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Создан: 06.02.2012
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Понедельник, 01 Апреля 2024 г. 17:13 + в цитатник



ПАРАГРАФ 272. Агенты Федерального бюро расследований (ФБР) США и с ними связанные люди старались сделать так, чтобы я заболел различными болезнями. Я напишу о трех из них. Им удалось заразить меня грибками моих ногтей ног в шелтере в 2014 году. По моему, они это сделали во время ночных нарко допросах путем контакта с больным человеком или через полотенца, посуду и других вещей больного человека. Такой контакт сопровождают нанесением небольшой раны в коже пальцев ног.

Эта грибковая болезнь называют микоз стоп и относится к разделу медицины называемая Подиатрия.

“Foot mycosis is a disease caused by pathogenic fungi that get on the skin of the feet, penetrate into its thickness, and begin to multiply, feeding on the protein keratin. One of the first symptoms of mycosis of the feet are: itching and burning between the toes. The intensity of itching and soreness of the burning sensation can be different - from slight to severe. Visually, dryness, peeling, keratinization and cracks on the skin of the feet can be detected, while conventional moisturizers and emollients will not help.
Nails change their normal color, become thick, brittle and may crumble. An unpleasant odor appears that was not there before.” [116]

“Q: How dangerous is fungal nail disease? Answer: “From the press conference of Olga Afanasyeva, chief physician of the city of Washington and the region: “Nail fungus penetrates the blood and internal organs, starting the process of sepsis and destroying the body. Mortality from nail fungus in Russia is one of the highest in the world. Not a single infected person lives longer than 10-14 years. [117]

In 2015, I read on websites about this disease and recommendations. I started washing my feet often and changing my socks often. I also often washed my feet with tea soda.

ПАРАГРАФ 273. In November 2018, contacted Dr. Whitman-Walker Health at 1525, 14th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20009. Doctor prescribed medication and referred for consultation at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital (3800 Reservoir Rd NW, Washington, DC 20007). I was at the doctor's appointment on November 19, 2018. He gave me the Final Report document. I printed it in those days.

“MedStar Wound Healing at MGUH
3800 Reservor Road, NVV
1st Fir Bles Bdg
Washington, DC, 20007
Phone: (202) 444-9686

Ambulatory Clinical Summary
Visit Date: 11/19/2018
Scheduled Provider: Paul Kim, DPM

* Final Report *

Visit Date: 11/19/2018

Instructions From Your Provider

Today you were seen and evaluated by. Dr. Kim and Dr. Walters, who were assisted by Christie, RN.
You can finish your course of Lamist, which is an oral anti-fungal.

We use Vitamin A&D lotion to moisturize, which is simlar to Vaseline, but also typically recommend CeraVe, Aquaphor, or Cetaphil creams.

Please try to shower once a day.
Please try to change your socks every day.

Please use deodorant / antiperspirant spray to the bottom of your feet and use Lysol spray (like the cleaning kind) in your shoes. You can do this every morning.

Please talk with your primary care provider regarding finding a place to live.
Weight-bearing: as tolerated in your boots.

Follow up as needed.
To confirm, change, or cancel your appointment, call 202-295-0551.
Please call 202-444-6161 with any clinical questions or concerns»

PARAGRAPH 274. The FBI agents and the people associated with them continued to attempt harm. In one of the nightly drug interrogations, they tried to put fungi under the nails in the big toe of the left foot. In the morning I got up and I see: a white coating appeared in the thumb between the nails and the finger. I washed it, and after one or two days, this plaque disappeared. No longer appeared in the toenails.

After finishing and sending this application-complaint, I will treat my legs.


PARAGRAPH 275. In 2020-2021, I changed the hostel every 14 days, that is, the place to stay overnight. In early 2021, I spent two nights for 14 days at Dc International Hostel 2 at 1418 9th St NW, Washington, DC 20001. The attendant gave me a place in a four-bed room. This room was located on the first floor, the first room on the left side. A strong man, about 30 years old, 175 cm tall, constantly spent the night there. The room was without windows. The air conditioner usually worked. In the future, this provocateur turned off the air conditioner.

