every day. In mid-November 2022, the battery failed. Therefore, on November 25, 2022 - on the day of Black Friday, I bought a new phone, model Moto g power number XT2165-5. My phone was serviced by Verizon (phone number: 240-760-0483)."

I continued paying over $27 a month to Tracfone despite the shortcomings of the Samsung Galaxy J3 Orbit (phone number: 240-750-5601). The screen of this phone stopped glowing in mid-December 2023. I paid for two phones monthly. FBI agents and associated people organized the theft of one of them on December 3, 2023 (see paragraph 315). They made the screen of the second phone stop glowing.

I paid $32 and purchased a new Samsung B135DL phone in New York on December 29, 2023. My phone is serviced by Tracfone.

So, FBI agents and people associated with them organized the theft of my four phones and one phone was rejected during 2012-2023.


PARAGRAPH 322. Now I will answer the question: why have the FBI agents been pursuing me so stubbornly and for so many years? I partially answered this question in paragraph 25.

First, the US FBI works closely with the State Security Service of Uzbekistan. And not free...

Secondly, I published the article “Mysterious deaths” (see [15]) in four versions and publicized the mysterious death (murder) of two young Uzbek refugees in Boise in April-May 2010. I wrote about this in paragraphs 25-32.

Thirdly, I wrote an appeal-complaint to the US President Mr. Barack Obama in February 2015 and revealed many violations of the laws and crimes of FBI agents against Uzbek refugees.

Fourthly, in 2015-2018, I participated in the trial in the city of Denver (Colorado), which FBI agents organized by arresting the Uzbek refugee Jamshid Mukhtorov (1976) in January 2012. The court verdict was announced only in 2018 and he was sentenced to 11 years in prison. After all, FBI agents and prosecutors for six years of investigation and courts could not prove his material assistance of at least one dollar to terrorist organizations. I published twelve articles about this trial (see [46]-[56]).

Fifth, FBI agents and leaders have their own interests, including mercantile interests. They want to break the man and use him to their advantage. Brief explanation: much of the activity of the FBI and other intelligence agencies is built on the basis of provocation. Therefore, they need many provocateurs, especially talented provocateurs.

Sixth, apparently the FBI agents want me to take up arms and go shoot innocent people. Then they will try to blame the international human rights organizations that helped me get political asylum in the United States and cut their funding. It will also be possible to close or severely restrict the activities of the office of the newspaper "Street Sense".

Seventh, what is the purpose of the FBI agents persecuting me so stubbornly and for many years? In my opinion, they want to break me, and that I unquestioningly carry out their various legal and illegal instructions and orders.

PARAGRAPH 323. I wrote this paragraph in a hostel where I spent the night from April 2021 to September 6, 2022. FBI agents used and continue to use sleeping pills many times against me during drug interrogations. Often, they wait for me to fall asleep. I have a fear almost every night before going to bed that they will conduct another nightly drug interrogation. Therefore, I have a big dream in the USA since 2010 - to sleep peacefully and without anxiety for at least a week or ten days.

No wonder the great William Shakespeare said "Sleep is the most delicious of dishes in an earthly feast." Shakespeare put an ode to sleep into the mouth of the Scottish king Macbeth, in the second act of the tragic play of the same name Macbeth (1603-1606).

Methought, I heard a voice cry “Sleep no more!
Macbeth does murder sleep”—the innocent sleep,
Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care,
50 The death of each day’s life, sore labor’s bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature’s second course,
Chief nourisher in life’s feast. [134]


PARAGRAPH 324. What happens if the FBI agents use even ten percent of the harassment that was used against me against a young American?

Usually, FBI agents carry out their persecution with the help of other people. I gave many examples of this in paragraphs 6.2-6.12 in the article «В чем причина массовых убийств в США?» ("What is the reason for the massacres in the USA?", see [7]). Therefore, some young Americans become angry at the world around them, completely disappointed with it, consider their lives ruined and do not want to live anymore. This was written by James Alan Fox in 1951, one of the leading American criminologists, professor of law and public policy at Northeastern University in Boston. He is the author of 18 books devoted to the study of the phenomena of mass shootings in America. His interview was published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on December 15, 2012 in connection with another massacre at the Sandy Hook elementary school in the United States, when 28 people were shot, including 20 children aged 5 to 10 years.

“There are a certain number of people in American society who are angry at the world around them, completely disappointed with it, consider their lives ruined and do not want to live anymore. These people lack emotional support from family and friends. And they decide to take brutal revenge on those who, in their opinion, are responsible for their failures and do not give them a chance to cope with life's problems. When choosing between suicide and massacre, they tend to choose both” [135]

PARAGRAPH 325. More than 393 million guns are known to have been in the hands of the American people in 2018 [136]. An angry American takes one or more of the 393 million weapons and goes to shoot innocent people in a row.

PARAGRAPH 326. My first difference from young Americans is that I am a human rights activist and have been advocating human rights since 1974. I firmly adhere to the idea of non-violent resistance, which was first substantiated by the great Indian human rights activist, political and public figure Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948). The next great American human rights activist Martin Luther King (1929-1968) met with Mahatma Gandhi and he tried to use it all his life in the struggle of the black population of the USA for civil rights. I have always been inspired by them and both are role models for me.

My second difference from young Americans is that I know exactly who is persecuting me and for what purpose. Therefore, I will not repeat the gross mistake of young Americans.

The third difference from young Americans is that I am a believer, a Muslim. In all religions, including Islam, the killing of another person is strongly condemned. This is the words of the Prophet Muhammad (hadith). Therefore, I will not go to murder, especially innocent citizens.

The fourth difference from most young Americans is that I have held the military rank of "reserve captain" since 1985 and have a good knowledge of weapons and their use. But I do not want and will not use my knowledge and skills against ordinary US citizens and police officers. I wrote about this in the article «В чем причина массовых убийств в США?» (“What is the reason for the massacres in the USA?”) in 2013 and still adhere to this belief (see [7]).

PARAGRAPH 327. The use of weapons against ordinary US citizens will not give positive results. That is, the true culprits persecuting freedom-loving citizens will not be revealed and punished. Moreover, the mass murder gives the opposite result: after almost every mass murder, the special services, including the FBI, receive new powers, often the number of special services employees increases, and the rights of citizens are reduced. In other words, in a massacre, innocent people and policemen die, and FBI agents receive benefits and incentives.

The FBI agents who harass and make various troubles and provocations against me will not wait for my illegal actions. I will not go for killing people, despite any provocations and bad deeds against me. As a human rights activist and independent journalist, I will write and publish articles, appeals, and more, in which, to the extent possible, I will expose the mystery of bad deeds and true instigators from the FBI.

PARAGRAPH 328. I have to write separately: I have been a human rights activist since 1974 and a freelance journalist since 2004. Therefore, I am not going to arbitrarily punish anyone for many years of persecution and various poisonings. I have a sharp journalistic pen and the ability to respond powerfully with exposés and complaints.

I believe and am sure that the journalistic pen is stronger than any weapon. After the publication and publicity about the dark affairs of the FBI, ordinary citizens, the intelligentsia of the United States can and should take an active part in organizing control over the FBI and the police by creating a data bank on their work. As a result, over time, appropriate laws will be adopted, and the activities of the FBI and the police will be brought under the control of the laws of the country. In the future, the ranks of the FBI and the police will gradually be cleared of random people who abuse their official position and duties. And this is more important than using weapons against ordinary people or against the FBI and the police.

PARAGRAPH 329. A typical way of working for FBI agents: they do some kind of provocation, bad deed, dirty tricks and filth against a dissident citizen and inform the heads of the police about a possible armed incident of him. I am sure that I have been repeatedly reported to the police about the threat from me. The FBI has an eGuardian system for such a message.

eGuardian is the name of an FBI system launched in January 2009 to share tips on possible terrorist threats with local police agencies. The program aims to ensure that law enforcement agencies at all levels quickly share data on suspicious activity and people.

eGuardian provides near real-time sharing and tracking of terrorist information and suspicious activity with local, state, tribal and federal agencies. The eGuardian system is a spin-off of a similar but classified tool called the Guardian, which has been used internally by the FBI and has been shared with trusted partners since 2005." [9]

PARAGRAPH 330. In my opinion, some FBI leaders and agents have two other important goals.

The first important goal is to achieve a ban on the sale of assault weapons. This position is shared by some leaders and activists of the US Democratic Party. In fact, banning the sale of assault weapons will not do much good in reducing mass killings. Since they occur as a result of the illegal persecution of individual Americans by FBI agents. I wrote about it above.

For example, California has some of the strictest gun laws in the US. But in the 15-20 days of January 2023, a series of massacres with firearms swept the US West Coast.

“Seven people were killed on a farm in northern California. According to investigators, they were shot by a colleague, the police arrested a suspect - 66-year-old Chunli Zhao. A shooting at a gas station in Auckland on the same day killed one person and wounded seven. Less than two weeks ago, in Central California, two unknown people shot 6 people in a private home, the youngest of the dead was 10 months old. In Washington state, the day before, a young man killed three people at a gas station, later he shot himself in his own car. Committed suicide in the car and 72-year-old Hu Cang Tran, a suspect in the most massive of this series of murders, which occurred in Monterey Park, in southern California in a dance studio. The state authorities are calling for tougher legislation." [137]

The second important goal is to get legislation passed that would make it easier for FBI leaders and agents to incarcerate some inconvenient dissident citizens in a psychiatric hospital.

The accomplishment of these two important goals will give the leadership and agents of the FBI even more opportunity to intimidate Americans and make it easier to control them.


PARAGRAPH 331. Let's say that some FBI agents grossly violate the laws and the US Constitution. But how can you prove it? This requires the creation of a data bank on the activities of FBI agents and police officers. I wrote about this in the article «В чем причина массовых убийств в США?» (“What is the reason for the massacres in the USA?”) in pharagraph 18 (see [7]). There he listed ten important aspects.

331.1. Information should be accumulated on the daily work of FBI agents and police officers, as well as their leaders. To do this, it is necessary to create a separate service for the collection and accumulation of such information. This bank of information should begin with a complete list of FBI agents and police officers and FBI and police informants. What part of the information flow of the daily work of all employees and informants to collect - let the legislators decide.

I find it important to accumulate phone and walkie-talkie conversations between FBI agents, police officers, and FBI and police informants. It is this information that will best reveal what each specific agent, employee and his serving informants (informers) are doing, who and how they are following, what legal and illegal, sometimes provocative verbal orders are given and what steps they take, and so on.

It is also relevant to collect the following information: each FBI agent, police officer and informant receives daily orders; their daily, weekly and other progress reports, and some other important information.

331.2. Such a bank of information must be opened and it must exist separately. The FBI and the police will continue to work according to their operating principles, that is, there will be no interference in their work. It's just that information about their work will be accumulated in parallel in a separate data bank.

331.3. Of course, this data bank will be classified and carefully guarded against leakage of information and against extraneous illegal interventions. A similar storage of classified information is currently in the Department of Defense, the FBI, the police and other US law enforcement agencies.

331.4. In this data bank, it is appropriate to accumulate letters of complaints from citizens about the work of FBI agents and police officers.

331.5. Serious work must be done to eliminate unemployment in the United States by organizing in all cities and regions of the United States the re-establishment of conventional markets (see paragraphs 326-327, [138] and [139]).

331.6. At present, approximately this amount of information is accumulated in the archives and files of the FBI and the police. FBI and police officials and officers have access to this information. And at any time, especially when it threatens them with dismissal and exposure, they can destroy relevant information, for example, regarding a specific suicide or mass murder. Sometimes the destruction of one sheet or file of an important document confounds the whole investigation of the crime. In the case of the creation of a parallel database, the leaders, agents and employees of the FBI and the police will not have access to this parallel database and will not be able to selectively destroy certain important information.

331.7. It is appropriate to grant the right to study the information of this parallel data bank only to a certain circle of persons from among the deputies of the legislative chamber of the state or the US Congress, or to the special commission being created to study and control this information.

331.8. In the interval of several years, according to the established law or the origin of the massacres, an authoritative parliamentary commission should be created. The commission can include one authoritative and honest officer of law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and the police. Again, it is better to write the choice of members of the commission in the law or let the deputies of the state or country parliament determine.

331.9. In the event of another murder or mass murder, the Commission will examine all materials relating to the murder. Firstly, in this case, the leaders of the FBI and the police will not be able to destroy the true information about the hidden work and persecution of certain citizens, including a suicide or the organizer of a massacre by some leaders and employees of the FBI and the police or heads of other departments.

Secondly, serious omissions and illegal actions of certain leaders, agents and / or employees of the FBI and police, as well as informants against certain citizens and residents of the United States, that is, serious violations of human rights, will be clarified.

Thirdly, based on the analysis of this information, it is possible and necessary to develop legislative acts and laws that regulate the work of leaders and employees of law enforcement agencies, especially FBI agents and police officers.

331.10. Only such a serious and comprehensive approach to the study and legislative regulation of the work of the FBI and the police, and possibly other law enforcement agencies, will make it possible to drastically reduce the number of suicides and mass murders, as well as robberies and thefts in the United States.

PARAGRAPH 332. On January 13, 2014, I wrote an Open Letter to President Barack Obama, U.S. Senators and Deputies about the need to create a data bank on the activities of FBI agents and police officers in order to dramatically reduce the number of mass murders and suicides, as well as interference with the privacy of U.S. citizens. There he listed ten points written in paragraph 324. At the end he added an eleventh point.

“331.11. A serious and comprehensive approach to the study and legislative regulation of the work of law enforcement agencies and special services (FBI and police, 10/20/2021) through the creation of a Data Bank will lead to the following results:

First, the illegal interference of power structures and special services in the private lives of US citizens and residents will stop.

Secondly, the number of mass murders, such as those committed by James Holmes, Adam Lanz and others, will be drastically reduced.

Thirdly, the number of suicides of US citizens will sharply decrease.

Fourthly, the ranks of power structures and special services will be cleared of law-breaking agents, employees and leaders.

Fifth, as a result, the authority of the President of the United States, congressmen and deputies, the existing government, law enforcement agencies and special services among US citizens will rise.

So, I suggest you come up with the initiative to create a data bank on the work of law enforcement agencies and special services. This will ultimately solve many problems around the illegal interference of special services and law enforcement agencies, namely the FBI and the police, in the private lives of citizens, mass murders and suicides in the United States.” [99], [100]

PARAGRAPH 333. There are millions of unemployed people in the United States. Some FBI agents are scaring many Americans out of their jobs and getting their legal and illegal demands. The problem of unemployment can and should be solved by reviving conventional markets in the US. I wrote about this in President Barack Obama's Proposal to Solve World Unemployment (see [139]) in November 2012. And in August 2020, he sent his proposal to presidential candidate Joe Baiden "Solution to the problem of unemployment in the United States." There I briefly listed its eleven positive aspects.

333.1. Millions of unemployed and part-time workers in the US will be provided with full-time jobs.

333.2. Many farmers, and various small and medium-sized shops, can additionally sell their goods in the revived markets.

333.3. One of the main problems is the sale of goods and products. Ordinary markets create great opportunities for the sale of goods and products.

333.4. The emergence of additional points of sale for millions of people will stimulate the production of more goods for the market. These jobs will involve many of the current unemployed and part-time workers.

333.5. The unemployed will help in transporting and selling goods in the market.

333.6. Currently, supermarkets in the US only buy the best part of the harvest from farmers. The middle and small part of the crop remains in the field. Farmers can sell this part of their crops through the market, at lower prices than in supermarkets.

333.7. The implementation of the project "Revival of Markets" at the first stage does not require almost expenses. Leaders of districts and cities in the United States are required to allocate convenient for citizens and sufficient space for the market. In the future, based on the existing market infrastructure, convenient market buildings can be designed and built for sellers and buyers.

333.8. This project can be implemented in a short time in all cities and regions of the 50 US states and in the city of Washington. Currently, some days, often on Saturday and Sunday, tent sales are organized in cities and regions for 4-6 hours.

“Due in part to an increased interest in healthier foods, a greater desire to conserve local varieties or livestock, and a greater understanding of the importance of maintaining small, sustainable farms in an urban setting, U.S. farmers markets rose from 1,755 in 1994 to 4,385 in 2006, to 5274 in 2009, up to 8,144 in 2013” [140]

It is necessary to allow such trade to be carried out daily from morning to evening, seven days a week (one or two days a month - Sanitary Day).

333.9. The revived markets will not harm the existing system of grocery supermarkets. Those citizens who want supermarket products can continue to buy in the supermarket.

333.10. Sales tax will go to the federal (state) treasury. This is to enrich every state, and indeed the whole US.

333.11. Currently, a lot of money is being spent from the US state budget to provide the unemployed with a living wage. Most of these costs will be saved.

There are other positive aspects of the market revival project called "Market".

PARAGRAPH 334. Some more important historical facts about the market. In the history of mankind for millennia, and even in our XXI century, billions of people work and earn money creating goods and products for the market and working in the ordinary market. And in the US, there was a network of markets, and millions of Americans worked there.

It is known that 1929-1939 was the Great Depression, that is, the global economic crisis. The Great Depression hit the United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, and France most severely. In these 1929-1939 years, the US Bureau of Investigation (since 1935 the FBI), the police and others used the Great Depression to close and eliminate the market structure in the USA. It was in 1931 that the Central Market in the city of Washington, one of the largest markets in the United States, was destroyed. Later, the Central Archives of the United States was built on the site of the Central Market.

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Понедельник, 01 Апреля 2024 г. 19:02 + в цитатник


PARAGRAPH 301. I don’t like to conflict with people, including my manager. Therefore, next Sunday - August 6, 2023, I did not photograph any vendors at the market, including Spring Vallet workers.

I continued to distribute copies of my “Message to Readers” to every customer at Eastern Market on August 5 (Saturday) and Dupont Circle on August 6 (Sunday) 2023.

On August 6 at 1:20 p.m. Mr. Thomas Coleman came to see me. He started talking about taking photographs everywhere in the market. The phone is on in his hand, saying something. I said: “If I or my customer are photographed, then I sometimes photograph that person.” He said: “If you are being photographed, you will tell me.”

A young woman came. He said she was a supervisor. Mr. Thomas Coleman continued to say something else. I don't understand spoken language well. So, I took paper and a pen from my purse and said, “Please write.” He refused to take the paper and continued talking. I took out my phone and wanted to videotape his speech so that I could understand it later. The supervisor left. He moved to the left, called somewhere and began to consult with someone.

Mr. Thomas Coleman soon returned and asked my first and last name. I once again provided paper and pen and said: “My name is Shuhratjon. I don't understand spoken language well. Please, write". The phone was on in his hand, he was saying something and started filming me. I also turned on my phone and started filming him and his speech on my phone. Then he moved to the right and began talking to someone on the phone. I took my badge out of my bag and showed it to him. He took a photo of my badge with his phone. I returned to my place. By this time, the market's working hours had ended, and all the sellers began to pack their things and products. I also collected my things and dragged them aside.

Mr. Thomas Coleman and a policeman arrived. In the policeman's hand was a piece of paper "Barring Notice", see photo 62. He started asking questions: “What is your weight...” I said, “I don’t know what Mr. Thomas Coleman is accusing me of? I have to read it.” At that moment the policeman asked Mr. Thomas Coleman something. He answered in the sense: “There is a video.” I have a question: when did they have time to prepare the video? Apparently, Mr. Thomas Coleman and the FBI agent behind him and people associated with them prepared the video in advance.

After manager Thomas Coleman responded, the policeman gave it and I read it. I rewrote the line "Reason for Issuing Barring Notice".

That's the accusation.

«Continued targeted harassment of workers of the Farmers market, unwanted photos of women and minors.»

160490636_BESHyil1 (547x700, 147Kb)
Photo 64. "Barring Notice" prepared by Mr. Thomas Coleman.

PARAGRAPH 302. At the beginning of the “Notice of Prohibition” page the following is written.


The below named person was found on the premises owned, occupied or managed by _Fresh Farm . This same person is hereby warned to stay off the property and grounds there of known as _________________ at (address) 20th/Q St NW and (if applicable, other property owned/occupied/managed by same) 1500 Block of 20th St at ________________________ (address) _________________________ . There is no exception to this notice. Failure to heed this warning shall result in the prosecution for Unlawful under D.C. Code 22-3302.

Name of Barred Individual (Last, First, Middle: __Ahmadjonov, Shuhratjon__”

I rewrote the line of accusation and returning the sheet to the policeman I said: “This is discrimination. Please give me a copy of this document."

The policeman said: “There is no copy of the document.” I wrote down the policeman's name and badge number: E. Naughton. Badge 5033.

I said, “Please write down these charges on a blank form and give them to me.” The manager, Mr. Thomas Coleman, refused to rewrite. Then police officer E. Naughton copied it on a blank form, got Mr. Thomas Coleman's signature and gave it to me.

I said, “I want to write on the document the words: THIS IS DISCRIMINATION.” The manager, Mr. Thomas Coleman, refused to give me a Barring Notice sheet and quickly left.

Please note: the Barring Notice document does not provide a line for writing the opinion of the accused, in this case my opinion. This “Barring Notice” is designed and used to crack down on unemployed and homeless residents of the United States, including residents of the District of Columbia metropolitan area.

PARAGRAPH 303. I will briefly answer the accusations. What does it mean: “Ongoing targeted harassment of Farmers Market workers.” I did not take photographs of Farmers' Market employees on August 6, 2023, following a written request dated July 30, 2023 from the manager, Mr. Thomas Coleman. Thus, there is no reason to write about “Ongoing,” much less about “targeted persecution.” This is simply slander against me for the purpose of discrimination.

Now about the accusation of “unusual photos of women and minors.” The question arises: what does Mr. Thomas Coleman mean by “undesirable photographs”? I was selling in the middle of a public market where it was very crowded. How can you take “unwanted photos” here? Especially minors?

I can think of three reasons why I am not interested in unusual photographs of women and minors. Firstly, I studied at the university for five years, I have a diploma, and I am a teacher by profession. Secondly, I am 70 years old and a person of retirement age. Thirdly, I am a Muslim and have no interest in photographs of minors at all.

In short, the accusations of July 30 and August 6 are slander and a pre-planned PROVOCATION with the purpose of discrimination and to prohibit me from selling the newspaper in the Dupont Circle market. Provocation is one of the main methods of work of agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). So, FBI agents and people associated with them are behind these organized provocations.

Important point: if the manager Thomas Coleman had any comments regarding "objectionable photographs of women and minors", then he should have explained in writing, as I asked on paper, and warned me the first time. He and the officials behind them immediately issued me a “Barring Notice”, valid for 5 years. This fact also proves that provocation and discrimination were carried out purposefully against me.

It is appropriate to say: I have been targeted for 25 thefts and four robberies of my bags and belongings in the District of Columbia since November 2012. Three laptops, three expensive phones and my other journalistic paraphernalia were stolen. I called the police many times and they did not open a criminal case. Several thefts were organized during the sale of the Street Sense newspaper. Therefore, I try to prevent theft, and sometimes I photograph a suspicious person standing for a long time near my things. If anyone has any more questions about a specific photo, I will answer specifically.

PARAGRAPH 304. About photographing. I have been selling the Street Sense newspaper at Dupont Circle Market since November 2012, more than ten years. I have been photographing since 1964, that is, 59 years. I have been a human rights activist since 1974 and a freelance journalist since 2004. For these reasons, and as an ordinary resident of the United States, I photographed a lot in the District of Columbia, including at the Dupont Circle market. But there was no problem taking photographs.

I started distributing my “Appeal to Readers” to customers on July 30, 2023, on the same day they accused me of photographing sellers and “asked me to refuse to photograph them,” and on August 6, they accused me of “Continuing the targeted harassment of Farmers’ Market workers, unusual photos of women and minors" and banned me from Dupont Circle Market for five years.

It is worth reminding: “Photos and videos of things that are clearly visible in public places are a constitutional right, including vehicles, the exterior of federal buildings, and police and other government officials in the performance of their duties.” (If Stopped for Photographing in Public | ACLU of DC (acludc.org) (www.acludc.org/en/know-your-rights/if-stopped-photographing-public)

PARAGRAPH 305. A characteristic moment: someone sent four photographs taken by me on August 6, 2023 to my email. In my opinion, this was done by an FBI agent and people associated with them during a night drug interrogation of me in those days.

PARAGRAPH 306. I submitted a complaint in English to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on August 31, 2023. At the end of the complaint, I wrote the following.

“More than ten thousand residents and visitors come to Dupont Market, including more than one hundred DC snitch and informer. Quite a lot of them are photographed and filmed. They don't take any notice. After all, the Dupont Circle Market is a public place and photography is not prohibited in such places. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, I may witness some kind of violation, such as theft. My photo can be valuable evidence in solving a crime.

I believe that manager Mr. Thomas Coleman and police officer E. Naughton grossly violated the First Amendment of the US Constitution on freedom of speech and unreasonably placed a ban on my place of work. The First Amendment of the US Constitution says:

"Amendment I (1791) Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (U.S. Senate: Constitution of the United States )

The First Amendment to the US Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. It ensures that the US Congress, as well as officials at various levels, will not:
- To support any religion, or to establish the state religion.
- Prohibit free religion.
- Infringe on freedom of speech.
- Encroach on the freedom of the press.
- Restrict freedom of assembly.
- Restrict the right of the people to petition the Government for the satisfaction of complaints.

I am Uzbek, refugee, Muslim, human rights activist, independent journalist, homeless and unemployed. I am sure it is for these reasons that Manager Mr. Thomas Coleman, Police Officer E. Naughton, and the officials behind them committed a gross violation of the First Amendment of the US Constitution on free speech and discrimination against me.

I turned 70 in January 2024. They don't pay me a pension. My only source of income was from selling newspapers in the market. The manager, Mr. Thomas Coleman, and the police officer, E. Naughton, and the officials behind them, banned me from the market for five years. Thus, they deprived me of the opportunity to earn money for food and minimal expenses for everyday life.

Please help me lift the illegal ban and allow me to continue selling Street Sense at my location in the Dupont Circle Market. I waiting for your reply."

PARAGRAPH 307. On October 4, 2023, I received the first response letter in Russian dated September 19, 2023 from Ms. Elaine Stamp, Paralegal and Admissions Manager at the Washington, D.C., Office of the ACLU (see below).

“ACLU 915 15th St. NW 2nd Floor
District of Columbia acludc.org

September 18, 2023

Уважаемый Шухратжон Ахмаджонов!

Мы пишем, чтобы ответить на ваше письмо с просьбой о юридической помощи. Национальный офис ACLU получил ваше письмо и отправил его в наш офис (ACLU округа Колумбия), поскольку ваша ситуация произошла в Вашингтоне, округа Колумбия.

Ваш запрос о помощи мы обсудим на заседании нашей кафедры 4 октября. После этого я свяжусь с вами в зависимости от результатов этого обсуждения.

Чтобы мы могли общаться быстрее, чем это позволяет обычная почта, есть ли у вас адрес электронной почты, который мы можем использовать?

Благодарим Вас за письмо и с нетерпением ждем возможности связаться с нами.


Элейн Стэмп

Помощник юриста и менеджер по приему»


MY TRANSLATION USING THE PROGRAM www.translate.google.com

"Dear Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov!

We are writing to respond to your letter requesting legal assistance. The ACLU National Office received your letter and forwarded it to our office (ACLU of DC) since your situation occurred in Washington, DC.

We will discuss your request for help at our department meeting on October 4. I will then contact you based on the outcome of this discussion.

To help us communicate faster than regular mail allows, do you have an email address we can use?

Thank you for your letter and we look forward to contacting you.


Elaine Stamp
Legal Assistant and Admissions Manager"

PARAGRAPH 308. On January 31, 2024, I received a second response letter in English dated December 19, 2023 (see below).

«ACLU 915 15th St. NW 2nd Floor
District of Columbia acludc.org

Dear Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov:

We are writing to follow up on the request for legal help you sent to us about the barring notice at the Dupont Circle Farmers Market. This letter is to follow up on our earlier correspondence about investigating your request for legal help.

We are interested in contacting you via phone call, but were not able to find a phone number in the letter or materials you sent earlier. Could you please respond to this letter and provide a phone number we can use to reach you?

To respond to us, you have two options. We are free to call our Senior Paralegal Elaine Stamp and leave a message at 202 890 7988. Or, you can send a letter containing your phone number to the address below:

ACLU of DC – Intake
ATTN: Elaine Stamp
529 14th Street, NW, Suite 722
Washington, DC 20045

Many thanks for reading and we look forward to hearing back.

ACLU of DC Intake Staff»

PARAGRAPH 309. I sent a response letter on February 22, 2024. I am writing below based on my response letter.

"I was waiting for a response letter as a human rights activist. You work as a human rights activist for the only federal human rights organization in the United States, the American Civil Liberties Union.

I am a refugee from Uzbekistan and have little knowledge of US laws. As a human rights activist for the American Civil Liberties Union, you should be familiar with US laws.

I was waiting for an answer from you, a human rights activist, to the following questions.

1. Did I break any US law in the August 6, 2023 incident? Please write the full name of the law and article number.

2. If he violated, then exactly which article of which US law? Please write the full name of the law and article number.

3. If I violated, how appropriate is the punishment in the form of a five-year ban on my work at the Dupont Circle market? Please write the full name of the law and article number.

4. What is the deadline for filing a claim in court in the August 6, 2023 incident? Please write the full name of the law and article number.

The second letter did not include the sender's first and last name. There is also no signature of the author of the letter in both letters.

In your letter you ask me to write my phone number. I am 70 years old and I am a refugee. I understand little spoken English, especially with human rights and legal terms. That's why I didn't write my phone number, and it's important for me to get a written response from you.

I wrote my three emails at the end of my August 31, 2023 letter as follows: “P.S.1. Please, I need to meet with you and discuss this problem. My emails for communication: havassh54@gmail.com , maqsadsh54@gmail.com , jiz54@mail.ru " Apparently you did not carefully read my letter to the end. Otherwise, you could send a reply email to my three emails.

You wrote in a letter dated September 19, 2023 that a discussion of my complaint would take place on October 4 at the ACLU of DC office. You wrote nothing about the results of this discussion in your letter dated December 19, 2023."

PARAGRAPH 310. I further wrote the following in my response letter dated February 22, 2024.

"I believe the main reason for my five-year ban from Dupont Circle Market is discrimination. Here I will give additional facts.

Since 2012, FBI agents and people associated with them have been sending vendor provocateurs to where I sell the newspaper. They staged provocations against me repeatedly and in those years, they managed to ban me from selling the newspaper several times for two weeks. I wrote a response in English about their provocation in those years and attached photographs, which I gave to the management of Street Sense.

And in 2022-2023, they sent vendor provocateurs many times to drive me out of the Dupont Circle market. They sold the Street Sense newspaper near me. Their plan was simple: if I quarreled with these provocateurs, they would prohibit both me and him from selling the newspaper on the market for many years. I warned them first, understanding that this was a provocation. None of them left. So I took pictures of them with my camera and phone. The next week, when I went to the Street Sense newspaper office to buy a newspaper, I showed the photo and told the manager (Director of vendor employment Thomas Ratliff): “This vendor violated the law on newspaper vendors and provoked in the Dupont Circle market.” None of them were punished. After one or two weeks they sent another vendor provocateur.

I wrote about this in an article in Russian and English on August 22, 2023 (see [127] and [128])"

In 2022, I photographed vendor provocateurs with my Canon camera. I printed two photographs based on five episodes, that is, a total of 11 photographs of six vendor provocateurs in my article in Uzbek on November 8, 2023 (see [129]) and in a letter dated February 22, 2024. I have printed seven photographs below, six of them are photographs of vendor provocateurs, and dated each of them.

SURAT1 (698x393, 115Kb)
Photo 65. I was here selling the Street Sense newspaper at Dupont Circle Market from the second half of 2022 to August 6, 2023. I wrapped blue cellophane around my black bag and two-wheeled cart.

SURAT2 (393x699, 84Kb)
Photo 66. Vendor provocateur. July 24, 2022.

SURAT4 (393x699, 129Kb)
Photo 67. Vendor provocateur. July 24, 2022.

SURAT6 (393x699, 76Kb)
Photo 68. Vendor provocateur. August 21, 2022.

SURAT7 (700x700, 176Kb)
Photo 69. Vendor provocateur. October 6, 2022.

SURAT9 (700x700, 191Kb)
Photo 70. Vendor provocateur. November 13, 2022.

SURAT11 (700x700, 131Kb)
Photo 71. Vendor provocateur. November 27, 2022.

Рубрики:  ENGLISH

Комментарии (0)



Понедельник, 01 Апреля 2024 г. 18:43 + в цитатник


5.26. 1998-2023: COUGH

PARAGRAPH 287. The Uzbek and American intelligence services, more precisely the National Security Service (NSS) of Uzbekistan and agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) several times used such a poisonous substance against me, because of which I coughed violently for many days, and in 1998 almost died. Such a poisonous substance was used against me recently - in mid-April 2023, and these days I walk and cough heavily.

"A cough is a sudden expulsion of air through the large breathing passages which can help clear them of fluids, irritants, foreign particles and microbes. As a protective reflex, coughing can be repetitive with the cough reflex
following three phases: an inhalation, a forced exhalation against a closed glottis, and a violent release of air from the lungs following opening of the glottis, usually accompanied by a distinctive sound.

Frequent coughing usually indicates the presence of a disease. Many viruses and bacteria benefit, from an evolutionary perspective, by causing the host to cough, which helps to spread the disease to new hosts. Most of the time, irregular coughing is caused by a respiratory tract infection but can also be triggered by choking, smoking, air pollution, astma, gastroesophageal reflux disease, post-nasal drip, chronic bronchitis, lung tumors, heart failure and medications such as angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) and beta blockers." [122]

PARAGRAPH 288. I wrote about the 1998 illness in the article “Uzbekistan authorities want to re-use punitive psychiatry” published on the website www.centrasia.ru on June 12, 2005 as follows (see [123]).

“From the summer of 1997 to May 31, 1998, I rented a room in a two-room apartment in Tashkent in the Lisunov-1 massif, building 88, apartment 8. I am an optimist by nature and continuing to search for a way to solve a family problem, I decided to rent a separate one-room apartment. On May 31, 1998, I rented and moved to a one-room apartment in the Lisunov-2 massif, building 36, apartment 35. In this apartment, part of the wall was painted with green paint and the smell of paint was felt in the room.

Although I was at work during the day (taking pictures) and only came to the apartment to sleep, a few days later I started to have a severe cough. I urgently began to look for another apartment and on June 26, 1998 I moved to a one-room apartment in the Chilanzar-11 massif, house 23, apartment 44. But by that time I became seriously ill and until 3-4 am I was tormented by a strong cough, and the bed became all wet with sweat.

With the help of Associate Professor of the Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors Khamidulla Ubaydullaev (with whom I was associates in the Democratic Party "Erk" in 1991-1993) at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, I received a referral to the Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. They refused to indicate poisoning from an unknown chemical element (gas) and tried to diagnose asthma. I visited this institute for almost a month and underwent a course of treatment. But there was no improvement. Therefore, I went for advice to a doctor I knew, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Talat Kholikov (born in 1940). He turned out to be a specialist in lung diseases. He conducted a course of treatment by administering drugs twice as much as in the Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology. I was cured after two courses of treatment, that is, by the beginning of June 1999.

After such a year-long illness and returning literally from a few steps away from death, I decided to give up on the housing problem and directed all my efforts and financial resources to writing books and articles exposing the police state of Uzbekistan, paying for computer services, copying on a copier and distributing them among citizens with democratic views.

I am sure that some employees of the special services of Uzbekistan were behind these diseases, with the aim of breaking me or bringing me, it seems, to a natural death. But in these circumstances, Allah (Lord God) helped and I was cured. [123]

Subsequently, I came to the conclusion that in June 1998, the poisoning of my respiratory tract and a strong cough were organized by the employees of the National Security Service of Uzbekistan and agents of the US FBI jointly. The leadership of the NSS of Uzbekistan works closely with the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). For many years I have often read articles and books by Russian human rights activists. But I did not read a single fact about the use of poisoning of the respiratory tract by Russian human rights activists and democrats. They use other poisons like Novichok...

5.26.2. 2005: COUGH IN TASHKENT

PARAGRAPH 289. If my memory serves, the Freedom House Tashkent office and its Resource Center were opened in 2004. I learned how to use a computer and the Internet there. His first article “The death penalty must be abolished in Uzbekistan! Sh. Akhmadjonov's address to the session of the Oliy Majlis” was published on the website www.centrasia.ru on August 25, 2004 (see [124]). Later I published many critical articles. We - human rights activists and democrats discussed many different issues in Freedom House and held joint pickets.

I rented a room from October 2002 to June 2005 at the address: Tashkent, Mirabad district, Narkhodzhaev street, building 17, apartment 9. Employees of the Uzbek National Security Service (SNB) conducted drug interrogations at night in my room before important meetings in the Tashkent office of Freedom House. The next morning, my health deteriorated, I sneezed and began to have severe coughs. Apparently, they conducted nightly drug interrogations and gave special injections that acted on the respiratory tract and caused severe coughing. Such preparations are not produced in Uzbekistan. In my opinion, such poisonous drugs were sold by American FBI agents to their Uzbek associates. This is yet another proof that the employees of the National Security Service of Uzbekistan and agents of the US FBI have worked and continue to work closely for many years both in Uzbekistan and in the United States against human rights activists, journalists and other dissidents.

5.26.3. 2019: COUGH IN NEW YORK

PARAGRAPH 290. I wrote in paragraph 137 the following.

“PARAGRAPH 137. An interesting fact: on September 14, 2019, the non-governmental non-profit organization “Mahalla USA” organized a football tournament in honor of the Independence Day of Uzbekistan at the Jack Kaiser Stadium in New York (80th Drive and Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, Queens, New York).

12 teams from 10 states participated in the tournament. More than 700 Uzbeks and other representatives from Central Asia gathered. [64]

The Independence Day of Uzbekistan is September 1, and by that time 14 days have passed since the entire people of Uzbekistan celebrated the holiday. In those September days, Dilkhayot Kasimov was being tried in a New York court. In my opinion, the FBI did not want the participation of Uzbeks in the trial and they asked their partners employees of the State Security Service (SSS) of Uzbekistan to organize a distraction event, which was a football tournament. This is, first of all. Secondly, they wanted to know the mood of the Uzbeks towards the trials of the Uzbeks in New York.

As I wrote above, I spent the night in the cars of a moving subway train. Somewhere since September 12, 2019, I began to have severe coughs. I also had such coughs in Tashkent, when the Uzbek National Security Service (SNB) conducted drug interrogations at night in Tashkent before important meetings in the Tashkent office of Freedom House. Apparently, they conducted nightly drug interrogations and gave special injections that act on the respiratory tract of a person and cause severe coughing. Such preparations are not produced in Uzbekistan. Apparently, such poisonous drugs were sold by American FBI agents to their Uzbek associates. This was yet another proof that the NSS officers of Uzbekistan and the US FBI agents are working in close cooperation both in Tashkent and in New York against human rights activists, journalists and other dissidents.

I coughed a lot in those days. I was also at the Kaiser Stadium in New York on September 14, 2019. I did not know about the trial of Dilkhayot Kasimov. After my arrival in New York and during the football tournament, I asked several Uzbeks about the fate of the arrested Uzbeks. They replied that they did not know. I planned to study the allegations and defense of these Uzbeks after finishing the long article “New Cyber Weapons Tested in Washington” ([42]), which I began to write in those days. I learned about the trial on September 27, 2019, after the announcement of the court verdict: on September 24, a New York court sentenced Dilkhayot Kasimov to 30 years in prison. [65]

The violent cough ended a few days later in New York. There were also coughs in Tashkent. Since then, more than two years have passed and the cough did not bother me, thank the Lord God (Allah)”

I am sure: in September 2019, the poisoning of my respiratory tract and a strong cough were organized by the employees of the National Security Service of Uzbekistan and agents of the US FBI jointly. Purpose: to prevent my participation and in the future to write an article about the New York trial of Dilhayot Kasimov. If I somehow found out the place of the trial of Dilkhayot Kasimov and came to the court, then in the courtroom I would start coughing heavily. Naturally, the judge would have asked me to leave the courtroom ...


PARAGRAPH 291. On March 31, 2023, I wrote a Message to my newspaper buyers asking for help finding a room to rent.

“Dear _________________________
Please help me find a room to rent. I am ready to pay $500-$600 per month for renting a room. I have been living in the US since January 2010 and in Washington DC since April 2012.
I have been persecuted by people in civilian clothes since January 2010. I believe they are agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and people associated with them. They organized 21 thefts and 4 robberies. I wrote about these and other crimes in a 250-page complaint, accompanied by many documents and photographs. I will finally finish it and translate it into English within 2-3 weeks. Then I will send it to the President of the United States, Mr. Joe Biden and the leaders of international human rights organizations.
I rented a room in Maryland in August 2014. I wrote a complaint in February 2015 to then US President Mr. Barack Obama. I was kicked out of that apartment in June 2015. FBI agents and people associated with them blocked my search for a room to rent.
I rented a room in Virginia in December 2015. I was kicked out after two months.
FBI agents and people associated with them have been poisoning me since 2015. They add poison to my food, water, drinks. He wrote more about this in his 250-page complaint.
I have to spend my nights at McDonald's. You can’t sleep there, otherwise you will be thrown out into the street. I come to McDonald's at night at 23:00-24:00 hours. Libraries close at 20:00 or 21:00. Cafes and large grocery stores close at 21:00 or 22:00 hours. I get on the subway and fall asleep in the corner seat of the car while I get to my station. FBI agents and people associated with them are also chasing me in the car: they beat me or press hard on my kidney. Already when leaving the subway, I begin to feel pain in the kidney. Such persecution in the subway continues for more than three months.
I have to spend my nights at McDonald's. You can’t sleep there, otherwise you will be thrown out into the street. I leave McDonald's early in the morning and often fall asleep on the bus before the final stop. On Sunday, March 26, 2023, I left McDonald's at 5:00 am and boarded bus 46 at 5:15 am. There were two men inside the bus. I fell asleep. My right kidney hurt for two days. I think he or they beat my right kidney together.
On March 30, 2023, I boarded bus 34 at the Medical Center stop at 6:15 am. There were 7-8 men on the bus. I fell asleep in the corner in the front seat. My right kidney has been sick since March 30th. I think one of them beat my right kidney. It is appropriate to say that sometimes an additional bus is sent to the route with their people with a specific task.
In short, I have only one way to stay alive: find and rent a room as soon as possible. Otherwise, the FBI agents and people associated with them will finally crack down on me, even to the point of murder by an incurable kidney disease.
Please help me find a room to rent and let me know personally. Since the FBI agents and people associated with them block all my communications via email and phone. It is important for me to know the owner's name, address and the amount of the rent.

Thanks in advance

Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov,
human rights activist, freelance journalist, refugee and seller of the “Street Sense”
March 31 - Aprel 4, 2023”

I distributed about one hundred copies of the Appeal to my newspaper buyers on Saturday and Sunday. It's been about fifteen days. On April 14 or 15, 2023, I started to have severe and repeated sneezes. I also started coughing and it got worse. I spent the night at a McDonald's at 1390 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852. I believe the poisoning of my respiratory tract was staged at McDonald's overnight.

I usually spend the night at my laptop listening to music or songs, watching movies or typing the next article. I listen to them through headphones connected to my laptop. I have noticed many times: FBI agents and people associated with them connect through my laptop and send harmful waves, including harmful soul waves. As a result, the head begins to hurt and itch, it is strongly drawn to sleep and the eyes begin to close, and so on. I'm sure they installed special malware on my laptop in advance to achieve this effect.

At McDonald's, several men spend most of the night typing codes into their laptops to harm my health. Also in April 2023, at night, several men sit at a laptop almost all night and follow the orders of their boss, who manages using a mobile phone. An interesting fact: they almost always point their laptop in my direction. I noticed that they tried to increase my coughs with the help of harmful wills. I had severe coughs on the night of April 24-25, 2023. This was facilitated by the fact that I was sitting with the laptop turned on and with a headphone. I spent the night of 25/26 April without a laptop. As a result, the cough was much less.

Please note: FBI agents and people associated with them are blocking my ability to seek, receive and distribute any kind of information. By doing so, they flagrantly violate the First Amendment to the US Constitution on freedom of speech ([34]) and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ([35]).

It remains to be said: as of today - Decembr 11, 2023, the problem of renting a room has not yet been resolved.

PART 6. 2023-2024: CRIMES

PARAGRAPH 292. As I wrote in the Introduction, I completed the first version of the Complaint Statement on October 21, 2021, which consisted of 81 paragraphs (see part 3). The second version of the Statement-Complaint, consisting of paragraph 179, was published in his Diary by “Turon-Shukhratjoni” on November 19, 2021 (see [125]). The third version of the Statement-Complaint, consisting of 331 paragraphs, was published in his Diary “Turon-Shukhratjoni” on March 1, 2023 (see [126]). In 2023, I sent a complaint statement in Russian several times to various international organizations. I completed the translation of the Complaint Statement into English on December 13, 2023.

PARAGRAPH 293. FBI agents and associated people continued to organize thefts, robberies and other types of crimes against me in 2023-2024. Therefore, I decided to add another part about recent crimes. Then I will send a Complaint Statement in English to the leadership and US Congressmen, FBI police chiefs and international human rights organizations.

PARAGRAPH 294. BEATING AND KIDNEY POISONING. I wrote in paragraph 257: “FBI agents and related people are using many methods to make me fall ill with an incurable disease. Over the last few months, they have been trying very hard to completely make my kidneys sick and thereby deal with me. Their main method is gradual poisoning through food and drinks. They have many additional methods. One of the ways is beating my kidneys during night drug interrogations.”

The problem could be solved by finding a room to rent. But the FBI agents and people associated with them blocked all my communications through email and telephone. Therefore, I decided to write to my newspaper customers on April 4, 2023. Below is the full text.

“Dear _________________________ ________________________________
Please help me find a room to rent. I am ready to pay $500-$600 per month for renting a room. I have been living in the US since January 2010 and in Washington DC since April 2012.
I have been persecuted by people in civilian clothes since January 2010. I believe they are agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and people associated with them. They organized 21 thefts and 4 robberies. I wrote about these and other crimes in a 250-page complaint, accompanied by many documents and photographs. I will finally finish it and translate it into English within 2-3 weeks. Then I will send it to the President of the United States, Mr. Joe Baidin and the leaders of international human rights organizations.
I rented a room in Maryland in August 2014. I wrote a complaint in February 2015 to then US President Mr. Barack Obama. I was kicked out of that apartment in June 2015. FBI agents and people associated with them blocked my search for a room to rent.
I rented a room in Virginia in December 2017. I was kicked out after two months.
FBI agents and people associated with them have been poisoning me since 2015. They add poison to my food, water, drinks. He wrote more about this in his 250-page complaint.
I have to spend my nights at McDonald's. You can’t sleep there, otherwise you will be thrown out into the street. I come to McDonald's at night at 23:00-24:00 hours. Libraries close at 20:00 or 21:00. Cafes and large grocery stores close at 21:00 or 22:00 hours. I get on the subway and fall asleep in the corner seat of the car while I get to my station. FBI agents and people associated with them are also chasing me in the car: they beat me or press hard on my kidney. Already when leaving the subway car, I begin to feel pain in my kidney. This kind of persecution in the metro has been going on for more than three months.
I have to spend my nights at McDonald's. You can’t sleep there, otherwise you will be thrown out into the street. I leave McDonald's early in the morning and often fall asleep on the bus before the final stop. On Sunday, March 26, 2023, I left McDonald's at 5:00 am and boarded bus 46 at 5:15 am. There were two men inside the bus. I fell asleep. My right kidney hurt for two days. I think he or they beat my right kidney together.
On March 30, 2023, I boarded bus 34 at the Medical Center stop at 6:15 am. There were 7-8 men on the bus. I fell asleep in the corner in the front seat. My right kidney has been sick since March 30th. I think one of them beat my right kidney. It is appropriate to say that sometimes an additional bus is sent to the route with their people with a specific task.
In short, I have only one way to stay alive: find and rent a room as soon as possible. Otherwise, the FBI agents and people associated with them will finally crack down on me, even to the point of murder by an incurable kidney disease.
I printed my photo to show to the landlord of the rented room.
Please help me find a room to rent and let me know personally. Since the FBI agents and people associated with them block all my communications via email and phone. It is important for me to know the owner's name, address and the amount of the rent.

Thanks in advance

Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov,
human rights activist, freelance journalist, refugee and seller of the Street Sense newspaper
March 31 - Aprel 4, 2023”

Searching and finding a room to rent was not difficult. All you have to do is go to the website www.washingtondc.craigslist.org , call the appropriate owner according to the advertisements, arrange to rent a room and let me know. Unfortunately, Americans are very afraid of FBI agents and people associated with them. Apparently, this is why not a single reader helped me in searching and finding a room to rent.

PARAGRAPH 295. TWENTY-SECOND AND TWENTY-THIRD THEFT. I wrote in previous paragraphs about 21 thefts. After them, at least four thefts were organized. Perhaps I will add about them in the Uzbek translation of this Complaint Statement. Now I will continue the numbering and write about the 22-23rd theft.

In the Washington, DC there is a 50 percent discount on travel on public transport, that is, on the bus and subway, for those who are 65 years of age or older. There is a special “Senior Smartrip” travel card for this. I started using it in 2000.

In 2023, FBI agents and people associated with them decided to monitor my movement on public transport using my “Senior Smartrip” card. At night in the summer of 2023, my “Senior Smartrip” card disappeared from my purse at McDonald’s, or rather, it was stolen. This was the 22nd theft.

I went, paid two dollars and received a new “Senior Smartrip” card. FBI agents and people associated with them were unable to control my movements. Apparently, they didn’t register my new card or something else happened. So, they decided to repeat the theft.

Several days passed. Night. I sit in McDonald's and sometimes close my eyes for a few minutes and open them. It's about one o'clock in the morning. Someone tugged at my purse and I opened my eyes. A respectable man in his thirties sits to my left, rummaging through my purse and looking for something. I asked: “What is the problem?” He stood up silently and left.

Another two hours passed. I open my eyes and see: that man is sitting at the table opposite me, taking my things out of my bag and putting them on the table. I silently took out my phone and took a photo of him. He silently stood up and left. It turned out that he managed to take half of the things out of the bag. I put all my things back in my bag. But there was no “Senior Smartrip” travel card. So, he committed another 23rd theft.

I went this afternoon and bought a new “Senior Smartrip” card. One or two days passed. I decided to go to McDonald's located near the metro station at 2620 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, Virginia, 22202. Midnight. The last bus has arrived. I walked in, put my travel card on the cash machine and sat down in the seat. I'm the only one on the bus. I felt anxious in my heart and decided to take that bus back to Washington through the Ballston metro station. We drove a few stops and a man about 45 years old got on the bus. He sat in the front seat, took out his phone, and started filming me for about five minutes.

I understood this: the FBI agent determined my location on this bus through my card number and realized that none of the informers were controlling me. And the bus driver didn't report me. He calls the relevant boss and asks where I am. Naturally, he could not answer. The FBI agent scolded him and said that I was traveling on a bus on this route. And he, the boss, drives to the bus stop in his car, gets on the bus and starts filming me.

Later, I noticed: as the bus driver sees me, that I am entering the bus, the driver’s pupils dilate slightly, he gets off the bus and makes a phone call somewhere. Apparently, he is reporting about me. It is possible that punitive measures were taken against some bus drivers because of me. Some drivers started looking at me with dissatisfied eyes, and some stopped stopping the bus at a stop if I was standing alone. For example, bus number 6 did not stop many times in the evening and passed me by.

I don't like it when an innocent person suffers because of me. The cost of a weekly bus ride for ordinary Washington residents is $12, and for people with a “Senior Smartrip” card it is $6. I started using a regular card and paid $12 weekly. Payment is made at the subway machines, which are located in the subway station. Thus, FBI agents and people associated with them were deprived of careful monitoring of me on public transport, especially at night.

FBI agents took another step in November 2023: they removed the “$12” line from the machine, leaving the “$38” line. Now a regular passenger must pay “$38” weekly. I can’t pay “$38” weekly, and I pay $6 with the “Senior Smartrip” card. This is how they control my movement on public transport. Thus, they have the opportunity to organize the theft of my things and provocations against me.

PARAGRAPH 296. BAN ON SALE OF THE NEWSPAPER “STREET SENSE” UNTIL 2028. I wrote that I have been living in the USA since January 2010 and in Washington, DC since April 2012. I make my living selling Street Sense at Eastern Market on Saturdays and at Dupont Circle Market on Sundays.

I wrote in paragraphs 190-199 that FBI agents often sent provocateur vendors to my place of work, that is, to my place of sale of the Street Sense newspaper during 2012-2023 and gave several examples.

Law enforcement officers, including FBI agents and informants, repeatedly photographed and videotaped me and my newspaper buyers from 2012 to 2023. They were then pursued. And some regular customers stopped buying the newspaper from me. Then I started photographing some of them. As a result, over the course of eleven years, about a hundred of my regular customers at the Dupont Circle market stopped buying the newspaper.

So, FBI agents and informants arranged for me to be charged with photographing in August 2023, and banned from selling the newspaper at Dupont Circle Market for five years, until 2028.

PARAGRAPH 297. To drive me out of the Dupont Circle market, vendor provocateurs were sent many times to where I was selling the newspaper. They sold the Street Sense newspaper near me. Their plan was simple: if I quarreled with these provocateurs, they would prohibit both me and him from selling the newspaper on the market for many years. I warned them first, understanding that this was a provocation. None of them left. So, I took pictures of them with my camera and phone. The next week, when I went to the Street Sense office to pick up a newspaper, I showed the photo and told the manager, “This vendor violated the newspaper vendor law and provoked the Dupont Circle market.” I wrote about this in an article in Russian on August 22, in English on August 23, 2023, and in Uzbek on November 8, 2023, with the addition of 16 photographs of vendor provocateurs (see [127], [128] and [129]). Thus, I have thwarted many times the plans of FBI agents and their associates to drive me out of the market. Therefore, on August 6, 2023, a different method was used against me.

PARAGRAPH 298. The question arises: what is the reason for the persecution of me specifically on July 30 and August 6, 2023? This is related to one of my critical suggestions. The story is like this.

The Street Sense newspaper was published until April 2021 once every two weeks. Starting in April 2021, they began publishing weekly. But due to rising energy prices, rent and other costs of publishing a newspaper, it became impossible to print a newspaper weekly. From July 19, 2023, the newspaper began to be printed once every two weeks. This reduces the meager income of vendors. Because a reader who bought a newspaper last week will not buy a newspaper this week.

On July 28 (Friday), 2023, the next monthly general meeting of Street Sense employees and vendors was held. I wrote a draft “Address to Readers”, proposed to raise the price of the newspaper by one dollar and publish the newspaper weekly, and read it to the meeting (see photo 62).

160490623_SKANmurojENG1 (510x699, 143Kb)
Photo 62. My project “Appeal to Readers”.

My “Appeal to Readers” was put to a vote. The majority voted to raise newspaper prices to $3.

