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Понедельник, 01 Апреля 2024 г. 19:02 + в цитатник


PARAGRAPH 301. I don’t like to conflict with people, including my manager. Therefore, next Sunday - August 6, 2023, I did not photograph any vendors at the market, including Spring Vallet workers.

I continued to distribute copies of my “Message to Readers” to every customer at Eastern Market on August 5 (Saturday) and Dupont Circle on August 6 (Sunday) 2023.

On August 6 at 1:20 p.m. Mr. Thomas Coleman came to see me. He started talking about taking photographs everywhere in the market. The phone is on in his hand, saying something. I said: “If I or my customer are photographed, then I sometimes photograph that person.” He said: “If you are being photographed, you will tell me.”

A young woman came. He said she was a supervisor. Mr. Thomas Coleman continued to say something else. I don't understand spoken language well. So, I took paper and a pen from my purse and said, “Please write.” He refused to take the paper and continued talking. I took out my phone and wanted to videotape his speech so that I could understand it later. The supervisor left. He moved to the left, called somewhere and began to consult with someone.

Mr. Thomas Coleman soon returned and asked my first and last name. I once again provided paper and pen and said: “My name is Shuhratjon. I don't understand spoken language well. Please, write". The phone was on in his hand, he was saying something and started filming me. I also turned on my phone and started filming him and his speech on my phone. Then he moved to the right and began talking to someone on the phone. I took my badge out of my bag and showed it to him. He took a photo of my badge with his phone. I returned to my place. By this time, the market's working hours had ended, and all the sellers began to pack their things and products. I also collected my things and dragged them aside.

Mr. Thomas Coleman and a policeman arrived. In the policeman's hand was a piece of paper "Barring Notice", see photo 62. He started asking questions: “What is your weight...” I said, “I don’t know what Mr. Thomas Coleman is accusing me of? I have to read it.” At that moment the policeman asked Mr. Thomas Coleman something. He answered in the sense: “There is a video.” I have a question: when did they have time to prepare the video? Apparently, Mr. Thomas Coleman and the FBI agent behind him and people associated with them prepared the video in advance.

After manager Thomas Coleman responded, the policeman gave it and I read it. I rewrote the line "Reason for Issuing Barring Notice".

That's the accusation.

«Continued targeted harassment of workers of the Farmers market, unwanted photos of women and minors.»

160490636_BESHyil1 (547x700, 147Kb)
Photo 64. "Barring Notice" prepared by Mr. Thomas Coleman.

PARAGRAPH 302. At the beginning of the “Notice of Prohibition” page the following is written.


The below named person was found on the premises owned, occupied or managed by _Fresh Farm . This same person is hereby warned to stay off the property and grounds there of known as _________________ at (address) 20th/Q St NW and (if applicable, other property owned/occupied/managed by same) 1500 Block of 20th St at ________________________ (address) _________________________ . There is no exception to this notice. Failure to heed this warning shall result in the prosecution for Unlawful under D.C. Code 22-3302.

Name of Barred Individual (Last, First, Middle: __Ahmadjonov, Shuhratjon__”

I rewrote the line of accusation and returning the sheet to the policeman I said: “This is discrimination. Please give me a copy of this document."

The policeman said: “There is no copy of the document.” I wrote down the policeman's name and badge number: E. Naughton. Badge 5033.

I said, “Please write down these charges on a blank form and give them to me.” The manager, Mr. Thomas Coleman, refused to rewrite. Then police officer E. Naughton copied it on a blank form, got Mr. Thomas Coleman's signature and gave it to me.

I said, “I want to write on the document the words: THIS IS DISCRIMINATION.” The manager, Mr. Thomas Coleman, refused to give me a Barring Notice sheet and quickly left.

Please note: the Barring Notice document does not provide a line for writing the opinion of the accused, in this case my opinion. This “Barring Notice” is designed and used to crack down on unemployed and homeless residents of the United States, including residents of the District of Columbia metropolitan area.