PARAGRAPH 276. About 25 different computer cords hung over the bed of this provocateur. He often worked on two laptops. In my opinion, he was also involved in determining the code of stolen and robbed laptops (see paragraph 239).

PARAGRAPH 277. In July 2021, I got up in the morning and see my shins, both legs are very blackened. In my opinion, the FBI agent and people associated with them, with the participation of this provocateur, treated my shins with a strong hot electric stove at night during a drug interrogation until blackened.

The reason was this: I wrote in paragraph 271 that in 2014 an FBI agent and people associated with them made a fungal disease of my feet. I thought that the sun's rays would help kill the fungus in my feet. For this purpose, in the summer of 2015, I took off my shoes, socks, lifted the end of my trousers and opened my shins. Then I walked barefoot on the sidewalk of Farragat Square for 8-10 minutes. An FBI agent, with the help of informers, filmed this episode as well. And now six years have passed and they organize the blackening of both my lower legs.


PARAGRAPH 278. U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents and people associated with them began testing a new cyberweapon against me in November 2012 and have continued to this day, January 2023. I have taken a close look at these and other newer ways of harassing FBI agents and people associated with them against dissidents, including myself. I studied quite well during 2012-2019 and in September-October 2019 I wrote a large article “New cyberweapons are being tested in Washington” (see [42]). I also wrote about this article in paragraph 101 of this Complaint Statement.

PARAGRAPH 279. The agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation continued their brutal ordeal on me. They achieved another result on August 29, 2022: there was a sharp pain in my right hip (leg). They created this pain artificially. I couldn't stand on my feet for four hours. I called an ambulance on 911.

On August 30, 2022, I visited the attending doctor, Ms. Tanuja Devaraj, at Whitman-Walker Health. I had an appointment for August 31, 2022.

On August 31st Dr. Mrs. Tanuja Devaraj listened to me and examined my thigh. She referred for X-rays at the Radiology Center (2141 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20037). She scheduled another appointment for September 7, 2022.

I took x-rays on September 6, 2022 at the Radiology Center. On September 6, I wrote a five-page Appeal in Russian addressed to Mrs. Tanuja Devaraj, where I gave explanations about what had happened. The appeal was translated into English and handed over to her on September 7, 2022. I asked for this Appeal to be added to my medical file. I asked for a diagnosis. She said, “The X-rays have not yet been sent from the Radiology Center. After receiving the x-ray, I will write you a diagnosis.” The next appointment was scheduled for December 20, 2022.

PARAGRAPH 280. On September 9, 2022, I expanded the Message to six pages with additional important facts, and this version was transmitted to Dr. Tanuja Devaraj through the nurse, Ms. Michelle Lee. Below is the text of the appeal.

“Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov (Uzbek, born in 1954)
Mailing address:
216 Tulip Dr.,
Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20877
E-mail: havassh54@gmail.com , jiz54@mail.ru

Tanuja Devaraj, MD
Whitman Walker Health
1525 14th Street NW
Washington DC 20009

September 6-9, 2022

Dear Ms. Tanuja Devaraj,

I have been a vendor and have been selling the Street Sense newspaper since October 2012. On August 27 (Saturday), 2022, I was selling a newspaper on the corner of North Carolina and 7th Street SE near the Estern Market. Suddenly there was pain in the right thigh. I usually sell the newspaper while sitting on a round stool. The pain disappeared when sitting. So he worked for several hours and went home. There was pain in the hip, but tolerable.

On the morning of August 29 (Monday), 2022, I was selling a newspaper on the sidewalk of 7th Street SE near 327. Suddenly the pain in my right hip started and started to get worse. By 2:00 pm, due to severe pain, I could not stand and walk. I sat down and hoped the pain would subside. Four hours passed, and the pain did not subside. At my request, the American called 911 and called for an ambulance.