PARAGRAPH 299. My readers often ask if my article is published in the issue. I inform my readers about the news. I printed copies of my “Message to the Readers” and distributed them to every customer at Eastern Market on July 29 (Saturday) and Dupont Circle on July 30 (Sunday) 2023.

Apparently, some heads of law enforcement agencies, including FBI agents and people associated with them, did not like my critical remarks in the Appeal, and they decided to get rid of me by banning my presence and selling the newspaper in Dupont Circle Market on Sundays for as many as five years! I wrote the details in articles [127], [128] and [129].

Another question arises: what did they not like in my “Appeal to Readers”? I wrote it there.

“From May 2022 to May 2023, food prices increased 4.4 percent. Over the year, the index for all items less food and energy increased 3.9 percent” (Consumer Price Index, Washington-Arlington-Alexandria area – May 2023 : Mid–Atlantic Information Office : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov) )

More specific examples. The average cup of coffee before the pandemic cost $1.75. Now - more than $3.0. A subway ride from Gallery Station to Rockville Station cost up to $4.0. From April 2023, we pay $6.0 for a trip to this distance.

We usually shopped at the cheaper Walmart. Recently, one of them, located at (99 H St NW Washington, DC. (202) 719-3720), closed. There are many such examples of price increases.

According to my observations, in recent months there has been a sharp increase in the number of snitches and informers on the streets and on public transport in the District of Columbia. Naturally, the number of managers has increased. Considering that they are highly paid US citizens, then the need for high costs is clear. To cover such costs, in my opinion, taxes on small businesses were sharply increased and prices jumped sharply, primarily in cafes and bars. Some small business owners have found themselves on the brink of bankruptcy and forced to close their businesses. But the main blow was dealt to low-income citizens of the District of Columbia, including pensioners, large families and us vendors" [130], [131]

PARAGRAPH 300. I distributed copies of my “Appeal to the Readers” to every customer at Eastern Market on Saturday, July 29 and Dupont Circle on Sunday, July 30, 2023. On July 30 (Sunday) 2023 at 1:20 pm Mr. Thomas Coleman approached me, said that he was the manager, and started talking about taking photographs.

By the way, I first saw manager Thomas Coleman on July 30 (Sunday) 2023, after more than eleven years of working at the Dupont Circle market. This is a characteristic principle of the work of the leadership of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): to punish a dissident, they send a certain provocateur to this organization. He must collect incriminating material, provoke, create a conflict situation and often fire the dissident. A little time passes and the provocateur is transferred to another place of work to deal with another dissident.

I have difficulty understanding spoken language. I took paper and pen out of my bag and said: “Please write.” Manager Thomas Coleman wrote the following (see photo 63).

160490637_30IYUL1 (700x483, 122Kb)
Photo 63. Note from Mr. Thomas Coleman dated July 30, 2023.

The text of this note.

“I have received complaints from Spring Vallet that their Staff feel uncomfortable havis their pictures taken.

Since many of them are underage and there is no reason to take their photo, I have asked that you refrain from photographing them.

Thomas Coleman
Dupont farmers Market Manager

tommy@ffm.org Katie@ffm.org Itugo@ffm.org
July 30, 2023”

I listened to Mr. Thomas Coleman's words and read his note (see photo 61). I understood this: he asked me not to photograph Spring Vallet employees. I concluded that it limits my rights regarding photography. This restriction of my rights relative to the rights of other Americans is discrimination. So, I told him, “This is discrimination.” He didn't say anything and left.

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Понедельник, 01 Апреля 2024 г. 17:13 + в цитатник



ПАРАГРАФ 272. Агенты Федерального бюро расследований (ФБР) США и с ними связанные люди старались сделать так, чтобы я заболел различными болезнями. Я напишу о трех из них. Им удалось заразить меня грибками моих ногтей ног в шелтере в 2014 году. По моему, они это сделали во время ночных нарко допросах путем контакта с больным человеком или через полотенца, посуду и других вещей больного человека. Такой контакт сопровождают нанесением небольшой раны в коже пальцев ног.

Эта грибковая болезнь называют микоз стоп и относится к разделу медицины называемая Подиатрия.

“Foot mycosis is a disease caused by pathogenic fungi that get on the skin of the feet, penetrate into its thickness, and begin to multiply, feeding on the protein keratin. One of the first symptoms of mycosis of the feet are: itching and burning between the toes. The intensity of itching and soreness of the burning sensation can be different - from slight to severe. Visually, dryness, peeling, keratinization and cracks on the skin of the feet can be detected, while conventional moisturizers and emollients will not help.
Nails change their normal color, become thick, brittle and may crumble. An unpleasant odor appears that was not there before.” [116]

“Q: How dangerous is fungal nail disease? Answer: “From the press conference of Olga Afanasyeva, chief physician of the city of Washington and the region: “Nail fungus penetrates the blood and internal organs, starting the process of sepsis and destroying the body. Mortality from nail fungus in Russia is one of the highest in the world. Not a single infected person lives longer than 10-14 years. [117]

In 2015, I read on websites about this disease and recommendations. I started washing my feet often and changing my socks often. I also often washed my feet with tea soda.

ПАРАГРАФ 273. In November 2018, contacted Dr. Whitman-Walker Health at 1525, 14th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20009. Doctor prescribed medication and referred for consultation at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital (3800 Reservoir Rd NW, Washington, DC 20007). I was at the doctor's appointment on November 19, 2018. He gave me the Final Report document. I printed it in those days.

“MedStar Wound Healing at MGUH
3800 Reservor Road, NVV
1st Fir Bles Bdg
Washington, DC, 20007
Phone: (202) 444-9686

Ambulatory Clinical Summary
Visit Date: 11/19/2018
Scheduled Provider: Paul Kim, DPM

* Final Report *

Visit Date: 11/19/2018

Instructions From Your Provider

Today you were seen and evaluated by. Dr. Kim and Dr. Walters, who were assisted by Christie, RN.
You can finish your course of Lamist, which is an oral anti-fungal.

We use Vitamin A&D lotion to moisturize, which is simlar to Vaseline, but also typically recommend CeraVe, Aquaphor, or Cetaphil creams.

Please try to shower once a day.
Please try to change your socks every day.

Please use deodorant / antiperspirant spray to the bottom of your feet and use Lysol spray (like the cleaning kind) in your shoes. You can do this every morning.

Please talk with your primary care provider regarding finding a place to live.
Weight-bearing: as tolerated in your boots.

Follow up as needed.
To confirm, change, or cancel your appointment, call 202-295-0551.
Please call 202-444-6161 with any clinical questions or concerns»

PARAGRAPH 274. The FBI agents and the people associated with them continued to attempt harm. In one of the nightly drug interrogations, they tried to put fungi under the nails in the big toe of the left foot. In the morning I got up and I see: a white coating appeared in the thumb between the nails and the finger. I washed it, and after one or two days, this plaque disappeared. No longer appeared in the toenails.

After finishing and sending this application-complaint, I will treat my legs.


PARAGRAPH 275. In 2020-2021, I changed the hostel every 14 days, that is, the place to stay overnight. In early 2021, I spent two nights for 14 days at Dc International Hostel 2 at 1418 9th St NW, Washington, DC 20001. The attendant gave me a place in a four-bed room. This room was located on the first floor, the first room on the left side. A strong man, about 30 years old, 175 cm tall, constantly spent the night there. The room was without windows. The air conditioner usually worked. In the future, this provocateur turned off the air conditioner.

PARAGRAPH 276. About 25 different computer cords hung over the bed of this provocateur. He often worked on two laptops. In my opinion, he was also involved in determining the code of stolen and robbed laptops (see paragraph 239).

PARAGRAPH 277. In July 2021, I got up in the morning and see my shins, both legs are very blackened. In my opinion, the FBI agent and people associated with them, with the participation of this provocateur, treated my shins with a strong hot electric stove at night during a drug interrogation until blackened.

The reason was this: I wrote in paragraph 271 that in 2014 an FBI agent and people associated with them made a fungal disease of my feet. I thought that the sun's rays would help kill the fungus in my feet. For this purpose, in the summer of 2015, I took off my shoes, socks, lifted the end of my trousers and opened my shins. Then I walked barefoot on the sidewalk of Farragat Square for 8-10 minutes. An FBI agent, with the help of informers, filmed this episode as well. And now six years have passed and they organize the blackening of both my lower legs.


PARAGRAPH 278. U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents and people associated with them began testing a new cyberweapon against me in November 2012 and have continued to this day, January 2023. I have taken a close look at these and other newer ways of harassing FBI agents and people associated with them against dissidents, including myself. I studied quite well during 2012-2019 and in September-October 2019 I wrote a large article “New cyberweapons are being tested in Washington” (see [42]). I also wrote about this article in paragraph 101 of this Complaint Statement.

PARAGRAPH 279. The agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation continued their brutal ordeal on me. They achieved another result on August 29, 2022: there was a sharp pain in my right hip (leg). They created this pain artificially. I couldn't stand on my feet for four hours. I called an ambulance on 911.

On August 30, 2022, I visited the attending doctor, Ms. Tanuja Devaraj, at Whitman-Walker Health. I had an appointment for August 31, 2022.

On August 31st Dr. Mrs. Tanuja Devaraj listened to me and examined my thigh. She referred for X-rays at the Radiology Center (2141 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20037). She scheduled another appointment for September 7, 2022.

I took x-rays on September 6, 2022 at the Radiology Center. On September 6, I wrote a five-page Appeal in Russian addressed to Mrs. Tanuja Devaraj, where I gave explanations about what had happened. The appeal was translated into English and handed over to her on September 7, 2022. I asked for this Appeal to be added to my medical file. I asked for a diagnosis. She said, “The X-rays have not yet been sent from the Radiology Center. After receiving the x-ray, I will write you a diagnosis.” The next appointment was scheduled for December 20, 2022.

PARAGRAPH 280. On September 9, 2022, I expanded the Message to six pages with additional important facts, and this version was transmitted to Dr. Tanuja Devaraj through the nurse, Ms. Michelle Lee. Below is the text of the appeal.

“Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov (Uzbek, born in 1954)
Mailing address:
216 Tulip Dr.,
Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20877
E-mail: havassh54@gmail.com , jiz54@mail.ru

Tanuja Devaraj, MD
Whitman Walker Health
1525 14th Street NW
Washington DC 20009

September 6-9, 2022

Dear Ms. Tanuja Devaraj,

I have been a vendor and have been selling the Street Sense newspaper since October 2012. On August 27 (Saturday), 2022, I was selling a newspaper on the corner of North Carolina and 7th Street SE near the Estern Market. Suddenly there was pain in the right thigh. I usually sell the newspaper while sitting on a round stool. The pain disappeared when sitting. So he worked for several hours and went home. There was pain in the hip, but tolerable.

On the morning of August 29 (Monday), 2022, I was selling a newspaper on the sidewalk of 7th Street SE near 327. Suddenly the pain in my right hip started and started to get worse. By 2:00 pm, due to severe pain, I could not stand and walk. I sat down and hoped the pain would subside. Four hours passed, and the pain did not subside. At my request, the American called 911 and called for an ambulance.

An ambulance took me to Georgetown Hospital (MedStar Georgetown University Hospital: 3800 Reservoir Road NW, Washington, DC 20007). I was served by Dr. Andrew Cottrill and Glesser. One employee checked the integrity of the bones of my thigh in the equipment. Everything was fine there. I was given the same two pills to reduce pain. They also gave me a cane (and copies of documents about the work done in the hospital. A.Sh. 11/21/2022)

The last bus has left. I spent the night in the hospital sitting in a hospital wheelchair. My hip hurt a lot. On the morning of August 30, I took a taxi from the hospital to Whitman-Walker Health (1525 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009).

On the evening of August 30, they organized the theft of my X-ray documents (copies of the documents issued to me in the hospital, A.Sh. 11/21/2022). I have been sleeping in a three-story hostel on the third floor since the summer of 2020 (DC International Hostel 2. 1418 9th Street NW, Washington, D.C., DC 20001). I returned to the hostel in a taxi on the evening of August 30th. The right leg hurt badly. I myself could not lift the bag and cart to the third floor. The two men decided to help. I agreed. But I couldn't control it. They quickly climbed to the third floor. I got up slowly with a bad leg. At one point, one of them opened his bag and took out x-ray documents. This is the TWENTIETH THEFT of my belongings and documents since November 2012. Yes, I left the hostel on September 6, 2022 (since due to travel to medical facilities and frequent taxi fares, I was deprived of the ability to pay for the cost of an overnight stay in a hostel in the amount of more than $40 daily, A.Sh. 11/21/2022).

I am sure that the cause of the pain in my legs is external harmful interference in my soul. That is, a painful effect on my thigh (leg) was made through my soul.

I believe one of the connection of the soul to the body is through a bundle of nerves in the thigh (leg). Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the people associated with them broke the normal contact of the nerves in the hip and soul with the help of soul waves. Therefore, a very painful sensation occurs without noticeable bodily injury. Also, x-rays will not give an answer about the cause of the pain.

With the help of soul waves, the inner contact of the soul and body of an individual or a group of people can be damaged. If the normal internal contact of the soul and body is disturbed, a person develops severe pain in this part of the body. In my case, they reached a violation of the internal contact of the soul and thigh (leg).

From January 2010 to November 2012, FBI agents and people associated with them and employees of the National Security Service of Uzbekistan tried almost all possible methods of persecution and provocation in Boise and Washington in order to break me. They organized 19 thefts against me and 4 robberies of my things from November 2012 to October 2019. But they didn't succeed. I suppose that's when, in November 2012, at a fairly high level, they allowed me to use a new cyberweapon against me. This weapon is based on the impact on the soul of a person and thus trying to achieve the desired results in the management of this person, and in the future - large groups of people, including military enemy states.

I later realized that the informers often dialed the codes of new soul waves in a row and thereby wanted to determine exactly which wave affects me. At the same time, several informers dialed codes in sequence, and at the same time, two or three informers from both sides filmed me on video. It was with the help of the video that they could later determine at what minute it affected me. The leaders compared and determined at that moment which of the waves was directed in my direction. For the first time, a certain small range of influence was determined. And the next time they start with this small range and determine the wave code exactly. The defined code is then frequently used by various snitchers and inspectors. This is how the code of the influencing wave is determined step by step.

As noted above, I sell a newspaper on the 7th Street sidewalk in front of 327 near the Estern Market. Cars stop at the edge of the street and some drivers spend hours dialing a code on their phone-like machine. They usually don't pay for parking so they don't get fixed. They also spend hours dialing codes that sit in the nearest cafe. One of the centers of informers is located nearby, they often go there and consult.

The test to use a new cyberweapon against me began in November 2012 and continues to this day - September 2022. I have carefully studied these and other new methods of persecution of US intelligence agencies against dissidents, including me. After studying for seven years quite well, he wrote a large article “New cyberweapons are being tested in Washington” and published on websites in September-October 2019 (see [42]).

In article [42], I listed the achievements of FBI agents and people associated with them from 2013 to 2019 as a result of the use of emotional waves against me. I will write the titles of the paragraphs from the article [42]:
"14. 2013-2014: First results.
15. 2015: Sleep deprivation attempts.
16. 2015: First major impact on me.
17. 2016-2019: Harmful influence during mental work.
18. 2019: Cough and sneeze.” [42]

I will write further explanations in paragraphs based on the article [42].

PARAGRAPH 280.1. It is known that the Lord God created man from the body and soul. Throughout a person's life, it is the soul that controls. The soul comes into the body of babies in the womb. This spirit then grows with the body of that child until death.

“The weight of the “subtle substance” (soul) was received in 1990 by the researcher Lyell Watson from New York University. In his experiments, the dead became lighter by 2.5 - 6.5 grams. And almost the same results were obtained by Dr. Eugenius Kugis from the Institute of Semiconductors of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences in 2006. He found that at the time of death a person loses from 3 to 7 grams” [118]

PARAGRAPH 280.2. The Lord God distributed human activity during the day into two parts: a person is awake for approximately 2/3 of the day and regulates his activity with the help of the spirit in his body. Then, approximately 1/3 of the day, the soul of each person rests. At the same time, most of the soul leaves the human body and rests in heaven. When the spirit is about to leave the body, that person begins to sleep.

The soul in the body leaves a minimal part of the soul to maintain the life of this body in a state of sleep. The spirit itself rises high above the sleeping body. But the spirit has a constant connection through a very thin, especially luminous thread, which is called the “silver thread”. At the first need, for example, if someone is a sleeping person, the soul quickly returns to the body of that person.

“It has long been known that a decrease in body weight is recorded during sleep. In an experiment by Swiss scientists, 23 volunteers lay down on ultra-sensitive scale beds and fell asleep. At the moment when a person crossed the line between reality and sleep, he lost 4 to 6 grams in weight.” [118]

PARAGRAPH 280.3. In the technical field, there are long and short waves (LW and HF), with the help of which radio equipment, including radio, work. There are also ultrashort waves (VHF), with the help of which television equipment, including televisions, work. Our civilization has learned how to contactless at a distance to influence an object, say, equipment, for example, using a remote control during turning on, off, transferring TV channels. Radio waves and ultrashort waves help us with this.

In the same way, you can influence the soul of a person. But the human soul is controlled by fundamentally different waves. As far as I know, these waves have not yet been named and a definite name has not been accepted internationally. Therefore, we will conditionally call them SOUL WAVES.

Now I can simply explain the principle of operation of the new cyberweapon. With the help of the soul waves of the new cyberweapon, they want to partially expel the spirit of a certain person and thereby make him sleep, or at least doze off. Also, with the help of soul waves, the internal contact of the soul and body of an individual or a group of people can be damaged. If the normal internal contact of the soul and body is disturbed, a person develops severe pain in this part of the body. In my case, they reached a violation of the internal contact of the soul and thigh (leg).

PARAGRAPH 280.4. The leadership and specialists of the FBI and the Pentagon, based on many years of using powdered, airy and evaporating sleeping pills against citizens, guessed that it was possible to develop a new cyberweapon that would generate or transmit special soul waves and would put groups of people to sleep at a distance, including soldiers of enemy states.

US scientists and specialists developing this type of weapon did not know how to emit the necessary soul waves in order to achieve lulling or harming an individual. They decided to determine this by trial and error. Given the wide range of testing of various waves, the leadership of the special services with the relevant interested military decided to conduct a test among some US residents.

After the start of large-scale tests, it would become known to a certain circle of Americans, and in the future - to foreigners. Then some of the authorities could be punished for publishing the secret developments of a new cyberweapon. To protect against this accusation, the leadership of the Pentagon and the US intelligence agencies decided to pre-publish 87 pages of general information about new weapons being developed at the Pentagon. This is how the Pentagon's secret list of weapons was published in 2011 in the form of the "(U) Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Reference Book" (Reference of Non-Lethal Weapons) (see [119].

PARAGRAPH 280.5. The question arises: who participated in a large-scale experiment on the use of cyber weapons among US residents? The FBI and the police used snitchs and informers in this case. Every snitch and informant walks around with a backpack. The first phone is installed inside the backpack, and the second is in the informer's hand. A backpack phone is directed at a certain citizen, and at this time the informer is standing with its back to this citizen. Therefore, the citizen does not suspect that the informer is filming him on the phone. The informer controls the backpack with the second phone, that is, directs the backpack phone to the citizen and takes pictures or video pictures at the right time. The main convenience is that with the help of a backpack phone, you can freely take photos and videos while a citizen is moving, and the frames are high-quality, clear and accurate.

PARAGRAPH 280.6. Snitches and whistleblowers also constantly typed something in their telephone-like devices pretending to type text and send SMS (Short Message Service). Sometimes the snitch actually sent SMS to his boss and consulted. Often the head of this group of informers sat nearby in cars and in response sent another order in the form of SMS. This method of covert contact between the informer and the leader was very convenient for the higher authorities. In this case, higher authorities usually have the opportunity to control their communication. Also, if necessary, the team leader can contact the higher authorities and report on the situation and consult.

I later realized that the informers often dialed the codes of new soul waves in a row and thereby wanted to determine exactly which wave affects me. At the same time, several informers dialed codes in sequence, and at the same time, two or three informers from both sides filmed me on video. It was with the help of the video that they could later determine at what minute it affected me. The leaders compared and determined at that moment which of the waves was directed in my direction. For the first time, a certain small range of influence was determined. And the next time they start with this small range and determine the wave code exactly. The defined code is then frequently used by various snitchers and inspectors. This is how the code of the influencing wave is determined step by step.

PARAGRAPH 280.7. If you doubt the existence of the human soul and even the souls of dead people, I recommend watching the TV show America's Psychic Challenge ([120]). The show premiered on October 12, 2007 on the Lifetime Television Network. The first season of Ukraine's "Battle of Psychics" aired on October 28, 2007 ([121]). They have been watched by millions of citizens for over 14 years.

PARAGRAPH 280.8. It is appropriate to invite strong and experienced psychics for advice and assistance in solving this crime. After all, violations of my health are caused with the help of spiritual waves, that is, the soul. They can help to find the source of harmful soul waves and some of the participants in the crime.

PARAGRAPH 280.9. Some important facts. I arrived on August 30, 2022 at Whitman-Walker Health and booked an appointment with you for August 31. The hip hurt a lot. I couldn't stand up. I moved around sitting on a round stool and rearranged my legs and my bags. So he stopped a taxi. The driver loaded my bags into the trunk. I barely got into the back seat.

We arrived at Whole Foods Market (4420 Willard Ave, Chevy Chase, MD 20815). The pain in my hip subsided and I walked into the store with my feet, leaning on a cane.

I took x-rays on September 6, 2022 at the Radiology Center (2141 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20037). Inside the building, the pain in my hip decreased.

I sell the Street Sense newspaper on Saturdays near the Estern Market. Every Saturday there are many informers around me. They shoot a lot and dial codes. Some do it for hours. Apparently for this reason, at the end of the working day on September 3 (Saturday), that is, by 15 o’clock my hip hurt very much. I couldn't stand up. I moved around sitting on a round stool and rearranged my legs and my bags. So I came to the edge of Pennsilvaniya Avenue. I called a taxi and left for the hostel.

The same situation was on September 4 (Sunday) at Freshfarm Dupont Circle Market. I sell a newspaper there on Sundays. There are also a lot of informers and they type codes a lot. At the end of the working day, that is, by 13:30, my hip hurt very badly. I couldn't stand up. Before the bus stop, I moved around sitting on a round stool and rearranged my legs and my bags. Called a taxi and left. We arrived at Whole Foods Market (4420 Willard Ave, Chevy Chase, MD 20815). The pain in my hip subsided and I walked into the store with my feet, leaning on a cane.

PARAGRAPH 280.10. In September 2021, I started writing a big complaint to US President Mr. Joe Baidin and the leaders of international human rights organizations. I am writing there, based on the facts, my assumption that 19 thefts and 4 robberies were organized and carried out by agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and people associated with them.

I planned to write only about 19 thefts and 4 robberies organized by FBI agents and people associated with them. I completed the first version of the complaint on October 21, 2021, which consisted of 81 paragraphs. Then I decided to add relevant documents and photos about these robberies and thefts. During the writing of the second version of the complaint, the FBI agents and people associated with them intensified surveillance, harassment, poisoning, and so on. I realized: they can make me seriously ill. As a result, I have no other opportunity to write the following complaint about their other crimes. Therefore, I decided to add information and facts about the punitive psychiatry of the United States, and about their twenty-two types of crimes against me. This is on the one hand.

On the other hand, additional facts about punitive psychiatry and twenty-two types of crime better reveal and prove the participation of FBI agents and people associated with them in these unconstitutional and illegal crimes.

To this list of long crimes, I will add their next crime with the use of soul waves and inflicted pain in the thigh of my leg in September 2022.

PARAGRAPH 280.11. I am Muslim. It is obligatory for an ordinary Muslim to go to the mosque and pray to Allah (God) on Fridays and on Muslim holidays. Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States and people associated with them deprived me of the opportunity to pray normally. On September 2 and 9 I was not able to go to the mosque and pray. Tomorrow, September 16, I plan to go to the mosque for Friday prayers. Muslim scholars and imams allow praying while sitting on an armchair if the health of a Muslim does not allow. (September 15, 2022, I added this paragraph to 280.11 A.S.)

PARAGRAPH 280.12. So, the cause of the pain in my leg is external harmful interference in my soul. That is, a painful effect on my thigh (leg) was made through my soul. With the help of soul waves, the inner contact of the soul and body of an individual or a group of people can be damaged. If the normal internal contact of the soul and body is disturbed, a person develops severe pain in this part of the body. In my case, the FBI agents and people associated with them achieved a violation of the internal contact of the soul and hip (leg) and caused me pain and damage to my health.

Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights reads as follows.

“Article 7. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.” [35]

Based on this international law, it is appropriate to make a request to the leadership of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. There you can write the following: “Citizen of Uzbekistan Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov claims that without his consent he was subjected to night drug interrogations and various other experiments from 2010 to 2022. Question: Have such experiments been carried out? If so, what experiences and results?” (End Appeal)

PARAGRAPH 281. Knowing that intelligence agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, do not like publicity, I reproduced the text of this Address and began distributing Street Sense newspapers free of charge to my readers in the city of Washington in September 2022. As a result, from the end of September 2022, the harmful emotional waves stopped gaining and the pain in the thigh disappeared. I am currently walking normally. Perhaps they temporarily stopped using painful waves against me before Christmas and New Year holidays in the USA.

PARAGRAPH 282. On November 11, 2022, I wrote the following letter to Dr. Tanuja Devaraj.

“November 11, 2022

Dear Ms. Tanuja Devaraj,

They sent me the following four documents.
1. Invoice (DC Fire and Ems) requires payment of $1,075.00 (see Appendix 1).
2. Whitman-Walker Health requires $308.60 (see Attachment 2).
3. Medstar Health requires $410.00 (see Appendix 3).
4. Medstar Health is asking for $3,089.56 (see Appendix 4).

They require payment in the total amount of $4,882.16. I don't have that kind of money.

Let me remind you: I am a refugee from Uzbekistan and have been living in the USA since January 2010. I have been using Whitman-Walker Health since 2018. There was never any question of money. After my critical message to people about illegal tests and pain in my leg in September 2022, they are demanding payment of almost five thousand dollars. I believe that such cases against me continue to be organized by certain FBI agents and people associated with them.

I need to know how these requirements are justified and legal. Therefore, I have a few questions. Please give me a written answer to the following questions.

1. You are Dr. Tanuja Devaraj of Whitman-Walker Health interviewed me on August 31 and September 7, 2022. I asked for a diagnosis. On September 7th, Ms. Michelle Lee (Client Care Nurse) gave me the History of Present Illness and told me the following record of the diagnosis (see Appendix 5).

“History of Present Illness
*Narrative Note: 68 year old patient was here today to duscuss the process of getting onto the public benefits schedule. Patient was seen prior by Dr Devaraj and still awaiting results from Xraay. NCM and Ptient Discuss the wheelchair and the need for insurance first before the wheelchair can be ordered. Patient is to come into the clinic tomorrow to be seen by PBIN and if needed NCM Michelle Follow up.»

This is not a diagnosis. I wish to receive an answer about the diagnosis from you - Dr. Tanuja Devaraj and requested to meet with you. Ms. Michelle Lee (Client Relations Nurse) said that I have rights to see the doctor in December 2022. Thus, I still do not know the diagnosis of the disease. Please write the exact diagnosis of the disease.

2. I am a refugee and have been living in the US since January 2010. I am 68 years old. I have been unemployed since January 2012. Am I eligible for health insurance to pay for medical services?

3. If I am eligible for health insurance, what amount or types of care per year?

4. Please provide links to relevant US laws.

5. At the Whitman-Walker Health building, the insurance navigator asked me various questions about insurance and filled out some documents in mid-September 2022. She sent some documents on my behalf to some organization about my health insurance. I asked for copies of these documents. But they didn't give me. Please provide me with copies of these documents, as well as a copy of the response document that came from that organization.

I await your written response.”

PARAGRAPH 283. On December 21, 2022, Dr. Tanuja Devaraj gave me the following written response.

“Tanuja Devaraj, MD
1525 14th Street NW Washington, DC 20009
2301 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE, Washington, DC 20020


To Whom It May Concern:

Re: Ahmadjonov, Shuhratjon

This letter is in response to questions presented to us in clinic.

1. Tanuja Devaraj MD, have evaluated patient in Whitman-Walker Health clinic today. This letter is to confirm medical history of right leg pain. Patient with history of right leg pain and difficulty weight bearing, seen initially on 8/31/22. X-Ray obtained on 9/06/2022 with no abnormality. Pain resolved with time and supportive care when seen for follow up on 09/07/22. Etiology is likely musculoskeletal strain.

2. Bill from WWH from $308.60, will send a massage to Billing to set up a meeting to discuss billing, insurance status.

3. Will need to contact benefits department at Medstar Health to discuss billing.

4. Insurance department at WW will check into your insurance and help address.

If any furter questions, please contact us.



Tanuja Devaraj, MD
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Internal Medicine»

PARAGRAPH 284. On December 21, 2022 Tanuja Devaraj attached a response from Inrid L. Ott, MD, of the Washington Radiology Center.


MRN: 1178678 AGE: 68
DOS: 09/06/2022 OUTSIDE MRN:
DICTATED: 09/06/2022 12:58 PM


1525 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20005


Clinical history: Acute right leg pain. The patient denies trauma.

No previous examinations are available for comparison.

Plain films of the right hip demonstrate preservation of the normal bone mineraldensity. No osteolytic blastic lesions are seen. There is no evidence of fracture or disiolocation. The articular surfaces are preserved. The soft tissues are unremarkable.

IMPRESSION: Unremarkable plain films of the right hip.

Plain films of the right femur.

There is preservation of the normal bone mineral density. No osteolytic or blastic lesions are seen. There is suestion of lateral joint space narrowin involving the riht knee. No knee joint effusion is noted. The soft tissues are unremarkable.

IMPRESSION: Unremarkable plain films of the right femur.

This report was electronically signed by:



PARAGRAPH 285. Some of my preliminary conclusions.

Firstly, since August 31, 2022, I have contacted Dr. Tanuja Devaraj many times with a request to provide me with a diagnosis of the disease. She provided me with a diagnosis on December 21, 2022.

Secondly, Dr. Tanuja Devaraj did not provide any medical assistance. She called a taxi twice.

Third, I don't particularly understand the $3,089.56 payment requirement for Medstar Health. Where does this amount come from and for what services do I have to pay such a large amount?

Fourth, in my opinion, there is a criminal conspiracy of the MD and FBI agents to cover up years of illegal testing of a new cyber weapon against me and harm to my health.

It is appropriate to say that the FBI agents and people associated with them, with the help of informants, continue to persecute me and their inhuman experiment. They do it, as before, often in public transport, that is, in the subway and bus. In my opinion they are looking for a code for the left leg. Sometimes I feel a slight tingling sensation in my left thigh (leg). I felt such a slight tingling in my right leg for several days of severe pain on August 30, 2022.

If they manage to find the code of influence on the place of contact of my soul and body in the left thigh, then they will be able to direct harmful mental waves against me at any time and affect both my legs. Then I won't even be able to stand on my feet because of the severe pain. It's dangerous enough for me...

I will deal with these issues after completing and submitting this Statement of Complaint.

PARAGRAPH 286. I wrote in paragraph 280 the following.

“The test to use a new cyberweapon against me began in November 2012 and continues to this day - September 2022. I have carefully studied these and other new methods of persecution of US intelligence agencies against dissidents, including me. After studying well enough for seven years (2012-2019), I wrote a long article “New cyberweapons are being tested in Washington” and published on websites in September-October 2019 (see [42])”

I wrote important conclusions regarding the new cyberweapon in the last 19-paragraph of the article [42]. These conclusions are still relevant today and I will present them here.


286.1. It can be unequivocally said that there is the possibility of developing many different types of cyberweapons based on the defeat of the souls of people.

286.2. Varieties of such cyberweapons can be developed in various states. It is hard to imagine what will happen to Earth civilization if such cyberweapons are developed hundreds of types of large and small sizes. And then they start killing each other from a distance.

286.3. In the future, there is the possibility of developing such a new cyberweapon that will be able to hit groups of people from an airplane and from spacecraft flying into near-Earth orbit.

286.4. Let's take China as an example. China has the largest number of prisoners. The Chinese military and intelligence agencies, when developing and experimenting, they have quite a lot of opportunity to conduct a wide variety of experiments. China in its many thousands of years of history invented and applied a variety of products. For example, Chinese poisons are designed to be very diverse for different occasions.

286.5. The leaders of the Pentagon and the FBI should not hope for the secrecy of the new cyber weapon being developed. It is known that the atomic bomb was first developed in the United States with the participation of Great Britain, Germany and Canada in 1943-1945. The US has failed to keep such sophisticated nuclear weapons secret. Therefore, the US will not be able to keep secret a new cyberweapon that works a thousand times easier and smaller than an atomic weapon.

286.6. Such a small and simple cyberweapon is very convenient for terrorists. Over time, these cyberweapons may end up in the hands of terrorists. And the world may be on the verge of major upheavals.

286.7. The experiment being developed and carried out on the use of new cyber weapons in the United States is directed against the souls of dissenters and military enemy countries. The principle of life based on the soul is designed by the Lord God. The new cyberweapon is directed against the divine basis of the earthly life of mankind. These and similar cyberweapons based on the souls of people can bring balance to the globe and put the survival of mankind on the brink.

286.8. Given the great danger to the normal existence of humanity, the problem of new cyber weapons based against the souls of people should be discussed at the United Nations and a mechanism should be developed to prohibit the development of such weapons" [42]

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PARAGRAPH 238. I wrote in paragraph 125 that on December 10, 2017, I rented a room in Arlington, Virginia through an ad in www.russiandc.com (address: 4114 4th Street North, #2. Arlington, Virginia 22203). After two or three days, strong men from her work frequented her.

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November every year in the United States. In 2017, it was November 23rd. The next day is Black Friday. It starts the traditional Christmas sales season with a discount of 10-20 to 50-60 percent. On November 24, I bought a new $80 warm boots from the Off Broadway Shoe Warehouse (6302 Seven Corners Center, Falls Church, Virginia 22044). I usually wear shoes in size 43-44. I buy boots one size larger so I can wear them with extra socks.

In mid-December, cold evenings set in. I put on my new boots. They press. An FBI agent and a person associated with them replaced my new boots with the same size 42-43 boots in a rented room.

I am dressing up as Santa Claus (see photo 59). Let me remind you: Santa Claus is a Christmas grandfather, identified with the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker, a Western European and North American magical character who gives gifts to children on Christmas. I buy toys and give them to children. Closer to Christmas I buy flowers and give them to my customers. Americans these days are generous, and all my expenses are paid off and I am left with a good income.

FOTetikdaMEN1 (393x699, 70Kb)
Photo 59. I am dressed as Santa Claus. Washington DC, Estern Market. December 5, 2020. Photo of the author.

I am very busy and have no time to go to the shoe store to buy new boots. By this time, all good shoes and other goods are sold out in stores. Usually expensive goods remain.

My toes hurt. I endured. In the United States, Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. I went to the shoe store after December 25, 2017. There were only expensive shoes left. I bought boots in size 46 for $170. In this case, the FBI agent caused me $170 in monetary damages and a lot of pain in my toes due to the small size of the boots.


PARAGRAPH 239. I started sleeping in hostels in Washington after the Covid-19 pandemic was declared in March 2020. Under US law, a person has the right to spend the night in a hostel for up to 14 days. Therefore, every 14 days I changed the place of spending the night. The first hostel was called Duo Nomad and had the address: 1010 Pennsylvania Ave S. E., Southeast, Washington, D.C., DC 20003.

Many hostels have small lockers for storing documents, a laptop and other things of the client for the night. In the hallway of the Duo Nomad Hostel, locker cells were installed. But such small nuts were welded as the ears of the lock that my little lock did not fit into the hole of the nuts. I asked the hostel staff a question. He offered a very small combination lock. I agreed. I put my phone, laptop and folders with papers inside the cell and closed it with this lock.

In the morning I got up, opened the cell and took out my things and had breakfast. I opened my laptop and started typing. I look, the key of the letters “G”, “H”, and “ ” (quotation marks) are not printed. An FBI agent opened my cell at night, took out a laptop and managed to block and disable these three keys on my laptop. Since those days, I’ve typed out each text in the following way: I store one of these letters in the laptop’s memory using the Ctrl and C keys, then using the Ctrl and V keys, I type it in the right place in the text.

The question arises: for what purpose did the FBI agent do such a dirty trick? Apparently, the FBI agents did not have time to translate my Uzbek and Russian texts into English with constant day-night monitoring of my laptop, and even more so to make provocative changes and additions to my text. Now they have such an opportunity and time while I am typing these three letters and signs into my text.


PARAGRAPH 240. I bought a new jumper pullover. I put it on after the chilly days started. A few days later, the pullover jumper was left in a rented hostel room. Another week or ten days passed, and I decided to wear a pullover jumper. I dress and from the side I see a torn place. An FBI agent or a person associated with him deliberately tore my beautiful jumper pullover. The peculiarity of a jumper pullover is that its torn place cannot be sewn up, that is, it is useless.


PARAGRAPH 241. I often use a stroller to transport my belongings, groceries, articles, and books printed on paper. The stroller makes it very easy for me to carry my things. An FBI agent or a person associated with him deliberately damaged the emphasis of the stroller. To do this, it was enough to kick the stroller two or three times.

FOTarava1 Photo 60. On the right is a red stroller with a broken stop. On the left is a new blue stroller. (I attached a black round stool to the back of the blue stroller.) (480x640, 58Kb)
Photo 60. On the right is a red stroller with a broken stop. On the left is a new blue stroller. (I attached a black round stool to the back of the blue stroller.)

FOTarava2 (640x480, 63Kb)
Photo 61. Red broken plastic stops are visible at the top right and left.


PARAGRAPH 242. In 2021, small pests appeared in my underwear (T-shirt, shorts) and started to bite. I called them lice here. In such cases, I urgently throw in the trash a T-shirt, panties, shirt, sometimes a breeches and trousers and put on new clothes. Ten to fifteen days passed, and again lice appeared in clothes and began to bite.

At first I thought that my clothes were given to some homeless person to put on and in this way they plant lice in my clothes. I once drew attention to an ownerless suitcase with four wheels, located in the corner of the closet. I have seen this suitcase since 2020. Nobody used. I guessed: once inside the suitcase they put some clothes of a homeless person with lice. An FBI agent or a person associated with him in my absence puts my clothes inside the suitcase for several hours or days. That's how lice get in my clothes and bite me.

In the summer of 2021, I took my suitcase, went down to the first floor and placed a hostel employee near the table. He was told that this suitcase was ownerless and asked him to remove it from our room. I returned to my 301 room on the third also. An employee of the hostel came for me, brought that suitcase and put it in its original place in the corner of the closet. He firmly said that the suitcase would be located here and in this place. But he did not explain whose this suitcase was and why it should be in our room? I think the suitcase belongs to an FBI agent or someone associated with him...


PARAGRAPH 243. I stayed overnight in a three-story hostel on the third floor in room 301 from summer 2020 to September 6, 2022 (DC International Hostel 2. 1418 9th Street NW, Washington, D.C., DC 20001). This room has four beds. Until April 23, 2021, an African-American man, about 45 years old, constantly slept in the room. He had about 30 different cables hung on his bed. He often sat on the floor and worked on two or three laptops at the same time.

He was often called and he passed on information about me. I have seen him often point his mobile phone or laptop in my direction for photography or videotaping.

It is known that every owner of a laptop closes it with a code. A few months passed and I guessed: he is engaged in determining the code and opening stolen and robbed laptops by trial and error. Laptops from different countries and companies have different cord jacks. Therefore, he had various cables in stock. I photographed his bed with 30 cables. Another time I photographed him working with three laptops. I installed these photos in the file in which I started writing this application-complaint. An FBI agent and a person associated with him deleted and destroyed these photos during nightly drug interrogations. Now I looked at the files in my laptop, camera and phone again. These pictures are gone.

So, an FBI agent and people associated with him transfer stolen and robbed laptops to such a full-time agent or freelancer. He is engaged in the identification of the code and opening of stolen and robbed laptops, along with surveillance and provocations against the tenants in the hostel room. Apparently he gets paid extra for each open laptop.

In another hostel, DC International Hostel 1 (1610 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20001), a strong man in his 30s, 175 cm tall, was doing this code detection and opening stolen and robbed laptops. He also had about 25 laptop cables hanging over his bed (see paragraphs 266-267).


PARAGRAPH 244. For more than thirteen years, FBI agents have been monitoring, blocking and sometimes destroying from my laptop memory, flash drives and from emails my letters, files, phone numbers and emails sent to me day and night. On my behalf, they send all sorts of provocative letters and messages to other compatriots.

I write many articles and books in Uzbek on the problems of Uzbekistan. The leadership and agents of the FBI work closely and act jointly with the employees of the Uzbek State Security Service (SSS). Until 2018, the Uzbek special service was called the National Security Service (SNB). The State Security Service of Uzbekistan is a similar intelligence service as the FBI.


PARAGRAPH 245. I knew that in order to get a good job in the face of the resistance of FBI agents, you need to learn English well. At the end of August 2012, I came to the Carlos Rosario school, where they teach English and have courses in various specialties. School address: 1100 Harvard St NW, Washington, DC 20009. A young woman from Ukraine worked at the school. She knew Ukrainian and Russian well. She said: “The places at the school are full. School will start in September. Some students do not come regularly to classes. Such people are expelled from school and the place will be vacated. You come in mid-September.”

I came in mid September. A young woman from Ukraine said: “The commission is checking the school. You come in mid-October. By that time, the commission will complete the check and include you in the list of students.” I realized that the commission began checking the school named after Carlos Rosario because of me. I am sure that the FBI leadership organized such a check in order to hang the sword of Damocles over the leaders of the school. In this way, they managed to freely include their provocateurs among the students and demand from teachers unquestioningly the fulfillment of their various legal and illegal requirements.

The Carlos Rosario School was attended by many Hispanic citizens of the United States. There, adult students were taught from 1 to 8 courses. Each course of study lasted 4-5 months. In October 2012, I was enrolled in the third year.

PARAGRAPH 246. I didn't limit myself to this school. I started attending an English class on Saturdays at another school in a neighboring state. This school was in a five-story building that was located on the corner of Leesburg Pike and Patrick Henry Drive, in the Falls Church area, Virginia. There I was enrolled in the fourth year. At the end of December 2012, I and other students successfully graduated. Teachers organized a solemn presentation of certificates (documents) on the completion of courses.

PARAGRAPH 247. The FBI agents tried to set the teacher of the Carlos Rosario School on me, humiliate me and thereby create a conflict situation. In November 2012, the teacher suggested that I go to the second year. I studied normally and without absenteeism. Apparently, she was ordered by one of the influential officials based on the insistence of an FBI agent. I didn't agree.

At the end of December 2012, after receiving a certificate of completion of the fourth year, I showed the teacher. She congratulated me. Apparently this made an impression on her and she told about it to those who insisted on transferring me to the second year. How can you insist on the transfer to the second year of a student who has a certificate of completion of the fourth year? So I completed my third year in December 2012 and received a third year certificate from the Carlos Rosario School in Washington.

PARAGRAPH 248. The Falls Church school closed in early 2013. I asked. They answered that they were sent deep into the state of Virginia. I went twice to the address they gave me. There was a church at that address. So the teachers of this school did not find. In my opinion, the FBI agents insisted that this school be closed. Perhaps they did not want me to continue studying there and receive certificates for the completion of the following courses. These are the quirks of American democracy in the execution of the leaders and agents of the FBI. Sometimes I look and see that agents of the US FBI have established order as in the dictatorial regime of Uzbekistan in 1991-2016, and they are cracking down on entire groups of Americans just like that ...

PARAGRAPH 249. Studying of the 4th and 5th years at the school named after C. Rosario also took place under conditions of persecution and provocation (see [114] and [115]). I have overcome them. Since September 2014, he began to study in programming courses at the C. Rosario school. In September, they continued the persecution and staged another provocation. I'm tired of such provocations. Therefore, I gave up further studies. I will write details about studying at two schools in a separate article.

5.18. PROVOCATIONS IN www.facebook.com

PARAGRAPH 250. I have listed in paragraph 172 the emails of 73 (!) FBI agents and people associated with them who logged into my computer via a web browser and illegally tracked my data in 2011.

FBI agents and associated people are downloading onto my laptop and mobile phone through a web browser and illegally tracking my data, destroying postings written as reviews of my articles, books and other writings. For example, in March 2021, I began writing and publishing the fourth edition of the book “Sherali Juraev”. He is a famous singer of the Uzbek people. He has millions of fans in Uzbekistan and beyond. I published 43 paragraphs of this book. I'm sure there are hundreds of reviews on it. But many reviews did not reach me, or rather, FBI agents and people associated with them deleted them.

PARAGRAPH 251. I use Russian in Cyrillic on my Facebook page. I travel during the day by transport and go to different places. FBI agents and people associated with them use the services of informers during the day. The informers are watching me and at the same time they are deleting any messages and letters that came to my page. Most informers do not know Cyrillic. For the convenience of deleting them, my Facebook page is translated into English during the day, and into Russian in the evening and at night.

PARAGRAPH 252. I am sure that FBI agents and people associated with them are corresponding on my behalf, secretly from me, sending provocative letters and postings on my behalf to my acquaintances and friends. So, several friends stopped being friends with me on Facebook. Although I did not write anything bad to them, and did not write anything about them in my articles and messages.

5.19. PROVOCATIONS IN www.youtube.com

PARAGRAPH 253. The FBI and people associated with them blocked my postings on www.youtube.com I posted several times to the song. A few minutes pass and my post disappears.


PARAGRAPH 254. I wrote above that my laptop is constantly monitored by agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and people associated with it. They sometimes change the text of my files, delete some files and even interfere with my banking transactions. This was the case in October 2016.

PARAGRAPH 255. CASE OF 2016. I am a supporter of the US Democratic Party and help as much as possible. In the fall of 2012, he campaigned in Virginia for Mr. Barack Obama.

In the 2016 presidential election, he supported the candidacy of Mrs. Hillary Clinton and sent $25 a month from September 2015 to November 2016.

At the end of October 2016, I was drinking tea at Paul Cafe (Paul. Address: 1275 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006). I was browsing the Democratic Party website on my laptop and opened a page asking for various amounts, including $200. I knew that the FBI agent and people associated with him constantly monitor my laptop and they can send money from my bank account provocatively. I didn't send anything and quickly moved to another page. A few days later, it turns out: on November 3, 2016, $200 (two hundred dollars) was withdrawn from my bank account. It was the FBI agent and the person associated with him who sent $200 from my Bank of America bank account on my behalf. The bank statement says: “11/03/16 CHECKARD 1102 HILLARY FOR AMERICA.” The 2016 elections were difficult for the US Democratic Party and I did not demand a refund of $200.

PARAGRAPH 256. CASE OF 2022. On March 7, 2022, they intervened in my banking transaction and on my behalf ordered the purchase of Norton™ 360 Standard Subscription Renewal antivirus software for $84.99 and a tax of $5.10. As a result, $90.09 was taken from my account. This is another provocation against me and Bank of America. I went to the branch manager of Bank of America with the following complaint.

"Head of Bank of America Branch
5201 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20015

Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov (born 1954)
Mailing address:
216 Tulip Dr.,
Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20877
E-mail: havassh54@gmail.com

March 7, 2022

Dear ___________________________

I've been using Norton antivirus since 2019. I renewed it in March 2021 by purchasing the Norton™ 360 Standard software for $39.99. Her term expires March 16, 2022.

On March 7, 2022, I was considering www.my.norton.com for renewal by purchasing Norton™ 360 Standard. I updated my bank details at www.my.norton.com/extspa/account/billinginfo I looked at other pages. But I couldn't find the Norton antivirus program for $19.99. Therefore, Norton did not order the purchase of an anti-virus program.

After finishing the search, I left the library and decided to check my bank account. Introduced ten dollars into the ATM. I reviewed the bank check and realized that more than $90 had been withdrawn from my account. I had $81 in my account and couldn't order a $90 purchase. Since the bank would have fined $35.

I went to the Bank of America branch: 5201 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20015 and got a printout of my bill. It turns out that Norton took the money from my account. I informed Ms. Andressa Smith (officer - Financial Center Manager) about this. I said that I did not order the purchase of the Norton program and asked to stop sending money. She handed over to Mr. Mze Mounib (Relationspaip Banker).

I have been living in the US as a refugee since January 2010. My laptop is constantly watched by some people. I believe this is done by an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and people associated with him. They sometimes change the text of my files and even delete some files. They interfered with my banking today and on my behalf ordered the purchase of Norton™ 360 Standard Subscription Renewal antivirus software for $84.99 and tax $5.10. As a result, $90.09 was taken from my account. I consider this another provocation against me and Bank of America.

Please help get my money back into my bank account.”

The Norton antivirus program on my laptop expires March 16, 2022. If the showdown between Bank of America and Norton continues for several days, then my laptop could be left without an antivirus program. On March 9, 2022, I called Norton at 1-844-388-0385. At the beginning I spoke with Ms. Drinky. She decided to connect with the supervisor. Between these conversations, I sent the following letter in English to the head of Norton at www.secure-kart.com/contact-us.

"Dear ___________________________

My name is Shukhratjon Akhmadjonov. I've been using Norton antivirus since 2019. I renewed it in March 2021 by purchasing the Norton™ 360 Standard software for $39.99. Her term expires March 16, 2022.

On March 7, 2022, I was considering www.my.norton.com for renewal by purchasing Norton™ 360 Standard. I updated my bank details at www.my.norton.com/extspa/account/billinginfo I looked at other pages. But I couldn't find the Norton antivirus program for $19.99. Therefore, I did not order the purchase of the Norton antivirus program.

I have been living in the US as a refugee since January 2010. My laptop is constantly watched by some people. I believe this is done by an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and people associated with him. On March 7th, they intervened in my banking transaction and on my behalf ordered the purchase of Norton™ 360 Standard Subscription Renewal antivirus software for $84.99 and tax $5.10. As a result, $90.09 was taken from my account. I consider this another provocation against me and Bank of America.

Please help me buy Norton™ 360 Standard for $39.99. Please return the remaining fifty dollars to my Bank of America bank account.”

I spoke to the supervisor a few minutes later. She read the above text of the complaint. She promised to install a new Norton antivirus program on my laptop and return part of the amount. On March 10, 2022, she returned $36.04 to my bank account.


PARAGRAPH 257. FBI agents and people associated with them involve some employees of cafes and catering in their crimes: they add poisonous substances to the food or drinks of dissident customers, including my food. There were many such cases of poisoning. I will give just five examples here.

PARAGRAPH 258. THE FIRST EXAMPLE OF POISONING. On October 24, 2021, presidential elections were held in Uzbekistan. I wrote about this in paragraph 4. I came to the embassy on October 24 at 14:00 and talked with fellow citizens from Uzbekistan, gave them a copy of my article “Our trees are dying where they stand” (see [66]) and spoke with the "adviser" Jamshid Mirzabaev.

FBI agents do not like it when a dissident resident of the United States goes to the embassy of his country, and even more so communicates with fellow citizens. Every time I noticed increased surveillance of me during the days of pickets in front of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the United States. I also noticed the observation of an unknown man on October 24, 2021.

I left the embassy after 4:30 pm. I got off the subway and arrived at Sweet Leaf-Courthouse (2200 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22201) on October 24 at 5:25 pm. There I bought a Craft rain Bowl and Soup Combo (a bowl of Craft grain and Soup Combo). I am writing this data on the basis of check No. 104 of this cafe. After eating, a little time passed and signals and minor injections from the kidneys began to arrive. This went on until late at night. This means that some poisonous substance was added to the food. Their regular addition disrupts the normal functioning of the kidneys and gradually makes it terminally ill.

I have eaten at this cafe more than ten times sometime since January 2021. I am sure that this poisoning of me is not the own initiative of the cafe workers. I know that FBI agents also control the work of such cafes. They first agree with the head or employee of the cafe. An FBI agent verbally orders by phone on the right day and hour to add to a certain customer's food, such as October 24, 2021 in my food.

PARAGRAPH 259. THE SECOND EXAMPLE OF POISONING. I have eaten at the Korean Go Stir Fry Express about fifteen times since the beginning of summer 2021 (address: 11160 Veirs Mill Road, Suite 208. Wheaton, Maryland 20902). I have noticed many times while eating at this cafe how men associated with an FBI agent are watching and filming me using a mobile phone.

December 17 (Friday), 2021 at 11:28 am I came to this cafe and ordered Beef Teriyak (beef teriyak) as usual. Ate. Ten or fifteen minutes passed and the liver began to ache. As if a small stone was stuck in the liver. This pain sensation ended the next day. I wrote this case of poisoning on the basis of check number 11, issued to me on December 17, 2021 at 11:28 am.

I wrote paragraph 254 in April 2022. In August 2022, this cafe was closed. I do not know under what pretext the cafe was closed.

PARAGRAPH 260. THE THIRD EXAMPLE OF POISONING. On April 2, 2022, the Muslim holy month of Ramadan began. I drove that day to the large shopping complex Westfield Wheaton Mall (11160 Veirs Mill Road, Wheaton, Maryland 20902). Bought one combo at Ruby Tai Kitcen at 5:28pm for $10.64. A young woman (girl) added some liquid from a plastic bottle on top, although I did not order that supplement. Even told her not to add it. I came to my hostel room and in the evening I ate bread and jam and drank water from a plastic vessel. Everything was fine and I didn't have any pain.

On April 3, 2022 at 4:30 am, I ate a portion of combo and drank water from a plastic vessel. A little time passed and there was pain in the left side of the abdomen. I was so sick for two days. Perhaps the poison was in a plastic bottle. A cafe worker can add it to food on a prearranged signal from an FBI agent. This ensures the poisoning of an individual.

PARAGRAPH 261. THE FOURTH EXAMPLE OF POISONING. The method of poisoning written in paragraph 259 was used against me in the spring of 2022 at the SUBWAY Cafe (1127 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20001). Unfortunately, I did not keep the receipt. And in this case, the man added liquid from a plastic bottle to the sandwich, although I did not order this liquid. As a result, my liver hurt for a day and a half.

PARAGRAPH 262. THE FIFTH EXAMPLE OF POISONING. For an overnight stay, I arrive by bus to McDonald's somewhere around 23:30-24:00 at night and leave at 4:30-5:00 in the morning. On January 28, 2023, at about 11:30 p.m., I arrived on a bus to McDonald's and left at 5:00 a.m. on January 29 (Saturday). Estern Market starts at 9:00 am. I go to Silver Spring Center on Saturdays and have breakfast at McDonald's (address: (address: 8407 Colesville Rd Silver Spring, MD 20910). Then I go to the Estern Market and sell the Street Sense newspaper there for 5-6 hours.

