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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 06.02.2012
Записей: 463
Комментариев: 9
Написано: 504


Понедельник, 01 Апреля 2024 г. 17:04 + в цитатник



PARAGRAPH 238. I wrote in paragraph 125 that on December 10, 2017, I rented a room in Arlington, Virginia through an ad in www.russiandc.com (address: 4114 4th Street North, #2. Arlington, Virginia 22203). After two or three days, strong men from her work frequented her.

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November every year in the United States. In 2017, it was November 23rd. The next day is Black Friday. It starts the traditional Christmas sales season with a discount of 10-20 to 50-60 percent. On November 24, I bought a new $80 warm boots from the Off Broadway Shoe Warehouse (6302 Seven Corners Center, Falls Church, Virginia 22044). I usually wear shoes in size 43-44. I buy boots one size larger so I can wear them with extra socks.

In mid-December, cold evenings set in. I put on my new boots. They press. An FBI agent and a person associated with them replaced my new boots with the same size 42-43 boots in a rented room.

I am dressing up as Santa Claus (see photo 59). Let me remind you: Santa Claus is a Christmas grandfather, identified with the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker, a Western European and North American magical character who gives gifts to children on Christmas. I buy toys and give them to children. Closer to Christmas I buy flowers and give them to my customers. Americans these days are generous, and all my expenses are paid off and I am left with a good income.

FOTetikdaMEN1 (393x699, 70Kb)
Photo 59. I am dressed as Santa Claus. Washington DC, Estern Market. December 5, 2020. Photo of the author.

I am very busy and have no time to go to the shoe store to buy new boots. By this time, all good shoes and other goods are sold out in stores. Usually expensive goods remain.

My toes hurt. I endured. In the United States, Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. I went to the shoe store after December 25, 2017. There were only expensive shoes left. I bought boots in size 46 for $170. In this case, the FBI agent caused me $170 in monetary damages and a lot of pain in my toes due to the small size of the boots.


PARAGRAPH 239. I started sleeping in hostels in Washington after the Covid-19 pandemic was declared in March 2020. Under US law, a person has the right to spend the night in a hostel for up to 14 days. Therefore, every 14 days I changed the place of spending the night. The first hostel was called Duo Nomad and had the address: 1010 Pennsylvania Ave S. E., Southeast, Washington, D.C., DC 20003.

Many hostels have small lockers for storing documents, a laptop and other things of the client for the night. In the hallway of the Duo Nomad Hostel, locker cells were installed. But such small nuts were welded as the ears of the lock that my little lock did not fit into the hole of the nuts. I asked the hostel staff a question. He offered a very small combination lock. I agreed. I put my phone, laptop and folders with papers inside the cell and closed it with this lock.

In the morning I got up, opened the cell and took out my things and had breakfast. I opened my laptop and started typing. I look, the key of the letters “G”, “H”, and “ ” (quotation marks) are not printed. An FBI agent opened my cell at night, took out a laptop and managed to block and disable these three keys on my laptop. Since those days, I’ve typed out each text in the following way: I store one of these letters in the laptop’s memory using the Ctrl and C keys, then using the Ctrl and V keys, I type it in the right place in the text.

The question arises: for what purpose did the FBI agent do such a dirty trick? Apparently, the FBI agents did not have time to translate my Uzbek and Russian texts into English with constant day-night monitoring of my laptop, and even more so to make provocative changes and additions to my text. Now they have such an opportunity and time while I am typing these three letters and signs into my text.


PARAGRAPH 240. I bought a new jumper pullover. I put it on after the chilly days started. A few days later, the pullover jumper was left in a rented hostel room. Another week or ten days passed, and I decided to wear a pullover jumper. I dress and from the side I see a torn place. An FBI agent or a person associated with him deliberately tore my beautiful jumper pullover. The peculiarity of a jumper pullover is that its torn place cannot be sewn up, that is, it is useless.


PARAGRAPH 241. I often use a stroller to transport my belongings, groceries, articles, and books printed on paper. The stroller makes it very easy for me to carry my things. An FBI agent or a person associated with him deliberately damaged the emphasis of the stroller. To do this, it was enough to kick the stroller two or three times.