PARAGRAPH 303. I will briefly answer the accusations. What does it mean: “Ongoing targeted harassment of Farmers Market workers.” I did not take photographs of Farmers' Market employees on August 6, 2023, following a written request dated July 30, 2023 from the manager, Mr. Thomas Coleman. Thus, there is no reason to write about “Ongoing,” much less about “targeted persecution.” This is simply slander against me for the purpose of discrimination.

Now about the accusation of “unusual photos of women and minors.” The question arises: what does Mr. Thomas Coleman mean by “undesirable photographs”? I was selling in the middle of a public market where it was very crowded. How can you take “unwanted photos” here? Especially minors?

I can think of three reasons why I am not interested in unusual photographs of women and minors. Firstly, I studied at the university for five years, I have a diploma, and I am a teacher by profession. Secondly, I am 70 years old and a person of retirement age. Thirdly, I am a Muslim and have no interest in photographs of minors at all.

In short, the accusations of July 30 and August 6 are slander and a pre-planned PROVOCATION with the purpose of discrimination and to prohibit me from selling the newspaper in the Dupont Circle market. Provocation is one of the main methods of work of agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). So, FBI agents and people associated with them are behind these organized provocations.

Important point: if the manager Thomas Coleman had any comments regarding "objectionable photographs of women and minors", then he should have explained in writing, as I asked on paper, and warned me the first time. He and the officials behind them immediately issued me a “Barring Notice”, valid for 5 years. This fact also proves that provocation and discrimination were carried out purposefully against me.

It is appropriate to say: I have been targeted for 25 thefts and four robberies of my bags and belongings in the District of Columbia since November 2012. Three laptops, three expensive phones and my other journalistic paraphernalia were stolen. I called the police many times and they did not open a criminal case. Several thefts were organized during the sale of the Street Sense newspaper. Therefore, I try to prevent theft, and sometimes I photograph a suspicious person standing for a long time near my things. If anyone has any more questions about a specific photo, I will answer specifically.

PARAGRAPH 304. About photographing. I have been selling the Street Sense newspaper at Dupont Circle Market since November 2012, more than ten years. I have been photographing since 1964, that is, 59 years. I have been a human rights activist since 1974 and a freelance journalist since 2004. For these reasons, and as an ordinary resident of the United States, I photographed a lot in the District of Columbia, including at the Dupont Circle market. But there was no problem taking photographs.

I started distributing my “Appeal to Readers” to customers on July 30, 2023, on the same day they accused me of photographing sellers and “asked me to refuse to photograph them,” and on August 6, they accused me of “Continuing the targeted harassment of Farmers’ Market workers, unusual photos of women and minors" and banned me from Dupont Circle Market for five years.

It is worth reminding: “Photos and videos of things that are clearly visible in public places are a constitutional right, including vehicles, the exterior of federal buildings, and police and other government officials in the performance of their duties.” (If Stopped for Photographing in Public | ACLU of DC (acludc.org) (www.acludc.org/en/know-your-rights/if-stopped-photographing-public)

PARAGRAPH 305. A characteristic moment: someone sent four photographs taken by me on August 6, 2023 to my email. In my opinion, this was done by an FBI agent and people associated with them during a night drug interrogation of me in those days.

PARAGRAPH 306. I submitted a complaint in English to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on August 31, 2023. At the end of the complaint, I wrote the following.

“More than ten thousand residents and visitors come to Dupont Market, including more than one hundred DC snitch and informer. Quite a lot of them are photographed and filmed. They don't take any notice. After all, the Dupont Circle Market is a public place and photography is not prohibited in such places. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, I may witness some kind of violation, such as theft. My photo can be valuable evidence in solving a crime.