On the morning of January 29, I arrived at the Silver Spring center and there I entered McDonald's. At 06:50 I ordered Big Break fast (big breakfast) and a large glass of hot tea (receipt 321). Served by another young woman of about 25. Apparently she was another volunteer. I'll call her "volunteer". She mistakenly started pouring boiled water into a medium-sized glass. I reminded her that I ordered tea for a large glass. She excused herself and took out a large glass. After all, she herself took my order just a minute ago and so made a gross mistake in the size of the glass. At this time, a McDonald's employee stood nearby and looked at her. The “volunteer” was saying something to her in a teaching tone.

I ate breakfast and drank tea. I came to the Estern Market and my kidney started to hurt. So the whole day went on. I realized that on the morning of January 29, 2023, at McDonald's, the “volunteer” poisoned me once again, causing harm to my kidneys. She was specially placed so that she would calmly serve me in the conditions of the poison added to the food.

PARAGRAPH 263. I spent many nights at McDonald's at 1390 Rockville Pike. Rockville, MD 20852. I was bullied many times there. I tried to buy different drinks and food. After drinking drinks or after eating I felt pain in my kidneys. In my opinion, an African-American man, 182 cm tall, 28 years old, was involved in the poisoning. He worked the night shift. He often took and gave out my order.

PARAGRAPH 264. I spent many nights at McDonald's at 4130 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016. I was bullied many times there too. Not far from this McDonald's there are many student hostels. Therefore, young people often come there in groups. I usually expect a decrease in buyers. Often after one o'clock in the morning there are few buyers. As I approach the checkout for an order, the doors open and several strong men, often African Americans, come up from behind. Each of them holds a mobile phone in his hand pointing towards me and the cash register. At this time, they are standing behind me or on the side and filming me and the seller (saleswoman) of McDonald's. Thus, they record my order. Sometimes they make some signs to the seller. As a result, I got bullied many times. I tried to buy various drinks and food here as well. After drinking drinks or after eating I felt pain in my kidneys.

Often a sleeping agent was added to food and drink. And after eating, my eyes closed and I began to be strongly drawn to sleep, that is, it made me fall asleep.

PARAGRAPH 265. FBI agents and associated people have deeply rooted themselves in McDonald's USA and manage the poisoning of dissident citizens with the help of McDonald's employees or by volunteering one's own person in the ranks of McDonald's employees.

I would compare this situation with a similar phenomenon in the animal kingdom. FBI agents and people associated with them are like a crocodile. Crocodiles in Africa lie in muddy water all their lives and wait for their victims. Animals from antelopes, buffaloes to tigers, lions, and even elephants come to drink. At this moment, the crocodile swims under the water, bites the victim with its powerful jaws and pulls it under the water. They then eat them.

FBI agents and people associated with them are also sitting in McDonald's or in a car near McDonald's and waiting for the victim. They use sedatives or other poisons to deal with a dissident citizen and resident of the United States.

Yes, sleeping pills in food or drink are especially dangerous for dissident drivers. This often results in the driver being put to sleep at the wheel and causing an accident...

PARAGRAPH 266. Based on thirteen years of experience in the US, I have come to the following conclusion: The most dangerous place in the US is McDonald's. I have cited many facts in this application-complaint. Such crimes are from the category of difficult to prove. They can only be exposed by creating a database of FBI agent activities (see paragraph 299-305). What types and methods are used by FBI agents and people associated with them to poison dissident citizens - this is a topic for a separate large article.


PARAGRAPH 267. FBI agents and people associated with them use many ways to get me sick with a terminal illness. Their attempts to poison me continue, and I may not have the chance to write about it again. For the past few months they have been trying very hard to finally make my kidneys sick and thereby deal with me. Their main method is gradual poisoning through food and drinks. They have many more ways.

One way is by beating me in the kidneys during nightly drug interrogations. I've had a lot of saliva in my mouth since I was young. Therefore, I often spit to the left side over my left shoulder. In 2013, an FBI agent severely beat my left kidney during an overnight drug interrogation. The next day, my left kidney hurt badly while selling the Street Sense newspaper. Because of the pain, I couldn't spit over my left shoulder. That day I was forced to spit over my right shoulder on my right side.

In recent years, FBI agents and people associated with them have made various pressures and blows on the right kidney. Until now, they press and strike at the kidneys at night. The next day I feel a signal and pain in the kidney. For example, on the night of February 20-21, 2022 at 3:00 o'clock at night, I got up, went to the toilet, returned and went to bed. Everything was fine and nothing hurt. I get up at 6 o'clock in the morning and I feel pain in my right kidney. Apparently, something was done against my right kidney in three hours.

PARAGRAPH 268. I have a separate file folder on my computer called SALOMATLIK (health). Within this folder there are eighteen folders of files for individual diseases and parts of the human body, such as the BUYRAK (kidney) folder. In this folder, I wrote articles about the treatment of kidney disease with folk remedies two or three years ago. In April 2022, I opened the SALOMATLIK folder and looked for the BUYRAK folder. This folder has disappeared, or rather it was deleted by an FBI agent and a person associated with him. Other folders are in place. It was the BUYRAK folder that disappeared. Apparently, the FBI agent and people associated with him did not want me to self-medicate a kidney with the help of folk remedies.

PARAGRAPH 269. FBI agents and people associated with them try to use liquid and air poisons. DC International Hostel 2 (1418 9th Street NW, Northwest, Washington, D.C., 20001) is located in a three-story building. Room 301 is on the last third floor. There are three openings in the ceiling, from where, with the help of an air conditioner, warm air is released in winter and cool air in summer. But in the summer of 2021, an FBI agent and a person associated with him launched warm air through these openings. It's hot outside, and warm air is blowing from the ceiling, possibly with a poisonous mixture. I called the hostel employee into the room, showed and said about blowing warm air. It turns out that there is a regulator installed in the wall of the corridor. He went, adjusted the wall and the warm air stopped blowing.

PARAGRAPH 270. An FBI agent and people associated with him sometimes send women to commit criminal acts. I have been sleeping in quadruple room 301 since April 2019. Somewhere since the fall of 2021, an African-American of about 35 years old has also been sleeping in the room. I believe: he is one of the informers, informers of his colleagues about me, and a witness to nightly drug interrogations over me. Women sleep in the same room 201 on the second floor.

In November 2021, a 45-year-old African-American woman was placed in our room. I hang my clothes in the closet. In the afternoon, in my absence, the woman several times sprayed some kind of poison inside the locker. Once he said nothing and opened the window. The second time I called the hostel employee to the 301-room, said about the poisonous substance and asked to smell inside the locker. He looked from a distance, but did not sniff. A day later, this woman was sent somewhere and she no longer spent the night in our room.

PARAGRAPH 271. Sometime around February 17, 2022, another athletic African-American woman in her 30s was moved into room 301. She walked around the room in swimming trunks and said something. I don't talk for fear of provocation. I usually arrive at the hostel around 21:00. There was an unpleasant smell in the room. She forbade me to open the window.

On the morning of February 24, 2022, the right kidney began to hurt. Again at night they did something to the kidney.

On the evening of February 24, I came and saw: this woman randomly pushed clean linen and a blanket from another bed into the locker. I called the hostel worker and showed him inside the locker. He reprimanded her and left. On February 25, at 6:00 am, she began to speak loudly and accuse me of something. She continued like this until 8:00, that is, until I left. I returned to the hostel in the evening. The hostel employee said that he called the police and the police took the woman away.

Settling African-American women in our room and trying to create a conflict situation with them is a distraction by an FBI agent and people associated with them. In this way they try to create a conflict situation, additionally poison me through the respiratory tract, and also divert attention from their nighttime criminal actions against me.

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Понедельник, 01 Апреля 2024 г. 16:16 + в цитатник



PARAGRAPH 222. I have been living in the US since January 2010 as a refugee and have not yet become a US citizen. Firstly, for more than 13 years a group of people in civilian clothes have been spying and provocations against me. I'm assuming they are agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and/or people associated with the FBI. It is they who photograph and film me, and organize this with the help of street informers and informers day and night for more than 13 years. In my opinion, based on these photos and videos, it was these people who organized 19 thefts and 4 robberies against me from November 2012 to June 2021. The police and the FBI did not investigate, or rather they did not allow these crimes to be investigated, and the criminals were not punished.

Secondly, this group of persecutors in civilian clothes have been trying to use punitive psychiatry against me for more than 13 years and thereby try to deprive me of my basic human rights. They did not investigate 19 thefts and 4 robberies with the help of punitive psychiatry. I wrote in a long article [42] about the use of punitive psychiatry in the US against dissidents, especially unemployed and homeless dissenters. In the future I will try to write a separate large article on punitive psychiatry in the United States, God willing.

Thirdly, this group of stalkers in civilian clothes is not controlled by anyone in the USA and they do whatever they want against me, especially at night. I partially wrote about these illegal acts in a statement-complaint [99] in Russian and [100] in English addressed to the President of the United States in December 2020. I will additionally write about this in articles in the future, if the Lord God permits.

I still have the status of a refugee and a citizen of a foreign state - Uzbekistan. If in this status they continue to persecute me for more than twelve years, then what will happen if I take US citizenship? It's hard to imagine. For these reasons, I have not yet taken US citizenship.

As a continuation of these persecutions and crimes, they deprived me of my old age pension (see paragraph 221). Discrimination against me continued on the issue of cash assistance during the pandemic (see paragraph 225).


PARAGRAPH 223. The FBI blocked my rent by blocking my phone and other means. Even when I found and rented a room, I was kicked out under various pretexts (see paragraphs 104, 105 and 125). For the above reasons, during the pandemic from March 2020 to September 6, 2022, I spent the night in hostels paying monthly from $800 to $1085. I will write in more detail in a separate article about misadventures, bullying and blocking on the issue of renting housing (studio) from May 2014 to November 2021, God willing.


PARAGRAPH 224. It is known that in the United States, quarantine was announced on March 13, 2020. The US leadership has allocated $2.3 trillion in financial assistance to US residents. They paid individual residents $1,200 in mid-April and $600 weekly thereafter. The US government did not provide financial assistance to me during the pandemic. Until December 14, 2020, I was not paid a single dollar.

How am I coping during a pandemic? First, I spent all my savings in the bank. Secondly, I borrowed money. Thirdly, from July 1, 2020, the printing of the Street Sense newspaper was resumed. I sell Street Sense daily, that is, seven days a week. Although it is dangerous in a pandemic because of the danger of contracting a coronavirus. Let me remind you: in the United States today - May 22, 2023, more than 107 million 42 thousand people fell ill with coronavirus. Of these, more than 1 million 164 thousand people died ([101]). For comparison: during the First World War in the United States, 53,402 people died, and in the Second World War - 291,557 people ([102]). Until Allah (Lord God) save me from this deadly disease. Thank the Lord God. Fourthly, my customers of the Street Sense newspaper help me financially. Thank them.

I have been working as a vendor (street seller) for the Street Sense newspaper since the end of October 2012. I applied for financial assistance to Ms. Lissa Ramsepaul, Director of Case Management, Street Sense on April 13, 2020. To no avail.

I contacted Ms. Lissa Ramsepaul in mid-June 2020. I said: "Please provide me with a copy of the document being sent to the IRS" (Internal Revenue Service). She refused. I told her: “This document concerns me personally. Therefore, I have the right to familiarize myself with it. She again refused to provide a copy of the completed and sent document. Apparently, she wanted to write some kind of slander, slander, slander about me in this document and therefore did not want to give me a copy of it.

I turned to Mr. Brine Cerome, CEO of Street Sense Media, for help. But Mrs. Lissa Ramsepaul refused even Mr. Brian Karom. This is contrary to the First Amendment of the US Constitution on freedom of speech. So someone, probably FBI agents, she was promised protection from such illegal actions ... I think Mrs. Lissa Ramsepaul discriminated against me because I am a Muslim, a refugee and not a US citizen.

I filled out a regular Form 1040 and mailed it June 23, 2020 by certified mail with notice to the IRS at 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20224. The notice card was returned to my mailing address in August 2020. I did not receive any response from them until December 14, 2020. I am sure that the reason for the refusal of financial assistance and the persecution was my human rights and journalistic activities.

I wrote and sent a large complaint to U.S. leaders and international human rights organizations on September 8 and December 14, 2020, asking: “Please help me receive the financial assistance promised by the U.S. Government during the pandemic” (see [103], [104]).

RESULT: I received a letter from the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. Kansas City, MO 64999-0010 on February 3, 2021. Inside the envelope was a letter and a check for $600 for the second half of 2020. I received my next check for $1400 on April 9, 2021 for the first half of 2021. Many thanks to everyone who assisted me in paying for the US Government cash aid.

And Mrs. Lissa Ramsepaul soon left the office of the Street Sense newspaper. Perhaps her patrons were transferred to another organization with another assignment ...


PARAGRAPH 225. FBI agents and people associated with them damaged many of my personal belongings. They arranged in Boise to bake my bicycle chamber about a hundred times and steal it, in Washington DC they turned off three keys of my laptop, replaced my new boots with the same boots of a small size, tore the pullover jumper, broke the support of the stroller, damaged my shoes and so on.


PARAGRAPH 226. FBI agents and people associated with them began to damage my personal belongings in Boise in 2010. I wrote in paragraph 22 that on April 18, 2010, I moved into a separate apartment at 585 S. Curtis Rd., #8, Boise, Idaho 83705. A few days later I bought and started riding a bike.

I lived in the eighth apartment. Arabs lived in the next seventh apartment, in my opinion refugees from Iraq. Two of them wore earrings on their ears. In my opinion they watched me and organized various provocations, including a puncture of my bike tube. They punctured the bike tube on the second day. I returned home on foot. They stood on the second floor and looked at me as I lifted my bike. They asked a question. I replied that the bicycle tube was pierced.

I have had a bike since I was a child and have often repaired it. I went to the store and bought rubber glue. I took off the wheel and looked: I saw a thorn in the tire, which pierced the chamber. He opened the camera and determined the place of the puncture in the bathtub on the water. I cut out a round piece of rubber from the old camera and glued it. Checked again on the water. It was ok. Got the wheel. One of the Arabs knocked on the door. I opened. He asked about the bike. I showed the finished bike. He was very surprised that I recovered so quickly.

PARAGRAPH 227. Between April 18, 2010 and the end of December 2010, FBI agents and people associated with them punctured my bike tube about a hundred times. I sometimes drove along the federal highway towards the center of Boise to the mosque for prayer. Once I noticed: a man's hand poked out of an overtaking car and threw something onto the edge of the track. I drove a little and the front wheel chamber went down. He stopped and looked: a thorn was visible on the tire. This happened twice. So, they overtook me in a car and scattered thorns. They also used other methods.

PARAGRAPH 228. The question arises: what is the main reason? Those who followed me and those who pierced the tube of my bicycle counted on the following: after the first or several piercings, I would call the police. Naturally, the police will not find the culprit. And the attackers will continue to pierce the bicycle chamber. According to their calculations, I should have called the police again. The police will not find the criminals again. And then they will come forward with the accusation that I have a persecution mania. In psychiatry, there is a diagnosis of "Persecutory delusion". Here I will provide information about this concept.

“A persecutory delusion or persecution complex is a common type of delusional condition in which the affected person believes that harm is going to occur to oneself by a persecutor, despite a clear lack of evidence. The person may believe that they are being targeted by an individual or a group of people. Persecution delusions are very diverse in terms of content and vary from the possible, albeit improbable, to the completely bizarre. The delusion can be found in a multitude of disorders, being more usual in psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and delusional disorder." [105]

I have been involved in human rights advocacy since 1974. In 2010, as a human rights activist with 36 years of experience, I knew well that such a provocation and nonsense of persecution. Therefore, I did not call the police even after repeated piercings. I bought four gram superglue at Fred Meyer for $3.50 and glued rubber patches where the camera holes were. At that time, I did not have a pump and I asked for a pump from the refugee residents living in neighboring houses. I bought a new pump in September 2010. In the future, went with the pump on hand. As they pierced, I pumped up the camera and drove home. Sometimes he pumped air several times.

A fact for comparison: in 2010, more than 310 million people lived in the United States (now about 335 million), apparently only I rode a bicycle with a pump on my hands. Even car drivers drove without a pump: I sometimes asked to borrow a pump to inflate the bicycle tube for a while. The drivers did not have a pump: in any case, they answered me that they did not have a pump in their car.

Sometimes they pierced and formed a large hole in the chamber. In this case, inflation with a pump was useless. Then I rode the bus paying one dollar for one trip. If the puncture was after 6:45 pm or on a Sunday, then the bus in Boise did not run at that time and I walked home on foot through the entire city of Boise. I tried not to succumb to the provocations of the FBI agents and did not call the police. But all patience eventually comes to an end. This end of patience came on January 7, 2011 (see paragraph 230).

PARAGRAPH 229. In the summer of 2010, I was told at the IRC office in Boise that there was a free English as a second language course for adults and was given his address (I don't remember his address now). I signed up and started studying in a group. The teacher was very kind and experienced. As I wrote in paragraph 33, on July 28, 2010, I was supposed to start work at the Thrift Store. So I switched my studies from day to evening group. In Boise, public buses do not operate after 6:45 p.m. in the evening. I came to class on my bike. I leave the class, and the bicycle chamber is pierced by some sharp object. I pumped up the air with a pump, but because of the big hole it was useless. I left on foot. A few days later, the bike's inner tube was pierced again. I walked home again for more than one hour. After that, I stopped going to college. So in the USA, the FBI agents and people associated with them did not give me the opportunity to study in English courses. In doing so, they violated my constitutional right to education.

PARAGRAPH 230. On January 7, 2011, I went shopping at WinCO FOOD (8200 W Fairview Ave, Boise, ID 83704) in the evening. I leave the supermarket and see: some provocateur with a sharp object in the form of an awl again pierced the front chamber and rearranged my bike by turning it 180 degrees. There was a video camera here and the attacker was supposed to be shown on the videotape. So I dialed 911 on my phone and called the police.

15-20 minutes passed, and no police. I look around, including inside the store. Suddenly, inside the store, behind the glass doors, I see a male informer who worked in our trade organization Society of St. Vincent de Paul. He looked intently in my direction. I wrote about him in paragraph 36 as the second male informer. Apparently he organized, or pierced the chamber of my bike himself. He asked if I had left or if I was waiting. In my opinion, he saw me and decided to destroy the video from the video cameras of the store. If he had an FBI agent ID, then he himself can order the destruction of the video. If he did not have such a certificate, then he can call his leader, an FBI agent, by phone, and with his help achieve the destruction of the video.

Officer Watkins and Lieutenant Lipple of the Boise Police Department arrived an hour later. Watkins wrote the words on a piece of paper: report number (report #) 100-591. Lipple offered to take me home. I froze for this 1.5 hours and agreed. The police officers did not provide an interpreter, did not organize the viewing of the videotape, and so on.

I am from the Boise Police Department on February 3, 2011 received a copy of the two-page protocol signed by Rosemary Miko dated February 1, 2011. They are attached in my complaint dated October 13-21, 2010 (in English and Russian, see [17]). In particular, the following is written there.

After looking at the tire there was no noticeable cut marks, slashes to the tire. The tire appeared to be older tire possibly just damaged from all the rocks in the tire”

By that time my bike was a mountain bike and the tire was made thick enough. Therefore, not one thorn could not pierce it. January 7, 2011 I inspected the tire. There were no thorns. I insisted on organizing the viewing of the videotape of January 7, 2011, together with a police officer. There must have been an intruder who punctured my bike and caused material damage to my personal property many times. But they refused.

PARAGRAPH 231. I wrote a complaint to Mr. Clement Leroy, Governor of Idaho, and on February 18, 2011, I submitted it to the office. On February 23 and 25, 2011, I delivered a copy of the complaint to Boise Mayor Mr. David H. Bieter, Idaho State Senator Mr. Elliot Werk, Representatives (deputies) of the Idaho House of Representatives, Mr. Bill Killen and Ms. Sue Chew.

On February 21, 2011, I published the text of the complaint with attachments in the article “I am also persecuted in the USA (article 1)” (see [18]). At the end of the complaint wrote so.

“As a human rights activist and journalist, I have the only way to protect myself from such intruders - to write and publish an article about the bad, illegal “deeds” of these special services and inform good people about it. I will not be the first and not the last victim of these intruders. They can use this or similar methods against other dissident US citizens and refugees.

My letters, personal e-mails, the computer is constantly controlled by some people. I hoped to live in the USA freely within the laws of the USA. But this turned out to be an illusion: they control everything, and moreover, they are engaged in wrecking, damaging personal property. Just think: from April 2010 to January, my bike inner tube was pierced about a hundred times. I have no one to expect protection from such hidden iniquity.

I have four questions: 1. Will the monitoring, covert interference with my personal e-mail, wiretapping and monitoring of my computer cease?

2. We have a lot of problems in Uzbekistan. I deal mainly with the problems of Uzbekistan. I don't deal with US issues. Then the questions arise: why do some intelligence officers and their henchmen need to collect slanderous, denigrating material against me? For what purpose do they covertly disseminate such information in a democratic, free country? After filing this complaint, they provide you with various information about me. If they have claims against me, let them tell me frankly and, if possible, in writing.

3. Will the videotape of January 7, 2011 be watched with a police officer? There should be visible an intruder who punctured my bike and caused material damage to my personal property many times.

4. As I wrote above: On February 3, 2011, I received from the Boise Police Department a copy of the protocol on two sheets signed by Rosemary Miko dated February 1, 2011. I am attaching them. Please pay attention. At the end is written: “CONCLUSION: Route to file” (“CONCLUSION: Route to file”). Where is this file and what is written in it? Will this file be presented to me for review?” [18]

PARAGRAPH 232. 40 days have passed. But there was no response from the mayor of Boise, a senator and two deputies. Therefore, on April 4, 2011, I came to them. On April 5, 2011, at 10:00 am on my mobile phone, Senator Elliott Werk called and invited me to a meeting at the school building at 7:00 pm. On April 5, I met and spoke with Senator Elliott Werk, MPs Bill Killen, and Sue Chu.

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Photo 54. Representatives (deputies) of the Idaho House of Representatives, Mr. Bill Killen, Ms. Sue Chew, and Idaho State Senator, Mr. Elliot Werk. Boise. 2010.

One interesting fact: In early 2012, I sent an e-mail to Mr. Elliot Werk. I arrived and talked to him in his office the same day. He greeted me and asked: “I sent you a letter today. Did you receive it?" He looked at his mail on his laptop and said, "Your letter is gone." Just then a burly man of about 40 wearing a cap appeared outside the door, gently knocked on the glass of the door and called Mr. Elliot Werk. He went out and spoke to him outside the door. I told the senator: "FBI agents even control your mail and block letters sent to you." He did not respond to my words. Like this: in the US, FBI agents control even senators and sometimes block letters sent to him.

On the evening of April 6, 2011, I had a written reply in my mailbox from the Chief of the Boise Police Department, Mr. Michael F. Masterson. Below is the letter.

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Photo 55. Response from Chief of the Boise Police Department, Mr. Michael F. Masterson. April 5, 2011.

“Boise Police Department
April 5, 2011
Mr. Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov
585 S. Curtis Rd. Apt. # 8
Boise ID 83705

Dear Mr. Ahmadjonov,

On February 23, 2011, the Mayor's Office received a letter from you stating your concerns regarding a vandalism report filed with the Boise Police Department. The Mayor's Office forwarded your letter to the Boise Police Department and asked that we look into your concerns. The Office of Internal Affairs conducted an investigation into the matter and hopes this letter will address your concerns and provide to you an understanding of the Boise Police Department process relating to property crime reports.

The investigation revealed that CSS Watkins responded to your call and did take a report from you. The video footage was not reviewed or collected, as there was no evidence to indicate that a crime had occurred. CSS Watkins inspected your bike tire and found no evidence that it had been tampered with or vandalized. Given the circumstances, a report would not normally be required. However, officers knew it was important to you to document the situation and therefore decided to take a report. In these instances, the report would normally be routed to the case file, as there was no crime, no suspect information and no investigative leads. When a case is “routed to the file” it means that it is being kept as an official record but no further investigation is being done on the case at this time. Your report will remain on file as an official police record and can be referred back to in the future.

I understand the officers also gave you a ride home and transported your bike to your residence. Officers are not obligated to provide this service but due to the weather conditions and the fact you had no transportation, they felt it was in your best interest to give you a ride home. The investigation could find no wrongdoing on the part of the officers as they handled the call within the guidelines of the Boise Police Department Policy and Procedures.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Please feel free to contact the Office of Internal Affairs at 570-6160 if you have any further questions or concerns regarding this matter. A representative from the Office of Internal Affairs would be happy to meet with you and your interpreter to discuss the matter in more detail.

Michael F. Masterson
Chief of Police”

Apparently, Mr. Michael F. Masterson sent a similar letter to Elliot Werk, Bill Killen and Sue Chu. On April 23, 2011, I received a similar letter signed by Elliot Werk, Bill Killen and Sue Chu.

PARAGRAPH 233. I was very busy from the beginning of April to June 2011 - I wrote and published eight long articles on the protection of human rights (see [106]-[113]). It is appropriate to say that from January 7 to June 30, 2011, the attackers punctured my bicycle only four times. There were no video cameras in these places. That's why I didn't call the police.

On June 30, 2011, I came to the Boise Police Department. I was interviewed by Captain Scott Mulcahy and Regina Fredricks. I submitted a statement in English and Russian to the Chief of the Police Department, Michael F. Masterson. The copy of the statement in English was signed by Scott Mulcahy. Captain Scott Mulcahy wrote the following with his left hand: “No video of incident WinCO. Did not keep video – there was nothing on the video” (see photo 55).

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Photo 56. Police Captain Scott Mulcahy's response. June 30, 2011. [23]

In short, the police officers refused to show me a video filmed on a video camera on the evening of January 7, 2011 near the WinCO FOOD store. Thus, they did not want to solve this crime. Since in these video frames the face of the criminal should be visible - possibly an FBI agent.

Let's imagine: at the place where my bicycle was punctured, an American citizen was beaten or killed or his personal property was damaged. Then the police officers would thoroughly study this video and it would be attached to the criminal case. I am not an American citizen, but a simple refugee. Therefore, police officers treated my problems - vandalism, damage to my personal property very badly and did not want to solve this crime. More precisely, they simply covered up this crime and those criminals.

The police officers were required to attach the videotape dated January 7, 2011 to this case. But they did not fulfill this important official duty. Apparently they did not want to solve the crime committed with the participation of an FBI agent.

PARAGRAPH 234. On October 16, 2011, my bicycle was stolen. I called the police. On November 21, 2011, he wrote to the head of the Police Department. November 25, 2011 received a second written response from the head of the Police Department. He wrote about the theft of a bicycle and a written response in the article “Provocation by theft. (They continue to persecute me in the USA. Article 7)” (see [26]).

I personally thank the Chief of the Boise Police Department for his careful attention to my complaint, in the analysis of the facts and for sending me a written response.

After my bicycle was stolen, I walked for almost two months: I had neither a car nor a bicycle. On December 9, 2011, after Friday prayers in the mosque, one of the Muslims offered to help in buying a bicycle and offered to go to the store with him by car. At the store on Vista Street, I chose an inexpensive bike. He paid $52.47 for the bike through his credit card. After the purchase, we left the store. I thanked them and rode my bike home.

When I got home, I took a closer look at the bike. I look: there is no tire nipple on both wheels of the bicycle and there is a usual hole in the place of the nipple. I remembered: in the USA they make semi-rigid circular rubber tires for bicycles. This rubber is put on the wheel rim and a tire is put on top. There are no tires on these bikes and it is impossible to make a hole in it.

But my biking adventures didn't end there. FBI agents are highly experienced and highly skilled at provocation. They often carry out a provocation with the help of another official or person. It's been exactly a week since I bought my second bike. December 16, 2011 in the morning I ride my bike on the sidewalk to work. In the middle of the road, a police officer staged a provocation and fined.

PARAGRAPH 235. The following facts have been copied from my article “Provocation and a fine on the sidewalk” (see [27]). On the morning of December 16, 2011, I rode my bike along the sidewalk to work. Halfway I drive along Emerald Street. Emerald Street ends at the intersection with Latah Street. Further, this street is called Americana and go a little to the left and down.

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Photo 57. Crossroads of Emerald and Latah streets. Place of provocation on December 16, 2011. On the right is my bike, bought on December 9, 2011. Boise. December 29, 2011.

Let me remind you: closer to the intersection with Latah street on the right there is Morris Hill Cemetery - a large cemetery of the Boise. On the left is the narrow Emerald Street: it is a two-lane two-way street. Moreover, there is no special lane for cyclists from the edge of the street. Therefore, cyclists pass on the sidewalk at this place.

At the intersection of Emerald and Latakh streets, closer to the traffic light, three men and one woman are standing on the sidewalk. There are three cars on the left side of the road (the fourth - a police car was at the very end of these cars). I approached them and asked them to give way. Nobody reacts at all. Approaching closer, I stopped the bicycle, approached them on foot and asked a little louder to let me through. The cop and his listeners could have just stepped back a little and let me down the sidewalk. But the policeman did not respond to my request.

I asked to be let through again and said that I was late for work. Three in civilian clothes look at the policeman, but he does not answer me. The cop put on a jacket. Therefore, there was no way to find out who he was. I asked: "What is your name?". He doesn't answer and the pavement doesn't yield. Although on the right - to the iron fence of the cemetery there is a distance of about 5 feet (1.5 meters), where grass grows. The cop and his listeners could have just stepped back a little and let me down the sidewalk. But the policeman did not respond to my request.

I took out a sheet of paper and a ballpoint pen from my pocket, and once again asked the name of the policeman. He came up to me, picked up my bike, leaned it on the fence of the cemetery and asked me to wait. I asked his name again. He turned on his radio and said something to someone through the radio. He then returned to those three and continued his association with them. I understood: he called the traffic policeman on the radio and therefore demanded to wait.

I leaned my bike against the fence and waited. At this time, I paid attention to the damage to the machines. Both were cars. It looked like one car hit another from behind. The front end and headlight of the parked car were badly broken, but there was not a single piece of broken glass around it. A small sheet and a few small parts lay on the side of the road between two cars. The car standing in front of me behind had no traces of the accident, I did not even see scratches. Having lived for almost 58 years, I first saw such a strange accident, where one car in front was badly smashed, and the other had almost no signs of a collision, and there were also no pieces of glass from a broken headlight.

While waiting, I looked around: behind these cars was the fourth - a police car with the lights on and had the number BPD 071 (BPD - Boise Police Department).

Ten minutes later, a traffic police car arrived. The first policeman explained the situation to the second policeman. The second policeman approached me and demanded my documents. I gave him my Idaho ID and green card. He went to his police car and used a computer to check the validity of my documents. Then he came up to me, opened an office notebook and began to fill out a standard form for a fine. I wrote on a piece of paper the number of his car: BPD 013.

He approached me and started asking questions about my home address and Social Security number. I, in turn, asked: why did the policeman detain me? He replied. Among his phrases were the words "bicycle" and "sidewalk". I asked him in English: "In Boise cyclist driving on the sidewalk is forbidden?" He again accused me of something. I said that I understood very little and asked for an interpreter. But he did not answer anything concerning the interpreter. He asks for my height, weight, and eye color, and continues to fill out the fine form.

He finished filling out the fine form and gave me one copy. I asked for his name. He pointed to the form of the fine, on which the names of both policemen were written. Thus, the surname of the first policeman B.Griffin, and the second - D.Saindon. The number 1485778 was written on the form of the fine, and had entries on both sides of the sheet. I am enclosing a photocopy of the first page of the fine form (see Photo 58).

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Photo 58. Photocopy of the first page of the fine form, in which police officer D.Saindon issued a fine on December 16, 2011.

Police officer D. Saindon wrote as the reason for the fine on the form: “Failure to yield right of way to pedestrians on sidewalk while on bicycle”.

Firstly, they - police officer B. Griffin and three citizens were standing on the sidewalk, and they did not ask me to pass. On the contrary, I asked to be let through: they did not give way to the sidewalk and they did not let me through. Secondly, I stopped and dismounted, that is, I was also a pedestrian. Then I asked them to let me through. Therefore, the accusation of police officers B. Griffin and D. Saindon “I didn’t give way to pedestrians on the sidewalk while riding a bicycle” is an unfounded and provocative accusation against me.

Mr. D. Saindon showed me the amount of the fine on the reverse side of the sheet: 56.50 US dollars. He returned my personal documents.

PARAGRAPH 236. It is appropriate to emphasize: in 68 years of my life I have not heard or read about the punishment (fine) of a cyclist who drove along the sidewalk, stopped and asked for a way to pass. The question arises: for what purpose was a provocation organized against me and a fine on the sidewalk?

In the penalty form, the deadline for payment or refusal was indicated on January 6, 2012 (see [28]). On January 6, 2012, I came to the Ada District Court and said that this fine was illegal and I refused to pay. I was scheduled to meet with a prosecutor for February 28, 2012.

On February 28, 2012, 10 minutes before my scheduled time, I rode my bike to the Boise City Attorney's Office. The employee said it would take place at the Ada District Courthouse at 200 W.Front Street, Boise.

I come to the district court of Ada. At the direction of the court employee, I go up to the fourth floor and go into the assigned room in the 400th room. A prosecutor's office employee A. Carroll asked me several questions in a separate room through an Uzbek translator, including about the fine. I replied that I did not violate the laws of the United States and the state of Idaho, and therefore I would not pay a fine. I asked to be acquainted with the case and the accusation written by the police officer. She did not give and invited to the courtroom.

Ten minutes later the judge and her assistant arrived. On the phone from another state, an Uzbek interpreter was involved. I asked to be given the opportunity to review the case. The judge allowed. The file contained an accusatory handwritten note at the end of the penalty form, written by a policeman. I asked for a copy of this accusation. The judge allowed it, and Ms. A. Carroll gave me a copy.

Below is a recording of a policeman in English.

“Additional Notes:

I was dealing w/a (with a, A.Sh.) 3 car accident at Emirald’s Latah (OR130288). Standing on sidewalk talking w (with, A.Sh.)/ subjects from crash. (S) (Subject, A.Sh.) riding eastbound on sidewalk stopped’s told us to move. I told him to go around us he refused. Became belligerent when I told him to go around. I explain we had the right of way officers. Called for Code 1’s asked Griffin to cite him for us so I could deal w (with, A.Sh.)/ accident”.

Yes, the police officer, as an official, had the right of way and use of the sidewalk. He had to indicate these rights by installing red plastic racks and on the sidewalk. They installed such plastic racks on the road, and the cars went around the scene of the accident. Installing the same stands in the sidewalk would have shown pedestrians and cyclists, including me, how to get around the sidewalk, occupied by the police and the drivers involved in the accident. And the police officer B. Griffin did not install red plastic racks, and thereby violated his official duties.

The judge on February 28, 2012 at the Ada District Court fixed the trial date for May 30, 2012 at 3:15 pm. I asked, “I was illegally fired from my job three times in Boise because of discrimination. I have been unemployed since January 5, 2012. I will have to leave Boise. I'm planning to go to Washington. Do I have the right to participate by telephone in court on May 30, 2012?” The judge replied, "Yes, you can."

It is appropriate to say: on February 28, 2012, I answered the questions of the judge. On this day and at this hour, the Sheriff’s Office employees from my rented apartment took out all my things, clothes, to the needle and thread. Then they locked the door with another lock and sealed it.

The main purpose of the organization of the provocation and the fine on the sidewalk on December 16, 2011 was the removal of all my belongings from my rented apartment.

As a result, I found myself without a job, without a rented apartment and without personal belongings. Under these conditions, the only correct solution is to leave the Boise. On March 2, 2012, I flew from Boise to Baltimore. On April 1, 2012, I began to live in the Washington. On April 13, 2012, he received an identification document (ID) from a Washington resident. I rewrote the above facts from my article “Trial in the USA Continues” (see [29]).

So, the provocation on the sidewalk on December 16, 2011 was arranged on purpose, so that later, on the day of the trial, all my belongings would be taken out of my rented apartment in my absence. So the disseminated information about democracy in the US is greatly exaggerated. This is the result of a lot of propaganda in the media about democracy in the US. In fact, special services also rule here, more precisely, FBI agents. And in most cases, the end result will be as the FBI agents want and order.

PARAGRAPH 237. The following facts I have copied from my article «Судилище в США продолжается» ("The Trial in the USA Continues", see [29]). On May 29, 2012, I came to the office of Bread for the City (1525 7th St., NW Washington, DC 20001-3201). I was interviewed by Wendy N. Guyton, Social Services Supervisor

I asked her to call the Ada District Court and inform me in advance of my desire to participate in the court by phone on May 30, 2012 at 3:15 pm, and also to order an interpreter from the Uzbek language. Wendy called and arranged on the phone with an employee of the district court of Ada. She gave me a phone card and a court phone number. I express my gratitude to Wendy.

On May 30, 2012 at 3:12 p.m. I called the Ada District Court at (208) 287-7070. A woman answered the phone. I told her my first and last name, the case number - IN-11-50568, about the phone call on May 29, 2012 and said my desire to participate in the trial. She said "Now" and after a while connected with a man.

At 15:40 Russian translator Valeria Kvitko answered the phone. I explained the situation to her in Russian and said: “Please connect with the judge.” She said, "I'll find out now. Then I'll call you."

Valeria called me at 3:50 and said: “In my opinion, it is impossible to participate in the court by phone. Since you did not come to Boise, the court apparently decided not in your favor. In another five minutes, the court will end the working day. If you do not agree with the decision of the court, then write a letter to the court. We said goodbye.

Please note: on May 29, 2012, I ordered in advance that I wish to participate in the trial on May 30. But the court staff did not connect me to the judge by phone. Thus, I was deprived of the right to participate in the court.

As I wrote in paragraph 107, from August 6 to August 15, 2015, I was in the Boise to protect the refugee Fazliddin Kurbanov. I went to the Ada District Court, and asked “Please, shown the $56.50 court case dated December 16, 2011". It turns out that this court case was not saved, or rather destroyed. Only some documents remained from the case, that is, multiple pages ...

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Понедельник, 01 Апреля 2024 г. 15:41 + в цитатник



PARAGRAPH 200. As I wrote in paragraph 190, I began selling the Street Sense newspaper in early November 2012 near the Farragat Square North metro station in downtown Washington. As I wrote in paragraphs 190-199, FBI agents often sent provocateur vendors to my Street Sense newspaper outlet during 2012-2023. But they did not achieve significant results. So they started taking pictures of the buyers of my newspapers, that is, the Americans.

FBI agents and people associated with them used snitchers and informers in this case. Since 2012, snitchers and informers have been walking around with the same phone. They shot their photos and videos on one phone device. All shots were also displayed on the laptop (computer) of an FBI agent and a person associated with him, who usually sit inside a car.

Since 2015, every snitcher and informer has started walking around with two phone devices and a backpack. The first phone is installed inside the backpack, and the second is in the snitchers hand. A backpack phone is directed at a certain citizen, and at this time the snitcher is standing with its back to this citizen. Therefore, the citizen does not suspect that the snitcher is filming him on the phone. The informer controls the backpack with the second phone, that is, directs the backpack phone to the citizen and takes pictures or video pictures at the right time. The main convenience is that with the help of a backpack phone, you can freely take photos and videos while a citizen is moving, and the frames are high-quality, clear and accurate.

PARAGRAPH 201. Near the subway station Farragat North people often come in a stream. In these and similar cases, the snitcher did not have time to correct the footage. Therefore, he (she) took photos and videos directly of his device similar to a mobile phone, pointing towards my buyer.

FBI agents and people associated with them, having collected such photographs, determined the place and organization of work. I believe they then made remarks through the authorities and warned my newspaper buyer. Thus, they forbade the purchase of newspapers from me, threatening with dismissal from work. I am sure that some stubborn citizens were simply fired from their jobs under various pretexts. Some Americans have stopped buying the newspaper from me. A number of US citizens resisted such unlawful persecution. But they were also broken. Some have changed jobs, some have moved to another US state. As a result, during 2012-2020, that is, before the pandemic, I lost more than a hundred regular customers of the Street Sense newspaper.

Thus, the FBI agents and people associated with them forbade Americans to spend their two or three dollars of labor on their own, in this case to buy the Street Sense newspaper.

PARAGRAPH 202. I also took pictures of snitchers-provocateurs in my mobile phone and camera. I have hundreds, sometimes more than one thousand, of these photos every year.

FBI agents and people associated with them during nightly drug interrogations installed a special phone program in my phone, which emitted certain special signals. Employees of law enforcement agencies, being nearby, began to receive these signals on their phones. They started looking for the source of these signals and came to me with a phone on their arm. They often start filming me with their cell phone. I sometimes took pictures of them with my phone too. I am sure that many of them hold certain leadership positions in law enforcement agencies.

FBI agents and people associated with them hunted for my phones and chips, which contained hundreds and thousands of such photographs of law enforcement officials, snitchers and provocateurs. In this way, they stole my three mobile phones and several chips with photos and other information.


PARAGRAPH 203. I have become convinced of the constant persecution of thirteen years of life in the United States: FBI agents frequently and extensively use soporific (sleeping) drugs against dissident US citizens and foreign citizens. These drugs are very versatile. Personally, powdered ones in coffee or tea were used against me, air by mixing sleeping pills with cool air coming out of the air conditioner and with the help of an evaporating liquid by wiping the floor around me after soaking a rag in a potent soporific (sleeping) drug mixture. An important point: in my opinion, FBI agents organize a lot of crimes with the help of sleeping drugs, and such crimes are not solved. Therefore, they use these means almost openly and brazenly. A few examples.

PARAGRAPH 204. I wrote about the shelter in paragraphs 66-67. Let me remind you: a shelter is a rooming house for the homeless in the United States. FBI agents and people associated with them sometimes carried out various activities at night: stealing bags and belongings of the homeless, drug interrogations, and so on. One day in 2013, at six o'clock in the morning, I opened my locker in room D. Suddenly, one homeless man screamed loudly. He sat on the bed on the second floor and said that his backpack with things had been stolen from him. Usually a homeless person sets his only bag or backpack under his head, that is, he sleeps on a backpack. Apparently, in the evening, a soporific agent (sleeping drug) was added to her food in the kitchens and he slept like a log all night. Naturally, the man associated with the FBI agent easily took out and carried away the homeless man's backpack. Often in a backpack (bag) there is his personal documents, a complaint, clothes and personal belongings. And he was literally left with nothing ...

PARAGRAPH 205. In the shelter, the four main halls were large and in each of them 80-90 homeless people spent the night. There was a danger of some homeless people waking up and being witnesses to the illegal activities of FBI agents and people associated with them. For the mass euthanization of the homeless in the shelter hall, a special iron wire, similar to Bengal candles, was attached to the bedpost. Let me remind you: Bengal candles consist of pieces of iron wire with Bengal fire applied to one of the ends. In my opinion, a soporific mixture was applied to it. When ignited, the candle smoked heavily and spread soporific smoke around. It can be called a Bengal sleeping candle.

Such a Bengal sleeping candle usually burned for several hours. There were a lot of clothes and bedding around. And a fire could break out at any moment. I spent more than two years sleeping in a shelter. The fire alarm went off many times, firefighters came and kicked us out into the yard of the shelter. In the winter, in the cold, we waited for the end of the firefighters' events.

I have repeatedly addressed the duty workers of the shelter about the danger of fire due to sparklers soporific candles. But they didn't take action. They knew who was organizing such a dangerous event and tried not to interfere in the affairs of FBI agents and people associated with them.

PARAGRAPH 206. I am a Muslim and have been attending The Islamic Center of Washington DC for Friday and Eid prayers since March 2010. Address: 2551 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008. The mosque is heavily controlled by FBI agents and people associated with them. They often use a Bengal sleep candle during Friday prayers and also on Ramadan days. The appearance of these candles is slightly different. The smell is also slightly different. But their action is aimed at lulling Muslims.

Such candles are installed when many Muslims come to the mosque. They often use them during the month of Ramadan. In Ramadan, daily after the night prayer (isha), Muslims collectively perform a voluntary taraweeh prayer, consisting of eight or twenty rak'ahs. Taraweeh ends around 12 midnight. FBI agents and people associated with them do not want to stay at the mosque so late. Each of them is given the task of observing one of the Muslims, for example, they are watching me. They give their people who work inside the mosque the task of installing a Bengal sleeping candle in the ablution room and in the halls before the start of prayer. After inhaling such smoke, a Muslim begins to yawn after 20-30 minutes and wants to sleep. I remember how my eyes closed on their own and I could hardly stand on my feet, I almost fell.

And after one or two rak'ahs of taraweeh, many Muslims begin to go home. This is how the FBI agents and people associated with them interfere with the religious freedom of Muslims and flagrantly violate the First Amendment to the US Constitution. I will remind her.

"Amendment I (1791)
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." [91]

PARAGRAPH 207. For the covert use of sleeping drugs against dissident residents of the United States in 2018-2020, McDonald's was overhauled, operating 24 hours a day. For example, the McDonalds I frequent in 2022-2023 are located at 4130 Wisconsin Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20016 and 1390 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852. They are one-story. Let me remind you that at McDonald's all tables are rigidly fixed to the concrete floor. Almost every table has the opportunity to turn on the purge air system, which contains sleeping agents. The purge system is located above the ceiling and is not visible to the McDonald's visitor. Now FBI agents and people associated with them have the opportunity to turn on a special system with soporific air over the desired table. For comparison: you can circuitly connect a lot of light lamps (bulbs) in this way, and light only the lamps (bulbs) you need. Personally, this method has been used and continues to be used against me many times.

There are also two-story McDonald's. They are usually allowed to eat there for 30 minutes and after that time they are required to leave the McDonald's building. In my opinion, it is impossible to install equipment for an air purge system in the interfloor space, which includes sleeping agents. For example, McDonald's near the Glenmont metro station at 12313 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20906.


PARAGRAPH 208. In the beginning about the concept of Havana syndrome.

“Havana syndrome is a cluster of idiopathic symptoms experienced mostly abroad by U.S. government officials and military personnel. The symptoms range in severity from pain and ringing in the ears to cognitive dysfunction and were first reported in 2016 by U.S. and Canadian embassy staff in Havana, Cuba. Beginning in 2017, more people, including U.S. intelligence and military personnel and their families, reported having these symptoms in other places, such as China, New Delhi, India, Europe, and Washington, D.C. The U.S. Department of State, Department of Defense, and other federal entities have called the events "Anomalous Health Incidents" (AHI).” [92]

In the summer of 2021, some kinds of microwaves were used against me. I worked on my laptop in the hallway of the hostel at night. In the morning, I returned to room 301 and continued to write. I began to feel a little dizzy, my head ached, to ache and itch. It was like that for several days. I know my body well. I am sure that some kind of microwaves coming from the ceiling acted on me. I studied at the Moscow Higher Technical University (MVTU) named after N. Bauman in 1979-1983. I worked in positions up to the lead designer in design bureaus and participated in the design of various machines in Moscow and Tashkent. Therefore, I know well the technical capabilities of modern machines and mechanisms.

In my opinion, "Havana Syndrome" is an invention of FBI agents and associated specialists in this field.

PARAGRAPH 209. I wrote in paragraph 203 about the covert application of sleep aids through a ventilation system installed inside the ceiling. Almost every McDonald's table can be equipped with a microwave device. An FBI agent and/or a person associated with him has the ability to turn on a microwave device above the desired table. It will purposefully act on a dining citizen or a group of citizens sitting at this table. Personally, McDonald's at 4130 Wisconsin Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20016 and 1390 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 turned on such a system many times against me. I felt dizzy and had headaches. It was difficult to concentrate on the article and had a harmful effect on mental work.

I sometimes got up and sat down at another table. A little while later, the headache disappeared. There were cases when, after a short time, the agent turned on the microwave device above this table, and the harmful waves continued to act on the nervous system and against the normal mental work of the head.

PARAGRAPH 210. Abdumannob Pulatov (16.12.1951-21.11.2010) was the strongest Uzbek human rights activist. Brief information about him.

“Abdumannob Kayumovich Pulatov was born on December 16, 1951 in the Tashkent region of the Uzbekistan, Uzbek by nationality. In 1974-1979 he was a postgraduate student at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University. Then he taught at the mathematical faculty of Tashkent State University. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Abdumannob Pulatov is one of the founders of the people's movement of Uzbekistan "Birlik" ("Unity"), which is in opposition to the regime of Islam Karimov. In December 1991, he founded the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan (HRSU), which he headed until 2001. In 1992, already a political emigrant, he participated in an international conference in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), from where he was kidnapped by Uzbek special services and taken to Uzbekistan. In January 1993, the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan found him guilty of "insulting the honor and dignity of the President of Uzbekistan" and sentenced him to 2 years in prison. However, Pulatov was released in the courtroom under an amnesty.” [93]

I wrote a long article about him in December 2010 (see [94]). He has lived in the US since March 1993. On January 10, 2010, he wrote the following about himself in his article [95] (I translated from Uzbek into English).

“The author of the article has over 15 years of experience as an interpreter in US immigration and asylum courts. Especially the experience of the last 5 years is regular (in some months - 7-8 lawsuits!), wide and deep. During this time he has been involved in hundreds of cases and has gathered a lot of information and experience about the relevant procedure, the law and what matters are considered important. Also, the author, as an expert, studied and analyzed dozens of asylum cases for 15-16 years. Immigration lawyers and asylum seekers prepared expert opinions (“expertise”) on these cases for the immigration service and courts, participated as an expert in immigration courts in dozens of cases” [94], [95]

So, Abdumannob Pulatov defended the rights of immigrants from various countries for 15-16 years and contributed to the victory of the case in court. On the other side of the court cases were FBI agents and US Attorney Generals.

I called him on April 20, 2010. He said that he had a brain tumor and had been in the hospital for one month. He passed away on November 21, 2010 at the age of 58.

"A brain tumor (Tumour in British spelling) occurs when abnormal cells form within the brain. There are two main types of tumors: malignant tumors and benign (non-cancerous) tumors. These can be further classified as primary tumors, which start within the brain, and secondary tumors, which most commonly have spread from tumors located outside the brain, known as brain metastasis tumors. All types of brain tumors may produce symptoms that vary depending on the size of the tumor and the part of the brain that is involved. Where symptoms exist, they may include headaches, seizures, problems with vision, vomiting and mental changes. Other symptoms may include difficulty walking, speaking, with sensations, or unconsciousness.

The cause of most brain tumors is unknown. Uncommon risk factors include exposure to vinyl chloride, Epstein–Barr virus, ionizing radiation, and inherited syndromes such as neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, and von Hippel-Lindau Disease. Studies on mobile phone exposure have not shown a clear risk. The most common types of primary tumors in adults are meningiomas (usually benign) and astrocytomas such as glioblastomas. In children, the most common type is a malignant medulloblastoma. Diagnosis is usually by medical examination along with computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The result is then often confirmed by a biopsy. Based on the findings, the tumors are divided into different grades of severity." [96]

In my opinion, such a process of abnormal uncontrolled division of brain cells can be launched using a microwave weapon. Based on my own experience of exposure to microwave weapons, I believe that microwave weapons were also used against Abdumannob Pulatov, which is written about in the Havana Syndrome ([94], [95]). After all, he comes from a large family. And none of them had brain cancer.


PARAGRAPH 211. Many compatriots, journalists and human rights activists do not know or know very superficially what drug influence and drug interrogation are. Brief information about this. I have not found such information in a detailed presentation in the English-language literature. Therefore, I will write about him in translation from Russian-language literature: РОМАН РОНИН. Своя разведка. Практическое пособие. Минск, «Харвест», 1997 (ROMAN RONIN. Your intelligence. Practical guide. Minsk, Harvest, 1997 (see [97])).

“Drugs are revered substances that give rise to euphoria in small doses, and in large doses - numbness and deep sleep with a complete shutdown of consciousness and pain sensitivity.

Such substances are both natural (opium, marijuana, henbane ...) and synthesized (amphetamines, "mulka", "ecstasy", "screw", LSD ...).

Due to the specific nature of the impact, all drugs are used in a wide range, in particular for:
- obtaining information (drug interrogation, call for talkativeness in a conversation ...);
— coding the object for the required behavior;
- breaking the will of a person with all sorts of goals (the technique of "putting on the game" ...);
- shocking changes in human behavior with the expectation of discrediting him;
- derangement of the psyche of the object in the process of "brainwashing" or zombies;
- neutralization of the possible resistance of the person during her abduction.

In the technique of professional interrogation, drugs are used to create a certain "twilight zone" in the mind of the individual. The drug provides disinhibition of specific inhibitory centers of the brain and a person cannot reason clearly and invent something, although he usually retains the memory of the past.

If the effect of the drug was not very strong and the subject did not lose consciousness in order to understand what he was being asked, then he is able to hide the truth. The difficulty therefore lies in the selection of the optimal working dose of the drug, which should exclude the ability to conscious resistance (possible at a meager dose), and prevent the subject from "talking nonsense" (at too high a dose). Drug administration is usually stopped when the person's eyelids begin to tremble and speech becomes slurred.

Drug resistance is quite subjective and, in particular, depends on the physical condition, mental type, experience and other purely individual factors. Sometimes a person posts information only after receiving the third or fourth portion of any of the "truth sera".

Specific questions are usually formulated as briefly as possible (so that the interrogated person does not forget their beginning when stating the end (and they should also lack suggestibility). The latter applies especially to neurotics, who are extremely prone to fantasies.

Having been freed from the influence of the drug, the interrogated person, as a rule, does not remember the content of the information given to him and has no idea about the duration of the session.

In the technique of drug interrogation, the following techniques are used:
- mixing in the drink infusion of belladonna (mad cherry or belladonna) in order to catch what is hidden in sleepy delirium;
- slow intravenous administration of a small (0.5-1 ml of a 0.05% solution) dose of scopolamine; excessively rapid administration of the drug or its large doses are considered life-threatening (sharp drop in blood pressure, weakening of cardiac activity, respiratory arrest ...). The effect is usually manifested in feelings of soaring and weight reduction; the subject does not control himself, becomes excessively sociable, extremely complacent and very frank, stirring up what he usually hides;
- injection into a vein of 2-8 ml of a 10% solution of sodium thiopental (pentothal) with a meager (1 ml per 1 minute) speed; at the same time, after 10-15 minutes, "the light clearly dims, objects decrease in size, hidden thoughts jump to the surface, sweeping away thoughts of any caution and the need to control oneself, although there is usually no need for communication." At a low dose, a sleep period should be used, and at a large dose, a wake-up period;
- slow introduction into a vein of 0.5-8 ml of a 10% solution of sodium amytal (barbamil), the effect of which is manifested in a decrease in overall activity and slowing down of speech; at the same time, dizziness and dryness in the mouth are felt, and the surrounding objects lose their shape. Then there is euphoria (although occasionally depression is possible) with increased sociability and friendliness, accompanied by verbosity with the disappearance of restraint, which lasts from 10 minutes to 1 hour, giving way to stunning and sleep for a period of several minutes to several hours. To prolong the desired euphoria, the drug is administered at the lowest possible (4-20 minutes) rate, and the overdose is eliminated with an injection of caffeine;
- slow (3-5 minutes) intravenous injection of 2-8 ml of 10% amytal-sodium solution (barbamil), and after immersion in a narcotic sleep, the introduction of a powerful dose of a psychostimulant (amphetamine ...). The forced awakening of the sleeper gives him a surge of energy and a passionate desire to speak; the sounds and all the images around become bright and very embossed, the pulse and breathing quicken, all thoughts clear up, I want to scream from the awareness of my strength. Since a person is tied up before this, all the power of the motor energy is actively sublimated into unstoppable verbal flows.