FOTarava1 Photo 60. On the right is a red stroller with a broken stop. On the left is a new blue stroller. (I attached a black round stool to the back of the blue stroller.) (480x640, 58Kb)
Photo 60. On the right is a red stroller with a broken stop. On the left is a new blue stroller. (I attached a black round stool to the back of the blue stroller.)

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Photo 61. Red broken plastic stops are visible at the top right and left.


PARAGRAPH 242. In 2021, small pests appeared in my underwear (T-shirt, shorts) and started to bite. I called them lice here. In such cases, I urgently throw in the trash a T-shirt, panties, shirt, sometimes a breeches and trousers and put on new clothes. Ten to fifteen days passed, and again lice appeared in clothes and began to bite.

At first I thought that my clothes were given to some homeless person to put on and in this way they plant lice in my clothes. I once drew attention to an ownerless suitcase with four wheels, located in the corner of the closet. I have seen this suitcase since 2020. Nobody used. I guessed: once inside the suitcase they put some clothes of a homeless person with lice. An FBI agent or a person associated with him in my absence puts my clothes inside the suitcase for several hours or days. That's how lice get in my clothes and bite me.

In the summer of 2021, I took my suitcase, went down to the first floor and placed a hostel employee near the table. He was told that this suitcase was ownerless and asked him to remove it from our room. I returned to my 301 room on the third also. An employee of the hostel came for me, brought that suitcase and put it in its original place in the corner of the closet. He firmly said that the suitcase would be located here and in this place. But he did not explain whose this suitcase was and why it should be in our room? I think the suitcase belongs to an FBI agent or someone associated with him...


PARAGRAPH 243. I stayed overnight in a three-story hostel on the third floor in room 301 from summer 2020 to September 6, 2022 (DC International Hostel 2. 1418 9th Street NW, Washington, D.C., DC 20001). This room has four beds. Until April 23, 2021, an African-American man, about 45 years old, constantly slept in the room. He had about 30 different cables hung on his bed. He often sat on the floor and worked on two or three laptops at the same time.

He was often called and he passed on information about me. I have seen him often point his mobile phone or laptop in my direction for photography or videotaping.

It is known that every owner of a laptop closes it with a code. A few months passed and I guessed: he is engaged in determining the code and opening stolen and robbed laptops by trial and error. Laptops from different countries and companies have different cord jacks. Therefore, he had various cables in stock. I photographed his bed with 30 cables. Another time I photographed him working with three laptops. I installed these photos in the file in which I started writing this application-complaint. An FBI agent and a person associated with him deleted and destroyed these photos during nightly drug interrogations. Now I looked at the files in my laptop, camera and phone again. These pictures are gone.

So, an FBI agent and people associated with him transfer stolen and robbed laptops to such a full-time agent or freelancer. He is engaged in the identification of the code and opening of stolen and robbed laptops, along with surveillance and provocations against the tenants in the hostel room. Apparently he gets paid extra for each open laptop.

In another hostel, DC International Hostel 1 (1610 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20001), a strong man in his 30s, 175 cm tall, was doing this code detection and opening stolen and robbed laptops. He also had about 25 laptop cables hanging over his bed (see paragraphs 266-267).


PARAGRAPH 244. For more than thirteen years, FBI agents have been monitoring, blocking and sometimes destroying from my laptop memory, flash drives and from emails my letters, files, phone numbers and emails sent to me day and night. On my behalf, they send all sorts of provocative letters and messages to other compatriots.

I write many articles and books in Uzbek on the problems of Uzbekistan. The leadership and agents of the FBI work closely and act jointly with the employees of the Uzbek State Security Service (SSS). Until 2018, the Uzbek special service was called the National Security Service (SNB). The State Security Service of Uzbekistan is a similar intelligence service as the FBI.


PARAGRAPH 245. I knew that in order to get a good job in the face of the resistance of FBI agents, you need to learn English well. At the end of August 2012, I came to the Carlos Rosario school, where they teach English and have courses in various specialties. School address: 1100 Harvard St NW, Washington, DC 20009. A young woman from Ukraine worked at the school. She knew Ukrainian and Russian well. She said: “The places at the school are full. School will start in September. Some students do not come regularly to classes. Such people are expelled from school and the place will be vacated. You come in mid-September.”