I believe that manager Mr. Thomas Coleman and police officer E. Naughton grossly violated the First Amendment of the US Constitution on freedom of speech and unreasonably placed a ban on my place of work. The First Amendment of the US Constitution says:

"Amendment I (1791) Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (U.S. Senate: Constitution of the United States )

The First Amendment to the US Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. It ensures that the US Congress, as well as officials at various levels, will not:
- To support any religion, or to establish the state religion.
- Prohibit free religion.
- Infringe on freedom of speech.
- Encroach on the freedom of the press.
- Restrict freedom of assembly.
- Restrict the right of the people to petition the Government for the satisfaction of complaints.

I am Uzbek, refugee, Muslim, human rights activist, independent journalist, homeless and unemployed. I am sure it is for these reasons that Manager Mr. Thomas Coleman, Police Officer E. Naughton, and the officials behind them committed a gross violation of the First Amendment of the US Constitution on free speech and discrimination against me.

I turned 70 in January 2024. They don't pay me a pension. My only source of income was from selling newspapers in the market. The manager, Mr. Thomas Coleman, and the police officer, E. Naughton, and the officials behind them, banned me from the market for five years. Thus, they deprived me of the opportunity to earn money for food and minimal expenses for everyday life.

Please help me lift the illegal ban and allow me to continue selling Street Sense at my location in the Dupont Circle Market. I waiting for your reply."

PARAGRAPH 307. On October 4, 2023, I received the first response letter in Russian dated September 19, 2023 from Ms. Elaine Stamp, Paralegal and Admissions Manager at the Washington, D.C., Office of the ACLU (see below).

“ACLU 915 15th St. NW 2nd Floor
District of Columbia acludc.org

September 18, 2023

Уважаемый Шухратжон Ахмаджонов!

Мы пишем, чтобы ответить на ваше письмо с просьбой о юридической помощи. Национальный офис ACLU получил ваше письмо и отправил его в наш офис (ACLU округа Колумбия), поскольку ваша ситуация произошла в Вашингтоне, округа Колумбия.

Ваш запрос о помощи мы обсудим на заседании нашей кафедры 4 октября. После этого я свяжусь с вами в зависимости от результатов этого обсуждения.

Чтобы мы могли общаться быстрее, чем это позволяет обычная почта, есть ли у вас адрес электронной почты, который мы можем использовать?

Благодарим Вас за письмо и с нетерпением ждем возможности связаться с нами.


Элейн Стэмп

Помощник юриста и менеджер по приему»


MY TRANSLATION USING THE PROGRAM www.translate.google.com

"Dear Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov!

We are writing to respond to your letter requesting legal assistance. The ACLU National Office received your letter and forwarded it to our office (ACLU of DC) since your situation occurred in Washington, DC.

We will discuss your request for help at our department meeting on October 4. I will then contact you based on the outcome of this discussion.

To help us communicate faster than regular mail allows, do you have an email address we can use?

Thank you for your letter and we look forward to contacting you.


Elaine Stamp
Legal Assistant and Admissions Manager"

PARAGRAPH 308. On January 31, 2024, I received a second response letter in English dated December 19, 2023 (see below).

«ACLU 915 15th St. NW 2nd Floor
District of Columbia acludc.org

Dear Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov:

We are writing to follow up on the request for legal help you sent to us about the barring notice at the Dupont Circle Farmers Market. This letter is to follow up on our earlier correspondence about investigating your request for legal help.

We are interested in contacting you via phone call, but were not able to find a phone number in the letter or materials you sent earlier. Could you please respond to this letter and provide a phone number we can use to reach you?

To respond to us, you have two options. We are free to call our Senior Paralegal Elaine Stamp and leave a message at 202 890 7988. Or, you can send a letter containing your phone number to the address below:

ACLU of DC – Intake
ATTN: Elaine Stamp
529 14th Street, NW, Suite 722
Washington, DC 20045

Many thanks for reading and we look forward to hearing back.

ACLU of DC Intake Staff»

PARAGRAPH 309. I sent a response letter on February 22, 2024. I am writing below based on my response letter.

"I was waiting for a response letter as a human rights activist. You work as a human rights activist for the only federal human rights organization in the United States, the American Civil Liberties Union.