An ambulance took me to Georgetown Hospital (MedStar Georgetown University Hospital: 3800 Reservoir Road NW, Washington, DC 20007). I was served by Dr. Andrew Cottrill and Glesser. One employee checked the integrity of the bones of my thigh in the equipment. Everything was fine there. I was given the same two pills to reduce pain. They also gave me a cane (and copies of documents about the work done in the hospital. A.Sh. 11/21/2022)

The last bus has left. I spent the night in the hospital sitting in a hospital wheelchair. My hip hurt a lot. On the morning of August 30, I took a taxi from the hospital to Whitman-Walker Health (1525 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009).

On the evening of August 30, they organized the theft of my X-ray documents (copies of the documents issued to me in the hospital, A.Sh. 11/21/2022). I have been sleeping in a three-story hostel on the third floor since the summer of 2020 (DC International Hostel 2. 1418 9th Street NW, Washington, D.C., DC 20001). I returned to the hostel in a taxi on the evening of August 30th. The right leg hurt badly. I myself could not lift the bag and cart to the third floor. The two men decided to help. I agreed. But I couldn't control it. They quickly climbed to the third floor. I got up slowly with a bad leg. At one point, one of them opened his bag and took out x-ray documents. This is the TWENTIETH THEFT of my belongings and documents since November 2012. Yes, I left the hostel on September 6, 2022 (since due to travel to medical facilities and frequent taxi fares, I was deprived of the ability to pay for the cost of an overnight stay in a hostel in the amount of more than $40 daily, A.Sh. 11/21/2022).

I am sure that the cause of the pain in my legs is external harmful interference in my soul. That is, a painful effect on my thigh (leg) was made through my soul.

I believe one of the connection of the soul to the body is through a bundle of nerves in the thigh (leg). Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the people associated with them broke the normal contact of the nerves in the hip and soul with the help of soul waves. Therefore, a very painful sensation occurs without noticeable bodily injury. Also, x-rays will not give an answer about the cause of the pain.

With the help of soul waves, the inner contact of the soul and body of an individual or a group of people can be damaged. If the normal internal contact of the soul and body is disturbed, a person develops severe pain in this part of the body. In my case, they reached a violation of the internal contact of the soul and thigh (leg).

From January 2010 to November 2012, FBI agents and people associated with them and employees of the National Security Service of Uzbekistan tried almost all possible methods of persecution and provocation in Boise and Washington in order to break me. They organized 19 thefts against me and 4 robberies of my things from November 2012 to October 2019. But they didn't succeed. I suppose that's when, in November 2012, at a fairly high level, they allowed me to use a new cyberweapon against me. This weapon is based on the impact on the soul of a person and thus trying to achieve the desired results in the management of this person, and in the future - large groups of people, including military enemy states.

I later realized that the informers often dialed the codes of new soul waves in a row and thereby wanted to determine exactly which wave affects me. At the same time, several informers dialed codes in sequence, and at the same time, two or three informers from both sides filmed me on video. It was with the help of the video that they could later determine at what minute it affected me. The leaders compared and determined at that moment which of the waves was directed in my direction. For the first time, a certain small range of influence was determined. And the next time they start with this small range and determine the wave code exactly. The defined code is then frequently used by various snitchers and inspectors. This is how the code of the influencing wave is determined step by step.

As noted above, I sell a newspaper on the 7th Street sidewalk in front of 327 near the Estern Market. Cars stop at the edge of the street and some drivers spend hours dialing a code on their phone-like machine. They usually don't pay for parking so they don't get fixed. They also spend hours dialing codes that sit in the nearest cafe. One of the centers of informers is located nearby, they often go there and consult.

The test to use a new cyberweapon against me began in November 2012 and continues to this day - September 2022. I have carefully studied these and other new methods of persecution of US intelligence agencies against dissidents, including me. After studying for seven years quite well, he wrote a large article “New cyberweapons are being tested in Washington” and published on websites in September-October 2019 (see [42]).