I came in mid September. A young woman from Ukraine said: “The commission is checking the school. You come in mid-October. By that time, the commission will complete the check and include you in the list of students.” I realized that the commission began checking the school named after Carlos Rosario because of me. I am sure that the FBI leadership organized such a check in order to hang the sword of Damocles over the leaders of the school. In this way, they managed to freely include their provocateurs among the students and demand from teachers unquestioningly the fulfillment of their various legal and illegal requirements.

The Carlos Rosario School was attended by many Hispanic citizens of the United States. There, adult students were taught from 1 to 8 courses. Each course of study lasted 4-5 months. In October 2012, I was enrolled in the third year.

PARAGRAPH 246. I didn't limit myself to this school. I started attending an English class on Saturdays at another school in a neighboring state. This school was in a five-story building that was located on the corner of Leesburg Pike and Patrick Henry Drive, in the Falls Church area, Virginia. There I was enrolled in the fourth year. At the end of December 2012, I and other students successfully graduated. Teachers organized a solemn presentation of certificates (documents) on the completion of courses.

PARAGRAPH 247. The FBI agents tried to set the teacher of the Carlos Rosario School on me, humiliate me and thereby create a conflict situation. In November 2012, the teacher suggested that I go to the second year. I studied normally and without absenteeism. Apparently, she was ordered by one of the influential officials based on the insistence of an FBI agent. I didn't agree.

At the end of December 2012, after receiving a certificate of completion of the fourth year, I showed the teacher. She congratulated me. Apparently this made an impression on her and she told about it to those who insisted on transferring me to the second year. How can you insist on the transfer to the second year of a student who has a certificate of completion of the fourth year? So I completed my third year in December 2012 and received a third year certificate from the Carlos Rosario School in Washington.

PARAGRAPH 248. The Falls Church school closed in early 2013. I asked. They answered that they were sent deep into the state of Virginia. I went twice to the address they gave me. There was a church at that address. So the teachers of this school did not find. In my opinion, the FBI agents insisted that this school be closed. Perhaps they did not want me to continue studying there and receive certificates for the completion of the following courses. These are the quirks of American democracy in the execution of the leaders and agents of the FBI. Sometimes I look and see that agents of the US FBI have established order as in the dictatorial regime of Uzbekistan in 1991-2016, and they are cracking down on entire groups of Americans just like that ...

PARAGRAPH 249. Studying of the 4th and 5th years at the school named after C. Rosario also took place under conditions of persecution and provocation (see [114] and [115]). I have overcome them. Since September 2014, he began to study in programming courses at the C. Rosario school. In September, they continued the persecution and staged another provocation. I'm tired of such provocations. Therefore, I gave up further studies. I will write details about studying at two schools in a separate article.

5.18. PROVOCATIONS IN www.facebook.com

PARAGRAPH 250. I have listed in paragraph 172 the emails of 73 (!) FBI agents and people associated with them who logged into my computer via a web browser and illegally tracked my data in 2011.

FBI agents and associated people are downloading onto my laptop and mobile phone through a web browser and illegally tracking my data, destroying postings written as reviews of my articles, books and other writings. For example, in March 2021, I began writing and publishing the fourth edition of the book “Sherali Juraev”. He is a famous singer of the Uzbek people. He has millions of fans in Uzbekistan and beyond. I published 43 paragraphs of this book. I'm sure there are hundreds of reviews on it. But many reviews did not reach me, or rather, FBI agents and people associated with them deleted them.

PARAGRAPH 251. I use Russian in Cyrillic on my Facebook page. I travel during the day by transport and go to different places. FBI agents and people associated with them use the services of informers during the day. The informers are watching me and at the same time they are deleting any messages and letters that came to my page. Most informers do not know Cyrillic. For the convenience of deleting them, my Facebook page is translated into English during the day, and into Russian in the evening and at night.

PARAGRAPH 252. I am sure that FBI agents and people associated with them are corresponding on my behalf, secretly from me, sending provocative letters and postings on my behalf to my acquaintances and friends. So, several friends stopped being friends with me on Facebook. Although I did not write anything bad to them, and did not write anything about them in my articles and messages.

5.19. PROVOCATIONS IN www.youtube.com

PARAGRAPH 253. The FBI and people associated with them blocked my postings on www.youtube.com I posted several times to the song. A few minutes pass and my post disappears.


PARAGRAPH 254. I wrote above that my laptop is constantly monitored by agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and people associated with it. They sometimes change the text of my files, delete some files and even interfere with my banking transactions. This was the case in October 2016.