Will-suppressing chemicals can be detected in the blood no more than a few hours after the injection, and the needle mark is usually visible for a couple of days, although there are needles (for example, insulin) that do not leave any marks” [97]

It is appropriate to say that law enforcement agencies, including FBI agents, have been using drug interrogation since the early 1950s, that is, more than 70 years [98].

“During the 1950s, under the direction of the Air Force (and eventually the CIA), a series of papers were written defining the scope in which the government “could put pressure on a person and force him to do things against his will.” In the introduction of one of these works, the authors state that the purpose of their study is “to scientifically substantiate the action of pharmacological agents currently used to obtain information that the source of information, for one reason or another, does not want to give out” [98]

I will write in more detail about drug interrogations and the facts of adding poison to my food and drinks in separate articles in the future, if I remain alive and at free (freedom).

PARAGRAPH 212. FBI agents began nightly drug interrogations of me in Boise in 2010 and continued into 2011. Some nights they entered my rented apartment and conducted drug interrogations. I felt bad after such a night of drug interrogation. I thought they were coming in through the window and hung up various large plastic sheets and attached them with tacks. If they entered through the window, they would not be able to attach the plastic sheets with buttons on the way back.

But night drug interrogations continued. Once I noticed a square hole in the ceiling, which was covered with a small rectangular board. I climbed up the home stairs and moved the board away. There was a view of the attic. In the attic, long boards were laid for passage from the neighboring apartment. I began to think about how to close the entrance through the attic. The next day I come home from work and see: someone firmly drove nails from the side of the attic to the ceiling board and my entrance to the attic was closed.

Several days passed and the night drug interrogation continued. I'm sure one of them came down from the roof, entered through the window and opened the front door for the others. Each window hung a perennial plastic sheet curtain. One night heard something fell on the floor. In the morning, I got up and saw: on the window, which was in front of the front door to my room, a new curtain was hanging. Clearly, someone at night entering through the window cut off the curtain. In those days, I had not yet attached plastic sheets to this window.

I decided to go to my medical clinic and ask for a urine and blood test. I come there and ask for an analysis and say “I will pay for the cost of the analysis.” A young woman consults with someone on the phone and refuses. I'm waiting for the issue to be resolved. It was a Friday and the work day was over. Soon, respectable men in red baseball caps appeared around me and outside the door and everyone was looking in my direction. I realized that this would not end well for me and left.

I decided to go to the emergency department of the hospital and ask for an analysis at my expense. There, too, they did not want to do an analysis. I began to demand. I waited over an hour and sat talking to a young Russian translator. Apparently, the doctor discussed with someone, possibly FBI agents, then told me: "We will conduct a complete analysis of you." I asked, "How much will it cost?" The doctor called the amount more than two thousand dollars. I didn't have that amount. So, I refused and went home. Here is USA medicine and its help ...

PARAGRAPH 213. FBI agents have continued overnight drug interrogations in the Washington, DC since 2012. I didn't know where to do a urine test. I asked one of the buyers to give me the address of a medical facility that provides good service. He brought the address written on a piece of paper the next day: Whitman-Walker Health, 1525 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20005.

I'm tired of such drug interrogations and torment. I decided in 2018 to do a urine test after such an overnight drug interrogation at a medical facility in the city of Washington (Whitman-Walker Health, 1525 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20005). I asked and the doctors with an interval of two weeks conducted two analyzes of my urine. Doctors tested for seven sedatives that are added to food or drink. The doctor said these soporific (sleeping) drugs weren't found in my urine (see photo 53).

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Photo 53. The result of a drug test, urine. September 20, 2018.

I said to the doctor: "This group of persecutors used to sleep drugs against me through the respiratory tract." The doctor said: "We cannot find such sleeping drugs." I asked: “It has been known for centuries that ammonia can put a person to sleep through the respiratory tract. Can you determine the use of ammonia if it was used against a person? She replied: "No, we cannot determine the ammonia used." Such a doctor's answer means: "We do not want, or rather we are not allowed to solve such a crime."

PARAGRAPH 214. Naturally, another question arises: why do this group of FBI harassers need numerous drug interrogations of me? Part of this has to do with punitive psychiatry. I have lived more than thirteen years in the USA and some circumstances of punitive psychiatry in the USA have been revealed to me. I have written a more complete answer to this question in paragraphs 160-176, and in the long paper [42].

A group of persecutors from the FBI have been trying to use punitive psychiatry against me for more than thirteen years and thereby want to deprive me of basic human rights. They did not investigate 19 thefts and 4 robberies with the help of punitive psychiatry. I wrote in a long article [42] about the use of punitive psychiatry in the US against dissidents, especially unemployed and homeless dissidents, including me. In the future I will try to write a separate large article on punitive psychiatry in the United States, God willing.

Security forces, often FBI agents with the help of officials, repeatedly fire a dissident citizen from work and do not give him the opportunity to get a job. They agreed with psychiatrists, for several months or years, an unemployed and often homeless dissident citizen is secretly registered as a mental patient. They write about it in a special column of his personal file, stored in computer facilities.

A doctor of psychiatry initially diagnoses a minor psychiatric disorder to a dissident citizen. Intelligence agencies continue to spy and organize new provocations against the dissident, and these moments continue to be filmed. Many thousands of detachments of informers and informers help in filming. They film citizens daily on the streets and institutions of the United States. They are armed with special devices similar to mobile phones. Such devices provide instant video transmission over a certain distance, i.e. to FBI agents and police officers sitting in a car and / or in the center.

Then they make a montage of real audio and video recordings with recordings made during drug interrogations. The result is rubbish. Such edited audio and/or video recordings are given to psychiatrists. As a result, they receive the following psychiatric diagnosis against a dissident. FBI agents and people associated with them, using the edited audio and / or video recording, receive permission for the next six months of finance for surveillance and provocations against a dissident citizen. They provide jobs and a large salary for themselves in such a criminal way.

So, a group of FBI agents and people associated with them receive a large salary from the US budget and continue to haunt me day and night from January 2010 to today – April 2, 2024.

PARAGRAPH 215. I believe there is a criminal group in the USA made up of FBI agents and psychiatrists. They secretly frame a dissident person as a mental patient, that is, they use punitive psychiatry. In the future, various crimes are secretly committed against him, for example, theft of his things, robbery, beating, and so on. If the victim informs the police, then the police officer opens the personal file of the complainant in a computer archive: there, in the personal file of the applicant, it is written that this dissident citizen is listed as a mental patient. I wrote about punitive psychiatry in paragraphs 142-176 of part 4.

PARAGRAPH 216. It was this criminal method that was used against me. From July 2010 to January 2012, I was illegally fired from my job three times in Boise City. I moved to Washington DC in March 2012. I have been a salesman for the Street Sense newspaper since October 2012 and am financially self-supporting. From November 2012 to July 2021, they organized 19 thefts and 4 robberies against me. In the course of thefts and robberies, my journalistic belongings were taken several times along with bags, three computers, three telephones, a recorder and other things. I have reported crimes to the police many times. Police officers came and recorded my testimony on audio through their walkie-talkie, which is in their chest. Often two police officers came. One of them got acquainted with my document and wrote it down in his notebook, and the other officer filmed it on his mobile phone. I came to the police station two days later and they handed me a registration sheet about the incident. It was written there so as not to open a criminal case. As a result, all the crimes were not investigated, and the criminals were not caught and punished.

PARAGRAPH 217. An interesting fact: to facilitate the massacre of dissidents and the homeless in Washington DC and in the states, the main shelter is open and functioning in a building on the territory of a psychiatric hospital. I wrote in paragraph 172 that the largest shelter 801 in the city of Washington DC operates on the territory of the St. Elizabeth Mental Hospital (address of the main building of the hospital: 1100 Alabama Avenue, Southeast, Washington, D.C., United States).

I was in New York in 2013 and decided to consult on one issue of my own health. Appealed to the New York branch of the International Rescue Committee (122 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10168-1289). The duty officer gave the address where there is medical care for the homeless. I came to the specified address. At the entrance to the territory, I read that a psychiatric hospital is located here. The medical staff treated me well. I thanked and left.

PARAGRAPH 218. There are many types of police departments in the United States. In my opinion there is a special police department dealing with mental patients. The statement of the injured dissident person is sent to this police department. And there they write some absurd pretext on behalf of the applicant and under this pretext do not open a criminal case and do not investigate the crime. As a result, the crimes committed against this dissident citizen are not investigated.

PARAGRAPH 219. Some may doubt the facts about drug interrogations and thefts. Let me give you more facts about it. Usually, during drug interrogation, the interrogated person unconsciously gesticulates strongly with his hands and feet. Therefore, strong men - FBI agents or their assistants by force hold the interrogated person during drug interrogation. After so many nightly drug interrogations, my arms, forearm, neck or legs hurt for a week or ten days.

FBI agents conducted another drug interrogation on the night of December 29-30, 2021. On December 30, in the middle of the day, he began to feel pain in his neck on both sides. Apparently, during the drug interrogation, they held my neck with a strong one hand. In my opinion, they give an anesthetic injection during a drug interrogation. Therefore, pain begins to be felt after the cessation of the anesthetic injection. For comparison: surgeons give a soporific and anesthetic injection to the patient before the operation. Therefore, the patient does not feel pain during the operation and several hours after the operation.

After nightly drug interrogations, he often itched from behind between two shoulder blades. In our school years, we - students were sometimes given injections between the shoulder blades to prevent certain diseases. Then the injection site hurt a little and itched.

Once he ran his finger between two shoulder blades, where he itched. My finger found a scratch about one centimeter long. In my opinion, such a scratch was formed during a nightly drug injection: apparently, I accidentally moved, and the syringe needle went through the skin and left a trace of a scratch.

Another drug interrogation was carried out at night from 4 to 5 May 2022. My elbow hurt for three days. Also, a little sore neck.

The FBI agent also slapped my ears during nighttime drug interrogations. After that, I lost hearing in one of my ears, often the left ear. I covered my right ear with my hand, and all the city noise disappeared. Hearing was gradually restored within 7-10 days.

FBI agents and people associated with them conducted another drug interrogation at night in mid-May 2022. In the morning, I felt pain in my left ear and hearing was gone. A week has passed. The pain sensation remained, and hearing was not restored. Inside the left ear felt the presence of liquid. I searched and bought Chinese cotton swabs, which have a stick and cotton wool is wound on two ends. I cleaned my left ear with a cotton swab. The end of the wand was red with blood. The FBI agents and people associated with them this time dealt a more serious blow to the left ear, even with some kind of special object, leading to internal poisoning. I cleaned my left ear every other day. The end of the wand was red with blood. More than twenty days have passed. The pain in the left ear remained and hearing was not restored. I determine this by covering the right ear. After another fifteen days, hearing gradually recovered.

PARAGRAPH 220. In September 2019, at the end of the first part of the article [42], I wrote the following: “P.S.1. For the last year and a half (since 2017), the special services have been trying hard to make my kidneys sick. They use beatings on the kidneys during drug exposure and drug interrogations, adding poison to my food, water, coffee, tea, which will make my kidneys terminally ill. I believe that they want to make me seriously ill in this way and eventually kill me. [42]

FBI agents and people associated with them still continue to hit the kidneys during nightly drug interrogations. They also add poisonous substances to my food and drinks at night. Because of them, I feel a nagging signal and a slightly noticeable pain in the kidneys for the next days. FBI agents in what ways use poisonous substances against citizens - this is a topic for a separate large article.

FBI agents using drugs and poisonous substances against me and conducting drug interrogations at night with torture, cruel and inhuman treatment, they grossly violate Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

“Article 7. No one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no person shall, without his free consent, be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation.” [35]


PARAGRAPH 221. To these many types of harassment of FBI agents, I can add two more illegal methods of harassment.

I turned 65 on January 20, 2019. Therefore, I wanted to solve two problems: retirement and renting cheap housing (studio). I contacted the Silver Spring Center of the Department of Health and Human Services (Silver Spring Center: 8818 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Maryland 20910) on January 24, 2019. The employee spoke to someone on the phone and invited me into a room. There she gave me two addresses typed into the computer.

At the first address, I applied to the Social Security Administration for a pension (315 N Washington St., Rockville, Maryland 20850). The employee said (meaning), "You should have accumulated 40 credits. You only have 4 credits. Therefore, you are not entitled to a pension." Let me remind you: in the USA, one loan was equal to $1,320 in 2018.

Under US law, you can only accumulate four credits per year. That is, a US resident needs to work for at least ten years and must regularly pay taxes. I came to the US in January 2010. Firstly, the refugee is given 8 months in the US to study English and find a job. Secondly, I applied to the Social Security Administration (an analogue of the Pension Fund we understand) in January 2019. How could I accumulate 40 credits in 8 years? As a result, they refused to pay me a pension and I still do not receive a pension.

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PARAGRAPH 190. I started selling the Street Sense newspaper in mid-October 2012. In early November 2012, I came near the Farragut Square North subway station in downtown Washington, DC. This metro station is located about 300-400 foot from the White House and is one of the most crowded places in the capital. None of the Street Sense vendors were present.

PARAGRAPH 191. FBI agents frequently sent and continue to send vendor provocateurs to my place of work, that is, to my place of sale of the Street Sense newspaper during 2012-2022. In this chapter, I give several examples.

PARAGRAPH 192. As of March 2013, Mr. Brandon Caudill joined Street Sense as a Sales Manager.

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Photo 50. Mr. Brandon Caudill - Sales Manager Street Sense. [87]

Brief information about Mr. Brandon Caudill.

“Brandon Caudill, Sales Manager - Brandon joined the Street Sense staff in the spring of 2013 after volunteering for the organization for over a year. Prior to moving to the District in 2011, Brandon lived in his native state of California where he began his professional career working in customer service management and sports management. He has previously served as a volunteer with the Prado Day Center in San Luis Obispo, California” [87]

I started working as a salesperson in October 2012. But until March 2013, I didn't see him at the Street Sense office. In my opinion, he was brought into the Street Sense office on purpose. On March 5, 2013, the first general meeting of Street Sense sellers took place and there I saw him for the first time. Such meetings began to be organized monthly on the first Tuesday.

PARAGRAPH 193. On July 5, 2013, Mr. Brandon Caudill gave me a written warning.


To: Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, vendor # 457
From: Brandon Caudill, Sales Manager
Subject: Written Warning
Date: July 3, 2013

Dear Mr. Ahmadjonov,

Please consider this a formal warning that your actions reported on 6/21/13 by other vendors were in violation of the Street Sense territorial policy.

At around 4 PM on 6/21/13, a vendor # 133 Jeffery McNeil called the Street Sense offices to report that you were violating the vendor territorial policy while distributing newspapers near Farragut North Metro Station. Mr. McNeil claims you first were distributing newspapers too close to vendor # 458 Rashawn Bowser, then began distributing newspapers too close to Mr. McNeil. Ms. Bowser has made a similar such claim.

This action is in violation of the vendor Code of Conduct, which all vendors must obey when distributing newspapers. The Code of Conduct states “I will abide by the Street Sense vendor territorial policy at all times and will resolve any related disputes I have with other vendors in a professional manner”. The vendor territorial policy states that all vendors must distribute newspapers at least one (1) block away from each other unless they can come to a specific agreement to do otherwise.

You may refute this warning if you wish, but if further reports are received regarding behavior such as this, Street Sense may take disciplinary action, including temporary suspension from Street Sense.

Thank you,


Brandon Caudill
Sales Manager
Street Sense


PARAGRAPH 194. On July 9, 2013, I wrote a written response to the Executive Director of Street Sense, Mr. Brian Carome, to Mr. Brandon Caudill's unsubstantiated allegations in Russian and English. The links to the photos and Attachments are written in the same way as in 2013, and they are not related to the photos and Attachments of this large statement-complaint of 2023.

"To the Executive Director of Street Sense"
Mr. Brian Carome

From Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov (Uzbek, 01/20/1954 year of birth)
2700 Martin Luther King Ave, SE (Source-East - Southeast)
Washington DC 20032
Tel: (202) 423-7578


Dear Brian!

Mr. Brandon Caudill, Street Sense Sales Manager, gave me a written warning on July 5 (Friday), 2013 (Exhibit 1, see paragraph 188).

I believe that Mr. Brandon Caudill wrote a written warning without a good study of the situation said in the complaint and without discussion with me. I will try to describe the situation in more detail.

I have been selling a newspaper near the entrance to the Farragut North subway station since October 2012. Ms. Rashawn Bowser (No. 458) has been selling a newspaper near this subway since December 2012. She often came after me and sold a newspaper in the corner of Farragut Square, that is, on the other side of K-street. Sometimes she would come before me and sell a newspaper near the Farragut North subway station, and I would sell a newspaper in the corner of Farragut Square. I believe it was a mutual agreement.

Mr. Jeffery McNeil (badge no. 133) started selling the newspaper in a corner of Farragut Square sometime in January-February 2013.

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Photo 51. Jeffery McNeil (badge no. 133). [88]

On May 22, 2013, at 4 pm, I came near the entrance to the North Farragut metro station. At 6:30 pm Mrs. Rashavn Bowser came in and started selling the Street Sense newspaper two or three steps away from me. I told her that I had come earlier and asked her to leave. She didn't leave. I realized that this is a provocation. I stood for 20 minutes and continued selling the newspaper. I didn't have proof that I had come before. So I left so that there would be no conflict.

Ms. Rashavn Bowser staged the same provocation on May 28, 2013. I called Street Sense on May 28 at 4:34 pm. There is a record of this call in my phone. There was no answer. I left a message. Since then, no one has answered my call.

On June 4, 2013, a regular meeting of vendors took place in the Street Sense auditorium. I spoke and spoke during the meeting about violations of the rules of trade near the entrance to the metro station North Farragut by Ms. Rashavn Bowser (I did not know her name and badge number at the time) and another vendor in the Eastern Market. I said that this woman vendor comes after me and starts selling the newspaper near me.

I believe that on June 4 I warned the leadership of Street Sense about the impending provocation against me. You - Mr. Brian Carome also participated in that meeting and spoke about the rules of trade of the newspaper.

After the meeting, everyone went out into the corridor. Mr. Jeffery McNeil was also standing there. I showed him to Mr. Brandon Caudill and said that he violated the rules of trade and did not keep a distance of one block near the North Farragut metro station. Mr. Brandon Caudill didn't answer and turned to other vendors. And Mr. McNeil stood and laughed.

Now I will describe the events of June 21 (Friday), 2013. On June 21, I came near the entrance to the metro station North Farragut at about 15:00. Ms. Rashavn Bowser came after me 30 minutes later and started selling a newspaper at a distance of 2-3 steps from me. I continued selling the newspaper. After 7-8 minutes, Mr. Jeffrey McNeil will come and say something to Mrs. Rashavn Bowser. I think he advised me to call the office of the Street Sense newspaper. Then Mr. Jeffery McNeil walked off towards Farragut Square.

Rashawn Bowser took out her phone, called and started talking about selling the newspaper. I realized that she was on the phone saying that I was violating the rules of the trade. So, I took my bags and left towards Farragut Square.

I crossed K-Street. Here, not far from the corner, stood Mr. Jeffery McNeil, talking on the telephone. I put my bags aside and started offering people the Street Sense newspaper. Perhaps at this time, Mr. Jeffery McNeil called the office of the Street Sense newspaper and spoke about me (it is very noisy here and you cannot hear the words of the speaker on the phone). He held the phone and told me to leave. I answered: “Today I came to this intersection first.” After three or four minutes he ended the conversation, took his newspapers out of his bag and started selling them. I understood the situation, took my bags and left for another place. I emphasize: I did not sell a single newspaper in this corner.

So I did not violate the territorial policy of the vendor.

I will talk about a violation of the territorial policy of the vendor Ms. Rashawn Bowser and Mr. Jeffery McNeil on July 3, 2013.

I came near the entrance to the subway station Farragut North July 3, 2013, at 14:50 hours. There were no vendors. It is known that pre-holiday trade is good. Therefore, I thought that Mrs. Rashavn Bowser and Mr. Jeffery McNeil would come. Near the entrance to the subway, a woman about 30 years old is sitting and begging. She wrote: “I am hungry!” I approached this woman at 2:54 pm and asked her to remember the time of my arrival and that there were no other vendors nearby. She memorized and even wrote down the time.

I started selling the newspaper. At 15:30 pm vendors James Davis (badge no. 20) and Jeffery McNeil (badge no. 133) passed near me.

Mr. Jeffery McNeil returned at 3:50 pm, crossed Connecticut Avenue and started selling a newspaper on my right, that is, at the corner of K Street and Connecticut Avenue.

Ms. Rashavn Bowser came at 4:45 pm and started selling a newspaper within two or three paces of me. I approached the witness at 4:50 pm, said that Mrs. Rashavn had come at 4:45 pm and asked her to remember this time.

Mrs. Rashavn sold the newspaper for 55 minutes. Then she decided to leave. She walked past me and I asked: “What is your badge number? My badge number is 457. She covered her badge with Street Sense and refused to give her badge number. She left towards the CVC-Pharmacy store at 5:40 pm.

Mr. Jeffery McNeil moved to the corner of Farragut Square at 5:45 pm. Ms. Rashavn Bowser returned at 6:00 pm and crossed K-street and spoke to Mr. McNeil. He pointed her to the corner of K-street and Connecticut Ave. She went to that corner and started selling a newspaper. Only one street separated her and me, not one block.

Thus, Mr. Jeffrey McNeil and Mrs. Rashavn Bowser clearly violated the territorial policy of vendors (sellers).

I photographed them on July 3 at 18:20. Mr. McNeil was wearing a white slack and a blue shirt. He often sells the paper without wearing his green Street Sense uniform. He tried to turn away from the photo. I am enclosing three photographs of it.

Then I photographed twice the corner where Mrs. Rashavn Bowser was standing. The car covered it in the first photo. Therefore, I enclose only the second photograph of Mrs. Rashavn Bowser (see photo 4).

I also took pictures on July 3 (see photo 5). These five photographs are attached as Appendix 2-6. I wrote a short comment on the back of each photo.

At 6:30 pm Mr. McNeil left. Ms. Rashavn Bowser moved to the corner of Farragut Square at 6:35 pm.

These facts and photos show that Mr. McNeil and Mrs. Rashavn Bowser themselves are big violators of the vendor's territorial policy.

Now I will write about my relationship with Mr. Brandon Caudill. I came to the Street Sense office on June 27 (Thursday), 2013 and bought 80 pieces of newspaper. Mr. Brandon Caudill showed me the paper. Three phrases were written on it that there were complaints from other vendors about me. He made an appointment for July 1, 2013.

I prepared the letter on June 27th and gave it to Mr. Brandon Caudill on the morning of June 28th. The text of this letter is attached as Appendix 7.

Mr. Brandon Caudill read and asked to wait. He went into the office and 10 minutes later brought a response letter. I am attaching it as Appendix 8 (see Appendix 3).

I read it and said: “The date, time, place and situation are not written here. Please provide me with copies of vendor complaints. I need to know exactly the date, place and other data written in these complaints.

I will write a response to these complaints. Then I can discuss with you."

Mr. Brandon Caudill listened and promised to provide copies of the complaints. I left.

I came to the Street Sense office on July 1st (Monday) and asked Mr. Brandon Caudill for a copy of the vendor complaint. He replied that there are no copies of the complaints yet. He promised to file a complaint later. I left.

I came to the Street Sense office on July 3rd (Wednesday) to buy a new issue of the newspaper. Mr. Brandon Caudill showed me the following text in English and Russian (Brandon made the Russian translation using the www.translate.google.com program and did not correct it).

“I have been told by vendor # 133 Mr. Jeffery McNeil that you violated the vendor territorial police on Friday 21 June. May we discuss this in our office? I would like to listen to your version of this story?”

I repeated the following words: “I ask you to provide me with copies of vendor complaints. I need to know exactly the date, place and other facts written in these complaints. I will write a response to complaints. Then we can discuss these complaints with you.” Mr. Brandon Caudill promised me copies of the complaints on July 5th.

I came to the Street Sense office on July 5 (Friday), 2013 to get copies of another vendor's complaints. But Mr. Brandon Caudill, instead of a copy of the complaints, gave me a Written Warning (see Appendix 1, i.e. paragraph 9).

Thus, Mr. Brandon Caudill promised three times and did not provide copies of the sellers' complaints. Therefore, there was no discussion of this situation, or rather provocations against me. And he wrote the Written Warning without discussion.

I ask you to form a commission, study these materials and cancel the unreasonable Written Warning.


Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov,
human rights activist, freelance journalist, refugee and vendor of Street Sense”

PARAGRAPH 195. I wrote in more detail about the infiltrated provocateurs in the article “Gado” ni “gado” ga qarshi quyayotgan mahsus hizmatlar” (“The intelligence (FBI) agencies pitting the “beggar” against the “beggar”) dated August 19, 2013, with the attachment of six color photographs, the text of their letters and so on (see [89]).

PARAGRAPH 196. Now I will write about the provocations of the vendor David Denny in 2016. I wrote about this as a follow-up to my complaint addressed to Mr. Brian Karom, Executive Director of Street Sense, dated April 30, 2016 (see paragraphs 116-118). Below is a part of the text of the complaint about the provocations of the vendor Mr. David Denny.

“I'll start from the end. Mr. Joshua Maxey writes: "Street Sense staff also had to deal with this problem with you on more than one occasion." What he is referring to, I don't know. If Mr. Joshua Maxi writes specifically, I will answer specifically.

In my opinion, my suspected violation was reported on February 5, 2016, by the vendor, Mr. David Denny, by providing a video taken on the phone. I'll start with his previous provocations.

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Photo 52. Vendor Mr. David Denny. Photo from the website of the newspaper Street Sense. 2016

I sold Street Sense newspaper near the Eastern Market some Saturdays in 2013 and 2014 (Eastern Market, 225 7th Street, SE Washington, DC 20003. Phone: 202-698-5253). David made several provocations against me near the Eastern Market in 2014. Here I will write about three of his provocations. I wrote about these provocations and other important events in detail in my diary. Unfortunately, on the night of May 26, 2014, two armed robbers robbed me and took away my bag and backpack. The bag and backpack contained a laptop and other important items, including diaries. I bought a new notebook in July 2014 and started writing down some important events. I copied the date of the third provocation of David on April 19, 2014 into this diary from leaflets.

196.1. DAVID'S FIRST PROVOCATION. This was in 2014. I came to the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue Southwest and 7th Street Southwest (Pennsylvania Avenue, SE and 7th Street, SE) on Saturday 9:00 am and started selling Street Sense. David Denny came in around 12:00 and started selling Street Sense on the same corner. Several minutes passed. Some disabled person wearing a green Street Sense uniform arrived in a wheelchair. David gave him a Street Sense newspaper and the disabled person also started selling Street Sense. As a result, on one corner, a few steps including me, three people dressed in the Street Sense uniform were selling. This case was seen by vendor Ms. Aida Basnight. I explained the situation to her. She called David to order. But David did not leave and continued to sell the Street Sense newspaper. I was hoping that David would understand and leave. So I tried to keep selling Street Sense. But David did not leave and continued to sell the newspaper. I realized that this is an open provocation on the part of David. So I left after 7-8 minutes.

196.2. DAVID'S SECOND PROVOCATION. David created the same situation a few weeks later. In this case, there was no Street Sense salesman in a wheelchair. This case was also seen by vendor Ms. Aida Basnight. This time I stood for a few minutes and then left.

196.3. DAVID'S THIRD PROVOCATION. I started selling Street Sense on April 19, 2014 at 9:00 am at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue Southwest and 7th Street Southwest (Pennsylvania Avenue, SE and 7th Street, SE). Here in the corner is a cafe and its tables and chairs are on the sidewalk. I sat down to eat at about 12:30. A little time passed and David came up. He placed his bag near the tree and began to put on his green Street Sense uniform.

I know the Street Sense Vendor Territorial Policy, paragraph 4 says the following words.

“4. Vendors are permitted to vacate a distribution point for up to 20 minutes for a meal/bathroom break without losing their claim on that distribution point. If a vendor vacates a distribution point for more than 20 minutes, the distribution point they occupied becomes available to any other vendor on a first come, first serve basis for all vendors, regardless of length of tenure with the organization.” [60]

I went up to David and said, “I've been selling Street Sense here since 9:00 am. I’ll finish my lunch and continue selling newspapers.” He paid no attention to my words, took out newspapers from his bag and began to sell loudly saying “Donation ... Homeless ...” (I remembered two words from his loud talking). I quickly finished my lunch, cleared the table, and stood at my selling point. David quickly walked up to me and waving a newspaper and loudly saying “Donation… Homeless…” stood in front of me. I took a few steps back and wanted to sell a newspaper. He came and stood before me again. I understood his open and impudent provocation. I crossed Pennsylvania Avenue and started selling a newspaper outside CVS Pharmacy (661 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003). David quickly crossed the street and again stood in front of me waving the newspaper loudly saying “Donation… Homeless…”. I crossed the street and returned to my original place in front of the cafe. David also came back across the street and stood in front of me again. I crossed Pennsylvania Avenue for the second time and wanted to continue selling newspapers near CVS Pharmasy. David crossed the street again and brazenly stood in front of me waving a newspaper loudly saying "Donation ... Homeless". I understood that he wants to organize an open, impudent provocation and create a conflict situation. I said nothing, stopped selling newspapers and went to the library.

I went to another small market in the city of Washington later on Saturdays and sold newspapers there. This market was in the parking lot across from the Safeway store (Safeway grocery store address: 1855 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20007).

196.4. DAVID'S FOURTH PROVOCATION. Now about David's provocation in early November 2015 near the Farragat North metro station. Why exactly at the beginning of November 2015 - the reason is as follows.

On the evening of October 30, 2015, I returned from the city of Denver to the capital of the United States to the city of Washington. After my trip to the states of Idaho and Colorado, the provocations and persecution against me in Washington intensified. Again, David tried to arrange a provocation in early November 2015. (Probably, the FBI agents specifically sent against me the tried and tested provocateur David Denny, who many times staged provocations near the Estern Market. A.Sh., 05/11/2016, 11/08/2021)

In early November 2015, I was selling Street Sense near the Farragut North metro station. After an hour of my work, David came. He looked at me and walked past. I sold the newspaper for another 30 minutes and went to the toilet. I return in 5-6 minutes and see that David is selling a newspaper here near the subway. I said nothing, put on my green Street Sense uniform, and continued selling newspapers. David saw me and within about ten minutes sold a Street Sense newspaper to two customers. David left after ten minutes of selling the Street Sense newspaper.

I came the next day and saw that David was selling a newspaper near the Farragat North metro station. I told him that I would write a complaint to the management of Street Sense and I went to another place. David after my warning for about ten days did not come to sell the newspaper. I thought maybe David realized his mistake, and I decided not to write a complaint about David's provocation in early November 2015.

Another 10-15 days passed and he began to come to sell Street Sense at the corner of Farragat Square or near the Farragat North metro station. So on February 5 (Friday), 2015, he came to the corner of Farragat Square. I decided to tell him in front of others that he was a provocateur. I took out the Street Sense newspaper and stood close to David. He came up and started talking to me. I told him: “You used to do provocations against me in the Eastern Market. You have now come to this place to arrange new provocations.” He took out his phone and started making a video recording. I turned away from him and said that he was a provocateur. But he was passing to the right, then to the left, filming on the video of the phone. I stood for a few minutes and went to another place.

196.5. DAVID'S FIFTH PROVOCATION. After February 5, 2016, David sold newspapers several times in Farragat Square and near the Farragat North metro station. Knowing that he could arrange another provocation, I did not approach him. Therefore, on February 12 (Friday), 2016, David himself approached me in order to arrange another provocation. It was like that.

On February 12 (Friday), 2016, after praying in the mosque at 14:00, I came to Farragat Square and started selling the Street Sense newspaper. David came at 15 o'clock near the metro station Farragat North. At 15:40, I decided to take the bus one stop and drink a cup of coffee in a cafe and go to the toilet. The bus stopped at the corner of K Street and 17th Street, and I crossed 17th Street and quickly approached the bus. At this time, David comes running and takes a video of his phone and asks me: "Are you leaving?" So he waited 40 minutes for me to go to the toilet. This was another provocation by David. I looked at him and said nothing. That day I distributed roses to my female customers: February 14 - Sunday was Valentine's Day, that is, Valentine's Day. David wanted to take my place as a newspaper salesman and take away my ability to give 60 roses to my customers. So I decided to go back to where I sold newspapers, that is, to the corner of Farragat Square. This is how I extinguished another provocation by David on February 12, 2016.

196.6. SIXTH PROVOCATION WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF MR. RAY HICKS. The organizers of the provocation, possibly FBI agents, sent another provocateur, vendor Ray Hicks, to Farragat Square on February 19 (Friday), 2016.” I wrote about his provocation and robbery in paragraph 111.

I will add: Vendor Mr. David Denny did similar provocations against me in 2020-2021. I reported them to the manager with a photo.

PARAGRAPH 197. Complaint continued on April 30, 2016.

“Some may ask the question: Why didn’t I write a complaint against David on the days of the five provocations?

I believe that these provocations are deliberately planned and arranged by FBI agents in order to create the appearance of a conflict situation. If I write a Complaint and the conflict becomes public knowledge, then they can organize a big and insidious provocation against me in the form of a severe beating or even murder. The police or the FBI will open a criminal case and begin an investigation. They will suspect the conflicting person. But this provocateur on the day and hour of the crime will be among the people, that is, he will have an alibi. As a result, the investigation will come to a standstill and the crime will not be solved. It is appropriate to recall that in 2015, 67 journalists were killed around the world [90] (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reporters_Without_Borders ), and many hundreds of journalists and human rights activists were beaten and maimed. Most of these crimes against journalists and human rights activists have not been solved and the perpetrators have not been found…”

PARAGRAPH 198. I wrote in paragraph 111 how vendor Mr. Ray Hicks robbed me on February 19, 2016. On February 27, 2016, I sent a registered letter with notification to Mr. Brian Caroum, Executive Director of Street Sense. Mr. Joshua Maxi gave me the following written reply to this complaint on March 31, 2016.


March 31, 2016

Mr. Ahmadjonov:

Upon reviewing your complaint, the administrative office followed up with the vendor whom you filed the complaint against. Given the evidence that you included with your complaint in the form of a picture, the disciplinary action was taken against said vendor. If there are any more incidents’ wits this vendor, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.


Joshua Maxey
Vendor Manager, Street Sense
202-347-2006 ext. 10”

Please note: Mr. Joshua Maxey does not write anything about the penalty applied. That is, he hides it from me and from others. This is first.

Second, in the Disciplinary Procedures section of the Street Sense Vendor Territorial Policy, the following words are written.

“Criminal Offenses
- Stealing money, newspapers, or property from Street Sense, volunteers, staff, vendors, or customers.

First offense: Minimum six month suspention” [60, стр. 10]

Thus, vendor Ray Hicks, due to provocation and robbery on February 19, 2016, should have been suspended from selling Street Sense newspapers for six months, that is, from March 31 to September 30, 2016. But this is not known for sure, since Mr. Joshua Maxey hid the exact information about the level of punishment of Mr. Ray Hicks.

I also wrote an Appeal to my newspaper buyers and there at the end I wrote the following: “Given the reason for the appearance and the beginning of the work of Mr. Josh Maxey is in the Street Sense office, it's not hard to imagine that he will transfer or be transferred within one year to another job. Indeed, soon the patrons, possibly FBI agents, transferred him to another organization.

PARAGRAPH 199. I believe that on February 23, 2016, the FBI agents deliberately arranged, through their protege, Mr. Joshua Maxey, the decision to suspend me from the sale of Street Sense. By doing so, they tried to denigrate me and protect the robber Ray Hicks from legal liability for the February 19, 2016, robbery.

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PARAGRAPH 177. FBI agents used various methods of harassment against me. I have written here about twenty-six types of persecution and crime.

In October 2019, I wrote a long two-part article “New Cyber Weapons Tested in Washington” in Russian about my human rights work and the reasons for the persecution during my long life in the United States (see [42]). There he wrote a lot of interesting facts with attached documents. If someone wants to read this or my other articles in English, I recommend translating and reading them using the www.translate.google.com program.


PARAGRAPH 178. I wrote in paragraph 11 of article [40] the following: “The secret services (FBI) have a strong control over my telephone communications, e-mail correspondence, records in my computer and other information. They use provocations up to causing material damage. I wrote in an article [20] that my computer was controlled by 73 (!) computer owners and gave a list of their emails. [40]

I wrote the following article [20] on November 12, 2011:

“I have been living in Boise since January 21, 2010. Over the past more than 21 months, I have noticed many times that some people, perhaps intelligence officers, control my computer and my correspondence.

I installed NORTON security software on my home computer (I paid over $84 for a year's use). On my computer (system), some people, apparently intelligence officers, are downloaded via a web browser, track my activities on the computer and possibly report them to third parties (possibly inform the Uzbek special services). When such and similar threats occur, Norton 360 notifies you and displays red warning words indicating the level of danger on your computer screen.

On June 7, 2011, when such a warning appeared, I opened and looked at the details of the threat. It turned out that 73 (!) “unknown employees” were downloaded to my computer through a web browser and my data was illegally tracked. The list of their e-mails is given in Appendix [20] in English and translated into Russian.

Please note: on each mail, my name is written first and then the name of the email. Apparently, these people control the computers of many citizens and therefore at the beginning indicates the name of the owner of the computer. The only way I have to fight against Internet censorship is to inform other readers and human rights activists about this by publishing an article on the site.” [20]

Here is a list of emails from 73 (!) "Unknown employees" associated with the US Federal Bureau of Investigation who downloaded to my computer via a web browser and illegally tracked my data in 2011.

shuhratjon@hotlog.ru , shuhratjon@m.webtrends.com , shuhratjon@rambler.ru , shuhratjon@tns-counter.ru , shuhratjon@mail.ru , shuhratjon@hotlog.ru , shuhratjon@journalregistercompany.122.2o7.net , shuhratjon@ad.yieldmanager.com , shuhratjon@clickbank.net , shuhratjon@ru4.com , shuhratjon@yadro.ru , shuhratjon@hit.gemius.pl , shuhratjon@kontera.com , shuhratjon@apmebf.com , shuhratjon@microsoftmachinetranslation.112.2o7.net , shuhratjon@adriver.ru , shuhratjon@quantserve.com , shuhratjon@casalemedia.com , shuhratjon@m.webtrends.com , shuhratjon@doubleclick.net , shuhratjon@serving-sys.com , shuhratjon@content.yieldmanager.com/ak/ , shuhratjon@atdmt.com , shuhratjon@rambler.ru , shuhratjon@searchportal.information.com , shuhratjon@domdex.com , shuhratjon@2o7.net , shuhratjon@revsci.net , shuhratjon@fastclick.net , shuhratjon@adbrite.com , shuhratjon@zedo.com , shuhratjon@tap.rubiconproject.com , shuhratjon@tns-counter.ru , shuhratjon@adserver.adtechus.com , shuhratjon@statcounter.com , shuhratjon@pixel.rubiconproject.com , shuhratjon@content.yieldmanager.com , shuhratjon@trafic.ro , shuhratjon@trafficmp.com , shuhratjon@mail.ru , shuhratjon@pro-market.net , shuhratjon@mediaplex.com , shuhratjon@rubiconproject.com , shuhratjon@revenue.net , shuhratjon@intellitxt.com , shuhratjon@ads.pointroll.com , shuhratjon@spylog.com , shuhratjon@tribalfusion.com , shuhratjon@www.burstnet.com , shuhratjon@burstnet.com , shuhratjon@ad4.bannerbank.ru , shuhratjon@bannerbank.ru , shuhratjon@ad9.bannerbank.ru , shuhratjon@insightexpressai.com , shuhratjon@advertising.com , shuhratjon@s.clickability.com , shuhratjon@otvet.mail.ru , shuhratjon@affiliate.kickapps.com , shuhratjon@nextag.com , shuhratjon@tacoda.at.atwola.com , shuhratjon@at.atwola.com , shuhratjon@specificclick.net , shuhratjon@bs.serving-sys.com , shuhratjon@tap2-cdn.rubiconproject.com , shuhratjon@realmedia.com , shuhratjon@network.realmedia.com , shuhratjon@news.rambler.ru , shuhratjon@www.rambler.ru , shuhratjon@news.rambler.ru , shuhratjon@r1-ads.ace.advertising.com , shuhratjon@yieldmanager.net , shuhratjon@questionmarket.com , shuhratjon@medleyads.com

I can add the following official information about FBI surveillance.

“FBI surveillance since 2010 - In the years since 2010, it has been uncovered by various civil liberties groups (such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that the FBI earmarked disproportionate resources for the surveillance of left-lerning movements and political organizations. The FBI has also committed several breaches of the First Amendment this time” [8]

PARAGRAPH 179. INSTALLING BIO-TIPSTERS IN MY FOREARMS. I wrote about this in my article [42] as follows.

“Some US scientists, at the insistence of intelligence agencies, have created fairly small bio bugs. Pay attention to the following news.

“American scientists have successfully tested a new microchip that is implanted under the skin of patients and releases the necessary dose of medicines into the blood at the right time,” reports BBC NEWS [85].

The device was tested on seven Danish women aged 65 to 70 who were undergoing treatment for osteoporosis. This disease affects the bone tissue. The chips were installed in the belts of the patients and controlled remotely. The authors of the development report that the drugs were injected into the blood no less effectively than with the help of syringe pens. The latter are commonly used to treat osteoporosis. No side effects were observed.

The development is a microcircuit, to which several miniature capsules with medicines are attached. In this case, these were hormones that prevent the loss of bone strength.

The device measures approximately three by five centimeters and one centimeter in thickness. It is made from biocompatible materials. The microscopic capsules in the device are sealed with thin platinum and titanium membranes. The drug is released into the blood after the membranes dissolve under the influence of a weak electrical discharge. The time of drug administration is electronically controlled. It can be either programmed in advance to work according to a specific schedule or controlled remotely using a radio signal.

The development of American scientists is announced as the first ever attempt to test a microchip for the administration of drugs with a remote control on a person. Work on such devices has been going on for more than 15 years. It is expected that such chips will appear on the mass market in ten years (that is, in 2022, A.Sh.)” [86]

US FBI agents, with the help of appropriate medical professionals, have been installing similar biological microchips in both of my forearms since 2013. Under the skin of the forearm there are many muscles, blood vessels and other human biological organs. I'm sure there are small distances and small spaces between them. Bio-tipster are installed in these intervals.

These tipsters are not designed to inject drugs into the blood, but on a special signal from the outside they emit certain waves and thereby indicate where this citizen is. That is, they give information to FBI agents about the location of a dissident person. At the same time, the location of the biochip begins to itch strongly. I, like an ordinary person, began to scratch this place. If bitten by a mosquito, then after combing this part of the body swells. But in this case, no matter how many scratches do not swell, and continues to itch and itch.

I traveled to Canada at the end of August 2013. On September 5-6, 2013, a summit of the G20, that is, the leaders of the top twenty countries of the world, was scheduled in St. Petersburg. On August 30, 2013, I went to the barbershop in Toronto to get my hair cut. She was on the first floor of a sixteen-story building. There were many people. I sat down in a chair and waited for my turn. At this time, both forearms in the same place began to itch badly. I started scratching and almost tore off the skin. Apparently, the FBI agents were locating me from a great distance, and therefore they turned on both bio-tipster at full capacity.

PARAGRAPH 180. On the night of May 29 or 30, 2014, FBI agents and people associated with them planted some kind of bio-tipster in both of my legs during a drug interrogation. Apparently for this reason, liquid began to accumulate in both legs below the knees and swell (see photo 47). The place of swelling did not hurt, but it itched from time to time. I used to sit at McDonald's and at Union Station at night, and I didn't take off my shoes. Otherwise, it would be impossible to wear shoes.

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Photo 47. My swollen legs. July 2014. Photo of the author.

By July 20, 2014, both hands began to swell. So, on July 31, 2014, I went to the Walker Jones Health Center (40 Patterson St, NE, Washington, DC 20002-3334. Phone: 202-469-4699). My card number was (Account Number) 300100511. I was interviewed by Dr. Kristina Nivus. She asked me the following ten questions in writing. I answered in writing.

1. How is your breathing?
Answer: I have a normal breathing.

2. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Answer: I sleep on one pillow.

3. Do you know anyone who speaks Uzbek and English?
Answer: No, I do not know who speaks Uzbek and English.

4. Do you have any chest pain?
Answer: I don't have chest pain.

5. Do you have fevers?
Answer: I don't have a fever.

6. Have you ever had a heart attack?
Answer: I have never had a heart attack.

7. Do you have any allergies to any medications?
Answer: Thank God, I I'm not allergic to any medicines or flowers.

8. Does any medical condition run in your family?
Answer: There is no medical condition (disease) in our family.

9. We are going to check blood work today.
Answer: I agree to a blood test.

10. We want to see how your kidneys are functioning.
Answer: I agree.

Dr. Kristina Nivus in the diagnosis wrote “Allergies N.K.D.A.” (N.K.D.A. - No Known Drug Allergy)

They wanted to send me to the hospital. I didn't agree. I know that in the USA the hospital is heavily guarded and is like a second prison. One disease can be cured there. They can make a person fall ill with another incurable disease.

My visit to the clinic and donation of blood for analysis frightened the FBI agents: in one of the regular night drug interrogations, they removed the bio-tipster from my legs and my legs gradually returned to normal.

I had official sheets from the clinic, which were given to me in July 2014. These documents also disappeared from my folders. I think they were stolen by FBI agents too. Thus, they try to destroy the traces of their crimes.

PARAGRAPH 181. On July 3 and 15, 2012, I picketed in Washington, DC near the White House, the place of work of President Barack Obama (see photo 48).

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Photo 48. My picket near the White House. Washington, DC. July 15, 2012. Photo of the author.

I wrote the following words on the poster.


I came to the United States to have freedom of speech. Some of the U.S. specialist services officers had monitored, blocked and destroyed my letters, articles, telephones and emails. Thus, they have not allowed a free exchange of information. They have violated the 17th and 19th story of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov,
human rights activist, freelance journalist and refugee”

The words written on the poster were liked by both the Americans and the guests. Hundreds of people read the poster. Many of them photographed me with a poster. And some, holding the other corner of the poster, took pictures with me.

PARAGRAPH 182. It is known that in November 2012 the regular presidential elections were held in the United States. It was won by Mr. Barack Obama. The inauguration was to take place on January 20, 2013. By tradition, on January 19, 2013, festivities took place on the National Mall. Approximately 200,000 US residents came that day. That day I stood with a poster and picketed (see photo 49). The text on the poster is similar to that written in paragraph 180.

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Photo 49. My picket on the National Mall. Washington, DC. January 19, 2013. Photo of the author.


PARAGRAPH 183. I arrived from Boise to Washington DC on March 2, 2012. I spent the night in a shelter in the Falls Church area (Virginia) from March 2 to April 1, 2012. I was looking for a job during the day. I also contacted the Falls Church Labor Department (Labor Department: 101 W Broad St, Falls Church, VA 22046). They filled out about fifteen forms, each of which had up to ten questions with several different answers. A Department of Labor employee was on the phone with an interpreter. The interpreter translated the general words of the employee, and not every question and answer on the form. Therefore, in fact, the employee received my signatures on almost blank forms and then she filled them out herself. I think that among the forms were provocative, prepared by an FBI agent to collect compromising evidence against me.

These forms are standard and are available on the Department of Labor computer in other languages such as Spanish and French. It is known that six languages - English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French - have the status of official languages of the UN. In my opinion, it is high time to have forms in these six main languages in the computer of the Department of Labor. Then it will be easier for a US resident looking for a job to save time and money spent on an interpreter and eliminate the possibility of distorted filling out of document forms.


PARAGRAPH 184. I continued my job search in Washington, DC. I studied for two weeks at Jubilee Jobs (2712 Ontario Rd NW, Washington, DC 20009) and was looking for a job with their letters of recommendation. I went with their letters to more than ten organizations. But there was not a single return phone call from them. FBI agents blocked my phone. I once returned to Jubilee Jobs from another organization. A young curator who gave me letters of recommendation said: “I called you. Why did not you answer?" I put my phone on the table and said, "Please call." She dials my phone number and calls, but my phone does not ring. I told her, "The FBI is blocking my phone like this." This is how the FBI agents prevented me from getting a job.

PARAGRAPH 185. I have tried many times since then to rent a room from the ads on www.washingtondc.craigslist.org/d/rooms-shares/search/. Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) made it so that all addresses disappeared from the ads and only the phone numbers of the owners of the apartments remained. Thus, they demanded to send a message by phone to the owner. I sent messages many times. But he did not receive answers to his messages. Also, I did not receive response letters from the hosts to my letters sent by e-mail. My phone and emails were constantly monitored by a group of stalkers. I believe that this group of stalkers were agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or people closely associated with the FBI. They have been following me day and night and staged various provocations against me since March 2012, that is, after my arrival in the Washington, DC. In my opinion, it was they who blocked my messages and the response messages and emails of the apartment owners.

PARAGRAPH 186. FBI agents and people associated with them installed special alarms on my phones from 2010 to 2023. According to these signals, various people in civilian clothes with a phone on their arm come up to me and try to determine from whom the phone is signaling. I often sell newspapers in a crowded place. FBI agents and people associated with them use such signals to determine where I am. This makes it easier for them to spy on me and organize various provocations, including thefts and robberies.

PARAGRAPH 187. I often remove the battery from my phone and thereby turn off the alarm. But I have a laptop that is always in my bag. There are batteries in there. FBI agents and people associated with them determine my location based on the alarm coming from the laptop. I'm sure they installed a special program in my laptop: with the help of this program, the alarm (signaling) works.


PARAGRAPH 188. I accused the FBI agents of working closely with members of the State Security Service of Uzbekistan (SSS, until 2017 it was called the National Security Service (NSS)). I will give one example.

The shelter opened at 19:00 and shelter workers began to provide beds to the homeless in various halls. Many of them stood in line to receive linen, went to the dining room and had dinner there. The shelter was noisy and the danger of various provocations. Shelter workers kept several dozen beds in reserve, apparently for informers and provocateurs associated with FBI agents. These places often remained free and were distributed after 24:00 hours. I sold the Street Sense newspaper in the evening near the Farragut North station and usually returned to the shelter after 11:00 pm.

Shelter 801 was on the outskirts of Washington, DC. It was necessary to get to the Anacostia metro station and then another 4-5 bus stops. Winter, late 2013 - early 2014. I, as usual, returned by bus from the subway to the shelter. 4-5 men aged 23-25 entered the bus. They speak English about something. Suddenly one of them turns to the other: "Bratan...". All his friends began to laugh in unison. They got off the bus at the next stop, laughing so hard. After getting off the bus, they continued to laugh, some of them even bent down and held their stomachs.

It is known that in the underworld the leader of the Russia criminals is called a bratan. The persecution and arrest of leaders of criminal groups in Uzbekistan is often carried out by employees of the National Security Service (NSS, since 2017 - SSS). Therefore, NSS officers often refer to others, such as police officers, with the word "Bro." Even in Tashkent, I was treated this way by some employees of the National Security Service, who were in civilian clothes. Americans don't address another with the word "Bratan". I think he was an employee of the Uzbek NSS.

The question arises: what was this young man doing at 11:00 pm on a bus on the outskirts of Washington, DC? I am sure this Uzbek was among those Americans who were watching me. Perhaps he was an interpreter from Uzbek and Russian into English during my night drug interrogation in shelter 801.

PARAGRAPH 189. Cooperation between FBI agents and Uzbek employees of the State Security Service continues to this day. They enter my laptop from a distance at night, study, read, delete some of my files, and also send all sorts of provocative letters and messages to other compatriots on my behalf to discredit me and find out dissidents among the Uzbek intelligentsia. They like to carry out such illegal activities through my Facebook account «Шухратжон Ахмаджонов» («Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov»).

I determine such a provocation by reducing the charge in my laptop overnight. FBI agents and Uzbek SSS officers have not yet learned how to recharge a laptop from a distance. Usually in my laptop, the charge is 95-96 before I go to bed, sometimes up to 100 percent. In the morning, I open it and see that the charge has decreased significantly. For example, on the night of October 12, 2021, charging decreased overnight to 83 percent, on October 15 to 91 percent, and on November 23 to 78 percent. Some days the laptop charge remains unchanged and is 95-96, sometimes up to 100 percent. So the FBI agents and the Uzbek SSS officers did not use my laptop for a distance these nights.

I stayed overnight at International Hostel 2 from April 2020 until September 6, 2022 (Dc International Hostel 2: 1418 9th St NW, Washington, DC 20001). I usually return to the hostel in the evening and use my laptop in the evening and at night. I often listen and watch US news through the website www.golosameriki.com In September-October 2021, FBI agents and people associated with them began to create all sorts of obstacles: either the desired site does not open, or it freezes, or the Internet is generally turned off.

For example, on the night of October 9, 2021, the Internet was turned off. I complained to a hostel employee named Eshetu (Eshetu, he refused to write his last name) on October 10, 2021. On the night of October 11, there was Internet connection, but FBI agents at a distance made it so that the video often stopped and hung. This is how the FBI agents and the people associated with them grossly violate the First Amendment to the US Constitution and block freedom of speech in the US capital city - in the of Washington, DC.

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Среда, 27 Марта 2024 г. 00:57 + в цитатник



PARAGRAPH 160. We human rights advocates refer to punitive psychiatry as the abuse of psychiatric diagnosis, treatment, and confinement in order to restrict fundamental human rights for certain individuals or groups in society. Psychiatrists call this "political abuse of psychiatry."

“The use of psychiatry for political purposes, the misuse of psychiatry for political purposes, punitive psychiatry is the abuse of psychiatric diagnosis, treatment and confinement in order to restrict fundamental human rights for certain individuals or groups in society. This definition has been formulated by the worldwide non-profit organization Global Initiative on Psychiatry, an organization that has been coordinating a campaign against the political use of psychiatry since 1980.” [74]

“Political abuse of psychiatry, also commonly referred to as punitive psychiatry, is the misuse of psychiatry, including diagnosis, detention, and treatment, for the purposes of obstructing the human rights of individuals and/or groups in a society. In other words, abuse of psychiatry (including that for political purposes) is the deliberate action of having citizens psychiatrically diagnosed who need neither psychiatric restraint nor psychiatric treatment.” [75]

“In the 19th century, some American psychiatrists sought to diagnose in black slaves the so-called “drapetomania” - an allegedly existing mental illness that prompted slaves to flee, and “Dysaethesia Aethiopica” (dysesthesia - “perversion of sensitivity”) - a “disease” that prompts to break, destroy the results of their labor, refuse to work, and to disobedience, insolence. It was the socio-political circumstances in which one social group dominated another that determined such a situation in which the activists of the subordinate group were considered "sick" and "in need of treatment."