In article [42], I listed the achievements of FBI agents and people associated with them from 2013 to 2019 as a result of the use of emotional waves against me. I will write the titles of the paragraphs from the article [42]:
"14. 2013-2014: First results.
15. 2015: Sleep deprivation attempts.
16. 2015: First major impact on me.
17. 2016-2019: Harmful influence during mental work.
18. 2019: Cough and sneeze.” [42]

I will write further explanations in paragraphs based on the article [42].

PARAGRAPH 280.1. It is known that the Lord God created man from the body and soul. Throughout a person's life, it is the soul that controls. The soul comes into the body of babies in the womb. This spirit then grows with the body of that child until death.

“The weight of the “subtle substance” (soul) was received in 1990 by the researcher Lyell Watson from New York University. In his experiments, the dead became lighter by 2.5 - 6.5 grams. And almost the same results were obtained by Dr. Eugenius Kugis from the Institute of Semiconductors of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences in 2006. He found that at the time of death a person loses from 3 to 7 grams” [118]

PARAGRAPH 280.2. The Lord God distributed human activity during the day into two parts: a person is awake for approximately 2/3 of the day and regulates his activity with the help of the spirit in his body. Then, approximately 1/3 of the day, the soul of each person rests. At the same time, most of the soul leaves the human body and rests in heaven. When the spirit is about to leave the body, that person begins to sleep.

The soul in the body leaves a minimal part of the soul to maintain the life of this body in a state of sleep. The spirit itself rises high above the sleeping body. But the spirit has a constant connection through a very thin, especially luminous thread, which is called the “silver thread”. At the first need, for example, if someone is a sleeping person, the soul quickly returns to the body of that person.

“It has long been known that a decrease in body weight is recorded during sleep. In an experiment by Swiss scientists, 23 volunteers lay down on ultra-sensitive scale beds and fell asleep. At the moment when a person crossed the line between reality and sleep, he lost 4 to 6 grams in weight.” [118]

PARAGRAPH 280.3. In the technical field, there are long and short waves (LW and HF), with the help of which radio equipment, including radio, work. There are also ultrashort waves (VHF), with the help of which television equipment, including televisions, work. Our civilization has learned how to contactless at a distance to influence an object, say, equipment, for example, using a remote control during turning on, off, transferring TV channels. Radio waves and ultrashort waves help us with this.

In the same way, you can influence the soul of a person. But the human soul is controlled by fundamentally different waves. As far as I know, these waves have not yet been named and a definite name has not been accepted internationally. Therefore, we will conditionally call them SOUL WAVES.

Now I can simply explain the principle of operation of the new cyberweapon. With the help of the soul waves of the new cyberweapon, they want to partially expel the spirit of a certain person and thereby make him sleep, or at least doze off. Also, with the help of soul waves, the internal contact of the soul and body of an individual or a group of people can be damaged. If the normal internal contact of the soul and body is disturbed, a person develops severe pain in this part of the body. In my case, they reached a violation of the internal contact of the soul and thigh (leg).

PARAGRAPH 280.4. The leadership and specialists of the FBI and the Pentagon, based on many years of using powdered, airy and evaporating sleeping pills against citizens, guessed that it was possible to develop a new cyberweapon that would generate or transmit special soul waves and would put groups of people to sleep at a distance, including soldiers of enemy states.

US scientists and specialists developing this type of weapon did not know how to emit the necessary soul waves in order to achieve lulling or harming an individual. They decided to determine this by trial and error. Given the wide range of testing of various waves, the leadership of the special services with the relevant interested military decided to conduct a test among some US residents.