PARAGRAPH 255. CASE OF 2016. I am a supporter of the US Democratic Party and help as much as possible. In the fall of 2012, he campaigned in Virginia for Mr. Barack Obama.

In the 2016 presidential election, he supported the candidacy of Mrs. Hillary Clinton and sent $25 a month from September 2015 to November 2016.

At the end of October 2016, I was drinking tea at Paul Cafe (Paul. Address: 1275 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006). I was browsing the Democratic Party website on my laptop and opened a page asking for various amounts, including $200. I knew that the FBI agent and people associated with him constantly monitor my laptop and they can send money from my bank account provocatively. I didn't send anything and quickly moved to another page. A few days later, it turns out: on November 3, 2016, $200 (two hundred dollars) was withdrawn from my bank account. It was the FBI agent and the person associated with him who sent $200 from my Bank of America bank account on my behalf. The bank statement says: “11/03/16 CHECKARD 1102 HILLARY FOR AMERICA.” The 2016 elections were difficult for the US Democratic Party and I did not demand a refund of $200.

PARAGRAPH 256. CASE OF 2022. On March 7, 2022, they intervened in my banking transaction and on my behalf ordered the purchase of Norton™ 360 Standard Subscription Renewal antivirus software for $84.99 and a tax of $5.10. As a result, $90.09 was taken from my account. This is another provocation against me and Bank of America. I went to the branch manager of Bank of America with the following complaint.

"Head of Bank of America Branch
5201 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20015

Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov (born 1954)
Mailing address:
216 Tulip Dr.,
Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20877
E-mail: havassh54@gmail.com

March 7, 2022

Dear ___________________________

I've been using Norton antivirus since 2019. I renewed it in March 2021 by purchasing the Norton™ 360 Standard software for $39.99. Her term expires March 16, 2022.

On March 7, 2022, I was considering www.my.norton.com for renewal by purchasing Norton™ 360 Standard. I updated my bank details at www.my.norton.com/extspa/account/billinginfo I looked at other pages. But I couldn't find the Norton antivirus program for $19.99. Therefore, Norton did not order the purchase of an anti-virus program.

After finishing the search, I left the library and decided to check my bank account. Introduced ten dollars into the ATM. I reviewed the bank check and realized that more than $90 had been withdrawn from my account. I had $81 in my account and couldn't order a $90 purchase. Since the bank would have fined $35.

I went to the Bank of America branch: 5201 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20015 and got a printout of my bill. It turns out that Norton took the money from my account. I informed Ms. Andressa Smith (officer - Financial Center Manager) about this. I said that I did not order the purchase of the Norton program and asked to stop sending money. She handed over to Mr. Mze Mounib (Relationspaip Banker).

I have been living in the US as a refugee since January 2010. My laptop is constantly watched by some people. I believe this is done by an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and people associated with him. They sometimes change the text of my files and even delete some files. They interfered with my banking today and on my behalf ordered the purchase of Norton™ 360 Standard Subscription Renewal antivirus software for $84.99 and tax $5.10. As a result, $90.09 was taken from my account. I consider this another provocation against me and Bank of America.

Please help get my money back into my bank account.”

The Norton antivirus program on my laptop expires March 16, 2022. If the showdown between Bank of America and Norton continues for several days, then my laptop could be left without an antivirus program. On March 9, 2022, I called Norton at 1-844-388-0385. At the beginning I spoke with Ms. Drinky. She decided to connect with the supervisor. Between these conversations, I sent the following letter in English to the head of Norton at www.secure-kart.com/contact-us.

"Dear ___________________________

My name is Shukhratjon Akhmadjonov. I've been using Norton antivirus since 2019. I renewed it in March 2021 by purchasing the Norton™ 360 Standard software for $39.99. Her term expires March 16, 2022.

On March 7, 2022, I was considering www.my.norton.com for renewal by purchasing Norton™ 360 Standard. I updated my bank details at www.my.norton.com/extspa/account/billinginfo I looked at other pages. But I couldn't find the Norton antivirus program for $19.99. Therefore, I did not order the purchase of the Norton antivirus program.