According to the American physician Samuel Cartwright of the Louisiana Medical Association, the reason for the flight of slaves is "the same disease of the mind as in any other kind of mental disorder." To Cartwright and other slavery advocates, any black slave who tried to escape was "insane." As one of the remedies for drapetomania, cutting off the big toes was prescribed, which made it physically impossible to try to escape.” [74]

"Drapetomania" was an alleged mental illness described by American physician Samuel A. Cartwright in 1851 that caused black slaves to flee captivity. He believed that "with strict adherence to proper medical advice, this unpleasant practice of flight, which many Negroes have, can be almost completely prevented." imminent flight – Cartwright prescribed "knocking the devil out of them" as a "preventive measure". As a remedy for this disease, doctors also made running physically impossible by ordering the removal of both big toes.” [74]

PARAGRAPH 161. "In the 1830s, local residents, including Dr. Thomas Miller, a medical doctor and president of the D.C. Board of Health, had begun petitioning Congress for a facility to care for people with brain diseases in the City of Washington. Dorothea Dix (1802–1887) served as a pioneering advocate for people living with mental illnesses and she helped convince legislators of the need for the hospital. In 1852 she wrote the legislation that established the hospital. Dix, who was on friendly terms with U.S. President Millard Fillmore, was asked to assist the Interior Secretary in getting the hospital started.

St. Elizabeths Hospital was founded in August 1852 when the United States Congress appropriated $100,000 for the construction of a hospital in Washington, D.C., to provide care for indigent residents of the District of Columbia and members of the U.S. Army and Navy with brain illnesses." [76]

Note: Beginning in the 1830s, Dr. Thomas Miller, physician and president of the District of Columbia Board of Health, began petitioning Congress for a facility to care for people with brain disease in the city of Washington. But Congress did not allocate the necessary amount for the construction of this hospital.

In 1851, the American physician Samuel A. Cartwright cited the mental illness of "drapetomania" as the reason for the escape of black slaves from captivity. To Cartwright and other slavery advocates, any black slave who tried to escape was "insane." Based on his findings, in 1852, the St. Elizabeth Hospital was organized in the city of Washington - the first major federal psychiatric hospital in the United States. It opened to patients in January 1855, it became officially known as the State Hospital for the Insane.

I am sure that if US congressmen began the phased abolition of slavery and the abolition of the slave trade in the United States at least in 1852, then there would not have been a bloody Civil War of 1861-1865 and the national hero of the American people, the 16th US President Abraham Lincoln (1809- 1865). By comparison, England officially declared the abolition of slavery on August 1, 1838. Following England, France (1848), the United States (1865), and Brazil (1888) abolished slavery. [77]

During the years of greatest activity, thousands of patients were accommodated within the walls of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, among them many dissident US citizens. The exact number of patients admitted to the hospital is unknown due to poor record keeping and destruction. There was an incineration plant on the territory of the hospital, and it is possible that some of the corpses were burned.

The main shelter 801 for the homeless in the city of Washington is located on the territory of St. Elizabeth Hospital. In 2012-2014, I saw an empty seven-story building on its territory.

In short, the political abuse of psychiatry, that is, the punitive psychiatry of the United States, has a history of 160 years.

PARAGRAPH 162. An example of the use of punitive psychiatry in the United States is the fate of Mrs. Frances Elena Farmer (1913-1970).

"Frances Elena Farmer (September 19, 1913 – August 1, 1970) was an American actor and television host. She appeared in over a dozen feature films over the course of her career, though she garnered notoriety for sensationalized accounts of her life, especially her involuntary commitment to psychiatric hospitals and subsequent mental health struggles." [78]

"Frances Elena Farmer (born September 19, 1913 – August 1, 1970) was an American actress and television personality. She became famous because of her scandalous and tragic fate, in particular, several forced hospitalizations of the actress in a psychiatric clinic became sensational. Frances Farmer's life has been the subject of two films, one television program, several books, and many songs and newspaper articles." [79]

PARAGRAPH 163. I wrote about the use of punitive psychiatry against dissidents in the US, including against me in article [42].

I wrote in paragraphs 142-159 that officers of the National Security Service (NSS) of Uzbekistan undertook to use punitive psychiatry against me in 1997. I then thought that they were advised by employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia. I have lived for over thirteen years in the US and experienced a lot of persecution by FBI agents, including attempts to use punitive psychiatry against me and some Uzbeks. I understood: employees of the National Security Service (NSS) of Uzbekistan are working in the US together with FBI agents, in particular, they are studying the 160-year experience of using punitive psychiatry against dissidents in the US and this experience is being applied in Uzbekistan. In my opinion, some agents and leaders of the FBI, as well as US psychiatrists, have been for many years the main consultants for some employees and leaders of the State Security Service (SSS, as it has been called the NSS since 2017), as well as in the use of punitive psychiatry in Uzbekistan.

PARAGRAPH 164. As stated in paragraph 3, after a 15-month check, the US government granted me political asylum and I moved from Almaty (Kazakhstan) to the city of Boise (Idaho, USA) on January 21, 2010. The relocation and material assistance for the first 8 months was provided by the human rights organization International Rescue Committee (IRC). On January 30, 2010, the IRC office in Boise hosted a meeting of new refugees with an IRC medical officer. He asked: Who needs what kind of medical care? I said that the regime in Uzbekistan persecuted me and slanderously accused me of mental illness. Therefore, I asked to arrange a meeting with doctors of sciences in the field of psychiatry for an objective conclusion.

After several applications, in the summer of 2010, an appointment was made with Dr. psychiatry, Mr. Brian F. Smart. On February 13, 2011, he gave me a written response with an extended explanation of the five axes diagnosis.

After several applications, in the summer of 2010, an appointment was made with Dr. psychiatry, Mr. Brian F. Smart. On February 13, 2011, he gave me a written response with an extended five-page explanation of the five-axis diagnosis. Below I will give it in English on page 5 "Diagnosis".


This Psychiatric Evaluation completed by:
Brian F. Smart, MD
Member: Idaho Psychiatric Association
American Psychiatric Association
e-mail: smartb@u.washington.edu

Page 1

DOB: January 20, 1954
Date of Evaluation: August 17, 2010

Page 5


Axis 1: No diagnosis or condition.
- This is where a psychiatric disorder (example, Major Depressive Disorder), if noted by psychiatrist during evaluation, would be placed; as thete is “no diagnosis”, this means that a psychiatric illness was not noted during this assessment.

Axis 2: No diagnosis or condition.
- This is where either a personality disorder or mental retardation is noted; as there is “no diagnosis”, this means that a personality disorder or mental retardation was not noted during the assessment.

Axis 3: No diagnosis or condition.
- This is where the patient’s current general medical conditions (example, Diabetes) are noted; as there is “no diagnosis”, this means that the patient is not experiencing a chronic medical condition.

Axis 4: Mild appropriate and expected stress associated with relocation as refugee.
- This is where the reporting of social and environmental stressors would be noted and could consist of problems with social support, education, occupation, housing or access to health care services.

Axis 5: Global Assessment of Functioning is 80.
- This is where the psychiatrist reports his judgment of the patient’s overall functioning; ratings run from 0-100; score of “80” means absent to minimal symptoms or if symptoms are present, they are transient and expectable reactions to stressors and patient is good functioning or no more than slight impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The patient to return to clinic to receive psychiatric assessment report and to discuss findings. There will be no need to follow up for mental health concerns but would be available if needed”

PARAGRAPH 165. I wrote several times in this article that the FBI secretly obtained the conclusion of psychiatrists that I had a mental illness, and disseminated this information among US citizens. Some may ask: what evidence do I have? Please, I will tell one of the events.

In paragraph 127, I wrote that I went to the city of Denver (Colorado) three times and lived there for 150 days in order to help human rights activist and refugee Jamshid Mukhtorov. I first came to Denver in August 2015 and met with Jamshid's three lawyers on Monday. During the 45-minute meeting, they openly spoke about the state of affairs of Jamshid Mukhtorov. I said, "please give me copies of the documents." They provided me with copies of documents over one hundred pages long.

Several days passed and the lawyers began to treat me badly and refused to meet with me. I come to the prison for another meeting with Jamshid. He told the following. The head of the lawyers came to him in prison and ordered Jamshid not to communicate with me. Jamshid asked, "Why?" The lawyer answers in the sense: "Shuhrat is mentally ill." Naturally, Jamshid objected. The head of the lawyers insisted and repeated several times. Jamshid said in a sense, “I talked to Shuhrat several times. He is normal and helps me” and refused to follow his orders. In response to Jamshid, I said: “Let them provide proof, if possible, in writing. Let him write his accusatory words on paper. Then I will sue them and we will deal with the court. Let them prove it in court. I will expose this slander in court.” Jamshid in the next meeting with the lawyer conveyed my words. But the lawyers never provided written evidence.

Jamshid Mukhtorov was arrested on January 21, 2012 by FBI officers and imprisoned. Since then, they have constantly monitored the progress of the investigation and the future trial. It was important for them to remove me from Jamshid's help. Apparently, the FBI officers showed the lawyers a report from psychiatrists and ordered them to stop meeting with Shuhrat. The lawyers of the city of Boise implicitly complied and refused to meet and talk with me.

FBI officers, through the prosecutor's office, controlled the lawyers. Naturally they were interested in Jamshid's answer. In prison, Jamshid met in a special room where we could see each other through the window. But we talked over the phone. I think they recorded our conversation in full. Therefore, the leadership of the FBI knew my words about the requirement of written evidence. They could not provide a copy of the psychiatric report. If they did, then I would expose them in court and it would cost them dearly. Even some of them would fall under judicial responsibility and, according to the verdict of the court, would be imprisoned for several years. Therefore, the FBI and Uzbekistan officers were very eager to obtain circumstantial evidence through nightly drug interrogations and further editing (see part 5.9).

PARAGRAPH 166. I will give one example of the use of punitive psychiatry in the United States against a refugee from Uzbekistan, Mr. Vasily Evstegneev. He is the brother of Ms. Elena Urlaeva, a well-known human rights activist of Uzbekistan, laureate of the Pierre Anger International Prize in 2010. Elena bears the surname from her first husband. That's why they have different last names.

PARAGRAPH 167. On May 24, 2013, in the city of Portland (the administrative center of Cumberland County, Maine, USA), eleven-month-old Michelle, the daughter of refugees from Uzbekistan, Vasily and Alfiya Evstigneeva, was taken away by the authorities, and Vasily has been persecuted and used against him ever since punitive psychiatry. I will write about this as briefly as possible. I cite the following data from my article "Шухратжон АХМАДЖОНОВ: В США отобрали дочь у беженца." ("Shuhratjon AHMADJONOV: In the USA, the daughter was taken away from a refugee.") dated February 28, 2014 (see [80]).

Vasily was born in Uzbekistan in 1964, and Alfiya in 1978. They are both citizens of Uzbekistan.
They got married in 1998. Their daughter Vasilisa was born on September 9, 2005. Vasily Evstigneev and his wife Alfiya Evstigneeva and their daughter Vasilisa Evstigneeva were forced to flee Uzbekistan in 2008 and apply to the UNHCR in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, they received refugee status and in 2010 received asylum in the United States.

On June 13, 2012, their daughter Michelle Evstegneeva was born weighing 3 kg 330 grams. Michelle had her first vaccination (vaccination) at the hospital on June 14, 2012. On August 10, 2012, Michelle received four vaccinations at once.

Michelle was weighed at the Maine Medical Center on October 17, 2012. She weighed 5 kg 500 grams. She received four more vaccinations that day. Little Michelle could not stand such a vaccination complex: she cried for three days, her temperature rose to 40 degrees, she had diarrhea for three days. On October 18, 2012, Alfiya and Vasily brought Michelle to the emergency department of the Medical Center. The doctors only took Michelle's temperature. No other help was provided. They sat there for six hours and returned home. After that, Michel did not gain weight.

On May 24, 2013, at 4 pm, Vasily and Alfiya Evstegneev arrived at the medical center with their two daughters. They were escorted to the office of Dr. Christopher Motul on the first floor. There were six policemen in the office, but Dr. Christopher Motil was not. Vasily and Alfiya with their two daughters sat down on chairs and began to wait for the doctor. Irina Kladova came into the office and said: “We are taking your child Michelle.” Vasily and Alfiya are in shock. All four cried. Vasily asked with tears in his eyes: “On what basis are you taking our daughter away?” Irina Kladova did not answer.

Vasily had a bag slung over his shoulder. He looped the belt around his neck and said: “If you take the child so brazenly without a document and without any court decisions” and showed with a gesture that he was ready to hang himself.

Irina Kladova says: "That's all right, we won't take the child." The four Evstegneevs calmed down. A nurse came and invited Alfia and her two daughters for an examination. Alfiya left the office with her two daughters. As she stepped out into the corridor, two policemen blocked the exit. Six police officers attacked Vasyl, knocked him to the floor, twisted his arms and handcuffed him.

The Court Order dated August 14, 2013 reads as follows:

“While under the care of her parents, Michelle was diagnosed with Weight Loss and Physical Development at the Maine Medical Center. At the age of almost one year, she weighed about 13 pounds (13 pounds = 13 X 453.59237 grams = 5.9 kg, A.Sh.). The girl was losing weight, and the parents did not follow the doctors' recommendations regarding the need to use a feeding tube. Vasilisa was in the hospital on 24 May 2013 when Vasily threatened suicide in Vasilisa's presence, instructed her to hold on tightly to him, and was visibly frightened. Mother passively watched everything that happened. The father was upset and emotionally charged when he was served with a provisional protection order for Michelle placing her in the temporary custody of the Department of Health and Human Services. The police intervened. He was forcibly admitted to Spring Harbor Hospital for 5 days, where he was diagnosed with "post-traumatic stress disorder, paranoid personality disorder, reflux disease, social problems, refugee status problems, torture, financial and professional problems."

Firstly, the mother, that is, Alfia, did not watch passively, but wept along with other members of the family.

Secondly, Vasily was not served "a preliminary protection order for Michelle placing her in the temporary custody of the Department of Health and Human Services." Irina Kladova verbally said the following about this: “We are taking your child Michelle.” That is, they were engaged in a provocation in order to unbalance them, having previously called six (!) policemen. Thus, the court order contains lies about the delivery by Evstegneev of a preliminary protective order against Michelle.

On May 25, 2013, at 7:00 am, a policeman, hospital security guards, and a doctor from a mental hospital entered the room. The doctor gave Vasily a mobile phone. On the phone, the interpreter said the following in Russian: “You will now be taken to a psychiatric hospital. If you resist, it will get worse for you." The policemen and security guards put Vasily in a bathrobe, put him on a wheelchair and tied him up. In this state, he was escorted to a psychiatric hospital in the city of Portland. Power structures of Portland Vasily Evstegneev were forcibly kept in a psychiatric clinic from May 25 to May 29, 2013.

In a court decision dated August 9, 2013, the name of Vasily's diagnosis at Spring Harbor Hospital is given as "post-traumatic stress disorder, paranoid personality disorder, reflux disease, social problems, problems related to refugee status, torture, financial and professional problems."

Alfiya and her two children stayed at the Medical Center hospital on May 24, 2013. On May 24 at night they gave her some two sheets of paper. On the morning of May 25, Alfiya was driven out alone, that is, without children. She came crying to the rented apartment. From May 25 to May 29, 2013, she cried alone in the apartment. On May 29, 2013, Vasily returned home from the psychiatric hospital.

On June 7, 2013, a trial was held in Cumberland District Court (Maine). The court decided to extend the temporary custody of eleven-month-old Michelle and continue to place her in the family of Peter Shaw. The court allowed Evstigneev's parents to see Michelle. The court also decided to return the eldest daughter, Vasilisa, to her parents. After the trial, the parents were allowed to see Michelle at the Department of Health three times a week.

So, the doctor diagnosed Michelle at the age of eleven months (in May 2013, A.Sh.) with the following diagnosis: "Weight loss and lag in physical development."

I believe and am sure: the main reason for such a painful condition, weight loss and physical retardation is the simultaneous quadruple vaccination of eleven-month-old baby Michelle on October 17, 2012. This aspect has not been studied and not considered by the court. This is a big and important omission. Although during the trial, Vasily and Alfiya Evstegneev spoke many times about this tragic fourfold vaccination. The guardians of the court did not even include their words in the court decision. Perhaps it was not written in the court record either.

MISHELfoto1 (700x525, 75Kb)
Photo 45. Refugees Vasily, Alfiya, Vasilisa and Michel Evstegneev. Portland Medical Center (USA), November 2013.

PARAGRAPH 168. Alfiya and Vasily Evstegneev were categorically against the operation on Michel. On July 29, 2013, doctors performed a covert operation on Michelle and inserted a probe (tube) through her tummy. In the future, because of this operation, Michel's breathing stopped twice. The doctor and some employees of the medical center spoke about this during the trial. On October 22, 2013, during a meeting between Alfiya and Vasily Evstegneev, little Michelle stopped breathing for the third time. Then the overseer came running and did artificial respiration for Michelle. American doctors continued to conduct various experiments in the form of a surgical operation on a small and defenseless twenty-month-old Michelle.

Since February 2014, the guardians and their leaders have forbidden Evstigneev's parents from meeting little Michelle because they were photographed together. Evstigneeva's parents saw their daughter Michelle for the last time on January 14, 2014. This is the discrimination against refugees in the USA.

MISHELfoto2 (700x525, 82Kb)
Photo 46. The overseer of the Child Protection Service takes Michelle away from her mother, Alfia Evstigneeva. Portland Medical Center (USA), November 2013.

PARAGRAPH 169. On December 23, 2013, the website www.dunyouzbeklari.com published the article “Elena Urlaeva’s brother living in the USA needs the help of journalists” (see [81]). I called, spoke with Vasily Evstigneev and wrote down all the facts and circumstances of the problem. On February 28, 2014, I published a long article “Shukhratjon AKHMAJONOV: A daughter was taken away from a refugee in the USA” on the website www.dunyouzbeklari.com (see [80]). On March 29-30, 2014, I published on the website www.avaaz.org the petition “Mr. President Barack Obama! Please return baby Michelle to her parents” (see [82]). At the end of the petition, I wrote the following words.

“Mr. President Barack Obama! You also have two daughters - Malia Ann (b. 1998) and Natasha ("Sasha") (b. 2001). What would you do if your beloved youngest daughter Natasha, at the age of four months, was made sick by four vaccinations, the doctors refused to help the sick Natasha with a high fever, and at eleven months of age they were taken away from you by force?

We ask you to assist in stopping any surgical experiments on little Michelle and returning her to her parents, Vasily and Alfiya Evstegneev.

P.S. About the misadventures of Vasily and Alfy Evstegneev and their baby Michel, I wrote in more detail in the article:
Шухратжон АХМАДЖОНОВ: В США отобрали дочь у беженца. –
www.liveinternet.ru/users/4799013/rubric/6975091/ (www.liveinternet.ru Дневник “Турон Шухратжони” Рубрика “ELENA URLAEVA”, 18.04.2022);
http://dunyouzbeklari.com/archives/63043 (www.dunyouzbeklari.com 28.02.2014). [80]

PARAGRAPH 170. April 7, 2014 was scheduled for trial. On April 5, I left the city of Washington and having overcome more than 1100 kilometers on April 6 at 15:00 I arrived in the city of Portland (Maine), to the apartment of Vasily and Alfiya Evstegneev.

Vasily and I talked about the upcoming trial on April 7th. He insisted on only one accusation of doctors (doctors), that they did not tell him about Michelle's alarming condition for six months. I told him, “This one accusation is not enough. At least three charges must be filed. The first charge is a quadruple vaccination on October 17, 2012. With this, Michelle's severe illness began. The second charge is that you were not treated by doctors for six hours on October 18, 2012, when you came with the sick Michelle to the Portland Medical Center. The third accusation is that the doctors did not tell you anything about Michelle's alarming condition for six months.

Vasily insisted on his own. I told him: “If you stick to this position in court, then on April 7 you will lose again.” Vasily continued to insist on his own. Vasily said: “I ask you to leave our apartment. We must prepare for tomorrow's judgment." I said, "I would like to be present in your court tomorrow." Vasily said: “No. You must leave."

I left the city of Men on the evening of April 6 and returned to the city of Washington on the afternoon of April 7, 2014. In the evening I called Vasily and asked about the outcome of the trial. He replied: "The court left everything unchanged." I don't regret trying to help. I still feel sorry for the fate of little Michelle and her mother Alfiya. I wrote an article about this at www.secure.avaaz.org
“Шухратжон Ахмаджонов: О неправильной позиции Василия и судьбе петиции. (Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov: About the wrong position of Vasiliy and the fate of the petition.)” (see [83])

PARAGRAPH 171. The further fate of the Evstigneev family is known to me from the letters of Mrs. Elena Urlaeva. Below is her letter “To the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees” dated March 3, 2019.

“Dear Mr. Filippo Grandi, Head of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees!

I, human rights activist Elena Urlaeva from Uzbekistan, appeal to you for help and protection in connection with the current situation of citizens of Uzbekistan who were forced to leave the country and seek asylum in the United States. According to international refugee law, the state is obliged to ensure the protection of persons entitled to refugee status.

The Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the General Assembly on December 10, 1948, established the principle that all human beings should enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms without discrimination of any kind in this respect. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is entrusted with monitoring the implementation of international conventions for the protection of refugees, and recognizing that the effectiveness of the coordination of measures taken to resolve this problem depends on the cooperation of states with the High Commissioner.

My brother Vasily Evstegneev and his wife Alfiya Evstegneeva and their daughter Vasilisa Evstegneeva were forced to flee Uzbekistan in 2008 and apply to the UNHCR in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, they received refugee status and in 2010 received asylum in the United States.

On June 13, 2012, in the state of Maine, Vasily and Alfiya Evstegneev had a daughter, Michelle, and a year later, social services took away their daughter Michelle from their parents, citing the girl’s health and lack of body weight.

The parents of the Evstegneevs fought for the return of their daughter Michelle, but they did not achieve anything, but on the contrary, they were persecuted, Vasily Evstegnev was placed in a psychiatric clinic.

In 2015, the Evstegneev family ended up with Maria and Viktor Potapov, who head the Christian church in Washington, the Evstegneevs lived and worked at the church.

On May 7, 2016, Vasily and Alfiya had a daughter, Maria.

On July 19, 2016, Vasily Evstegnev was arrested on the beach in the city of Annapolis while he and his daughter Vasilisa were relaxing in the park. The police hit Vasily Evstegneev in the stomach, from which he lost consciousness, and then his brother was accused of assaulting the police, stealing the Potapovs' car.

For 3 years, Vasily Evstegneev was kept in prison and in a psychiatric clinic, undergoing compulsory psychiatric treatment and awaiting a court verdict.

In August 2018, Vasily Evstegneev was released, but he needs to be under supervision until December 2019.

Vasily Evstegneev did not acknowledge the charges and believes that they were false.

During his stay in prison, Vasily's wife Alfiya Evstegneeva divorced the marriage, possibly under pressure from the Potapovs.

Currently (in March 2019, A.Sh.), my brother Vasily Evstegneev lives without housing in the city of Annapolis, he is forced to check in daily according to supervision and has no means of subsistence.

The place of residence of Alfiya Evstegneeva and two daughters is unknown to me and my brother, perhaps they also live at this church, the Potapovs.

Thus, while living in the USA, Vasily Evstegneev’s family completely disintegrated from exposure to the arbitrariness of the authorities, from injustice, from violations of rights and freedoms - Michelle Evstegneeva does not know where she is and with whom she lives, Alfiya Evstegneeva and daughters Vasilisa and Maria may be in bondage with the Baptists, Vasily Evstegneev suffered in prison for 3 years and now lives on the street under supervision.

I ask for legal assistance to justify Vasily Evstegneev and to restore his family and return this family to their homeland in Uzbekistan, since the political regime has changed, or to another country where the rights of refugees are protected.

Now there is no connection with his brother Vasily, the phones are not answered. ASK FOR HELP in the search for Vasily.

Sincerely, Elena Urlaeva

I live Uzbekistan Tashkent array Feruza house 56 apartment 53 contact numbers +998712601386 and +998646891764 "[84]

On the evening of March 26, 2022, I went to the Orthodox Church Parish (Cathedral) of St. John the Baptist in Washington (4001 17th St. N.W., Washington, D.C., 20011). There I spoke with Ms. Maria Sergeevna Potapova (head of social services). I asked: “What is known about Ms. Alfiya Evstegneeva. She was here in 2015." She replied that she didn't remember anything. On March 27, 2022, I called Mr. Viktor Potapov, the rector of the Cathedral. He replied: “She left. I don't know where I've gone."

In my opinion, the US authorities again used punitive psychiatry against Mr. Vasily Evstegneev and he was again imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital.

PARAGRAPH 172. I will write further cases of provocation associated with punitive psychiatry in the United States.

I wrote in paragraph 111 that I was robbed for the third time on February 19, 2016. Police officer Che Allen asked while compiling the report, "Are you need a hospital?" I promised in paragraph 113 that I would write the answer to this provocative question in paragraph 172.

I spent the night in the city of Washington in the shelter 801 East Men's Shelter from April 2, 2012 to May 26, 2014. In early April 2012, I wanted to use the services of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library (901 G St. NW, Washington, DC 20001). A librarian said, "Our library can be used by people registered in the Washington, DC." So, I decided to register in the shelter and get the document.

On April 13, 2012, I was issued an individual document registered at 1100 Alabama Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20032. I thought it was the address of the shelter. In 2013, www.maps.google.com opened the address 1100 Alabama Avenue, SE. It turned out that this is the address of the Federal Psychiatric Hospital of St. Elizabeth.

The true address of the 801 shelter is 2700 Martin Luther King Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20032.

Fraudulent registration of my document in a psychiatric hospital - this dirty provocation by the FBI agents against me - a refugee.

In my opinion, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation control the shelter in the United States. There are a lot of FBI agents and those who cooperate with this organization among the overnight stays. Therefore, such a dirty method of reprisal against dissident homeless people was invented and carried out under the supervision and participation of FBI agents. I spent more than two years in a shelter and came to this conclusion.

I left the shelter on May 26, 2014 and in August 2014 I rented a room at 216 Tulip Dr. Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877. Received a new ID there on January 20, 2015.

Thus, my ID was provocatively and discreetly registered with St. Elizabeth Federal Psychiatric Hospital from April 13, 2012 to January 20, 2015. When a policeman opens my data on the computer, the address of the psychiatric hospital also appears on his monitor. On February 19, 2016, using this fact, police officer Che Allen asked me provocative questions: “Do you need medical treatment? Do you need a hospital?” Thus, he tried to distract me and so that I could not tell the most ugliest deeds of the criminal.

PARAGRAPH 173. I wrote in paragraph 125 that on December 10, 2017, I rented a room in Arlington, Virginia through an ad in www.russiandc.com (address: 4114 4th Street North, # 2. Arlington, Virginia 22203). The owner, Ms. Baigalmaa Baljinnyam, came to the US from Mongolia many years ago. She raised her daughter and son alone. She rented a two-room apartment (if you add a living room, then a three-room apartment) and paid a significant part of her salary in rent. So, she sublet one room to me. She studied and graduated from the Faculty of Philology in Russia in her youth and knew the Russian language well. She said that punitive psychiatry was also used against her.

PARAGRAPH 174. I live alone. In the United States, single people of retirement age are provided with cheap housing (studio) by the state authorities. For example, in the city of Washington, there is a seven-story building where each elderly person of retirement age lives in a separate studio (address: 725 24th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20037).

I wanted to rent cheap accommodation (room). At the second address I received in Silver Spring County Center on January 24, 2019, I contacted the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (1301 Piccard Drive, Rockville, Maryland) at the end of January 2019. The employee talked to me for about an hour with the help of an interpreter. The translator connected with us via phone. I answered all her questions. She said: “I will send inquiries to some organizations asking them to provide you with accommodation. So please sign the document." I signed.

She invited Mrs. Kurling Altes, Case Manager Homeless Outreech Services, Every Mind, to the next meeting. Mrs Curling Altes gave me a business card and we decided to arrange a meeting via e-mails.

She sent me the following email on February 6, 2019. Note that she writes here about getting (providing) housing for the elderly.

«Good day,
How are you? I am reaching out again to schedule an appointment for your intake. I would like to help you apply for services that you requested, especially the Senior Housing. Please email back with a time that works for you.
My cell: 301. 978.1134
Take care! »

We made an appointment to meet at Every Mind office on February 11, 2019 (1000 Twinbrook Pkwy, Rockville, Maryland, 20851). We talked through a computer using the program www.translate.google.com She stubbornly wanted to get my signature on a document allowing her to send full information about me. I wrote: “They do not need to provide all the information about me. To get started, they need a minimum of information. If they are interested in my request, then I can provide them with information in person.”

The dispute continued. I wrote: “I must familiarize myself with the powers of your organization. I don't know much about your organization yet. I suggest we stay here for today. I will familiarize myself with your organization at home based on the text on the website.

After my first conversation with Ms. Kurling Altes, I returned home and read about Every Mind on the Internet. I ended up sending her the following email on February 18, 2019.

“Hello, Mrs. Kurline Altes!
I learned about the mission of your organization EveryMind at www.every-mind.org/about/our-mission/
I realized that your organization deals with people with mental health problems. I have no such problem. Therefore, please to cancel our meeting scheduled for February 19 and further meetings.
Best regards”

PARAGRAPH 175. On February 19, 2019, I came to the Department of Health and Human Services, Montgomery County: 1301 Piccard Drive, Rockville, Maryland. Near the building at the intersection there is a large sign: Health and Human Services, Montgomery County: 1301 Piccard Drive. And at the entrance above the door there is an entry: The Crisis Center.

I met with that employee. I told her, “I understand that you and Every Mind work with people with mental health problems. I don't have such a problem. Therefore, please stop sending requests to other organizations, that is, information about me.” She agreed and promised to stop sending documents with information about me.

I asked: “I wonder what organizations you sent information about me to?” She refused to tell me the names of the organization where she sent, and which organizations were interested in my personal data. This is the level of freedom of speech in the USA: a person is not given the opportunity to get acquainted and learn information and documents concerning himself.

PARAGRAPH 176. I understand that in the Silver Spring District Center of the Department of Health and Human Services on January 24, 2019, an agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) called an employee and he ordered me to give the address of the Montgomery Area Crisis Center.

So, seizing the moment, I was fraudulently sent to the psychiatrists at the Montgomery Area Crisis Center. They fraudulently wanted to get my signature on the documents they needed. Thus, they planned to use punitive psychiatry against me. This is another provocation and mockery of a refugee like me.

Additional information and analysis about punitive psychiatry and drug interrogation is written in paragraphs 203-207 of part 5.7 and 211-220 of part 5.9.

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PARAGRAPH 142. Among the many options for persecution of me was an attempt to use punitive psychiatry in Uzbekistan in 1997, and in the United States after 2010. The initial reason for the attempt to use punitive psychiatry against me is connected with some events in Uzbekistan in 1989-2008.

PARAGRAPH 143. In Uzbekistan, the opposition People's Movement "Birlik" ("Unity") was founded on November 11, 1988. I participated in "Birlik" from the end of November 1988 to November 1990 as the first deputy chairman of the Tashkent city organization. Together with my associates, I organized many interesting events on human rights and democracy in the capital city of Tashkent. They caused a lot of trouble for the leadership of the Soviet State Security Committee (SSC) in 1988-1990.

PARAGRAPH 144. Dictator Islam Karimov (1938-2016) was appointed leader of Uzbekistan in June 1989. I participated in the opposition Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (DPU) “Erk” (“Freedom”) from August 1, 1991 to October 1993 as the second secretary of the Tashkent city organization DPU “Erk”. Together with my associates, I organized many interesting events on human rights and democracy in Tashkent. They caused a lot of trouble for the leadership of the SSC and its heir, the National Security Service (NSS) of Uzbekistan in 1991-1993.

PARAGRAPH 145. Since October 1993, with a group of like-minded people, I have been working on the creation of the youth Republican Party of Uzbekistan (RPU). The founding congress of the RPU, with the permission of the Tashkent city khokimiyat (mayor's office), was scheduled for November 12, 1994. Police officers arrested me on October 30, 1994, near the Chkalovskaya metro station in Tashkent, when I was handing out an Appeal to fellow citizens with a request to join the RPU. On October 31, 1994, in the office and at the head of the deputy prosecutor of the Khamza district, Mr. Karaketov: he and six other officials from the National Security Service and the Tashkent city Ministry of Internal Affairs interrogated me for 40 minutes. They accused me of violating article 188-1 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan (creating a banned political party) and wrote a protocol. They planned to imprison me for at least 15 days. By doing so, they wanted to disrupt the founding congress of the RPU. I was escorted to the Khamza district court. The judge of the Khamza district fined me 1200 sums, which is approximately 40 US dollars.

I wrote a complaint to President Islam Karimov and several leaders of Uzbekistan about the illegal actions of the leaders of the Khamza prosecutor's office and the illegal fine. My complaint was sent from the Office of the President to the General Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan. This case was considered by the Prosecutor General's Office.

On November 12, 1994, the founding congress of the RPU was held, where I was elected chairman of the RPU. Bailiffs about payment of the fine came before the beginning of 1996. I got fed up with this and threatened them that I would file a complaint with the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations (UN) in the event of further persecution. After such a written warning, the bailiffs stopped coming to my house and I did not pay the illegal fine.

PARAGRAPH 146. In 1995, about one thousand citizens of Uzbekistan were members of the RPU, of which 80 percent were young people. At that time, at least 3,000 applications from citizens of Uzbekistan were enough to register a political party with the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan. The National Security Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan strongly persecuted the leadership of the RPU. Presidential and parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan were scheduled for the end of 1999. The leadership of the NSS in 1997 attempted to use punitive psychiatry against me in order to eliminate the possible registration of the Republican Party and its participation in the 1999 elections. A detailed account of these persecutions in Uzbekistan would take many pages. I will write briefly for general information.

PARAGRAPH 147. I wrote in paragraph 141 that in 1984-1991 a one-thousand-page work in four parts entitled “On the new agricultural technology of agricultural plants (on the example of cotton) based on an agricultural plant and rope (bridge) agricultural machines - Semurg”. In this work, he also wrote about the use of the latest agricultural practices. One of them is the use of magnetized water in saline soils. Soil salinity decreases and the yield of cotton and other plants increases sharply. On November 23, 1996, I wrote a long letter addressed to the President of Uzbekistan, Mr. Islam Karimov, and asked them to give me half a hectare of land for an experiment in the Kibrai region. My passport has been registered since 1989 in a hostel in the village council named after Matkabulov, Kibray district, Tashkent region. Somewhere in 1995-1996, this hostel was converted into a store. There, the residents were provided with land plots for building a house. I lived in the city of Tashkent in a rented apartment. I was not informed, and I was discharged.

On December 1, 1996, the younger brother Rashidjon (1963-1996) died due to illness in Jizzakh. During the commemoration, my older brothers persuaded me to move from Tashkent to Jizzakh to my parents' house. I was a long-term human rights activist and actively participated in the democratic movement for the independence of Uzbekistan. I understood that I was discharged from the Kibray region, and it was unlikely that I would be given half a hectare of land for the experiment. I decided to agree with the proposal of the brothers to move to Jizzakh in the parental home.

My letter from the presidential apparatus was sent to the Ministry of Agriculture. On January 7, 1997, a discussion of my proposal took place in Tashkent with the participation of the First Deputy Minister, Mr. Uzokov, and ten leading experts. They agreed to my proposal. I told them that I decided to move to Jizzakh. Mr. Uzokov said that in Jizzakh they would support me in the regional hokimiyat (governorship).

PARAGRAPH 148. On January 25, 1997, I moved from Tashkent to Jizzakh to my parents' house (Jizzakh, Ural Shokirov Street, house 26). Rayhon - my older sister (1957) lived in this house with her husband and five children since 1994.

Many of our relatives live on the territory of the former collective farm named after Alisher Navoi. I registered my passport at the house of a relative of Mr. Nishonboy Hoshimov (1956. Address; 25 Tinchlik Street, Kulama village council, Jizzakh (now Sharaf Rashidov) district). Together with him, they applied for half a hectare of land to organize an agricultural company. We were not given this piece of land. On March 17, 1997, I wrote a charter and registered a small enterprise "Turon Shuhrati" in the hokimiyat (mayor's office) of Jizzakh, opened a bank account and received a seal.

PARAGRAPH 149. My younger sister Gulnora (1959) is married to Mr. Olim Kasimov (1954). He divorced his first wife and married my sister. He worked in the regional police and had the rank of lieutenant colonel of the police. He was building a new house in the Kutarma mahalla (neighborhood) in Jizzakh. An underground workshop for alcoholic beverages (wine) was organized in this house and it was sold in the homes of citizens, including those from our parental home. All night drunks came and knocked on the window. Rayhona's older sister and her children sold wine to alcoholics. The two nephews said they had been bottling wine all night at Mr. Olim Kasymov's house.

As a human rights activist, I understood the danger of such illegal business. I wrote about this to the President of Uzbekistan, Mr. Islam Karimov, and on February 11, 1997, I myself took it to Tashkent to the President's office. The Tashkent commission found in the house of lieutenant colonel Olim Kasymov three barrels of wine, many boxes of bottles filled with wine and accessories for bottling alcoholic beverages.

PARAGRAPH 150. Mr. Olim Kasymov is the youngest of the four Kasymov brothers. The eldest of them, Mr. Tulkin Kasymov (1941), in 1997 had the rank of lieutenant general. In 1997, on the president's desk was his documents for appointment to the post of Deputy Minister of Defense of Uzbekistan for combat training. My post suspended his appointment. These powerful high-ranking officials jointly began to carry out a plan of reprisal through the use of punitive psychiatry against me.

PARAGRAPH 151. Lieutenant Colonel Olim Kasymov, with the help of his influential brothers and acquaintances, held on to his position. The security forces tried hard to use some brothers and sisters against me. During these difficult days, some brothers took and gave my seven folders of papers to the National Security Service.

Organized a conflict situation in our family. Gulnora's younger sister especially tried to do this. I do not like to conflict with people, especially with brothers and sisters. All four of Gulnora's brothers and sisters had their own homes and lived normally with their families. I asked me to allocate half of the parental home. They didn't agree. I told them that I would apply to the court with a request to give me one room in the six-room parental home.

PARAGRAPH 152. On April 19, 1997, Eid al-Adha and in the house held a commemoration in memory of Rashidjon. After the wake, the relatives began to go home. Aunt Habiba came out of the house with tears in her eyes. I realized that trouble could happen. I took my briefcase and left with quick steps. My brother Farhod Ahmedjanov (1952-2015) ran after me. I was at a distance of three hundred meters from the house. He began to persuade me to return to the house and peacefully agree with the older brothers on the division of the house while they are here. The older brothers Rustam (1946-2003) and Ismail (1948) lived in Samarkand and were about to leave. Unfortunately, I agreed and together with Farhad returned to my parents' house.

Ismail Ahmedjanov was a Doctor of Medical Sciences and worked as a pediatric surgeon at the Samarkand Republican Hospital. He is a big drinker. He took out vodka in a teapot and poured it into bowls. He proposed a toast to a peaceful solution, and we drank. The older brother Rustam did not drink, and he told me: “Shuhrat, you drank it in vain.” Later it became known that a beating was planned for that day in order to create the appearance of a family conflict situation. (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Samarkand State University Rustam Ahmedjanov died in a car accident in January 2003.)

At this time lieutenant colonel Olim Kasymov comes and starts beating me. I wanted to go outside. But it turned out that they had previously locked the iron gate. After some time, Rustam aka said: “Stop beating him.” Gulnora's sister said: "Because of him, SNB officers come to our house every day." She meant her house, where she lived with her husband Olim Kasymov and children (NSS - National Security Service).

I fell into the asphalt near the kitchen door. Alim Kasymov started kicking mercilessly. I crouched down and suddenly I see the face of twelve-year-old Yulduz, Rayhon's eldest daughter. She put her face to the window on the inside of the kitchen and looked in my direction. The thought flashed through my mind: she might not be forgiven for such testimony (see paragraph 155).

Lieutenant Colonel Olim Kasymov and the SNB officers planned so that adult children would not witness such a beating: thirteen-year-old Mukhiddin, the eldest son of Raykhon, was previously sent to relatives under some pretext. But they did not take into account the twelve-year-old Yulduz.

After a severe beating, I was taken to a sobering-up station.

PARAGRAPH 153. Later it became known to me that they had drawn up the papers in the following way: allegedly, after drinking, I got into a fight with my brother Farhod. I also became aware that on that day - April 19, 1997, someone broke Gulnor's little finger. In my opinion, Olim Kasymov did this on purpose in order to accuse me. I didn't even touch it with my finger. Naturally, Lieutenant Colonel Olim Kasymov and his supporters issued some papers to protect themselves by blaming me.

As a result, Olim Kasymov remained in his former position with the rank of lieutenant colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is, first of all. Secondly, on May 1, 1997, his older brother, Lieutenant General Kasymov Tulkun Yuldashevich, was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Defense for combat training, which was established by the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan ([67]). I read this order on the page of the Vatanparvar (Patriot) newspaper in those days.

PARAGRAPH 154. In June 1997, a district inspector came to our house in the morning and escorted me to the psychiatric dispensary in Jizzakh. Lieutenant Colonel Olim Kasymov was there and led. I was forcibly sent from Jizzakh to Tashkent to the Republican Psychiatric Hospital. I didn't take any medication and didn't give me any injections. I was kept there for nineteen days and diagnosed with “Акцентуация личности” (“Accentuation of personality”).

“Accentuation, character accentuation, personality accentuation, accentuated personality trait (from the Latin accentus - stress) - a character trait (in other sources - personality) that is within the clinical norm, in which its individual features are excessively enhanced, as a result of which selective vulnerability is revealed in relation to some psychogenic influences while maintaining good resistance to others. Accentuations are not mental disorders, but in a number of their properties they are similar to personality disorders, which allows us to make assumptions about the existence of a connection between them.” [68]

I am sure that many famous people can be diagnosed with such characteristics as “Personality Accentuation”. Without a feature of character, in which some of its features are excessively enhanced, they would hardly have achieved more or less significant success.

The absence of the concept of “Personality Accentuation” in the English Wikipedia is explained by the following words.

“At the moment, with the transition of Russian psychiatry to the ICD-10, the classification of Gannushkin’s psychopathies is morally outdated, and accentuations, for convenience of work, are often classified based on the international typology of personality disorders or psychoanalytic typologies of personality disorders, although this approach is not strict or recognized scientific community (ICD-10 - International Classification of Diseases-10, A.Sh.).

Accentuation in the ICD-10 is classified as one of the problems associated with the difficulty of maintaining a normal lifestyle (Z73). In this classification, the diagnosis of "accentuation of personality traits" (Z73.1) includes a behavioral pattern characterized by unbridled ambition, striving for high achievements, as well as impatience with a sense of urgency.” [68]

From the International Classification of Diseases-10 I will give data Z73.1 from section Z73.

«Z73. Problems related to life-management difficulty

Z73.1. Accentuation of personality traits
Type A behaviour pattern (characterized by unbridled ambition, a need for high achievement, impatience, competitiveness, and a sense of urgency) » [69]

Please note: here in section Z73 they write about "PROBLEM related to life-management difficulty", and not about "DISEASE".

I left the Tashkent Republican Psychiatric Hospital in July 1997 and moved my belongings from Jizzakh to Tashkent. Later he lived in Tashkent and was engaged in the human rights of compatriots and published many articles, also wrote books.

PARAGRAPH 155. Briefly about the further fate of the niece Yulduz Okhunova (1985-2003). She was born on February 20, 1985, in Jizzakh. In the spring of 2003б she graduated from secondary school No. 3 in Jizzakh. In the same year, she entered the Medical College in Jizzakh with a degree in Obstetrics. On December 15, 2003, she was found dead inside a four-story college. It was announced that she had fallen from the fourth floor.

I learned about the Yulduz tragedy in the summer of 2007. I asked, and Raykhon wrote a four-page Explanatory Note in Uzbek about the tragedy of her daughter Yulduz. Below I give all the pages of her Explanatory.

325915802_6106741156016789_4731581304424417909_n (560x699, 180Kb)
Photo 39. First page of Explanatory Raykhon.

325598506_1506756516479393_3852386893000687436_n (699x646, 184Kb)
Photo 40. The second page of the Explanatory Raykhon.

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Photo 41. The third page of the Explanatory Raykhon.

325672112_1422670118477170_1159670489499929750_n (699x538, 163Kb)
Photo 42. Fourth page of the Explanatory Raykhon.

Below I have given two paragraphs from the Explanatory Note in Uzbek and translated it into English.

“... Туш вақтида дугонаси менга “Юлдуз 4-қаватдан тушиб кетди” деб хабар берди. Чамаси соат иккилар эди. Мен касалхонага бордим. Анча йиғлаб ёлворганимдан кейин қизимни моргга (ўликхонага, А.Ш.) ўтқазишганини айтишди. У ерга бориб Юлдузни кўрдим. У ухлагандай ётарди. Унга ҳеч нарса қилмаганди. Наҳотки 4-қаватдан тушиб кетган одамнинг бирон жойи кўкармаса, қонамаса. Кийимларини кўрганимда ҳам ҳеч қандай доғ йўқ эди. Ўша вақти «Прокуратурадан одам чақирганмиз», дейишгандилар. На ўша воқеа тўғрисида расм кўрсатишди, на ўша воқеани кўрган одамни. Улар айтган жойга ҳаттоки тентак одам ҳам ўтмайди. Чунки ўша жойга бўлим бошлиғининг хонаси ҳам, ўқиш хонаси ҳам яқин. Улар менга «Ҳожатга чиқаман деб тушиб кетди» дейишди. Тентак одам ҳам кўчага қараган жойга чиқмайди ...»

“... At noon, her friend informed me that Yulduz had fallen from the 4th floor. It was about two o'clock. I went to the hospital. After I cried and begged for a long time, I was told that my daughter had been transferred to the morgue. I went there and saw Yulduz. She lay as if asleep and nothing happened to her. Does the person who fell from the 4th floor not have a single bruise, does he bleed? Even when I saw her clothes, there were no stains on them. At that time, they said: "We called a man from the prosecutor's office." They did not show any photograph of the event, nor the person who saw the event. Even a fool won't go where they say. Because the room of the head of the department and the classroom is located next to this place. They told me, "She fell down because she wanted to go to the toilet." Not even a fool goes out to a place that faces the street..."

«2003 йил 15 декабр, 16 декабр кунлари Жиззах телевидениеси орқали қизим Охунова Юлдуз ҳожатга чиқаман деб 4-қаватдан тушиб кетди, деб хабар берилган. Неъмат деган одам, ТВ журналисти олиб борган. Хабарни Ўрол ака берган, деб Таъзияга келган дадасининг ишхонадагилари, қўни-қўшнилар айтишди. Ўша вақти Бегалиев Ўрол ака коллеж директори эди.
Юсупова Р. А. 13/VI 2007 й.”

“On December 15 and 16, 2003, Jizzakh TV reported that my daughter Okhunova Yulduz fell from the 4th floor to use the toilet. It was led by a man named Nemat, a TV journalist. Father's colleagues and neighbors who came to the wake said that the news had been passed on by Urol Begaliyev. At that time, the director of the college was Urol Begaliev.
Yusupova R. A. 13/VI 2007”

This is an absurd accusation of Yulduz. Our family is one of the authoritative intelligent families of Jizzakh. Yulduz's grandfather Akhmadjon Yusupov (1920-1977) and grandmother Fagima Yusupova (1925-1976) worked as teachers at the school for over 30 years. Her father Nizomjon Okhunov worked as a teacher at the Jizzakh technical school for many years, her mother Raykhon Yusupova (1957) worked as a teacher at the institute for many years. Yulduz Okhunova was brought up in such an intelligent environment.

PARAGRAPH 156. In June 2007, I went to college and watched the scene of the tragedy. Long corridor and on both sides of the audience and service rooms. In the middle of the corridor there is a hall (room) 7-8 meters long. The door to the room was closed. I looked inside through the glass part of the door and the railing-wall. A semicircle is made inside the room, from where you can see the space down, possibly to the first floor. I can guess: such a room is made for observing students standing in a semicircle on the upper floors, as they perform an operation below, and so on. For some reason, the semi-circular railing was missing and there were many different posters on the floor.

I believe that the killers planned on December 15, 2003 to call Yulduz and go into that room with her. From there they will push her and thereby kill her. But Yulduz did not go into such a room with a stranger. Then the killers made a fatal injection or gave poison as part of the food. And the dead body was laid on the floor of the first floor. In any case, it was a pre-planned operation to kill an 18-year-old student.

In the summer of 2007, at the Medical College, I transcribed the list of students in her group and their home addresses. Went home to three students. They were unable to add new information regarding Yulduz's death.

I went with Raikhon to the Jizzakh city prosecutor's office and said: "Please show the case to Yulduz Okhunova." The employees of the prosecutor's office spoke rudely to us and we were kicked out into the street. As a result, we were not shown the Yulduz case. They knew that I was a human rights activist and, having familiarized myself with the case, I would reveal their incompetence and lies. In short, they did everything to cover up the murder of 18-year-old Yulduz.

The question arises: for what reason was Yulduz killed? As I wrote above, they framed the beating of me on April 19, 1997 as a fight between me and my brother Farkhod. And Yulduz was a living witness to the beating of me by police lieutenant colonel Olim Kasymov. If this truth becomes known sooner or later, then Olim Kasymov could be removed from his post and fired from his job. For issuing false documents, a criminal case could be opened and some of this criminal group, including the main defendant Olim Kasymov, could receive a prison sentence under the article abuse of official position. To prevent this from happening, they liquidated an 18-year-old innocent student, my niece Yulduz Okhunova.

PARAGRAPH 157. One of the Kasimov brothers worked as a head of the Visa and Registration Department (OVIR) in Tashkent. His only son was a drug addict. One night he killed his father and mother. The court sentenced him to fifteen years. I think it happened in 2003. In the same 2003, Colonel-General Tulkun Kasimov was retired for health reasons ([67]). I wrote about these events in my article “1999 йилги Тошкент портлашлари: Кимлар ва қандай қилиб уюштирди? (3-мақола) (Tashkent explosions of 1999: Who and how organized (Article 3))” ([70]). In 2003, the well-known human rights activist Surat Ikramov (1945-2021) wrote an article about how a drug addict son led a wild life and how he killed his parents. He published an article on the site www.centrasia.ru I read this article several times. A few years later, the Kasymov clan managed to get this article removed from the site www.centrasia.ru

Colonel Olim Kasymov has worked in recent years as the head of the Department for Combating Terrorism and Extremism in the Jizzakh Regional Department of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan. The dictatorial regime of Islam Karimov relied on such a ruthless and vicious lawbreaker whose relative killed his parents. Colonel Olim Kasymov remains in leadership positions even during the presidency of Shavkat Mirziyaev ...

One more fact. In the summer of 2012, I saw Olim Kasymov in the USA, at the Washington Central Mosque (Islamic Center of Washington DC. 2551 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008). I have been going to this mosque for Friday prayer (Jumuah prayer) since March 2012.

I suppose: the leadership and agents of the FBI needed to draw up some documents accusing me, discrediting me and get a court decision for constant monitoring of me. It is even possible to accuse me of a psychiatric illness. For this, I needed documents discrediting me from Uzbekistan. Lieutenant Colonel Olim Kasimov brought with him those Jizzakh documents that were concocted in 1997. Usually, the judge asks the person if he knows the face of the accused, that is, me. In order not to be mistaken, the FBI agents decided to first show me to Olim Kasymov. The best place to show is the mosque. There you can calmly examine the accused for a long time. He was sitting two steps away from me. He is my age and was born in 1954. His head is bald on top. I only saw this person once in a US mosque during 2012-2023.

PARAGRAPH 158. Having tested the use of punitive psychiatry on me in 1997, the leadership of the National Security Service (NSS) used it against many human rights activists, journalists, democrats and businessmen in Uzbekistan. I will list some of them: Elena Urlaeva (1957), Shukhrat Rustamov (1952-2020), Jamshid Karimov (1967, nephew of former president Islam Karimov), Nafosat (Shabnam) Olloshkurova (1987) and others.

Elena Mikhailovna Urlaeva (1957), graduated from Kharkov Hydrometeorological College in 1980. From 1980 to April 1999, she worked as a technical lighting engineer at the Tashkent TV Center. She was fired from there on April 12, 1999. At the end of April 1999, Elena Urlaeva came to the office of the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan (HRSU), that is, to the apartment of Mr. Tolib Yakubov (15.05.1941-27.11.2019). This often happens: a person comes in search of protection to a human rights organization. Here they find understanding and like-minded people. And they themselves become good and well-known human rights activists. This is exactly what happened to Elena Urlaeva, who began her human rights activities sometime in May 1999.

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Photo 43. Yelena Urlaeva near the Mirza Ulugbek District Court for Criminal Cases in Tashkent. 2006 (photo by the author).

April 6, 2001, when Yelena Urlaeva was on her way to the picket. She was detained on the street and taken to the Tashkent City Psychiatric Hospital. There she was diagnosed with "paranoid schizophrenia" and for about three months (!) she was subjected to compulsory treatment, using special pills and injections.

On August 18, 2002, during a picket in front of the building of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Elena Urlaeva was again detained by security forces, again imprisoned in the Tashkent City Psychiatric Hospital, and for more than four months (!) she was forcibly treated for dissent.

During her four-month confinement in a psychiatric hospital, Elena Urlaeva was greatly assisted by the chairman of the human rights organization "Committee for Social Monitoring", Ms. Olga Krasnova. She contacted the All-Russian public organization "Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia" and received their consent to receive. Kind people were found who paid the fare for Ms. Olga Krasnova and Ms. Elena Urlaeva to and from Moscow. They stayed in Moscow for three days and stayed with an acquaintance, Mrs. Olga Krasnova. On March 18, 2003, Elena Urlaeva passed a psychiatric commission headed by a psychiatrist of the highest category, Yu.S. Savenko, and they gave a positive conclusion about her health. I reproduce this conclusion verbatim below.

"All-Russian public organization
Russian Research Center for Human Rights.

Tel.: (095) 291-9081
E-mail: ipar@aha.ru
Moscow - 103982, Luchnikov per., 4
Fax: (095) 291-8469

March 18, 2003

URLAEVA Elena Mikhailovna, born in 1957, living at the address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, North-East-2, house 56, apt. 53, examined by a commission by specialists of the NPA of Russia in connection with a court case on declaring her incompetent.

From the words of E.M. Urlaeva, her confidant Olga Krasnova and from the submitted documents, it is known that E.M. Urlaeva has been actively engaged in human rights activities since 1999, she is the chairman of the Tashkent branch of the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan.

In 2001 and 2002, she was involuntarily hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital in Tashkent, where she received treatment for three and four months, respectively. At present, the prosecutor has applied to the court with an application to recognize E.M. Urlaeva as legally incompetent, but no signs of incapacity are described in the application. In itself, the presence of a mental illness, to which the prosecutor refers, cannot serve as a basis for recognizing a person as incompetent.