After the start of large-scale tests, it would become known to a certain circle of Americans, and in the future - to foreigners. Then some of the authorities could be punished for publishing the secret developments of a new cyberweapon. To protect against this accusation, the leadership of the Pentagon and the US intelligence agencies decided to pre-publish 87 pages of general information about new weapons being developed at the Pentagon. This is how the Pentagon's secret list of weapons was published in 2011 in the form of the "(U) Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Reference Book" (Reference of Non-Lethal Weapons) (see [119].

PARAGRAPH 280.5. The question arises: who participated in a large-scale experiment on the use of cyber weapons among US residents? The FBI and the police used snitchs and informers in this case. Every snitch and informant walks around with a backpack. The first phone is installed inside the backpack, and the second is in the informer's hand. A backpack phone is directed at a certain citizen, and at this time the informer is standing with its back to this citizen. Therefore, the citizen does not suspect that the informer is filming him on the phone. The informer controls the backpack with the second phone, that is, directs the backpack phone to the citizen and takes pictures or video pictures at the right time. The main convenience is that with the help of a backpack phone, you can freely take photos and videos while a citizen is moving, and the frames are high-quality, clear and accurate.

PARAGRAPH 280.6. Snitches and whistleblowers also constantly typed something in their telephone-like devices pretending to type text and send SMS (Short Message Service). Sometimes the snitch actually sent SMS to his boss and consulted. Often the head of this group of informers sat nearby in cars and in response sent another order in the form of SMS. This method of covert contact between the informer and the leader was very convenient for the higher authorities. In this case, higher authorities usually have the opportunity to control their communication. Also, if necessary, the team leader can contact the higher authorities and report on the situation and consult.

I later realized that the informers often dialed the codes of new soul waves in a row and thereby wanted to determine exactly which wave affects me. At the same time, several informers dialed codes in sequence, and at the same time, two or three informers from both sides filmed me on video. It was with the help of the video that they could later determine at what minute it affected me. The leaders compared and determined at that moment which of the waves was directed in my direction. For the first time, a certain small range of influence was determined. And the next time they start with this small range and determine the wave code exactly. The defined code is then frequently used by various snitchers and inspectors. This is how the code of the influencing wave is determined step by step.

PARAGRAPH 280.7. If you doubt the existence of the human soul and even the souls of dead people, I recommend watching the TV show America's Psychic Challenge ([120]). The show premiered on October 12, 2007 on the Lifetime Television Network. The first season of Ukraine's "Battle of Psychics" aired on October 28, 2007 ([121]). They have been watched by millions of citizens for over 14 years.

PARAGRAPH 280.8. It is appropriate to invite strong and experienced psychics for advice and assistance in solving this crime. After all, violations of my health are caused with the help of spiritual waves, that is, the soul. They can help to find the source of harmful soul waves and some of the participants in the crime.

PARAGRAPH 280.9. Some important facts. I arrived on August 30, 2022 at Whitman-Walker Health and booked an appointment with you for August 31. The hip hurt a lot. I couldn't stand up. I moved around sitting on a round stool and rearranged my legs and my bags. So he stopped a taxi. The driver loaded my bags into the trunk. I barely got into the back seat.

We arrived at Whole Foods Market (4420 Willard Ave, Chevy Chase, MD 20815). The pain in my hip subsided and I walked into the store with my feet, leaning on a cane.

I took x-rays on September 6, 2022 at the Radiology Center (2141 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20037). Inside the building, the pain in my hip decreased.

I sell the Street Sense newspaper on Saturdays near the Estern Market. Every Saturday there are many informers around me. They shoot a lot and dial codes. Some do it for hours. Apparently for this reason, at the end of the working day on September 3 (Saturday), that is, by 15 o’clock my hip hurt very much. I couldn't stand up. I moved around sitting on a round stool and rearranged my legs and my bags. So I came to the edge of Pennsilvaniya Avenue. I called a taxi and left for the hostel.