I have been living in the US as a refugee since January 2010. My laptop is constantly watched by some people. I believe this is done by an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and people associated with him. On March 7th, they intervened in my banking transaction and on my behalf ordered the purchase of Norton™ 360 Standard Subscription Renewal antivirus software for $84.99 and tax $5.10. As a result, $90.09 was taken from my account. I consider this another provocation against me and Bank of America.

Please help me buy Norton™ 360 Standard for $39.99. Please return the remaining fifty dollars to my Bank of America bank account.”

I spoke to the supervisor a few minutes later. She read the above text of the complaint. She promised to install a new Norton antivirus program on my laptop and return part of the amount. On March 10, 2022, she returned $36.04 to my bank account.


PARAGRAPH 257. FBI agents and people associated with them involve some employees of cafes and catering in their crimes: they add poisonous substances to the food or drinks of dissident customers, including my food. There were many such cases of poisoning. I will give just five examples here.

PARAGRAPH 258. THE FIRST EXAMPLE OF POISONING. On October 24, 2021, presidential elections were held in Uzbekistan. I wrote about this in paragraph 4. I came to the embassy on October 24 at 14:00 and talked with fellow citizens from Uzbekistan, gave them a copy of my article “Our trees are dying where they stand” (see [66]) and spoke with the "adviser" Jamshid Mirzabaev.

FBI agents do not like it when a dissident resident of the United States goes to the embassy of his country, and even more so communicates with fellow citizens. Every time I noticed increased surveillance of me during the days of pickets in front of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the United States. I also noticed the observation of an unknown man on October 24, 2021.

I left the embassy after 4:30 pm. I got off the subway and arrived at Sweet Leaf-Courthouse (2200 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22201) on October 24 at 5:25 pm. There I bought a Craft rain Bowl and Soup Combo (a bowl of Craft grain and Soup Combo). I am writing this data on the basis of check No. 104 of this cafe. After eating, a little time passed and signals and minor injections from the kidneys began to arrive. This went on until late at night. This means that some poisonous substance was added to the food. Their regular addition disrupts the normal functioning of the kidneys and gradually makes it terminally ill.

I have eaten at this cafe more than ten times sometime since January 2021. I am sure that this poisoning of me is not the own initiative of the cafe workers. I know that FBI agents also control the work of such cafes. They first agree with the head or employee of the cafe. An FBI agent verbally orders by phone on the right day and hour to add to a certain customer's food, such as October 24, 2021 in my food.

PARAGRAPH 259. THE SECOND EXAMPLE OF POISONING. I have eaten at the Korean Go Stir Fry Express about fifteen times since the beginning of summer 2021 (address: 11160 Veirs Mill Road, Suite 208. Wheaton, Maryland 20902). I have noticed many times while eating at this cafe how men associated with an FBI agent are watching and filming me using a mobile phone.

December 17 (Friday), 2021 at 11:28 am I came to this cafe and ordered Beef Teriyak (beef teriyak) as usual. Ate. Ten or fifteen minutes passed and the liver began to ache. As if a small stone was stuck in the liver. This pain sensation ended the next day. I wrote this case of poisoning on the basis of check number 11, issued to me on December 17, 2021 at 11:28 am.

I wrote paragraph 254 in April 2022. In August 2022, this cafe was closed. I do not know under what pretext the cafe was closed.

PARAGRAPH 260. THE THIRD EXAMPLE OF POISONING. On April 2, 2022, the Muslim holy month of Ramadan began. I drove that day to the large shopping complex Westfield Wheaton Mall (11160 Veirs Mill Road, Wheaton, Maryland 20902). Bought one combo at Ruby Tai Kitcen at 5:28pm for $10.64. A young woman (girl) added some liquid from a plastic bottle on top, although I did not order that supplement. Even told her not to add it. I came to my hostel room and in the evening I ate bread and jam and drank water from a plastic vessel. Everything was fine and I didn't have any pain.

On April 3, 2022 at 4:30 am, I ate a portion of combo and drank water from a plastic vessel. A little time passed and there was pain in the left side of the abdomen. I was so sick for two days. Perhaps the poison was in a plastic bottle. A cafe worker can add it to food on a prearranged signal from an FBI agent. This ensures the poisoning of an individual.

PARAGRAPH 261. THE FOURTH EXAMPLE OF POISONING. The method of poisoning written in paragraph 259 was used against me in the spring of 2022 at the SUBWAY Cafe (1127 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20001). Unfortunately, I did not keep the receipt. And in this case, the man added liquid from a plastic bottle to the sandwich, although I did not order this liquid. As a result, my liver hurt for a day and a half.