I am a refugee from Uzbekistan and have little knowledge of US laws. As a human rights activist for the American Civil Liberties Union, you should be familiar with US laws.

I was waiting for an answer from you, a human rights activist, to the following questions.

1. Did I break any US law in the August 6, 2023 incident? Please write the full name of the law and article number.

2. If he violated, then exactly which article of which US law? Please write the full name of the law and article number.

3. If I violated, how appropriate is the punishment in the form of a five-year ban on my work at the Dupont Circle market? Please write the full name of the law and article number.

4. What is the deadline for filing a claim in court in the August 6, 2023 incident? Please write the full name of the law and article number.

The second letter did not include the sender's first and last name. There is also no signature of the author of the letter in both letters.

In your letter you ask me to write my phone number. I am 70 years old and I am a refugee. I understand little spoken English, especially with human rights and legal terms. That's why I didn't write my phone number, and it's important for me to get a written response from you.

I wrote my three emails at the end of my August 31, 2023 letter as follows: “P.S.1. Please, I need to meet with you and discuss this problem. My emails for communication: havassh54@gmail.com , maqsadsh54@gmail.com , jiz54@mail.ru " Apparently you did not carefully read my letter to the end. Otherwise, you could send a reply email to my three emails.

You wrote in a letter dated September 19, 2023 that a discussion of my complaint would take place on October 4 at the ACLU of DC office. You wrote nothing about the results of this discussion in your letter dated December 19, 2023."

PARAGRAPH 310. I further wrote the following in my response letter dated February 22, 2024.

"I believe the main reason for my five-year ban from Dupont Circle Market is discrimination. Here I will give additional facts.

Since 2012, FBI agents and people associated with them have been sending vendor provocateurs to where I sell the newspaper. They staged provocations against me repeatedly and in those years, they managed to ban me from selling the newspaper several times for two weeks. I wrote a response in English about their provocation in those years and attached photographs, which I gave to the management of Street Sense.

And in 2022-2023, they sent vendor provocateurs many times to drive me out of the Dupont Circle market. They sold the Street Sense newspaper near me. Their plan was simple: if I quarreled with these provocateurs, they would prohibit both me and him from selling the newspaper on the market for many years. I warned them first, understanding that this was a provocation. None of them left. So I took pictures of them with my camera and phone. The next week, when I went to the Street Sense newspaper office to buy a newspaper, I showed the photo and told the manager (Director of vendor employment Thomas Ratliff): “This vendor violated the law on newspaper vendors and provoked in the Dupont Circle market.” None of them were punished. After one or two weeks they sent another vendor provocateur.

I wrote about this in an article in Russian and English on August 22, 2023 (see [127] and [128])"

In 2022, I photographed vendor provocateurs with my Canon camera. I printed two photographs based on five episodes, that is, a total of 11 photographs of six vendor provocateurs in my article in Uzbek on November 8, 2023 (see [129]) and in a letter dated February 22, 2024. I have printed seven photographs below, six of them are photographs of vendor provocateurs, and dated each of them.

SURAT1 (698x393, 115Kb)
Photo 65. I was here selling the Street Sense newspaper at Dupont Circle Market from the second half of 2022 to August 6, 2023. I wrapped blue cellophane around my black bag and two-wheeled cart.

SURAT2 (393x699, 84Kb)
Photo 66. Vendor provocateur. July 24, 2022.

SURAT4 (393x699, 129Kb)
Photo 67. Vendor provocateur. July 24, 2022.

SURAT6 (393x699, 76Kb)
Photo 68. Vendor provocateur. August 21, 2022.

SURAT7 (700x700, 176Kb)
Photo 69. Vendor provocateur. October 6, 2022.

SURAT9 (700x700, 191Kb)
Photo 70. Vendor provocateur. November 13, 2022.

SURAT11 (700x700, 131Kb)
Photo 71. Vendor provocateur. November 27, 2022.

Рубрики:  ENGLISH


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