The same situation was on September 4 (Sunday) at Freshfarm Dupont Circle Market. I sell a newspaper there on Sundays. There are also a lot of informers and they type codes a lot. At the end of the working day, that is, by 13:30, my hip hurt very badly. I couldn't stand up. Before the bus stop, I moved around sitting on a round stool and rearranged my legs and my bags. Called a taxi and left. We arrived at Whole Foods Market (4420 Willard Ave, Chevy Chase, MD 20815). The pain in my hip subsided and I walked into the store with my feet, leaning on a cane.

PARAGRAPH 280.10. In September 2021, I started writing a big complaint to US President Mr. Joe Baidin and the leaders of international human rights organizations. I am writing there, based on the facts, my assumption that 19 thefts and 4 robberies were organized and carried out by agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and people associated with them.

I planned to write only about 19 thefts and 4 robberies organized by FBI agents and people associated with them. I completed the first version of the complaint on October 21, 2021, which consisted of 81 paragraphs. Then I decided to add relevant documents and photos about these robberies and thefts. During the writing of the second version of the complaint, the FBI agents and people associated with them intensified surveillance, harassment, poisoning, and so on. I realized: they can make me seriously ill. As a result, I have no other opportunity to write the following complaint about their other crimes. Therefore, I decided to add information and facts about the punitive psychiatry of the United States, and about their twenty-two types of crimes against me. This is on the one hand.

On the other hand, additional facts about punitive psychiatry and twenty-two types of crime better reveal and prove the participation of FBI agents and people associated with them in these unconstitutional and illegal crimes.

To this list of long crimes, I will add their next crime with the use of soul waves and inflicted pain in the thigh of my leg in September 2022.

PARAGRAPH 280.11. I am Muslim. It is obligatory for an ordinary Muslim to go to the mosque and pray to Allah (God) on Fridays and on Muslim holidays. Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States and people associated with them deprived me of the opportunity to pray normally. On September 2 and 9 I was not able to go to the mosque and pray. Tomorrow, September 16, I plan to go to the mosque for Friday prayers. Muslim scholars and imams allow praying while sitting on an armchair if the health of a Muslim does not allow. (September 15, 2022, I added this paragraph to 280.11 A.S.)

PARAGRAPH 280.12. So, the cause of the pain in my leg is external harmful interference in my soul. That is, a painful effect on my thigh (leg) was made through my soul. With the help of soul waves, the inner contact of the soul and body of an individual or a group of people can be damaged. If the normal internal contact of the soul and body is disturbed, a person develops severe pain in this part of the body. In my case, the FBI agents and people associated with them achieved a violation of the internal contact of the soul and hip (leg) and caused me pain and damage to my health.

Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights reads as follows.

“Article 7. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.” [35]

Based on this international law, it is appropriate to make a request to the leadership of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. There you can write the following: “Citizen of Uzbekistan Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov claims that without his consent he was subjected to night drug interrogations and various other experiments from 2010 to 2022. Question: Have such experiments been carried out? If so, what experiences and results?” (End Appeal)

PARAGRAPH 281. Knowing that intelligence agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, do not like publicity, I reproduced the text of this Address and began distributing Street Sense newspapers free of charge to my readers in the city of Washington in September 2022. As a result, from the end of September 2022, the harmful emotional waves stopped gaining and the pain in the thigh disappeared. I am currently walking normally. Perhaps they temporarily stopped using painful waves against me before Christmas and New Year holidays in the USA.

PARAGRAPH 282. On November 11, 2022, I wrote the following letter to Dr. Tanuja Devaraj.

“November 11, 2022

Dear Ms. Tanuja Devaraj,

They sent me the following four documents.
1. Invoice (DC Fire and Ems) requires payment of $1,075.00 (see Appendix 1).
2. Whitman-Walker Health requires $308.60 (see Attachment 2).
3. Medstar Health requires $410.00 (see Appendix 3).
4. Medstar Health is asking for $3,089.56 (see Appendix 4).

They require payment in the total amount of $4,882.16. I don't have that kind of money.