PARAGRAPH 262. THE FIFTH EXAMPLE OF POISONING. For an overnight stay, I arrive by bus to McDonald's somewhere around 23:30-24:00 at night and leave at 4:30-5:00 in the morning. On January 28, 2023, at about 11:30 p.m., I arrived on a bus to McDonald's and left at 5:00 a.m. on January 29 (Saturday). Estern Market starts at 9:00 am. I go to Silver Spring Center on Saturdays and have breakfast at McDonald's (address: (address: 8407 Colesville Rd Silver Spring, MD 20910). Then I go to the Estern Market and sell the Street Sense newspaper there for 5-6 hours.

On the morning of January 29, I arrived at the Silver Spring center and there I entered McDonald's. At 06:50 I ordered Big Break fast (big breakfast) and a large glass of hot tea (receipt 321). Served by another young woman of about 25. Apparently she was another volunteer. I'll call her "volunteer". She mistakenly started pouring boiled water into a medium-sized glass. I reminded her that I ordered tea for a large glass. She excused herself and took out a large glass. After all, she herself took my order just a minute ago and so made a gross mistake in the size of the glass. At this time, a McDonald's employee stood nearby and looked at her. The “volunteer” was saying something to her in a teaching tone.

I ate breakfast and drank tea. I came to the Estern Market and my kidney started to hurt. So the whole day went on. I realized that on the morning of January 29, 2023, at McDonald's, the “volunteer” poisoned me once again, causing harm to my kidneys. She was specially placed so that she would calmly serve me in the conditions of the poison added to the food.

PARAGRAPH 263. I spent many nights at McDonald's at 1390 Rockville Pike. Rockville, MD 20852. I was bullied many times there. I tried to buy different drinks and food. After drinking drinks or after eating I felt pain in my kidneys. In my opinion, an African-American man, 182 cm tall, 28 years old, was involved in the poisoning. He worked the night shift. He often took and gave out my order.

PARAGRAPH 264. I spent many nights at McDonald's at 4130 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016. I was bullied many times there too. Not far from this McDonald's there are many student hostels. Therefore, young people often come there in groups. I usually expect a decrease in buyers. Often after one o'clock in the morning there are few buyers. As I approach the checkout for an order, the doors open and several strong men, often African Americans, come up from behind. Each of them holds a mobile phone in his hand pointing towards me and the cash register. At this time, they are standing behind me or on the side and filming me and the seller (saleswoman) of McDonald's. Thus, they record my order. Sometimes they make some signs to the seller. As a result, I got bullied many times. I tried to buy various drinks and food here as well. After drinking drinks or after eating I felt pain in my kidneys.

Often a sleeping agent was added to food and drink. And after eating, my eyes closed and I began to be strongly drawn to sleep, that is, it made me fall asleep.

PARAGRAPH 265. FBI agents and associated people have deeply rooted themselves in McDonald's USA and manage the poisoning of dissident citizens with the help of McDonald's employees or by volunteering one's own person in the ranks of McDonald's employees.

I would compare this situation with a similar phenomenon in the animal kingdom. FBI agents and people associated with them are like a crocodile. Crocodiles in Africa lie in muddy water all their lives and wait for their victims. Animals from antelopes, buffaloes to tigers, lions, and even elephants come to drink. At this moment, the crocodile swims under the water, bites the victim with its powerful jaws and pulls it under the water. They then eat them.

FBI agents and people associated with them are also sitting in McDonald's or in a car near McDonald's and waiting for the victim. They use sedatives or other poisons to deal with a dissident citizen and resident of the United States.

Yes, sleeping pills in food or drink are especially dangerous for dissident drivers. This often results in the driver being put to sleep at the wheel and causing an accident...

PARAGRAPH 266. Based on thirteen years of experience in the US, I have come to the following conclusion: The most dangerous place in the US is McDonald's. I have cited many facts in this application-complaint. Such crimes are from the category of difficult to prove. They can only be exposed by creating a database of FBI agent activities (see paragraph 299-305). What types and methods are used by FBI agents and people associated with them to poison dissident citizens - this is a topic for a separate large article.