During the examination, the behavior is correct, understands the purpose of the study, keeps adequately to the situation. In a conversation, she is friendly, fairly frank, answers questions to the point, does not reveal violations of thinking. The background of the mood is somewhat reduced, she is concerned about the current situation. Intelligence corresponds to the received education and lifestyle. There were no productive psychotic symptoms.

CONCLUSION. Urlaeva E.M. understands the meaning and significance of their actions and can manage them. There are no grounds for depriving her of legal capacity. Currently, she does not need psychiatric treatment.

Chairman of the commission, psychiatrist of the highest category signature Ph.D. Yu.S.Savenko
Commission members:
Psychiatrist signature N.V. Spiridonova
Psychiatrist signed G.M. Kotikov
Medical psychologist signature L.N. Vinogradov
With the participation of a lawyer, signature candidate of legal sciences Yu.N. Argunova"
(The round seal of the LLC "Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia" was placed) [71]

Let me remind you that the Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia was organized in March 1989 and has a website www.npar.ru/ob-associacii

In 2005, 2016 and 2017, Ms. Elena Urlaeva was imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital in Tashkent and forcibly treated for dissent and a desire to protect people's rights.

The US Embassy in Uzbekistan supports human rights defenders, in particular Ms. Elena Urlaeva, in their efforts to build an active and independent civil society (see photo 44).

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Photo 44. Pamela Spratlen, US Ambassador to Uzbekistan (2015-2018, right) and Yelena Urlaeva, Chairperson of the Human Rights Alliance of Uzbekistan (left). Tashkent. June 14, 2015. [72]

PARAGRAPH 159. In 2009, a non-governmental organization, the Uzbek Forum for Human Rights (Uzbek Forum), was organized in Berlin under the leadership of Umida Niyazova, a well-known Uzbek human rights activist. Uzbek Forum in September 2021 presented a report “Punitive Psychiatry in Uzbekistan – Silencing the Voices of Activists”. It mentions seven cases of forcibly placing activists critical of the authorities in a psychiatric clinic in Uzbekistan. In fact, there are many such cases. However, many people who experienced similar situations did not want to divulge their names. Therefore, they included only seven cases in the report. [73]

In the future, I will write a separate large article about punitive psychiatry in the USA and Uzbekistan, if the Lord God (Allah) gives me the opportunity.

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PARAGRAPH 124. THE THIRTEENTH THEFT. The events associated with the 13th theft occurred in the following order. I often ate lunch and dinner at the large Whole Foods Market (4420 Willard Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland, 20815). I came for dinner on March 2 (Friday) 2018 at 20:00. Bought a hot meal and sat down at the table. I wanted to start eating, at this time the store cleaner comes up and tells me: "You must leave." I ask: "What is the reason?" He does not answer my question and repeated his demand. I answer: "Okay, you return my money, which I paid for this food." He didn't say anything about getting my money back. He says he will call the police. I sat down and started eating.

I ate, cleaned up after myself and went out. Opposite me are two policemen. One of them stops me and demanded to provide a document. I gave him my individual document and said: “Please introduce yourself. Give me your business card." In response, he takes out handcuffs, turns my hands behind my back and puts them on my hands. I was taken outside and put on the pavement with handcuffs on my hands. Their white police car was numbered: D 00-86. The policeman radioed my identity and filled out a standard protocol. The handcuffs were removed from my hands. He gave me a second copy of the protocol and said that I was banned from entering this store for three years. I said, “Please introduce yourself. Give me your business card." He said, "Roy Johnson." He had a badge on his chest: 3127. He gave me his business card. There were the following entries.

Department of Police (Montgomery County, Maryland)
2nd District
4823 Rugby Avenue
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
240-773-6700 Fax 301-657-0123

I looked at the notes on the protocol: on the second copy, the notes were barely noticeable, as if written in a bad pencil and it was difficult to read the words. I asked for a good copy. The policeman refused. I said: "Please fill out the protocol again and give me a properly completed protocol." He refused and said, "Tomorrow you can come to the police department and get a good copy."

On March 5 (Monday), 2018, I arrived at the Second Montgomery County Police Department and said to the officer on duty, “Please call a police officer, Mr. Roy Johnson.” He said, "He is not." I showed a copy of the protocol and said: "He promised to provide a good copy." The attendant refused to provide a good copy. I then said: "Please then write the words in my copy of the protocol in good letters." He wrote a few words, stopped, and refused to encircle the words any further in normal letters. He demanded that I leave. I left.

A few days later I took this protocol to my storage room at Extra Space Storage (1001 N Fillmore St, Arlington, VA 22201). One fine day in the same 2018, the protocol disappeared from my cell: more precisely, FBI agents stole the protocol during another unauthorized search in my cell. This was the thirteenth theft of my property by FBI agents.

PARAGRAPH 125. On December 10, 2017, I rented a room in Arlington, Virginia through an ad on www.russiandc.com (address: 4114 4th Street North, #2. Arlington, Virginia 22203). The owner, Ms. Baigalmaa Baljinnyam, came to the US from Mongolia many years ago. She raised her daughter and son alone. She rented a two-room apartment (if you add a living room, then a three-room apartment) and paid a significant part of her salary in rent. So, she sublet one room.

She studied and graduated from the Faculty of Philology in Russia in her youth and knew the Russian language well. She said that punitive psychiatry was also used against her.

Her father came from Mongolia in November 2017 and stayed with her. The owner's father left the US in mid-January 2018. He left and the next day they came and demanded from the hostess that I leave the apartment. Baigalmaa advised me to rent a room from her countrywoman from Mongolia, who lived in another house. I agreed. We came to her friend's apartment. The hostess, a woman of about 35, showed the room. We agreed on a price.

The mistress worked in the house and nursed small children. Young parents with me brought a child of four years. She accepted and her parents left. She lulled the child in her arms for three minutes, and he fell into a sweet sleep.

I started moving my things from the Baigalmaa apartment to the new apartment. Once he brought things and went for things a second time. While I went a second time, apparently, an FBI agent or a person connected with him called the landlady and ordered me to refuse my rent. I come with things for the second time. The child continues to sleep. She suddenly asks: “Are you a Muslim?” I replied: "Yes, I am a Muslim." She said: “Then I can’t rent a room to you. I changed my mind” Apparently, the FBI agent told her the reason for the refusal because of my Islam. I dragged things back to Baigalmaa's apartment.

I had only one way out - to drag things to the warehouse. I found a convenient warehouse using www.google.com at the address: Extra Space Storage. 1001 N Fillmore St, Arlington, VA 22201. I was provided with camera 2058 there. I moved out of the Baigalmaa apartment on January 28, 2018 and moved my things to the warehouse.

I called her by phone in 2018 and asked about the letters sent to my name to her home address. She said she moved to another apartment.

PARAGRAPH 126. So, because of the persecution for my human rights and journalistic activities, from June 1, 2015 to March 2020, that is, before the start of the coronavirus pandemic, I spent the night in various places, including McDonald's and hostels. Under such conditions, it was convenient for the persecutors, that is, the FBI agents and people associated with them, to use sedatives and drug interrogations against me.

PARAGRAPH 127. Now I’ll write why they organized the theft of my green card at the end of the summer of 2018. In 2015, in an Appeal (Complaint) to Mr. Barack Obama, I wrote the names of six Uzbek refugees who were subjected to illegal persecution in the United States. One of these six refugees was Jamshid Mukhtorov (1976). I wrote about him in my Appeal in 2015 as follows.

“Jamshid Mukhtorov (born in 1976 in the city of Jizzakh (Uzbekistan), Uzbek, Muslim, refugee). He has lived with his wife and two children in Denver, Colorado since 2007. He was arrested on January 21, 2012 at the Chicago airport before leaving for Turkey. He was charged with "attempting to provide material assistance to the Islamic Jihad Union, an Uzbek terrorist organization." He has been kept in prison for more than 3 years and has not yet been tried on him. I also grew up in Jizzakh. Jamshid is an Uzbek, a Muslim, a refugee like me” [42, paragraph 4]

And after my Appeal (Complaint) to President Barack Obama in February 2015, the trial of Jamshid Mukhtorov was postponed several times for no reason. I arrived in the city of Denver (Colorado) in August 2015 from the city of Boise, also from Washington in 2017 and 2018. In general, he lived there for 150 days assisting Jamshid as a human rights activist and journalist. I gave him about a hundred articles relating to his court case. Wrote and published twenty articles and appeals about him in Uzbek, Russian and English.

PARAGRAPH 128. On April 28, 2017, I asked Jamshid Mukhtorov to write a complaint to the US Supreme Court for violation of the Sixth Amendment of the US Constitution.

“Amendment VI (1791)
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.”

The meaning of the 6th Amendment was this: the arrested person must be tried by a speedy trial. If the suspect has not been tried for one year, then he has the right to file a complaint and he must be released without preconditions.

On April 29, 2017, I was about to leave Denver for Washington. During the last meeting on April 28, I tried to convince and urged Jamshid to send a copy of the complaint to the US Supreme Court in the city of Washington. But he was afraid that he would deprive him of a meeting with his family and therefore he was waiting for an answer from the judge. If Jamshid Mukhtorov would then have written a complaint to the US Supreme Court, then in 2017 he would have been released. He limited himself to writing a complaint to the District Federal Court. The federal district court has scheduled a trial for 2018. As a result, the court in 2018 sentenced him to eleven years in prison.

It is appropriate to say that prosecutors and FBI agents could not prove in court that Jamshid Mukhtorov provided even one US dollar to terrorist organizations. In my opinion, the first, third and sixth amendments to the US Constitution regarding Jamshid Mukhtorov were violated in the Federal Court of the State of Colorado.

Until January 7, 2022, Uzbek refugee and human rights activist Jamshid Mukhtorov was serving a sentence for an uncommitted crime in a US prison. The term of punishment in the form of eleven years' imprisonment should end on January 21, 2023. I started writing a complaint, including about Jamshid Mukhtorov, in September 2021. Considering that I will be sending a complaint to international human rights organizations, prosecutors and FBI agents decided to get rid of Jamshid Mukhtorov. He and his family were sent to Uzbekistan on January 7, 2022. He served further punishment in Uzbekistan. According to the verdict of the US court, he will live under supervision for another 15 years, that is, until 2038 [61]. This is how the FBI and the Uzbek National Security Service got rid of a refugee activist.

PARAGRAPH 129. THE FOURTH ROBBERY. The fourth robbery took place on the night of April 26-27, 2018 at 1:13 am: three robbers took away my large bag with 14 things. I published an article about this “Crime near the Capitol” in Street Sense on May 2, 2018 ([62]). I will provide the entire text of the article.

“Crime near the Capitol
By Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov Artist/Vendor

I was robbed on the bus 30N bus on the night of April 26 at 12:55 a.m. The crime was committed blocks away from the Capitol building, the bus stop near intersection of Constitution Avenue and 7th Street, NW (more exactly: Independence Avenue and 3rd Street. A.Sh. November 12, 2021). I sat at the end of the bus in a corner. The male robber sat down on a seat in front of me and pulled my bag, which was at my feet, to him. He lifted it and run out from the bus. The robber was accompanied by another man and a young lady. They all left together. “Stop the bus – my bag – robbery!” The driver pulled over and called the police.

The driver, three other passengers and I waited there until Metro Transit Police Officer E.Ferrell arrived at 1:13 a.m. The officer listened to the driver and me. “Please, to connect the interpreter from Uzbek”, I said. But he said he did not have the opportunity to connect with an interpreter. Nonetheless, I provided a list of the 14 items that were in the bag that was stolen. The officer said that the incident was recorded, gave me the report number, and said it would be available within five business days.

Usually, I notice a special employee in each bus to ensure the safety of the driver and passengers. But this employee was not on this bus. Therefore, I believe that this robbery was planned in advance. In a large bag was my folder (case) with papers, documents and articles, and a Russian-English dictionary. I'm sure they were interested in my document folder. The real question is, who sent them?

I have been robbed four times and stolen from 13 times between November 2012 and now. But the police did not investigate any of these crimes. Therefore, the crime against me continues" [62]

I wrote in my article: “At the end, the police officer said that this incident was recorded under the number 2018-08054 and the report would be available five working days after the incident.” But the article did not write the incident number 2018-08054.

I started writing a list of my things robbed on the night of April 27, 2018. About five minutes later, two more men in civilian clothes arrived. In my opinion, they were also police officers and said that they would be looking for criminals. The time was almost two in the morning. I said that I needed to get to McDonald's (4130 Wisconsin Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20016). Two men said that they would take me to McDonald's and took a list of 14 of my things that had been robbed. I later realized that the two were from another police department, possibly from the mental health police department. As usual, they did their best not to solve this obvious crime.

Here it is necessary to write some important additions and clarifications. The bus stop is located in front of the Capitol building and next near First Street SW. The criminals ran out with my bag at one of these stops. They could not walk near the Capitol building with a large and heavy black bag. They would have been noticed by police and video cameras. I'm sure our bus was followed by accomplices of the criminals in a car. And when they ran out of the bus, the car of the accomplices immediately stopped and they left in it. This means that the robbery was carefully planned and carried out. I believe FBI agents and people associated with them planned and carried out this robbery.

As the criminals ran out of the bus with my bag, I stood up and said loudly: “My bag was taken away from me. Driver, stop the bus!" I approached the driver and asked to stop the bus. The driver stopped the bus in front of Fourth Street SW and called the police. It was to this place that federal police officer Edwin R. Ferrell and others arrived.

The article and report erroneously spelled 7th Street, NW. I wrote many times in this complaint statement that FBI agents constantly monitor me and my laptop. In this case, they fit into the text and deliberately changed the address of the incident from Fourth Street Southeast to Seventh Street, NW for confusion. The difference between these stops is about 3300 foots (one thousand meters). In my opinion, the FBI agents made such a change on purpose in order to confuse the investigation and readers. I hope Officer Edwin R. Ferrell and the driver of that bus are well aware of the location of our discussion of this crime.

Unfortunately, I did not succeed in those days to correct the erroneous places in the article. After the theft and robbery, I was very busy with additional work to earn money, as well as finding and buying stolen and robbed items. After each theft and robbery, I tried to urgently buy those things that were stolen and robbed. So, it was easier for me to quickly forget another trouble organized by the FBI agents and continue to live.

I received a five-page Event Report 2018-08054-001 from the rollce clerk ms. Elle Shakban at the Metro Transit Police Department on May 7, 2018 (Metro Transit Police Department. 600 5th St NW, Washington, DC 20001). I read the entry on the first page: "Event Location. 7th Street at Constitution Ave NW" and said, "The robbery took place on Independence Ave. SW. Constitution Ave NW was written here. Why such distortion?" She replied: “You can ask your questions to Detective Dorrity. He works in the second police department. The telephone number of the second police department is 703-667-2692.”

I will give here only the first, fourth and fifth pages of the report.

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Photo 36. The first page of the report 2018-08054-001.

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Photo 37. Fourth page of the report 2018-08054-001.

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Photo 38. Fifth page of the report 2018-08054-001.

Text on the fourth page of the report 2018-08054-001.

«Additional Narrative

On 4/27/2018, at 01:13 hours, the R/O was dispatched to 7th St. and Constitution Ave., NW for a theft that occurred on board bus # 7116, 30-N route. V-001 reported that he was seated at the rear of the bus with his black luggage bag on the floor next to him. V-001 said that S-01 grabbed his bag off the floor and exited the bus along with S-02 and S-03 at while stopped on the Northbound side of 7th St. and Independence Ave., SW. All three subjects fled in an unknown direction making good their escape. V-001 was not injured»

Notice the entry "7th St. and Constitution Ave. NW" on the first page of the report and on the entry "7th St. and Independence Ave. SW" on the fourth and fifth pages of the report 2018-08054-001.

Police officer E. Ferrell said on the night of April 27, 2018: “Each passenger is photographed at the entrance to the bus, and it will be possible to identify criminals from the photo.” There were three criminals, and it was easy to find them from three photographs. Moreover, there were only three passengers on the bus besides me and the criminals. I regret that I did not then press for an investigation by the federal police by referring the case to Police Officer Ferrel, Edvin R, badge #440.

PARAGRAPH 130. THE FOURTEENTH THEFT. I arrived in Washington DC from Denver in the middle of June 2018. I wrote two pages of information about the Denver trial, violations of the first, third and sixth amendments to the US Constitution regarding Jamshid Mukhtorov, and gave free Street Sense newspapers to my customers. Apparently, the FBI agents decided to punish me for my human rights and journalistic activities. It was they who, in one of the night drug interrogations, having previously put me to sleep, stole my Green card and Social Security card in September 2018.

In September 2018, I decided to open an account with Citibank. Reason: I became a member of Costco Wholesale Corporation. Store address: Wheaton Warehouse. 11160 Veirs Mill Rd., Wheaton, Maryland. 20902-2538. Phone: (301) 692-1330. There clothes and food were sold in bulk and cheaply. For this service, the member had to pay $60 per year. Many Americans and I benefited. Costco had an agreement with Citibank. A Costco member was entitled to pay with a Citibank bank card. The member had to pay the debt to the bank at the end of each month.

I decided to open an account with Citibank. An employee of Citibank demanded a green card. I didn't find it in my wallet. I dug through my belongings twice at Extra Space Storage (1001 N Fillmore St, Arlington, VA 22201). But I did not find my Green card and Social Security card. I realized that FBI agents had secretly stolen my two important documents during nightly drug interrogations. I kept them in my wallet. The wallet was in my pocket. And both documents mysteriously disappeared from the wallet in September 2018.

So, the FBI agents in one of the nightly drug interrogations, having previously put me to sleep, stole my Green card and Social Security card in September 2018.

PARAGRAPH 131. Many compatriots, journalists and human rights activists do not know or know very superficially what drug influence and drug interrogation are. I wrote about this in parts 5.7 and 5.9.

PARAGRAPH 132. THE FIFTEENTH THEFT. I usually buy an extra 100 pieces for the Street Sense newspaper in which my article is published. I give them for free to anyone who is interested in me and my articles. I bought 100 Street Sense newspapers in May 2018 and took it to my luggage room at Extra Space Storage (1001 N Fillmore St, Arlington, VA 22201). Until September 2018, he handed out about 40 pieces to the Americans. Apparently, the FBI agents are tired of seeing me handing out the Street Sense newspaper and thereby revealing the inaction of the police and the FBI. In September 2018, 60 copies of the Street Sense newspaper, in which my article "Crime near the Capitol" was published, disappeared from my storage room at Extra Space Storage. It was the fifteenth theft.

I always keep in my trouser pocket two keys to two locks with which I close my storage room. I believe the FBI copied both keys in one of the nightly drug interrogations. I have noticed many times my cell storage is searched in Extra Space Storage.

PARAGRAPH 133. THE SIXTEEN THEFTS. I bought a new Samsung Galactica-9 Mini phone on credit on October 10, 2017, made a contract with the phone company Verizon Wireless company (Verizon Wireless Company) for payment within two years and paid an initial fee of $142 (from Bank of America document). Phone number is 240-660-1432. In the future, I paid monthly from $70 to $97.

I was at McDonald's on the night of January 23-24, 2019 (address: 1800 N Lynn St, Arlington, VA 22209). As usual, I bought coffee and French fries. I put the phone in front of me and connected the phone cable to the charging socket. Drank coffee and ate French fries. A little time passed, and my eyes began to close. I was sitting on a highchair, and it is dangerous to sleep in such a chair for a long time - you can fall out of the chair and get injured. Yes, and employees, McDonald's security and informers constantly monitor visitors. The security guard kicks the sleeping client out of the McDonald's hall. I closed my eyes for a few minutes. During this time interval, an experienced thief managed to disconnect the cable from the phone and steal it. I didn't want to call the police. First, I didn't have a phone to report to the police. Secondly, my previous reports to the police about the thefts did not yield any results. Thirdly, it was winter, and the thief walked around in clothes with a hood and his face could not be seen on a video camera. I told the manager of McDonald's - a fat woman about the theft of my phone.

I paid the remaining $291 of Verizon Wireless company's Galactica-9 Mini on February 19, 2019, through my Bank of America account.

I bought the following inexpensive Samsung Galaxy J3 Orbit phone and made a contract with the Tracfone phone company on July 26, 2019. Unfortunately, his battery was bad. I charged it for several hours daily. I bought a new battery. But soon she, too, began to work poorly and charged it for several hours daily. In mid-November 2022, the battery failed. Therefore, on November 25, 2022 - on Black Friday, I bought a new phone model Moto g power number XT2165-5. My phone is serviced by the phone company Verizon. Until it was stolen...

PARAGRAPH 134. THE SEVENTEENTH THEFT. I planned to write a very important long article “New cyberweapons are being tested in Washington” (see [42]). The FBI agents and his accomplices did not allow me to write it in the city of Washington. I decided to go to New York in September 2019 and write this article there. I began to say before leaving a few days before some of my long-term customers: "I will soon be leaving for New York for a month and please do not worry about my absence."

Snitches-informers used to transmit and even record almost all my conversations with the Americans using a telephone device. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, FBI agents often conducted nightly drug interrogations and apparently asked questions about my immediate plans. Naturally, the FBI agents knew that I was planning to leave for New York on September 6, 2019.

September 6 (Friday again), 2019 at 13:36, I was robbed for the seventeenth time. This happened in the Washington, DC in front of the entrance to the subway station North Farragut. The criminals took my big black bag. The bag contained my Toshiba laptop, three notebooks, one of them was new, cables to the computer, and other things.

I used to tie the bag and the stroller together with a handkerchief. This day was Friday and there was little time left before prayer in the mosque. I decided to sell the newspaper "Street Sense" for 10-15 minutes. Therefore, I did not tie the bag and the stroller together. Those who planned the theft knew about it. One Afro-American man, aged 23-25, arrived on an electric scooter. He approaches my things and for two or three minutes looks intently at my things and tries to determine if they are mutually attached or not. I noticed this and started taking out my phone to take pictures. He noticed it too and started walking away. I also walked around, stood in front of him and took pictures. He then quickly left on an electric scooter.

I later mentally analyzed this case of theft. I was on the sidewalk. Therefore, the thief could not leave towards the street. He left with the bag in the subway down the escalator. He could not enter the metro station, as there are video cameras when passing through the machine. The thief went down the escalator and went upstairs in the elevator. In this way, he came out onto the sidewalk at a distance of 20 meters from me. I then noticed how several respectable male subway workers in uniform were bustling around near that elevator and covering the view. In my opinion, they were waiting for the thief here by car. He put my bag inside (in the trunk) of the car and drove away. I'm sure this theft was carefully planned by FBI agents and carried out with the participation of a group of men. And here you can see the "hairy hand" of the FBI agents ...

I called 911 on the phone five times, including with the help of other citizens three times. Police officer Mr. M.Droadnax arrived at 14:45. I got a business card from him. Additional information from that card: Metro Transit Police Department. Jackson Graham Building. 600 First Street, NW. Washington, DC 20001. Communications: (202) 962-2121. Mobile: (424) 354-9701.) Report number: 2019.13819.

I stayed in Washington, DC on Saturday and Sunday September 7-8, 2019, to sell newspapers in the Saturday-Sunday markets and earn some extra money to buy another laptop and accessories in New York. I left for New York at night from 8 to 9 September 2019. As usual, the police did not open a criminal case and did not investigate the crime. I haven't received any messages from the police.

PARAGRAPH 135. I arrived in New York on the morning of September 9, 2019. I bought a new Lenovo laptop, a mouse and downloaded the necessary programs, and also bought a computer bag for $53. For all this I paid $560. I bought a new large black bag for $45 and a backpack for $75.

I agreed with the owner of the apartment to rent a one-room apartment. I went to the bank for money, which was 500 foots (150 meters) away. I noticed that day that two Uzbeks were following me. I withdrew money from my account and returned. And the hostess tells me that she has changed her mind and that I should not wake up the apartment. So, I spent part of the night at New York's McDonald's and part of the night on the subway, which was open 24 hours a day. I was in New York for 36 days and nights.

PARAGRAPH 136. What is the reason for the theft on September 6, 2019? It is known that in 2015 six Uzbeks were arrested in New York on charges of conspiring to provide material support to the Islamic State terrorist organization. They did not confess for a long time.

I asked about the New York Uzbek prisoners and their families on November 5, 2017, when I came to New York for the concert of Yulduz Usmanova, and also in October 2018, when I came to New York for the concert of Sherali Juraev. But none of the Uzbeks could give me any address of these Uzbeks or information about their families. I planned to look for their families after the end of this article. From the article “Citizen of Uzbekistan in the United States sentenced to 30 years for aiding ISIS” ([63]), it became clear that Juraboev, Saidakhmetov, Khabibov, Zakirov and Rakhmatov have already pleaded guilty to all charges.

In the New York Federal District Court on September 24, 2019, the jury delivered a verdict to Dilkhayot Kasimov, a citizen of Uzbekistan. He was found guilty of financing ISIS collaborators and sentenced to 30 years [63]. The trial went on for a week. He was arrested at the New York airport in February 2915. I accidentally read about this court on the Internet on September 29, 2019. If I had known earlier, I would have tried to participate in the trial as a human rights activist and would have written an article about the trial.

So, the trial of Dilkhayot Kasimov was scheduled for September 2019, that is, four years after his arrest. FBI agents were involved in their arrest and participation in court. They did not want my arrival and participation in the court as a human rights activist. In my opinion, it was the FBI agents who organized another theft of my laptop bag in Washington, DC on September 6, 2019.

PARAGRAPH 137. An interesting fact: on September 14, 2019, the non-governmental non-profit organization “Mahalla USA” organized a football tournament in honor of the Independence Day of Uzbekistan at the Kaiser Stadium in New York (Jack Kaiser Stadium, 80th Drive and Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, Queens, New York).

12 teams from 10 states participated in the tournament. More than 700 Uzbeks and other representatives from Central Asia gathered. [64]

The Independence Day of Uzbekistan is September 1, and by that time 14 days have passed since all the people of Uzbekistan celebrated the holiday. In those September days, Dilkhayot Kasimov was being tried in a New York court. In my opinion, the FBI did not want the Uzbeks to participate in the trial and they asked their partners of the Uzbek State Security Service to organize a distraction event, which was a football tournament. This is, first of all. Secondly, they wanted to know the mood of the Uzbeks towards the trials of the Uzbeks in New York.

As I wrote above, I spent the night in the cars of a moving subway train. Somewhere since September 12, 2019, I began to have severe coughs. I also had such coughs in Tashkent, when the Uzbek National Security Service (SNB) conducted drug interrogations at night in Tashkent before important meetings in the Tashkent office of Freedom House. Apparently, they conducted nightly drug interrogations and made special injections that act on the respiratory tract of a person and cause severe coughing. Such preparations are not produced in Uzbekistan. Apparently, such poisonous drugs were sold by American FBI agents to their Uzbek associates. This was yet another proof that the NSS officers of Uzbekistan and the US FBI agents are working in close cooperation both in Tashkent and in New York against human rights activists, journalists and other dissidents.

I coughed a lot in those days. I was also at the Kaiser Stadium in New York on September 14, 2019. I did not know about the trial of Dilkhayot Kasimov. After my arrival in New York and during the football tournament, I asked several Uzbeks about the fate of the arrested Uzbeks. They replied that they did not know. I planned to study the allegations and defense of these Uzbeks after finishing the long article “New Cyber Weapons Tested in Washington” ([42]), which I began to write in those days. I learned about the trial on September 27, 2019, after the announcement of the court verdict: on September 24, a New York court sentenced Dilkhayot Kasimov to 30 years in prison. [65]

The violent cough ended a few days later in New York. There were also coughs in Tashkent. Since then, more than two years have passed and the cough did not bother me, thank the Lord God (Allah).

PARAGRAPH 138. Now about one attempted theft in New York. At night at the end of September 2019, I sat in the corner of the car in the New York subway and fell asleep. I put my laptop in a computer bag and put the strap of the bag over my head and hold the bag under my arm. Suddenly a strap pulled up my hands. I woke up and started holding the bag with both hands. A few seconds later I completely came to my senses and realized what had happened: in front of me on the seat was a man with a black beard of a strong build, 25-28 years old, 180 cm tall.

Let me remind you: in Washington, many FBI employees and men who have constant contacts with the FBI have grown a beard since 2018. This is their special sign to get to know each other. A beard for FBI agents and associated US citizens is also needed to discriminate against women on the basis of gender in the distribution of work, for example, when appointing a bus driver.

I believe this burglar was also connected to the FBI. He decided to rob the laptop while I was sleeping. He sat on the seat, held a mobile phone in his left hand and, raising his hand, filmed me on video with the aim: if I tried to punish the robber and hit him, he wanted to film this moment, then beat me. I realized that this attempt to steal my laptop was an organized and outright provocation. I sat for a while and at the next metro station got off the car and left. I wrote about this theft attempt in the article [42, part 2] in P.S.

PARAGRAPH 139. THE EIGHTEENTH THEFT. On the night of October 11-12, 2019, two of my bags were stolen in the New York subway. This was the eighteenth theft. Briefly about this theft.

On the night of October 11, 2019, I bought a shake (shake, order number 366) at McDonald's restaurant number 3078 (address: 490 8th Avenue, New York) at 23:37. After about 30 minutes, my eyes began to close and I wanted to sleep. I think sleeping pills were added to this shake. I left McDonald's and went to the subway station "34 Street - Penn Station" (34 Street - Penn Station). It was around 01:15 at night. While waiting for the train, I temporarily sat down on a bench, which was located in the middle of the platform. I put my black bag and a rag bag between my legs. Suddenly, he fell into a deep sleep.

At 3:48 o'clock I was awakened by the words of the cleaner who wanted to wipe the floor near the bench. I looked and realized that two of my bags had been stolen. The bag contained an adapter (power cable) from a Lenovo laptop and a cable from a Galaxy phone, as well as my personal clothes and various food.

Considering that trains arrive and depart every 10-15 minutes at this metro station during the night, it becomes clear that it is impossible to fall asleep soundly with a normal sleep for 2.5 hours (!). Therefore, I am convinced that sleeping pills added to the shake at McDonald's contributed to my sound sleep. I am also convinced that such a theft by sedation was carried out under the direction of FBI agents who continued surveillance and provocation in New York in September 2019.

I called 911. 15 minutes passed and no one came. Called 911 again. This time the man asked for my language and put me through an Uzbek translator. During this conversation, at 4:10 o'clock, two policemen came with bib numbers (badges): 4689 and 27339. They refused to register as theft and insisted on registering "lost" (loss). I insisted that this theft. The police did not try to find out from other people who were sitting in a nearby platform bench.

At 4:50 we got off the subway and got into a minibus-type police car. There were four of them in the car. I asked to be connected to an interpreter from the Uzbek language. They never connected. Police officers provide translation from other languages, but they do not provide translation from Uzbek. This is called discrimination.

The police at 5:20 am drove to the building at 801 2-Avenue, New York. There, the police spoke with the officer on duty. We left the building and went by car to the station building. At 5:30 am, the police began to say goodbye to me. I asked for a report number. They did not give and said, on Tuesday - October 15, 2019, come to the police station and ask for the result on this case. I took pictures of them just in case. This is the USA, theft and the police. This was the 18th time I was robbed, now in New York. (In June 2021, FBI agents stole some of my phone chips in one of the nightly drug interrogations. There was also a photo of the police from October 12, 2019.) I wrote about this theft in an article [42, part 2] in P.S.

The organizers of the theft were well aware that the adapter (electric cable) from the Lenovo laptop was not for sale in Best Buy stores in New York and could only be bought via the Internet. With the help of the charger left on the laptop batteries, I made some clarifications and additions to the second part of the article [42] and published in my diary “Turon Shuhratjoni” on the website www.liveinternet.ru . Literally with the last money I bought a bus ticket, and on the same day, on the evening of October 12, 2019, I left New York for Washington. For this reason, I was unable to come to the New York City Police Department on October 15 and receive a copy of the theft report on the night of October 12, 2019.

PARAGRAPH 140. THE NINETEENTH THEFT. The nineteenth theft took place in June 2021: FBI agents stole some of my phone chips in one of the nightly drug interrogations. One of the chips was inside the phone, and the other - almost full - in the wallet.

In July 2021, I decided to write an article about the drying and dying trees of the city of Washington. In the article I wanted to use some of the photographs stored in telephone chips. Look, the chips have mysteriously disappeared. The chips contained more than one thousand photographs taken by me in 2019-2021.

Several drying and dying trees of the city of Washington were photographed on July 27, 2021, and the article “Our trees are dying where they stand” was published in the Street Sense newspaper on August 18, 2021 (see [66]).

PARAGRAPH 141. THE FIFTH ROBBERY. This robbery took place in December 2021 in Tashkent: my personal library and things were robbed. This is a very similar situation with nineteen thefts and four robberies that FBI agents and people associated with them organized against me in the Washington, DC in 2012-2021.

In 1984-1991, I wrote a one-thousand-page work in four parts entitled “On the new agricultural technology of agricultural plants (on the example of cotton) based on an agro plant and rope (bridge) agricultural machines - Semurg”. Then and now, most of the world's crops are grown by planting seeds in the field. I suggested planting seeds in a greenhouse and getting seedlings. The greenhouse itself is part of the agricultural plant. Then plant seedlings in even rows on a flat field at equal distances between plants. Thus, you can win from nature from 10 to 30 agrotechnical days, which are so lacking in autumn. Sprinkler devices will be installed on the platform of the rope machine and it will move over the plants. The weight of agrotechnical care and processing of each plant will be carried out by a separate mechanism, which are installed in multiple even rows on the platform of the rope machine. Harvesting will be carried out by appropriate harvesting mechanisms installed on the platform of the rope machine. The entire harvest, or rather the plant cut in even rows with the harvest, will be sent to the building of the agricultural plant, which is located on the edge of the field. All this can be automated, that is, carried out without the participation of human hands. In my one-thousand-page work there were many technical drawings, diagrams and tables. In 1991, I made a working model of a cable car with a platform.

All my personal library, including this work, as well as more than one thousand books, various documents of my human rights activities were in banana boxes in a rented apartment in Tashkent. In October 2008, I left Uzbekistan. In February 2009, I called a well-known human rights activist and friend, Ms. Elena Urlaeva, from Almaty (Kazakhstan) to Tashkent, and asked them to move my library and save it. She moved them to her apartment.

Elena Urlaeva from 1996 to 2016 lived in a civil marriage with Mansur Mashurov (1964-2016) in his apartment opposite the Tractor Plant in Tashkent. On August 6, 2016, her husband Mansur Mashurov died suddenly in a market in Tashkent at the age of 52 under unknown circumstances. In 2018, she moved my library to this apartment. There she kept her documents of many years of human rights activity.

In December 2021, I decided to publish my one-thousand-page work on the websites, as well as my book “Gap-gashtakdan - Jadidchilik harakatiga” (“From gatherings to the Movement of Jadidism”) and another of my handwritten books. On December 17, 2021, I called Ms. Elena Urlaeva at home and asked her to send the above books and manuscripts to me in the USA. I previously sent her money for expenses and told her the transfer code.

I was waiting for my books and work. But there were no messages. On February 24, 2022, I called Elena. She could not answer and said that she would write in a letter. On the same day I received a letter from her.

“Dear Shuhrat aka. I could not bring myself to tell you that I could not save your boxes and boxes until your arrival - until the new year. In December 2021, Mansur's apartment, where everything was stored, was robbed. Everything was scattered and damaged. Some books and things have survived. I made a statement to the police, but so far there are no results.

I did not dare to write to you about it. Since it will be a shock, and while I do not know what to say. She demanded to check the fingerprints so that the police would make an inventory of the kidnapped. I asked for witnesses. But the police did nothing. We had to make pickets. They promised to investigate, since they also took out a refrigerator, a washing machine, telephones, Mansur's documents from the apartment.

On February 25, 2022, I called Elena. She told the following. She came on the evening of December 28, 2021, to the apartment of the late Mansur Mashurov. The door was broken and replaced with a new iron door. She found out that a robbery was organized in the apartment and all my and her personal library, as well as things, were taken out.

I wrote in my given statement-complaint that FBI agents and employees of the State Security Service (SSS) of Uzbekistan listen in on my phone calls, control my notes on my laptop, and so on. I suppose they found out about my intention to publish my work and books and decided to organize the next - the fifth robbery, already in Tashkent. I think this large-scale robbery was organized by employees of the State Security Service of Uzbekistan. When SSS officers organize a robbery, the Uzbek police are powerless or unwilling to solve such a crime. Yes, this is a very similar situation with nineteen thefts and four robberies that FBI agents and people associated with them organized against me in the Washington, DC in 2012-2021, and the police did not solve them.

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PARAGRAPH 111. THE THIRD ROBBERY. I was robbed at Farragat Square in downtown Washington on February 19 (Friday), 2016 at 4:00 pm. I called the office of the Street Sense newspaper and also called the police on 911. I wrote and published the article "Robbery in Washington DC" on the website www.siyosat.wordpress.com on February 29, 2016 (see [59]).

I will write in detail about this robbery: how they organized the protection of the robber from legal liability, how they took action against me by sending a provocateur-vendor to my place of sale of the Street Sense newspaper.

I have written a complaint to the commander of the Second District Station, Mr. Melvin Gresham. I asked for help in opening a criminal case, solving a crime and punishing a criminal. He was sent this complaint on February 25, 2016 via registered mail with notification. I rewrote the following text from that complaint.

“I have been selling the Street Sense newspaper at Farragut Square since November 2012. On February 19 (Friday), 2016, I went to the Friday prayer - Jumah prayer to the mosque (Islamic Center of Washington DC. 2551 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008). At 2:00 pm I came to the corner of Farragut Square (the intersection of K Street and 17th Street) and started selling the Street Sense newspaper. At 3:40 p.m., I went to Pret A. Manger (1701 K St NW, Washington, DC 20006. Tel: 202-857-7945), had a cup of coffee and went to the bathroom.

I returned and continued selling the newspaper. A little time passed, and the vendor Ray Hicks approached me. He pointed to his backpack under the post and said, "I'll be selling the newspaper here." I said, “I've been selling newspaper here since 2:00 pm. I went to the toilet." He nervously picked up my two bags, walked 7-8 meters down the sidewalk and placed my bags in the middle of 17th Street. At this time, the red light was on at the traffic light and the cars were stopped.

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Photo 31. Vendor Ray Hicks. Washington, DC. February 19, 2016. Photo of the author.

I had five pieces of Street Sense newspaper in my hands. I took these newspapers under my left arm, took out my phone and decided to photograph this provocateur. The provocateur began to quickly approach me. I managed to photograph him once (I attach this photo, a Street Sense employee looked at the photo on February 22, 2016 and said that he was Ray Hicks). The provocateur came up to me, tore five newspapers out of my armpit and threw them on the ground. He walked towards my bags and took out my 25 pieces of Street Sense newspapers from the bag. He passed through 17th Street and left down K Street towards 18th Street.

The white light came on and the cars began to move around my bags. About 30 seconds passed and the traffic light turned red. The cars stopped. A passing young man picked up both my bags and carried them to the sidewalk of 17th Street. I called the Street Sense office twice and left a message twice. It was 4:15 p.m.

I started calling the police on 911. The 911 employee asked for my native language. I answered: Uzbek. She contacted the translator by phone. The Uzbek girl began to translate. The 911 employee wrote down my details and clarified what had happened. But the translator did not say that the provocateur moved my bags to the middle of 17th Street. I asked her to translate these my words. From there, the duty officer clarified some data, for example, my exact location. At the end, the attendant said that I was waiting for the arrival of the police.

At 5:05 pm police officer Mr. Che Allen arrived in a police car. Car number DC 10610. I said hello. He got out and walked to the sidewalk. I pointed to two bags standing on the edge of the sidewalk on 17th Street and began to describe what had happened. He asked about my native language and said that he needed to contact an interpreter. He went into the police car. I went to the bags and took pictures twice. Then they were moved to the edge of the sidewalk closer to the police car.

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Photo 32. Police officer Mr. Che Allen. Washington, DC. February 19, 2016. Photo of the author.

Mr. Che Allen talked to someone on the radio and got out of the car. He asked to see a personal document. I handed over my Maryland Identification Card number A-532 765 021 055. He began copying the data from my document onto his notebook. He asked for my phone number, and I answered. I started videotaping our conversation on my phone. He handed over my document and went to my bags.

Mr. Che Allen asked. I said: the provocateur robbed my 25 pieces of Street Sense newspaper and began to briefly talk about what had happened. When I mentioned the provocateur's transportation of my bags to the middle of 17th Street, Mr. Che Allen asked an unexpected and irrelevant question: "Are you need a hospital?" I did not understand and said: “Excuse me”. He repeated the question differently: “Do you need medical treatment? Do you need a hospital?”

I understood his provocative question and asked with the same tone: “Do you need a doctor, sir?” He stuttered and pretended not to understand my question. I repeated my question. He couldn't answer my question and moved on to the main topic: “Okay. How much do the newspapers cost?” I answered: “I bought each newspaper on 50 cents”. He wrote 25 newspapers at 50 cents. He asked: “What time did this happen?”. I replied: “He provoked at 4:15 pm”.

Mr. Che Allen called the police and got a report number. He wrote the following information on a piece of paper and gave it to me: “Report 025-422. Officer Che Allen. Badge 3694. 2nd District: 3320 Idaho Avenue. Washington DC 20016. Phone: 202-715-7300."

I said: “I have a photo of this provoker” and opened the photo of the provocateur on my phone. But Mr. Che Allen was not interested in the photo and began to leave in the direction of the police car. I asked, "Sir, how many days should I wait for an answer?" He replied: “A week”. I said, "Why so long?" He said, "I don't know. I will report to email you.”

I have not received any response from the Commanding Officer of the Second District Station, Mr. Melvin Gresham.

PARAGRAPH 112. Note that the third robbery took place in broad daylight in downtown Washington, DC. This intersection is located from the White House at a distance of 300 meters. President Barack Obama's motorcade often passes along 17th Street and through the intersection on Connecticut Avenue. That is, this is the Presidential route. By the way, on that day, February 19, 2016, the motorcade of President Barack Obama passed through this street and the intersection at 19:00. Here cameras film the situation at the intersection day and night 24 hours. Therefore, to see on film or computer file how Ray Hicks came up and provocatively moved my bags to the center of 17th Street and took out my 25 pieces of newspapers from the bag is very simple.

It is appropriate to say: provocations against me during the sale of the Street Sense newspaper are organized on Fridays - a holy day for Muslims. These provocateurs and the officials behind him, the FBI agents, know very well that I am a Muslim. That's why they organize provocations against me on Fridays. The provocation and robbery on February 19, 2016 was also organized on Friday.

PARAGRAPH 113. Some may ask: Why did Police Officer Che Allen ask, “Are you need a hospital?” I will write the answer to this provocative question in paragraph 171 of part 4.2.

PARAGRAPH 114. I wrote above: from August 6 to October 30, 2015, I was in Idaho and Colorado and was engaged in protecting the rights of Uzbek refugees Fazliddin Kurbanova and Jamshid Mukhtorova and published articles [44], [46] - [56].

Perhaps the FBI agents decided to punish me for my human rights and journalistic activities. To this end, they hired Mr. Joshua Maxi to work at the Street Sense office as Vendor Manager around October 2015. This was written in the Street Sense newspaper in the issue of October 21, 2015 (2015, issue 25, page 2). Since that date, Mr. Jeffrey Gray has assumed the position of Sales and Communications Manager.

Mr. Geoffrey Gray started working as a Vendor and Sales Manager in March 2015. In Street Sense, July 29, 2015 (2015 Issue 19, Page 2), Mr. Geoffrey Gray is listed as a Vendor and Sales Manager.

To punish a certain vendor, the position of Vendor Manager is not enough. That is, a vendor can be punished by having the job functions of a Sales Manager. Apparently, the FBI agents understood this and in November 2015, the position of Mr. Joshua Maxi was expanded: he becomes Vendor and Sales Manager. Mr. Joshua Maxey as Vendor and Sales Manager first appeared in Street Sense in the November 18, 2015, issue (2015 Issue 1, Page 2). He continued to work in this position in April 2016.

Mr. Geoffrey Gray continued as Sales and Communications Manager in April 2016. So, since November 2015, two employees have worked in the small newspaper Street Sense, that is, Mr. Geoffrey Gray and Mr. Joshua Maxey with the job functions of Sales Manager. I'm sure it happened because of the intervention of FBI agents or their associated executive officer.

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Photo 33. Mr. Joshua Maxey. February 2016. Photo of the author.

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Photo 34. Mr. Jeffrey Gray. Photo from the website of the newspaper Street Sense. 2016.

PARAGRAPH 115. The response of the FBI agents and their henchmen against me to my complaint and demand to punish the robber, Mr. Ray Hicks is interesting. I wrote in paragraph 111 that on February 19, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. I called the Street Sense office. Mr. Joshua Maxey, Street Sense salesperson and sales manager gave me on February 23, 2016, a Decision to suspend me from the sale of Street Sense for a period of one week. I was given another suspension on February 26, 2016 for two weeks effective February 19, 2016. His text was written in paragraph 116.

Joshua Maxey invoked the violation on February 5, 2016. I was videotaped on my phone that day by vendor David Denny. He also wrote a complaint, possibly after my report of the crime to vendor Ray Hicks on February 19, 2016. Vendor David Denny made provocations against me many times (there are witnesses). I wrote about his provocations in part 5.5 in paragraph 195.

PARAGRAPH 116. I wrote a complaint reviewing the events of February 2016 to Mr. Brian Carome, Executive Director of Street Sense on April 30, 2016. I sent him this complaint via mail on May 3, 2016. Below is the full text of that complaint. I wrote based on a complaint from the Street Sense American Newspaper Buyers Address on May 14, 2016. I added six points at the end of the complaint and Appeal P.S. In P.S.3 I printed nine photos. I have printed six photographs from the May 14, 2016, Address in paragraphs 109, 112, 115 and 119. The complaint is long and has been divided into paragraphs 116-119 for clarity.

“216 Tulip Dr.
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877
Phone: 301-337-5722
E-mail: jiz54@mail.ru, ergash1955@yahoo.com
Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov (Uzbek, born 20/01/1954)

Street Sense
Mr. Brian Carome, Executive Director
1317 G Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20005
Phone: 202-347-2006
E-mail: info@streetsense.org

April 30, 2016

Dear Mr Brian Carom,

On February 23, 2016, Joshua Maxey (Street Sense salesperson and sales manager) gave me a Suspension from the sale of Street Sense for one week from February 19, 2016 (I was given another Suspension on February 26, 2016, from February 19, 2016). The following is written there (see Appendix 1).

“To: Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, # 457
From: Josh Maxey, Vendor Manager
Subject: Two week suspension
Date: 2/19/2016
CC: Brian Carome, Executive Director

Mr. Ahmadjonov,

On 2/5/16 Street Sense staff members were made aware of a situation that involved you violating Street Sense code of conduct which states “I agree to abide by the Street Sense vendor territorial policy at all times”. A witness informed Street Sense staff that you stood in front of a vendor that was already selling on a street corner. When the vendor tried to address you and told you that they were at the location first, you ignored them and continued to try to sell your paper. Street Sense does not assign any specific territory to our vendors. Street Sense uses a “first come, first serve” method. Street Sense staff have also had to address this issue with you on more than one occasion.

Due to this violation, I am hereby suspending you from selling Street Sense for a period of one week. You may not purchase and distribute the Street Sense paper during this period.

Once this suspension has expired on 2/26/2016, Street Sense will consider reviewing your status and granting you privileges to return to selling Street Sense papers again. You may appeal this suspension to the Executive Director by filling out the attached form.

Any questions you have about this suspension may be brought to the Vendor Manager

Josh Maxey
Vendor Manager

signature Josh Maxey 2/23/2016”

Mr. Joshua Maxey in the Solution writes:

“On 2/5/16 Street Sense staff members were made aware of a situation that involved you violating Street Sense code of conduct which states “I agree to abide by the Street Sense vendor territorial policy at all times”. A witness informed Street Sense staff that you stood in front of a vendor that was already selling on a street corner. When the vendor tried to address you and told you that they were at the location first, you ignored them and continued to try to sell your paper. Street Sense does not assign any specific territory to our vendors. Street Sense uses a “first come, first serve” method. Street Sense staff have also had to address this issue with you on more than one occasion.”

I have been working as a vendor in Street Sense since October 2012. I have always tried not to violate the Street Sense Code of Conduct which states: "I undertake to comply with the submitter of the Street Sense territorial policy at all times." I also tried to work on a first-come, first-served basis.

PARAGRAPH 117. I wrote about provocations by vendor David Denny in follow-up to my complaint addressed to Mr. Brian Carom, Executive Director of Street Sense on April 30, 2016. This part of the complaint is written separately in part 5.5 (see paragraphs 189-198).

PARAGRAPH 118. Continuation of my complaint to Mr. Brian Carom, Executive Director of Street Sense dated April 30, 2016. I write about the provocations of the vendor David Denny.

“I have above (in paragraph 116, A.Sh. 05.04.2023) quoted the Decision to remove me from the sale of Street Sense from February 19, 2016, which was given to me by Mr. Joshua Maxi on February 23, 2016. The question arises: why was the decision to suspend me from the sale of Street Sense only received four days later, that is, on February 23, 2016? I will number my answers.

118.1. On the afternoon of February 19, 2016, I went to the Street Sense office and bought 55 pieces of newspaper for $25. But no one told me about the suspension decision. Apparently, there was no such solution.

118.2. On February 19, 2016, at 4:15 pm vendor Ray Hicks taunted me in the corner of Farragut Square, and he robbed my 25 pieces of Street Sense newspapers. I phoned the Street Sense office twice at 4:15 pm and left a message twice. I called the police on 911. About this entrapment and robbery, on February 25 and 27, 2016, I sent a registered letter with notification to Mr. Melvin Gresham, Police Chief of the Second District Station, and Mr. Brian Carom, Executive Director of Street Sense. The text of this Complaint was written in article [59] (see paragraphs 116-118). To my complaint, Mr. Joshua Maxi wrote a response on March 31, 2016. I wrote about this in P.S.2 (see paragraph 119).

118.3. On February 22 (Monday), 2016 at 10:00 am, I came to the Street Sense office. Mr. Jeffrey Gray (Sales & Communications Manager) said: “You are suspended from the sale of Street Sense. You need to talk to Mr. Joshua Maxi. He won't come today. He will come to the office tomorrow."

118.4. I came on the morning of February 23, 2016, to the Street Sense office. Mr. Joshua Maxey has given me a Suspension from the sale of Street Sense. He cites a violation on February 5, 2016. I believe that this Decision was hastily arranged with hindsight after my report of the robbery and provocation by vendor Ray Hicks on February 19, 2016, at 4:15 pm. Therefore, Mr. Joshua Maxi gave me the Solution only on February 23, 2016. A brief history of Mr. Josh Maxey's beginnings in Street Sense I wrote in P.S.3 (see paragraph 116).

The legal error of this Decision is that it was adopted without discussion with the accused party, that is, with me. For clarity, imagine this case: one US citizen sued another citizen and provided a video shot on his own phone. And the judge, without discussion with the accused party, makes an accusatory Decision. This is not a court, but a dictatorial solution to a conflict situation. And such a gross violation of human rights is taking place in the office of Street Sense, which is located less than a mile from the White House and the US Congress.

I believe that the decision to suspend me from the sale of Street Sense is specifically designed to denigrate me, defend the offense of vendor Ray Hicks on February 19, 2016, and subsequently stage another similar provocation and fire me from my job as a vendor of Street Sense. I believe that all this is targeted harassment and persecution for my human rights and journalistic activities.

So, the decision is made erroneously without discussion with me.

Based on the foregoing, I request that Mr. Joshua Maxey's Decision to Suspension me from the sale of the Street Sense newspaper be rescinded."

PARAGRAPH 119. I wrote in paragraph 111 how vendor Ray Hicks robbed me on February 19, 2016. On February 27, 2016, I sent a registered letter with notification to Mr. Brian Caroum, Executive Director of Street Sense. Mr. Joshua Maxi gave me the following written reply to this complaint on March 31, 2016.


March 31, 2016

Mr. Ahmadjonov:

Upon reviewing your complaint, the administrative office followed up with the vendor whom you filed the complaint against. Given the evidence that you included with your complaint in the form of a picture, the disciplinary action was taken against said vendor. If there are any more incidents wits this vendor, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.


Joshua Maxey
Vendor Manager, Street Sense
202-347-2006 ext. 10”

Please note: Mr. Joshua Maxey does not write anything about the penalty applied. That is, he hides it from me and from others. This is first.

Second, in the Disciplinary Procedures section of the Street Sense Vendor Territorial Policy, the following words are written.

“Criminal Offenses
- Stealing money, newspapers, or property from Street Sense, volunteers, staff, vendors, or customers.

First offense: Minimum six month suspension” [60, p.10]

Thus, the vendor Ray Hicks, due to the provocation and robbery on February 19, 2016, should have been suspended from selling Street Sense newspapers for six months, that is, from March 31 to September 30, 2016. But this is not known for certain, as Mr. Joshua Maxey has been hiding the exact level of punishment for Mr. Ray Hicks.

I also wrote an Appeal to my newspaper buyers and there at the end I wrote the following: “Given the reason for the appearance and the beginning of the work of Mr. Josh Maxey is in the Street Sense office, it's not hard to imagine that he will transfer or be transferred within one year to another job. Indeed, soon the patrons, possibly FBI agents, transferred him to another organization.

I believe that the FBI agents deliberately orchestrated, through their protege, Mr. Joshua Maxi, the Decision to suspend me from the sale of Street Sense on February 23, 2016. By doing so, they tried to denigrate me and protect the robber Ray Hicks from legal liability for the February 19, 2016 robbery.

PARAGRAPH 120. In those days I wrote an Appeal to the Americans, primarily to my customers, the Street Sense newspaper, and handed out a text about robbery and injustice. Many of them helped me financially. Thank them.

156648199_ShuhratjonAhmadjonov1 (700x455, 107Kb)
Photo 35. My picket near Farragut square. Washington, DC. February 26, 2016. Photo of the author.

My picket near Farragut Square on February 26, 2016, is shown in photo 35. I wrote the following words on the poster:

«I was robbed in the Farragut Square on February 19, 2016, at 4:00 pm. I was suspending Street Sense for a period of two week on February 23, 2016.

Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov,
human rights activist, freelance journalist, refugee and vendor “Street Sense”

PARAGRAPH 121. THE TENTH THEFT. FBI agents and his assistants organized the theft of 30 pieces of Street Sense newspaper from a stroller sometime on March 30, 2016.

The FBI agents tried to organize an additional theft and thereby confuse me in the testimony of crimes through drug interrogation. I wrote in paragraph 80 about this way of organizing a double crime.

I usually put my bag and trolley at a distance of two or three meters and when selling a newspaper, I often look at my things. Therefore, the FBI agent and his assistants could not organize the theft for more than a month. Around March 30, 2016, in the evening, they managed to steal my 30 pieces of Street Sense newspaper from the cart.