Let me remind you: I am a refugee from Uzbekistan and have been living in the USA since January 2010. I have been using Whitman-Walker Health since 2018. There was never any question of money. After my critical message to people about illegal tests and pain in my leg in September 2022, they are demanding payment of almost five thousand dollars. I believe that such cases against me continue to be organized by certain FBI agents and people associated with them.

I need to know how these requirements are justified and legal. Therefore, I have a few questions. Please give me a written answer to the following questions.

1. You are Dr. Tanuja Devaraj of Whitman-Walker Health interviewed me on August 31 and September 7, 2022. I asked for a diagnosis. On September 7th, Ms. Michelle Lee (Client Care Nurse) gave me the History of Present Illness and told me the following record of the diagnosis (see Appendix 5).

“History of Present Illness
*Narrative Note: 68 year old patient was here today to duscuss the process of getting onto the public benefits schedule. Patient was seen prior by Dr Devaraj and still awaiting results from Xraay. NCM and Ptient Discuss the wheelchair and the need for insurance first before the wheelchair can be ordered. Patient is to come into the clinic tomorrow to be seen by PBIN and if needed NCM Michelle Follow up.»

This is not a diagnosis. I wish to receive an answer about the diagnosis from you - Dr. Tanuja Devaraj and requested to meet with you. Ms. Michelle Lee (Client Relations Nurse) said that I have rights to see the doctor in December 2022. Thus, I still do not know the diagnosis of the disease. Please write the exact diagnosis of the disease.

2. I am a refugee and have been living in the US since January 2010. I am 68 years old. I have been unemployed since January 2012. Am I eligible for health insurance to pay for medical services?

3. If I am eligible for health insurance, what amount or types of care per year?

4. Please provide links to relevant US laws.

5. At the Whitman-Walker Health building, the insurance navigator asked me various questions about insurance and filled out some documents in mid-September 2022. She sent some documents on my behalf to some organization about my health insurance. I asked for copies of these documents. But they didn't give me. Please provide me with copies of these documents, as well as a copy of the response document that came from that organization.

I await your written response.”

PARAGRAPH 283. On December 21, 2022, Dr. Tanuja Devaraj gave me the following written response.

“Tanuja Devaraj, MD
1525 14th Street NW Washington, DC 20009
2301 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE, Washington, DC 20020


To Whom It May Concern:

Re: Ahmadjonov, Shuhratjon

This letter is in response to questions presented to us in clinic.

1. Tanuja Devaraj MD, have evaluated patient in Whitman-Walker Health clinic today. This letter is to confirm medical history of right leg pain. Patient with history of right leg pain and difficulty weight bearing, seen initially on 8/31/22. X-Ray obtained on 9/06/2022 with no abnormality. Pain resolved with time and supportive care when seen for follow up on 09/07/22. Etiology is likely musculoskeletal strain.

2. Bill from WWH from $308.60, will send a massage to Billing to set up a meeting to discuss billing, insurance status.

3. Will need to contact benefits department at Medstar Health to discuss billing.

4. Insurance department at WW will check into your insurance and help address.

If any furter questions, please contact us.



Tanuja Devaraj, MD
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Internal Medicine»

PARAGRAPH 284. On December 21, 2022 Tanuja Devaraj attached a response from Inrid L. Ott, MD, of the Washington Radiology Center.


MRN: 1178678 AGE: 68
DOS: 09/06/2022 OUTSIDE MRN:
DICTATED: 09/06/2022 12:58 PM


1525 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20005


Clinical history: Acute right leg pain. The patient denies trauma.

No previous examinations are available for comparison.

Plain films of the right hip demonstrate preservation of the normal bone mineraldensity. No osteolytic blastic lesions are seen. There is no evidence of fracture or disiolocation. The articular surfaces are preserved. The soft tissues are unremarkable.

IMPRESSION: Unremarkable plain films of the right hip.

Plain films of the right femur.

There is preservation of the normal bone mineral density. No osteolytic or blastic lesions are seen. There is suestion of lateral joint space narrowin involving the riht knee. No knee joint effusion is noted. The soft tissues are unremarkable.