PARAGRAPH 267. FBI agents and people associated with them use many ways to get me sick with a terminal illness. Their attempts to poison me continue, and I may not have the chance to write about it again. For the past few months they have been trying very hard to finally make my kidneys sick and thereby deal with me. Their main method is gradual poisoning through food and drinks. They have many more ways.

One way is by beating me in the kidneys during nightly drug interrogations. I've had a lot of saliva in my mouth since I was young. Therefore, I often spit to the left side over my left shoulder. In 2013, an FBI agent severely beat my left kidney during an overnight drug interrogation. The next day, my left kidney hurt badly while selling the Street Sense newspaper. Because of the pain, I couldn't spit over my left shoulder. That day I was forced to spit over my right shoulder on my right side.

In recent years, FBI agents and people associated with them have made various pressures and blows on the right kidney. Until now, they press and strike at the kidneys at night. The next day I feel a signal and pain in the kidney. For example, on the night of February 20-21, 2022 at 3:00 o'clock at night, I got up, went to the toilet, returned and went to bed. Everything was fine and nothing hurt. I get up at 6 o'clock in the morning and I feel pain in my right kidney. Apparently, something was done against my right kidney in three hours.

PARAGRAPH 268. I have a separate file folder on my computer called SALOMATLIK (health). Within this folder there are eighteen folders of files for individual diseases and parts of the human body, such as the BUYRAK (kidney) folder. In this folder, I wrote articles about the treatment of kidney disease with folk remedies two or three years ago. In April 2022, I opened the SALOMATLIK folder and looked for the BUYRAK folder. This folder has disappeared, or rather it was deleted by an FBI agent and a person associated with him. Other folders are in place. It was the BUYRAK folder that disappeared. Apparently, the FBI agent and people associated with him did not want me to self-medicate a kidney with the help of folk remedies.

PARAGRAPH 269. FBI agents and people associated with them try to use liquid and air poisons. DC International Hostel 2 (1418 9th Street NW, Northwest, Washington, D.C., 20001) is located in a three-story building. Room 301 is on the last third floor. There are three openings in the ceiling, from where, with the help of an air conditioner, warm air is released in winter and cool air in summer. But in the summer of 2021, an FBI agent and a person associated with him launched warm air through these openings. It's hot outside, and warm air is blowing from the ceiling, possibly with a poisonous mixture. I called the hostel employee into the room, showed and said about blowing warm air. It turns out that there is a regulator installed in the wall of the corridor. He went, adjusted the wall and the warm air stopped blowing.

PARAGRAPH 270. An FBI agent and people associated with him sometimes send women to commit criminal acts. I have been sleeping in quadruple room 301 since April 2019. Somewhere since the fall of 2021, an African-American of about 35 years old has also been sleeping in the room. I believe: he is one of the informers, informers of his colleagues about me, and a witness to nightly drug interrogations over me. Women sleep in the same room 201 on the second floor.

In November 2021, a 45-year-old African-American woman was placed in our room. I hang my clothes in the closet. In the afternoon, in my absence, the woman several times sprayed some kind of poison inside the locker. Once he said nothing and opened the window. The second time I called the hostel employee to the 301-room, said about the poisonous substance and asked to smell inside the locker. He looked from a distance, but did not sniff. A day later, this woman was sent somewhere and she no longer spent the night in our room.

PARAGRAPH 271. Sometime around February 17, 2022, another athletic African-American woman in her 30s was moved into room 301. She walked around the room in swimming trunks and said something. I don't talk for fear of provocation. I usually arrive at the hostel around 21:00. There was an unpleasant smell in the room. She forbade me to open the window.

On the morning of February 24, 2022, the right kidney began to hurt. Again at night they did something to the kidney.

On the evening of February 24, I came and saw: this woman randomly pushed clean linen and a blanket from another bed into the locker. I called the hostel worker and showed him inside the locker. He reprimanded her and left. On February 25, at 6:00 am, she began to speak loudly and accuse me of something. She continued like this until 8:00, that is, until I left. I returned to the hostel in the evening. The hostel employee said that he called the police and the police took the woman away.

Settling African-American women in our room and trying to create a conflict situation with them is a distraction by an FBI agent and people associated with them. In this way they try to create a conflict situation, additionally poison me through the respiratory tract, and also divert attention from their nighttime criminal actions against me.

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