People were returning home from work, and when the traffic light turned red, they stopped in the corner of Farragut Square in front of me. The FBI agents chose just such a time. They arranged for a few men to stand between me and the cart, thus blocking the view of the cart. Within about one minute, an experienced thief managed to discreetly remove a bag containing 30 pieces of Street Sense newspaper from my cart.

I did not notice the theft and continue to sell the newspaper that I have on hand. At this time, a man of athletic build, about 27 years old, the same height as me - 180 cm, approached me. It is very noisy at this intersection. Therefore, he speaks in my ear in the sense of "Bring your bags to you." I nodded and continue to call customers. He repeatedly says, “I'm a cop. You carry your bags with you. They can commit theft" and left.

I sold some of the newspapers I had in my hands and went to the cart to get another five pieces to continue selling newspapers. I look at the package of newspapers, no. I had to go home.

I know that a police officer usually doesn't use the insulting word "I'm a cop" about himself. It was clear to me that this man was an FBI agent and orchestrated a second additional theft. If I call the police and they write a report about the theft, then at night they could organize another drug interrogation about the robbery on February 19 and the theft on March 30, 2016, at Farragut Square. Then they would get another rubbish, which they would use to obtain another opinion from psychiatrists. Given this, I did not call the police and did not write about this theft. I included it in my list as another organized tenth theft.

PARAGRAPH 122. THE ELEVENTH THEFT. The eleventh theft was organized on August 9, 2017, at 18:45. I placed two bags on the edge of the sidewalk along K-street near the corner of Farragut Square and tied each other with a handkerchief.

Bus routes L2, G8, 38B, 30S, 30N, 32, 33, 36 had their final stop at Farragut Square and made a complete U-turn around it. And buses 30S, 30N, N2, N4, 42, 43 stopped near the square and drove on. Apparently, for this reason, Farragut Square was additionally controlled by some leaders and drivers of the bus fleet. They themselves or on behalf of FBI agents put one or two buses on the edge of 17th Street and watched me at a distance of 15-20 meters, sometimes making various signs with their hands so that people would not buy my newspaper. They turned on the headlights of the bus in my direction from the onset of darkness.

That day, as usual, several men were watching me at a distance of 15-20 meters, including those in the clothes of a bus driver. Suddenly they began to fuss and stubbornly look in my direction, standing in the middle of the sidewalk. I started taking pictures with my phone. One of them saw me taking a picture of him and ran inside his bus.

People come home from work and during the red light of the traffic light they stop in the corner of the square and block my view of the bags for one or two minutes. In such a short time, the thieves managed to pick up the bags and put them in the trunk of the car and drive off. I found out about the disappearance of the bags a few minutes later, called 911 and called the police at 18:45 hours. Police officer Carlos Ramos arrived at 8:00 pm (Carlos Ramos, his badge number is 4478. Metropolitan Police Department. Second District. 3320 Idaho Avenue, NW. Washington, DC, 20016). He said the six-digit identification number of the report (report) about the incident: 17.137129 (the first two digits indicate the year, that is, 2017). I said, "Please give me your business card." He gave. I wrote more important information on the back of the card. The above facts I copied from that business card of Mr. Carlos Ramos.

I didn't receive any message from the police, as usual. I went a few days later to the police station. There he received a copy of the report, met with the detective, demanded that a criminal case be opened, and that the crime be investigated. The detective shrugged his shoulders and said in the sense: "How to solve this crime?" I told him: “You should have at least met with me and talked about this crime. I would tell you additional facts. You didn't come and talk." If he would come then, I wanted to give him the photos of the bus drivers that I took that evening. I don't know where that report is in my archive now.

PARAGRAPH 123. THE TWELVE THEFTS. I remembered the following about the twelfth theft: then 25 copies of the Street Sense newspaper were stolen. I wrote about this theft in my diary, like all the events taking place around me. I wrote the date and circumstances of the theft there. The criminals took away all my diaries and notebooks through robbery and theft. That's why I don't remember the date of the twelfth theft.

I used to trade in the evening at the entrance to the North Farragut metro station. The newspapers were on top of the stroller. Americans come home from work in a large stream from 17:00 to 19:00. The provocateur stole at that moment my 25 pieces of newspaper. Why does an ordinary citizen need 25 newspapers? It cannot be sold elsewhere: as a special cape of the seller of the "Street Sense" newspaper is needed.

I'm sure the FBI agents organized this theft on purpose. They expected me to call the police. They organize the showdown. The thief will not be found. But to set up the metro guards against me and forbid me to sell the newspaper at the entrance to the metro. That is, they will demand that I sell the newspaper away from the subway entrance.

So, the goal was to drive me away from the subway entrance somewhere to the side. I understood this treachery and did not call the police. I now put the stroller next to it and put the newspapers away inside the stroller, I also often looked at the stroller.

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PARAGRAPH 93. A thief attacked me in a shelter on May 24, 2014 at 00:40 am. As I walked towards the lockers, the thief quietly approached me behind me, sharply shoved two hands into my two side pockets of my trousers. So, he pushed me 3-4 steps from behind. I said out loud, "Hey!" The thief took his hands out of my pocket along with my folded one sheet of paper and a pen, and he ran out into the corridor and turned into the toilet. I filed a complaint about this with the police. [40, part 1, paragraph 3]

PARAGRAPH 94. I came to the 7th police station on May 25, 2014 at 22:20 and filed a complaint with the police officer on duty. He did not want to accept the complaint and offered to sit and wait. I was waiting. I applied several times, but they demanded to wait. I stayed like that for 24 hours. After 24 hours, I became indignant and began to demand that the complaint be accepted.

My complaint dated May 24, 2014 was accepted by a police officer, Mr. J.C. Walker somewhere 24:30 hours and handed over to Police Lieutenant Protective Service Division (PSD) Mr. Smith. PSD Address: 1900 Massachusetts Avenue, SE Acc. Building, Second floor, tel. 202-727-8031. I asked them to sign in my copy of the report. The officers on duty refused and said that my complaint had been forwarded to Lieutenant Smith. Lieutenant Smith asked me something. I did not understand and asked him to write on paper. He waved his hand, said nothing, and walked out of the building into the street. I asked the police officer on duty, “Where did he go?” The policeman replied, "He went to shelter 801."

Lieutenant Smith left in shelter 801, and I was not invited to a joint trip. At this time, it was 00:40 hours on May 26. I asked the officer on duty to write the address of Lieutenant Smith's work. He wrote. I gave this address above.

So, the policemen on duty at the 7th police department deliberately did not accept my complaint and made me wait until midnight. They accepted my complaint only 24:40 hours. I left the police building very late - at 1:05 am on May 26, 2014 and went home, that is, to shelter 801. Thus, they created a convenient time for robbing me at 2:00 am on May 26, 2014. I was then armedly robbed and my bag and backpack were taken away. [40, part 1, paragraph 3-4]

PARAGRAPH 95. THE SECOND ROBBERY. On the night of May 26, 2014, two robbers robbed and took away my bag and backpack. As I wrote in paragraph 93, as a result of a special detention of me at the 7th police station for 2 hours and 45 minutes, I left the police building at 1:05 am on May 26 and went to shelter 801. I came to the bus stop and looked at my watch. It was 1:14 am. Bus 92 arrived. I wanted to take it with a change to the Anacostia metro station and then by bus to shelter 801. But it turned out that I sat in the opposite direction. I understood this and asked the driver: “I need the Anacostia metro station. Am I going the right way?" The driver replied, "The bus will go to the Congress Heights subway station." I asked the bus to stop at the next stop.

The bus driver asked, "Where are you going?" I replied: "To shelter 801." He said, "Wait, we'll get to the last stop and I'll explain to you how to get into the shelter." When we arrived at the final station of the bus, that is, the Congress Heights metro station, the driver got off the bus and showed the door near the gate along the iron checkered fence of St. Elizabeth's Hospital and said: "Go through the door, cross and find yourself in a shelter."

I went to the gate, which was closed. I asked the female guard to open the gate and let me through to the shelter. But she didn't allow it. Thanks, her. Later it became known that robbers were waiting for me on 9th street, near the hospital fence. If I went into the courtyard of the hospital, they jumped over the fence and caught me and beat me in a dark place among thick trees and at least made me a cripple.

I went back to Alabama Avenue, dialed www.maps.google.com on the phone and searched for directions in the shelter 801. www.maps.google.com recommended the Alabama Avenue route, turn onto SE 7th Street, exit M Street. L. King and then go to shelter 801. It was also indicated that it was a 15-minute walk on foot.

It is appropriate to say here: my phone is constantly monitored by some FBI agents and people associated with them. Those who watched my phone also became aware of my further route.

I walked down Alabama Avenue. On 9th Street on the right, two young men got off and ten paces ahead of me turned onto Alabama Avenue. One of them was white, stocky, well-fed, 170 cm tall, and was wearing a white T-shirt. The second was of normal build, slightly thin, 168 cm tall, was wearing a diamond-shaped image of a sleeveless jumper. I think the other one was also white or Central American/Central Asian, the color of the skin that in Asia is called the yellow race. That is, they were not African Americans.

I walked with quick steps. At the corner of 7th Street and Alabama Avenue, I went around them for a distance of 1-1.5 meters and turned onto 7th Street. They had nothing on their hands. I walked 20 steps and looked back. They were not visible. I thought they went straight down Alabama Avenue.

In my opinion, at that time they were given a pistol and a face mask, which were prepared in advance, in a car. There were 4-5 passenger cars on the right side of the road and I could not see that car. Although a small sound came to my ears about the car stopping.

Suddenly, from behind the parked cars, the first robber (stocky) in a black mask with a gun runs out from the side of the street, runs up to me, shouts something loudly and orders. Only his eyes were visible. He was wearing black clothes on his chest, that is, he wore a white T-shirt on top. With his right hand with a pistol, he held it at the level of my head, and with his left hand he pointed to go in the direction of a small street. I took three steps towards the small street. He asked for a bag. I understood the situation and offered him the bag I was holding on my left hand. He threw my bag onto the pavement with his left hand.

Then he presented a gun on my whiskey on the side and demanded a backpack. I started taking off my backpack. He started rummaging through my left and right trouser pockets with his left hand. He knew in advance that I put computer flash drives in the left pocket of my trousers. There were four handkerchiefs in two pockets. He took one handkerchief from his left pocket and shook it. Some paper fell out. He put his left hand into my right trouser pocket.

On the left pocket there was a handkerchief in which I wrapped the flash drives. I quietly took out a handkerchief with flash drives and held it inside the palms of my left hand. The robber took two handkerchiefs from his right pocket and shook them. Some pieces of paper fell out, apparently checks from food products bought by me.

At that moment, a second robber ran up. Apparently he was on guard. He didn't have a mask. I took off my backpack from my shoulders and held it in the direction of the first robber. The first robber took the backpack with his left hand and handed it to the second robber, who took the backpack with both hands in a girth. The first robber took the bag lying on the pavement. Then the first gave the order and the two of them ran along the little street. After running 15 meters, we stopped near a small gate. The first robber opened the gate and invited the second to pass. The second passed. At this time, the first robber looked in my direction. I stood still and didn't move. He waved his pistol as if threatening, and entering through the gate disappeared.

An interesting point: these armed robbers were not interested in my purse (wallet) with dollars, which was in the inside pocket of the jacket. They were only interested in my storage media, such as a laptop, flash drives, folders with papers, notepads and others. Therefore, the wallet with some personal documents was preserved. (The wallet did not survive for long: on the night of May 25-26, 2014, they organized the theft of a wallet from my shelter 801 locker. And by the morning of May 26, 2014, my wallet with all my personal documents was stolen from a locked locker. [40, part 1, paragraph 5])

As the robbers disappeared behind the gate, I telephoned the police to 911. Police officers Mr. Calvin W. Branch, Detective Sergeant Fleming, Detective Hunsucker, and Sergeant Larsen arrived. I wrote their questions and my answers in the article [40, part 2, paragraph 7]. Officer Calvin W. Branch took me to shelter 801 at 2:35 am and left.

PARAGRAPH 96. THE EIGHTH THEFT. My misadventures did not end there on the night of May 26, 2014. In the shelter, as usual, I opened my iron locker number 184, took out bed linen. I then took off my jacket with my wallet in the inside pocket. He put the jacket in a locker and closed it with a padlock. During the night, someone, possibly an FBI agent, opened my locker and stole my wallet. Also missing is a piece of paper on which I wrote the numbers of two large black cars that arrived at 2:15 am at the scene of an armed robbery. In my opinion, it was important for the FBI agent to destroy the note with the numbers of these cars.

FBI agents, or in conjunction with the shelter staff at night, often during the day, open my locker and rummage through my things. Proof: in the last 14 months - from July 2013 to July 2014, a mouse ran out of my locker 13 (!) times. Apparently, an FBI agent or, on his orders, one of the shelter informers put a piece of bread or another product in my locker for a provocation and left the locker door open for a long time. The mouse entered the locker by the smell of bread and ended up inside the locker. As the mouse came in, the snitch slammed the locker door. When I opened the locker and took out the bed linen, packed in two bags, the mouse ran out of there with great fear and ran away wherever its eyes looked.

I opened my locker at 6:30 on the morning of May 26, 2014 and put on my jacket. Feeling the inside pocket of the jacket, I realized that my wallet was not there. I told the shift supervisor (I don't know his name). He said, “Go to Mr Poole. Let him give you another lock"

I called 911 at 6:55 am and talked about my wallet being stolen. Ten minutes later, a police officer arrived. He was met by the shift supervisor and escorted to his office. I was ordered to wait in the corridor.

I think the shift supervisor of the shelter showed the police officer my complaint dated May 25, 2014. On the night of May 26, 2014, Lieutenant Smith brought this complaint and gave it to the shift supervisor (see paragraphs 93-94). He told the policeman: "This is the kind of lie he writes." The policeman read the indicated place of my complaint within 3-4 minutes. He then said goodbye to the shift supervisor and left the room. He didn't say anything to me and left. I wrote about this theft in the article [40, part 2, paragraph 8].

PARAGRAPH 97. I arrived at the 7th police station on the morning of May 26, 2014. I wrote a Report about the theft on the night of May 26 from my locker number 184 of shelter 801. Below are sheets 1 and 2 of the Report in photos 27 and 28.

7KRAJAmoyRAPORT1 (523x699, 79Kb)
Photo 27. The first page of my report on the theft in a shelter dated May 26, 2014. ([40, part 2, paragraph 8].)

7KRAJAmoyRAPORT2 (699x373, 47Kb)
Photo 28. The second page of my report on the theft in a shelter dated May 26, 2014. Here is the signature of the police officer on duty, Ms. Daetonya Scoh. ([40, part 2, paragraph 8].)

PARAGRAPH 98. On the morning of May 26, 2014, I requested and Ms. Daetonya Scoh, Police Officer on Duty, Police Department 7, gave me a copy of two-page report 14074924. This report was written by police officer Mr. Calvin W. Branch. Below I give sheets 1 and 2 of his Report 14074924 in the form of photos 29 and 30 ([40, part 2, paragraph 9]).

2BOSQIN1raport14074924 (650x699, 114Kb)
Photo 29. First page of report 14074924. ([40, part 2, paragraph 9]).

2BOSQIN2raport14074924 (700x381, 78Kb)
Photo 30. Second page of report 14074924. ([40, part 2, paragraph 9])

There are many tables on the first page. From the first page I took only the title data concerning the document, and I publish the 2nd page in full. Below is the text.

“Metropolitan Police Preliminary Public MPD Document
Department Washington, D.C.
Incident – Based Event Report
Report number: 14074924
NARRATIVE Describe event and action taken.

R-1 Reports while traveling in the 3000 Blk of 7th St. SE, R-1 was flagged down by C-1 who advised that he was robbed by two young black male with one of the suspects armed with a gun. C-1 also advised that the suspects stole his black backpack containing his silver-colored Toshiba laptop computer.

Further investigation revealed C-1 has made several reports for the same laptop computer being stolen CCN’s 13112229 and 13167550. C-1 has recently made a report for the same laptop computer being stolen and detective Campos is currently investigating according to detective Hunsucker. C-1 is also known to be a mental health consumer according to ofc. Halpin. Detective sgt. Fleming, detective Hunsucker and sgt. Larsen were on the scene.
Further investigation is pending” [40, часть 2, параграф 9]

Please note: Police officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch in this report 14074924 writes about reports CCN 13112229 and CCN 13167550. I wrote about the theft of a backpack in a shelter on August 9, 2013 and about report 13112229 in paragraph 75 in this complaint statement: I there he unequivocally indicated that report 13112229 did not contain a word about the theft of a laptop (see paragraphs 75 and 78.1).

Police Officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch falsely writes in report 14074924 dated May 26, 2014: "Further investigation revealed that C-1 made several reports for the same laptop stolen (in reports) CCN 13112229 and CCN 13167550. C- 1 recently made a report for the same laptop as stolen, and Detective Campos is currently investigating in line with Detective Hunsucker."

I wrote in paragraphs 75 and 78.1 that in report 13112229 about the theft of a backpack in shelter 801 on the night of August 8-9, 2013, there is no word about the theft of a laptop. I also wrote in paragraphs 78.3 and 86-88 that in report 13167550 I wrote about the beating and robbery of me on November 21, 2013 and about my wallet with documents being taken away by the robbers. Therefore, in the report 13167550 there is no word about the robbery of my laptop.

To be precise: the theft of the bag, along with my first laptop, was organized in shelter 801 with the help of a professional thief on the morning of October 8, 2013 (see paragraphs 78.2 and 79-83). My second laptop was robbed on the night of May 26, 2014 by having my bag and backpack taken away by armed robbers (see paragraphs 78.5, 95, 98).

Note: Police Officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch, in report 14074924, also writes: "C-1 is also known to be a mental health consumer according to Officer Halpin." This is another way to use punitive psychiatry against me. I wrote about punitive psychiatry in paragraphs 141-175 of part 4 in this complaint statement.

PARAGRAPH 99. All my checks for two laptops were in a robbed bag. I contacted Best Buy (4500 Wisconsin Ave Nw Washington, DC 20016). They save all information about customers' purchases in the computer and I received a copy of receipts for two laptops. In doing so, I exposed all the slander in Report 14074924, which was written by Police Officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch. I wrote and published a large article [40] consisting of six parts. There printed many receipts and documents on two laptops.

In response, powerful agencies, perhaps the FBI, did everything possible to close the Best Buy store. It was the Best Buy store at 4500 Wisconsin Ave Nw Washington, DC 20016 that was closed under some pretext in December 2017. In December 2018, a new Target store was opened in this large building and it has been operating to this day - March 1, 2023. This is how the freedom of business of one citizen or a large collective in the United States can end when he or they inadvertently cross the interests of the FBI ...

Let me remind you: in the city of Washington there is another large Best Buy store at 3100 14th St. NW Ste 203. Washington DC, 20010. The store was not affected by the FBI and continues to operate today, March 1, 2023.

PARAGRAPH 100. As a result, from November 2012 to January 2015, the organizers and criminals took away twice all my belongings of a journalist, such as two Toshiba laptops, three diaries describing the events around me, six notebooks and one notebook with the addresses of relatives, friends, human rights activists, journalists, members of the opposition, as well as other important information, a recorder with audio recordings from 2010-2013, three mobile phones, a camera, two glasses, and so on. I called the police seven times and wrote statements.

During the robbery on the night of May 26, 2014, the robbers also took away my notebooks. They contained the addresses and telephone numbers of my relatives and friends. I called Ms. Elena Urlaeva in Tashkent. I told about the night robbery and asked me to help me find out the home phone number in my parents' house in the city of Jizzakh. She called the Jizzakh human rights activists, and they went to my parental home: Jizzakh, st. Ural Shokirova, house 26. Having learned the phone number, they called Ms. Elena Urlaeva in Tashkent. I called Elena a few days later and wrote down the phone number at my parents' house in Jizzakh.

PARAGRAPH 101. On February 6, 2015, I sent an Appeal (Complaint) to the President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama and the leaders of international human rights organizations about the fate of six Uzbek refugees, including me. I wrote the text of this Appeal in paragraph 4 in a large article [42]. There is a lot of information and facts about the persecution in the Complaint. I wrote the following at the beginning.

“The United States has violated the rights of Uzbek refugees during the period 2006-2015. They are being arrested and haven’t had a trial. For many years they were poisoned, shot, illegally laid off work, secret collection of compromising material to discredit refugees, discrimination, persecuted, stir up provokers against refugees, mugged, beaten and their possessions stolen. The FBI and police have violated the 9th, 12th, 14th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 26th clause of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” [42]

I wrote the following at the end of the Appeal-Complaint.

“No secret that employees of the Uzbek National Security Service cooperate with some of the USA law enforcement officers (FBI agents, 10/06/2021). Therefore, not one of these crimes has been solved. I think these illegal acts are being performed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Police. Please, stop the persecution of the Uzbek refugees in the United States and bring the perpetrators to justice.” [42, part 1, paragraph 4]

PARAGRAPH 102. My Appeal (Complaint) to the US President Mr. Barack Obama was published in the newspaper “Street Sense” on April 8, 2015 (see [43]). It was published without a text about a serious crime against an Uzbek refugee, US citizen Fazliddin Yakubov (1959). I wrote about him in paragraph 5 of that statement-complaint. This crime was investigated by FBI agents. They could not or did not want to open it.

The fact that part of the complaint (article) was removed proves that FBI agents control the Street Sense newspaper and block certain parts of the article at their discretion. By doing so, they grossly violate the First Amendment of the US Constitution on freedom of speech. I'll write the deleted text for clarity.

SEE: K.Turner, Shooting victim Fazliddin Yakubov thankful for community's support. - http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2008/08/shooting_victim_fazliddin_yaku.html (www.blog.cleveland.com 08.11.2008)”

PARAGRAPH 103. The FBI agents continued to persecute me after my Appeal (Complaint) to the US President Mr. Barack Obama in February 2015. From the US President Mr. Barack Obama, I have not received any answers. But, thank God, after my letter (complaint) the arrest of Uzbeks living in the USA and slanderous accusations of supporting terrorists stopped.

I have been renting a room since August 2014 in Gaithersburg, Maryland (216 Tulip Dr., Gaithersburg, MD 20877). It was a semi-basement three-room building, two Georgians lived in two rooms. The owners lived on the first floor, who many years ago moved to the USA from Chimkent (Kazakhstan). On the evening of February 6, 2015, that is, the day the letter was sent, at the turn from the main street towards my Deer Park Street, an unknown man stood in the corner and watched me. I think he came to find out if I live at the address I gave in the letter. I lived in this rented room from August 2014 to June 1, 2015. I saw such a waiting man only once that evening. [42, paragraph 5]

PARAGRAPH 104. Two months have passed since the letter was sent to the President, and on April 8, 2015, the landlord demanded to vacate the room by June 1, 2015. He said that his nephew was coming from Shymkent to study in the USA. In my opinion, under this pretext, I was kicked out of the rented room for my critical letter and for my human rights and journalistic activities. Moreover, in those days, one of the Georgians moved to another apartment, and the next room was vacated. But the owner insisted and I left this apartment on June 1, 2015. Pre-rented a small space at ezStorage (807 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877) for about a hundred dollars a month and moved my stuff there. [42, paragraph 5]

PARAGRAPH 105. I have tried many times since then to rent a room from the ads on www.washingtondc.craigslist.org/d/rooms-shares/search/ Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents made it so that all addresses disappeared from the ads and only phone numbers remained. apartment owner numbers. FBI agents and people associated with them blocked my messages and return messages and emails of the apartment owners. I wrote about this in paragraph 222 of part 5.12.

PARAGRAPH 106. THE NINTH THEFT. I was looking for a room to rent after June 1, 2015, and often spent the night in the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport lounge (2401 Smith Blvd, Arlington, VA 22202). I got there on the last metro train around 1:00 am and left at 5:00 am on the first metro train. I sat at a table in one of the closed cafes for four hours at night and usually worked on my laptop. Electrical outlets were on the opposite wall. I did charge my phone in such an outlet.

An interesting fact: a group of tall, strong African-American men appeared, who calmly settled down near large glass windows and slept lying down. Nobody commented on them. Apparently, they wanted me to lie down and sleep in one of the places in the large hall of the airport. I knew that I couldn't sleep. These provocateurs will steal all my things.

I put my phone on charge near the opposite wall on the night of July 3-4, 2015. From time to time, I looked towards the outlet. The phone cable is visible and I was calm. At about five o'clock in the morning I come, there is a cable, but there is no telephone. Experienced thieves organized the theft of my expensive phone.

I contacted the airport police on duty and said that my phone had been stolen while it was charging. The policeman says: "You write that the phone is lost (lose)." I told him: “I didn’t lose my phone. It was stolen from me.” I said several times, but the policeman did not want to register the crime as theft.

Please note: July 4 is the most famous holiday of the people of the United States - Independence Day. And on such a day, my phone was stolen in the hall of Ronald Reagan National Airport. After all, in that hall of the airport there are many television cameras and not a single fly can fly by unnoticed. My phone was stolen, and the police officers pretend that nothing much happened. Thus, they cover the thieves. I think FBI agents or someone connected to them stole my phone. Apparently, therefore, the police officers did not want to look at the cameras during the crime and did not want to search for criminals.

I found out the address of the National Airport Police Office, which was located in another building. I submitted a written request. A few days later I was given a copy of the official report, which was written about the theft of my phone.

On February 23, 2022, from 6:30 am to 2:00 pm, I searched for this report in my archive in the storage chamber (Extra Space Storage: 1001 N Fillmore St, Arlington, VA 22201). But I didn't find it. I believe the report was also stolen by an FBI agent and people associated with him during a clandestine and illegal search of my storage cell.

PARAGRAPH 107. I was in Boise, Idaho, to protect refugee Fazliddin Kurbanov from August 6 to 15, 2015. I wrote an article about the trial of Kurbanov in the USA “Trial of Kurbanov in the USA” (see [44]). Unfortunately, he and his relatives did not want me to protect him. As a result, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison by a court verdict of January 7, 2016 [45].

PARAGRAPH 108. From August 15 to October 30, 2015, I was in the city of Denver (Colorado) and defended the rights of the Uzbek refugee Jamshid Mukhtorov (1976). Agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested him at the Chicago airport on January 21, 2012 and could not start a trial until the summer of 2018. In defense of Jamshid I published eleven articles and appeals (see [46]-[56]), I gave him about a hundred articles published about him.

PARAGRAPH 109. I published the first part of a large article “The Fate of Jamshid Mukhtorov” titled “Life before Prison” on www.siyosat.wordpress.com on October 24, 2015. Then he began to write the second part of the article entitled "The fate of Fazliddin and Shokhrukh." There I revealed all the vileness of the Uzbek informer-provocateur Shokhrukh Khalikulov (1981), whom the FBI leadership enlisted as their secret collaborator (sexot, see [56, part 2]).

By that time, my money had run out and I was almost completely dependent on the financing of Asil, Jamshid's brother. Asil began demanding my departure for Washington. He bought me a plane ticket for a Denver-Washington flight on October 30, 2015. I finished the second part of the article titled “The Fate of Fazliddin and Shokhrukh” on October 29 and sent it to Mr. Muhammadsolikh Abutov, the head of the site www.siyosat.wordpress.com He published the second part of the article on October 30, 2015, Tashkent time.

Apparently, my publication of an article about the FBI informer and provocateur Shokhrukh Khalikulov caused a stir in the leadership of the FBI of the state of Colorado. The prison guard woke up Jamshid Mukhtorov at six in the morning on October 30, 2015 and demanded to urgently prepare for a meeting with the judge. In my opinion, the prison guards acted on the orders of the FBI. Jamshid is driven from jail to Federal Court in downtown Denver. There, FBI agents announce in the presence of a judge and lawyers that Shokhrukh Khalikulov is not an FBI agent, but an ordinary witness in Jamshid Mukhtorov's trial.

I arrived from Denver to Washington on the afternoon of October 30th. I am sitting at a table late in the evening of October 30, 2015 in one of the airport cafes. There's a call from Denver from Jamshid Mukhtorov. He talks with great surprise about how the FBI agents transferred Shokhrukh Khalikulov into an ordinary witness. I told him that yesterday, October 30, Tashkent time, I published the second part of the article about the informer-provocateur and sexist Shokhrukh Khalikulov.

Jamshid Mukhtorov asked at the beginning of the conversation: “Where are you?” I spoke for the first time. He asked a second time and I replied, "I'm sitting at a table in a cafe at Ronald Reagan Airport in Washington." Jamshid called me from prison and naturally his conversation with me was recorded.

I arrive at the airport on October 31, 2015 and there is a notice on the door: "The airport closes from 24:00 to 5:00 in the morning." This is how FBI leaders got Ronald Reagan National Airport shut down for the night. I started spending nights on October 31, 2015 at McDonald's, which was open 24 hours a day.

So, FBI agents and people associated with them intensified provocations and persecution of me in Washington after my trip to the states of Idaho and Colorado, and also because of my published articles.

PARAGRAPH 110. I have been staying overnight since October 31, 2015 at McDonald's, which was open 24 hours a day. There are more than ten hostels in Washington DC.

“A hostel is a form of low-cost, short-term shared accommodation where guests can rent a bed, usually a bunk bed in a dormitory, with shared use of the living room and sometimes the kitchen. Rooms can be mixed or single sex, with private or shared bathrooms. Private rooms may also be available, but the hotel must have shared bedrooms to be considered a hostel.” [57]

But in the rules of the hostel in the city of Washington, they introduced a ridiculous restriction. For example, in the Duo Housing DC hostel.

“If you are a resident of Washington DC, Virginia, or Maryland, you are restricted to a total of 1 day in any 30-day period.
Guests are limited to 14 days within the current calendar year.” [58]

I could not spend the night in the hostel because of such a ridiculous restriction. I agree with the restriction for residents of the city of Washington, that is, the District of Columbia. But why restrict the rights of residents of the neighboring states of Virginia and Maryland? They give a privilege to residents of the other 48 states of the USA. Thus, they violate the equality of the inhabitants of the 50 states of the United States.

I wrote in the paragraph 103 that I was registered in Gaysersburg, Maryland. Because of the rule above, I was only allowed to stay in the hostel one night a month. So, I often spent the night at McDonald's.

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Среда, 27 Марта 2024 г. 14:44 + в цитатник


PARAGRAPH 79. THE SIXTH THEFT. On the morning of October 8, 2013, my laptop bag was pre-planned theft in shelter 801. On the morning of October 8, 2013 at 6:30 am, as usual, I came to the D-room, opened my locker number 184, took out my bag from the inside and put it behind me. And he began to insert two bags of bedding into the inside of the locker. I put two bags in the locker and turned back. There was no black bag. During this 1-1.5-minute interval, a professional thief grabbed my bag and ran out of the D-hall and ran away.

The bag contained my laptop, three notepads with addresses of relatives, friends, human rights activists, journalists, members of the Uzbek opposition, as well as other important information, two diaries describing the events around me, my passport of a citizen of Uzbekistan, a recorder (recorder), telephone, glasses, and so on. Further. Later, on October 9, 2013, I found out that a professional thief with a bag escaped through the back exit, that is, through the Emergency Door into the yard of the shelter.

The shelter staff did not allow me to call 911 on my office or mobile phone. I left the shelter and looked for the phone. The phone was provided by one of the builders of the house across the street. I called the police.

I was waiting for the arrival of the police near the shelter building near the entrance. An unfamiliar young man of 25 years old arrived in a car, stopped not far from the door and quickly entered the shelter building. He looked very much like an Uzbek. I was waiting for the policeman, thinking about what to say and forgot to write the number of the car. Apparently, an FBI agent called him and said that his order was completed and demanded to come urgently. Some homeless person could pay attention to a large bag poorly hidden among the grasses under a tree and take it for himself.

A few minutes later a policeman arrived. But he did not get out of the police car and did not go into the shelter to inspect the crime scene. I went to his car. He contacted a Russian translator through the phone. He started asking questions and I answered. He asked about the stolen items. I answered. I asked to call my phone, which was in my bag. By calling, it was possible to determine the location of the bag. He refused to call and locate the bag. He wrote while sitting in the car. A little later, the policeman asked me to step away from the car. I walked away. He drove off about 20 meters and called somewhere and talked. Then he left. On the same day, October 8, 2013, the policeman wrote a report. I usually get a copy of the report and keep it, knowing the importance of the document. I also had a police report dated October 8, 2013 in my bag. [40, part 6, paragraph 12.4]

While I was talking to the policeman, a young man got out of the shelter, got into his car and drove away. In my opinion, he paid the amount agreed and was told that the bag was under the trees. He stopped the car on the way, took my bag, poured the contents into his trunk or into some of his bags, put the empty bag under a tree and left.

PARAGRAPH 80. THE SEVENTH THEFT. A professional thief committed another theft the next morning - October 9, 2013. I changed bags near my locker and put a rag bag with my things behind me. I looked back after 1-2 minutes and look - the bag is gone. I looked around, the hall and the corridor in the hope that someone was joking. But there was no bag. I went to the duty officer in the center of the shelter, stood near the counter and said: “They just stole my bag with things.” The duty officer just started talking, at this time the thief came up behind me, touched my shoulder and said in a low voice: "I'll help you find a bag, let's go." We moved away and he asked for money for the bag. Agreed on the price. I gave an advance and he brought my bag of things. I gave the rest of the money. The thief then told me: “Never put your thing behind or on the side. Your thing is only in front of yourself. I remembered his words for a long time.

The question arises: for what purpose did they stage a second theft in two days and this time they quickly returned it for money?

The FBI agents and her assistants in the shelter at night did a lot of drug exposure and drug interrogations of me. I wrote about drug exposure and drug interrogation in paragraphs 198-207. Having committed a double theft in two days, they conducted another night drug interrogation of me. And asking various questions about the two thefts received a variety of answers and recorded on video and audio. Then, from these videos and audio recordings, they made a montage and got nonsense, nonsense, nonsense. After all, I wrote a report to the police about the theft of a bag with a laptop and other things.

For example, an FBI agent with the help of a Russian translator asks a question about the second bag. I, under the influence of drugs, answer that "I bought a bag from a thief for so much a dollar." And there - in the report he wrote that the bag with the laptop was stolen. Such absurd, meaningless, nonsense answers are filmed and they go to psychiatrists. They sent my written report and video to psychiatrists. Here is a ready-made material for you to receive another diagnosis from psychiatrists that "Shukhratjon Akhmadjonov is mentally ill and his accusations of stealing a bag with a laptop and other journalistic things are nonsense ...".

It is appropriate to write that FBI agents and their accomplices organized such double thefts of my things several times (see paragraph 121 on the tenth theft). I learned about such a double theft only here - in the USA.

PARAGRAPH 81. A thief approached me on the evening of October 8, 2013 and offered to ransom some of my stolen documents. I bought three documents for $40, including my Uzbek passport and my bank account book at Bank of America. The organizers of the thefts, possibly FBI agents, wanted to create a conflict situation between me and the thief and then deal with me. Realizing this, I tried not to bring to a serious conflict with him.

On the evening of October 9, 2013, I came to the 7th Police Station (Seventh District Station. 2455 Alabama Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20020. Phone: (202) 698-1500) and told the duty officer that I had an important message about the theft of my bag and belongings on October 8th. I was invited to the inner hall where police detectives (investigators) work. The police officer took these three documents and made photocopies of two of them - my Uzbek passport and bank book. But he refused to apprehend the thief. He advised calling the police on 911.

PARAGRAPH 82. As I wrote above, the thief brought me my documents and sold them. I asked him to return my notebooks for money, which were filled with addresses, phone numbers of brothers, sisters, relatives, friends, associates, members of the opposition, and so on. I gave him money in advance. He promised several times and failed to deliver. He verbally explained as follows: “I took your things (stolen, A.Sh.) to the house of one woman. For some reason, she's not at home. I'm going down again." Then he disappeared for a few days and came back to the shelter to ask me for money. I told him: “You took money from me and promised to return my notebooks. You didn't keep your promise." He responded verbally. I asked him to write on paper. He then wrote the following.

1zapiska-shuhrata (700x525, 283Kb)
Photo 20. Note from the thief dated October 25, 2013. [40, part 1, paragraph 3]

Apparently, my notebooks were handed over to an FBI agent, and he sold it to an Uzbek officer of the State Security Service. The thief in his note writes as follows.

“I went to jail for beating that woman. I got locked up one 4 nights. I got to break in her house to get the 2) notebooks.”

Below on the right is my entry in Uzbek: “2013 yil 25 October (juma) kechqurun ўғri yozgan gaplar” (“Phrases written by a thief in the evening of October 25 (Friday) 2013”).

I decided to go to the police at the end of October 2013. I left the shelter at 7 o'clock in the morning. I walk along the sidewalk to the W4 bus stop. The thief is coming from the opposite side of the street. He comes up to me to say something and ask for money. I asked him to write on paper. He wrote only a request for money and did not write his other phrases. Here is the thief's letter.

1zapiska-shuhrata (700x525, 283Kb)
Photo 21. Thief's note, written at the end of October 2013. [40, part 1, paragraph 3]

“I need help 20.00 (dollars, A.Sh.) I will get your books.”

The thief asked for 20 dollars to buy my notebooks. I told him, “I once gave you $20 in advance. You promised to return my notebooks. You didn't keep your promise. Now I have no money.” I said that and went about my business. [40, part 1, paragraph 3]

PARAGRAPH 83. The thief later brought my documents three more times and sold them to me. In total, I paid him $161. I told the thief that a notebook is important to me, where the addresses and phone numbers of my relatives are written down and asked them to return for money. As I wrote in paragraph 82, he promised twice and failed to fulfill his promise. Apparently, a professional thief was assigned to steal my bag and put it under the trees. The thief completed the task of the customer of the crime on October 8, 2013. In my opinion, the SSS officer arrived, paid the customer for organizing the theft, completely shook the entire contents of the bag into his bag or car trunk and left the empty bag under the trees.

Then - in October 2013, the police officers of the 7th department did nothing to catch this thief red-handed. The reason for such a cold and indifferent approach is that the shelter was controlled by some strong organization of special services, in my opinion, the FBI. Therefore, the police and detectives had no right to interfere in the affairs and problems of the shelter. Apparently for this reason, one of the detectives advised me to call the police at 911. I openly told this detective on October 9, 2013 in the evening: “Why are you not policemen? After all, shelter 801 is located on the territory of the seventh police station. In response, the detective repeated, "Call the police at 911." [40, part 6, paragraph 12.4]

PARAGRAPH 84. Here and in the future, I write about the close cooperation of FBI agents and employees of the Uzbek NSS (SSS). One example of such cooperation is written in paragraphs 187-188 of part 5.4.

PARAGRAPH 85. On the morning of May 26, 2014, after the robbery, I asked Police Sergeant (female) Ms. DaeTonya Scoh for a copy of the October 8, 2013 report. She looked at the computer and said: “The report about you dated October 8, 2013 is not on the computer.”

On the evening of May 31, 2014, I came to the 7th police department. I decided to check again for the presence of the October 8, 2013 report. To this end, at 19:30, he asked officer M.H. Park (M.H. Park, badge No. 4032) to give a copy of the report dated October 8, 2013. He looked at the computer and said, "The report of October 8, 2013, is not on the computer."

This meant that the police of the 7th department, possibly at the direction of the FBI agents, destroyed from the computer a report dated October 8, 2013, about the theft of my bag with all journalistic accessories, including a Toshiba laptop in an 801 shelter. Two criminals armed robbed me on the night of On May 26, 2014, they took away a bag and a backpack, inside of which there was a report dated October 8, 2013. Therefore, I do not have the opportunity here to write the number of the report dated October 8, 2013. [40, part 6, paragraph 12.4]

PARAGRAPH 86. THE FIRST ROBBERY. The first robbery took place on November 21, 2013, at 7:00 in the morning at a bus stop near the shelter. Stop violations are investigated by the Metro Transit Police Department. Therefore, this robbery was investigated by detective Ms. Alanna Watkins from Metro Transit Police Department Criminal Investigation Division.

I met and spoke with Detective Ms. Alanna Watkins on December 17, 2013. I gave her that day a detailed description of the November 21, 2013 robbery in English. On the second copy I received her signature. (This copy, like all my other personal documents, a laptop and other things, was robbed during an armed attack on the night of May 26, 2014.) But she did not write this important information about the robbery in the Additional Report. The reader may compare her Additional Narrative in paragraph 88 with my description in this paragraph 86. Below is the full description of the robbery.

"Metro Transit Police Department

Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov (Uzbek, born 01/20/1954)
Oriental men's shelter 801,
2700 Martin Luther King Avenue, Gd East
Washington DC 20032

I, Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, on November 21, 2013, at 7:00 o'clock left the shelter and came to the bus stop. There were four homeless men and two well-dressed unknown men standing at the bus stop.

A tall and strong man came close behind me. I turned. He had a round checkered cap on his head. He is 30 years old, 185-190 cm tall. I am sure that he was Hispanic, possibly Hispanic or American, born in a Hispanic family. He looked at me intently. At this time, the A2 bus approached at the bus stop. I moved away from him and stood in front of the bus door. That man came up behind me and grabbed my elbow and said, “Someone stole my bag. I have to look at your bag” and with his other hand he tried to open the zipper of the backpack. I told him: "This bag is mine." He said, "Go to the bus stop."

I put my backpack on the stop bench. I opened two zippers and said, "This is my backpack." He grabbed my coat collar with both hands and asked: “Where is the money?”. I started calling people for help: "Help me!". He turned me by force and hit me against the glass wall of the stop. I kept calling people for help. He grabbed my throat with his left hand and began to choke me. He held the collar of my coat with his other hand. He even lifted me up a little. I then remembered this moment and realized that he was 5-10 centimeters taller than me. I continued to call for help and began to wheeze from his suffocation. In this state, he turned me to the left and dumped me into the asphalt. I fell on the asphalt with my right side.

The second strong, stocky criminal did not beat me. He is 30 years old, his height was 180 cm. Perhaps he was an Uzbek. He looked like an Uzbek. He kept both hands in the side pocket of his jacket and tried to cover his body from passing cars. One of the homeless approached the stop and began to look in our direction. The second offender took a step towards him and the homeless man understood the threat and moved behind the stop wall.

The first criminal stuck his good hand into my side pocket of my suit. He took out a case with glasses. His hand was large and therefore, during the withdrawal, he severely tore my suit with a pocket. He opened the case and saw the glasses; he closed it and threw it on the pavement. He then yelled at me, "Where is the money?" and punched him hard on the side of his head and face. He once hit my leg with his foot, that is, it turned out a kick in my leg.

I showed the inside pocket of the suit where my wallet was. He took and opened the wallet and began to look for something. The wallet contained $23. He took my Bank of America card out of his wallet and shouted, "What's his code?" I thought a little. He had by this time handed over my wallet to the second perpetrator. Since he had a bank card in one hand, and with the other hand he prepared to hit me with his fist a second time. He raised his fist and shouted, "Say the code!" In this hopeless situation, I said: "5719".

The second criminal, having received a wallet with my documents, went to the left towards the store. The first criminal took my backpack and followed it. He walked 20 meters and placed my backpack on the pavement. Then he left with quick steps. I went and took my backpack and returned to the bus stop. I called 911 and called the police.

A police car from the Metro Transit Police Department arrived at 7:25 pm. The name of this policeman was Enderson. He didn't have a badge on his chest. I told him about the robbery. At 7:35 pm, another police car arrived. The second policeman had the number 425 written on his badge. They talked to each other about something. They asked me: "Should I call an ambulance?" I answered: "It is necessary!" and they called an ambulance. The paramedics took me to the United Medical Center.

Interestingly, both police officers did not write a report about this robbery. I came to the 7th division of the Metro Police Department on the night of November 21, 2013, and asked for the number of the report. Police superiors called Officer J.Mc Cloud (badge number 674) from the Metro Transit Police Department. He asked questions and wrote a report about this robbery at 00:40 on November 22, 2013.

Let me remind you that I was robbed 7 times in Washington, DC from November 2012 to October 9, 2013. The criminals and their organizers stole all my belongings as a journalist, such as a laptop, five notebooks with addresses of relatives, friends, human rights activists, journalists, members of the Uzbek opposition, as well as other important information, two diaries describing the events around me, a recorder (recorder) and so on. On November 21, 2013, I was beaten, robbed and took away all my personal documents Identity card (ID), Green Card (Green Card), Social Security, Medical Insurance (Medical Insurance) and Food Card (Food Stamp). I think that the secret services are behind these illegal acts (FBI agents, S.A. 01/31/2023).

Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov

December 12-17, 2013” [40, part 5, paragraph 12.3.4]

As usual, the policeman did not connect with the interpreter. The police officer wrote a report in such a way that the criminal case was not opened and another crime against me was not investigated. In those days, I photographed my face. There was a swelling and a large bruise under the eye and above the eyebrow. This is clearly visible in photo 22, which I present here. [40, part 4, paragraph 12.3.2]

1BOSQINfotoMEN1 (465x700, 54Kb)
Photo 22. View of my face after the beating and robbery on November 21, 2013. Photo of the author. [40, part 4, paragraph 12]

PARAGRAPH 87. It is interesting that both policemen, having violated their official duties, did not write a report about the beating and robbery of me on November 21, 2013. I came to the 7th police station on the night of November 21, 2013 and said: "Please give me a copy of the robbery report." The police officer on duty said, "There is no report of the robbery committed against you in the computer."

I insisted and demanded an answer for what reason there is no report. Police officials then called Officer J.Mc Cloud (badge number 674) from the Metro Transit Police Department. He asked me questions at 00:40 on November 22, 2013 and wrote a report 13167550 about this robbery. (This time is listed on the second page of report 201357180 by Detective Ms. Alanna Watkins. See next paragraph 88 for her.)

Police Officer J.Mc Cloud (badge number 674) wrote report 13167550 on behalf of Police Officer Halpin Kevin M. (badge number 4251). Now I will give a photocopy of report 13167550, which consists of two pages.

1RAPORT13167550 (678x700, 123Kb)
Photo 23. First page of Report 13167550. ([40, part 4, paragraph 12.3.2]).

2RAPORT13167550 (633x700, 114Kb)
Photo 24. Second page of Report 13167550. ([40, part 4, paragraph 12.3.2])

I will give the text of two more important parts of Report 13167550.


1. Stolen property. Clothes/furs (includes accessories) 1 $ 15.00
2. Stolen property. Other, 3 books 3 $ 20.00
3. Stolen property. Money (coins and paper currency) 106 $ 106.00
4. Stolen property. Other, 2 journals 2 $6.00
5. Stolen property. Recorder 1 $60.00”

“NARRATIVE Describe event and action taken.

C-1 states that he entered the shelter at 2700 Mlk. 801 East on 08-09 at 01:00 hours and went to sleep at 01.30. hours. Placing the listed property under his bed in dorm A. C-1 upon waking at 06.00 hours noticed the listed items missing.” ([39, part 4, paragraph 12.3.2])

Please note: in the Report number 13167550 about the theft on August 9, 2013, there is not a single word about the laptop. This means that police officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch, in report 14074924 dated May 26, 2014, writes about a laptop and openly slanders me with reference to report number 13167550 (see paragraph 98).

PARAGRAPH 88. Detective Ms. Alanna Watkins of the Metro Transit Police Department Criminal Investigation Division investigated the November 21, 2013 robbery. She wrote a more truthful Report 201357180. Report 201357180 consists of five pages. All five pages of report 201357180 are published in [40, part 5, paragraph 12.3.3]. I took from the first page only the title lines relating to the document, from the fourth page - Narrative Information, and from the fifth page - the Additional Story (Additional Narrative). Below is the text.

“Event Report

Metro Transit Police Department ORI-DCMTP0000
Incident – Based Event Report
MTPO CCN 201357180
Local Juris. (Jurisdiction, A.Sh.) DC
Event Location MLK (Martin Luther King) Ave & Milwaukee Place, SE
City Washington State DC
Local District 7-D
Date of Event From 11/21/2013 To 11/21/2013
Time of Event From 07:05 To 07:15
Date of Report 11/22/2013 Time of Report 00:40”

“Narrative Information (page 4, A.Sh.)

V01 reports while waiting in line to board the A2 bus at bus stop # 1000210 located at Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. & Milwaukee Ave., SE. He was beaten and robbed by two b/males (black / males, A.Sh.) who stole his wallet.

Additional Narrative

V01 reports at approximately 07:05 hrs at the MLK (Martin Luther King, A.Sh.) & Milwaukee Ave., SE bus shelter/stand (bus stop # 1000210), standing behind several patrons waiting to board the A2 bus. S01 grabbed V01’s backpack from behind and attempted to pull it from his shoulder. Unsuccessful in his attempt to take the backpack S01 then grabbed V01 by his arm and pulled him back into the bus stand. S01 then grabbed V01 by his collar, shoved him against the bus stand glass and asked him where his money was. V01 noticed S2 standing close by appearing to be keeping look. V01 then began yelling for help at which time S01 grabbed him by his throat and began choking him then threw him to the ground. As V01 laid on the ground yelling for help S01 began going through the pockets on the outside of V01’s jacket. As V01 was still yelling for help he was then struck in the face by S01 with a clinched fist. V01 then pulled his wallet from his inside left brest pocket and gave it to S01. The wallet contained $23 US currency, Bank Debit Card, Credit Card, SSN Card, ID Card, Medicare Card, Food Stamp Card and a memory SD card for his camera all of which were taken. S01 and S02 then began walking away from the scene taking V01’s backpack with them but discarding it several feet away. The suspects fled the area on foot. V01 retrieved his backpack then call 911 to report the incident. V01 was transported by medics to United Medical Center (Emergency Department) and released at 14:12 hrs. V01 suffered head trauma, contusion (face) and a hematoma.

MTPD CCN: 201357180 Event Report Page 5 of 5” [40, часть 5, параграф 12.3.3]

PARAGRAPH 89. Detective Ms. Alanna Watkins met with me on December 17, 2013. She asked me questions. I asked her to write her questions. She wrote eight questions. She met with me on December 30, 2013 and gave me a copy of the report 201357180. I gave her written eight answers to eight questions. Below are these questions and answers.

"Eastern Men's Shelter 801
2700 Martin Luther King Avenue South-east
Washington DC 20032
Phone: 202-489-5642
E-mail: jiz54@mail.ru , ergash1955@yahoo.com
Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov (Uzbek, born 01/20/1954)

Public Transport Police Department
Criminal Investigation Department
Ms. Alanna Watkins, Detective

December 26, 2013

You asked eight questions during a conversation on December 17, 2013. I decided to answer these questions in writing.

1. If you see the men who robbed you (again), can you identify them?

Answer: Yes, I remember the first robber. Since I saw him from a very close distance and stood face to face. I remember the second robber a little. He stood with his back to us most of the time.

2. Did the man stay (stayed) in the shelter?

I saw him on the evening of November 21, 2013 in the D-hall of the shelter. He spent the night in the D-room in bed number 8 or 9-lower bed for more than two months. Since November 22, 2013, he has not come to spend the night in the shelter.

3. Did you see the person who robbed you before November 21, 2013?

Yes, he spent more than two months in the D-room in bed number 8 or 9-lower bed of the shelter. I often saw him in the D-hall. He sometimes tried to provoke. But I went away and tried not to argue with him.

4. Which Mosque do you visit?

I am Muslim. I visit the mosque on Fridays for Friday prayers. Mosque address:

The Islamic Center
2551 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest,
Washington DC
Phone: (202) 332-8343

5. Do you have injuries from robbery (robbery)?

There was no trauma, that is, damage to bones or other severe injuries. Glory to the Lord God!

6. Did the hospital (hospital) treat you?

On the morning of November 21, 2013, I was brought to the United Medical Center. The employees did not provide an interpreter. X-rays were taken. They didn't heal. I stayed there until 3 pm.

7. Do you have documents from UKE paper release hospital?

After 14 hours they gave me one sheet of paper.

8. Have you had bruises (bruising)?

Yes, there was a tumor and a big bruise under the eye and above the eyebrow. This is clearly visible in the photo that I present here (see photo 22). [40, part 5, paragraph 12.3.5]

I asked a question at the end of the conversation on December 30, 2013: “Where and how can I get a new green card?” She replied that I needed to contact the office of the Catholic Charities (Catholic Charities, 924 G St. NW, Washington, DC 20001). Since the shelter 801 belonged to this organization.

A few more words about the first robber. Even before the robbery, he tried to arrange a provocation and scandal. He knew that I was a Muslim. He and another of his entourage read namaz in the evening in a narrow place not far from my bed. They hoped that I would join them and then it would be possible to make a scandal. Another morning he prayed next to my locker. I said nothing and waited for the end of his prayer. An important fact: I have not seen him in Friday prayers in mosques in Washington and in neighboring states in more than ten years of living in Washington.

He later came many times to the entrance to the subway station North Faragat - to the place where I sold the Street Sense newspaper. For residents of Washington and neighboring states of Maryland and Virginia, a free morning daily promotional newspaper, the Express, was published from August 2003 to September 2019. Usually, many people read this newspaper in the morning. He took a pile of this newspaper, in the evening he came and handed it out to people near the entrance to the subway station North Faragat, not far from me. Apparently, he hoped to somehow organize a provocation and a conflict situation.

Some may ask: why did I not demand his detention? Imagine, I said and he was detained. I am sure that he agreed in advance with other associates: in case of detention, they will say that in the morning he was in a shelter or in another agreed place. That is, he would have an alibi. And they will let him go. As a result, it would be a very convenient excuse for him and the FBI agent to punish me - I would have been severely beaten somewhere else.

Even in 2022, he once came to my place of sale of the Street Sense newspaper near the Estern Market. He stood for five minutes and left: apparently, he realized that during the pandemic the streets were not crowded and it was very difficult to organize a provocation against me.

Such a strong man is unemployed. It is very easy to find FBI agents and his like-minded people among the unemployed who are ready for all sorts of crimes based on the amount of payment. For example, in the city of Washington in 2021, more than two hundred murders occurred and many crimes were not solved.

PARAGRAPH 90. I went to the office of the Catholic Charitable Organization and spoke to a lawyer. He said that to get a new green card, you need to pay $ 700 and pay for the Catholic Charitable Organization. He fixed the day and time. I arrived at the appointed time. The lawyer pointed to the volunteer. The volunteer wanted to fill out the relevant paperwork in the same office. The lawyer said "Not here". A volunteer led me to a utility room. He installed three telephones there directed at me and some other recording-transmitting devices. He asked questions and wrote down all the data about my documents. The queue of questions has reached the secret question. The question was about my mother's name. He asked the question three times and I repeated my mother's name three times. He asked me to spell it out. I spelled. I then realized that one of the goals of stealing my documents was to get the maximum documentary information about me and the answer to a secret question.

Let me remind you that in the United States it is allowed to call the center of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and, after answering the secret question, correct your personal data. I was told about this in 2010. I didn't call the center or make any changes for twelve years.

That's how my secret personal data was stolen with the help of a volunteer. In my opinion, the volunteer was connected at the insistence of the FBI agents. As a result, even a Catholic Charity lawyer became an accomplice in leaking my secret personal data and password to a security question. The lawyer himself had to conduct a survey and fill out questionnaires.