IMPRESSION: Unremarkable plain films of the right femur.

This report was electronically signed by:



PARAGRAPH 285. Some of my preliminary conclusions.

Firstly, since August 31, 2022, I have contacted Dr. Tanuja Devaraj many times with a request to provide me with a diagnosis of the disease. She provided me with a diagnosis on December 21, 2022.

Secondly, Dr. Tanuja Devaraj did not provide any medical assistance. She called a taxi twice.

Third, I don't particularly understand the $3,089.56 payment requirement for Medstar Health. Where does this amount come from and for what services do I have to pay such a large amount?

Fourth, in my opinion, there is a criminal conspiracy of the MD and FBI agents to cover up years of illegal testing of a new cyber weapon against me and harm to my health.

It is appropriate to say that the FBI agents and people associated with them, with the help of informants, continue to persecute me and their inhuman experiment. They do it, as before, often in public transport, that is, in the subway and bus. In my opinion they are looking for a code for the left leg. Sometimes I feel a slight tingling sensation in my left thigh (leg). I felt such a slight tingling in my right leg for several days of severe pain on August 30, 2022.

If they manage to find the code of influence on the place of contact of my soul and body in the left thigh, then they will be able to direct harmful mental waves against me at any time and affect both my legs. Then I won't even be able to stand on my feet because of the severe pain. It's dangerous enough for me...

I will deal with these issues after completing and submitting this Statement of Complaint.

PARAGRAPH 286. I wrote in paragraph 280 the following.

“The test to use a new cyberweapon against me began in November 2012 and continues to this day - September 2022. I have carefully studied these and other new methods of persecution of US intelligence agencies against dissidents, including me. After studying well enough for seven years (2012-2019), I wrote a long article “New cyberweapons are being tested in Washington” and published on websites in September-October 2019 (see [42])”

I wrote important conclusions regarding the new cyberweapon in the last 19-paragraph of the article [42]. These conclusions are still relevant today and I will present them here.


286.1. It can be unequivocally said that there is the possibility of developing many different types of cyberweapons based on the defeat of the souls of people.

286.2. Varieties of such cyberweapons can be developed in various states. It is hard to imagine what will happen to Earth civilization if such cyberweapons are developed hundreds of types of large and small sizes. And then they start killing each other from a distance.

286.3. In the future, there is the possibility of developing such a new cyberweapon that will be able to hit groups of people from an airplane and from spacecraft flying into near-Earth orbit.

286.4. Let's take China as an example. China has the largest number of prisoners. The Chinese military and intelligence agencies, when developing and experimenting, they have quite a lot of opportunity to conduct a wide variety of experiments. China in its many thousands of years of history invented and applied a variety of products. For example, Chinese poisons are designed to be very diverse for different occasions.

286.5. The leaders of the Pentagon and the FBI should not hope for the secrecy of the new cyber weapon being developed. It is known that the atomic bomb was first developed in the United States with the participation of Great Britain, Germany and Canada in 1943-1945. The US has failed to keep such sophisticated nuclear weapons secret. Therefore, the US will not be able to keep secret a new cyberweapon that works a thousand times easier and smaller than an atomic weapon.

286.6. Such a small and simple cyberweapon is very convenient for terrorists. Over time, these cyberweapons may end up in the hands of terrorists. And the world may be on the verge of major upheavals.

286.7. The experiment being developed and carried out on the use of new cyber weapons in the United States is directed against the souls of dissenters and military enemy countries. The principle of life based on the soul is designed by the Lord God. The new cyberweapon is directed against the divine basis of the earthly life of mankind. These and similar cyberweapons based on the souls of people can bring balance to the globe and put the survival of mankind on the brink.

286.8. Given the great danger to the normal existence of humanity, the problem of new cyber weapons based against the souls of people should be discussed at the United Nations and a mechanism should be developed to prohibit the development of such weapons" [42]

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