PARAGRAPH 91. I first bought a laptop on November 18, 2012. Then the seller of the Best Buy store through the Capital-one-bank gave me a loan of $ 1,200 with a term of payment within 18 months at zero interest (Best Buy store address: 4500 Wisconsin Ave Nw Washington, DC 20016). I bought a Toshiba laptop for $799.99 and Office Home and Students for $89.99 that day in Best Bay. In total, together with the tax, I paid $ 943.38 from the loan. On the same day and the next day, I bought a computer mouse and something else. As a result, I paid off more than $1100 from the loan. In photo 25, I have shown a copy of the Best Buy store receipt for buying a laptop and other laptop accessories on credit on November 18, 2012, from [40, part 6, paragraph 12.4, photo 21].

NOUTBUKchek1 (524x700, 95Kb)
Photo 25. A copy of the Best Buy store receipt for the purchase of a Toshiba laptop and other laptop accessories on credit on November 18, 2012.
Then he paid off the loan every month. I paid off a $750 loan by October 2013 and was left with $450 in debt. My laptop was stolen along with my bag on October 8, 2013 (see paragraph 79).

PARAGRAPH 92. On Black Friday, November 30, 2013, I bought a new Toshiba laptop brand P55T-A5202 - 15.6”/15-4200U / 8 GB on credit. This time I paid $699 for a laptop, that is, $100 less than on November 18, 2012. In photo 26, I have shown a copy of the Best Buy store receipt for buying a laptop and other laptop accessories on credit for the second time on November 30, 2013 ([40, part 3, paragraph 11, photo 10]).
(This second laptop was taken away in an armed attack on the night of 26 May 2014, see paragraphs 95 and 98.)

NOUTBUKchek2 (541x699, 97Kb)
Photo 26. A copy of the Best Buy store receipt for my second purchase on credit of a Toshiba laptop and its other accessories on November 30, 2013.

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Вторник, 26 Марта 2024 г. 23:51 + в цитатник



PARAGRAPH 65. I arrived in the city of Washington on March 2, 2012. I spent the night in a shelter in Fals Church (Virginia) from March 2 to April 1, 2012. I was looking for a job during the day. I also contacted the Falls Church Labor Department (Labor Department: 101 W Broad St, Falls Church, VA 22046). They filled out about fifteen forms, each of which had up to ten questions with several different answers. A Department of Labor employee was on the phone with an interpreter. The interpreter translated the general words of the employee, and not every question and answer on the form. Therefore, in fact, the employee received my signatures on almost blank forms and then she filled them out herself. It is possible that among the forms there could be provocative ones, prepared by an FBI agent to collect compromising evidence against me.

These forms are standard and are available on the Department of Labor computer in other languages such as Spanish and French. It is known that six languages - English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French - have the status of official languages of the UN. In my opinion, it is high time to have forms in these six main languages in the computer of the Department of Labor. Then it will be easier for a US resident looking for a job to save time and money spent on an interpreter and eliminate the possibility of distorted filling out of document forms.

PARAGRAPH 66. Shelters in Virginia are winter-only until April 1st. I spent the night in the city of Washington in shelter 801 from April 2, 2012, to May 26, 2014, that is, about two years and two months (801 East Men's Shelter. 801 East Building, 2700 Martin Luther King Ave., SE. Washington, DC 20032).

PARAGRAPH 67. Shelter is a homeless shelter in the United States. It opens at 19:00 and at 7:00 in the morning the homeless must leave the shelter. For 2 years and 2 months I was convinced of the following: the shelter is a place of massacre against dissidents in the USA. I will write about this later in a separate article with a lot of facts, if the Lord God gives me the opportunity (Allah hohlasa). Brief information about shelter 801 (see photo 16).

“Catholic Charities 801 East Men’s Shelter is a low-barrier shelter program open to anyone who identifies as male 18 years and older. The program offers a hot dinner, access to case management staff, showers, and a bed on a nightly basis. The low-barrier shelter provides 380 beds every night and is open from 7 pm to 7 am daily.” [37]

SHELTERbino1 (576x268, 31Kb)
Photo 16. Men's shelter 801 East (Men's shelter 801 East). I stayed here overnight from April 2012 to May 2014. Photo of the author.

PARAGRAPH 68. I continued my job search in the city of Washington. I studied for two weeks with Jubilee Jobs (2712 Ontario Rd NW, Washington, DC 20009) and was looking for a job with their letters of recommendation. I went with their letters to more than ten organizations. But there was not a single return phone call from them. FBI agents blocked my phone. I once returned to Jubilee Jobs from another organization. A young curator who gave me letters of recommendation said: “I called you. Why did not you answer?" I put my phone on the table and said, "Please call." She dials my phone number and calls, but my phone does not ring. I told her, "The FBI is blocking my phone like this." This is how the FBI agents prevented me from getting a job.

PARAGRAPH 69. It is known that in the United States there is a system of social assistance for people with low incomes. They are issued with their consent a food stamp (Foods Stamp) card. On such a debit card, the social agency monthly accrues $189 to an individual resident. With these "nutrition cards" you can buy food. [38]

A US resident who wants to receive social assistance in the form of a food stamp must come to the Department of Human Services in DC once every six months and fill out about ten documents with a lot of questions. To save time and money spent on a translator, and to eliminate the possibility of garbled filling, it is necessary to have them in the computer of the Department of Human Services in the six main languages. I wrote about this in paragraph 65.

PARAGRAPH 70. The FBI continued their pursuit of me in Washington. From November 2012 to May 26, 2014, I was robbed nine times and robbed twice. Next, I will write about thefts and robberies. First, about one important fact.

Important fact: Bakhtiyar Gulyamov (1964) was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United States in July 2013. His brother Lieutenant General Shukhrat Gulyamov (1966) was the first deputy chairman of the National Security Service (NSS) of Uzbekistan. And in August 2013, daring thefts and robberies began.

First, if NSS Lieutenant General Shukhrat Gulyamov asked his brother Bakhtiyar Gulyamov to assist some NSS officers sent to the United States, he would hardly have refused. Secondly, Lieutenant General of the National Security Service Shukhrat Gulyamov had every opportunity to provide enough foreign currency to pay for the services of thieves and robbers, as well as to buy my stolen and robbed laptops, diaries, flash drives, phones, recorders, cameras and other journalistic accessories.

I assume that the NSS officers sent from Tashkent to Washington, as well as those living in the USA, ordered with a monetary reward, and in some cases they themselves participated in the thefts and robberies of me.

A little about the personality and fate of Lieutenant-General of the National Security Service Shukhrat Gulyamov. In January 2017, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev was removed from his post as First Deputy Chairman of the NSS and appointed head of the Surkhandarya Regional Department of the NSS. Shukhrat Gulyamov, as if nothing had happened, remained in Tashkent, served as the first deputy chairman of the National Security Council in his office, and thereby openly sabotaged the Decree of the President of the country.

“02/06/2017 at an extraordinary meeting of the country's Security Council under heavy guard of army special forces, President Mirziyoyev removed him from his post and deprived him of the rank of general.

"He [Shukhrat Gulyamov - U.Kh.], as if nothing had happened, remained in Tashkent, performed his former duties [the functions of the first deputy chairman of the National Security Service] in his office, and thereby openly sabotaged the Decree of the President of the country [On the appointment of Shukhrat Gulyamov head of the Surkhandarya regional department of the National Security Service]," Shavkat Mirziyoyev said in his speech to the participants of the meeting.

Reading the Decree on the Removal of Sh. Gulyamov from work in the NSS system, the President of Uzbekistan stressed that "in case of non-compliance of Shukhrat Gulyamov with the new Decree, arrest him and even use firearms against him."

The meeting participants witnessed how Shavkat Mirziyoev personally took away the service certificate from Shukhrat Gulyamov and deprived him of the rank of general of the National Security Service.

On August 10, 2017, the Supreme Military Court (Tribunal) of the Republic of Uzbekistan sentenced Shukhrat Gulyamov to life imprisonment with the condition of compensation for financial damage in the amount of one and a half billion dollars inflicted on the state.” [16]

Please note: Lieutenant General of the National Security Service Shukhrat Gulyamov caused financial damage to the young state of Uzbekistan in the amount of one and a half billion dollars! I am sure that some of this money was spent on undercover operations in the USA, paying for the services of the organizers of thefts and robberies, thieves and robbers, as well as buying stolen and robbed of my information and journalistic supplies, such as three laptops, two of them a laptop "Toshiba", three phones, flash drives, notepads, recorders, a camera, and so on.

Additional information about the deeds of Lieutenant-General of the National Security Service Shukhrat Gulyamov.

"In 2012, a group of generals in Uzbekistan were preparing a coup d'état that would remove the late Uzbek President Islam Karimov from office and physically eliminate then-Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyaev." Akhmed Aliyev, a 53-year-old well-known jeweler, the head of the Aliyev Zargari (Gold Center) company, stated this at a press conference held on October 21 at the Le Grande Plaza hotel in Tashkent.

During the press conference Ahmed Aliyev stated that he was the victim of political repressions.

“They put me in prison for two reasons – economic and political. I believe that the economic reason for my arrest was the desire to take away my "Gold Center", created in the center of Tashkent. However, this was a secondary reason. The primary reason was political revenge... To be more precise, I went to prison for economic and political reasons. But I consider the political reason to be primary. In 2011-2012, a coup d'état was being prepared in Uzbekistan. If it were implemented, the then President Islam Abduganievich Karimov would have been removed from office. As part of that coup d'état, Shavkat Mirziyoev, who at that time held the post of prime minister, would have been physically eliminated. I repeat, they wanted to physically eliminate him. I was sent to prison only because I found out about it,” Ahmed Aliyev said.

He stated that "general Shukhrat Gulyamov personally stood behind the plan to physically eliminate Shavkat Mirziyaev."

At a press conference at the Le Grande Plaza hotel, Aliyev called the former First Deputy Chairman of the National Security Service (now the State Security Service - Ed.), General Shukhrat Gulyamov, an "enemy of the people."

Recall that in 2017, the Military Court of Uzbekistan sentenced General of the Special Services Shukhrat Gulyamov to life imprisonment.

In a separate conversation with a journalist from Ozodlik, Ahmed Aliyev clarified the issue of a coup d'état.

- If I'm not mistaken, then a person who speaks baseless words is called a talker? People who back up their words with certain documents are taken seriously. So, I have documents confirming every word I said today, - says Akhmed Aliyev.

According to him, in 2014 he managed to transfer these documents to the leadership of Uzbekistan, in particular, Shavkat Mirziyaev.

- Then Shukhrat Gulyamov still remained in his position. I ask you to take this into account,” the entrepreneur said. [39]

Only after the removal of Lieutenant General of the National Security Service Shukhrat Gulyamov in February 2017, it was possible to remove Bakhtiyar Gulyamov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United States, in April 2017.

PARAGRAPH 71. THE FIRST THEFT. After organizing the theft of a bag on the night of August 9, 2013, on August 13, 2013, I began writing an article about four thefts organized against me in shelter 801. For some reason, I could not finish that article then. From that unfinished article, some data on four thefts.

I usually slept in a shelter with trousers. This unusual theft was committed on one of the October nights of 2012. The thief first took my wallet out of my pocket and took something that I don't remember now. Rather, it was associated with information. He then put my wallet in my pocket. FBI agents and his assistants in those days used nightly drug interrogations against me. I believe they stole the thing during the night drug interrogation to find out my reaction to the theft - where and how I will apply.

The material damage was minor. Therefore, in the morning I talked about the theft to a tall, respectable employee who that night was on duty in a shelter and distributed beds to the homeless.

PARAGRAPH 72. THE SECOND THEFT. I started selling the Street Sense newspaper in mid-October 2012. In early November, the evening became cool. I turned to a charity located in the basement of the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church (The Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church: 1 Chevy Chase Cir, Washington, DC 20015) for help. They gave me a yellow coat in my size. I sold a newspaper in the evenings at the corner of Wisconsin Ave & M St NW DC. This intersection is very crowded. It was difficult for the FBI agent and his assistant to follow from inside the car. Perhaps they had to get out of the car and freeze for several hours while I sold the newspaper. They decided to deprive me of that sheepskin coat so that I could not sell the newspaper in the evenings.

I hung a short fur coat at the head of the bed at night. I woke up at 5:15 on the morning of November 14, 2012 and did not see my sheepskin coat. I went around the great hall and did not find him. I told the workers of the shelter about it. I called the police on 911. Police officer Ms. Rebecca Hernandez (Hernandez, Rebecca) from the 7th police department arrived. I escorted her to my bed and explained the theft of the sheepskin coat. She got on the phone with an interpreter. We stand with her and discuss through an interpreter. At this time, someone called her walkie-talkie and in a rough male voice began to scold her. Mrs. Rebecca Hernaandez's face changed dramatically at his harsh words and insults. She stuttered something answered him. She then said a few short sentences and left. That's when I realized it was one of the chiefs in charge of the shelter, probably an FBI agent. This agent did not want a police officer from the 7th department to investigate the theft of a sheepskin coat.

I received a copy of the report the next day, written by Ms. Rebecca Hernaandez and signed by her supervisor, Mr. Harris, Martin. Nine years have passed since then and I don't know where that copy is. I reproduce the text written by Ms. Rebecca Ernaandes in English and Russian from my unfinished 2013 article.

“On Wednesday, November 14, 2012, at approximately 05:13 hours, the undersigned Officer responded to the above location for a dispatched run. On scene, C-1 and the Officer were not able to effectively communicate due to a language barrier. The Officer utilized the Language Line and had a Russian Interpreter assist with the call for service. C-1 stated that he woke up that morning and noticed his winter jacket was missing. C-1 did not state when he last saw the jacket, but was able to give a description of it. The particulars of the jacket were as follows: light yellow in color, artificial leather, and one inch of fluff that is rare and not from the surrounding area. The undersigned Officer went to his bed area to assist with searching for the jacket, but was unsuccessful. C-1 was told by the Officer, through the interpreter, that if the jacket was found by the staff after everyone left for the morning that it will be held at lost and found.”

“On Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at approximately 05:13 hours, the undersigned Employee responded to the above location for the sent run. On stage, C-1 and the Officials were unable to communicate effectively due to the language barrier. The officer used the Language Line and had a Russian interpreter help with the call to service. C-1 stated that he woke up that morning and noticed that his winter jacket was missing. C-1 was in no state when he last saw the jacket, unable to give a description of it. The details of the jacket (jacket) were as follows: light yellow in color, imitation leather, and one inch of down, which is sparse and not from the surrounding area. The undersigned staff member (officer) went to his bedside area to assist in finding a jacket, but without success. C-1 was told by the officer, through an interpreter, that if the jacket was found by officers after everyone had left in the morning, it would be turned in (brought) to the lost and found office.

PARAGRAPH 73. THE THIRD THEFT. The third theft took place sometime in March 2013. I continued writing the article about the June 24, 2014 thefts that I started writing in 2013. By that time, the number of thefts had reached seven. There, about the third theft in shelter 801, he wrote only the words: “THIRD THEFT. Theft of trousers and shirts (shirts). It was a minor steal for me. I don't remember her details.

PARAGRAPH 74. THE FOURTH THEFT. Another theft was organized in a shelter on the night of April 26-27, 2013. I then wrote a report to the police. I quote the text of this report from an unfinished article of 2013.

“I, Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, bought an LG 530G phone from Best Buy (4500 Wisconsin Ave NW. Washington, DC 20016) on July 1, 2012. Phone number: (202) 341-4028.

From April 2, 2012 to today - June 26, 2013 I spend the night in a shelter at the address:
801-East Men Building
2700 Martin Lyuther King Avenue, SE
Washington DC 20032

On the night of April 26-27, 2013, the shelter staff provided me and several other homeless people with folding beds in the kitchen of the shelter. I hung my suit on the seat of a chair. There was an LG 530G phone in the suit pocket.

On the morning of April 27, I found out that someone had stolen my phone. Together with the phone, the chip of this phone and its battery were stolen, as well as the chip from the previous phone and the battery of the same brand of phone.

Interesting fact: in the other pocket of the suit was a change of about one dollar. The thief did not take the money. Apparently, this "thief" was interested in my telephone contacts with friends and relatives, recorded in the phone.

On the evening of April 27, 2013 at 9:00 p.m. (21:00 hours) I came to the Metropolitan Police Department Washington, DC 7th District (2455 Alabama Ave SE, Washington, DC 20020). A police officer spoke to me. She asked for the brand of the phone. I couldn't answer.

I came to the Best Buy store on May 4, 2013 and asked for a copy of the specifications of the LG 530G phone. The employee gave it to me. I am attaching this copy to this application.

On the same day I bought a new VMU Kyocera Event phone. My new phone number was: (202) 423-7578.)"

PARAGRAPH 75. THE FIFTH THEFT. I carried my important things in a black bag, including a laptop. In the evening, having come to the shelter, 801 opened his iron locker number 184 in the D (D)-hall (see photo 17). From the locker he took out two cloth bags with bedding and clothes for the night. I put a bag with all the accessories inside, including a laptop, and put some clothes over the bag, for example, a jacket, trousers, sometimes shoes. Usually, the rise in the shelter was at 6:00 o'clock. I, along with others, got up at 6:00, washed my face and hands, made the bed, put my clothes and bed in cloth bags. Then I went to the D-hall to locker number 184.

SHEKTERshkaf1 (525x700, 74Kb)
Photo 17. Lockers in the D (D)-hall of shelter 801. My black bag is visible inside locker 184. In front of the locker is my backpack. City of Washington. March 2014. Photo of the author.

The iron lockers of the shelter were small and it was impossible to put a backpack and outerwear inside it. So I put it next to me on the bed. On the night of August 8-9, 2013, a backpack with things was stolen from me in shelter 801. August 9 was the day of the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. I am a Muslim and fast every month of Ramadan. The organizers, possibly FBI agents, specifically organized this theft on the holiday of Ramadan - Eid al-Fitr (the holiday of Conversation, Uraza-Bayram). It was another dirty provocation. I called the police and could not go to the holiday prayer in the mosque and celebrate with fellow believers. A police officer wrote report 13112229 about the theft of a backpack in a shelter on August 9, 2013. Here and below, in parentheses, I indicate in which of my articles I wrote about these thefts and robberies: ([40, part 4, paragraph 12.3.1]).

As I wrote in paragraph 69, after organizing the theft of a bag on August 9, 2013, on August 13, 2013, I began writing an article about four thefts organized against me in shelter 801. I continued that article on June 24, 2014. From that unfinished article, the following is a list of stolen items along with a backpack on August 9, 2013.

"1. Backpack brand GA-7316-06 - 1 pc. $99.99 + 6% tax = $105.98.
2. Journal (notebook like a book) 2 pcs. The total price is approximately $10.
These notebooks were filled with addresses of friends, a diary of events from 2006-2008 and a lot of other important information for me.
3. Journal (general notebook - Composition Book) - Diary of events from September 2012 to August 8, 2013. This diary was almost filled with important entries from the events of 2012-2013. - 1 PC. $3.19 + 6% tax = $3.38
4. Green form (apron) of the newspaper “Street Sense” - 1 pc. (Management of the newspaper "Street Sense" gave me a new form).
5. Umbrella - 1 pc. $7
6. Russian Compact Dictionary. Russian-English, English-Russian. (Russian-English and English-Russian dictionary) - Derlitz Publishing, New-York, 2011. p. 624. - 1 pc. $13.99 + 6% tax = $14.83
7. T-shirt - 1 pc. $12
8. Smart rip card - 1 pc. $21 ($5 Smart rip card cost, $16 bus fare for one week. Total: $21).

The material damage from the theft on August 9, 2013 amounted to the following amount with an incomplete list of things: $174,19 (cents). [40, part 4, paragraph 12.3.1]

Please note: there is no laptop among my stolen items. Police Officer Kelvin W. Branch, in his report 14074924, that is, after the armed robbery of me on the night of May 26, 2014, will slanderously state that in report 13112229 I referred to the theft of a laptop on August 9, 2013 (see paragraph 98).

Now I will give a photocopy of report 13112229, which consists of two pages from [40, part 4, paragraph 12.3.1].

FOTO1raport13112229 (699x595, 105Kb)
Фото 18. Первая страница Рапорта 13112229. ([40, часть 4, параграф 12.3.1])

FOTO2raport13112229 (633x700, 124Kb)
Photo 19. Second page of Report 13112229. ([40, part 4, paragraph 12.3.1])

PARAGRAPH 76. I wrote in paragraph 75 that the lockers of the shelter 801 were small. In the staff room of shelter 801, there were several large iron cabinets about two meters high. They used them and put their clothes and things inside. Eight more of these two-meter cabinets were in a small corridor near the shower and standard shelter locks hung on them. I have only seen one employee open one of these cabinets over the course of two years.

The length and width of the large cabinets were almost the same as the length and width of the small cabinets. In my opinion, once in the shelter 801 such high normal cabinets were installed. Subsequently, they were liquidated and small lockers were installed for the convenience of stealing the things of the overnight homeless. In the rules of the shelter, a separate clause was specially written that the workers of the shelter are not responsible for the loss of things of overnight citizens.

I criticized that the lockers are small, and the clothes and belongings of the homeless cannot be put inside the locker. Therefore, the things of the homeless, including my things and clothes, are stolen. In the fall of 2013, new iron cabinets about one-meter high were brought to shelter 801. They were installed in a distant corridor where the homeless and employees hardly walked. It was handy for stealing things from closets.

It was possible and necessary to transfer small cabinets to a distant corridor and install new medium cabinets in their place. But the management of the shelter did not think about creating the convenience of overnight citizens and preserving their belongings.

PARAGRAPH 77. There are more than ten men's shelters, several women's shelters and family shelters in the city of Washington. The list and detailed information about shelters in the USA, including the city of Washington, is written in [41].

FBI agents and people associated with them conducted drug interrogations in the shelter 801 at night (I wrote about drug interrogation in paragraphs 198-207 in part 5.8). I tried to go to other shelters and spend the night there. One day I went to another shelter. When the turn came to me, the workers of the shelter said that the places (beds) had run out. Late in the evening, several homeless people in a bus took us to shelter 801.

The next day I came to that shelter around 16:00. There were about four or five homeless people in line. I got up behind them. The shelter opened at 19:00. When it was my turn, the shelter staff ordered me to wait aside. I sat and waited for several hours. Almost all comers were served and provided with a rooming house. At night, I and some homeless people were invited to sit on a shelter bus. The bus drove into several shelters and there several homeless people were ordered to board the bus. We were all brought to the shelter 801. Then I was once again convinced that the FBI agents had blacklisted me. Shelter 801 was the main place of massacre of dissident homeless people and they were brought there from other shelters. Shelter 801 was on the grounds of St. Elizabeth Federal Psychiatric Hospital. I found out about it later. I will additionally write about it in paragraph 171 in part 4.2.

PARAGRAPH 78. Hereinafter I will write about thefts, beatings and robberies and police reports. Police officers in some reports specifically refer to other reports in order to confuse. Perhaps they did this on the advice and insistence of the FBI agents. Therefore, I will give here a list of reports, the date and some important details to make it easier to understand them. I compiled this list of reports and then sorted through them.

78.1. Two-page report 13112229 about the theft of a backpack in shelter 801 on the night of August 8-9, 2013. ([40, part 4, paragraph 12.3.1]) I wrote about the theft of a backpack in a shelter on August 9, 2013 and report 13112229 in paragraph 75 of this complaint statement (fifth theft). I unequivocally wrote there that there was no laptop from the stolen things and in report 13112229 there was no word about the theft of a laptop.

78.2. Report of the theft of a bag with a laptop in shelter 801 by a professional thief on the morning of October 8, 2013 (sixth theft, see paragraph 79). The number of this report is unknown to me. The police destroyed this report from the police computer of the 7th Washington Police Department. My copy of the report was taken along with my bag during an armed robbery on the night of May 26, 2014. I will write about this theft and destruction of the report from the police computer in this complaint statement in paragraphs 79-85 with evidence. I will write about the purchase of the first laptop on credit in paragraph 91 and there I printed a receipt from the Best Buy store dated November 18, 2012 (photo 25). I will write about buying a second laptop on credit in paragraph 92 and there I printed a receipt from the Best Buy store dated November 30, 2013 (photo 26).

78.3. Two-page report 13167550 Halpin police officer, Kevin M. (badge number 4251) wrote with some distortions and false statements about the beating and robbery of me on November 21, 2013 (the first robbery). Then two robbers beat me up and took away my wallet with documents. I wrote about this robbery in paragraphs 86-89 in this application-complaint.

Please note: in the Report number 13167550 about the theft on August 9, 2013, there is not a single word about the laptop. This means that police officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch, in report 14074924 dated May 26, 2014, writes about a laptop and openly slanders me with reference to report number 13167550 (see paragraph 98).

78.4. Five-page report number 201357180 Detective Ms. Alanna Watkins wrote more truthfully about beating and robbing me on November 21, 2013. Then two robbers took away my wallet with documents. I have written about this robbery in paragraphs 88-89 in this application-complaint.

78.5. Two-page report 14074924 police officer Mr. Calvin W. Branch wrote specifically with gross distortions and false allegations of an armed robbery against me on the night of May 25-26, 2014. Then two armed robbers took away my backpack and bag along with my laptop, Uzbek passport and journalistic accessories. I have written about this armed robbery at paragraphs 95, 97-98 in this complaint statement.

Police officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch falsely writes the following in report 14074924 dated May 26, 2014 (see paragraph 98): “Further investigation revealed that C-1 made several reports for the same laptop stolen (in reports) CCN 13112229 and CCN 13167550. C-1 recently made a report for the same laptop as stolen, and Detective Campos is currently investigating in line with Detective Hunsucker."

I wrote in paragraph 78.1 that in report 13112229 about the theft of a backpack in shelter 801 on the night of August 8-9, 2013, there is no word about the theft of a laptop. I also wrote in paragraph 78.3 that report 13167550 says that I was beaten and robbed on November 21, 2013 and that my wallet with documents was taken away by the robbers. Therefore, in report 13167550 there is no word about the robbery of my laptop.

To be precise, the theft of the bag, along with my first laptop, was organized in shelter 801 with the help of a professional thief on the morning of October 8, 2013 (see paragraphs 78.2 and 79-83). My second laptop was robbed on the night of May 26, 2014 by having my bag and backpack stolen by the robbers (see paragraphs 78.5, 95 and 97-98). My third laptop was stolen on September 6, 2019 (seventeenth theft, see paragraph 133).

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PARAGRAPH 41. Effective August 24, 2011, IRC management hired me at Create Common Good (CCG) agribusiness. CCG office address: 1161 W. River Street Boise, ID 83702; CCG Farm: 4750 S. Surprise Way Boise, ID 83716. www.createcommongood.org Farm address: 2760 W Excursion Lane Ste 105, Meridian, ID 83642.

Nine people worked on the field of the agricultural firm. Of these, seven, including the supervisor (foreman) Mr. Devi Heral, are refugees from Bhutan (a small Asian country between China and India).

I worked for an agricultural firm on an 18-hour work week with a minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. I received $540 per month. For renting a two-room apartment, he paid 525 dollars a month. We took care of the plants, harvested, cleaned, washed and bundled them for sale.

PARAGRAPH 42. Mr. Tyler Smith was the Director of Farm Sales, Food Culture and Outreach for Create Common Good at Create Common Good and was our leader (see photo 12). He showed open disrespect and discrimination against me and other refugees.

TYLERsmithFOTO1 (177x247, 17Kb)
Photo 12. Mr. Tyler Smith. Boise. 2011.

42.1. THE FIRST EXAMPLE OF DISCRIMINATION. The agricultural company's field was next to the church. We would come to work in the morning and leave our lunches in one of the church rooms. We ate in this room. Mr. Tyler Smith ordered me something at the end of October 2011. I did not understand and asked to write. He wrote the following (see photo 13).

TAYLERxat1 (681x700, 93Kb)
Photo 13. A note from Mr. Tyler Smith to me. End of October 2011.

“When you go inside the Church, you should open the shoes outside the door of Church. If your shoes are dirty.
You should wipe the sink after you wash your hand. Don’t leave the sink dirty.
We should vaccum the walk way inside the Church if you see there any dirty sport.”

After such an order, we - the refugees walked around in socks inside the church. We even went to the toilet in socks. All Americans, including Mr. Tyler Smith, did not take off their shoes inside the church and they walked in shoes.

42.2. SECOND EXAMPLE OF DISCRIMINATION. By the end of October 2011, we, the employees of the agricultural firm, had harvested the entire crop and cleared the field of plants. Sunflowers grew at the end of the field. Sunflower heads were also collected and the seeds were isolated in a bag. It turned out almost a full bag of seeds.

By the beginning of November 2011, the work on the field of the agricultural company had ended. At the direction of Mr. Tyler Smith, we gathered in the mornings at the office of the agricultural firm and from there we were taken to the church. Mr. Tyler Smith was carrying a bag of sunflower seeds in his car. He accompanied us to one of the rooms of the church, ordered us to separate the grains of seeds and collect them in jars. This is a real mockery and discrimination against refugees. Please tell me, somewhere in the US citizens earn the minimum wage by separating the grain from the seed and collecting them in jars?

Sometimes I wondered: if they cannot provide normal work, then why does the US leadership accept refugees? For comparison: they provide a normal job for all those who came to the US by winning the green card lottery.

42.3. THIRD EXAMPLE OF DISCRIMINATION. At the beginning of December 2011, we refugees were invited to the church hall. There were children 10-11 years old. We sat down at the table and talked a little.

I studied at Samarkand State University in 1970-1975 and was a mathematics teacher by profession. I have a favorable attitude towards children and in the circle of children I try to be simpler.

Some of the adults got up and moved away from the table. We were told to put our palm on a white sheet of paper, stick out our fingers, and trace around our fingers with a felt-tip pen. While we were doing this, some adults standing in front of me behind the sitting children began to take pictures and film. Apparently the FBI agents needed these photos and videos of mine.

I have been taking photographs since 1964 and almost always carry a camera with me. That day I took pictures near the Christmas tree (see photo 14).

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Photo 14. Children of the USA. Their teacher is on the left in the second row. The Afro-African man did not work for us. I think he filmed me too. Sunlight fell from the ceiling. Therefore, the photo on the right is lighter. City of Boise (Idaho). In the hall of the church. December 2011 Photo of the author.

PARAGRAPH 43. FBI agents and associates are known to report to their superiors on a daily and weekly basis. They often do this with photos and videos of a persecuted US resident. I noticed that from January 2010 to December 2011 I was photographed and videotaped over three hundred times. During the four months of work in the agricultural firm, I noticed and saw: I was photographed and filmed about a hundred times. They tried to take pictures or videotape me in an unfortunate way, for example, with my eyes closed. Apparently, the FBI agent ordered such photos and videos.

I will give two examples of the circumstances under which I was photographed or filmed.

43.1. EXAMPLE 1. As I wrote in paragraph 37, nine people worked on the field of an agricultural firm. Of these, seven, including Mr. Devi Heral, are refugees from Bhutan. During dinner they spoke their own language. I didn't understand their language. After I had dinner, sometimes I tried to close my eyes for five or six minutes and rest. Once, two or three minutes after closing my eyes, I hear a characteristic click of the diaphragm of a mobile phone. I open my eyes and see a mobile phone on the hand of an employee, and the camera of the mobile phone is directed in my direction. It was a kind of provocation. If I blame him, he could quickly delete my photo from his phone.

Sometimes this worker, after opening my eyes, immediately took a second brazenly photographed. For him and those who ordered, my photos with closed and open eyes from a close distance were very interesting. After the second time of such illegal photography, I stopped having dinner at the same table with them. I dined far away, somewhere 50-60 meters further - on another table.

43.2. EXAMPLE 2. In November 2011, we dragged manure on wheelbarrows on the field. Manure application improves soil fertility and increases yields. During our school years, we did this at the head of my father almost every year. One day I put manure in a wheelbarrow with a shovel. Then one of the workers directed the camera of his mobile phone to my side. And so it is until I filled the wheelbarrow. Having filled, I rolled the wheelbarrow on the field. As I began to move away, I noticed how he directed the camera in the direction of my departure. I walked back 8-9 meters and looked back. This worker has still directed his mobile phone in my direction, although I have gone a fair distance to the left of the place of the dunghill.

I noticed such illegal photography and videotaping with a mobile phone about a hundred times while working at the CCG agricultural company. Such photos and videos of mine are not needed for ordinary Americans and refugees from other countries. Such personnel are needed only and only by FBI agents and Uzbek employees of the National Security Service (GNB) to discredit me now and for the future.

PARAGRAPH 44. I am a Muslim and a believer: I decided to turn to the Lord God (Allah) with a request to punish these provocateurs. Before that, I decided to warn them in writing and wrote a one and a half page Appeal.

“I, Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, have been working at the Create Common Good agricultural firm since August 24, 2011. From the first day of work - August 24, 2011, unknown women began to take pictures of me without asking.

On the second day - August 25, 2011 in the morning I told Mr. Tyler Smith (Tyler Smith): “Yesterday, some women took pictures of me without asking. I am a refugee. So please don't take pictures of me anymore. Please tell the other staff about this."

Despite my request, I was repeatedly photographed. I am often photographed with a mobile phone. I think this is a provocation against me.

I have been doing photography since 1964, that is, 47 years. Therefore, I know well when I am being photographed or filmed. Once again, I appeal in writing to my colleagues at work: I ask you not to photograph or film me.

I am a Muslim and have been a believer in the Lord God (Allah) for over 50 years. Against photographing me without my consent, that is, against provocation, I have the only opportunity left - to pray to the Lord God (Allah).

If in the future someone takes pictures of me or shoots me on video without my permission, then may Allah (God) send punishment on him. Allah (Lord God) is great and mighty. He sees and knows everything.

If the Lord God (Allah) considers it necessary, He can punish his (her) family. May Allah (Lord God) punish him (her) himself or his relatives - wife, children, relatives. Apparently, only such God's punishment can stop these people who violate my elementary human rights.”

I gave one copy of the Appeal to those who photographed and filmed me, as well as to the heads of the agricultural company. Only Mr. Tyler Smith verbally objected. Please, write me.

PARAGRAPH 45. Mr. Tyler Smith on the same day, December 16, 2011, wrote this question:

“No one has taken any pictures of you! Do you have evidence that someone has taken a photo of you?”

December 16, 2011 (Friday) was the last working day in 2011. In connection with the holidays of Christmas and New Year, a two-week vacation was announced. January 5, 2012 was the first working day in 2012. I wrote a reply letter to Mr. Tyler Smith on January 3, 2012, translated it into English and gave it to him on the morning of January 5, 2012.

“As far as I know, you, Mr. Tyler Smith, studied for two years after graduation and received a special higher religious education. And you know well what sin is and how sin is condemned by all major religions, including the Christian religion.

There are many sins that cannot be proven. Sometimes this person himself and the Lord God know about the sin committed. And only the Lord God can prove his sin and punish him.

You, Mr. Tyler, are asking about the proof of the sin committed: in this case, photographing without asking me. You might as well demand proof of the existence of the Lord God (Allah). Indeed, in the Address of December 16, 2011, I wrote about my prayer to the Lord God (Allah).

No one can show and prove the existence of the Lord God (Allah). But for thousands of years, billions of people, including you and me, believe in the existence of the Lord God (Allah). Apparently, therefore, on one of the main symbols of US independence - on every US banknote - the following words are written on the dollar: “IN GOD WE TRUST”

For example, on October 16, 2011, my bicycle was stolen. I have no proof of who exactly stole it and why. But I can pray to the Lord God (Allah) to punish this thief and those who ordered and organized this theft.

If you, Mr. Tyler, will continue to assert that no one has photographed me, then I will add the following wish.

“If one of my work colleagues photographed and / or filmed me, then may the Lord God (Allah) send down punishment on him or his family members.

If none of my colleagues at work photographed or filmed me, then may the Lord God (Allah) send down punishment on me or my family members.

Let me remind you: in all religions, including Islam, denunciation, informing, slander is considered a great sin, and the Lord God (Allah) severely punishes for this sin. If from the beginning of work - from August 2011 to today - January 3, 2012, no one photographed and / or filmed me, then my previous written Appeal will turn out to be slander and the Lord God (Allah) will punish me severely for this sin.

But if one of my colleagues at work photographed and / or filmed me on video, then may the Lord God (Allah) send down punishment on him or his family members. And Allah (the Lord God) is great and mighty. He sees and knows everything."

PARAGRAPH 46. Let some people not be confused by the word "Allah". For all the people of the globe there is one Lord God. It is called differently in different religions. For example, the Quran contains 99 names of the Lord God. The Arabic word "Allah" means God (see [31]).

The prophets lived at different times and recommended praying to the Lord God in different ways. Therefore, those who profess different religions pray differently. In fact, all people pray to one God.

PARAGRAPH 47. On January 3, 2012, Ms. Lana Whiteford of the International Rescue Committee sent me an email. I have translated here and further texts from English into Russian, as well as from Russian into English.

“Hello Shuhratjon,
Can you please come to the office on Thursday, January 5th at 3:00 pm to meet with Lana, Julianne and Tyler? Please confirm that you received this email.
Thank you,

I sent the following letter to Ms. Lana Whiteford and Ms. Julianne Donnelly, Executive Director of the Boise IRC on January 4, 2012 at 8:34 am.

“Dear Lana!
I January 3 received your letter in which you ask for my consent to meet Lana, Julianne and Tyler January 5, 2012. I did not ask appointment. Who asked to assign this appointment: let him write me a reason, and details of objections, dissatisfaction.
I should understand the reason of a meeting and a discussed question. On the basis of the intended discussion topic should I prepare for this meeting. I will try to prepare in English the written answer to offers or objections. Only then we can schedule a meeting to meet and discuss the matter. Such preliminary preparation saves our time and will enable possibility of concrete discussion.
Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov”

PARAGRAPH 48. On January 4, 2012 at 5:53 pm, Ms. Julianne Donnelly sent me an email.

“Dear Mr. Ahmadjonov,
The appointment 1/5 at 3:00pm is for a conversation between Tyler and yourself, regarding your employment through Experience Works at the Create Common Good farm, after you gave Tyler and myself the letter dated 12/15/11. Tyler asked that we have the appointment at our office so that IRC can provide interpretation so that you clearly understand what is discussed. I also want to explain some general expectations of behavior in the workplace in the United States to you.
I hope this answers your question, and I hope to see you tomorrow at 3:00pm at our office.
Julianne Donnelly Tzul”

I responded by writing the following on January 4, 2012 at 7:30 pm.

“Dear Julianne!
I have received your letter today. You in the letter write: «Tyler asked that we have the appointment at our office so that IRC can provide interpretation so that you clearly understand what is discussed. I also want to explain some general expectations of behavior in the workplace in the United States to you».
If Tyler concerning my letter from 12.15.2011 years there are objections let it to give in written form the objections. If you have any objections about my letter of 12.15.2011 to say: “I would also like to explain some of the common expectations of behavior in the workplace in the United States”, I ask you it is to provide in writing.
And I will prepare a written response to Tyler and your objection. Therefore, I wait for this written objection from Tyler and you. After that it will be pertinent to make an appointment and to discuss.
Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov
January 4, 2012, 19:45”

I sent Mr. Tyler Smith on January 5, 2012 at 13:51 hours a letter with approximately the same content and asked to send my objections in writing.

PARAGRAPH 49. I didn't show up for a meeting scheduled without my consent for January 5, 2012 at 3:00 pm. There were the following reasons.

First, both Mr. Tyler Smith and Ms. Julianne Donnelly did not send me their objections beforehand. Thus they deprived me of preparing for their objections.

Secondly, there was not a single licensed translator from English into Uzbek in Boise.

Thirdly, often unlicensed Russian-speaking “translators” were invited to IRC. For example, on July 12, 2011, I was illegally fired from my job by the Society of St. Vincent Paul (Society of St. Vincent de Paul). On July 29, 2011, a discussion took place in the office of Ms. Julianne Donnelly. I said that it was important to get a written answer from Mardi Kline about the reason for my dismissal, and applied the Russian proverb: “You can’t sew words into deeds.” “Translator” Vitaly was unable to translate it into English.

Fourthly, there were cases when the interpreter did not translate or mistranslated my important sentences and words.

Fifth, it later became known that Mr. Tyler Smith had prepared a two-page objection. Given that Mr. Tyler Smith, Ms. Julianne Donnelly, Ms. Lana Whiteford, the interpreter, and myself were scheduled to participate in the discussion, each of us was allocated an average of 12 minutes. In 12 minutes, how can I reasonably respond to the two-page objection in English of Mr. Tyler Smith and others?

PARAGRAPH 50. On the evening of January 5, 2012 at 3:15 pm, I received an email from Mr. Tyler Smith.

“Shuhratjon- since you decided not to attend the meeting, we had today at IRC I’ll have to do tell you what we discussed. We at CCG have decided to terminate your employment with us. You can read the specifics in the letter that I have written. I have given all of the documentation to Julianne and Lana. They are quite in agreement. This is effective immediately. If you come here again, we will only ask you to leave. If you try and maintain contact with any staff member or come to any of our sites, we will obtain a restraining order. This is not up for discussion. For further information, please refer to the attached letter”

Mr. Tyler Smith has attached a two page letter of accusation. I have written answers to all nine parts of Mr. Tyler Smith's accusation. I will not bring it here, since the story of the illegal dismissal of me from my third job turned out to be long.

On February 14-17, 2012, I wrote a complaint to the US leadership and the leaders of international human rights organizations (see [32]). It consists of twelve paragraphs. In [32], in paragraph six, I have given a letter from Mr. Tyler Smith about my dismissal from work in English and Russian. I divided his letter into nine parts and answered each accusation. I wrote them in [32] in paragraph seven.

I also sent a complaint dated February 17, 2012 to Mr. Jahangir Mamatov, the head of the www.turonzamin.org website, who lives near the city of Washington. He did not publish it on his website. Moreover, he removed my about a hundred articles from www.turonzamin.org at the end of February 2012 without warning me about it.

PARAGRAPH 51. On January 6, 2012 at 1:38 pm I received an email from Ms. Julianne Donnelly.

I am disappointed that you were not able to come to the office yesterday. I wanted the chance to explain a few things to you, with clear verbal interpretation. However, I will try to communicate the same things to you here in writing.
First, writing a message wishing for violence to happen to a person is a threat. Your letter stating: ‘May Allah (Lord God) punishes him (her) self or family – wife, children, relatives!’ is a written threat of violence. Making a written threat of violence against a person is illegal in most places in the United States. Making a written threat of violence against a person in your workplace will almost always cause you to be fired. You have now been fired from Create Common Good. If you write another threatening letter to a person in a future job, you will be fired again. If keeping a job is important to you, you need to learn to stop writing any letter threatening violence, even when you perceive that your rights have been violated.
Second, threatening a person with violence violates the human rights of that person. Human rights are very important to you. Every person has the right to work in a place free of violence and threats of violence. You need to respect the human rights of other people, and stop threatening other people with violence.
Third, IRC Boise has helped you find multiple jobs. IRC Boise will not help you find your next job. You will need to find your next job yourself.
Julianne Donnelly Tzul”

PARAGRAPH 52. My reply to Mrs. Julianne Donnelly's accusations.

Firstly, in my Appeals I did not threaten anyone with the words “I will do this, I will do that against you.” I only wrote that I would pray to the Lord God (Allah) with a request to punish sinners.

Secondly, in my Appeal to the Lord God (Allah), I ask to punish only those who photographed me without my permission.

Thirdly, the issue of punishment is decided by the Lord God (Allah) himself, and not by me, based on whether a particular person committed such a sin.

Fourthly, in my Appeal I did not write the names of specific people with the words “this and that one illegally photographed me”. The question of the definition of the guilty is also left to the discretion of the Lord God (Allah).

Fifth, how to say Mr. Tyler Smith, if no one photographed me, then Allah will not punish anyone. In this case, my words will turn out to be slander, and Allah will punish me. I wrote about this in my second Appeal on January 5, 2012.

Sixthly, in my first Address dated December 15, 2011, I wrote that who would photograph me in the future. That is, my Appeal was aimed at preventing sinful deeds.

Seventh, in my second Appeal, I gave the example of the theft of my bicycle on October 16, 2011 (see paragraph 41). I cursed those thieves and those who ordered and organized this theft. So, my curse is directed only against that thief and two or three organizers of this theft. This curse is not directed against the more than seven billion people living on Earth, including against the workers of the Create Common Good agricultural company. No one, including Mr. Tyler Smith or Mrs. Julianne Donnelly, objected to my curse of bicycle thieves.

Eighth, in all world religions, including Christianity and Islam, priests and imams in their sermons in various meetings, in Friday prayers say that each person will answer to the Lord God (Allah) for their sins and, accordingly punished. If we consider the words of Ms. Julianne Donnelly and Tyler Smith justified, then the sermons of all priests and imams can be considered a “verbal threat to violence”, their books and articles on this topic are a “written threat to violence”, and they can be harassed and fired From the job. It is clear that this is an absurd accusation and contrary to logic.

So, as a believer in Allah (God), I warned several people from sinful deeds. I turned to Allah (Lord God) with a request to punish them if they continue their sinful deeds. And for this I was illegally and unfairly fired from my job on January 5, 2012.

PARAGRAPH 53. I will try to explain more simply. Imagine, a certain citizen applied in writing to the court and asked to punish the perpetrators. The judge will decide on the basis of existing laws how reasonable the charge is. If the accused is guilty, a sentence will be pronounced based on the requirements of the article of the law. If he (she) has committed serious crimes, then the court can bring to justice and close relatives, for example, knowing about the prepared or committed crime is not reported to law enforcement agencies.

Please note: in this case, the citizen does not decide how the accused are punished, but the court decides based on the requirements of the law. But no one can fire a citizen from his job with the wording “a written threat to violence” because he went to court and asked to punish the perpetrators.

PARAGRAPH 54. The question arises: is it forbidden in the USA to pray to the Lord God (Allah) for the punishment of some people who do injustice and sinful deeds? Here it is appropriate to recall the First Amendment to the US Constitution (1791).

“Amendment I (1791)
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” [33]

This can be written more simplistically and specifically.

“The First Amendment to the US Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. It ensures that the US Congress will not:

To support any religion, or to establish the state religion.
Prohibit free religion.
Infringe on freedom of speech.
Encroach on freedom of the press.
Restrict freedom of assembly.
Restrict the right of the people to petition the Government to satisfy complaints” [34]

Conclusion: even the US Congress does not have the right to pass laws prohibiting the free practice of any religion, as well as restricting freedom of speech.

I believe that Mr. Tyler Smith and Mrs. Julianne Donnelly have effectively interfered with my religious freedom. They began to dictate what I have the right to ask and what I do not have the right to ask from God (Allah) during my prayer. By doing so, they violated my rights written in the US Constitution.

My desire through prayer to ask the Lord God (Allah) to punish some people who do injustice and sinful deeds is freedom of religion.

What I have written about this in my two Appeals is freedom of speech.

Thus, Mr. Tyler Smith, director of sales, food culture, and public affairs at the agricultural firm Create Common Good, and the agents of the FBI behind him, as well as the Executive Director of the IRC in Boise, Ms. Julianne Donnelly, violated the First Amendment to the US Constitution twice and fired me for my two written Applications dated December 15, 2011 and January 5, 2012.

PARAGRAPH 55. Mr. Tyler Smith and the FBI agents behind him, as well as Ms. Julianne Donnelly, also violated Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

“Article 18
1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.
2. No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.” [35]

PARAGRAPH 56. It is possible that both Mr. Tyler Smith and Ms. Julianne Donnelly and the FBI agents understood that if they gave me their written arguments in advance, I would have responded in writing to the double violation of the First Amendment to the US Constitution, 18-section “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,” and would also write the eight objections listed in paragraph 52.

I would even write to the leaders of the Christian church and the Islamic imam of the mosque for advice and ask them to give their opinion from a religious point of view. I would also invite them to our discussion. This would set up a round table and discussion of my two Appeals, the objections of Mr. Tyler Smith and Ms. Julianne Donnelly, and my written response to their objections. On the basis of this interesting discussion, we would come to some concrete agreement.

But, alas, both the director of the agricultural firm, Tyler Smith, and the executive director of the IRC, Julianne Donnelly, and the one who was behind these events, did not want to provide their written objections in advance. As planned in advance, on January 5, 2012, they agreed to fire me from the agricultural firm without discussing with me.

Ms. Julianne Donnelly, as head of the IRC in Boise, was to provide me with Mr. Tyler Smith's written arguments and give me the opportunity to respond in writing to his allegations. But she didn't give me that opportunity. FBI agents and leaders wanted to have such an IRC leader in Boise and they are satisfied with her work.

I'm sure if Ms. Leslie Boban was the head of the IRC in Boise, she would have given me such an opportunity and would not have allowed violations of the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

PARAGRAPH 57. I have lived in the USA for over fourteen years. Now I know well that the activities of the FBI and the police are based on the total control of the inhabitants of the United States. This is carried out by the activities of numerous informers and informers using devices similar to mobile phones. FBI agents and police officers order by phone (walkie-talkie) who to observe and take photos and videos. They receive photos and videos of the observed citizen from a distance, often sitting inside a passenger car. They record on their computer files at their own discretion. This is how they accumulate a huge amount of information about the inhabitants of the United States, including about me. They have accumulated a large amount of information about me, which they have been collecting for twelve years.

PARAGRAPH 58. Thus, on January 5, 2012, I was illegally fired from my job for the third time in Boise. I knew all three jobs well and fulfilled the requirement at the level. In all three cases, I was fired from my job for spurious reasons and false accusations not related to my main job, even violating the First Amendment to the US Constitution twice.

I believe that FBI agents and people associated with them were behind all these surveillance, harassment and provocations. I am sure that hidden contacts and agreements between FBI agents and employees of the Uzbek National Security Service (SGB) played a big role in this. They began to persecute me because of my human rights and journalistic activities, as well as my religious beliefs as a Muslim. In short, racial discrimination is against me because I am an Uzbek, a Muslim, a refugee, a human rights activist and an independent journalist. This is a flagrant violation of the First Amendment of the US Constitution on freedom of speech and the exercise of religion...

PARAGRAPH 59. On January 16, 2012, I participated in a demonstration and rally in honor of Martin Luther King Day in Boise (see photo 15). He wrote on the poster: “I am a human rights activist. I am refugee. My job illegally stopped January 6, 2012” (“I am a human rights activist. I am a refugee. My job was illegally stopped on January 6, 2012”) [36]

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Photo 15. Me during a demonstration in honor of Martin Luther King Day. Boise. January 16, 2012. Photo of the author. [36]

PARAGRAPH 60. I am a citizen and a refugee from Uzbekistan. As far as I know, FBI agents are involved in surveillance of foreign citizens. They stubbornly refused to give me a green card in 2010. I was even forced to smear some kind of ointment on my hands for 14 days in 2011. I believe I was bullied precisely at the insistence of the FBI agents for a year and a half without issuing a green card. As a result, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) center in the city of Boise gave me a green card in June 2011, that is, a year and a half later. The reason is racial discrimination against me because I am an Uzbek, Muslim, refugee, human rights activist and independent journalist. For comparison: citizens of foreign countries who won the lottery are issued a green card within 1-2 months after moving to the United States.

PARAGRAPH 61. I have written and published other articles on human rights issues and on the illegal persecution of me. I was illegally fired from my job three times in Boise from July 2010 to January 2012. It was revenge for my human rights, journalistic activities and for my religious beliefs as a Muslim. Naturally, the rent debt has accumulated. I have lived in a two-room apartment since March 2010 and paid $525 monthly (address: 585, S. Curtis Rd., # 8. Boise, Idaho 83705). In my opinion, the FBI agents and people associated with them planned to kick me out of the apartment during the January frosts.

I became a Bank of America customer in April 2010. I asked the bank staff for a loan (this branch of the bank was located on S Capitol Boulevard in Boise). And they gave me an interest-free loan of $800.

I went to this bank a few days later. The girl who spoke, filled out the forms and gave me a loan, walked on crutches. She put on a large rubber medical boot on one leg: apparently a heavy piece of iron had been dropped on her leg and her leg was in a cast. Someone, possibly an FBI agent, orchestrated her "accidental" injury because of the loan they gave me. Who else can orchestrate an “accident” like that, other than FBI agents? After all, they know how to choose a place and time to create the appearance of randomness.

I paid $750 of this amount to pay off the apartment debt. Another $30 paid for a bank transaction to transfer $750. Thanks to such help, I managed to live in the apartment for another two winter months. Thanks to the people at Bank of America.

PARAGRAPH 62. To rule out any possibility of compromise, a 45-year-old woman was involved in the case. I think the FBI specifically hired her to work in our housing block as a volunteer in September 2011. At the same time, the former employee, Mr. Ballard, continued to work. In February 2012, this woman filed an application with the Ada District Court to remove me from my apartment (Ada County Courthouse. 200 W Front St, Boise, ID 83702).

On February 23, 2012, a trial took place regarding the rental debt. I wrote about this trial in the article [27]. The provocateur-translator Alexander Bazarsky was presented to the court. I wrote in the article [11] about his deliberately distorted and provocative translations. I appealed to the judge three times with a request to refuse the services of Alexander Bazarsky, that I am Uzbek and asked for an Uzbek translator. But the judge allowed language discrimination, did not provide an Uzbek translator, and ordered me to be evicted from the apartment on February 23, 2012.

The ordered nature of the court on February 23, 2012 was also visible in the following: the judge ruled to evict me on the same day - February 23, 2012. The court sent a copy of the decision to the Sheriff's Office the same day.

On February 23, after lunch, I returned to the apartment. I packed my computer in a box. In two suitcases I put the most necessary books, at least clothes, dishes. And he asked one good countryman to temporarily save these three things. He agreed. Thanks to him. May Allah grant him and his family members peace, health, long life and prosperity.

PARAGRAPH 63. On February 24, 2012, I decided to file a complaint about language discrimination in court. To file a complaint, a special form was required. I turned to the Russian-speaking translator Ms. Valeria Kvitko. She persuaded me to write about the payment of court costs. I then made the mistake of agreeing with her arguments. I filed a complaint on February 24, 2012. The next trial was scheduled for March 1, 2012. Representatives of the opposite side did not come to court. My complaint was considered by the same judge. She was connected by telephone with an Uzbek translator and left her previous decision unchanged.

On February 28, 2012, all my belongings were evicted from the rented apartment and sealed. I left Boise on March 2, 2012. For comparison, one fact: I arrived from Almaty (Kazakhstan) to the city of Boise with two suitcases of books and things. I left Boise by plane on March 2, 2012 with two suitcases of things, books and a box of a computer.

PARAGRAPH 64. So, on January 5, 2012, I was illegally fired from my job for the third time. On February 23, 2012, the judge issued a decision to evict me from the apartment. On February 28, 2012, all my things were taken out of the rented apartment and sealed. On March 2, 2012, I left Boise for the city of Washington. In August 2012, I received an email from the leadership of the Idaho Human Rights Commission stating that there was no violation of the law in the actions of Ms. Mardi Kline-Barr and I have the right to file a lawsuit in court. I was 3,800 kilometers away from the city of Boise, how could I file a lawsuit in the Boise court?

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